Un Conditional Surrender

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Unconditional Surrender!

By Lloyd Hart

“Unconditional surrender!” declared President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, on the final day of the Allies
conference in Casablanca on January 23, 1943. The same day my father marched into Tripoli with
General Montgomery as a junior officer in the general's radar crew, on the verge of totally defeating
Rommel in North Africa and the same moment General Eisenhower was named Supreme Commander
of the Unified African Allied Forces. The declaration that the Allies would only accept an unconditional
surrender from the Axis powers, contrary to the postwar narratives. From FDR attempting to “mollify
Stalin” who wanted the Americans and British to invade Europe to open a second front to FDR himself,
saying that he was reminded of “Old unconditional surrender, General Grant.” Claiming he said it
inspirationally, yet it became the tragic policy of the nuclear destruction of two Japanese cities and the
division of Germany into two separate nations, even chopping Berlin in two. Many more lives were lost
on both sides as a result of the demand of “Unconditional Surrendder!”

Joseph Stalin was conspicuously absent from the Casablanca conference, with the Allies telling the
press, at the time, that Stalin was too enthralled with the success of throwing back the Germans from
Leningrad and Stalingrad to attend. I have always had trouble with the timing of this decision. It came
immediately after the Soviets had successfully pushed the Germans back at Leningrad and at Stalingrad
and were punching holes in and all along the contact line with the Germans. The Soviets had
momentum and FDR knew it. It is my opinion that FDR made this declaration of unconditional
surrender in order to allow America's proxy army, the Germans, the ability and time to build a front
against Soviet forces occupying Germany, which would in turn, give the Americans time to get to
Berlin first, as the real war was against the Soviet Union and not Germany, at least for the British and
the Americans.

Unconditional surrender meant that the Germans and Japanese would fortify and fight for every inch of
their sovereign land, to prevent destruction of not only their army but also prevent the destruction of
their culture and society. Joseph Goebbels would tell the German people that unconditional surrender
meant their enslavement.

Prime Minister Winston Churchill himself was opposed to the policy for the simple fact that he knew
the Germans we're fighting for the European and American industrialists who financed the Germans
into the Nazi army they launched in 1939, to primarily destroy communism and the Soviet Union and
felt they should be allowed to keep their territorial sovereignty. But Roosevelt convinced Churchill that
because of the German loss of Stalingrad and that capturing the oil fields in Baku, that the Germans
would later hand over to the British and Americans, was no longer an option. The project to destroy the
Soviet Union had failed and the Americans were more concerned with preserving as much of Western
Europe, as they, could keep out of the Soviet Union's occupation of Eastern Europe.

Recently, the Americans have made the same declaration, not using the same words but basically
having the same meaning. The words being used by the Americans and the Ukrainians were that
negotiations will only be possible upon “Ukraine's Victory” of pushing the Russians out the Luhansk,
Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Kherson and Crimea regions. However, because that window has been
slammed shut by Russian forces, Condoleezza Rice and Robert Gates have now come out and stated
that the Russians can keep the land that Russian forces now occupy in those regions exactly the same
way the Americans had to accept the Warsaw Pact.
The fact that the Americans and the Ukrainians declared in unison that there could be no negotiations
until Russian forces left the so-called captured territories and returned to pre-2014 borders with
Ukraine proves to me that “Unconditional surrender” has always been America's policy, at least, since
it's Civil War. The striking difference this time round, is that the policy is being used against Russia
when it is simply mathematically impossible for Ukraine to win a territorial war with Russia. And now
that Condoleezza Rice and Robert Gates, both high ranking officials in the George W. Bush
administration, who followed up on President Bill Clinton's radical expansion of NATO to Russia's
borders by launching the 2004 orange revolution in the Ukraine using the same Nazis Obama used
later, are offering the territories Russia has captured, to Russia. Negotiating with Russia through the
press, talking past Zelensky, the same way President Truman talked past the post war Western
European leaders, creating the Cold War. The Americans and Europeans are now attempting to save as
much of the Ukraine as possible for their collective exploitation. With the Black Rock private
investment firm gathering a 750 billion dollar Ukraine rebuilding fund along with the “Lend/Lease”
policy, is the same piling on of debt America piled on all of Western Europe for the WWI and WWII
war effort, with America becoming Western Europe's biggest creditor. Exactly JP Morgan's goal with
WWI finally succeeded.

The unconditional surrender mentality coming out of Washington since 2014 and really since before
my Latvian grandfather fought with the US financed and armed White Russians against the Bolsheviks
in 1919, has slaughtered millions in it's path. But now Washington have met their match in the Russians
and the Russians are not backing down and are now advancing through broken Ukrainian lines, every
hour of every day.

We can only hope that Western European populations along with the American population, rids us of
these imperialist fanatics who think it's possible to rule the whole world from one capital. Americans
talk about Franklin Delano Roosevelt as if he were some great man who walked on water for the
American people when in fact, the ruling class oligarchy Roosevelt belonged to, manufactured both
World War I and World War II into place in order to sink Europe into American debt. Henry Ford gave
Hitler 20 million dollars and industrial cooperation in Ford's German factories. So to did GM. Ford
bought a news paper just so he rage against the Jewish populations in America. IBM provided punch
cards for the Hollerith punchcard computing systems sold to the Nazi death camps. This is where the
numbered tattoo on the arms of Jews came from, IBM. IBM counted the European Jews by wining
most of the census counts for European countries in the 1930s. The only ethnic question on the census
questionnaire was “Are you Jewish?” Knowing exactly where the Jews were located made it so much
easier for the Nazis to round them up, once the Nazis captured Europe with very little resistance from
the British. George W Bush's Grandfather, Prescott Bush, supplied the Nazis with Versailles treaty
banned armament metals, a ban that was supposed to prevent Germany from building another army,
through Brown Brother and Harriman up until the end of 1942 when it was quietly shut down by
Roosevelt. Prescott Bush was awarded with a senate seat after the war.

In the end the Americans will demand negotiations in an attempt to save face as a result of the
Americans incredible failure in the Ukraine. The Americans will attempt to put as many conditions on
the table as they can and will be begging and threatening behind the scenes to get what they want but
they will get nothing from Russia except a neutral, unarmed and de-nazified Ukraine. There will be no
unconditional surrender except for the American's in the Ukraine.

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