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Bending of Beams with Creep

E. P. Popov

Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 20, 251 (1949); doi: 10.1063/1.1698351

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Necessary Data For these values of A and C, the angle a and pare
R 1 =.933 found to be 250° and 20°. But from the geometry
R 2 = 1.01 the angles-of-arrival are expected to fall between
Arp1= -118° -100° and -360°. Since a and p are ambiguous in
Arp2 = -108° steps of 360°, this angle is subtracted from the
Calculations chart value to obtain angles of -110° and -340°.
From Eqs. (9), (10), (11), and (12) The geometric angle-of-arrival, a' and p' are
a= -0.750 b=0.133 found to be
al=0.126 b1 = -1.781
A=b/a1=1.055 a' = -110/600= -0.12°,
C= 1/2(b 1A -a) = -0.565. p' = -340/600= -0.57°.

Bending of Beams with Creep

E. P. Popov*
Department of Eng1'neering, University of California, Berkeley, California
(Received July 12, 1948)

A method of calculating stresses and deflections for beams whose material creeps is presented in
this paper. Complete tension creep test data at constant temperature are used to define creep charac-
teristics of the material. Then by using Bernoulli's hypothesis of plane sections and the techniques
developed earlier for interpretation of the relaxation creep tests, a method of beam analysis is shown.
Stresses and deflections may be calculated for any desired time interval. This includes the time prior
to the occurrence of the steady state creep. The latter aspect appears to have been ignored by others.

INTRODUCTION Here we will confine our attention to pure flexure

of a beam at constant temperature. However, the
I Natsome industrial applications materials are used
elevated temperatures. With time the initial
initial or the transient creep rates are considered.
This refinement is desirable for a more accurate
elastic stress distribution and deformations change prediction of beam deflections and becomes of
as a result of creep or gradual plastic deformation. utmost importance in the study of columns whose
The creep phenomenon is likewise clearly exhibited material creeps. The latter problem appears to be
by some important materials such as lead and cer- of immediate practical importance.**..
tain plastics at room temperature. Solutions for Previous investigators in studying bending of
stresses and deformations based on the usual elastic
prismatic beams with creep either utilized directly
theory for such situations are inadequate. or verified experimentally Bernoulli's hypothesis of
Prediction and interpretation of the behavior of
plane sections. Thus, like in all technical theory of
materials with creep considerations attracted several
beams, a plane section before bending remains
investigators. Most of the attention was properly
plane. The studies generally were made for the
directed at the steady state of creep. This is logical
steady state conditions. For the steady creep, for
as it was repeatedly observed that nearly a con-
stant rate of plastic deformation takes place after a example, the exponential creep law is u* =Bu",
relatively short initial interval of time, provided where u* is the steady creep rate, u is the stress,
the stress and the temperature remain constant. and nand B are experimental constants. Then it
For the steady state conditions several empirical follows from Bernoulli's assumption that during
formulae or "laws" are proposed. Such laws con- creep the plastic strains must vary linearly from
nect the stress with the steady creep rates that the neutral axis to maintain a plane section. Written
would prevail at a constant temperature. These algebraically,
laws are essentially empirical and they completely y u ll* Bu" u"
ignore the transient creep rates. Yet the transient - = - = - - - = - -, (1)
creep in certain cases turns out to be the dominant O'max

factor. 1
When creep is involved, several simple problems where (J' is the stress in a fiber at a distance y from
of stress distribution and deformation still exist. the neutral axis, and (J'max is the stress in the extreme
fiber at y=h. For simplicity here we are considering
* Associate Professor of Civil Engineering.
1 E. P. Popov, J. App. Mech. 14, A-13S (1947). "'* A private communication from F. R. Shanley.
VOLUME 20, MARCH, 1949 251
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teristic of the creep phenomena. These must not be
~ f*rce

based on the time~hardening assumption. l If used
the results obtained in this manner for bending
with creep become peculiar. The solution indicates
., F D the same stress distribution regardless of the time
(a) (b) elapsed. No time appears in the end result. This
FIG. 1. (a) Stress distribution. (b) Strain distribution. must be viewed with caution.
Another creep law that is rather general has been
used 6 to determine stresses and deflections of beams
a rectangular section of a beam. With a further in bending. I ts expression is
proviso that creep properties of material are alike
in tension and compression, the bending moment M (7)
for a rectangular beam of width b is where K, m, and n are experimental constants,
h Ep is the plastic strain, and u is creep rate. In this

