Toefl 2nd Quetion

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As testified by the ongoing political polarisation in the USA, according to me young generations

are more and more lost in this complex world which leads them to complain continuously. I feel
like as old people have the experience of historical changes; they then truly enjoy things they’ve
been struggling for. Since then, I believe that old people enjoy life more than young people do.

First of all, old people have more experience of life and have known more change than any
generation has known in the past centuries which makes them enjoy life better. Whereas young
people take those changes for granted and do not fully perceive the chance they have. As
exemplified by those born in the 50s or 60s who have witness tremendous changes in society
such as the right to vote for women, or abortion right. The fact that some of them during their
youth specifically fought for those rights makes them to fully enjoy their life today a thing that
young people can’t.

Consequently, the complains of young people keep on manifesting by various forms nowadays
which compromise their will to lead changes and makes them unhappier. Thus, at the time,
demonstrations heralded a change whereas nowadays, as they became more current, they’ve
lost all their impact both on politicians and the people. Complaining is now a part of the normal
way of doing. For instance, there is a noticeable difference between MLK’s Montgomery strike
and today’s demonstrations against racism: the first one is unique the other one are part of the
daily life.

According to me Medias and Internet can be held accountable of this situation. They both
contribute to selling dreams to young people and pushing them to new edges. New body goal,
new jaw line, a “trendy” skin colour, thug that are respected, those are the things that we, young
people pursue and those are also the thing that make us unhappy because they are often

To conclude it is not that “it was better before” because it was easier but is it mainly because
those who can say it can measure up the changes.

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