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Flute Technique Overtones* A Comprehensive Flute Series Overtones’ A Comprehensive Flute Series Iris with great enthusiasm that we present this inaugural edition of Otertones*:A Comp) It is hoped that this groundbreaking new series will address the need for a single co! ‘educational materials to foster musical development and instill appreciation of the richn ‘of music written for flute, The series is built on the premise of nurturing well-rounded mu giving teachers and students everything they would expect in a comprehensive pedag. along with a chance to explore their potential, push their boundaries, and broaden their horizons. Each piece has been carefully selected to ensure an expansive representation of musical styles from all eras. Students willencounter standard repertoire from wel-knovn composers as wellas exciting contemporar ‘works from North America and around the world. Overtones® embraces a progressively leveled, multi-faceted approach, systematically organizing material into separate components: Repertoire, Siudies/Etudes, Recordings, Orchestral Excerpts, and Technique, Flute Technigue has been designed to assist students in building a technical foundation gradually a logically from the very first level of study (Preparatory) through to the advanced stages of rusical development (Level 10). The technical exervisesare selected and organized to complement the repertoire stuclies, and orchestral excerpts that students are learning ar the same level, andl to prepare adequately for the challenges of the next level. By smdying the material for their level over the course of the year, students should find that they are well prepared to meet these challenges. The study of all technical exercises in this book should be cumulative; the selection of keys, articulations and minimum tempo requirements at each level were determined with examination purposes in mind. To facilitate examination preparation, a chart of articulation patterns for all levels and an overview chart for each level have bec included so that students and teachers can see ata glance what is required and plan their course of study accordingly. Flute Tilniqueembracesa progressive approach: the keyslisted foreach level become inereasingly difficult, the pitch range gradually expands, and the octave span extends from one to two and finally three octaves. In Levels Preparatory-6, the presentation of keys is by major and relative minor keys according to the circle of ths; in Levels 7-10, itis chromatic by major and tonic minor Keys. All three forms of the minor scale are introduced at the lower levels to accomodate different approaches to teaching. \cluded. For not printed are instructed to refer to the previous page or in the case of chromatic scales, and arpeggios, to fallow the pattern established in a provided example To avoid repeating technical excercises several times, not all exereises for each level a ifan exercive in a particular key has been introduced in the previous grade, it dent Helpful Hints 1, Technique is the foundation of musical Language; itis import every day. to spend time on teehniqu 2, Good technique requires playing smoothly and evenly, not merely playing faster: It results from developing a steady airflow, control, good intonation, even finger action, clear tonguing and articulation, and striking a balance between all these different clements, 3. Engage in active learning by memorizing the patterns for each technical exercise. Playing technique should Be a tactile rather than a visual experience. 