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Evolve Digital Level 2

Unit 1 Audio script

Lesson 1............................................................................................................................2

Lesson 2............................................................................................................................7

Lesson 3..........................................................................................................................16

Lesson 2..........................................................................................................................24

Unit review.......................................................................................................................24

Time to watch: Drama......................................................................................................27

Cambridge University Press and Assessment © 2022 1

Lesson 1

Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 1: People you know; screen 2,

position 1

Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 1: People you know; screen 2,

position 2
Ana is my boss. I work for her.

Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 1: People you know; screen 3,

position 1

Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 1: People you know; screen 3,

position 2
Ryoko is in my class. She is my classmate.

Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 1: People you know; screen 4,

position 1
close friends

Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 1: People you know; screen 4,

position 2
We see each other every day. We’re close friends.

Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 1: People you know; screen 6,

position 1

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Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 1: People you know; screen 6,
position 2
James is my neighbor. He lives near me.

Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 1: People you know; screen 7,

position 1

Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 1: People you know; screen 7,

position 2
Maria is my roommate in college. We share a room.

Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 2: People you know; screen 2,

position 1
a couple

Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 2: People you know; screen 2,

position 2
Daniel and Carmen are dating. They are a couple.

Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 2: People you know; screen 3,

position 1

Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 2: People you know; screen 3,

position 2
This is Daniel. He is my boyfriend.

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Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 2: People you know; screen 4,
position 1

Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 2: People you know; screen 4,

position 2
This is Carmen. She is my girlfriend.

Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 2: People you know; screen 6,

position 1

Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 2: People you know; screen 6,

position 2
These are my grandchildren.

Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 2: People you know; screen 7,

position 1

Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 2: People you know; screen 7,

position 2
This is Chloe. She is my granddaughter.

Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 2: People you know; screen 8,

position 1

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Lesson 1; Vocabulary presentation 2: People you know; screen 8,
position 2
This is David. He is my grandson.

Lesson 1; Vocabulary practice 1: People you know; screen 2

I’m Cecilia, and this is Juan. I’m 20 years old, and Juan is 24. We are from Puebla in
Mexico. Our parents are in Puebla, but Juan and I are in California. We are English

Lesson 1; Vocabulary practice 1: People you know; screen 3

This is Marta. We’re close friends. She’s a student in Puebla. I miss her a lot!

Lesson 1; Vocabulary practice 1: People you know; screen 4

People always ask, “Is he your brother?” No, he’s not. He’s my neighbor, Marcos. He
lives in the apartment next to us.

Lesson 1; Vocabulary practice 1: People you know; screen 5

That’s Kiko, and next to him is Luis. We aren’t close friends, but we all study English

Lesson 1; Vocabulary practice 1: People you know; screen 6

Juan and I live in an apartment. Linda and Karsten live with us. Karsten and Juan share
one bedroom, and Linda and I share the other bedroom.

Lesson 1; Vocabulary practice 1: People you know; screen 7

This is Rafael. I love him a lot. I think we make a great couple.

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Lesson 1; Vocabulary practice 1: People you know; screen 8
Hi! I’m Rafael. This is Cecilia. She’s my girlfriend. I love her a lot. I think our relationship
is really good.

Lesson 1; Vocabulary practice 1: People you know; screen 9

This is Robert. I work for him. He tells me what to do, but he’s cool.

Lesson 1; Vocabulary practice 1: People you know; screen 10

Hello, I’m Elena, Cecilia and Juan’s grandmother. I have seven grandchildren but
Cecilia is the only girl! I love them all, but she is my favorite.

Lesson 1; Vocabulary practice 1: People you know; screen 11

This is Juan. He’s my grandson. Juan and Cecilia are wonderful grandchildren. Am I
lucky? Yes, I am!

Lesson 1; Vocabulary practice 2: People you know; screen 5

Man: Who’s David?

Woman: He’s my neighbor.

Lesson 1; Vocabulary practice 2: People you know; screen 7

Woman: Who is Alex?

Woman: Alex is my close friend.

Lesson 1; Grammar practice 1: “be”; screen 7

Woman: Where are you from?

Man: I’m from Florida.

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Lesson 1; Grammar practice 1: “be”; screen 8
Is he your roommate?

