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Data Structure CSC-2077

Assignment 1

Fall 2020

Due Date: 11-March-2020

Question 1:

You are given the following class of single linklist. You need to implement the functions
struct Node
int data;

class linklist

/*You Need to Implement this constructor function*/
/*You Need to Implement this copy constructor function*/
void insertatHead(int data)
/*You Need to Implement this function which will insert node at head(before
current head)*/
void insertatTail(int data)
/*You Need to Implement this function which will insert node at tail(after
current tail)*/
int removehead()
/*You Need to Implement this function which will remove head node and
return the value of head node*/
int removetail()
/*You Need to Implement this function which will remove tail node and
return the value of tail node*/
void insertinBetween(int data,int point)
/*You Need to Implement this function which will insert the node before the
a specific node (you need to search node with data==point) and insert before it*/
int deleteinBetween(int search)
/*You Need to Implement this function which will search and delete the node
with data==search */
void print()
/*You Need to Implement this function which will print data of all the
nodes */

bool search(int searchData)

/*You Need to Implement this function which will search the node with
data==searchData and return true if found or else return false */

bool reverseList(int searchData)

/*You Need to Implement this function which will reverse the links of the
node (the tail of list become head). Dont use array for this purpose */


Question 2:

Now convert the same linklist into doubly linklist. You need to implement each function as
specifies in Question 1. The struct code will be following.

struct Node
int data;

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