4. When practicing, be creative: experiment with playing the exereises in different rhythms and patterns, For examination requirements of The Royal Conservatory Gertifieate Program, please refer to the Flute Sllabus, 2010 Eaton Contents Articulation Patterns Preparatory Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10 u 14 7 2 24 34 37 42 Articulation Patterns Articulation Level Prep- | Level | Level | Level | Levels [Levels | Levels Levelt} 2 | 3 | 4 | 5-6 | 78 | 910 all slurred x | x] ef xf x Px [x ——— x x|* fl] all rongued oe ee ee 2 ef x x x x x x x wo alurred, cwo congued .. sovoeoe x»-xfxfxfs ‘wo slurred, one tongued — x}x]xi]s cwowongued. wosured |> 9 Gye ete x|xfxio fone tongued, two slurred — x |x] x swoslurred, woslured | x |x] x thece durzed, one tongued| ———_ — x | Sectongucd.chreesurred| | = x | x ‘ene congued. cwo slurred, — _— x Ss of ee of ee Preparatory Level Overview Seales [Keys [Range [Tempo [ Nove Values [Articulations [Major [GGF — oeee eee Minor [AED al oo |e cw we weet wr wh Arpeggios Major [GE —— | ran eco ee (Minor [A,E,D TS53T e600 Je oe e eee Scales ¢ = 60 CMa A Minor iG Mijer E Minor ad D Minor Arpeggios J.60 C Major A Minor F Major D Minor Level 1 . Overview . (Seales Keys [Range [Tempo [Note Values] Articulations Major CGF Minor AE,D / © (choice of navutal, octave |o= 60 oe ee ww we harmonic, of melodic) |Arpeggios Major CGF Minor TED] octave | = 60 Scales C Major G Major J-60 A Minor Harmonic F Major E Minor Harmonic A Minor Natural A Minor Melodic E Minor Natural E Minor Melodic Ge Lideeet tess = D Minor Hat monic Zz e D Minor Melodic F Major D Minor Level 2 Overview (Scales Keys [Range _ [Tempo [Note Values [Articulations Major Be octave CGDF Doctaves Minor AB Toceave hoice of natural, [E,D,G Dee harmonic, or | melodic) [Chromatic Beginning on D [1 octave [Arpeggios Major Bb T octave CGDF Doctaves ee 7 ee |Minoe AB Toctave |* "% ee | E,D,G 2 octaves Scales ¢ C Major © A Minor Natural (1 octave) ‘A Minor Harmonic (I octave) e A Minor Melodic (1 octave) te E Minor Natural 2 E Minor Harmonic — Level 2 E Minor Melodic B Minor Natural (1 octave) B Minor Harmonic (1 octave) jo #te pteseeresicts je oe B Minor Melodic (1 octave) Te re D Minor Natural D Minor Melodic Bb Major (1 octave) G Minor Natural 9 —— Level 2 G Minor Harmonic e SS Chromatic Scale J -50 Beginning on D (1 octave) Arpeggios J -60 C Major A Minor (1 octave) © G Major E Minor D Major B Minor (1 octave) F Major D Minor Bb Major (1 octave) G Minor Level 3 u Overview Scales Keys Range [Tempo [Note [Articulations Values Major A, Bb Loctave | GD, B 2 octaves Minor B [Tosave n Choice ofharmonic [FFG dea 2°00 [eo |e 2 0 © 6 ew or melodic) a J o- o- Chromatic Beginning on D_ [2 octaves Arpeagios Major A, Be Tocave | /G, D, Eb octaves Minor B Tostave EF,G,C |2octaves eee cee Scales 4-60 G Major 8 E Minor Harmonic E Minor Melodic o D Major e B Minor Harmonic (1 octave) B Minor Melodie (1 octave) Cpe tre] eS ——<.-- ee A Major (1 octave) e Ft Minor Harmonic e F# Minor Melodic Bb Majo (ocr) % Popenet tty oS G Minor Harmonic e G Minor Melodie e Eb Major e © Minor Harmonic — Level 3 Chromatic Scale J -«o Beginning on D D Mijor B Minor (1 octave) A Major (1 octave) Ft Minor il vo Bb Major (1 octave) G Minor Eb Major C Minor 13 Scales Keys ‘Articulations Major ‘A, E, Bb, Ab [See p. 4 for required articulations. Minor FO GF ‘Additional articulation for this level: (choice of harmonic or “ — os melodic) “eee te ee Chromatic Beginning on D Pentatonic (Major) _| Beginning on D /Anpeggios Major |A,E, Eb, Ab See p. 4 for required articulations ‘Additional articulation for this level: Minor Fe, C2, GF Dominant 7h of G Major Key’ F# Minor Harmonic F# Minor Melodic E Major — Level 6 (C# Minor Harmonic pie eet i oi Sa 7 C3 Minor Melodie sm ptete there fits i J - a - E> Major C Minor Harmonic C Minor Melodie a a S=74 == Ab Major . eeett Ea = eet [SS F Minor Harmonic F Minor Melodic Pe —__, . Eevee oc —— === a e Chromatic Scale J -7 Beginning on D ” ote « ete Sa eee = tle ebe abe Zee top ] Pentatonic (Major) Scale J -72 Beginning on D Arpeggios J -s2 A Major F# Minor E Major Ct Minor o Fb Major C Minor 2 = ee o? rf . Ab Major F Minor Dominant 7th Arpeggio J -72 G Major 2 Ete — Level 5 Overview [Scales Keys Range [Tempo [Note [Articulations Values Major