Lesson 1; Grammar practice 1: “be”; screen 11

Where’s he from?

Lesson 2

Lesson 2; Lesson Introduction; screen 2 and screen 5

Man 1: Is that your umbrella?

Woman 1: No, it’s not mine. I think it belongs to those people. Perhaps it’s theirs.

Man 1: Hmm. Excuse me, is this yours?

Man 2: Oh, yes! Thanks. That’s my wife’s umbrella.

Woman 2: Thanks so much!

Lesson 2; Lesson Introduction; screen 3 and screen 6

Agent: Excuse me! Whose is this?

Man: It’s not ours. I think it’s hers – the woman with the little girl there.

Agent: Excuse me, ma’am. Is this yours?

Woman: What? Oh, yes, that’s mine.

Agent: I’m sorry, but you can’t take hand lotion and a water bottle on the plane.

Woman: But they’re my daughter’s. She needs them!

Lesson 2; Lesson Introduction; screen 4 and screen 7

Man: I think that’s my grandson’s bag.

Woman: No, sorry, it isn’t his. It’s mine. It belongs to me. Look, there’s my pack of gum.

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Man: You’re right. So where’s my grandson’s bag?

Woman: There’s another blue one. Is that one his?

Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 1: Personal possessions; screen 2,

position 1

Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 1: Personal possessions; screen 2,

position 2
I can't find my hairbrush, and I need to brush my hair.

Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 1: Personal possessions; screen 3,

position 1

Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 1: Personal possessions; screen 3,

position 2
I have a big mirror in my bedroom. I use it when I comb my hair.

Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 1: Personal possessions; screen 4,

position 1
hand lotion

Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 1: Personal possessions; screen 4,

position 2
I use hand lotion to keep my hands looking and feeling good.

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Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 1: Personal possessions; screen 6,
position 1

Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 1: Personal possessions; screen 6,

position 2
A: Do you have any cash with you?

B: No. I only have my credit card.

Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 1: Personal possessions; screen 7,

position 1
driver's license

Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 1: Personal possessions; screen 7,

position 2
I got my driver's license today. Now I can get a car.

Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 1: Personal possessions; screen 8,

position 1

Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 1: Personal possessions; screen 8,

position 2
I keep all my house keys on a keychain.

Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 2: Personal possessions; screen 2,

position 1
candy bar

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Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 2: Personal possessions; screen 2,
position 2
I love candy bars. They taste so good.

Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 2: Personal possessions; screen 3,

position 1

Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 2: Personal possessions; screen 3,

position 2
Do you want some gum? I have cherry and grape flavor.

Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 2: Personal possessions; screen 4,

position 1

Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 2: Personal possessions; screen 4,

position 2
You need to take your umbrella. It's raining.

Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 2: Personal possessions; screen 6,

position 1

Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 2: Personal possessions; screen 6,

position 2
I bought this TV yesterday, but I want to return it. I need to find the receipt.

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Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 2: Personal possessions; screen 7,
position 1

Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 2: Personal possessions; screen 7,

position 2
There is something on your nose. Do you want a tissue?

Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 2: Personal possessions; screen 8,

water bottle

Lesson 2; Vocabulary presentation 2: Personal possessions; screen 8,

position 2
I always take my water bottle with me when I go for a walk.

Lesson 2; Vocabulary practice 1: Personal possessions; screen 7

A: I can’t open the door. Where’s the key?

B: It’s on my keychain. Here you are.

Lesson 2; Vocabulary practice 1: Personal possessions; screen 11

Man: Teresa, I have something in my eye. Do you have some tissues in your bag?

Teresa: Sure, here you are

Lesson 2; Vocabulary practice 1: Personal possessions; screen 12

Man: Do you want a candy bar?

Woman: No, thanks.

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Man: How about some gum?

Woman: OK! Thanks.

Lesson 2; Vocabulary practice 1: Personal possessions; screen 13

Woman: My hands are so dry!

Man: Do you want some lotion?

Woman: Yes, please.

Lesson 2; Vocabulary practice 2: Personal possessions; screen 3

Is my hair OK?

Lesson 2; Vocabulary practice 2: Personal possessions; screen 5

What’s that?

Lesson 2; Vocabulary practice 2: Personal possessions; screen 6

Can you drive?

