Chem U2 Revision

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Sinem U2 = : =r 4@ Entrar e ris the. chemtéal enengy oF & s8s8r- Exoterte 4 Resckait 3 Prodets f Nedt TE ° x Endotermies Reacfant + Heat > Proavcts (LED axe KY, > Eettoley Change when no. of moles of She suvctonee peack as wirithen Wm the» ear. (TVs for balaneed chemical eg™ and - approprbte state symbol) , 7 eg Na(s) + 4+ e (4) > Nack (8) ¥ Ne —> Ertaley change. when of a subdance ; Ss formed from Sts constituent element of standard conditions ies atm, 298K] . E 29. CE) + OF @Y-5 C0, (9) ose D>oBWP of: om element. ts zero DW > Erthalpy change wher al water fe grodveed WW nevbrolizatton neaeion « 4 Avgy > Energy venived when Eonal] of gases atom % formed from its element, —> endorherme ey. Nac > Nalg) Ju. WD) * DG (Bond enthald > Enthalpy change when of a bmd Mm gaseous stale Ts Ledken ey doun . Prodveed atomS Are also gasaous. eg: W.) > W@® * Hd) a * Recs law 3 DANe = AE (Prodeet’d) — AF (Reactor) | Date ef (eantet~ 82 ated * Weak atsorbed = me AT : % Entholey change = eat pees yich® mole * Florine ALWAYS Was on oxidation nowben -t. * son” > er, 0; sy 982 Oo; — > oxidation number -2 % NO , MnOT —> oxidation wowber: a me NWT — oxidation wo. +4 2 OX arzing Agents —> 0, ,Ralogens, Wt | Fe | KMn 0, (acidified) Baste ae Kite 2 03 (acteifed) , C.F”, 1,80, , Hd, Ca eserce of 1) ut ; x Redding Agents —> Mekals; Fe", ¥,0, (Xn absence of "), No,S20, $0. % “London F Foree 3 Socaws . botweon all melecvian sulostance *Trsiontaneas dipole Induced dipole bez LF Pardon mot of ot dendty. - : foree * More paints of contact between More e- , more Ucpen ston: molec vies , greater ~ Léudon Forees. # Peomoment dipcle — dipole ! * Occurs (y pdar moleevies #2) Permanent Rpdle ~ perman'dnt dipole’ U)Peemanent dipole — dveed pole s decreases down hem Qrp en eae halides», > Flectronegative dee, down, ee : > Bond polarity dec . . ae Ware Bonding 3 aXtqnty positive hydrogen atom * Attraction between S ok another moleele . and lore par of eo te Water Q WO wolecles Aetravedvally ameanga’s * Each Oxygen surrounded low co W atoms (aes | amd A bydrogen onde), j uf Beye of & molecules “Weld together &y hydrogen bonds. [+ Large area of open space fuside oye Grats why, less dence Yon water) * RMeohdl 5 aldehyde , ketone 7 Carbo xylie acid. all Are cadvble WwW water ez Shey Somme hydrogen bonds uh water. bhocth _ and .mera\ chlorides, ave " § % Gwrorp-4 metal, oxides solide Yn water. bed — ‘ : els we Mel pont ‘of Gwoe 2 wmetaly deeransed “down tye © Sre> of fon me) enor ge owie! . o Change density decreases * Eleetwostatie Conee of attwueton between ar and © LS and sea of delocalized _ 2 Adereases . "6 85, less enerty needed, * aoestf x) Solver uy of Gwovp-2 metal ides and Hydworides gdea | down Qrovp? ” , , i | 2 [le Size of ation, mc. ; é [le Lattice ererqa dec. . bani § la Scluvon enthalpy becomes mone exothermic, ~ | ¥ Polarizing power is he alt, of CATION +o AN nat electrons From the anion towards ftselt ¥ Solvbsltty of —Grrovp - 2 _met ssa “Hee! mana ve 3 2 Anion larger thon eorion F * Ske of catfon ne. down QrvP * Pack®na betweer cation ; and anion te. *LatBee enthalpy que. -, * Solution enthalpy becomes i more endothermic * Treemal stability: | rime. in charge and dee, wm size of