B T octave ‘See p. 4 for required articulations. E, Bd, Ab, Db _ [2 octaves Minor ‘A, CE G2 Bb [2 octaves Adional ercalatin for chi level be of amon eo lee ee ee Chromatic Beginning on © Peneaconic (Majo) | Beginning on C “Arpegeios Major B Toceave 1 |See p. 4 for required articulations. EB, Ab, Db [2oawes |J-6o |S Jd Minor A, Ci, Gi, F, Bb [2 octaves | Dominant 7th of | ‘See p. 4 for required articulations. Major Keys CG zmeene [wen ‘Additional articulation for this level: eee cece Scales J -s0 A Minor Harmonic eo A Minor Melodic Minor Harmonic e Minor Melodic Level 5 B Major (1 octave) 5 SS Gt Minor Harmonic Gt Minor Melodic (SS ee Bb Major F Minor Harmonic — © F Minor Melodic — ev Db Major (enharmonic equivalent of C# Major) B> Minor Harmonic B> Minar Melodic Leedl5 19 Chromatic Scale ¢ -s0 Beginning on C Pentatonic (Major) Scale J -s0 Beginning on C Arpeggios 4 - so A Minor © 7 E Major C#Minor ea! 5 il © 7 eo a B Major (1 octave) Gt Minor ae = =] 2 = 7 cS 7 Bs Major e 4b Major F Minor Level 5 Db Major (enharmonic equivalent of C Major) 3 © a Dominant 7th Arpeggios « -30 C Major 2 Bb Minor G Major Level 6 a Overview ‘Seales Keys Range [Tempo [Note [Articulations Values 4 Major BY FR, Db See p. 4 for required articulations ‘Minor Gs, Dt, Bb | (Choice oF harmonic or melodie) J Major in 3rds CGF oars d 80/46 [Chromatic Beginning on G [Pentatonie (Majo) [Beginning on G “Arpeggios Major BY Fé, Db 3 See p. 4 for required articulations Minor @oe o|* i [Dominane7hof [RB Ty SP for equred ariclatons | Major Keys 2oceaves |e = 80] @ ~ Two-octave exercises beginning on B must be played up to B3. Scales J 50 B Major e Gt Minor Harmonic o G# Minor Melodie F# Major (enhramonic equivalent of G> Major) Di Minor Harmonic (enharmonic equivalent of E> Minor) ne fxe 2 Lael6 Dé Minor Melodic (enharmonic equivalent of Eb Minor) D> Major (enharmonic equivalent of Ct Major) Bb Minor Harmonic Bb Minor Melodic — Botner Major Scales in 3rds 4 - 0 Chie * Flucists playing an instrument with a B foot may play the low B inscead of E. G Major — seeee — - = SS See = te i) 1" Te i) i) tre The te F Major —_— Level 6 Chromatic Scale « -s0 Beginning on G e Pentatonic (Major) Scale . -s0 Beginning on G e Arpeggios « -«0 B Major Gt Minor 2 e 7 F# Major (enharmonic equivalent of G> Major) Dé Minor (enharmonic equivalent of Eb Minor) 3 o Db Major (enharmonic equivalent of C+ Major) #aecbertiee Tp == Dominant 7th Arpeggios 4 - s0 F Major By Major 23 Level 7 Overview ‘Seales Keys Range [Tempo [Now [Articulations Values r Major all keys See p. 4 for required articulations Minor all keys (harmonic and “" ‘Additional articulations for this level: melodic) ) _0o|dddd |< a Tw noes [DALEY Docraves |d = 60 rr a a Chromatic — — Whole-Tone Beginning on C, F a ee ee Arpeggios Major all keys 3 |See p.4 for required articulations 4-00 STI a es See p. 4 for required articulations. octaves ‘Additional arcculations for this level: ¢ -00 £97) Dominant 7th of |D, A, F? | See p. 4 for required articulations. Major Keys | | ‘Additional articulations for this level: a7 [D J of Minor Keys Paciares: |G . —~ Decrees |d =80 See p. 4 for required articulacions * Two-octave exercises beginning on B must be played up to B3. Scales J -Minor) otek ttete » == Gila er PO 26 Level 7 E Major eeetitee. Gh eee ee E Minor Harmonic te Pie 2 2 ——— oe ete fe E Minor Melodic dete chet, F Major eefhEttes. oe SSS Ste | F Minor Harmonic be ele F Minor Melodic Ft Minor Harmonic © Fé Minor Melodie G Major — G Minor Harmonic G# Minor Harmonic e Gi Minor Melodic A Major A Minor Harmonic fe # . peer teste i teers fle =] A Minor Melodic fe fieie » Z ; pieces PEERS LES ty = 2? tre £ Bb Minor Harmonic epic ele fe pireere ste tee tEP EEE tEr ete ee 2 = == 28 Level 7 Bb Minor Melodic B Major B Minor Harmonic freee a tee 3 B Minor Melodic Major Scales in 3rds « - 60 D Major A Major pti efete SS eateot SS E> Major Eeteteoe,o 4 — © SSS SS ] Chromatic Scales « - 60 Beginning