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The Journey to Lemuria (MU)

"Reclaiming Our Divine Birthright“

Sacred Journey of a HAKU

The Path to Awakening Unlimited Abundance

7-Day Retreat: August 20th-27th, 2013

10-Day Retreat: August 20th-30th, 2013

Ho'oponopono Trainings
held on
Sacred Sites ~ Heiau Temples
9:00 am - 5:00 pm Daily
Longer Days on Sacred Sites

Ka Leo ‘O Na Kahuna Lapa’au ‘O Hawai’i

Ho’ola ‘O LomiLomi Lapa’au Clinic
P.O. Box 1137, Volcano, Hawai’i 96785
Contact Kumu Leina’ala at (808) 967-7781

With “You Are the Gift” ~ The Creative Center of Abundance

Chants (Oli)
Na Aumakua

This is the Oli Chanted for closings, asking for protection from the Aumakua~Ancient Spirits

Adapted from Hawaiian Antiquities by David Malo

Na 'Aumakua mai ka la hiki a ka la kau!

Mai ka ho'oku'i a ka halawai
Na 'Aumakua ia Kahinakua, ia Kahina'alo
Ia ka'a 'akau i ka lani
'O kiha i ka lani
'Owe i ka lani
Nunulu i ka lani
Kaholo i ka lani
Eia na pulapula a 'oukou 'o ka po'e Hawai'i
E malama 'oukou ia makou
E ulu i ka lani
E ulu i ka honua
E ulu i ka pae'aina o Hawai'i

E ho mai i ka 'ike
E ho mai i ka ikaika
E ho mai i ke akamai
E ho mai i ka maopopo pono
E ho mai i ka 'ike papalua
E ho mai i ka mana.
'Amama ua noa.

Ancestors from the rising to the setting sun

From the zenith to the horizon
Ancestors who stand at our back and front
You who stand at our right hand
A breathing in the heavens
An utterance in the heavens
A clear, ringing voice in the heavens
A voice reverberating in the heavens
Here are your descendants, … the Hawaiians

Safeguard us
That we may flourish in the heavens
That we may flourish on earth
That we may flourish in the Hawaiian islands
Grant us knowledge
Grant us strength
Grant us intelligence
Grant us understanding
Grant us insight
Grant us power
The prayer is lifted ... it is free.
1 - `ekahi
~Aloha E Welina Mai ~
Welcome Home to Kaua’i

A Message from a “Peace Warrior Princess”
All we just need to do is to be in the sacred silence, a quiet stillness
and listen to the Ha of Kaua’I Calls ~ A Kahea (calling) to embrace the
Mu Mana of Kaua’I Hawai’I Ancestors.

“Let Go and Let Joy and Abundance flow, Let the EGO Go and Just
Be, and Let Go and Let Joy appear within and about Us. You Are the
Gift & The Gift Is You” and the aumakua (guardian of Kaua’I Hawai’I
and angelic anela (angels) of the golden celestials shall be felt, uniting
us with a Heaven on Earth… in Lokahi (Harmony).

Our Kahiko Ancients of Cosmic Ancestors, Kahuna/Kupuna/Ohana of

the ancients of Mu Lemuria have taught us to journey with them beyond
the beyond and their promise is in the Silence of the Stillness you can
feel, hear, see, touch, taste.

The Ho’ike Divine “IKE” the knowingness will ~ E Nana I Ke Kumu ~ E

Nana I Ke Kumu Hana ~ E Nana I Ke Kumu Lipo ~ the Source ~ a Breath of
Alo’Ha becomes us ~

“Reclaiming Our Divine Birthright”

This is Our remembrance of “Reclaiming Our Divine Birthright” as
creators meMUory unfolds before us in Aloha Love, Ho’omaluhia (Peace),
Joy (Kale’a ), Happiness, Ho’ola (Healing) Ultimate Healing,
Ola (Health is our Wealth in Abundance).

