Soal Teks Diagnostik Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8

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State These Statements, True or False!

Stancy is a Muslimah. She loves go around the world.

1. She is a Koreans.
2. She was born in Korea.
3. She moved to Singapore when she was 10 years old.
4. She lived in New Zealand for 10 years.
5. She came back to Korea, then she lived there for 6 years.
6. She wanted to move to another country.
7. She does not feel quite natural when she lives in another country.
8. She will visit the country if she wants to live in before.
9. She has travelled to Singapore for 2 months.
10. She was really fit into Singapore.
11. She had to have Visa when She was a visitor in Singapore.
12. She could check the status for travelling with the embassy.
13. She loved travelling to Hongkong, Tokyo, and LA. But she would never want to settle
14. She had to decide how long she will stay and will finance the stay.

According to Stancy,
15. A figure out is important to make an earning support her.
16. Looking for a job is easy. She could search by clicking link of any others local job hunt
website applications.
17. Knowing the country’s culture is not important.
18. Expecting everyone to speak English is a good idea especially in Asian.
19. Planning out what she wants to do is a must.
20. Dreams can be a reality. Vision it, plan it, act on it, make it happen.

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