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fe jyyen te chuyer SAU Eee Ncuven’ Gc PHAP aT VUNG ! TIENG ANH > Bign soan theo sich gio khoa tiéng Anh GLOBAL SUCCESS Lép > Bai tap da dang, bém sét chuong tinh co ban & ning cao > Kin thiic ngd php dug trinh bay t mi & a8 higu > He théng ti vung da dang, chuyén séu véinhigu hinh anh NHA XUAT BAN BAI HOC QUOC GIA HA NOI ngit phép & tir weng (UTA ARUS top 1 Luygn chuyén séu MUE LUE LOIMG Dau ... UNIT 1: LEISURE TIME. UNIT 2: LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE .. UNIT 3: TEENAGERS... UNIT 4: ETHNIC GROUPS OF VIET NAM UNIT 5: OUR CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS.......ssssssssessssecesssses UNIT 6: LIFESTYLES .... cy 4 | minhthangbooks - chuyén sich tiéng Anh al Unit LEISURE TIME Se =. Words | Pronunciation c balance (n) “/belons/ ——_ swreain biing, sy thing bing | E.g: The balance is very important in our life. | Su can bang | la rat quan trong trong cue song cua ching t fa. “bracelet (n) breislot/ vong deo tay he likes this bracelet so much. Cé ay rat thich chiéc vong deo tay nay. “crazy (adj) Ukrewzi/ id rat thich, qué dam mé | | E.g: He is quite crazy on this robot. Anh ta ‘eel (adj) Pkru:al/ | be ae | E.g: In this situation, she is very cruel. | Trong tinh huéng nay, c6 dy dai rat déc de. | ae a ‘detest (v) /ar'test/ “cam ghét | | [Es She detests doing ho k C6 ir ghét lam viéc nha. di: at ‘wai/ | hoat d6ng tu 1am ra, stra chita hoac [IY (dovityourse (a) “(dus it ja'selt) | trang tr dB vat tai nha E.g: His favourite leisure activity is DIY. | Hoat d6ng ua thich trong gio ranh réi ctia a.anh & iy ls ne trang ri dy vat trong nha. | ‘fa fancy (v) / feensi/ | mén, thich | E.g: They fancy dancing and listening to music. Ho thich hay va nghe nhac. | i (v) | Moold! gdp, gdp E.g: She spends two hours folding paper every day. | ay dé gap gic C6 dy danh hai tiéng déng hé méi cS 6 | minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh keep in touch (v) iv) a | méa, thie thich [fond (vy) /fond/ : “Eg: They are fond of performing folk dances. Ho thich biéu dién ede digu nhaiy din gian, ‘keen (adj) E.g: Jenny is keen on drawing the portrait. Jenny rat rat thich vé tranh chan dung. | Iki :p in tatf/ E.g: We always keep in touch together although we are away together. __Chiing 165 luén git lién lac voi nhau mac dit ching “kit (n) (Natl E.g: He wants to find a craft kit. Anh ta muén tim 1 b6 do nghé thi cong. a leso/ leisure (n) E.g: He always helps the homeless people in his leisure time. Anh ta lun gitip dé nhing ngudi v6 gia cu trong thoi, _muscle (n) origami (n) message (Vv) | P'mesids/ E.g: They always message about their situation together. Ho luén giti tin nhdn vé tinh hinh ctia ho cho nhau co bip /'masl/ E.g: They always do exercise to develop a Ho luén ‘6p thé duc dé phat trién co bap ¢ cua ho. | gitt ign lac voi b6 dé nghé | thoi gan ranh ri roi 161 6xa xa nhau. ian ranh roi biét. “pri ga:mi/ E.g: Mary often spends her free time practising origami. Mary turong xuyén danh thoi gidn ranh ctia c6 dy uat gap gidy Nhat Ban luyén gap gidy. outdoors (adv) ‘Laut’ do:z/ “ngoai trai _ Tom and Peter always play outdoors sports. Tomy va Peter luon luén choi cdc mén thé dl thao ngodi tri. Unit 1: LEISURE TIME | 7 42a. Luyén chuyén sdu ngi php & tir wng (TAMER YAY tap 1 prefer (v) ipri'f3:/ thich hon E.g: They prefer folk dances. Ho thich cdc cde digu nhay dan gian hon. puzzle (n) |/"pazl/ trd choi cau Eg: Her students always play puzzle games at break time, Hoc sinh ctia c6 ay thong choi tré giai do trong gio nghi giai lao. | [resort (n) In' khu nghi duéng | E.g: Their parents spent their holiday in Ninh Binh resort. |___Bé me ho da danh thoi gian nghi ciia ho tai khu nghi dedng Ninh Binh. | snowboarding (n) /'snoubo:din/ tmugt tuyét bang van lz, .g: He likes snowboarding in the winter. Anh ta thich tricot tuyét vao mita dong. in feip/ E.g: Nowadays, almost girls want to stay in shape. Ngay nay, hét cdc c6 gai déu mudn gitt dang. WORD FORMATION Words Related words | Transcription | Meaning adore(y) | adorable (adj) /o'doirabl/_| dng yéu, dang quy mén | | yeu thi, say | adorably (adv) | /o'dorabli/ ding y mé adoration (n) | /,aeda'reyjn/ | sy kinh yéu, quy | addict (n) Pedy | RSUOi nghign, ngudi say | addicted (adj) ‘| iE nghién addiction (n) | /o'dikjn’ | thoi nghién addictive (adj) | /e'diktwv/ | cé thé gay nghign crazy (adj) | eraziness(n) | /’kreizinos/ | sy say mé, sit dién dai | ee | crazily (adv) | Pkrexzuli/ [eutns say mé, dién cS 8 | minhthangbooks - chuyén stich tiéng Anh communication (n) | /ko,mju:nrkeyfi | sur giao tg : communicate | communicative we dé lan truyén, coi mo, dé " {ko'mju:nikertrv/ () (adj) iao tig 7 an ti ji Bam? | communicant (i) nt) pee ae javatin | preferable (adi) | /‘prefrobly __ ttichhon, duge ua chudng prefer(v) ——r—~—sS thich hon preferably (adv) | /‘prefrabli/ tt nhét la | preference (n) | /'preforans/ sé thich, sur wa thich hon satisfy (v) /'seotisfai/ | lam hai long, lam théa main Y — | satisfied (adj) | satisfactory (adj) | / sees’ fektori/ | vita y, thoa ding | hai long : /seetis'feekfn/ | su thod man, su toai satisfaction a nguyén So snowboard(n) | /‘snoubo:rd/ | cai van trugt trugt tuyét a tive vin, SHowboarder(n) | /'snavbo:do(t)/ | ngudi trrgt van | socialization (n) | /,sovfalar’zerfn/ : ‘ali - . i vé 4 socialise (¥) | ccialite (a) | /'soufolant/ | BUSH 06 vai vé trong xa giao tiép dé tao oe “__hdi, ngudi giao thigp rng méi quan hi i a nghi: quan ng | ccialst (n) a =—rrr—ses—— l GRAMMAR 1. Verbs of liking/di ing - Cac dng tir chi sw yéu thich/ghét. Dui day la mOt sé dong tie chi} thich, duge sdp xép tic trén xuong duéi theo mite d@ yéu thich gidm dan, - adore (v): yéu thich, say mé - love (v): yéu - like/ enjoy/ fancy (v): thich - don't mind (v): khéng phién Unit 1: LEISURE TIME | 9 £ Luygn chuyén sdu ng php & tir wg (UTIL) tap 1 - dislike/ don’t like (v): khéng thich ~ hate (v): ghét - detest (v): ghét cay ghét ding 2. Verbs of liking + V-ing - Cac d6ng tir chi y thich theo sau béi V-ing. - Adore: E.g: Ladore listening to K-pop. (Téi say mé nhac Han Quéc.) My younger sister adores dancing. (Em gai ctia 16i say mé khiéu vii.) - Enjoy: E.g: Do you enjoy listening to music? (Cau cé thich nghe nhac khong?) T enjoy taking photos. (76i thich chup anh.) - Fancy: E.g: Does she fancy doing DIY? (C6 dy c6 thich lim céic die dn ca nhan kh6ng?) She fancies doing gardening. (Cé dy yéu thich lam vueén.) - Don't mind: E.g: | don't mind cleaning. (T6i khong phién lau don.) Do you mind taking off your shoes? (Ban cé phién cdi giay ra khong?) - Detest: E.g: | detest staying at home alone. (Ti ghét cay ghét dang phai & nha mét minh.) I detest going out in the cold weather. (Téi ghét cay ghét ding phai ra ngoai vio thai tiét lanh.) 3. Verbs of liking + V-ing/ to V infinitive — MOt sb dOng tir theo sau béi ca V-ing va to V. - Like: Eg: | like listening to music./ I like to listen to music. (Téi thich nghe nhac.) He likes reading books./ He likes to read books. (Anh dy thich doc stich.) - Love: E.g:My mother loves watching TV./ My mother loves to watch TV. (Me ctia t6i thich xem TV.) I love walking to school./ I love to walk to school. (T6i thich di b6 toi trvdng.) cy 10 | minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh - Hate: E.g: [hate eating out./ I hate to eat out. (Téi ghét di dn ngoai hang.) My sister hates playing basketball because she is too short./ My sister hates to play basketball because she is too short. (Chi gai ctia t6i ghét choi béng ré bai vi chi dy qué thdp,) - Prefer: E.g: | prefer going to the cinema./ I prefer to go to the cinema. (T6i thich di xem phim hon.) She prefers walking./ She prefers to walk. (C6 dy thich di b6 hon.) ‘Au tric khac ndi vé sy yéu thich 4. References — MO - MOtsé cau tric ma ngudi ban ngit thong ding khi néi thich mot diéu gi dé thay vi lip di lp lai I like/ I love. * Lam quite into + V-ing/ something: 16i thich Lim gi/ cai gi. E.g: lam quite into playing football — I get very excited about it. * Tama big fan of + V-ing/ something: tdi la ngudi ham m9 lam gi/viéc gi. E.g: Lam a big fan of horror movies. (Téi cue ky thich phim kinh di.) She is a big fan of pop music. (Cé dy v6 cling thich nhac pop.) * Tobe interested in + V-ing: quan tam, yéu thich lam gi E.g: | am interested in taking photos. (T6i thich chup anh.) Are you interested in reading books? (Ban thich doc stich &?) * Tobe addicted to + V-ing: nghién cai gi/ lam gi E.g: He is addicted to playing computer games. (Anh dy nghién choi game.) My younger brother is addicted to watching TV. (Em trai tdi nghién xem tivi.) * Tobe hooked on something/ V-ing something: bj mé hodc bai thit gi E.g: She is hooked on going shopping. (C6 dy mé mua sam.) * Tobe keen on V-ing/something: say mé, yéu thich diéu gi E.g: She is keen on doing DIY. (Cé dy thich edie hoat déng te lam.) Tam really keen on going to eat in Thai restaurant. Thai food is very delicious. (T6i thich &n 6 nha hang Thai. Do an Thai rat ngon.) é Unit 4: LEISURE TIME | 11 ev Luyén chuyén sdu ngtrphép & tir weng (UANIGREAMOG tp 1 * To be crazy about something/ V-ing something: say mé dieu gi/ lam gi E.g: She is crazy about doing origami. (Cé dy say mé gdp gidy origami.) PRONUNCIATION SOUND /U: 1. Nguyén am dai /u:/ a. Cach phat am |- Méi mo tron, huéng ra ngoai. - MBit lui dura sau vio trong khoang migng. Phia cudng ludi cong, dua Ién cao gin ngac trén, - /u:/ la nguyén am dai. Day thanh rung, luéng hoi di tir phia trong miéng ra ty do khéng bi| can, c6 thé kéo dai. Cae em tip phat Am cae vi dy sau: shoe ful giay blue olu:/ mau xanh lam too /tu:/ "cling fool /fu:V/ ~— ngé ngan pool /pu:l/ a0, bé boi choose ‘juz/ | chon I wo /tu:/ sé hai you fju:/ ban | a, Dau higu nhn biét m /u:/ Déu higu 1: “o” duge phat am 1a /u:/ trong mét vai tir théng dung cé tan cing bang 0 hoc o + phy 4m. do /du:/ lam | move /mu:v/ __ ctr dong | lose Mu:z/ mat, danh mat ct 12 | minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh Dau hig Dau hig Déu higu 5. “ui” duge phat am 1a /u:/ trong mét sé trudng hop. md, md x6a b6, loai bo salute | su chao ming eS Es | __lunacy | /lunesv/ su dién r6 | 1 3: “oo” duge phat am la /u:/. | food | turd’ | 8 an, thye phim too ftu:/ cing pool bé boi tool | 46 ding tooth cai rang goose /gu:s/ conngéng spoon /spu:n/ cai thia | = oe ____ bamboo Dau hiéu 4: “ou” duge phat 4m 1a / u:/ trong mét sé trang hop. group /gru:p/ m6t nhom, mot dam) troupe /tru:p/ ganh hat douche /du:f/ vai hoa sen wounded | /'wu:ndid/ bj thong vét thurong, vét bam tim da re |e bruit tin dén, tiéng dén Unit 1: LEISURE TIME | 13 /dgu:s/ [ nude cét, nude Tkcu:z/ cude di choi trén bién cruiser (krazy | tautuanduong | recruit ‘chat long, long surdé nat, vét tich dd nat 2. Nguyén am ngin /o/ a. Cach phat am “= Moi mé kha tron, hudng ra ngoai, bé hon =] . a v6i am /u:/ Tips rounded (alittle) gx Mat ludi dua kha sau vao trong khoang miéng, khéng sau bang 4m /u:/, Phia cuéng ludi cong, dua 1én cao gan ngac trén, thdp hon am /u:/ mét chat - Nguyén 4m ngan. Day thanh rung, luéng hoi di tir phia trong miéng ra ty do khong bi Cac em tap phat 4m cac vi dy sau: sugar /’fogar! | dung | woman Twome) | __ phuntt should [fod | nén good /gud/ a wolf | Awol ché s6i foot fot/ ban chan cushion | —_/'kofin/ dem E put /pot/ 7 4 cS 14 | minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh b. Dau higu nhdn biét Dau higu 1: “o” duge phat am 1a /o/. wolf a /wolf ché séi woman (women! phy nt Dau higu 2: “oo” duge phat am 1a /o/. book _ fouk/ good /god) || i cook /kok/ | foot /fot! wood | wo E ‘took jtok/ | qua khtr cia take Dau higu 3: “ou” duge phat am la /o/. could ‘kod! 6 thé mod le foe phai, nén would PRACTICE Exercise 1 a. Use single underline with the word containing /u:/ sound and double underline with the word containing /u/ sound. wud) 1. He put salt into the sugar bowl by mistake. . She injured her foot while playing soccer. . He can prove his innocence with the evidence. . We can remove the stain from the carpet using a cleaner. . I could swim when I was a child, but now I've lost my confidence in the water. . You should eat your vegetables to stay healthy. . The sky can turn blue during a clear day. YAwWR YD Unit 1: LEISURE TIME | 15 én Luyén chuyén sdu ngit phap & tir vung (aN NMUPIEY tap 1 8. They can't eat spicy food because of allergies. 