M=2j uybdy. (2) equation 0", E p , and u are all variables. It appears
o to be properly formulated for the transient as well
as for the steady creep rates. Then by virtue of
This is readily integrated by changing the variables. Bernoulli's hypothesis
The expression for stress in any fiber during the
steady creep becomes2,3 E1I =(y/h)Em ax, (8)
where E1I must be the total unit strain (elastic and
plastic) at a fiber at a distance y from the neutral
.axis, and Emax is the total unit strain in the extreme
fibre. Not only plastic but also the elastic strains
Here [is the moment of inertia of the cross-sectional change with time until the steady state is reached.
area. Other symbols are as defined previously. The method cited ignores the elastic part. Thus the
Any other creep law may be used to obtain a subsequent conclusions seem questionable. More-
similar solution. The hyperbolic sine creep law 4 over several of the constants involved in Eq. (7)
expressing the creep rate as a function of stress is are very difficult to determine experimentally and
are generally not available.
u* = Uo sinh-, (4)

where Uo and (J'o are experimental constants. The Let us consider for simplicity a rectangular
solution for stress distribution in bending in con- prismatic beam in pure flexure. The applied mo-
formity with this law is a .:,mere..:.. mathematical men ts act in the plane of symmetry of the cross-
exercise, yielding sectional area. The material properties including
creep characteristics are assumed to be alike in
(J'o (J'max (J'max
M=- (J'max--coth--+--csch2-- , (5)
O"mllx) tension and compression. At any section through
such a beam the shear is zero. This conveniently
2h 2 0"0 2 0"0
omits the necessity of considering shear or variation
and of moment along the length of the beam. A similar
(J' / (J'max
y = h· sinh- sinh--. (6)
0"0' (J'o
These two equations give a complete solution for
the steady stress distribution in a rectangular beam. ~
Solution of these equations may be obtained by i C3
trial. The form of these expressions is decidedly less ~~--~~~~~~
convenient than that of Eq. (3), although it is not ...
implied that this should be the main criterion. (J

Some creep laws that are written" so as to depend ~

on time appear to consider the transient charac- ~
I R. W. Bailey, Proc. lnst. Mech. Eng. 131, 131 (1935).
a G. H. McCullough, Trans. A. S. M. E. 55, 55 (1933).
'A. Nadai, Stephen Timoshenko 60th Anniversary Volume FIG. 2. A family of tension test creep curves at
(The Macmillan Company, New York, 1938), p. 155. constant temperature.
I C. R. Soderberg, Stephen Timoshenko 60th Ann~"versary
Volume (The Macmillan Company, New York, 1938), p. 197. • E. A. Davis, J; App. Mech. 5, A-29 (1938).


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simplification is made in the derivation of the STRESS,,,", PSI.
3 0 5,000
flexure formula in the technical elastic theory.
Bernoulli's hypothesis of plane sections is assumed 100 HOURS
to hold at all times. This notion is fundamental in
the procedure adopted. Its validity has been experi-
mentally demonstrated 7 for materials that do not
obey Hooke's law and holds above the yield point
of the material. In bending with creep the assump- 100'0 HOURS

