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JHS - Carpentry

MELC: Draw simple carpentry plans based on given tasks under the DepEd Philippines K to 12
Curriculum Guide.


At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:

a. Identify the elements to draw simple carpentry plans.

b. Value the importance of knowing how to draw simple carpentry plans.

c. Design a simple carpentry project.

Preliminary Activities:

 Opening Prayer

 Observe Cleanliness

 Checking of Attendance

Subject Matter:


Melc Code: TLE_IACP7/8ID-0f-2

Materials: Laptop, TV Monitor.

Review: Ask the students to recall the different tools and materials used in carpentry.


Show pictures of different carpentry projects such as a bookshelf, a chair, or a table. Ask the students to
identify the materials and tools needed to create the projects.


Divide the students into groups and give them a specific carpentry project to create a simple plan for.

Provide the students with a set of guidelines to follow in creating their plans, such as the dimensions,
materials, and tools needed.

Allow the students to use different resources such as magazines, books, or the internet to gather ideas
for their plans.
After creating their plans, have each group present their work to the class and ask them to explain their
design choices.


Ask the students to identify the different elements of their carpentry plans such as the measurements,
materials, and tools used.


Discuss the importance of creating accurate and detailed plans in carpentry projects.


Give the students a real-life problem such as designing a simple bookshelf for a small room. Ask them to
create a plan that takes into consideration the available space and the materials and tools needed.


 What are the different elements of a carpentry plan?

Answer: Measurements, materials, and tools used.

 Why is it important to create accurate and detailed plans in carpentry projects?

Answer: To ensure the project is completed accurately and efficiently.

 What is the objective of creating a carpentry plan?

Answer: To have a guide for the construction of a project.

Interactive Activities:

Design challenge: Give the students a specific task such as designing a bookshelf that can fit in a small
space. Allow them to work in groups and present their designs to the class.


Ask the students to create a simple carpentry plan for a project of their choice. They should include the
measurements, materials, and tools needed for the project. They may do this on a short bond paper.

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