E Komo Mai ~ ”Come Let the Healing Begin with You”, Welcome
My Child welcome home, remember. “You Are the Gift” the Ha of Aloha,
a Breath of Cosmic Universal Love Beyond the Beyond of the Talani
Heavens. You Are the Ho’okulani the (Stars) as you are the Honua Earth,
Air, Water, Fire, Sea, Sky, Heavens and Honua Earth. You are the All I
AM that IS the Co-Creator’s of Creator’s beloved Keiki (Child) My Child.

Remember to Breathe ~Remember ~ to Just Be… Eia La Makou

Amama Ua Noa ~ And So It Is ~

Mahalo a nui loa for joining us, come again Aloha. For I Love You and
Love is All on the Breath of Aloha and is Eternal ~ we are Ka Wahine Ke
Aloha Uhane Nui ame Kane ke Aloha Uhane Nui ame Keiki ‘O Ka’Aina I Ka
Pono ~ We are the Starseed Children of the Universes of Ha indeed ~
Alo’ha Wau Loa.

2 - `elua
Our HAKU’s
A Rare Opportunity & An Honor …
To be with the Haku’s Bridging the Rainbow
Across the Planet

Kumu Ola Leina’ala Keola & Kanoa

Kahuna High Priestess Kahuna Lapa’au

Dr. Antonio Estrada, Ph.D.

Maki Sugahara
Japan Grand Master
Dr. Joan McGillicuddy, Ph.D.
3 - `ekolu
~ Ho'Ola 'Ike HO‘OPONOPONO ~
The Journey of a HAKU

Curriculum “Creating Our Heart’s Desires”

In this rare and beautiful experience you will have access to

Ancient wisdom to higher frequencies of peace, love,
harmony and healing … This is the Ancient MU way of life:

• E Ho'omaluhia
Relax ~ Release all negative (identify) ~ Deep Meditation
~ Surrender all that does not serve us ~ Embrace Aloha

• E Mana Ka Oia'io
Truth to Restore Mind, Body, Spirit and Activate the
Love Essence of your truth within that Sparks your Soul

• E Mo'okuauhau
Legacy heaven gift of Aloha ~ Re-Claim your birthright ~
your roots in the beginning of time

• E Aloha Na Kahuna
Rejuvenate ~ taking time for you moments of meditation daily, the
Simple Key Elementals of Life are Peace, Love, celestial Joy
For countless generations, Kahuna
• E Ho'oponopono have been the guardians of the
Daily Ho'oponopono (clearing your pathway) ~ Connect with Ke Akua core elements of the Hawaiian
Culture that takes them back to
• E Ho'omanamai'ola the begining of time: Mu (Lemuria)
clearing all earthly Chakras ~ emotions past and present, to clear path
and I'o (Divine Creations).
for future Abundance, Love, Peace and All Our Hearts’ Desires
"Kahuna," literally translated,
• E Pule Wehe means "the secret," defining their
Opening Prayer ~ Meditation Oli ~ Daily Chanting role as the caretakers of Divine
(sound vibrational balance) Ancient knowledge. Na Kahuna are
the Grandmasters of Healing,
• Hula is Life Oli is the Words of Life
Daily Dance of Life ~ Kawa'kahiko is the
Health, Wisdom of the Ancients
ancient Lemurian (Mu) Keys to JOY and Na Kumu'Ola (Teachers of
Healing) of the traditional.
• E Hauoli Mai Kakou
The Seed to Success is pure Happiness & Unconditinal Love Kahunas are the spiritual leaders
~ Love is All there Is ~
of guidance of the Hawaiian
• E Ka Mana'o 'O Talani peoples, thus taking great care in
Our Cosmic Universal Memory of maintaining the spiritual
the Ho'okulani (the heavenly star of light) connection between the mortal
people and the Akua Ao (Gods) and
• Pule Pani
Clear our path by walking it, boldly in Grace and Joy ~
In the Dance of Life

• Ancestral Wisdom of Sacred Healing

4 – `ehā
Return of I'o and the Rising of Mu (Lemuria)