9. She can wiggle her loose tooth with her tongue. 10. He can’t eat citrus fruit because of a medical condition. Exercise 1 b. Read the sentences in Exercise 1 aloud and pay attention to the sound /u:/ and /o/. Exercise 2, Divide the words into two columns depending on the pronunciation: fol or ful. book | move | good | lose | look wool blue cook | flute | brutal | foot | lunar wolf | woman tool group took | troupe | bruit | should | fruit | juice Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. paper together keep | freetime | socialize = F a mss == The .....,, between life and work is very important. . His favourite leisure ., _. is DIY. . She spends two hours folding . . every day. . They're content to with a very small circle of people. _ the portrait. in touch together although we are away together. . Jenny is keen on , . We always ..., NAURYNE . They always message about their situation , cy. 16 | minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch ting Anh 8. Mary often spends her _ practising origami. 9. Their parents ... their holiday in Ninh Binh resort. 10. Nowadays, almost girls want to stay ., os playing games =e playing chess | play so Exercise 5. Put the nouns into the correct columns. origami | magazines movies | Dy | | computer games sports — eratts cakes badminton waves books novels crafts TV sports the Intern Unit 1: LEISURE TIME | 17 £p Luyén chuyén su ngir phép & tir wing STOUT UES top 1 Exercise 6. Put the words/ phrase into the correct category. | a comedy, a skill, hanging out, going to the gym, aerobics, collecting books, the news, visiting relatives, a book, a language, a poem, judo, chatting, making | crafts, the newspaper, having meals together, gardening, a musical instrument, | skating, a drama, visiting museums, going to a fashion show, doing DIY { projects, volleyball, texting, a game show - 1. Going to an event/ place 2. Having hobbies 3. Learning something _4. Playing sports 5. Reading | 6. Socializing with friends | 7. Spending time with family ~ 8. Watching TV Exercise 7. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Remember to put it in the correct form. rely socialize adore write | hang out read detest | surf | cS 18 | minhthangbooks - chuyén sach tiéng Anh 1. My brother likes .. . the Internet looking for new music. 2. I dislike .., 3. Josh enjoys ... too much on other people. I want to be independent. with his classmates after school. . novels when we have free time. 4. My sister and I fancy , 5. He's very artistic. He enjoys poems in his free time. 6. Jame _ talking with his neighbors because he finds them annoying. 7. My uncle loves..... .. with other people. He has many friends. 8. Ann. . working with children. She's a teacher. Exercise 8. Fillin each blank with the appropriate form of the word in brackets. 1. The Internet is very , it takes up a lot of our time. (addict) ... with friends and going out at the weekend, (social) (obese) 2. enjoy 3. Sitting in front of the computer too long can cause ... 4. Are you... .. about the new Gears of War games? (excite) 5. She listens to classical music for .. - (relax) .. (consider) 6. The Internet has changed the English language ... 7. She was ... .... With her job and decided to look for a new one. (satisfy) 8. Face to face is better than video calls. (communicate) Exercise 9. Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. My mother likes... . (cook) when she is free. 2. Lama little busy. Would you mind . .. (wait) a little longer? 3. Ihave enjoyed ... ... (meet) you. Hope .... ... (see) you again soon. 4. Linda wants .. .. (learn) Vietnamese because she is interested in ve . (visit) Viet Nam. 5. Tonight I'd like . ... (go) out, but I have to do my homework. 6. My brother enjoys .... .... (visit) the 200. 7. Thate ... (tell) lies because it's very bad. 8. Mobile games are great, but I don’t like . ... (play) them for too long. Unit 1: LEISURE TIME | 19 £p Luyén chuyén séu ngir phdp & tir vung JUSSI MEt DE) tap 1 9. He started .. (surf) yet? 10. John detests .. (surf) the net hours ago. Has he stopped ..... .. (drink) beer. 11. Do you like .. .... (listen) to music? 12. Does Anna fancy... ... (watch) horrible movies? 13. I prefer....... .... (make) crafts to ......... ..-. (draw) a picture. 14. Kate loves . 15. I detest .. (hang out) with her friends on her birthday. _ (cat) fish. Exercise 10, Choose the correct answer among A, B, C, D. 1. Does she fancy ....... ... @ book to the younger children? ‘A. reads B. reading C. to read D. read 2. They enjoy .... ...on Sundays. A. garden B. gardening C. gardened D. gardens 3. They love ... . with their friends, A. eating out —_B. ate out C. having eaten D. to eating out 4. I prefer ., people. A. text B. texting C. texted D. texts 5. They detest... .... 80 early in the morning. A. gettingup —_B. get up. C. to get up D. gets up 6. How much time do you spend .... .. TV every day? A. watch B. to watch C. watching D. in watching 7. Vdhate.. the exams, so I'm doing my best. A. failing B. to fail C. fail D. failed 8. Lalways enjoy .... . to my grandfather. He always tells me great stories. A. to talk B. to talking C. talking D. talk 9, Could you help me . .. the kitchen? It's a real mess! A. tidy B. tidied C. tidying D. on tidying ct 20 | minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh 10. Steven dislikes .. ... SO he usually takes a bus to work. A. drive B. to be driven C. be driven D. driving 11. Jane prefers ... .... an instrument to listening to music. A.playing —_B. play C. to play D. played 12. Marlene can’t wait ... . to the beach again. A. to go B, going C. for going D. go 13. [really regret .., ... this computer ~ It’s useless. A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. for buying 14. Your child needs _ some weight. Tell him ... food and more exercise. .... less junk A. to lose- eat B.tolose-toeat C.losing-toeat —_D. losing - cat 15.1 would love .. . to your party! Thank you for inviting me. A. come B. coming C. to come D. came 16. Mai enjoys ... to music, especially pop music in her free time. A. hearing B. playing C. listening D. talking 17. My grandparents love . .. very much, There are a lot of beautiful flowers and fresh vegetables in their garden. A. doing garden B. doing gardening C. do gardening D. to do garden 18. You should avoid ... too much TY. It's not good for your eyes. A. seeing B. looking C. watching D. glancing 19. Nga likes ... _... with her close friend on Saturday evenings. A. window shop B. window to shop C. window shops D, window shopping 20. Lan used to love . in front of the computer for hours but now she doesn't. She takes part in a judo club. A. using B. sitting C. doing D. having Unit 1: LEISURE TIME | 21 & Luyén chuyén sdu ngir phdp & tir vung LAGI Rei} tap 1 Exercise 11. Choose the underlined part A, B, C or D that needs correcting. 1. Having leisure activities are truly important to the elderly. A B c D Nv Although she wanted to go to the museum, she decided staying at home. A B Cc D 3. Parents are concerned that their kids may be spending too many time on screens. A B c D 4. Collecting coins is exciting, but it can also be re! A ee 5. Cloud watching sound weird, but Hang adores it. A B c D 6. Forsome young people, enjoyment involves sitting in front a computer playing games. A B - D 7. His parents are thinking of banning him on using the computer. A B cD 8. When you play games online, be carefully when making friends with strangers. A B Cc D Exercise 12. Read the following text about jogging and answer the questions. Jogging Jogging not only is a popular outdoor leisure activity but also a daily exercise bringing us health benefits. First, jogging is good for your circulatory. Many studies have shown that those who jog regularly have healthier hearts than those who don't. This means they seldom get diseases involved in the heart. Second, jogging is great for those who want to lose weight. When you jog, your body will use a great number of calories for this activity. This means jogging helps to burn fat stored in your body, especially belly fat. Third, jogging is effective to increase the weight on bones, especially on feet and legs. It means it helps strengthen the bones to carry your body weight easily. Jogging also helps muscles stronger. Also, jogging might prevent us from catching a cold often. Some researchers have found that it helps to strengthen the immune system in the body. So, if we invest time in 22 | minhthangbooks ~ chuyén sach tiéng Anh jogging every day, we could easily avoid colds and flu. In short, we should do this activity every day to improve our health. 1, Who have healthier hearts, those who jog regularly or those who don't? 2. How does jogging help you to reduce your weight? 3. What is ideal for increasing the bones’ weight? 4. Why might jogging prevent us from catching a cold often? 5. What should we do to improve our health every day? Exercise 13. Read the text carefully, then do the tasks. The British spend their free time in different ways, People generally use it to relax, but many people also do voluntary work, especially for charities. A lot of free time is spent at home, where the most popular leisure activity is watching television, with the average viewing time being 25 hours per week. Reading is also a favourite way of spending leisure time. The British spend a lot of time reading newspapers and magazines. In the summer gardening is popular, and it is often replaced by ‘do-it-yourself in winter when people spend time improving or repairing their homes. Some leisure activities are mostly or entirely social. Inviting friends for a drink or a meal at home is the most usual one. Sometimes people join friends for a drink in a pub or have dinner in a restaurant. The extra time available at weekends means that some leisure activities, many of them to do with sport, normally take place only then. Traditional spectator sports include football, cricket, horse racing, motor racing, and motorcycle racing. Popular forms of exercise are swimming, tennis, ice skating or roller-skating, cycling, climbing, and hill or country walking. Families often have a 'day out’ at the weekend, especially in summer, with: a visit to a local event such as a festival, fair, or show. Young people especially Unit 1: LEISURE TIME | 23 a Luygn chuyén su ngir phép & tir wing ALTONTENROLIE tap 1 go to clubs and discos, while people of all ages go to the theatre, the cinema, art exhibitions, and concerts. A, Decide whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). | No. | Statements TorF He eople use their free time to help people in need. 2. |In the summer, the British prefer indoor activities. 