Lesson 2; Vocabulary practice 2: Personal possessions; screen 7

What’s another word for money?

Lesson 2; Vocabulary practice 2: Personal possessions; screen 8

Man: Do you have some tissues?

Woman: Yes, they’re in my bag.

Lesson 2; Vocabulary practice 2: Personal possessions; screen 11

Do you want a drink?

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Lesson 2; Grammar practice 1: Possession; screen 3
Whose hand lotion is this?

Lesson 2; Grammar practice 2: Possession; screen 3

Woman: Is this Katie’s umbrella?

Man: No, it belongs to me.

Lesson 2; Grammar practice 2: Possession; screen 7

Woman: Is this Jane’s cash and receipt?

Man: What’s the receipt for?

Woman: It’s for some tissues.

Man: OK. Yes, it’s hers.

Lesson 2; Lesson review: Prepare to speak; screen 6 and screen 7

Woman: Whose bag is this? Is it yours?

Man: No, it’s not mine. Is there anything in it?

Woman: Let’s see… Yes, there’s a water bottle and a candy bar and … Oh, look! A
driver’s license. It says Bob Martinez.

Man: Hey, I know him! Look, he’s over there!

Lesson 2; Lesson review: Prepare to speak; screen 8

Man: Excuse me, I think that’s mine.

Woman: No, sorry, it’s not yours. It’s my husbands. Is that yours on the chair?

Man: No, that’s not mine. Where can it be? I need it! It’s raining.

Woman: Oh, look! There’s a black umbrella over there on the table.

Man: Ah yes, that’s my umbrella! Thank you.

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Lesson 2; Lesson review: Prepare to speak; screen 9
Man: Excuse me, I think that’s mine.

Woman: No, sorry, it’s not yours. It’s my husbands. Is that yours on the chair?

Lesson 2; Lesson review: Prepare to speak; screen 10

Excuse me, I think that’s mine.

Lesson 2; Lesson review: Prepare to speak; screen 11

Is that yours on the chair?

Lesson 2; Lesson review: Prepare to speak; screen 12 and screen 13

Woman: What do I have in my bag? Um, let's see… OK, I have some hand lotion – it's
not mine, it's my daughter's. I have my water bottle – I take it with me everywhere! This
is my hairbrush, and I have a little mirror, too. Oh, and look! I have a candy bar! Whose
is that? Hm. I think it belongs to my son. Anything else? Yes, I have some tissues.
That's it!

Lesson 3

Lesson 3; Functional language presentation; screen 2 and screen 3

Julie: Good morning! Are you Robert?

Robert: Yes, I am.

Julie: Pleased to meet you. I’m Julie, your coworker here.

Robert: Great to meet you, too.

Julie: I’m here to help. This is your desk, right here.

Robert: Oh, OK. This is a nice office.

Julie: Do you know anybody here?

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Robert: No, I don’t.

Lesson 3; Functional language presentation; screen 4 and screen 5

Simon: Hey, Raquel!

Raquel: Simon! Long time, no see! Please come in.

Simon: Great to see you again!

Raquel: It’s really good to see you.

Raquel: Oh, here’s Patrick! Patrick, meet Simon.

Simon: Hello, Patrick. How do you know Raquel? Are you a friend of hers?

Patrick: I’m her husband.

Lesson 3; Functional language presentation; screen 7, position 1

Good morning. Are you Robert?

Lesson 3; Functional language presentation; screen 8

Pleased to meet you.

Lesson 3; Functional language presentation; screen 9

Great to meet you, too.

Lesson 3; Functional language presentation; screen 11

Long time, no see!

Lesson 3; Functional language presentation; screen 12

Great to see you again!

Lesson 3; Functional language presentation; screen 13

It's really good to see you.
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Lesson 3; Functional language presentation; screen 15
Do you know anybody here?

Lesson 3; Functional language presentation; screen 16

How do you know Raquel?

Lesson 3; Functional language presentation; screen 17

Are you a friend of hers?

Lesson 3; Functional language presentation; screen 18

A: Hi! Are you Suzi?

B: Yes, I am.

A: Pleased to meet you, Suzi. I’m Kris.

B: Great to meet you, too, Kris!

Lesson 3; Functional language practice; screen 6, position 1

Hi! Are you Suzi?

