Module 7 Measurement Tools in Digital Marketing Batch 12

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Module 7: Measurement Tools in Digital


Certificate in Digital Marketing | Oct 2021

Certificate in Digital Marketing –
Module 07: Measurement Tools in Digital Marketing
Module 7: Measurement Tools in Digital Marketing

• Unit 1: Basic principles of designing an effective website

• Unit 2: Measurement KPIs in digital marketing (Jargon explained)
• Unit 3:Introduction to Web Analytics
• Unit 4: Social Media Monitoring Tools
Unit 1: Basic principles of designing an effective website

What is Web Design?

• Web design is a concept of planning,

creating, and maintaining websites.

• This involves taking care of the user

interface, the architecture of information
present, the layout, the colors, content,
navigation... etc
Unit 1: Basic principles of designing an effective website

1. Purpose? 2.Simplicity
Having a simple clear intention on all pages will help the Simplicity is the best way to go when considering the user
user interact with what you have to offer. experience and the usability of your website. Below are
ways to achieve simplicity through design.

• Colour - Colour palette that fits your brand

• Type - Typography has an important role to play on your


• Imagery – every visual aspect used within communications.

Photography, illustration, video and all forms of graphics
Unit 1: Basic principles of designing an effective website


Navigation is the way finding system used on websites The F- based pattern is the most common way visitors
where visitors interact and find what they are looking for. scan text on a website. Eye tracking studies have found
Website navigation is key to retaining visitors. If the that most of what people see is in the top and left area of
websites navigation is confusing visitors will give up and the screen.
find what they need elsewhere.
Unit 1: Basic principles of designing an effective website


An effective web design has both great Grids help to structure your design and
design and great content. Using keep your content organised. The grid
compelling language & great content can helps to align elements on the page and
attract and influence visitors by converting keep it clean.
them into customers.
Unit 1: Basic principles of designing an effective website


Waiting for a website to load will lose More people are using their phones or other
visitors. Nearly half of web visitors expect a devices to browse the web. It is important to
site to load in 2 seconds or less and they consider building your website with a
will potentially leave a site that isn’t loaded responsive layout where your website can
within 3 seconds. Optimising image sizes adjust to different screens.
will help load your site faster.
Unit 2: Measurement KPIs in digital marketing (Jargon explained)
Unit 3: Introduction to Web Analytics
Unit 3: Introduction to Web Analytics
Unit 3: Introduction to Web Analytics
Key Discussion

How to create and Real time audience Demographics of the

Admin Overview
place tags review audience

Acquisition – Google
Audience – Interest, eCommerce - Product
campaigns, Social Site Speed – Firefox,
affinity and in market performance , sales
campaigns, all traffic Chrome, Safari etc
audience performance

Enhance eCommerce
development – Goals and Funnel
Shopify, Woo Visualization
Commerce etc
More Learning
Unit 4: Social Media Monitoring Tools
Types of Social Media Monitoring Tools
Unit 4: Social Media Monitoring Tools
Unit 4: Social Media Monitoring Tools
Free Social Media Monitoring Tools

TweetDeck Boardreader
Social Mention BuzzSumo
TweetReach Google Alerts
Followerwonk Native Analytics
SumAll Tools
Mentionmapp HubSpot
Lithium (formerly
Group Work
What are the KPI’s the business needed to set up? Identify
platform wise

What are the social monitoring tools, can be used to

understand consumer behavior and sales or business
Identify a Business (Small performance?
or Medium) and answer
the below? Overall, What are the Digital Measurement Tools they are
using currently and what are you proposing to Improve?
30 Min Work out
10 Min Each for 3 Groups for
How can the business get use of Google Analytics

What are the other tools which learned today might be

Thank You!
All the content on this PowerPoint presentation is
developed by the Asia Pacific Institute of Digital Marketing
Fazlan Marikkar (APIDM). APIDM holds the intellectual property rights for
Manager – Digital, Ogilvy Digital all the content, illustrations, models and other forms of
information unless or otherwise mentioned on each
individual slides attributing the IP rights for other
MBA (PIM – Sri Jayawardanapura) individuals and/or organizations.
Certified Professional Marketer (Asia), PGDipM (SLIM),
APIDM has authorized the resource persons assigned for
conducting classes at APIDM to use this PowerPoint
presentation deck as teaching materials. A PDF versionof
● the same will be made available for the students of this
course solely for the study purposes.
● LinkedIn – Fazlan Marikkar
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Copyrights © 2019 – Asia Pacific Institute of Digital Marketing

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