3. | All free time activities are individual activities. T 4. Most British people watch or do sports at the weekend. 5. | Sometimes people go with their friends to a pub or a restaurant. oes i hc lah oe | 6. | British young people don't like going to the movies. B. Answer the questions. 1. What's the most popular free time activity in the UK? 2. How many hours a week do the British watch TV? 3. In winter, what do the British often do in their spare time? 4, Which sports do many British people enjoy watching? Exercise 14. Using the organizing ideas clues to reorder the recipe to make a pancake. How to Make a Pancake A. Firstly, mix the batter ingredients with a whisk until smooth and lump free. B. Remember, don't add too much batter if you want the pancakes to be nice and thin. C. Next, pour about half a spoon of batter into the pan and swirl around as soon as the batter hits the pan, this will distribute the mix evenly. cS 24 | minhthangbooks - chuyén sch tiéng Anh D. Yum! It's time fora special breakfast! Or perhaps you want to surprise a special someone. What could be easier, yummier, and more fun with pancakes? E. Secondly, put a non-stick frying pan on the heat and add a small amount of oil. F. To cook the other side either, flip it over and leave it for another 30 seconds or so to finish cooking. G. Then, leave the pancake to cook for about 1 minute or until it's just starting to pull away from the sides of the pan and is golden brown underneath. H. Finally, transfer to a serving plate. Your answers: 5 Exercise 15 a. Each of the sentences below has at least one mistake. Underline the mistakes and rewrite the correct sentences in the spaces. 1, My friends and | are really keen on play computer games. 2. I really like to getting involved in team sports. It is good for building up co- operative skills. 3. Mai especially loving to spend her free time sleeping and being lazy in my room. 4. She enjoys go shopping on weekends and hang out with friends. 5. Lam very interested in study English. Exercise 15 b. Put the words in the correct order to make meaningful sentences. 1. When/ games/ be carefull/ you/ online/, /when / make friends / strangers / you with / play/. e Unit 1: LEISURE TIME | 25 oy Luyén chuyén séu ngir phép & tir vung LANG sNerpes) tap 1 2. Wei that/ can/ Kim/ likes/ see/ the/ piano/ playing/. 3. such as/ hobbies/ or/ making/ things/ crafts/ collecting/ interesting/ are /Some/. 4, health/ Sitting/ problems/ all/ day/ in front off the/ can/ computer/ cause/. 5. fancy/ you/ do/ children/ with/ working/ 2/ Exercise 16 a. Rewrite the sentei es by using gerund or to-infinitive after the verbs of liking and disliking. 1, I prefer reading in bed. — prefer . 2. I love to watch cartoons on TV. — Ilove .... 3. Does Trung hate to do morning exercises? — Does ... 4, They love sunbathing and swimming. — They love .... 5. Does she prefer to watch TV during her meals? — Does she ... 6. We love to skateboard in the park after school. — We love .... Exercise 16 b. Rewrite the sentence without changing its meaning. 1. Iam interested in learning English. — Like... 2. Lan likes using the computer best in her free time. — Lan's favorite .. cy 26 | minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh 3. Iam interested in going camping with my close friends. — I fancy. 4. Mr. Pike is a big fan of water polo. — Mr. Pike is fond... 5. It is not a problem to me whether I have to pick her up to the cinema or not. — Idon't mind .. Unit 1: LEISURE TIME | 27 £o_ LIFE INTHE COUNTRYSIDE [- Words "Pronunciation Meaning» catch(v) Set “| dan duge, cfu duge (ca) _E,g: How many fish did you catch? Ban da eau dvoe bao nhiéu con ed? cattle(n) —/'ket/ - | gia sie _E.g: There isa aherd of cattle in the pasture. Cé mét dan gia stic trén dong cé combine harvester kombain ‘ha:vist/_| may | E.g: It's time to experience the latest generation combine harvesters. Da dén hic trai nghiém méy get dap lién hop thé he moi nha crop (n) |rerwp/ vu, mia E.g: We had a very ora crop of apples last year. | Ching 16i da c6 Ot vu tao béi thu vao nam ngodi. cultivate (v) \/"kaltivert/ trong trot E.g: The people here cultivate mainly rice and beans. Negwéi dan 6 day tréng hia va dé Ia chi yeu ‘ay @) dra phi le. : The little boy is drying rice. Céu bé dang pho hia “feed (v) fid/ | choin | Exg: Have you fed the cat yet? Ban da cho méo an ehuea? “ferry (n) /'feri/ pha E.g: We caught the ferry across the river. Chting 101 bat pha qua song. vy thu hoach, vy git, git hai, harvest (n, v) Vha:vist/ thu hoach Eg: We are extremely busy during the harvest. Ching t6i vo ciing ban rén trong mita thu hoach. cS 28 | minhthangbooks ~ chuyén sdch tiéng Anh herd (v) | E.g: He is herding the b hospitable (adj) hospitabl/ uffalo. Anh ta dang di chan trdu. chan gitt vat nudi | mén khach, hiéu khach E.g: The local people are very hospitable. Ngwoi dén dia phwong rdt hiéu khach. lighthouse (n) /laithaos/ dan bién, hai dang E.g: A lighthouse marks the entrance to the harb« M6t ngon hai dang dénh dau I6i vao bén cai our. ng. “Toad (v) | Aovd/ E.g: The farmers are loading rice to the village. Nhiing nguéi nong milk (n, v) /mnilk/ dain dang ché bia vé lem; E.g: Mr. Dan milks the cow every morning. Ong Dan vat sita bé mdi sang. orchard (n) 7 astfod! vwin e@y Zn qua | E.g: There is an apple orchard nearby. Cé mét vicin tdo gan a6. paddy field (n) I'peedi ,fi:ld/ |rudng tia “Eg: The farmer is working in the paddy field. Ngwoi nong dén dang lam vige 6 rugng lita. picturesque (adj) |/,piktfo'resk/ E.g: We came to a picturesque cottage. Ching t6i dén m6t ngéi nha dep nhuc tranh vé, plough (v) ‘plav/ cay (thira rudng) E.g: After months without speciality (n) / spefi'zloti/ in, the ground was t Sau nhiéu thang khéng cé mua, mét dat tro (00 hard to plough. nén qua cting dé cay xéi. san Unit 2: E.g: Seafood is a speciality on the island. Hai san la m6t dae san 6 trén dao. : LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE | 29 & Luyén chuyén sdu ngir phap & tit vung (LANGE Merary tap 1 stretch (v) | ste | kéo dai ra E.g: Stop stretching your sleeves like that! Dimg kéo dai tay do ctia con ra nue thé! “unload (v) /,an'Toud! | de hang Exgi The truck driver was waiting to unload. Tai’ xé.xe tai dang cha dé do hang. vast (adj) | wast st! Es 8 It's a vast land. Dé ld mét ving dat rng lon. | ‘Trong len, ménh méng, bao la “well-trained ( (adj) |/,wel “treind/ Hanh nahi, c6 tay nghé Es Exg: He isa well-trained craftsman, Anh dy la mét niga the thi céng lanh ng ‘WORD FORMATION Words | Related words | Transeription | Meaning | collection (n) | /ka’ lekfa/ [sr thu go, sy su tm collect (v) collective (adj) | /ka'lektuw/ | thu gom, léy collector (n) | /ke'lekta(ry/ ngudi suu tim, ngudi thu; gom | “collectively (adv) _/ko'lektrvli/ | chung, tap thé | cultivable (ad) ‘kaltvabl/ | 6 thé canh tic | cultivate (¥) [ ivated (ad) ’kaltivertd/ | c6 hoe thie, tu duéng tréng trot | — = es — cultivation (n) | /kalt'veyfin/ | sit canh tae disturbance (n) | /dr'sta:bans/ | su quay ray, lam phign | oo ee eee ae disturbing an sts:bin/—_nhiéu loan lam phién | 1 ——____ disturbed /dt’st:bd/ “bi réi, hing ting, b sbi nhiéu Toan| | convenient | (adj) convenience (n) _/kon'visnions/ sy thug tign, tign Igi | | thuan tién | | | ct 30 | minhthangbooks - chuyén saich tiéng Anh UH GRAMMAR 1, Comparative dverbs — So sanh hon cia trang tir + Trang tir ding dé bo nghia cho d6ng ti, tinh tir hoc mot trang tir khac, Trong tiéng Anh, cdc trang tir c6 thé duge ding dé so sinh mite 6 hod cach thyc hién m6t hanh dong gitta hai vat, ngudi hose nhém. a. Trang tir ngin & trang tir dai [ ‘Trang tir ngin ] Trang tir dai - Trang tir ngin la trang tir cé m@t am. - Trang tir dai la trang tir c6 2 am tiét, tiét trd len. E.g: hard: cham chi E.g: quickly: mét cach nhanh chéng | fast : nhanh | interestingly: m6t cach tha vi | near : gan | tiredly: mét cach mét mdi | late: mugn | carefully: mét cach can than | high: cao | | b. So sanh hon véi trang tir * So sdnh hon voi trang tie ngdn: V6i cac trang tir ngin c6 cing dang thitc gidng tinh tir nhu: fast, last, late, hard, soon... khi chuyén sang so sénh hon ta thém dudi -ER. Cau trite: S1+ V+ ady- er + than + S2 + auxiliary V | $1+V+ady- er + than + O/ N/ Pronoun | E.g: They work harder than I do. = They work harder than me. (Ho lam viée cham chi hon t6i.) * So sénh hon voi trang tic dai: Vi cdc trang tit dai, khi chuyén sang dang so sanh hon ching ta thém MORE truéc trang tr. Céu trie: [s +V+more + adv + than + $2 + auxiliary V __S1+V + more + adv + than + O/ N/ Pronoun Unit 2: LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE | 31 & TIENG ANH LOP 8 Reni E.g: My friend did the test more carefully than I did. Luygn chuyén su ngir php & tir vung = My friend did the test more carefully than me. (Ban t6i lam bai kiém tra can than hon toi.) "So sinh hon better worse (- much/ many more a little/ little | less far farther/ further 1, Nguyén 4m ngin /a/ a. Cach phat am | - /o/ 1a mét nguyén 4m ngin. Khi phat 4m | am ny, chung ta mo migng ty nhién, m6 | aS va ludi dé thu gidin sau dé phat am //. aN - Am /o/ dugc phat ra ngin, gon va ditt khoat, | khi phat am xong luoi van giit nguyén. | Eg: sofa Jsou'fol | mother /‘madar/ zebra /'zi:bra/ banana /bo'neeno/ picture — /‘piktfor/ famous /‘fermas/ ‘activity /ek'tivati/ | collect /ko'lekt/ ct 32 | minhthangbooks - chuyén sdich tiéng Anh b. Cac dau higu nhan biét Am /o/ Dau higu 1: “a” duge phat am la /o/. banana ba‘ naena/ qua chudi apartment fo'patman’ cin hd separate /'seporat/ | chia ré changeable /'tfeindgobl/ | 06 thé thay ddi duge balance /'beelons/ | can bing | explanation _|/,ekspla'nerfn/ _| sy gii thich | Du higu 2: “e” duge phat am la /a/. answer (ensor/ tra loi silent | /'sallont/ im ling [open —_—| ’aupany mé ra [prudent / prudont/ thinttong generous ('dgenoros/ rong lurgng, hio phong different ( diforont/ khéc nhau = Déu higu 3: “o” dugc phat am 1a /o/. atom /etom/ nguyén tir compare Ikom'pea(t)/ | so sinh control /kan'travl/ kiém soat freedom /frisdom/ su ty do handsome — |/'hensom/ Ss deptrai random Prendom | ngdu nhién | Du higu 4: “u” duge phat am la /a/. upon J2'pon/ ben trén picture /'piktfa(e)/ bite tranh Unit 2: LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE | 33 a Luygn chuyén sdu ngir phép & tir vung (IESG DR NMU IY tap 1 eee suggest |/sa'dgest/ goiy surprise | /so’ praiz/ ngage nhién | Dau higu 5: “ou” durgc phat am la /o/. famous | fermas/ | ndi tiéng | [dangerous Vdema eras’ | nguy hiém | anxious | Faenkfos! To au | yén im ngin /1/ a, Cach phat am - Al la m6t nguyén am ngén. Khi phat am, chang ta dua Idi hudng Ién trén va ra phia truéc, khoang cdch méi trén va duéi hep, mé rong miéng sang hai bén. Eg: ] aoa = er ‘fish /fif/ begin. org’ fifty /fifti/ chicken _/"tfikan/ | gym /gum/ dinner //‘dimor/ | minute /‘minit/ | him /oum/ L | i it b. Céc d4u higu nh§n biét am A/ Dau higu 1: “a” duge phat am 1a /1/ véi nhimg danh tir c6 hai am tiét va c6 tan cing bing “age”. village | /‘vilids/ ~Tiang, xt | "cottage kotid/ nha tran, 1éu tranh | shortage | /fo:nds/ tinh ntrang thigu hut | baggage | /"beegidy/ | han 9 wang bi | courage | ‘fe “karidg/ | | long cam im cs 34 [minhthangbooks - chuyén sch tiéng Anh Dau higu 2: “e” dugc phat am 1a /1/ trong tiép dau ngit “be”, “de”, “re”, “em”, Men", “ex” va “pre”, “become | br'kam/ behave | for herv/ enslave | /in'slew/ | ‘tlemd3/ | trao déi dy doan, doin use exchange | predict Dau higu 3: “i” duge phat am 18 /1/ véi tir két thc bing i + mot hoac hai phy am. /win/ sfeua/ HM Ei /fip/ thuyén, tau i foi! miéng nho, mau sit | isty | gai ie kit fw 6 dac, quan 40 din | fdin/ tigng én do (cudi ni) dim | au mé do, khong 13 Déu higu 4: “ui” duge phat am 1a /i/. (aaa faa sacra tara aannaacnes | build Mould/ xdy cat | See ei dan ghi-ta |_ném bong hao higp, vién vong | Unit 2: LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE | 35 oy Luyén chuyén séu ngir phép & tir vung PUSNOR INEGI tap 1 Exercise 1, Look at the bold word, use single underline with the word containing sound/a/ and double underline with the word containing sound /1/. . We saw a herd of zebras grazing in the savannah during our safari. . We went fishing at the lake and caught a big fish. . She cooked a delicious roasted chicken for dinner. . The photographer captured a stunning picture of the sunset over the ocean. She has six siblings, making her part of a large family. . He couldn't help but grin when he saw his favourite dessert on the table. '. He enjoys outdoor aetivities such as hiking, biking, and camping. . She likes to colleet vintage stamps as a hobby. err nananpeY Dn = .. The doctor prescribed some pain relief pills for her backache. 