Selfless New

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Adil was sleeping after his cricket match and he suddenly heard a sound of breaking glass. It
was Sunday and he woke up immediately to check what happened. As usual his father was
shouting at his mother. He returned to his room with extremely hopeless expression. He was
the only son of his parents. It was not always the same as some years ago, his family was well
settled and very happy family. Adil’s father Mr. Ahmed was government contractor and earned
far more than their needs. They toured and enjoyed their life together. But what happened to
them? You can say devil’s eye or selfish desires made their life so hard that they lost their
comfort. In fact, they lost their everything. Adil was a teenager having strange type of
depressive thoughts which was too much for his age.
Five years ago, when Adil returned from school he came to know that his father had done
second marriage. His mother was screaming, and the chaos of their peace started from here.
Adil who was intelligent and naughty boy became quiet and aggressive not because of the
second marriage of his father but because of its effects. His father continuously rebuked his
mother. The home that was full of laughter now there was only anger, fear and grief. Due to
second marriage now burden on Ahmed was increased and he could not manage their
expenses. His father spent more time with his second wife. Spent more money on her. And
completely beware of Adil. He stopped attending parent teacher meeting and became
Adil, who used to be a dear son of his father, was now completely ignored by him. Their
expenses increased rapidly day by day. His father became grumpy and even started beating his
mom on minor mistakes. This made Adil furious and he started hating his father. Adil lost his
concentration and became inefficient. He lost his intelligence and started smoking in order to
get peace of mind. Because of increasing in consumption and because of indulgence of his
father, he faced income crisis. His pocket money decreased day by day. Their life became more
difficult. His father’s behavior was becoming worse so does Adil’s condition.
Brutality of his father and helplessness of his mother made him mentally disturbed. He was
completely done with 24/7 fight and abusive language of his father. Just because of this much
mentally disorder he lost his path. He pushed towards bad aspect of the society that funny
teenager was now furious and smoker adult.
One day he was smoking after dinner and got caught by his father. His father started beating
him and stop giving him money. He was distracted from his path. He went to college once in a
week and no one noticed his absents because his father completely neglected him.
He spent his most of the time with his stroller friends. He got addicted to smoking. Due to
shortage of money from his father he started stealing money from his house. He, somehow and
other managed to get weed from one of his friends that gave him so peaceful and adorable
feelings. He liked it and demanded it.
That was 7th anniversary of Ahmed’s second marriage and the same day Adil was expelled from
his college. But Ahmed was not aware of it. After a month when he came to know about his
son’s failure, he became worried about him. This was the time when he realized his
irresponsibility. He was little bit angry but he realized that this was not Adil’s fault. He
immediately went to home and deliver long spiritual and inspiring lecture to Adil. But all in vain.
Because its high time now as water has crossed above his heads. Adil is now in that condition
from where he can’t came back. It took many painful actions to make him that worse.
Well Adil admitted his mistake just for the sake of money but his intelligence, his passion of
study was already lost. He continued his college just for the sake of attendance but not for the
study. Many times, he missed the college just to spend time with his stroller friends. He ha
started drugs and drinking but this was not affordable for him because he was just a student
with little pocket money so when he was enough addicted to these drugs his friends stopped
providing him. He was helpless and in very miserable condition because he was suffering from
the shortage of drugs, so he stole all the gold of his mother and sold it to buy drugs.
On the other hand, his father’s lunacy of second wife becoming dull and dull. Her demands
were out of his hands. He was no more able to afford her luxury wishes and expensive cloths.
So, clash happened between them there was a long period of aggressive argument between
Ahmed and his wife. Moreover, there was a lot of unbearable exchange of dialogs for them and
Ahmed, somehow and other, slapped his wife. This was the beginning of the clash between
them .She was naturally Rudy and ill-mannered girl she could cooperate with her husband as
first wife did. Moreover she did not any offspring .In short she did not have any reason to stay
with him. As he was not rich enough to afford her expensive aspiration. She left his house and
sent a divorce paper with the allegation of harassment. He was shocked to see such a big act
from her just because of a slap. Yes just because of the slap because his first wife was kind
enough to endure his cruelty but second was not. He realized his mistake and felt sorry for his
first wife. But unfortunately, nothing can be change and no use repenting when its too late to
undo the damage.
He was very stressed and was not in the condition of taking decision. When he returned to his
home, he came to know about Adil’s gest. His color became pale with the sense of nonplus and
he wondrously started crying. He waited whole night for Adil, but he didn’t come. His father
along with his mother was very worried due to his gest and because of his disappearance too.
In the afternoon, they received a phone call from Police station. Ahmed was supposed to be
found on the subway in unwanted condition and in unconsciousness. He was high on weed.
He had totally exposed in front of his parents. It does not matter Mr. Ahmed was cruel and
strict person in nature but he was much respected person and sensible fellow in society. It was
very hurting and painful moment for a respected person to face police inspector and to see his
son in such a shameful condition. As he was accountable in front of police officer so he
answered all the questions and brought Adil to home. He was released on the bail. His parents
were completely unable to do something now. What they can do? A counselling lectures? But
this is not that matter. Also, he was old enough to bear their torture. Well, they requested him
in very emotional manners. His father made him sure to fulfill all his needs and promised him to
change his behavior. Adil was in full silence and kept his head down with the shame and
accepted all his mistakes. He divorced his second wife and promised himself to have full focus
on Adil.
But it is very difficult for a young blood to get over from such a hilarious addiction. After two
months, when Ahmed woke up in morning, he called “Adil, Adil, come here” but no response.
He thought that he is still sleeping but he found his room empty. He swiftly ran toward his
locker, but it was too late, yes its was empty. He stole all the money and credit cards and left
the house forever with a good-bye note that included “I don’t deserve your love I’m selfless”.’
They cried, they searched, and they did all the things they can do. But all in vain.
After couple of years, Ahmed was watching news and suddenly he saw Adil’s name in list of
robbers who was killed by police last night.
This is the voyage of a banter teenager to a selfless criminal.
Who was responsible for his condition? What was the reason? What is main thing that forced
him involving in such acts? Does not matter. But
We create our own demons. Sometimes by injustice, sometimes by cruelty, sometimes by
breaking heart and sometimes by ignorance. But we create our own demons.

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