Student Activity Writing Prompts 1

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Name: _______________________ Date: ___________________

Creative Writing Prompt Days Assignments!

Instructions: Once a week you must pick one prompt to write about in your given composition
book. Each entry should be at least one page in length. You must complete this within the time
given which will be stated every time you have creative writing prompt days. You can pick any
prompt listed below, however you can only use it once and every prompt concept will be
finished at the end of the school period ( a year). At the end once time has run out the teacher
will select at random one student to share in front of the class what they wrote.

Prompt Idea One: Create an ABBA poem that is all about yourself! Be creative and share some
fun facts about yourself that you want to possibly share with the class.

Prompt Idea Two: In this assigned reading of Beowulf what were his battles that he had to fight,
what lessons do you think are taught to Beowulf? Give one example of a foreshadowing in this

Prompt Idea Three: Today you found a genie bottle and the genie grants you three wishes. You
can not wish for more money, more wishes, or to go into the past or future. What are your
wishes and why did you choose them?

Prompt Idea Four: Write a letter to your future self. It can be about your struggles, what you
dream to accomplish, or even something you think you may need to hear in your future.

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