10.1 would like to suggest a new restaurant for our next dinner outing. Exercise 2. Read the sentences in exercise 1 aloud and pay attention to the sound /a/ and /i/. Exercise 3, Put the nouns into the correct column. : we — ~ | grapes, food, buffaloes, a camel, data, dolls, a tent, water, cattle, a flag, | | strawberry, a bike, a fence, tea buds, a cat, goats, information, an ostrich, | blackberry, sheep, a motorbike, a notice, postcards, a memorial, a donkey | Collect cy 36 | minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh Exercise 4. Complete the sentence with the words in the box. boring i. nomadic hard peaceful colourful vast slow inconvenient brave “friendly 1. Life in the city is fast but life in the countryside is The old city around the cathedral is the most... . part of town. . Our neighbours have always been very , I'm sure that people are .... _, to strangers in my village. soldier. . My father is a . The film was so that I fell asleep. . It will be very ., _ for me to have no car. The ., . majority of pupils attend state-funded schools here. Crt nAnpwn . She hoped the different ethnic groups in the area could live together in _ co-existence. 10.A,, . life is hard but interesting. Exercise 5. Fillin each blank with the appropriate form of the word in brackets. 1. Iceland is considered the most ._.. ... country in the word. (peace) 2a _, lifestyle has its advantages and disadvantages. (nomad) 3. My brother has been a stamp ... for several years. (collect) 4. It is a/an ...., ... Place to hold a picnic because it is too far from the road. (convenience) 5. Drinking water in some areas may be . (safe) 6. During my stay in the village, I was _. With several local farmers. (friend) 7. Encouraging children to eat and drink .. iS very important. (health) 8. Local people in the village often wear their _.. costumes during the festivals. (tradition) 9. Please give to that charity to help the homeless after the flood. (generous) 10. The baby slept very .. _.. because the bed was really comfortable. (sound) @ Unit 2: LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE | 37 £o Luygn chuyén stu ngit phép & tir weng (UTS NOG IAM LOT E| tap 1 Exercise 6. Fill each blank with a word/phrase in the box. countryside harvest time buffalo | buffalo-drawn carts | | busiest time | herding | hint | | ‘colorful rice 1. Atthe , _., my brother always helps my parents load the rice onto the truck and drives it home. . Loften help my parents dry the _in the yard in front of my house .. to transport rice home. 2. 3. Some farmers in my village still use ..... 4. . He usually goes ., _ the buffaloes with other boys in his village. 5. My pen pal says he would like to visit my .. what farmers do. _.. at harvest time to see .. My friend has never ridden a ,, so he would like to try once. |. Harvest time is the | .. of the year in the countryside. . Our garden is |. .. in spring when almost flowers bloom. 6. 7, 8. 9. . [like looking at the stars on starry nights. It's .,. 10. My uncle lives in the city. He says it's |... .. than my village. Exercise 7. Put the adverbs in the comparative form. | Adverbs | Comparative form Adverbs | Comparative form 1. badly fF “liu TO 2. conveniently | 12. smartly | 4 3. early "| |13responsibly| 4. far | 7 “4. patiently _ a 115. generously a _ 6.fluently : [16.cleverly | . \7. happily : | l17. quickly . 8. hard a 18. suitably ». slowly 19. beautifully “10. well | | 20. strongly cS 38 | minhthangbooks ~ chuyén sdch tiéng Anh Exercise 8. Fill in the blank with the correct comparative form of the adverbs. E.g: He is singing more loudly than the other singers. (loudly) 1. He arrived _. ... expected. (early) 2. We walked .... the rest of the people. (slowly) 3. They called us in the afternoon. (late) 4. My mother and my sister talked , the other guests. (loudly) 5. He hit his arm 6. The Spanish athlete ran the other runners. (fast) 7. Jim threw the ball , . Peter. (far) 8. We answered all the questions. the other students. (well) 9. Our new teacher explains the exerci: _ our old teacher. (badly) 10. Thenew mechanic checked the cat the old mechanic. (thoroughly) Ex ¢ 9. Fillin the blanks with suitable comparative forms of the words provided. 1. Towns are .., _.. than villages. (big) 2. Asofa is than a chair. (comfortable) 3. Does an ox run, than a horse? (slowly) 4. Laura sings _ than her sister. (well) 5. My house is .., _, from Ha Noi than Nam's house. (far) 6. Minh plays the flute .,., than Quang, (badly) 7. Traffic in the city is always ,... than that in the countryside. (busy) 8. This year the farmers work ,.. .. than they did last year. (hard) 9. Villages are ,.. ., than towns. (quiet) 10. People in this area live ... ... than those in other areas, (happily) Exercise 10, Underline the mistake in each sentence and correc! 1. Their life has been more comfortably since they moved to the city. 2. She looks more pretty in this white dress, 3. The manager wants us to work more hardly. o Unit 2: LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE | 39 £y Luyén chuyén su ngir phdp & tir vung LAO aur tap 7 4. This week you look more healthily than last week. a . Everyone in my town is looking for more better crop this year. 6. Jim runs more fastly than his friends. 7. I think a settle life is more better than a nomadic life. 8. Today Jim performs more confident than usual. 9, . The heavy rain makes it more difficultly to drive. 10.Their team preformed much more well than our team. Exercise 11. Fillin the blanks with suitable comparative forms of the words provided. 1, I speak English .., _now than last year. (fluently) . Jim could do the test ., .. than Jane. (well) . We walked ... . than other people. (slowly) 2. They smiled ., .., than before. (happily) 3. Tom arrived __ ... than I expected. (early) 4. We will meet... _ in the afternoon. (late) 5. Mary dances ..._. than anyone else. (gracefully) 6. Could you speak ,. ...2 (loud) 7 8 9. . Planes can fly ..., .. than birds. (high) _... than anyone else in my team. (far) 10. I can throw the ball . . James drives... than his wife. (carefully) ... than my brother. (often) _ than John. (fast) .. than I. (badly) 15. Everyone in the company is working , 12.1 visit my grandmother 13. No one can run 14. My sister cooks . than ever before. (hard) Exercise 12. Complete the sentences with the correct form of adjectives or adverbs in brackets. 1. Some people think that health is than money. (important) _ than it used to be. (bad) 2. The pollution in our city is much , 40 | minhthangbooks - chuyén séch tiéng Anh . My new teacher explained the lessons than my old teacher. (clear) . He doesn’t play volleyball as ... .. as his brother. (good) . Get rid of the sorrow! You will do it, _.. next time. (good) . Communication is a lot ... than it was 50 years ago. (easy) . People in rural areas wear | than those in cities. (simple) .. than Francis. (late) . Robert arrived at the meeting i ea Gy OS OS _..2 (narrow) .. These trousers are too wide. Do you have any that are .. 10. My mother always gets u than everybody else in the house. (early) 11. Trang speaks than the other ESL students in the class. (fluent) 12. Can't you think of anything .. to say? (intelligent) 13.1 think his new book is much... han his last one. (boring) 14. Max finished his homework ,.... 15. He doesn't look as ... __ ag he used to. (happy) _.. than anyone else in the class. (fast) Exercise 13. Read the passage and choose the correct option to fill in the blank. Life is changing rapidly in the large cities of England. However, life in other areas remains much the (1) as it has been for centuries. Factories have brought huge population increases to the cities, and city life boomed. City residents have discovered a new (2) , _... of life, but in country villages the traditional lifestyle has remained nearly (3) . There have been a few changes, particularly the new steam-powered machinery. It made farm production more (4) .... _- But for the people who remain in the countryside, daily life continues much as it had before the (5) ... . Revolution. Life in country villages continues to (6) .. _ at a slow pace. The daily schedule depends on the times that the sun rose and set and on the weather. Ina typical village, the (7), number of workers is still employed in agriculture or in domestic service. A smaller number of people work in various trades. Even (8) work in the professions. 1. A. similar B, same C. different D. both A& B 2. A.method —_B. walk C. way D. path 3. A.changeful B. changeable C. unchanged D. change 4. A.cfficient —_B. efficiently C. efficiency D. inefficient Unit 2: LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE | 41 oy Luyén chuyén sdu ngir phap & tir vung TANNIN Mesats) tap 1 5. A.Industry —_B. Industrial C.Industrialize —_D. Industrialized 6. B, walk C. move D. drive 7. A. largest B. biggest C. highest D. all are correct 8. A. more B. less C. few D. fewer Exercise 14, Read the text and choose the correct answer. Living in the country is something that people from the city often dream about. However, in reality, it has both advantages and disadvantages. There are certainly many advantages to living in the country. First, you can enjoy peace and quietness. Moreover, people tend to be friendlier. A further advantage is that there is less traffic, so it is safer for young children. However, there are certain disadvantages or drawbacks to life outside the city. First, because there are fewer people, you are likely to have few friends. In addition, entertainment is difficult to find, particularly in the evening. Furthermore, the fact that there are fewer shops and services means that it is hard to find jobs. In short, it can be seen that the country is more suitable for some people than others. On the whole, it is often the best for those who are retired or who have young children. In contrast, young people who have a career are better provided in the city. 1. According to the passage, living in the country has A. only good points B. only bad points C. both good and bad points D. no disadvantages 2. How many advantages does living in the country have? A. Two B. Three C, Four D.No 3. Living in the country is safer for young children because A. there is less traffic B. there are few shops C. there are fewer people D. there are few services 4. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? A. People in the country tend to be friendlier than people in the city. B. It's hard to find entertainment in the country. C. There are fewer shops and services in the country. D. The country is only suitable for retired people. cy 42 | minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh 5. Having few friends is . A. one of drawbacks to life in the country B. the only disadvantage to living in the country C. one of certain drawbacks to life outside the city D. one of certain advantages to life outside the city rcise 15. Read the text and answer the questions below. Last week Nick and some of his classmates went to the countryside. They = went to visit a farm of Nick's uncle. They left early in the morning and went there by bus. Nick's uncle, Mr. Brown met them at the bus stop and took them to his farm. On the way, Uncle Brown showed them the field of wheat and vegetables where some tractors were running up and down, ploughing and breaking soil, distributing manure and planting potatoes. After lunch, they all went for a walk. In the large yard of the farm, they saw some farm machines. Among them is the biggest machine which is called a combine harvester. They were told that this machine can cut and thresh corn at the same time. In the afternoon, they went to the place where cattle such as horses, sheep and cows were raised. They were very excited to see how cows were milked by the workers there. Uncle Brown also spoke about many interesting things in the countryside. After having some fruits and cakes, they said goodbye and went home. 1. How did Nick and his classmates go to Uncle Brown's farm? 2. What does his uncle grow on his farm? 3. What can a tractor do? 4. What is typical of a combine harvester? 5. Which kinds of cattle are raised on Uncle Brown's farm? Unit 2: LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE | 43 é Luyén chuyén sdu ngt phép & tir vung (INEGI MAU! tap 1 Exercise 16 a. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meanings. Use the right comparative forms of the words in brackets. 1. Hung drives more carefully than his brother. (carefully) 2. The laboratory in my school is now better equipped than some years ago. (badly) 3. Nam works more lazily so he often gets worse marks than Quang. (hard, good) 4. Trung drives more carefully than Minh so he has rarely had an accident. (carelessly) 5. Going by taxi is faster than going by bus but it costs more than a bus. (slow, little) Exercise 16 b. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meanings. Use the comparative form with ess. E.g: Ann speaks French more fluently than James. — James speaks French less fluently than Ann. 1. This summer I go to the beach more often than last summer. 2. This cake is more freshly made than that one. 3. Jim behaves more politely than his younger brother. 4, Teenagers act more violently these days than in the past. 5. Your mother is more patient than my mother. cs 44 | minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh Exercise 17. Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meanings. E.g: This exercise is easier than that one. — That exercise is more difficult than this one. 1. Mr. Smith is wealthier than Mr. Brown. — Mr. Brown .. 2. My house is smaller than my parent's house. — My parent's house... 3. The black dress is more expensive than the red one. — The red dress ..... 4. Today it is colder than yesterday. = Yesterday 5. [don't think you are taller than me. — [don't think I. 6. Is Jim worse at Math than John? — Is John .. 7. Jim looks much younger than his classmates. — Jim's classmates... 8. Your hair is longer than mine. —> My hair 9. My sister speaks more quickly than me. — I speak. 10. Mary drives more carefully than Tony. — Tony drives. é Unit 2: LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE | 45 a Words | Pronunciation Meaning account (n) | Ja’ kaont/ | tai khoan Téi i da nop tién vao tai khodn fe ees Seca ceae eee cece _browse (v)_ | Porave/ | dgc hut, tim (trén mang) Eg: He browses t the book's contents. Anh dy luét qua ni dung cita cudn stich. bully (n, v) | boli/ _ke hay bit nat; bit nat, ide doa | My son is being bullied at school. Con trai t6i dang bi bat nat 6 trudng. bullying (n) le bolimy/ oy bit nat Eg: Bullying is a problem in many echools. | Bat nat la mé6t van dé & nhiéu trudng hoc. concentrate (v) | /‘konsntrert/ | | E.g: She tried to concentrate on reading her book but she couldn't. Co dy 06 giing tap trung vao vige doc cuén sich ctia minh nung khéng thé | connect (v) B, .g: Please hold the line. In m trying to connect you. Xin hay giit mdy. T6i dang c% 6 é gang két néi voi ban. “craft (n) E.g: | bought it at a local craft fair. (nghé, dd, Ki nghé) thi céng Toi da mua né tai mét hoi chy thi: cong dia phuong. cy 46 | minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh enjoyable (adj) /n'dgorabl/ tha vi, gay himg tha | E.g: Thank you for an enjoyable evening. Cam on ban vé mot budi toi thi: vi. expectation (n) _ /,ekspek’ texfn/ E. su mong cho, ki vong “m sorry to disappoint your expectation. T6i xin Idi da lam ban that vong. focused (adj) / foukost/ _chuyén tam, tp trung E.g: All eyes were focused on him. Moi forum (n) /'fo:ram/ E ¢ We visited the forum of ancient Romans yesterday. Hom qua, ching t6i dé truy cap dién dan cia nguéi La Ma cé dai. log (v) Nog/ dang nhip E, : You need a password to log on. Ban can mdt khau dé dang nhdp. mature (adj) | /ma'tfva/ | chin chin, truéng thanh | E.g: Jane is very mature for her age. Jane rat rung thanh so v6i tudi cia cé dy. media (n) /'midio/ (phuong tién) truyén thong E.g: The media has a powerful influence on public opinion. Céic phwong tién truyen thong cé anh hong manh mé dén die ludn. midterm (adj) | /'mud t3:m/ gitta ki | E.g: We will have a midterm test next week. | Tuan t6i ching ta sé cé bai kiém tra gitta ki. notification (n) —_| /,noutifi' keifi/ | su thong béo E.g: You will receive a notification when your package is delivered. Ban sé nhén duge thong bao khi goi hang ctia ban dueoe giao. peer (n) Ipio! ngudi ngang hang, ban dong lira E.g: Children are worried about failing in front of their peers. Tré em rt lo lang ve vie Unit 3: TEENAGERS | 47 4 Luyén chuyén su ngir phap & tir wing PUEMIOGNTEN MUA tap 1 pressure (n) 'prefo/ ap lye | - e E.g: Peer pressure is strong among young people. Ap luc ngang hang véi ban bé cing trang lita rat manh trong gidi tré. schoolwork (n) | /'sku:lw3:k/ bai v6 trén lép E.g: Mark is struggling to keep up with his schoolwork. Mark dang phai vat lén dé theo kip bai vo 6 truong. session (n) I’sefiv/ tiét hoc E.g: Each session lasts about 45 minutes. . Mai tiét hoc kéo dai khodng 45 philt. | stress (n) /'stres/ cng thing E.g: We all struggle with the stresses and strains of daily life. Tat ca ching ta déu phai ddi mat voi nhitng céng thang va mét moi ctia cue | song thong ngay. stressful (adj) /'stresfl/ cang thing, tao dp lye My job's getting more and more stressful. Céng viée ctia t6i ngay cang céing thang hon. | upload (v) /,ap'lood/ tai len | E.g: The video was uploaded 2 minutes ago. Video da dug tai lén 2 phit tréc. | Il WORD FORMATION ; - Words | Related words | Transcription | Meaning ip trung tap trung | concentrated (adj) | /’konsntreitid/ | tap trung foo concentrate (v) concentration (n) | /,konsn'treyfi | st | connected (adj) | fko'nektid/ | e6 quan hé, ho hing vi connect (vy) | connection (n) Jko'nekjn/ | sur két ndi két ndi connectedness (n) | /ka'nektidnas/ 7 sy lién he, quan | i connective (adj) /ka'nektiv/ _ | tign két | cy 48 | minhthangbooks - chuyén séch tiéng Anh — : = (Pa | | | | enjoyable (adj) enjoy(v) | fm'dgov) i thich tha tha vi, enjoyment (n) | /n‘dgoumant/ _ sy himg thi, thich th gay hing thi enjoyably (adv) /in'dgorabli/ hg tha, thé vi expect(v) | /Ak'spekt/ mong chd, ki vong ae expectancy (n) | /Ak'spektonsi/ | sy mong cho, su mong cho, : A expectance (n) /tk' spektans/ jecien vong : expectant (adj) | /ik’spektant/ | c6 tinh mong doi | | ‘ lam cho chin chin, mature (adj) mature (v) /ma'tfor/ ong thinh chin chan, | aa Ae - rg truéng thanh | B fi Fi tinh chin chan, iS maturity (n) /mo' tforati/ tinh trang thinh notification notify (v) /navtifa/ thong bao, chi y | ¥ thong bio |__ notifiable (adj) /‘ngotifarsbl/ | c6 thé khai bao GRAMMAR SIMPLE SENTENCES AND COMPOUND SENTENCES (Can don vie cau ghép) 1. Simple Sentences (Cau don) Chi c6 1 ménh dé chinh, nghia li cé 1 chi ngir va 1 dng ti: S+V Cé thé chit ngét 14 2 danh tir néi véi nhau bang ‘and’ hodc cé 2 dong tir néi voi nhau bang ‘and’ nhung van la 1 cau don, E.g: | went to the supermarket yesterday. (76 di siéu thi ngay hom qua.) s Vv Mary and Tom are playing tennis. (Mary va Tom dang choi tennis.) s Vv My brother ate a sandwich and drank beer. s Vv (Anh trai ctia t6i da dn banh sandwich va udng bia.) Unit 3: TEENAGERS | 49 £y. 9 ALANGIUM TY top 1 2. Compound Sentences (Cau ghép) M6t cau ghép gdm 2 hoje 3 ménh dé déc ldp (independent clause) hay con goi 1a nhimg cau don duge néi véi nhau béi lién tir két hop (coordinating conjunction) hodc trang tir lién két (conjunctive adverbs). Luyén chuyén sdu ngir phap & tir vyrn a. Coordinating conjunction (Lién tir két hop) Ching ta co cac lién tir két hop théng dung sau: F = for A=and N=nor B=but O=or Y = yet S=so Tu “FANBOYS” la ch viét dé nhé céc "conjunctions" phé bién nhat m6t cach dé dang, day 1a cde lién tir khdéc nhau dé tao nén cau ghép. | Lién tir” Y nghia | Vi du | + 1 I don't like him, for he was a bully | FOR | Dién dat ly do hod muc dich in the past. | Thém (b6 sung) m6t thtr vio mét | thir kha AND She likes tea and coffee. ung mét y phi dinh vio ¥/No, 1 won't be there on Thursday phi dinh da duge néu truée d6 | nor Friday. NOR BUT Mickey has a beautiful but lazy dog. | OR Would you like tea or coffee? YET | Dang dé gidi thigu mot y déi lap | Truong plays soccer well, yet his | | véiy trade dé (tuong ty but) | favorite sport is basketball. | I prepared well in advance so I won this game. | : SO | Thudng ding dé chi két qua Luu ¥: * for dimg gitta cau, trude for la dau phay (,), sau for 1a mot ménh d * Thue té, nor it xuat hién véi chire nang 1a lién tir ma nor thurong duge sir dung dé két hop voi neither mang nghia neither ... nor (khéng... ciing khong). b. Conjunctive adverb (Trang tir lin két) Cac trang tir lign két: sherefore (vi thé, vi vay), however/ nevertheless (tuy nhién, tuy thé, nhung), otherwise (mat khac), as a result (két qua la)... cy 50 | minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh E.g: She didn’t study anything; as a result, she failed the exam, (C6 ta khong hoc hanh gi ca; két qué 1a, c6 ta tregt ky thi.) He wanted to study late; therefore he had another cup of coffee. (Anh dy muén hoc muén vi vay anh dy uéng m6t tach ca phé). IV. PRONUNCIATION SOUND /G0/ AN (OL! 1. Nguyén im déi /o9/ a. Céch phat 4m nguyén 4m déi /va/ Phat am am /u/ dai hon mot chit | va sau d6 nang ludi lén trén va ra phia sau tao nén am /o/, am /a/ phat am nhanh va ngin, Cac em tap phat am cic vi dy dui dy: tourism /‘twarizom/: du lich [jury /dgvori/: ban giémkhio tour /tua(r)/: eude di choi, du lich | poor /poa/: nghéo | truer /trua(r)/: chinh xéc hon cure /kjuo(r)/: chita try b. Céc d4u higu nhan biét nguyén Am déi /va/ Du higu 1: “oo” dugc phat am 1a /va/ trong nhiing tir c6 mt am tiét ma tan cing bang “r”. boor Mova(ry/ ngudi cue mich, thé 15 moor [frat | bude, c6t (tau thuyén) poor Ipua(t/ nghéo | spoor /spua()/ dau vét _ | Unit 3: TEENAGERS | 51 &p Luyén chuyén stu ngir phap & tir veng IENOG I UME tap 1 Dau higu 2: “ou” c6 the duge phat am 1a /ve/. tour /tva()/ __cude du lich 7 tourist = /‘tuartst/ _khéch du lich tournament —_/‘tuonomont/ cuge dau thuon; | 2. Nguyén Am dai /ov/ a, Cach phat 4m nguyén 4m di /o1/. Bat dau phat am tir am /o:/, sau d6 di chuyén dan vé phia am /1/. | ~ Khi bit di phat am, mo moi tron va ag © A os » x ne . a dau ludi cham ham rang dudi. Sau 46, C—: kéo méi dan sang hai bén vé phia tai va ham duéi nang lén mét chit. = M6i mé hé khi két thic am, LD Cac em tap phat am cdc vi du sau nhé: _ - oisy /norzi/: 6n do | destroy /dr'strov/: enjoy /in’dgov/: thich | voice /vats/: giong néi spoil appointment /a' pontmant/: cugc hen boil /botl/: dun sdi b. Cae du higu nhan biét nguyén Am di /ov/ coin | /komn/ ‘foil co toil oe voice. [wows! | _ pil foal) “point ‘point! “die hoist hoist’ hc bong lén, thang may cy 52 | minhthangbooks ~ chuyén sdch tiéng Anh Dau higu 2: “oy” duoc phat am li /ov/. [destroy |/dr'strov =| phy “| joy dso. Sir ui mig, han hoan enjoy “hn dgov/ “thich tha, hung thy | ‘toy to dchoi | ty a OG@Er»> Exercise 1. Use single underline with the word containing /vo/ sound and ubé, chang trai double underline with the word containing /91/ sound. 