Ingles 2

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AÑO ESCOLAR 2007-2008


As a student, you are a very special person because in the future you will be an important person for your
community and for your country. What you do now will have a great influence on what you can achieve and be in
the future. Not every knows or has the vital skills needed to be a successful student, but as they are abilities, they
can be learned through practice. As you master them, you will see how they will help you to work more efficiently,
be more successful in your studies and in the end, get better grades.

In general, there are seven major skills or abilities that all experts agree successful students need to practice and

1. Enthusiasm
2. Character
3. Responsibility
4. Honesty
5. Discipline
6. Organization
7. Persistence

There are other abilities, which are also helpful like being a good friend, being considerate, and having a sense of
humor. Can you think of other abilities that may be important and should be added to our list?

When we talk about these abilities, it is a good idea to discuss them since you want to be sure you understand the
meaning of each. The first ability that is on our list is enthusiasm. Being enthusiastic in what you do. An
enthusiastic person is one who likes what he/she does and has a strong feeling of excitement when doing it. It is
very true that students are usually very good in the subjects that they like and enjoy, and less efficient in those that
they do not like. Are you enthusiastic about all of your university subjects? Which are the one you like the best?
Which are the ones that you feel less enthusiastic about, or don’t like?

To have character means that you have strong beliefs and are firm in what you want, say, believe and do. This is
especially true when a student says that he thinks cheating is wrong and will not stand for it. Do you think it is good
to have character?

Another skill that experts believe is very important is to be responsible. As a student or worker, this implies that you
will always do whatever you have to do, and that you are going to do it right, neatly, and correctly from the very
beginning. How else do you think we can demonstrate that we are responsible students?

An ability that is closely related with being trustworthy (a person that you can trust) is honesty. An honest student is
one who knows the importance of doing one’s own work always. An honest student knows that his/her name is very,
very important and that it represents him/her and what he/she is. His/her name in any paper is saying this so-and-so;
he/she is honest, trustworthy, etc. Ask yourself, is my name important? What does it represent to me and what can it
represent to others?

Discipline is another ability. A disciplined student is one who is able to train and control him/herself in order to do
what he/she has to do, in his/her subjects as well as in any sport or activity. Another ability that is closely related to
discipline is that of being organized. An organized student must organize his/her time, activities, and all that he/she
has. Many experts say that there is a time and place for everything. Do you agree?

The last of the seven major traits that a student needs is persistency. A persistent student is firm in his/her actions or
activities and does not easily give up what he wants or is doing until he obtains the desired results. As you try to
develop these qualities, you will see that they can help you to be a successful student today a successful person in
the future. Remember that “Total Success is an Achievable Goal”- Zig Ziegler.

Text taken from: Pous, D. (1996). Reach Out # 6. Mexico: McGraw Hill. No. total de palabras: 658
Izquierdo, E (2007)

Selecciona un texto escrito originalmente en inglés que tenga una longitud aproximada de una (1)
página o dos (2) máximo. Escoge un texto relacionado con tu área de estudio, es decir, con el área de
Educación. Una vez con el texto a la mano realiza una por una y en el orden establecido las siguientes
actividades. No pases a la siguiente actividad si no has terminado la anterior.

1. Cuenta cuántas palabras tiene el texto desde el título hasta el punto final, eso incluye: sustantivos,
adjetivos, verbos, adverbios, pronombres, artículos, preposiciones y conjunciones. Anota ese
número en el extremo superior derecho de la hoja. Por ejemplo:

Total de palabras del texto: 658

2. Ahora, lee cuidadosamente todo el texto si detenerte en palabras que no conozcas. NO te detengas
a buscar palabras en el diccionario. Si quieres aprender a dominar la lectura en inglés, debes hacer
un esfuerzo sincero y evitar la tentación de usar el diccionario mientras desarrollas esta unidad.
3. Una vez leído el texto y con un marcador fluorescente, resalta todas las palabras cognadas que
encuentres. Identifícalas todas, aunque éstas se repitan. Revisa todo el texto nuevamente para
asegurarte que no se te escapó ninguna.
4. Ahora, cuenta cuántas palabras cognadas tiene el texto que escogiste. Suma todas las palabras
aunque se repitan. Coloca ese número en el extremo superior derecho debajo del que ya habías
escrito y calcula el porcentaje que representa en función del número total de palabras. El
porcentaje de palabras cognadas te da una referencia de cuánto vocabulario puedes controlar. Por

Total de palabras del texto: 658

Palabras cognadas: 300
Porcentaje de palabras cognadas: 45,6 %

5. Con un marcador fluorescente de otro color, resalta aquellas palabras en inglés que no sean
palabras cognadas cuyos significados conozcas en español. NO marques palabras cuyos
significados desconoces o se te olvidaron y tampoco las busques en el diccionario. Recuerda que
debes incluir sustantivos, adjetivos, verbos, adverbios, pronombres, artículos, preposiciones y
6. Luego, cuenta cuántas palabras no cognadas resaltaste y súmalas con las palabras cognadas que
marcaste, eso te dará el total de palabras que puedes controlar sin necesidad de buscar en el
diccionario. Recuerda que debes contarlas tantas veces aparezcan. Escribe el total en el extremo
superior derecho del texto y calcula qué porcentaje representa en función del total. Por ejemplo:

Total de palabras del texto (100%): 658

Total de palabras cognadas: 300
Porcentaje de palabras cognadas: 45,6%
Palabras no cognadas cuyos significados conozco: 120
Porcentaje de palabras no cognadas: 18,2%
Total de palabras que puedo controlar: 63,8%

Izquierdo, E (2007)
FELICITACIONES !!! Como puedes observar conoces mucho más palabras de las que pensabas y
están a la vista. Este ejercicio lo puedes hacer cuantas veces lo desees con otros textos.


Ahora, sin hacer uso del diccionario, y a partir de todas las palabras cognadas y palabras cuyo significado
ya conocías, escribe en español:

1. Tema o tópico del texto: _________________________________________________________

2. Tres (3) oraciones que consideres de mayor importancia dentro del texto:


3. Idea o argumento central del texto:



Izquierdo, E (2007)

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