Lesson 3; Functional language practice; screen 7

Pleased to meet you, Suzi. I’m Kris.

Lesson 3; Functional language practice; screen 8

Great to meet you, too, Kris!

Lesson 3; Functional language practice; screen 9

A: Do you know anybody here?

B: Yes, I know Pablo.

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A: Oh! How do you know Pablo?

B: He's my brother.

A: Really?

Lesson 3; Functional language practice; screen 10

A: Hey, Nikki! Long time, no see!

B: Yes! Great to see you!

A: It's really good to see you again! Do you have classes here?

B: Yes, I'm one of the teachers!

Lesson 3; Real-world strategy; screen 2

Woman: Do you know anybody here?

Man: No, I don’t. I’m pretty new to this city, too.

Woman: Seriously? A new city and a new job – that’s a lot! Well, that’s Mr. Patel. He’s
the boss. His office is across from your desk.

Man Is it really? That’s good to know.

Lesson 3; Real-world strategy; screen 3 position 1


Lesson 3; Real-world strategy; screen 4


Lesson 3; Real-world strategy; screen 5

Is it really?

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Lesson 3; Real-world strategy; screen 6
Are you really?

Lesson 3; Real-world strategy; screen 7

A: That’s a very pretty necklace.

B: Yes, it’s a birthday gift from my boss.

A: Seriously? My boss never gives us gifts.

B: Well, it’s from my boss and my coworkers!

Lesson 3; Real-world strategy; screen 8

Woman: Bye, Jeff. See you next month.

Man: Wh- what?

Woman: I’m going on vacation – for three weeks!

Man: Are you really? Three weeks? Wow! That’s pretty good!

Woman: It sure is!

Lesson 3; Real-world strategy; screen 11 and screen 14

Liana: Hi! I’m Liana.

Dan: I’m Dan. Great to meet you.

Liana: Do you know anybody here?

Dan: No, I’m pretty new to the company. It’s my first day!

Liana: Is it really? Let me introduce you to some people.

Dan: Thank you! That’s really nice.

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Lesson 3; Real-world strategy; screen 12, position 1
Do you know anybody here?

Lesson 3; Real-world strategy; screen 12, position 2

No, I’m pretty new to the company. It’s my first day!

Lesson 3; Real-world strategy; screen 13, position 1

Is it really? Let me introduce you to some people.

Lesson 3; Real-world strategy; screen 13, position 2

Thank you! That’s really nice.

Lesson 3; Pronunciation: Final /l/; screen 2





Lesson 3; Pronunciation: Final /l/; screen 3

You look wonderful.

Lesson 3; Pronunciation: Final /l/; screen 4

Beautiful weather, isn't it?

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Lesson 3; Pronunciation: Final /l/; screen 5
How do you know Rachel?

Lesson 3; Lesson review: Prepare for the role-play; screen 2

So, how are you?

Lesson 3; Lesson review: Prepare for the role-play; screen 3

I’m good, thanks! Listen, I want to introduce you to my brother Dennis. Dennis! Dennis?
Come here! This is Dennis.

Lesson 3; Lesson review: Prepare for the role-play; screen 4

Good to meet you too. So, how do you know my sister?

Lesson 3; Lesson review: Prepare for the role-play; screen 4

Really? Do you like the course?

Lesson 3; Lesson review: Prepare for the role-play; screen 5

No, I’m an actor.

Lesson 3; Lesson review: Prepare for the role-play; screen 6

Yes, I work on a TV show.

Lesson 3; Lesson review: Prepare for the role-play; screen 10 and screen
Dennis: Hi, I’m Dennis.

Sandra: I’m Sandra. Pleased to meet you.

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Dennis: So, how do you know my sister?

Sandra: We’re classmates. Are you a student, too?

Dennis: No, I’m an actor.

Sandra: An actor? Really?

Dennis: Yes, I work on a TV show.

Sandra: Wow! Do you really?

Dennis: Oh, there’s my sister. I have to go and meet her now. See you later!

Sandra: OK. See you later. Bye.

Lesson 3; Role-play; turn 1

Hi, I’m Dennis. Are you Sandra?

Lesson 3; Role-play; turn 2

Yes, I am. Pleased to meet you.