1. We took a guided tour of the historical landmarks in the city. . Her voice was so soothing that it put me to sleep. . Lenjoy reading books in my free time. . Tam sure that I left my keys on the kitchen counter. . The tracker identified the spoor of the wild animal in the forest. . The tourist took pictures of the famous monument as a keepsake. . He won the chess tournament after many intense matches. SPA AKHAYKWHN . Can you please point out the direction to the nearest grocery store? Exercise 2. Read the sentences in Exercise 1 aloud and pay attention to the sound /va/ and /o1/. Exercise 3. Complete the sentence with the words in the box. | connect notification struggle influence | concentrate _ mature | disappoint | Bullying | pressure | enjoyable ... is a problem in many schools. . She tried to Please hold the . Swimming is a very , .. on reading her book but she couldn't. . I'm trying to... you. . way of staying in shape. Unit 3: TEENAGERS | 53 oy. YwRYN . I'm sorry to your expectation. Luygn chuyén su ngir phap & tir weng LANCER tap 1 _.. for her age. . Jane is very .. . The media has a powerful .... ... on public opinion. . You will receive a ., when your package is delivered. [ood oy . Peer 10. We all , is strong among young people. with the stresses and strains of daily life. Exercise 4, Complete the sentence with the words in the bo: | columnist | cognit skills | independence | self-disciplined | adolescents resolve i house-keeping _ frustrations and young adults, both male and female, benefit from physical activity. 2. Some students like to have a... Job. 3. Maths requires a lot of |... 4, Village students often have more 5. They willneedto.., than city dwellers. _much more conflict when they become adolescents. 6. Students should take part in some social activities to reduce school pressures and , 7. Your brain will grow if you improved self-control and ... 8. You can become an advice ., when you graduate from this faculty. Exercise 5. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. There are two words that you do not need to use. | grateful | depressed | confident | worried | frustrated | appreciated | delighted calm relaxed tense | 1. He gets _ when people don't understand what he’s trying to say. 2. I'm not _ about her - she can take care of herself. 3. She was very .... as she waited for the interview. 4. The teacher wants the children to feel _, when they don’t understand. about asking questions 5. Anna got 10 marks for her English test. She felt absolutely .. _ about that result. 54 | minhthangbooks ~ chuyén sach tiéng Anh __. about losing her job whenever he was put into a harsh situation, 6. She's terribly 7. He told himself to stay 8. As soon as I had made the final decision, I felt a lot more .. Exercise 6, Complete the conversation with the sentences from the box. A. Are you ‘worried about the upcoming exam? B. Well, have you thought of solving this problem? C. So, what makes you stressed out? D. remember to apologize to her for the argument and present your ideas once more time with calmness if you want. _E. What's wrong with you? | F. Seriously? G. If I were you, I would smile at her, then choose a common | topic to talk about. | Mom: (1), Hoa: I'm not sure but J think I am stressed. Mom: (2). Hoa: No, I'm not. I have prepared for it, so I can tackl Mom: (3)... Hoa: Well, I argued with my best friend yesterday. Mom: (4). Hoa: Yes. We discussed how to set up a camp for our group and we couldn't agree on any plans. Mom: (5), Hoa: Yes, | have. However, I don't know how to start a conversation with her. Mom: (6)., Hoa: Will it work? Mom: It will. After starting the conversation, (7), Hoa: Oh, great! Thank you, mom! I will try. Unit 3: TEENAGERS | 55 ia Luyén chuyén sau ngir phap & tir vung ilaN[sT"MMCQEy tap 1 Exercise 7. Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence. 1. Would you like to drink a cup of tea ,.. _ coffee? A. and B. or C. although D. but 2. My sister plays volleyball well ... A. and B. but D. although 3. Most people like watching comedies .... _... they're very interesting. A. because B. so C. although D. but 4, Minh likes sport programmes, he watches this animal programme with his family. A. Because B. Although C. And D. But 5. The film is very interesting. It's both moving |... .. funny. A. and B. or C. although D. but 6. Ihave to go out _... I meet my pen pal today. A. but B. so C. because D. or 7. We decide to stay at home ... *s raining heavily. A. though B. so C. because D. but 8. .. She knows that watching too much TV is a bad habit, she still watches TV usually. A. Because B. Although C. Or D. But Exercise 8, Fill in each blank with one of the conjunctions “and/ or/ but/ so/ because/ although” to complete the sentences. 1, Isher child a boy .... wa. a girl? 2. [forgot to bring the map, . _.. got lost. he didn't study hard. 4, Lien won the match . She was injured. 3. He failed the examination 5. My new classmate is quite friendly ... . Sociable. 6. Idon'tlike watching films on TV |, .. llike watching them at the cinema. 7. She likes watching cartoons... 8. He helps his friends a lot ., __he is very busy. ct 56 | minhthangbooks - chuyén sach tiéng Anh they are colorful and funny. Exercise 9. Match the sentences in A with the correct answers in B. 7 1. We wanted to go to the show | 2. Loften make omelettes 3. Shall we go to the cinema a. because they are quick and easy. | | b. although they are not very healthy. J c. and watch the film you were talking about? 4, Burgers are very tasty 5. My neighbours are friendly 6. Do you know if he’s at home _7. Pick me up early, please, d. but there weren't any seats left. e. or at the football match? f. because he laughs in his sleep. g. but they are noisy. |'8. We know he has great dreams | [ee ae Benes eee Exercise 10. Circle the correct option to complete the sentence. 1. I'd love to stay (so /and / but) I have to catch my bus. . His hot chocolate was too hot (so / and / but) he put some cold milk in it. . (Or/ Although/ Because) we had an umbrella, we got extremely wet. . Tonly passed my exam (because / but / although) you helped me. 2, 3 4 5. They were hungry (but / because / so) they made some sandwiches. 6. Wecan goto the pool (and / but / or) we can go horse-riding, whichever you prefer. 7. She didn't want him to see her (and / so / although) she hid behind a plant. 8. He's in the town centre (so / because / but) he wants to look for shoes. 9. I'm definitely coming tonight, (or / because / although) I could be a bit late. 10. We can go to the shop before we go to Clare's house (and / or / so) go to Clare's house first to see if she needs anything. What do you think? Exercise 11. Complete the sentence with: however, otherwise, therefore. 1. I wanted to go for a walk; 2. Ineed to finish this project; ., 3. She missed her flight; , 4, He didn't like the book; h. so we don't get there late. _.w it started raining. .» | won't meet the deadline. .... She had to book another one. he still finished reading it. Unit 3: TEENAGERS | 57 £4 Luyén chuyén sdu ngit phap & tir vung UIs etait tap 1 . Ldon't like coffee; .» L would have ordered a latte. . She forgot her umbrella; .» She got soaked in the rain. _..» he won't be ready for the game. . Lwant to go to the beach: it's too cold outside. 5 6. 7. He needs to practice more; 8 9. She's not feeling well; she's staying home from work. 10. He's allergic to seafood: , he doesn't want to go to the restaurant with us. Exercise 12. Fill in the blank with “however,” “otherwise,” “therefore,” “and,” “but,” “or,” “so,” or “because”. . [wanted to go to the party, . [had to study for my exam. . She loves to travel ,. ry new foods. . He didn't have any cash, ... _ he had to use his credit card. . She needs to exercise regularly __. .... She wants to stay healthy. _, I'm lactose intolerant. . He wants to go to the beach, .... it's too far from his house. . She forgot her phone at home; ..» She couldn't call her friend. - can't decide what to wear; . I would have been ready by now. he won't be able to watch TV. 1 2 3 4. 5. Ilove ice cream, .. 6 7 8 9 . He needs to finish his homeworl 10. The restaurant was busy, .... . We decided to go to a different one. 11. I want to go to the beach it’s raining, 12. She wants to go on vacation to Hawaii, Mexico instead. 13. He didn't like the movie, 14. He's not feeling well; . 15. She likes to read books, . . She may choose to go to he left early. , he will have a day off. she also likes to write her own stories. Exercise 13. Read the text and fill in the blanks with the words in the box. important pressure ] guidance challenging exams academic strong Being a teenager can be a (1)... time in one's life. It's a period of transition from childhood to adulthood, with many physical, emotional, and social cS 58 | minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh changes occurring. (2), .... are trying to figure out who they are, what they want to do with their lives, and how they fit into the world around them. One of the biggest challenges that teenagers face is peer (3)... They want to fit in with their friends and be accepted by their peers, and this can often lead to them making choices that may not be in their best interest. It's Qe . for teenagers to learn how to make their own decisions and stand up for themselves, even if it means going against the crowd. Teenagers are also facing the pressures of (5). _. performance and preparing for their future. They may be feeling the stress of trying to maintain good grades, studying for (6)... ..» and deciding what career path to take. It's important for teenagers to have a support system in place, whether it's their family, friends, or a school counselor, to help them navigate these challenges. Overall, being a teenager is a complex and often difficult time in one’s life. It's important for teenagers to have a (7)., _ Support system, develop healthy coping mechanisms, and learn how to make their own decisions. With the right (8), .. and support, teenagers can navigate these challenges and emerge as confident, capable adults. Exercise 14, Read the text and choose the correct answer. If parents bring up a child with the sole aim of turning the child into a genius, they will cause a disaster. According to several scientists, this is one of the biggest mistakes which ambitious parents make. Generally, the child will be only too aware of what his parents expect, and will fail. Unrealistic parental expectations can cause great damage to children. However, if parents are not too unrealistic about what they expect their children to do, but are ambitious in a sensible way, the child may succeed in doing very well - especially if the parents are very supportive of their child. Michael is very lucky. He is crazy about music, and his parents help him a lot by taking him to concerts and arranging private piano and violin lessons for him. They even drive him 50 kilometers twice a week for violin lessons. Michael's mother knows very little about music, but his father plays the trumpet in a large orchestra. However, he never makes Michael enter music competitions if he is unwilling. Unit 3: TEENAGERS | 59 Bo Luyén chuyén sdu ngit php & tir vung fifa tag] an urea) Winston, Michael's friend, however, is not so lucky. Both his parents are successful musicians, and they set too high a standard for Winston. They want their son to be as successful as they are and so they enter him for every piano competition held. They are very unhappy when he does not win. Winston is always afraid that he will disappoint his parents and now he always seems quiet and unhappy. 