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Criteria for Judging

The decisions of the judges will be final and Irrevocable.

A. Artistic Value (30 points)

-Technical Skill (15 points):
Displays the artists’ mastery of techniques and mediums, precision and attention to
detail as well as his/her ability to present unique and fresh ideas.
-Creativity (15 points)
Final piece presents an overall visual harmony with its arrangement of elements,
balance of colors and consistent artistic style.

B. Thematic Value (30 points)

-Relevance to the Theme and Subjects (15 points)
Final piece exhibits relevance to the designated theme and subject by incorporating elements,
symbolisms or narratives that enhances its overall thematic value.
-Visual Impact (15 points)
Artwork catches attention and creates a lasting impression. Effectively portrays the diverse
cultural aspects of the municipality, including traditions, customs, festivals, and local art forms

C. Overall Impact (40 points)

Inspires viewers to visit the municipality and experience its culture, food, traditions, and
tourist spots firsthand and effectively promotes the municipality as a desirable travel

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