tion is also valid. a, 8 2000 HOURS

The stress-strain-time relations obtained from

the tension creep tests are used for determining the
stress distribution and in calculating the deflections.
Any expression for the creep strain that satisfac-
torily fits the tension test data may be used. NEUTRAL AXIS
Mathematical formulation is not basic as long as the
expressions adequately describe the entire family of FIG. 3. Stress distribution in a beam.
creep curves including the transient portions. The
formulae are merely an expedient and may be
chosen on the basis of their convenience for cal- elongation (or contraction) that will take place in
culations. the interval Qf time tl =Atl' The fibres farther away
For a beam in bending the requirements of static will creep more than the ones near the neutral
equilibrium must be satisfied at all sections and at axis as they are under a higher stress. The unit
all times. This may be formulated by the usual two creep elongation added to the initial unit elastic
equations: L:F=O, i.e., the summation of all the elongations may be represented by the curved line
forces perpendicular to any cross section of the EF in Fig. lb. But this results in a section that is
beam must be zero, and L:M=M, i.e., the summa- not plane. So to be consistent with our funda-
tion of all of the above internal forces forming the mental assumption, we must increase the stresses in
internal resisting moment must be equal to the ex- the intermediate fibres by a sufficient amount to
ternally applied moment. make the section plane. From experiments it is
The first requirement is met in the elastic theory known that the material, regardless of the amount
by having the neutral plane pass through the of creep that has taken place, has essentially a
centroid of the section. In bending with creep, constant elastic modulus. A fibre at a distance y
where stress variation does not follow a simple law, from the neutral plane must have an elastic in-
the neutral plane does not necessarily pass through crement of stress to make the section plane. This
the centroid of a section. However, for cross sec- increment must be equal to the difference between
tions with two axes of symmetry, it does pass the unit strain values of the straight line EF and
through the center of the section, because we have the curved line EF multiplied by E. Stated in the
assumed that the properties of materials are the form of an equation we must have
same in tension and compression.
AUy = «y/h)CE-a)E, (9)
N ow let us consider a rectangular beam in pure
flexure where material creeps. At the instant that where all quantities on the right-hand side of the
the couples are applied, i.e., t=O, the stress dis- expression are known, as CE is the plastic strain
tribution and fiber elongation is the same as is of the extreme fibre and a is the plastic strain of a
normally given by the elastic theory. The material fibre y.
as yet had no time to creep. The stress and strain These stress increments in our symmetrical case
distribution is instantaneously linear and is repre- do not disturb the location of the neutral axis, nor
sented by the straight lines AB and CD in the re- L:F=O, but they do the moment. Summation of
spective diagrams of Fig. L The corresponding these forces around the neutral axis gives us an
maximum stress is u* = Mh/ I and the maximum increase in the resisting moment AM, but the
strain E* = u* / E. Initially stress for any other fibre applied moment is constant. This we compensate
is u= (y/h)u*. For a small interval of time At the by calculating with elastic formulae the adjusted
fibres are essentially under the action of the above stresses and strains which in turn are added to the
stress distribution. This being the case, we may quantities just computed. The adjusted stress at a
calculate by any suitable expression for creep the distance y from the neutral axis is t C
7 A. Nadai, Plasticity (McGraw-Hili Book Company, Inc.,
1931), p. 160. (M-t:.M)y
8 H. J. Tapsell and A. E. Johnson, J. lnst. of Metals, LVII, u/=----- (10)
pt. 2, 121 (1935). I

VOLUME 20, MARCH, 1949 253

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STRESS.O" .PSI. actual moment, the stress distribution at the end
a0 5.000 11500 15.000
of the time h +At2 is obtained. Stress distribution at
any time may be calculated by making additional
3 A little further reflection on the behavior of the
beam's fibres shows some very interesting things.
With time the initially highly stressed fibres be-
« come somewhat relieved of the stress. The interior
e:J ones on the other hand contribute gradually more
and more to the resisting moment. Eventually the
~ I I------:'''+:;~,<---_t-
state of stress distribution is reached when the
~ creep rates in various fibres become proportional to
z their respective distances from the neutral plane.
Any other situation is transient in character. This
50 --- is the steady state-for it, as mentioned earlier,
FIG. 4. Steady state stress distribution in a beam. satisfactory solutions are available.2.3. 8 The solution
. presented is in complete accord with such investi-
and the corresponding strain is Obviously the time necessary to arrive at the
E,/ =O',/jE. (11) steady state stress distribution depends on the
material's creep characteristics and will be different
This procedure does not change any of the previous for various materials. The stable stress distribution
reasoning as E' may be used instead of E* in the occurs and continues to exist when the creep rates
strain diagram of Fig. 1. In this manner we arrive in the fibres are proportional to their respective
at the new time t1 with all of the requirements 0'£ distances from the neutral axis. In any beam that
creep, plane section and static equilibrium satisfied. exhibits creep such a condition eventually is at-
The new stress distribution for any fibre thus tained. And if there is sufficient time for the creep
becomes in all fibres to pass over the transient period and to
(12) attain the minimum creep rates, a direct solution
using a minimum creep law is possible. The creep
To determine stress distribution for a longer rates eventually become minimum and their varia-
period of time we proceed in a similar way. A new tion with stress is well described by the mathe-
6.t2 is assumed. The new starting stress distribution maticallyexpressed laws. Remarkably, the previous
is now the one just computed. Here we may note stress distribution is of no importance. This fact
that the behaviour of the individual fibres of a beam gives the reason for the good experimental agree-
subjected to uni-axial stress is similar to the case ment found under the steady state conditions with
of a stressed creeping bolt that clamps rigid flanges. formulae based on the minimum creep laws.
This problem was discussed by the writer pre-
viously,1 and good agreement was found to exist NUMERICAL EXAMPLE
between the tension creep tests and the relaxation
tests. The same technique of analysis no doubt may Let us assume a rectangular beam that is 2-in.
be satisfactorily applied here. wide by 6-in. deep subjected to end moments of
~ ,Good solutions for fibres in relaxation were ob- 162,000 in.-Ib. This beam is to be of oxygen-free
tained on the basis of the strain-hardening assump- copper with the elastic modulus E = 14.1 X 106 p.s.i.
tion. This principle is illustrated in Fig. 2. In this This material has been carefully investigated9 and
figure we first proceed along the curve 0'1 of con- its tension test creep curves at 165°C may be
stant stress for a time interval t1 to obtain the first approximated l by the following expression
amount of the plastic strain El. Then suppose we Ep = 26.8 X 10-6 (e,,)7600 -1)to. 372 in.jin. (13)
find that the stress for the particular fibre in the
interval of time t1 has changed to a new stress 0'2 This equation is of a parabolic type. Thus no
from Eq. (12). For the next selected time interval
6.t2 material creeps essentially under stress 0'2 and
according to the strain-hardening assumption now FIG. 5. Elastic curve of
we start not from the time tl but from the time tt' a deflected beam (exag-
and proceed to the time tl' +6.t2' After the new time gerated).
interval we arrive at plastic strain E2. In this manner
a new plastic strain of several fibres may be com-
puted. Repeating the adjustment procedure for the 9 E. A. Davis, J. App. Mech. 10, A-lOl (1943).