The Ka Leo ‘O Na Kahuna Lapa’au feel that our Honua, planet earth, is a sacred temple. Now is the
time for “E Ho’ola A Lahai I Ta Pu’uwai Ola I Ta Honua” Healing the Heartbeat of our peoples and
planet earth.... Now more than ever, we need a focused center of Lokahi (unity), working together in
a collective effort on the part of each individual to bring in more consciousness, healing, harmony,
love, laughter, happiness, light and a sense of oneness among our planet, our native peoples and all

This is a sacred Makana Alo'Ha (Gift of 7-10 days of the Breath of I'o). It is Universal Wisdom from
the Ancient Wisdom of the Lemuria Golden Lapa'au (Light Workers) of this sacred Sanctuary Heiau
(Temples) of Ha-Wai'i. It is a tapestry of Kahuna Lapa'au Ha'Wai'i and Kumu 'Ola (teachers of
healing), teachings, myths of truths, of wisdoms beyond wisdoms and Vision as they emerge from the
Hawaiian Mists of Ancient Times, thousands and thousands of years ago. This is our Gift and inherent

13 Codes Self-Ecstasy Blueprint‘ ~ Brotherhood of the MU(Lemuria) Priestess

Ancient future, golden age lineage of balanced Kane (men) and Wahine (women)
that once thrived by collective self-mastery example on the emerald isle
of Kauai. The keeper of the Lemuria MU Priestess codes lies within the sacred
hula & chants of Kauai, an indigenous mystery school for embodying
the Aloha of Oneness.

For this Myth of Lemuria MU we speak of is no longer, the moment to act together
& hold the sacred embodied balance as one, has come on the emerald isle of Kauai'i.


On the New Creation Vortex Lemurian Creation Portal Sacred Journey of Mu

New Moon and Pleiadian Mu Sacred Journey
"Ike of Ho'oponopono of New Beginnings....

Focus " E Nana I Ke Kumu “ ~ "To Look to the Source" Within

Many believe that at one Time There was just One Teaching of the Earth.

Hidden within this rising Tradition is the Secret of Human Destiny. It was here before the Gods of War
took Over
It was here long before Christian Invaders. It has Sacred Laws that can't be betrayed Forever.

We call this non-physical Energy...MANA... It is a Spiritual Power

This Vital Force has been known by many Names.

By using Goddess and God Archetypes, we have come to understand this sound of Creation...
In Polynesia...the One is known as ULI (Uri) ~ Her form is female and she is birther of Self.
Contained within Her primordial waters are both female and male Principles.
She is the Essence of Spirit Itself...

Without Her Voice, Humankind is disconnected from Life Force and will become an extinct Species...

5 - `elima
E Ho'ola A Lahui I Ta Pu'uwai 'Ola
'O Hawai'i I Ta Honua

The Return of I'o and Rising of Mu seminars are a series of stepping stones toward an awakening of
the indigenous mind. It includes a variety of empowerment teachings and tools, each workshop
building on the last. Here is a list of the ancient teachings and techniques you will learn toward your
Self empowerment:

• Native Hawaiian Kanaka Maoli Protocols

~ Ceremony from Heiau Temples & Sacred Sites

• Pule (Prayer) and Oli (Chanting Wehe Opening)

• Ho'oponopono
~ Identify, Resolve & Release all conflicts & all blocks

• Ho’oponopono Forgiveness ~Surrender ~Release ~Oki ~ Let Go ~ Let Joy

~ Let Ke Akua I’o (Creator-God)

• La'au Kahea, Maiola, Ho'omanamaiola

~ Clearing & Instant Healing

• History of Mu (Lemuria)
~ As Above-So Below is the Balance of the Golden Realms

• Pule (Prayer) and Oli (Chanting ~ Center Meditation)

• Hawaiian LomiLomi Lapa'au

~ "Breath of Ha" Nana Pono Ka Maka Ola

• Healing at a Body, Mind, Spiritual, and Soul Levels,

Past Life, Present Moment & Future ~ Empowerment of E Nana I Ke Kumu
"To Look to the Source" Celestial Soul StarSeeds