Lesson 3; Role-play; turn 3

So, how do you know my sister?

Lesson 3; Role-play; turn 4

We're classmates. Are you a student, too?

Lesson 3; Role-play; turn 5

No, I'm an actor.

Lesson 3; Role-play; turn 6

An actor? Really?
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Lesson 3; Role-play; turn 7
Yes, I work on a TV show.

Lesson 3; Role-play; turn 8

Do you really?

Lesson 3; Role-play; turn 9

Oh, there's my sister. I have to go and meet her now. See you later!

Lesson 3; Role-play; turn 10

OK. See you later. Bye.

Lesson 2

Lesson 4; Reading skills; screen 11

Hello, Chris? This is Dave. Thank you for your email. My restaurant is a vegan
restaurant, and we don’t cook meat. I can’t offer you a job for the summer.

Unit review

Unit 1 Review; Vocabulary Review; screen 7

A: Hey, can I see that photo? Is that your mom?
B: No, it isn’t. It’s my grandmother.
A: Wow! Seriously? She looks so young!
B: I know! She’s very active. She’s great with my kids – she really loves her

Unit 1 Review; Vocabulary Review; screen 10

Woman: Hi! Have you seen my bag?
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Man: Is this it?
Woman: Oh, yes, thanks. … [rustling in bag] Oh no, it isn’t there!
Man: What?
Woman: I always put it in my bag – [thinking aloud] my cash is here, my driver’s license
is here – but I don’t see my car key!
Man: Is that it, over there? On the table… On that keychain…
Woman: Where?
Man: On the table, look…
Woman: Oh, yes! That’s it! Thank you so much!

Unit 1 Review; Vocabulary Review; screen 11

A: [sneezes, then] Excuse me!
B: Do you want some tissues?
A: Yes, thanks!

Unit 1 Review; Functional language review; screen 2

A: Good morning! Are you Lauren?
B: Yes, I am.
A: Pleased to meet you, Lauren. I'm Anna. It's my first day here.
B: Pleased to meet you, too. This is Petra.

Unit 1 Review; Functional language review; screen 3

A: I know Petra. Hi, Petra, it’s great to see you again.
B: It’s really good to see you, too, Anna!

Unit 1 Review; Functional language review; screen 4

Good morning. I'm Neil. Pleased to meet you.

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Unit 1 Review; Functional language review; screen 5, position 1
This is my first day here.

Unit 1 Review; Functional language review; screen 5, position 2

Wow! Really? That's great. We're new here together!

Unit 1 Review; Functional language review; screen 6

Neil: Good morning. I’m Neil. Pleased to meet you.
Marina: Hi, Neil, I’m Marina. Pleased to meet you, too.
Neil: This is my first day here.
Marina: Is it really? It’s my first day, too!
Neil: Wow! Really? That’s great. We’re new here together!

Unit 1 Review; Listen and watch; screen 8 and screen 9

This is a photo of my dad’s birthday party – that’s my dad. He’s so happy! Everybody is
there – the whole family and a lot of friends as well. This is my uncle, Darius, he’s a
doctor. He works very hard! But he loves parties. These are my sisters, Eshe and Kylie.
They both work with my dad. He has a hotel. It’s a family business, but I don’t work
there. I work with Quinn. This is Quinn. We were at college together. Now, we have a
small design company. We work hard, too, but it’s fun. We enjoy working together.

Time to watch: Drama

Time to watch: Drama; Before you watch; screen 3

Rick is from Seattle. His grandparents live in South Korea. Eduardo’s birthday is June
30th. His parents and his sisters live in Brazil. Noemi works with Rick. They both work
for Rick’s parents. They have a printing business. Christina has a daughter. Her
daughter’s name is Marina. Christina and Marina both love to dance.

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Time to watch: Drama; After you watch; screen 3
I’m similar to Eduardo. I’m a very organized and tidy person. But I’m different from him
with my phone; I don’t miss calls.

Time to watch: Drama; After you watch; screen 4 and screen 5

My friend Carlota lives on the same street as me. She’s my neighbor. We are old school
friends – that’s my connection with her. She was my classmate. Now she works as a
teacher. She is similar to me because she is very tidy and organized. We often go out
together and we have a lot of fun.

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