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Persona: Jane

Goal: Find a subway route that will take him to Washington DC

Determine the Find the best

Find the right Board the Find the right
ACTION airplane option on Buy a ticket
aisle airplane exit
line and route internet

Tasks Tasks Tasks Tasks Tasks Tasks

A. Find and read A. Use map app A. Determine A. Follow signs A. Walk in inside A. Open map app
TASK LIST airplane route B. Check flights ticket to buy B. Find the line of the airplane to find exit to use
B. Identify fastest C. Get to station C. Pay for ticket number or letter B. Follow signs
route C. Go uptown
C. Use map app D. Find elevator

● Confused ● Lost ● Confused ● Overwhelmed ● Relieved ● Excited

● Intimidated ● Hopeful ● Satisfied ● Excluded ● Glad ● Confused

● Better ● Better ● Ticket ● Better ● Phone ● Signs mention

wayfinding wayfinding explanations wayfinding vibrates to landmarks
IMPROVEMENT ● Accessibility inform user (not corner)
OPPORTUNITIES key on map when he
app arrives to the

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