•Makana Aloha - (Gift of Love) for our Kahuna Lapa'au Elders

•Hawaiian LomiLomi Lapa'au ~ sessions for Self Love days
•Oli ~ Sound healing ~ movement of Sound
•Hula Ola ~ healing with hula kahiko motion
•Pule (Prayer) and Oli (Chanting Pani Closing)
•Kua Lima La’au Lapa’au ~ Cosmic gathering in Lokahi

You are welcome to join us in the Ceremony, as we reconnect the Divine Mother
Channel to the conscious grid of our beloved planet Earth.
The Mission has been Remembered ... we are the Awakeners
WE CLAIM IT NOW...AND SO IT IS ... Eia makou ...

Blessings "On the Wings of Angels and Celestial Aumakua" of Aloha 6 - `eono
Sacred Journey Begins …
The "experience" begins on the MAHINALAULANI MOON

Aloha! Welcome Home to Mu (Lemuria)

This will be an amazingly rich experience for all
...the incredible beauty and magic of Kaua'i, from ancient to modern,
a magical opening night full moon celebration (and orientation). Dinner to follow.
Our History (esoteric included), culture, spiritual significance,
will be shared throughout the 7-day & 10-day retreat.

The HAKU’s: Kahuna Lapa’au, Shaman and Kauka (doctors) who are teaching at this retreat, will be
introduced as the Kahiko Ancients of Cosmic Celestial MU Lemurian Ancestors with Key Codes at this
opening night of HO’OPONOPONO Introduction Level 1 (advanced), the Ancient Hawaiian healing
practice of Alo HA and FORGIVENESS at the sacred sites.‫‏‬

Tuesday, August 20 – Sacred Journey Opening Night & Orientation

• 5:45 pm meet for pick up at hotel/condo

• 6:00 pm Full Moon gathering on the beach at Marriott Courtyard
• Sacred Ceremony, Orientation
• 7:30 pm Dinner (own) at Marriott Courtyard

Wednesday, August 21 - Day 1 ~ Blue Moon Mahinalaulani

• 7:00 am Breakfast (own)

• 8:30 am – meet for pick up at hotel/condo
• Sacred Sites Ceremony
• 9:00 am HAKU’s teaching Ho’oponopono ~ Hikinaakala Heiau and Hauola City of Refuge
• 12:00 pm Hiuwai ~ sacred ceremonial swim in silence Kapu ~ Lunch
• 1:30 pm back at hotel (prepare for lu’au)
• 2:30 pm meet for pick up (place to be determined) for check-in at Smith's Lu’au
• 3:30 -4:50 pm Smith's Fern Grotto Boat Ride (pm Boat Returns to Landing)
• 5:00 pm Smith's Lu'au (adjacent to boat marina - simply walk to lu’au)
• 9:00 pm return to hotel ~ Enjoy the Blue Moon

7 - `ehiku
Sacred Journey Itinerary – cont’d

Thursday, August 22 - Day 2

• 7:00 am Breakfast (own)

• 8:30 am – meet for pick up at hotel/condo
• Sacred Sites Ceremony
• 9:00 am HAKU’s teaching Ho’oponopono ~ Holoholoku Heiau and Pohaku
Ho'ohanau (Royal Birthstones), Poliahu Heiau
• 12:00 noon Opeaka'a Falls Overlook, Wailua River Sacred Spiritual Immersion ~
Picnic Lunch, enjoy Danny’s cacao treats
• Keahua Arboretum
• 5:00 pm back at hotel/condo
• Dinner (own)

8 - `ewalu
Sacred Journey Itinerary – cont’d

Friday, August 23 - Day 3

• 5:30 am Light Breakfast (own)

• 6:30 am meet for pick up at hotel/condo
• 8:00 am morning cruise by Catamaran sailing on the NA PALI coast with some
snorkeling ~ Spiritual reflection ~ E Nana I Ke Kumu ~ to look to the Source and
the Source within
• Lunch is served on board
• 1:45 pm Ele'ele Bay
• 2:45 pm Kumu's teaching Ho’oponopono ~ Kukuiolono Park (2 pohakus) ~ to
Reclaim your Divine Birthright ~ Oli chanting ceremony E ho Mai
• 5:00 pm Menehune Fishpond ~ Oli chanting ceremony E ho Mai
• 6:00 pm Kilohana Plantation
• 6:30 pm Dinner (own) at Gaylords Restaurant at Kilohana Plantation

