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Realizing A young Generation Who Are Smart, Healthy, and Have A Noble Character

Assalamualaikum wr, wb..

All praise be to Allah Swt who has given us all salvation and blessings in life. The lord who
create this world.

Shalawat and salam to our beloved prophet Muhammad Saw who really loved by Allah Swt and
saved the human life from destruction in the safety, the right path of Allah Swt.

In this chance I would like to deliver a speech entitled, “Achieve The Youth Whose Intelligent,
Healthy, and Noble Character.”

Ladies and gentlemen…

As we know, that nowadays, in an increasingly advance world, western culture has entered many
even influences our lives, whether through television, internet, fashion style, etc. There is no
matter if the influence is positive, then it will be very good. But what if the influence is actually
negative? No doubt, it creates the potential to damage the personality of muslims, especially us a
young generation today.

Allah swt has been said in Surah Al-Baqorah verse 195…

“And do not fall yourself into destruction, and do good, for surely Allah loves those who do

We have seen a lot, the younger generation came into a lot of promiscuity that not only damage
itself, but also destroys others. There are a lot of facts around us, many young people out there
who are negatively affected by Western culture. Some of them are wearing revealing clothes,
fighting, even adultery. Naudzubillah..
We wonder why such condition occur so much this day, it because most of young people today
are no longer guided by religion. Maybe even their understanding about the science of religion is
very lacking. Most of them do something just because they just joined in. Whereas religion is a
way of life in life. That’s why it’s so important for us to be an intelligent young generation. So,
anyone knows what is the characteristics of intelligent young generation? They are able to
distinguish the good and the bad things, which is not just smart, but also wise in applying their
knowledge appropriately.

Let me elaborate further on some examples of the negatives influences that Western culture has
on today’s young generation, including they who get drunk, use drugs such as cannabies,
methamphetamine, etc. Even though the prohibition of Allah to get drunk consume alcohol is
very clear in the qur’an. Really, there is no goodness from the act, there is only self-damage
especially their health. How do we want to lead the Ummah if we are sick? Moreover said
Rasulullah, health is one of important favors. Rasululah Saw say..

“The perfect believer of his faith is the best of his character” (Hadith At-tirmidzi)

It is true that a person’s bad behavior is due toa lack of religious knowledge. Some of the
simplest exaples of deviant behavior that are displayed by teenagers this day are such as not
responding immediately when their parents call or talk to them, don’t want to accept advice from
teacher and there is no difference when talking to older people and with peers. So, has anyone
ever been like that?

Ladies and gentlemen, blessed by Allah..

The portrait of various young people who had been described was certainly not what was
expected by the Indonesian people. Then what kind of young generation is expected? It is
generation of young people who are intelligent, healthy, and have good character. So to realize
this generation of diamonds, there are several of things we can work on.

 The first is we must continue to explore knowledge and practice it in everyday life, of
course we must have the knowledge first, especially the most important is the science of
religion. We must come back to Islam as a guideline for our lives. Make it our benchmark
in going anywhere.
 The second, as a young generation, we also have to take care of our health so we don’t
get sick easily. How can we deliver da’wah and Islamic teachings if our bodies are not
healthy? Therefore we must maintain health because everything starts from a healthy
body making a healthy soul as well to produce generation with a good quality.
 Third, often gather with good and pious people. It will transmit positive things for us. The
environment is very influential in shaping personality. People who always remember
Allah will always remind other to the good way too. They with a soft heart can also
soften our hearts. Subcosnciously, we will follow their good habits. Insya Allah..
 Fourth, Follow multiply positive activities that can add insight and knowledge to be a
leader who is ready to face all developments in the future, and be able to direct people to
the right path. Instead of spending hours playing games, scrolling instagram and watching
youtube, it’s better to use that time to taking part in studies, teaching the Qur’an, being
active in social activities, etc.
 And finally, of course we always keep our hearts connected to Allah Swt. So that we can
be facilitated and able to be istiqomah to become an intelligent, healthy, and moral young

Ladies and gentlemen..

Hopefully all of us will be chosen by Allah to be the young generation who hopes for a nation
that is intelligent, healthy and has a good character. Because we are the decisive fate of the
nation in the future. As the wisdom expert describes in his poetry:


“O youth, surely the people are at your fingertips and at every steps of their lives.”

That’s all the speech that I can deliver, apologies for any shortcomings. The truth is of course
coming from Allah Swt and the wrong one comes from me. Thank you for your attention.
Wabillahi taufiq walhidayah. Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh..

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