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mlmmum creep rate is ever reached, but it has INCHES

been found 1 to be satisfactory to nearly 5000 hours

as determined by verification with the relaxation

.004 ~
~ -t------
With this data calculations were carried out for
1, 3, 10, 50, 100, 200, 400, 1000, and 2000 hours. /' 0
;:. EQ.I~::z f - - ---
The time intervals were gradually increased as the
creep curves flatten out and the fibre stresses be-
came more stabilized. For calculations the beam was .000
--- - --.J

500 1000 1500

subdivided vertically into one-half inch intervals ...51<J
-I- -t

from the neutral axis. Initially elastic distribution

was assumed and calculations were carried forward
2.". 6' COPPE~
BEAM @> le5°C .
as explained previously. Simpson's rule was used to
obtain ~A;J. The results of the calculations are FIG. 6. Beam deflection.
shown in Fig. 3. Reduction in the extreme fibre
stresses is here clearly seen. Em is the unit strain in the extreme fibres, and h is
The copper considered apparently is sluggish in one-half depth of the beam.
its attainment of the stabilized stress distribution. In considering the deflection of beams the actual
Much more rapid stress redistribution is reported deflections are small, and for pure flexure, the radius
by some investigators for lead. 8 The reason for this of the elastic curve is a constant. Recognizing the
becomes apparent by considering the exponential smallness of the deflection investigated it can be
form of the creep law. For the copper considered we expressed with sufficient accuracy by one term of
have u* = B U1. 6 and for lead u* =BU 5 •8• The exponent a series. Thus,
of the stress in these formulae may be thought of
as an index of the materials' sensitivity to creep as Ym= (VEm/Sh) (1S)
affected by the stress level. For the copper beam where Ym is the deflection at the middle of a beam
considered, the sensitivity to stress variation is far between two gage points L inches apart, and as
less than would be expected for a material such as before h is half of the depth of the beam, and Em is
lead. Moreover the transient part of the tension the unit strain (elastic and plastic) in the extreme
creep test for lead is of very short duration. fibres. The meaning of the terms may become
The steady stress distribution as calculated is clearer by referring to Fig. 5.
further compared with solutions from Eqs. (3), (5), When we considered earlier the stresses in a beam
and (6) in Fig. 4. Fair agreement is found with the as a function of time the elastic and plastic strains
exponential creep law, the one that is experimentally in the extreme fibres were known. Their sum is the
verified, 8 and poor agreement is found if the quantity Em in Eq. (15). Further, if we know the
hyperbolic sine creep law is used. One could specu- distance between certain gage points or between
late on this point and wonder whether the un- the points of application of the couples, the value
desirable characteristic of the hyperbolic sine law of L is known. Thus, for pure flexure, deflection as
is not brought out by this analysis. This law would a function of time immediately follows.
appear to give excessive creep rates for low stresses. Considering the hypothetical beam previously
The "conservative" nature of this function for low analyzed and assuming L = 10 in., calculations were
stresses appears to be indicated. performed to obtain the deflection at the center of
the beam as a function of time. The initial deflection
DEFLECTION OF BEAMS is entirely elastic. Subsequent increments are caused
by the change of strains in the extreme fibres.
Here we will consider the deflection of a beam The difference between the new and the preceding
exhibiting creep as a function of time. The same creep strain added algebraically to the change in
assumptions and limitations as were earlier im- the elastic strain is Em.
posed in establishing the procedure to determine A plot of the center deflection as a function of
the stress distribution at various times apply here. time for the assumed beam is shown in Fig. 6.
The problem being considered is for a rectangular On the same plot a line is shown which is calculated
beam in pure bending. from equations which are based on the minimum
From the hypothesis of plane sections, it is known creep law of the exponential type. These equations
that the following relation holds true are w
Ym= (t/D) (V/8)Mn, (16)
l/R=E m /h, (14)
10 J. Marin and L. E. Zwissler, Proc. A. S. T. M. 40, 937
where R is the radius of curvature of the bent beam, (1940).

