Philosophy Exam

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NAME: ___________________________________ SCORE: _____________
GRADE/SECTION: __________________________ DATE:_______________
Encircle the letter of the correct answer. No erasures allowed.

1. Which supports the given statement? “In using freedom in decision making, whether you choose not to choose you still
choose something.”
a. True, in all sense of knowledge
b. True, but it limited sense of responsibilities
c. False, freedom was not invoke in this sense
False, freedom is only use when man chooses something
2. What does it mean to have freedom?
a. To do anything what we want to do with our life
b. To do anything we desire
c. To achieved one’s dream
d. To act according to one’s reason and in accordance with one’s responsibilities
3. Who is the philosopher that wrote, “Man is condemned to be free”?
a. Descartes c. Jean-Paul Sartre
b. Plato d. Soren Kierkegaard
4. Do you agree that man has the capacity to plot the trajectory of his own lives?
a. Yes, man as being thrown in the world must use his freedom to determine his future
b. Yes, man must be responsible for his own life
c. No, life is always a matter of fate and destiny
d. No, man is incapable of using his full freedom because of his limitation
5. What is the basis of giving reward to any person?
a. For doing good things in his life
b. For excelling in the class
c. For using his freedom in a proper way that results to good things
d. For his achievements
6. Jake is a person who always participate in every gathering of the youth for the sake that he will be present in the event.
What kind of interaction does he manifest?
a. Interhuman c. I-it relationship
b. Social d. Imposing
7. John as he tries to join the rally he make sure that he is making himself present for the others not only as someone who
belong to the group rather as a person relating to others. What kind of interaction does he manifest?
a. Interhuman c. I-it relationship
b. Social d. Imposing
8. In the philosophy of Martin Buber, what world does he consider as to refer to the I-it relationship?
a. World of encounter c. World of ideas
b. World of experience d. Physical world
9. Which is not part of the obstacle to dialogue in order to have genuine relationship?
a. Way of being c. speechifying
b. Way of seeming d. imposition
10. What method is used when it refers to both the teacher and the student are responsible for arriving to what is true, good,
and beautiful?
a. Methods of philosophizing c. dialogical method
b. Banking method d. inductive method

“Blessed are the pure of heart, for they will see God” Prepared by:
Matthew 5:8 Maverick Daryl W. Napolereyes
Test II – Sentence Analysis
Read the statements in each item and determine if it is correct or incorrect. Write the letter of the correct answer on the
blank provided.
a. Statement A is correct while statement B is incorrect c. Both statements are correct
b. Statement A is incorrect while statement B is True d. Both statements are incorrect

_____11. A. A person is not force to live his life the same as he had lived yesterday
B. In the sense of responsibility of a person his freedom is always implied
_____12. A. The basic experience of being responsible is present even if one decide not to say anything
B. Man is responsible of allowing the situation to continue without any intervention
_____13. A. One of the obvious existence of human freedom is his decision in making choices
B. Whether one consciously choose to do an action or refuse to do it, one still choose
_____14. A. Being social refers to the life between and among persons, who are non-interchangeable and non-objectifiable
B. Being in a rally just for the sake accompanying a friend is a social
_____15. A. Being interhuman refers to the life of a group bound together by common experiences and reactions.
B. Having a dialogue with other subject or person is interhuman
_____16. A. I-it relationship refers to the world of experience and sensation where there are objects
B. I-it relationship can also refer to as having a monologue characteristic of relationship
_____17. A. I-Thou relationship refers to the world of encounter
B. I-Thou relationship can also refer to as having a dialogue with other person
_____18. A. Martin Buber is trying to imply to us that we must have a monologue relationship
B. Banking method is the best way to express our relationship towards others
_____19. A. In bracketing one’s experience of love he suspends his popular notion about what love is.
B. We often understand love by giving importance to being loved than to loving.
_____20. A. Unfolding refers to the finding in others the disposition toward what oneself belief as true, good, and beautiful
B. Unfolding is allowing the self and others to reach their potentialities

Identify the statement below. Write your answer on the space provided.

_____________21. The term Heidegger used to refer to the kind of thinking where it reduces nature to the something which can
be profited from.
_____________22. The term Kohak used to refer in treating earth as our home.
_____________23. It is the ability of the human person to choose in accordance with one’s own motivation.
_____________24. it is known as the capacity and the responsibility of every person for human community.
_____________25. For numbers 25 to 27, the three classes that the ideal state have according Plato.
_____________28. The implicit agreement among members of the society to cooperate to social benefits.
_____________29. The philosopher who said that the sovereignty did not reside in the state but with the people.
_____________30. The highest goal of this is for the person to achieve enlightenment and letting go of the ‘I.’
TEST II. Correct Me! Write TR if the statement is true and write FA if statement is false and change the underlined
word to make the statement true. Write your answer above the underlined word. 2 points each.

___31-32. In anthropological approach to environment, the concern of the human is achieving the fullness of his
___33-34. In axiological approach, it sees the goodness in human nature as rooted in God in caring for the
___35-36. The present motivation is always in relation from the past decision only.
___37-38. Our mindset is characterized by intentionality and self-conscious choice.
___39-40. Every human person has control of the facts before them but have the ability to decide what to do with
___41-42. Our experience of love begins from our experience of anger.
___43-44. In love, the “I” becomes less an “I” and “you” becomes less of himself or herself simultaneously as both create“we.”
___45-46. As for Hobbes, people requires to surrender their rights to the Church.

“Blessed are the pure of heart, for they will see God” Prepared by:
Matthew 5:8 Maverick Daryl W. Napolereyes
___47-48. Confucius has high regard for the development of virtues, especially that of wisdom and compassion.
___49-50. Augustinians focused more on the collective well-being of the society over individual rights.

“Blessed are the pure of heart, for they will see God” Prepared by:
Matthew 5:8 Maverick Daryl W. Napolereyes

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