cation | Amereases, change density . + Polakidng power Ye. + Compovnd wil be decomposed easily * Thermal stability mereases with “dee. tn polarising power of cation, : < a at) Giroue-4 ama Gwovp- 2 enero ¥ Thermal stalality, earonates _/ nivates | hydeoxide “eChange s Sire it Charge sdonctty dee, same ak i eation ne. | iC Polactaing gowen dec. Eneogy mequived tw 2 me = doen roe % Chee > CHL, denser.» Vian... water, s } f 4 Pot “me. down group ez Intermolecular fovees me . Own, Qyrove. e . ° Redveing power ye. down grove. * Tontcation energy dec, down Qrovp dve to Me. Th See of akon, ia i. iput *Bicetoon alSine dea, down group, [ce > >Ge7z I] + Electronegativity dee. down rove. + Solvility Wi waten “dees down.” the group. * Soloility Tn a organie solvent Tne. down qroup. Ta %w hexane Ys Violet /evrple 1D Trait > Pale brown] straw = Wexane less dense than water ave Bie, 2g dark: broww, a ; xH1,S(q) 3 Potten egg x Fy (9) > xellow sme x y(t) > Green ¢ NO, (Q)S beown x 6) > Dark ved Gr, (Q) > Rea “brown ptt (> eungedt TW) > Greg /Black —T.(8) > Purple LWW Lg) 5 white smoke | 5 (2) > vellow He Wydeogen halides | $0, (q) > Colorless » Chang nell wasty [steamy 2 | fowe = ¥ Test for Ths Add ctaveh ‘coins, VW tons Blue Lined | Fect Jor nalide Fons Game tect Lor haloyeroal kane) + Add HNO, fo remove carbonate Impurities TS RAS ALND), wo suite — ept Ar Afesolves In dilute ammortg Bo S OFF white /pale eream [geo Resolves Tw eone. ammonia To > Nellow © r- doeswt Uissolve. % Test Sor <0, . Add ada fed Kk, @r, 03 5 green solu Hou fons 4 Test fom WO Hold a Qess pod wrth ammonia sol” dense white fe of NW Forms | 2 ws 2 #0, apts a glowing ccplint % 00, dorms me water — milky. 2 Add Naot [KOU and warm . pongert 3 “Tock Sow WWE 5 | smelting WW, Is given, ovt- . eck Sor SO Rd HOA and Gat, 5 white ppt. of "| i Baso, forms. A a haltde + Ammonia ~> Ammonium valide peaemeee (arte catia) i alias * Melogen + Coa Ratt “= Metal Thade + Metal halate (1) + 420 > Walogen + Mot Alii 5 Metal Katde -+ Metal halate () + “\WLo0 e-9. ’ ' Z metal alate (\\ 3 Noeto : 1 “metal \alate W- => Noto, : j | | *, Meta\ halide + W,50, > Metal Wado gen sulphate + Hydeogen halide pi. Geeta) enti Weteragenous catalyst diferent physical state from vevetail | | - | «|| Vrovnoqeng ous catalyst > came | Physical tole! | «| gas Trsolvble & water —S vse over water delivery to collect pes woe ; ; Bet oe 4 CEC. (chioroflvorceartans)—— davrage ozone layer Sw he Vpper atmosphere, nl OLiA oe 4 used WW aerosol cavg J 5S LORqante: | a s _ ee AODTTTON & “Two cpaties combine 40 form one. Single, — _______prodet. [ara eel _D ELIMINATION § Tho atom) goaps ane C bond . : removed os 4 — — ”" 2. QuUASTTWTIONS Two reactant species combine torether tog Ginn tuo pratet species. [Ata cro] 2) OXTDATION sO rgonie_compod loses af qt i Sy WYROLYST SC: ON qpop_of unter replaces “ectom / group { Poon organi eompmmnd. . QO BONMERTSATIONS Largo no. of rmalecles _veact to form — one lary eraduct . = TZ Repoe tN Adsition of hydrogen « hin eee th |S TT o 2 9°. 