9 - `eiwa
Sacred Journey Itinerary – cont’d

Saturday, August 24 - Day 4

• 7:00 am Breakfast (own)

• 8:30 am meet for pick up at hotel/condo
• Sacred Ceremony ~ Opening Oli chant E ho Mai
• 9:00 am Kumu's Teaching Ho’oponopono ~ Breath of HA ~ Anahola - Womens'
• 12:00 pm Lunch (own) at Common Ground's Garden Café
• 2:00 pm Kilauea Lighthouse
• 3:00 pm Hanalei Bay/Pier
• 3:45 pm Hanalei Town Shopping (own)
• 5:45 pm Sunset Cocktails (non-alcoholic) and Dinner (own) at 7:00pm at St. Regis
Hotel Makana Terrace, overlooking Hanalei Bay
• 9:00 pm back at hotel/condo

10- `umi
Sacred Journey Itinerary – cont’d

Sunday, August 25 - Day 5

• 7:00 am Breakfast (own)

• 8:30 am meet for pick up for South Shore visit (entire day)
• Sacred Ceremony Oli & Sound Vibrational Healing ~ E ho Mai
• Kumu’s teaching Ho’oponopono ~ Meditation
• Makauwahi Sinkhole - short hike (views of Maha'ulepu)
• Short hike to Shipwreck's Bluff
• 12:30 pm Picnic Lunch at Shipwreck's Beach Park
• Spouting Horn, National Tropical Botanical Garden Visitor Center
• Prince Kuhio Park
• 4:30 pm Orchid Garden at Plantation Gardens
• 6:00 pm Dinner (own) at the Plantation Gardens
• 8:30 pm back at hotel/condo

11 - `umi kūmākahi
Sacred Journey Itinerary – cont’d

Monday, August 26th - Day 6 –

Tuesday, August 27th - Day 7 ~ Two days of Self-Love

• 7:00 am Breakfast (own)

• 8:30 am ~ meet for pick up
• Sacred Ceremony ~ Oli chant E ho Mai
• 10:00 am – Ancient Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Lapa’au, steam sauna Puloulou, salt scrub
Paakai La’au Lapa’au, at Aunty Angeline's Mu'olaulani
• a maximum of 10-15 persons per day at the spa
• picnic Lunches will be provided
• Kumu’s teaching outdoors ~ Sacred Ceremony, Breath of HA, Ho’omanamailoa
• Snorkeling, sunbathing, relaxing
• 5:00 pm back at hotel/condo
• Rest early, dinner early and
• Drink lots of water

Day 6
• 7:00 pm Dinner (own) – Shivalik
Indian Restaurant (Kapa’a)
Day 7 Closing Dinner for 7-day Retreat
• 7:00 pm Dinner at Oasis Restaurant
at Waipouli Beach Resort

12 - `umikūmālua
Sacred Journey Itinerary – cont’d

Wednesday, August 28 - Day 8

Tani ta wai’ola

• 7:00 am Breakfast (own)

• 9:00 am meet for pick up at hotel/condo
• Kalihiwai Ocean and Waterfall Adventure
• Hiking, snorkeling, swimming, relaxing
• Picnic Lunch provided
• 5:00 pm back at hotel/condo
• free time in the evening
• Dinner (own)

13 - `umikūmākolu
Sacred Journey Itinerary – cont’d

Thursday, August 29 - Day 9

• 7:00 am Breakfast (own)

• 8:15 am meet for pick up at hotel/condo
• Waimea Canyon/Koke'e
• Picnic Lunch
• Pihea Trail hike to Kalalau Lookout
• 6:00 pm Dinner (own) at Hanapepe Town
• 8:30 pm back at hotel/condo
• Time to relax, meditate,
reflection, journaling