1. One of the serious mistakes parents can make is to ., A. push their child into trying too much B. help their child to become a genius C. make their child become a musician D. neglect their child's education 2. Parents’ambition for their children is not wrong if they A. force their children into achieving success B. themselves have been very successful C. understand and help their children sensibly D. arrange private lessons for their children 3. Michael is fortunate in that .. A. his father is a musician B. his parents are quite rich C. his mother knows little about music D. his parents help him in a sensible way 4. Winston's parents push their son so much and he | A. has won a lot of piano competitions B. cannot learn much music from them C. has become a good musician D. is afraid to disappoint them 5. The two examples given in the passage illustrate the principle that , A. successful parents always have intelligent children B. successful parents often have unsuccessful children C. parents should let the child develop in the way he wants D. parents should spend more money on the child's education cS 60 | minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh Exercise 15, Read the text carefully. Then do the tasks. Stress isn't just a problem for adults. Young people, however, are also suffering from stress with different causes. Below are some factors that contribute to those youngsters’ unhealthy levels of stress. School Pressure Teenagers often feel stressed about academic and extracurricular demands. Students feel pressure to complete daily homework, finish projects and study for exams. In addition to the quest for good grades, teens may also participate in extracurricular activities, such as sports, student council, cheerleading and clubs. The added pastimes may contribute to teenage stress and anxiety if the activities are competitive and require scheduling that cuts into study and relaxation time. Peer Pressure Although teens may have a solid group of friends, their peers may pressure them to hang out instead of studying or experimenting with drugs, alcohol or sexual activities that go against their morals or family rules. Peer pressure, bullying on campus and harassment may distract teens from studying, leading them to feel additional stress and anxiety. Family Problems Teenagers can also feel stress at home because of family pressures and problems. Arguments with siblings, disagreements with parents over rules and expectations and the need to consistently care for younger siblings may also contribute to teen stress. Sense of Loss Teens may also feel stress and anxiety when experiencing a sense of loss. “Loss” can mean the end of a relationship, friendship or cherished extracurricular activity. Breaking up with a boyfriend or best friend, for example, may lead them to doubt their self-worth or feel anxious about attending school or social functions because of their change in social status. A. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). True False 1. Stress is a problem of both adults and young people. 2. Youngsters can't be stressed if they do well in their classes. Unit 3: TEENAGERS | 61 By. 3. Peer pressure can make teens unable to concentrate on studying. | 4. The family is always the best place, so it doesn’t cause stress for teenagers. wo | | . Some problems in social relationships can lead teens to doubt | oranxiety. B. Answer the questions. 1. What can distract teens from studying? 2. What are family problems that put teens under pressure? 3. What can “loss” mean? 4. Why can teens doubt their self-worth after a broken relationship? Exercise 16. Make the sentences using a conjunction: but; and; or; so; yet. 1. We know him. We know his friends. 2. The coat was soft. The coat was warm. 3. It is stupid to do that. It is quite unnecessary. 4. I wanted to go. He wanted to stay. 5. Your arguments are strong. They don't convince me. 6. You can go there by bus. You can go there by train. cS 62 | minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh 16 8. 9. 10.1 don’t like spicy food. I always ask for mild salsa, 11. He’s allergic to dairy. He can't eat ice cream. 12. He wants to buy a car. He can't afford it right now. Exercise 17. Combine the two sentences in one using the conjunction in brackets. iG . She loves to read. She doesn't have much time for it. (but) . want to learn English. I'm taking an English class. (therefore) . The weather is nice. We're going to have a picnic in the park. (so) . She studied hard. She passed the exam. (therefore) . [need to get some work done. I keep getting distracted. (but) . Would you like a cake? Would you like an ice cream? (or) I was feeling tired. I went to bed when I got home. I took a book with me on my holiday. I didn't read a single page. I want to go to the beach. The weather is nice. I'm tired. I'm going to bed early tonight. (so) é Unit 3: TEENAGERS | 63 & TIENG ANH LOP 8 Err 8. She is a great cook. She doesn’t like to bake. (but) Luyén chuyén su ngir phép & tir vung 9. He went to the bakery. He bought some bread. (and) 10. He loves to travel. He doesn't like flying. (however) 11. Ihave a headache. I'm going to take some medicine. (therefore) 12. She's not feeling well. She's going to the doctor. (so) cS 64 | minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh Unit \\ ETHNIC GROUPS OF VIET NAM VOCABULARY “communal house /ko’mju:nl havs/ Words | Pronunciation Meaning | nha réng, nha sinh hoat cong ding .g: We spent hours in communal house to talk with local people. Ching t6i danh hang gio 6 nha sinh hoat céng dong dé néi chuyén voi nguéi dan dia phuong. costume (n) _/'kost tjus m/ trang yhuc E.g: She wore a traditional costume of bright pink silk. C6 mde m6t b6 trang phuc truyén thong bang lua mau hong teoi. | " ; crop (n) ‘rop/ vu mia, vu trong trot E, The strawberry crop is now in, Hign da vio vu du td. ethnic (adj) (group) | /‘e6nik/ (/gru:p/) | (nh6m) dn te E.g: Viet Nam has 54 ethnic groups. Viét Nam c6 $4 dén t6e an anh em. feature (n) fee ifar/ nét, dic dié E.g: Anotable feature of the church is its unusual bell tower. | Mét dée diém ding chi J ctia nha the la thap chuong dae biét cita nd. flute (n) /ftu:v/ fo (nhac cy) ar E.g: He is playing the flute. Anh dy dang thoi so. folk (adj) /fook/ thude v vé dan gi gian, an, truyén thong E.g: Folk songs are a part of our common heritage. _ Céie bai hat dan ca la m6t phan di san chung ctia ching ta. gong (n)_ /gon/ cai cng, cai chiéng | You cat can visit Gia Lai to enjoy the gong ng festival. Ban cé thé ghé thi Gia Lai dé thuéng thitc 1é hi cong chiéng. Unit 4: ETHNIC GROUPS OF VIET NAM | 65 Ay. bland ( (n) Eg: He is an English teacher in the Central Highlands area. Anh dy la giéo vien tiéng Anh 6 khu vec Tay Nguyen, livestock (n) iG “laivstok/ gia site Eg: The heavy rains and flooding killed scores of livestock. Muca lon vai lit lut da giét chét rdt nhiéu gia stic. minority (n) | /mar'noroti/ | dan tc thiéu sé E.g: Lahu, Mang, and Brau are ethnic minority peoples in Viet Nam. Lahu, Mang, va Brau la cdc nhém nguéi dan t6c thiéu s6 6 Vigt Nam. overlook ) /,90v0'10K/ nhin ra, 461 dign E.g: We can overlook the sea from here. Ching ta cé thé nhin ra bién tir day. post (n) _/povst/ ct tru Exg: The lamp post got bent in the erash. Ct dén bj cong do vu tai nan. |raise(v) Jrexz/ chan nuéi a E.g: We raise turkeys mainly for the Christmas market. Chhing 161 mudi ga tay chi yéu dé bin vo dip Giting sinh soil (n) Isoull ‘dit tring Eg: The soil here is very poor. Dat 6 day rdt ngheo dinh during. Staircase (n) [rs steakers/ cau thang bd Eg: | They walked down the staircase together. Ho cig nhau buéc xuéng cau thang. statue (n) /'steetfu:/ tugng E.g: This statue is made of bronze. Biéc trong ni stilt house /stilt haus/ nha san duge lam bang déng. | E.g: We are meeting in our stilt house. | CIning t6i dang hop mat 6 nha san. cS 66 | minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh terraced (adj) /terast! 6 hinh bac thang E.g: The landscape consists of low hills with terraced fields. Canh quan bao gom nhitng ngon doi thap va ruéng bac thang. _weave (v) Uwiev/ | leg: Workers weave ve silk thread i into beautiful shirts. | hing naud cng niin det nhiong so to thnk nbiong chié | wooden (adj) /'wodn/ bing g6 | E.g: The room was full of wooden furmiture | Can phing chita déy dé ndi I. WORD FORMATION Words Related words ‘Transcription Meaning complicated complicate (v)___/"komplikert/ lam phite tap (adj) $f tinh vi, phite tap | complication (n) | /.komplr' Keyfn/ su phite tap, su su rac ri ape | | curious (adj) ly (adv) ta mo, muén tim sness(n) —_/‘kjuariasnis/ hiéu | curiosity (n) __/kjuariositi/ ethnically (adv) ('e@nikli/ ethnic (adj) ethnology (n) |. nolad3i/ {én tdc hoc (nhém) dan te | ethnologist (n) __/e8'noladgist/ ha dan téc hoc "ethnological (adj) | /,e6no'Indsikl/ “thude vé dan tc hoc speciality (n) special (adj) /'spefV ‘ dac biét, riéng biét L —_}—__— | | | traditional (adj) | ‘tra'difonl/ | thuge vé truyén théng tradition (n) traditionalism (adv) /tra‘difanalrzam/ chi nghia truyén thong truyén thong a | | ngudi theo cha nghia traditionalist (n) __ /tra'difanolist/ Unit 4: ETHNIC GROUPS OF VIET NAM| 67 #o_ Luyén chuyén sdu ngi phép & tir vung METS INGNRG} tap 1 GRAMMAR 1. Questions (M@t sé dang cau héi) a, Cau hoi Yes/ No (Yes/ No Questions) Cau tric: Auxiliary Verb (Do/ Does/ Did/ Will /...) +S + V? | | Yes, S + auxiliary verb. | | | No, S + auxiliary verb + not. Tobe +S + adj/N...? - Yes, S + tobe, / No, S + tobe + not. | E.g: - Will she be here tomorrow? ~ Yes, she will. (C6 dy sé tai day vao ngay mai chit? — Vang, c6 dy sé dén.) - Was Lan sick yesterday? — No, she was not. (C6 phai hém qua Lan 6m khéng? — Khéng, cé dy khong 6m.) - Did Hung go to school yesterday? ~ No, he didn’t. (Hing cé di hoc ngay hém qua khéng? — Khéng, anh dy khéng.) b. Cau héi véi Wh (Wh-questions) Khi can hoi r6 rang hon va cé cau tra 16i cy thé hon, ta ding cau hoi vai cdc tir dé hoi. What:céigi J Which: cai ndo How many/ How much: bao nhiéu Who: ai | (hoi vé sé lrgng) Whose: cia ai (hai vé so hituy How much: bao nhiéu (gid ci) How long: bao lau Why: tai sao Where: 6 dau How far: bao xa Céu trite: Wh-questions + tobe +S + adj/ N? |__ Wh-questions + auxiliary verb + $+ V? cy 68 | minhthangbooks - chuyén sdich tiéng Anh E.g: What is this? (Cai gi day? hote Day [a edi gi?) Where do you live? (Anh song & dau?) When do you see him? (Cau gdp anh ta khi nao?) What are you doing? (Ah dang lam gi thé?) Why does she like him? (Tai sao cé ta thich anh ta?) c. Cach diing cu thé * Who hogic What: cau hoi chi ngit Day 1a cau hoi khi muén biét chi ngir hay chii thé cua hanh déng. Who/ What + V+...? E.g: What happened last night? (Chuyén gi da xy ra vao toi qua?) Who opened the door? (Ai da mé ctta?) * Whom hoge What: cau hoi tin ngit Pay 1a cu hoi ding khi muén biét tan ngit hay déi tung tac déng cita hanh dong. Whom/ What + do/ did/ does... + S+ V +... Luu : Trong tiéng Anh viét bit budc phai ding whom mic di trong tiéng Anh néi cé thé ding who thay cho whom trong mau céu trén, E.g: What did Trang buy at the store? (Trang da mua gi 6 ctta hang?) Whom does Lan know from the UK? (Lan biét ai tit Vieong quoc Anh?) * When, Where, How va Why: Cau hoi bé ngit Dang khi muén biét noi chén, thdi gian, ly do, cach thitc cia hanh d9ng. When/ Where/ Why/ How + do/ does/ did...