on C pie # aS mee titre obe abe 5 — 6 ae SS | Beginning on Ct (enharmonic equivalent of Db) Heo be o tote abe whe BS SS tt er Beginning on any note — follow the pattern established in the above examples Whole-Tone Scales 4 - 0 Beginning on C oe Beginning on F Arpeggios « -s0in m C Major — Fe d 5 C Minor BS ol 7 Db Major (enharmonic equivalent of C# Majo) a oon ITTS C Minor Ds Major (enharmonic equivalent of C# Major) & saath) I 2 as otfe ios ae & == === os Ct Minor (Ct Minor D Major D Minor ——— o E> Major e Dé Minor (enharmonic equivalent of Eb Mino) 2 E Minor Level 7 F# Major (enharmonic equivalent of Ge Major) Minor Ft Minor ‘Major G Major G Minor G Minor Gt Minor G# Minor A Major A Major 31 Level 7 A Minor Bb Minor A Minor Bb Major Bb Minor B Major Te Dominant 7th Arpeggios « - «0 D Major oreFccee. A Major 4 Major (enharmonic equivalent of Gb Major) — Diminished 7th Arpeggio 4 -«o D Minor pel et Overlapping Arpeggios (Three-note Pattern) « -s0 C Major 3 A Minor led? 33, 7 G Major E Minor Level 8 Overview ‘Scales Keys Range [Tempo [Note Articulations Values Major all keys See p. 4 for required articulations. Minor all keys (harmonic and ' melodic) Doctaves |e = 60 Majorin 3rds_[E, Ab, D> [Chromatic | Beginning on any nove [Whele‘Tone [Beginning on Ct, Fl Arpeggios Major all keys See p. 4 for required articulations. 2 octaves Minor all keys Dominant 7th |B, E>, Ab lof Major Keys Diminished 7h D, G of Minor Keys 2oceaves ‘See p. 4 for required articulations. (Overlapping Arpeggios (Three-note Pattern) Major all keys 2ocaves |e ‘Minor all keys ‘See p. 4 for required articulations. * Two-octave exercises beginning on B must be played up to B3. Scales J -0 All major and minor keys —see Level 7 for examples (p. 24) Major Scales in 3rds 4 - «0 E Major eee; Lewl8 35 Ab Major o Db (enharmonic equivalent of Dé Major) 2 — ae = © SS eS Stee o Chromatic Scales J - «0 Beginning on any nore ~ see Level 7 for examples (p. 29) Whole-Tone Scales ¢ - 0 Beginning on C# (enharmonic equivalent of Db) © fe Beginning on Fé (enharmonic equivalent of Gb) Arpeggios « -s0indJ) J econ d TTD All major and minor keys ~ see Level 7 for examples (p. 30) Dominant 7th Arpeggios « - «0 B Major Eb Major 2 Led 8 ‘Ab Major ees =| o* Se Diminished 7th Arpeggios J - 60 D Minor G Minor be Overlapping Arpeggios (Three-note Pattern) « - 80 All major and minor keys see Level 7 for examples (p. 33) — Level 9 Overview ‘Seales Keys Range [Tempo [Note [Articulations Values Major all keys 2 octaves See p. 4 for required articulations. & jones [Additional articulation for this level Nor ales eee tonal aretaton for cis ee harmonic and oe 6 ° : c B octaves melodic dis |S Majorin 3rds_ [all keys Zoctaves Chromatic | Beginning on © [3 octaves WholeTone | Beginning on C Arpeggios Major all keys 2 octaves Seep. 4 Tor required articulations. |_ iS pceawves Additional articulation for ths level Minor all keys 2 octaves 4 Cc Scoatet oo ee 0 we Dominant 7dh_ [all keys 2 octaves of Major Keys |p 3 octaves J 196 Diminished 7ch [all keys octaves |* ~ vee of Minor Keys [Cp occ, ‘Overlapping Arpeggios (Four-note Pattern) Major all keys See p. 4 for required articulations. Minor alae [Additional articulation for this level Doninan 7th [CGF pocaves |d «0 6 eT ew. Eck © lof Major keys Diminished 7th [A.D.G of Minor keys * Two-octave exercises beginning on B must be played up to 83, Scales J -s0 All major and minor keys (2 octaves) ~ see Level 7 for examples (p. 24) C Major (3 octaves) C Minor Harmonic G octaves) ee C Minor Melodic (3 octaves) e Major Scales in 3rds_ ¢ - 0 All major keys (2 octaves) ~ see Levels 6, 7, and 8 For examples (pp. 22, 28, and 34) F# Major (enharmonic equivalent of Gb Major) eeteretetetet eee rote e e Bé Major $s a eepecstersteEEFet et 2 ECEChetetereree, oct B Major 2 eas peeatereteeeteeeieeee = ee SS we £ Chromatic Scale J - so Beginning on C G octaves) Whole-Tone Scale « - 80 Beginning on C (3 octaves) Arpeggios « -s0 All major and minor keys (2 oceaves) see Level 7 for examples (p. 30) C Major @ octaves) C Minor (3 craves) Dominant 7th Arpeggios 4 - 0 C Major G Major AMajor py ecttttte. SS |] = E Major B Major — © 40 Lael 9 F# Major (enharmonic equivalent of Gb Major) F Major Bb Major Fo Major © Db Major (enharmonic equivalent of C+ Major) ef: often = atte Diminished 7th Arpeggios « - 30 D Minor A Minor Of all minor keys (2 octaves) ~ follow the pateern established in the above examples C4 Minor (3 octaves) Overlapping Arpeggios (Four-note Pattern) 4 - s0 low the pave excl oh eal bel C Major (2 octaves) o Dominant 7th Overlapping Arpeggios (Four-note Pattern) « -s0 C Major eS Diminished 7th Overlapping Arpeggios (Four-note Pattern) « -s0 A Minor bre C= D Minor te ote ote? ta tent eet tea tue G Minor oes ariel Level 10 Overview Scales Keys Range Tempo [Note [Articulations Values Major all keys 2 octaves ‘See p. 4 for required articulations. BC CED |S occaves* Minor all keys 2 octaves (harmonicand [BG CRD DB octaves™ melodic) Majorin 3rds [alll keys 2 octaves Chromatic Beginning on G, |3 octaves @p Whole-Tone | Beginning oa C, [3 octaves Gp Arpeggios Major all keys 2 octaves ‘Sce p. 4 for required articulations. BECRD [3 octaves® Minor all keys oceaves BGCED [octaves Dominant 7th of all keys Doctaves Major Keys F S octaves Diminished 7th of [all Keys 2 octaves Minor Keys @ Toa Overlapping Arpeggios (Four-note Pattern) aa] Major Tall keys [See p. 4 for required art Minor [attes Dominant 7th of all keys | 2aceenes Major Keys Diminished 7th of all keys Minor Keys “Two-octave exercises begi the chree-octave exercises beginning on B. Scales « All major and minor keys (2 octaves) ~ see Level 7 for examples (p. 24) B Major (3 octaves) lag es Senet etl ETE pe SS ee B Minor Melodic (3 octaves) e C Major (3 octaves) C Minor Melodic (3 occaves) — aeingseteFeP trees be _ eS =a (C# Major (enharmonic equivalent of D> Major) (3 octaves) 2! 2 ve C# Minor Harmonic (3 octaves) 44 Level 10 D Major (3 octaves) D Minor Harmonic (3 octaves) . sess Otters a4 D Minor Melodic (3 octaves) eo Major Scales in 3rds + -92 All major keys — see Level 9 for examples (p. 38) Chromatic Scales « - 92 Beginning on C = see Level 9 (p. 39) Beginning on Ct (enharmonic equivalent of D>) Beginning on D Whole-Tone Scales « -92 Beginning on C oe Beginning on Ct (D>) e Beginning on D wep Pires — e a Arpeggios « -92 All major and minor keys (2 octaves) — see Level 7 for examples (p. 30) B Major (3 octaves) B Minor (3 octaves) af eS ae Hate =| e C Major (3 octaves) C Minor (3 octaves) eo (C# Major (enharmonic equivalent of Db Major) (3 octaves) C# Minor (B octaves) 2 D Major (3 octaves) D Minor (3 occaves) Level 10 Dominant 7th Arpeggios J.» Of all major keys (2 octaves) ~ see Level 9 for examples (p. 39) F Major (3 octaves) Diminished 7th Arpeggios 4 -»2 fall minor keys (2 octaves) — sce Level 9 for examples (p. 40) C# Minor (3 acraves) Overlapping Arpeggios (Four-note Pattern) « All major and minor keys (2 octaves) ~ follow the pattern established in the example below C Major SSeS oe Dominant 7th Overlapping Arpeggios (Four-note Pattern) « - 0 ee = ,ePfe. 2 Je: oesarpet arta otel testers eo] se i=: = oe = SS Fé Major (enharmonic equivalens of Gb Major) G Major GLE oe Level 10 Ab Major e A Major © =| BoMajor i 1 settittestes te eee pr ceereiirel B Major C Major ao ek, poantian tattle ite te, ae, . (Cé Major (enharmonic equivalent of D> Major) —cecetcer fect fartne EE Ett tee testeestes 15 Bibi setectte soe : Z itritrstPe a] D Major cattaneiect oF itl eteite tee tener Cra = E> Major opr etcttetetlE esti tterteeeee = st gettacthentintthettllttelte treet eo = s Level 10 Diminished 7th Overlapping Arpeggios (Four-note Pattern) « -»2 D Minor bey oe AMine tate oe a G Minor o potpothert tthe site, Pos ose, tn 1 6 a ere Ofall minor keys — follow the pattern established in the above examples

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