* Kumu’s teaching the OLI Chant

Sound & Vibrational Healing

14 - `umikūmāhā
Sacred Journey Itinerary – cont’d

Friday, August 30 - Day 10

• 7:00 am Breakfast (own)

• 8:30 am meet for pick up at hotel/condo
• North Shore Tour
• Tunnels Beach, Limahuli Valley Garden Tour
• Waikanaloa Wet Cave, Waikapalae/Blue room Wet Cave
• Picnic Lunch
• Kumu's Teaching (open air) ~ Heiau 'o Laka
• Short Walk along Ke'e Beach
• 2:45 pm leave from Ke’e Beach back to hotel/condo
• 4:45 pm meet for pick up at hotel/condo for Lu’au
• 5:00 pm arrive at Kalamaku Lu’au
• CLOSING Dinner at Lu’au Kalamaku
• 10:00 pm back at hotel/condo

15 - `umikūmālima
Our Spiritual Adventure Guides

Kaua'i Quest hike to participants of the Sacred Retreat (add-on event after retreat):

Hiking up in the Waimea Canyon area, visiting waterfalls and enjoying amazing
vistas where one can meditate and be at peace. Lunch will be served along with
Danny's Cacao Treats.

Date: Saturday, August 31

Cost: $100 per person
Time: 8:30 am pick-up and return to hotel at 6:00 pm (unless we decide to stop
for dinner on the way back)

Email Danny at or call 808-634-3753 to reserve your spot.

Please visit our website at:


16 - `umikūmāono
KAUAI CALLS ~ LEMURIA ~ MU ~ Ho'Ola 'Ike Ho'oponopono
The Journey of a HAKU

• Email
• Early Bird Registration $3,595.00 by March 15th, 2013
• After March 15th, 2013 is 10-day retreat $3,895.00; 7-day retreat $3,595.00
• Deposit is Non Refundable: $500 to hold your space (until April 15th, 2013)
• 50% by April 15th, 2013 and
• Balance is Due May 15th, 2013 … FULL COMMITMENT ONLY (maximum 30)
• Cashier’s Check: Ka Leo 'O Na Kahuna Lapa'au 'O Hawai'i ~ Hale 'O Lono.Org
• Mail to: P.O. Box 1137, Volcano, Hawai’i 96785
• (808) 961-3118 or (808) 967-7781 or in case of emergency: call cell (808) 333-7914

Included in Fee.
• Vortex/Sacred sites group transportation
• Complete Ho’oponopono Level 1 Trainings from sacred heiau temples
• Dolphin Energy- Self Love ~ Breath of HA
• 2 Luaus (dinner & show), Fern Grotto boat ride
• All picnic lunches included, closing dinner party pupus (apetizers)
• Ancient Hawaiian Key Scrolls DVD - download

Excluded from Fee.

• Own Hotel/Condo accommodations, Ground Transportation (outside of tours)
• meals (breakfast & dinner)
• Catamaran Sailing on the Na Pali Coast – snorkel, mask, fins included (approx $125
per person)
• snorkel, mask & fins rental - Snorkel Bob
• Limahuli Valley Garden Tour ($15/person)
• Chant CDs, Alternative healing modalities, Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Salt Scrubs
17 - `umikūmāhiku

For SPECIAL DEALS on flights,

hotels and car rental, go to

Kauai Resort | Courtyard by Marriott Kauai at Coconut Beach
Get away to one of the most comfortable Kapaa resorts
Located on Coconut Beach ~ 650 Aleka Loop, Kapaa, HI 96746 ~ (800) 321-2211


Waipouli Beach Resort & Spa Kapa’a, HI ~ our location site.
Contact Candace to set up reservations directly

18 - `umikūmāwalu
Please email:

This is a Continuing Teacher Training Course

The Journey to Become the "HAKU“
19 - `umikūmāiwa
Chants (Oli)
E Iho Ana
Adapted from Hawaiian Antiquities by David Malo

(chanted 3 times)
E iho ana o luna
E pi`i ana o lalo
E huli ana na moku
E ku ana ka paia

The high will be brought low

The low will be lifted up
The islands will be united
The walls shall stand upright

E Ala E

By Pualani Kanahele
(chanted before sunrise)
E ala e
Ka la i kahikina
I ka moana
Ka moana hohonu
Pi’i ka lewa
Ka lewa nu’u
I kahikina
Aia ka la.
E ala e!