2 \\Feee radical substitution iy alkanes § Jomolytie__bond breaking each atom keeps one ex from bond] Attacking species are free radicals. Lea- Che * Occurs ‘in UV Wight f Son Vgut . y 4 EXAMPLE: = ~_[Tnitiation > fs he + he i -_Reennabon > Me 4 he > eh —— CW + Ue eH Wye bows eH CH, RCLECTROPHILTS ADDITION - vo ALKENES + satkacting _ species are electrophiles = electrophile attracts electoons (accepts a pain of @) _ iB electrophile attacks double bord of ALKENE . then, it noclaplile athacks carboratfon _ 2 wvcleoplile ts. a species wits lone pain of electrons, heterolytic, .\bond Joreakiing (one.. atom ..keepe bath electrons from EXAMPLE °. ial ¥ Mkene + electrophile (Wer, 8, re?) | | 3), NUCE Eopntie SvBsTTTUTtON TN RALOGENO ALEANES : (Sn) Ile artkacting Species ome. nucleophiles (200° | Fen- LS) [ie Reterolyhe bond breaking . i (EXAMPLE 2 » Renetion yy Pehveen Bromoethone and KOH (04) Ww Wea ; Oo Cob CH, —¢ — ON Fb i \ | - | 1 | fe between Walogenoalkane and ammonia (wee) “ 4 : ; les &- \ + Faison | ONG Lo Mngayh oe +3eh i OO " ; 4 é ; ; HOSEN, = . i ten | TNH, | 4 i 4 \ - Ni, oc Os avdeophile on ob yk whee tL done Pan 2 3) 14 bee ve es | CONVERSTONS TO _NALOGENOTLKANES CHatogenation) |) Chlorination o alechol + | ; j | ) Aleohol =F Pe ——> Chloralkane + WA + PO, i] Gite satid) Corsi, ome | wraenititeatton of 1H grove cam be done with this 2), Alec + PU, —> @ Chloroalkane + HePO, 9) Tee Harg(2) Mechel + HE —> Chloroaleane -+ M0 ~ || Bw, Grommation of aledhol + ), Meohol + PRe, > Bromoalkane + H,P0, D>, Mervol Ss Weated under vefivx with ke and WA, SO, (Sor. eone.) 5 Gr ‘produces which veaets « Ht wit —aleohol +o form bromoalkane ond water. 1 Aleoho\ + Re —> Bromoalkane =r weber 10 BLodimation of alechol t gel beat ay |, Mleohol_+ PI, > Todoalkane « + yh 2 | Grinture of damp med phosphopus and Spabnd) wixbore (le and F33) ig healed onder reluy —— Derade aon ol & 3 = ~ ~ — _ — — Keating aledrol uth cone. WV,80, | FAP, -pradees aleohol alkene — and water ja 1 Ay Cone. FSO . - - TT — eohol = erm lkenes WO) # idee (—cHo) Ketone (= co} _ -_ Carbo xy lie acid Geoon)) = 5 Qddation of alecal? this "eee alcohol —tol_ 5 4 dehyde 11 cavbo ra acid 2° aechot US ketone _ a z “aleno S no_reaction A Tine ee a . ae = - __#, Oxidizing agents 2 : — _ SkMnd, | Kee, Oy in_exeess acid Ying, /H SO, ca Teen Paat3 ee 1 aoe “SB kvg0, > color changes from PURPLE to GOLORLESS _ > Kren, 0; > aolor changes fom ORANGE. 49 GREEN (-*) lve Taga <@ rvrns , (itm paper ved ; 2 Comboratle ahd A: = Zin [NoNCO, [Noes = -eUlervesence_¢ ot I ore veaelve metal S Wo % Yafe0a as ae otter Pesce Vadadity wee Carboxylic - acids aad. Meohols.. ~~ Aleonal 08. Hay misty fumes of eb = — 4 No henge ' a Bat Bohs ina, “Pants i Sitdonade. + _ Preparation of Aldehyde from Aleclul Dictation ult adkibian| _—{—__~ GB Preparation of Carboxylic acid _|F-= Wrebig__ condenser _ Pound bolton Flask aS ara psa L—-pckTboptng QrmuTeE ETD prepare Ketone vse z cae wet a® olcoho\ ve PuriGicatfon ond Seperation! Qwmple _ distillavon. agents 8 s— Cat, , Mg $0.5 Na, SO, 5 CoO _5), Boling, point. determination ens |) # Pure aid bots at Sxed arin a || © Tmpure Kayids Lails | ae Orange. ok temperatures. “Alkene + 4,0 % Boh ore heated onder rofiva “th Suoutttuton “Reaction * a _ Bat hata Rx (halogens: ne fy Rx “Sess Ron - 2, RX ty ROH a inne — i *reROR = 4 rx —NBas RW, (amine) (atte ual wucleoafla 1 as NE tT ‘sealed tice e2 N’ apt love pale en Condition 3 Wa Ussslved Sy etvonol and eet; in sealed ube

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