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javascripts frame works

frameworks provide developers with the basic foundation necessary for building
JavaScript applications.
This saves developers the effort of starting from scratch by utilizing a functional
base to get things rolling.
Here are 5 of the most popular JavaScript frameworks.
1. Node.js
Node.js is not exactly a JavaScript framework; it’s a runtime environment. While
JavaScript can be written directly into the web browser, this is not always
This is why Node.js lends the capacity for command-line tools and server-side
Though JavaScript usually operates on the client-side or the front-end, server-side
scripting begets faster load times as browser technology is not needed. This can
decrease user frustration and increase SEO.

2. Vue.js
Vue.js calls itself the “progressive” JavaScript framework. The name stems from its
philosophy of incremental adoption. In Vue.js, the core library is focused on the
view layer only so any additional functionality must be adopted in increments.
The framework uses a model-view-viewmodel (MVVM) architectural pattern. This
pattern separates the graphical user interface (UI) – or the view – from the
business logic of the application – or the model. The viewmodel layer is a
converter medium that synchronizes data.

3. AngularJS
AngularJS is maintained by Google and addresses common complications in building
single-page applications (SPAs). This framework works by leveraging HTML vocabulary
on dynamic web pages. In the past, HTML could only be used for static content.

SPAs work by dynamically loading content from the webserver rather than the web
browser. As a result, SPAs function in a similar fashion to mobile applications and
do not need to be reloaded.

4. Ember.js
Ember.js is a JavaScript framework employing a component-service pattern. Opposed
to the traditional model-view-controller (MVC) architecture, components in Ember.js
are central to the framework. Almost everything in Ember.js can be categorized as a
service or component.

Components are transient and manipulate the markup text and styles of an
application UI. Services are objects that live for the duration of an application.
They can be made available for different parts of your applications and are best
used for persistent states.

5. React
React is a JavaScript framework developed by Facebook that simplifies the process
of building interactive UIs. It is the base of React Native, an adjacent framework
for building mobile applications.

Both frameworks have a one-way data flow, which is considered more intuitive than
bi-directional data binding. Hot reload is another popular feature of the React
frameworks allowing developers to immediately see changes as they are applied.

PHP (recursive acronym for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) is a widely-used open
source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web
development and can be embedded into HTML.
The frame works of php
Frame Work is collection of software or program, that trigger off easy coding and
implementing the code. It helps to programmer to achieve goals in short period of
time. If PHP code is integrated with frame works, you can do anything with php
coding skills.
Some of frame works
Fuel PHP works based on Model View Control and having innovative plug ins. FuelPHP
supports router based theory where you might route directly to a nearer the input
uri, making the closure the controller and giving it control of further execution.

Cake PHP is a great source to build up simple and great web application in an easy
way. Some great feature which are inbuilt in php are input validation, SQL
injection prevention that keeps you application safe and secure.

Build Quickly
No need to configure
MIT licence
MVC Model

Agavi is a powerful frame work and follows MVC model. It enables to developer to
write clean and maintainable code.

Symfony is for highly professional developer to build websites with PHP components
such as Drupal, PHPBB, laravel, eX, OROCRM and piwik.

YiiFramework works based on web 2.0 with high end security. It included input
Validation, output filtering, and SQL injection.
Bootstrap is the most popular CSS Framework for developing responsive and mobile-
first websites.

What is Bootstrap?
Bootstrap is an open-source framework used for creating responsive, mobile-first
sites. We know that’s a mouthful, so let’s go through the parts of that definition
one by one.

Bootstrap is open source

Bootstrap was initially created as an internal tool used by Twitter but quickly
became open source (free and publicly available to use). Anyone can get Bootstrap
for personal or commercial use.

Bootstrap is a framework
Part of designing a website is designing how different frames and menus are
positioned on the page and in relation to each other. Take a look at the menu and
panel layouts on this webpage. All of this is programmed using Cascading Style
Sheets (CSS).

But what if you want to use the same basic website structure multiple times? After
all, many company websites have the same basic layout: a sleek homepage with the
main menu showing you products and services, more about the company, and some
contact information. That’s where Bootstrap comes in.
As a framework, Bootstrap is a collection of pre-written code chunks in CSS, HTML,
and JavaScript that allows developers to create websites more quickly than if they
had to create every bit of code from scratch. Bootstrap saves developers time so
that they can focus on other things rather than coding CSS.

Bootstrap helps you create responsive websites

Responsive websites are pages that easily adapt to different devices, platforms,
and screen sizes. Whether you’re visiting a website on Chrome from your Android
phone or your 27-inch iMac at home, you should see a version of the page with
dimensions, buttons, and fonts that don’t look too big or too small.

This can be tricky to get right when you’re designing a website from scratch, and
Bootstrap does a lot of the work here so that you don’t have to (more on this

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