VOLUME 20, MARCH, 1949 255

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where t is time, n is the stress exponent in the creep For beams that are slender and not in pure
law, and bending the shear deflection can probably be
neglected. Such beams may be subdivided into a
1 (2b)nh 2n+ 1 number of sections. Each section then can be
D=----- (17) treated as if it were in pure bending: the deflections
B [2+(1/n)Jn
of each section computed, and the total calculated
with symbols that have the same meaning as before. by "piecing together" all of the subdivisions.
For the particular material considered the tran- Published results of experiments by others com-
sient creep characteristic appears important. For pletely substantiate the suggested procedures. An-
very long intervals of time Eq. (16) may be entirely swers in the foregoing discussion were offered to
satisfactory. some of the disconnected observations of creep
testing. An attempt to unify them was made.
A replot for the assumed beam on a log-log Naturally all of the discussion was confined to
system of coordinate axes of creep deflection at the primary and the secondary creep stages. The
center versus time was found to lie remarkably tertiary zone was not considered. Metallurgical
close to a sloping straight line. This fact is highly considerations are ruled out, only materials found
significant. All of our reasoning was based on the suitable for the particular temperature may be
creep data derived from a tension creep test. analyzed by the theory presented. Methods of
Precisely the same thing is found experimentally. calculations in the form presented are valid only
The results of an extensive series of testsl1 on for situations at constant temperature.
aluminum alloys, copper and monel yielded such At present, need still exists for an all inclusive
graphs. This appears to be the usual characteristic creep law. Such a law should properly describe the
for uniformly stressed cantilever beams. It has even creep deformation in the transient as well as in
been suggested ll to call this slope from a log-log the steady creep zones. It also should show the
plot the "creep susceptibility factor." No tie-in dependence of creep rates on temperature. Attempts
existed between these results and the tension creep in this direction have been made. Such laws as yet
test. The foregoing offers an explanation. appear to be specialized. Until the time when we
have a general creep law we may have to continue
CONCLUSIONS the use of arithmetical methods, laborious as they
may be.
A step-by-step method of calculations has been
presented that gives stress distribution and deflec-
tions of a beam in pure bending at any time. The The writer acknowledges with gratitude the
solution is based on data derived from the tension advice received during the progress of this work
creep test. The effect of the transient period of from Professor S. Timoshenko, under whose general
creep on deflections may be marked. This may be of direction the study was made. The above dis-
great importance in the study of excentrically cussion mainly presents an abridged chapter from
loaded columns that creep. a doctoral dissertation presented at Stanford Uni-
versity. Other portions were published earlier. 1• 12
11 R. G. Sturm, C. Dumont, an. F. M. Howell, J. App.
Mech. 3, A-62 (1936). 12 E. P. Popov, J. Franklin Inst. 243, 365 (1947).


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