The sun in the east
From the ocean
The ocean deep
Climbing (to) the heaven
The heaven highest
In the east
There is the sun

20 - iwakālua

Table of Contents
1 - `ekahi Chants Oli ~ Na Aumakua
2 - `elua A Message from a Peace Warrior Princess

3 - `ekolu Our Haku’s: Kahuna Lapa’au, Shaman and Kauka (doctors)

4 – `ehā ‘The Journey of a Haku’ Papa Hana, Na Kahuna

5- `elima Return of I’o and the Rising of MU (Lemuria)

6 - `eono E Ho’ola A Lahui I Ta Pu’uwai ‘Ola O’Hawai’I Ta Honua

7 - `ehiku
Sacred Journey Begins … Opening Night and Orientation
Day 1: Aug 21 ~ Hikinaakala Heiau, Hauola, Fern Grotto, Smith’s Lu’au

8 - `ewalu
Day 2: Aug 22 ~ Holoholoku heiau, Wailua Falls, Keahua Arboretum
9 - `eiwa Day 3: Aug 23 ~ NA PALI Coast Sailing, Menehune Fish Pond

10- `umi Day 4: Aug 24 ~ Hanalei Bay, Kilauea Lighthouse

11 - `umi kūmākahi Day 5: Aug 25 ~ South Shore~ Makauwai Sinkhole, Shipwreck Beach
12 - `umikūmālua Day 6-7: Aug 26-27~ Self-Love Days, Day 7 Closing Dinner (7-day)

13 - `umikūmākolu Day 8: Aug 28 ~ Ocean Waterfall Adventure

14 - `umikūmāhā Day 9 (Aug 29) ~ Waimea Canyon, Kalalau Lookout

15 - `umikūmālima Day 10 (Aug 30) ~ Limahuli Garden, Ke’e Beach, Lu’au Kalamaku

16 - `umikūmāono Kaua’i Quest ~ Our Spiritual Adventure Guides

17 - `umikūmāhiku REGISTRATION
18 - `umikūmāwalu Hotel and Condo Accommodations

19 - `umikūmāiwa Kumu’s Chant DVDs

20 - iwakālua Chants Oli ~ E Iho Ana, E Ela E

21-iwakāluakūmākahi Map of Kaua’i

22 - iwakāluakūmālua Chant Oli ~ E Ho Mai, Chant from the Kumulipo

Chants (Oli)
E Ho Mai *

(chanted 3 times)
E ho mai i ka ‘ike mai luna mai e
O na mea huna no’eau e ho’ola mai e
E ho mai, e ho mai, e ho mai e

Grant us knowledge from above

The things of knowledge hidden in the chants
Grant us these things

* This is a learning OLI which we will be chanting at the heiaus.

Chant from the Kumulipo

(Prologue to the Night World)

O ke au, i kahuli wela ka honua

O ke au, i kahuli lole ka lani
O ke au i kuka’ia ka la
E ho’omalamalama i ka malama
O ke au i Makali’i i ka po
O ka Walewale ho’okumu honua ia
O ke kumu o ka lipo i lipo ai
O ke kumu o ka po i po ai
O ka lipo o ka la, o ka lipo o ka po
Po wale ho’i
Hanau o ka po.
At the time that turned the heat of the earth
At the time when the heavens turned and changed
At the time when the light of the sun was subdued.
To cause light to break forth.
At the time of the night of Makali’i (winter)
Then began the slime which established the earth.
The source of deepest darkness.
Of the darkness of the sun, in the depth of darkness,
Of the darkness of the sun, in the depth of night.
It is night. So was night born.

22 - iwakāluakūmālua

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