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Iba Zambales
1st Semester, A.Y. 2022-2023

Francis Jude B. Atanacio


Name of Student


MODULE 10: Challenges Posed by Changes to Educators and Teaching 100

Challenges Posed by Changes to Educators and Teaching
Tourism Education Trends in the Modern Age
Test 10
MODULE 10 Challenges Posed by Changes to Educators and Teaching

Learning Outcome: 1. Determine the challenges posed by changes to educators

and teaching.
2. Identify the tourism education in modern trends.

The impact of technological implementations, changing student characteristics and education
sector structure (competition and partnership/collaborations) might most strongly be experienced by
educators and teaching styles alike. Stamps (1998) argued that the structure of future universities
would be either fully or partially virtual and consist of a network of links with suppliers, leaving
universities to concentrate on their core activity: research and teaching.


Moreover, as technological inventions have eliminated the barriers of time, place and
sequence, while fostering educational innovation in instruction, they are leading to both job creation
and destruction.
 ICT can be used to facilitate learning by replacing the worst parts of lecturing (such as
disseminating and presenting lecture notes and teaching material) and by filling the resource
and staff gaps in universities, libraries and laboratories.
 Moreover, the social interaction of good traditional teaching can be facilitated technologically
(interactive one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to one, asynchronous or synchronous
communications), while the student interaction with the content of the course is achieved and
enhanced through well-designed multimedia materials.
 In other words, ICT provides educators with the means by which they can carefully assemble
resources and craft their presentations for duplication instead of duplicating themselves in
lecture theatres.
 The development and increasing use of collaborative and constructivist e-learning
environments are also changing the role of educators. The balance of educators’ tasks moves
from information delivery to management of educational opportunities and experiences
facilitated from students’ perspectives, through improved access, delivery and instruction

As described by Sigala (2001 and 2002), online instructors should increasingly facilitate,
moderate and direct, when necessary, online learning experiences, as well as go beyond moderating
the learning process to engage in the negotiation of meanings and become, along with their students,
knowledge builders. In fact, a negotiator role requires educators to collaborate with students to
provide the conceptual means of fine-tuning discussions and to help them build an environment in
which higher-order argument and knowledge building could take place. The notions of the collective
construction and co-constructing of a course should not be an excuse for educators entirely to
relinquish their traditional role.
According to Mason (1998), there should always be a balance between good presentation on
the part of educators and willingness to work quickly and to adapt to the evolving group dynamics in
virtual classrooms.
Thus, educators require a real understanding of the purpose and learning outcomes of the
course and the ability to realize and achieve these in the form of challenging online activities and

Trends and Issues in Hospitality Industry |Page

processes. Therefore, as online education delivery is not a technology problem but a pedagogy
problem, educators need to strive continually to develop and enhance their skills and competencies in
the latter field.
Martin et al. (1994) predicted that because there is no need to be physically present, educators
would not be employed by one single institution, but rather by a number of different ones. This
provides the educator with a substantial amount of freedom — allowing him/her to work as little or as
much as desired for a selected group of universities. Moreover, Martin et al. (1994) envisioned that
individual educators’ performance will be rated and evaluated by the student and that future
employment would depend on that score. At the extreme, celebrity, freelance professors, with
incomes and audiences comparable with those of some entertainers, may emerge, since technology
would enable them to reach large numbers of students.
These pose both management difficulties and opportunities for all players, or as Daniel (1996:
145) argued ‘we are not facing a time where lecturers are not demanded . . .’, but a time where the
role of teaching will change and open up both opportunities and threats for staff and institutions alike.


People are clearly fundamental to the efficient operation and further development of the
tourism industry. Many tourism products include people as a primary part of the proficiency offered,
whether as performers or as members of the cultural environment. There is a growing realization that
labour should not be treated simply as variable costs, but as human capital. A high-quality skilled
workforce will ensure greater competitiveness and innovation, improve job prospects and ease the
process of adjustment in changing markets.

Tourism Education Trends and Challenges in 21st Century

There is the commonly acknowledged proposition that economic prosperity depends on an
educated workforce. It is also agreed that the increasing recognition of the economic importance of
tourism itself has lent further prominence to the necessity for an expansion of tourism education.
 The competitive advantage of countries in a global economy increasingly depends on the
availability of skilled labour. This is also true for the tourism-related industries. Therefore, the
structure of and focus on (public and private) educational and vocational provisions are
important issues.
 A primary concern is that a lack of suitable staff will challenge the industry’s capacity to meet
the expectations of service quality that tourism promotions have created. The demand for
tourism services to meet international standards has led to an increasing trend to employ a
highly skilled labour force and although human resources are the most valuable asset of these
industries, paradoxically, the will to invest in education and training in some of the major
sectors is comparatively low compared with other industries.

However, upgrading human resources and techniques, as well as improving management

skills, are essential requirements for the further development of the industry. Too often, human
resource planning is based on short-term thinking, as opposed to regarding HR as a strategic asset.
Generally dialogues by educators and developers of tourism curricula tend to centre on a
balance between a vocational and an academic focus. The discussion is often merely about efficient
and effective transferability of school curricula to daily operations, overlooking the value of learning
as a function of professional development.
It is clear that a focus on employability is in conflict with the goal of producing graduates
capable of critical thinking. Taking the pragmatic stance, educators should be preparing students to be
employable, while the theoretic perspective would require educators to equip students with higher
order competencies, facilitate planning as well as self-reflection skills and more generally with the
T r e n d s a n d I s s u e s i n H o s p i t a l i t y I n d u s t r y | P a g e 101
that their management of knowledge will ultimately have an impact on the future of the tourism and
hospitality industry.
The unique nature of the Swiss education model offers a potential solution; it combines
practical instruction and vocational orientation with high-quality academic studies. A survey
conducted in 2010 by Taylor Nelson Sofres established the relative ‘ranking' of international
hospitality management schools providing university-level degree programs from which employers
are likely to recruit staff for international 5-star hotel companies. This global survey clearly
demonstrated that Swiss schools were ranked as the best in the world. On this basis the curriculum
could be delivered with this underpinning in mind so that there is improved synergy between the
operational and pedagogical elements.
The internationalization of the tourism student body and the unique characteristics of the this
generation that has become known as generation Y creates new challenges for educators with regard
to the management of and use of technology.
The increasingly diverse student body and societal changes arguably create pressure for
educators to put in place new systems for academic and student support. Alpine Center experienced
this trend as it successfully integrated over 40 different nationalities into its student body last
academic year.
With the growing recognition of the importance of responding to contemporary tourism and
hospitality students’ needs there is a growing body of education-focused literature documenting the
development and implementation of innovative pedagogical approaches for students studying in
tourism and hospitality.
Empirical research highlights the commitment of educators to develop sound, academically
rigorous, innovative and perhaps even entertaining lectures, and case studies. Moreover, a key feature
of the tourism industry is that of extent and pace of change. Patterns of consumption, technological
change and supply innovation in tourism as elsewhere are in a constant state of change, which means
education must evolve with industry changes by incorporating a life-long learning approach to
tourism education.
With tourism now established as one of the principal global industries the need for an
effective and industry relevant tourism education framework that captures and utilizes latest
pedagogical as well as business trends to underpin the industry’s development is of paramount


Baum, Marianna and Baum, Tom (2003). Trends and Issues in Tourism and Hospitality Higher
Education: Visioning the Future
Maudlin, Laura (2011). Tourism Education Trends in the Modern Age. https://www.tourism-

T r e n d s a n d I s s u e s i n H o s p i t a l i t y I n d u s t r y | P a g e 102

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