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Student Number: 2305003

From: Indonesia
Subject Lecture: 日本水産事情 (Introduction to Japanese Fisheries Class)
6th Class Report about Fishery Technology (Bycatch Issue) (混獲問題)
 3 Methods Have Been Devised to Avoid Seabird Bycatch in Tuna Longline Fisheries
1. Installing a bird repellent line (tori line) when the fishing gear is dropped (setting).
In areas where fishing operations are known to be seabird habitats, it is advisable to use
Tori or streamer lines to avoid catching seabirds. Tori or streamer lines is a rope with many
hangers that is usually tied around the stern of the ship when the bait longline hook is lowered
into the water, usually given weights and buoys so that when the ship is running these ropes will
float and function to scare seabirds so that the seabirds cannot approach at the time of setting.
Pauses between the hanging rope that have been installed at uniform intervals will form
together with the ship's advance. Furthermore, it is maintained that the fishing line is above the
bait hook so that seabirds cannot approach the bait and become entangled.

Gambar 1. Tori Line

2. Fishing line (setting) is done at night because seabirds are not active at night
Seabirds generally detect/look for food with their sense of sight at close range.
Therefore, birds forage during the day and are less active at night. The night-longline setting is a
simple but effective way to reduce bird bycatch. The night setting is effective only on nights, that
when at high latitudes during the summer, the time between sunset and sunrise.
3. Installing ballast on the longline branch line so that the bait goes down quickly
Weights are added to the branch line so that the hook can be immediately placed in the
targeted water depth. This measure can reduce the capture of seabirds by immediately
removing baited hooks from the seabird's diving area. The effectiveness of weighting the line
depends on the distance between the weight and the hook (the closer the distance is, the faster
it sinks) and the mass of the weight (the heavier it is, the faster it sinks) These mitigation
measures should be used in conjunction with the properly attached line or with night fishing
The nighttime setting helps
limit bycatch because there
are fewer birds around the

Albatrosses and petrels are

the seabird species most
affected by the tuna and
trawl longline fisheries.

Bird repellent rope.

This rope helps keep
the bird out of the
danger zone

Ballast rope sinks the hook

so that out of the danger
zone as quickly as possible to
Most seabirds grab the bait reduce bycatch.
at a depth of 10 m from the
surface of the water.

Gambar 2. Efforts to Reduce Bycatch (Sea Bird)

 3 Methods Have Been Devised to Avoid Turtle Bycatch in Longline Tuna Fisheries
1. Use of a curved hook (circle hook) on longline fishing gear.
To avoid catching sea turtles, it is recommended to use circle hooks on longline fishing
gear. A circle hook is a fishing hook that is designed and made to resemble the letter C, and has
a round shape, with the end of the hook turning inward and perpendicular to the hook rod.
Circular hooks are larger, so it will be difficult for sea turtles to get entangled. Meanwhile, the
hook gap provides a wider distance between the tip and the body of the hook. However, some
adjustments are needed to place bait on this circle fishing line. Circle hooks are proven to
reduce the occurrence of bycatch of marine animals that are not needed by fishermen. From the
trial results it is known that circle hooks are effective in reducing accidental catches such as
turtles and stingrays with an effective level of up to 80%.

Gambar 3. Circle Hook

2. The longline is placed at a depth of 100 meters or more
The depth longline type can reduce bycatch because the average fishing depth is below
100 meters. This step can reduce the level of bycatch of species that live in the upper water
column such as sea turtles. Sea turtles usually only swim for food at a depth of about 100 meters
or less. Therefore, installing fishing gear at a depth of 100 meters or more will increase the
chances that the fishing line will be eaten by the tuna, not by the turtle.
3. Use of finfish bait
The use of finfish, rather than squid, has been shown to reduce interactions with sea
turtles. However, this measure may be more effective against leatherback sea turtles than other
sea turtle species. It is best to avoid using squid bait. Squid has a very chewy meat texture, so it
will be firmly snagged on the fishing line. Sea turtles eat their food by chewing and not at high
speed, so if fishermen use squid bait, the squid meat is very firmly snagged on the fishing line, it
will increase the possibility of the sea turtle getting stuck in the fishing line because the squid
meat is very difficult to get off the hook fishing and the possibility of the sea turtle swallowing
the fishing line is bigger.

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