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TO THE TOP 1- TEST 1 Test 1 - Module 1 Vocabulary A. Write the words under the correct heading. Gymnastics thirty board History fifty Geography pink tennis white ruler oT NUMBERS ea Bes Poa Ens score] ]10 B, Write the country or the nationality. C. Circle the correct words. 4..1'm good at football. 'm in the school fend fama fan I team. i ———t$+—_§_———_ 2. Good morning / evening! It's Zam. Maly |__| 3. a: Who's that man / woman over there? China B: That's Mrs Jones. She's a new Brazilian teacher. ‘American 4. A: What's the address / time? B: It's midnight. ‘SCORE 5 ‘SCORE 4 D. Look at the clocks and write the time. score] ] 5 Copyright © 2011 MM Publications TO THE TOP 1- TEST 1 Communication 4. Where’s Mark from? a. Mexican b. Year 9, ©. The UK, 2, What's your favourite subject? a. Science b. The Science teacher. _¢, Football 3. Hi, Jane. How are you? a. Nice to meet you. b. Not bad ¢. That's right 4. Goodbye! a. Thanks! b. See you later! ©. And you? 5. Is Debbie good at English? a. No, she’s from Australia, b. Yes, she's a great player. _¢, No, she isnt ‘SCORE Grammar ‘A. Complete the questions with Who, What, Where or How. 1 year are you in? Year 10. 2 ‘s your favourite teacher? Mrs Carlson. 3. old is Betty? Twelve. 4. sport are you good at? Volleyball 5. fare you from? Ireland ‘SCORE 6. 's your best fend? Bil B. Complete with the correct form of the verb be. 4. Mary and | classmates. We in year 9, 2A: John from Egypt? B: No, he. He. from Spain B.A: you good at tennis? B: No, | My favourite sport basketball 4, Ted and Carol good at Maths. They're good at History. ‘SCORE Copyright © 2011 MM Publications TO THE TOP 1- TEST 1 Listening Listen to two dialogues and complete the forms. 2. FIRST NAME Manuel FIRST NAME Rosalind SURNAME = Lolas SURNAME NATIONALITY. NATIONALITY_ YEAR YEAR 8 SCORE 8 Reading Read the text and write T for True or F for False. Dear Kelly, Hil How are you? Thanks for your letter. My new school is great and my new classmates are great, too. My best friend’s name is Rosa. She's Spanish. She's from Barcelona. She’s very good at volleyball and she's in the school team. I'm a big basketball fan and I'm in the basketball team. Mrs Diego is my new Geography teacher and she’s Spanish, too, Geography isn't my favourite subject but she's a great teacher. My favourite subject is Spanish. That's right! | speak Spanish, too, Love, Naney 4. Naney and Rosa are best friends, 2. Rosa's very good at basketball. 3. Rosa and Mrs Diego are from Spain 4, Nancy's favourite subject is Geography. score] | 8 Copyright © 2011 MM Publications TO THE TOP 1- TEST 1 Writing Complete the form about yourself. Then, write sentences about yourself. First name: ‘Surame: Nationality Age: ‘School year: Favourite sport: Copyright © 2011 MM Publications score] 10 TOTAL 70 ‘SCORE

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