+ S + V + bé ngir (tan ngit)? E.g: How did you get to school today? (Hém nay ban di dén truéng bang cach nao?) When did he move to Ha Noi? (Cau dy da chuyén t6i Ha N6i khi nao vay?) * Cau hoi voi Who, Whom, Whose - Who va Whom déu ding dé héi ai/ ngudi nao, nhung Who ding thay cho nguédi, gidr nhiém vy chii tir trong cu, con Whom gitt nhiém vy tiie tir ciia d6ng tir theo sau. é Unit 4: ETHNIC GROUPS OF VIET NAM | 69 Ey Luyén chuyén séu ngit phap & tir weng (MOGI GREUSES tap 1 E.g: Who can answer that question? (4i 6 thé tré Ii cu hoi a6?) (Who 1a chi tir ctia déng tir can) Whom do you meet this morning? (Anh gdp ai sting nay?) (Whom 1a tic tte ctia déng tir meet) Luu J: Trong van néi, c6 thé ding who trong ca hai trudng hgp chit tir va tie ti. E.g: Who(m) do they help this morning? (Ho gitip ai sang nay?) - Déng tir trong cau hoi véi who & dang xdc dinh. Nguge lai dng tir trong cau hoi voi whom phai 6 dang nghi va E.g: Who is going to Ha Noi with Mai? (Ai dang di Ha Noi cig voi Mai vay)? With whom is she going to London? (= Who(m) did she go to London with?) - Whose la hinh thitc sé hitu cita who. Né duge ding dé hoi “cua ai”. E.g: Whose is this umbrella? (Cai 6 nay ctia ai?) - Whose c6 thé duge ding nhur mét tinh tir nghi van, theo sau whose 1 mt danh tir. E.g: Whose pen are you using? (Ban dang dimg bit ctia ai ddy?) Whose books are they reading? (Ho dang doc stich ciia ai?) * Cfu héi voi What, Which __ What va Which déu c6 nghia chung la “cai gi, cai nto”. Tuy vay which ¢6 mét 86 gidi han, Nguoi nghe phai chon trong gigi han dy dé tra loi. Cau héi voi what thi khong c6 gidi han. Ngudi nghe c6 quyén tra Idi theo y thich cia minh. E.g: What do you often have for breakfast? (Ban thiéng cn diém tam mén gi?) Which will you have, tea or coffee? (Anh mudn dig gi, tra hay ca phé?) What va Which con cé thé 1a m6t tinh tir nghi van. Khi sir dung tinh tir nghi van phai ding véi mét danh tir, Cach ding giéng nhu trong hop whose néu trén. E.g: What colour do you like? (Ban thich mau gi?) Which way to the station, please? (Cho héi duong nao di dén ga a?) Which co thé ding dé néi vé ngudi. Khi ay né cé nghia “ngudi nao, ai”. E.g: Which of you can't do this exercise’? Em ndo (trong sé cdc em) khong lam cy 70 | minhthangbooks ~ chuyén sach tiéng Anh 2. Countable and uncountable nouns (Danh tir dém duge va khong dém duc) 2.1. Countable nouns (Danh tir dém duge) + Dinh nghia _ = Danh tir dém duge fa nhing danb tir chi su vat, su vige riéng Ié tach roi €6 thé dém duge. E.gz an apple (1 qua téo), a pen (I cai but), a table (1 cai ban), an egg (1 qua trimg), a cup (1 chiée cdc), two books (2 cuén sach), five babies (5 em bé)... + Phan logi Danh tir dém duge duge phan thanh 2 loai: danh tir sé it va danh tir s6 nhieu. Danh tir sé it chi mét cdi, mOt con, mét vat..., thudng di véi mao tir a/an, E.g: a cake (mét cai bank), an umbrella (mét chiée 6)... ir danh tir dém duge s6 it * Quy tic hinh thanh danh tie s6 nhiéu Quy tc 1: Danh tir sé it thursng duge chuyén sang dang s6 nhiéu bing cach thém “s”, E.g:a pen — pens a book — books an egg — eggs an ant — ants a boy > boys a girl — girls Quy tic 2: Thém “es” vao tn cing cua danh tir két thc bing cac am O, S, SS, CH, X, SH, Z. E.g:aclass — classes a tomato — tomatoes abox — boxes a watch — watches Quy tc 3: Danh tir két thic bang “y” chung ta chuyén thanh “i + es”. E.g:a candy — candies a baby — babies a country — countries a family — families Ngogi trit: Cac trrémg hop danh tie két tite “'y” ma trede né lai la mot nguvén Gm — khi chuyén sang s6 nhiéu, ta chi thém “s”. E.g: a boy — boys akey — keys Quy tic 4: Danh tir c6 tan cing 1a F, FE ta chuyén thanh “+ VES” E.g:a knife — knives awife + wives a wolf > wolves Unit 4: ETHNIC GROUPS OF VIET NAM | 71 4 Luyén chuyén sdu ngir phép & tir vung MISO GNROGEY tap 1 Quy tc 5: Mét sé danh tir dic biét khéng theo cdc quy tic trén. Danh tir s6 it Danh tir s6 nhigu Y nghia aman | men dan Ong a woman inn women phunt achild children tré con a sheep ___con ciru afoot ___ ban chan a tooth _rang __aperson —_ ngudi __amouse ___con chudt agoose con ngong | __anox conbodye a fish | t | | [eseem 2 [Dac eran 1 2.2. Uncountable nouns (Danh tir khéng dém dug) + Dinh nghia Danh tit khong dém dwge la nhitng danh tit chi nhieng sy v@t, hién tegng ma ching ta khong thé dém dug tich roi vi du nh danh tie chi chét ligu, chat Jong, chat sét, chét b6t hay céc danh tir tritu tegng. E.g: milk (sita), sugar (dudng), happiness (niém vui), advice (Idi khuyén), money (tién), bread (banh mi)... + Phan loai Khée véi danh tie dém durgc, céc danh tie khéng dém duge chi cé dang sé it Danh tir khong dém duge duge chia lim 5 nhém dién hinh nhw sau: Nh6m 1: Danh tir chi dé an: food (46 &n), meat (thit), water (nude), rice (ga0), sugar (dudng)... Nh6m 2: Danh tir chi khai nigm triu tugng: help (sv gitip 46), fun (niém vui), information (théng tin), knowledge (kién thttc), patience (su kién tri),... Nh6m 3: Danh tir chi finh vue, mén hoc: Mathematics (mén Todn), Ethics (Dao dite hoc), Music (Am nhac), History (Lich sit), grammar (ngit phdp),... Nhom 4: Danh tit chi hign tugng ty nhién: thunder (sam), snow (tuyét), heat (nhiét 46), wind (gi6), light (anh sang)... cS 72 | minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh Nh6m 5: Danh tir chi hoat dng: swimming (boi), walking (di b6), reading (doc), cooking (nau in), sleeping (ngu),... * Chit ¥: Co mét sé danh tir c6 thé ding nhu danh tir dém duge va danh tir khong dém dupe cing Ie véi y nghia Khe nhau: | E.g: He reads a paper. (Anh dy doc m6t to’ bdo.) | Paper ve | He bought some paper. (Anh dy mua mé6t vai te gidy viet.) i | Work £8! Mark i finding work. (Mark dang tim vie.) ee Mozart composed many works. (Mozart da sang tac nhieu téc phim.) i | Hair 28? There's a hair in the cup of tea. (C6 mot cong téc trong coc tra.) _ My hair is so long. (Téc t6i dai qua.) | We had many interesting experiences a at the party. | Experience (Ching t6i co nhiéu hoat déng thi vi trong bita It's very important to have experience in work. (Cé kinh nghiém trong cong vige la diéu Trong mét sé tricing hgp, danh tic khong dém duegc c6 thé di hem v6i a/an: a pity: mét diéu dang tiéc ashame: mét su xdu hd a wonder: mét diéu ngac nhién a fear: mt diéu dang sg, dang lo ngai ahelp: mét su gitp do arelief: mt su nhe nhém GLa sel NU Nervi fe)) SOUND /K/ AND /G/ 1. Cach phat Am /k/ va /g/ a, Cach phat am 4m /k/ [Buse 1: Bé khdu hinh migng mé ty nhién, phan cudng luéi nang lén cham |.. ‘ | vao phin ngac mém 6 trén, chan ; | | ludng hoi di ra. Nw | | | ae, NS Buée 2: Nhanh chéng ha luéi xuong dé t e ludng hoi thodt ra, tao thinh 4m W/, dy thanh quan khong : Unit 4: ETHNIC GROUPS OF VIET NAM | 73 iam TIENG ANH LOP 8 Reem /k/ 1 mt dm v6 thanb, nén khi tép phat dm c6 thé dua mét to gidy gin sit migng dé kiém tra. Néu day thanh khéng rung va gidy bi lung hoi bat bay 1a phat am dung. Luyén chuyén séu ngir phép & tir vung Tap phat am véi cdc vi du sau: account Ve'kavnt) | tai khoan think “/emgk/ suy nghi K /kauld/ “anh | [ik [Atock/ Ss [ndicchuyén | b. Cach phat am Am /g/ “Buée 1: Dé khdu hinh migng mé ty nhién, phan cudng lui nang lén cham - o vao phan ngac mém 6 trén, chan | ludng hoi di ra. ho s ,\ | Bue 2: Saudé ludi nhanh chéng ha xudng a | day manh luéng hoi thoat ra ngoai_ (1 va tao thanh am /g/ véi dy thanh | _____ quan rung. - an a /g/ 14 mot am hitu thanh, vi vay khi doc hay lay tay so 1én cd hodc dé mot to gidy mong gan sat miéng. Néu cé rung va gidy khong bi bay la phat 4m ding. Tép phat am véi cae vi du sau: give “gun (gw! 2. So sinh cach phat 4m phy 4m /k/ va /g/. - Giéng nhau: /k/ va /g/ 1a cap phy 4m cé cing cau hinh miéng, ludi (migng hoi mo, phan cudng lui nang lén cham vao ngac mém chin ludng hoi di ra). -Khée nhau: /k/ 1a phy 4m v6 thanh, khi phat am ludng hoi day ra manh va khéng lam day thanh quan rung. /g/ 14 phy am hitu thanh, khi phat am ludng hoi day ra yéu va lim day thanh quan rung. cf 74 |minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh 3. Cac ddu higu nhn biét 4im /k/ va am /p/ a. Dau higu nhan biét am /k/ Dau higu 1: “k” duge pha va ca cudi tir. it m 1a /k/ khi dat & bat ky vi tri dau mot tr, gidta tir “keep ; git kindergarten ndaga:tn/ “na tré Kitchen Pkatfin/ | | darken — fdarkonh “cooker ['koker/ ‘lock Mok | attack Jo’ tek/ Dau higu 2: “c” dugc phat am 1a /k/ khi dat 6 dau hode gitta tt. column /'kolom/ bacon |Pberkan/ | conelusion /kon'klu:gon/ discard | Dau higu 3: Khi “cc” theo sau 1a nguyén dm tnir “e” thi “cc” duge phat am 1a /k/. Dau higu 4: “qu” sé duge accountant /o’kauntant/ _Ké toan acclaim /a'klerm/ nggi ca accurate Feekjorat/ chinhxéc occasion /a'kergan/ dip | queue — | quay a antique | een'tick/ technique tek’ ni:k/ Cha y: Am /k/ cam khi tir c6 cu tao K+N. know /nov/ | “knee /ni:/ i knowledge /'nvlid3/ suhigu biét é Unit 4: ETHNIC GROUPS OF VIET NAM | 75, zy Luyén chuyén sau ngir phép & tir weng MATEO GM ROLSI tap 1 b. Dau higu nhan biét am /g/ Dau higu: “g” duge doe 1a /g/. ‘gain igen’ | thu duge | | garden _[ga:dan/ khu vuon | _ jungle / dgangl/ rimg rim | “negotiate /nr'gavfiert/ thuong long, dam phan | negative _ /negotiv/ ___tiéu eure, phi dinh Chi y: “g” cam (khong duge phat am) khi G + M,N ‘foreign | /foron/ design | /d'zaun/ | campaign /keem'pein/ ie sant LV PRACTICE J Exercise 1. Fill in the blank with a word containing sound /k/. ae 1. I didn't have time to read the whole article - just the first 2. John works as an , _. for a large corporation. 3, My grandmother gave me an ,., ... clock that's been in our family for generations. 4. My _... hurts after running in the marathon last weekend. . Fill in the blank with a word containing sound /g/. | frogs bags | girl glass | 1. The little was so excited to go to the park. 2. Laccidentally dropped my ,, and it shattered into pieces. 3. She packed her , 4. We could hear the ,., cy 76 | minhthangbooks - chuyén sdch tiéng Anh .. and left for her trip to Europe. _.. croaking in the pond at night.

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