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Arabian Journal of Geosciences (2021) 14: 224


Finite difference modeling of shear wave propagation

in multilayered fractured porous structures
Shishir Gupta1 · Soumik Das1 · Rachaita Dutta1

Received: 27 July 2019 / Accepted: 25 December 2020 / Published online: 2 February 2021
© Saudi Society for Geosciences 2021

This study aimed to investigate shear wave (SH-wave) propagation through a multilayered cracked porous model with
exponential heterogeneity. Moreover, the stability criterion of SH-wave propagation was analyzed by determining phase and
group velocities of SH-wave. Haskell’s matrix method was used to determine complex dispersion relation for n − 1 media
overlying an inhomogeneous porous half-space with fractures. Stability analysis was performed through the finite difference
method. Moreover, the phase and group velocities were determined using the Courant number. Dispersion and damping
equations were derived for n = 2 and 3. Classical Love wave equation was attained in each case using certain conditions.
This equation validated the developed mathematical model. Stability analysis was conducted for reducing the errors and
determining the conditions of convergence. The effects of the heterogeneity parameter, porosity, attenuation coefficient,
Courant number, and discretization ratio on phase and group velocities were graphically observed. A two-dimensional plot
was used to perform comparative analysis between the fractured porosity and isotropy. Cracked porous material, which has
various applications in real world, was analyzed in this study. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, wave propagation in
a multilayered system consisting of heterogeneous cracked porous material has not been examined previously. Thus, this
study explores a new research area. The developed model can be successfully used to interpret seismic behavior during
earthquakes. More complex structures can be developed on the basis of the considered model.

Keywords Heterogeneity · Cracked porous system · Haskell’s matrix method · Finite difference method ·
Phase and group velocities · Courant number

Introduction research and investigations have indicated that the Earth

is composed of anisotropic, heterogeneous, viscoelastic,
The scientific analysis of earthquakes and seismic wave porous, and imperfectly elastic materials. Heterogeneity
propagation contributes considerably to the study of the is a common material property that causes variations in
Earth’s internal layers and the prediction of seismic the rigidity and density of materials with the depth of
behavior at various regions of the Earth. Initially, the crustal layers. Many researchers (Ke et al. 2005; 2006;
Earth was assumed to comprise isotropic material. Intense Kakar and Kakar 2012) have correlated different types of
heterogeneity, such as linear, exponential, and quadratic
Responsible Editor: Narasimman Sundararajan heterogeneity, with the different types of layers present in
the Earth’s crust.
 Soumik Das Seismology involves the study of the mechanics of
different layers of Earth and various types of surface wave
Shishir Gupta propagation in layered microsystems. Porous materials,
such as sandstone, limestone, and volcanic rocks, are often
Rachaita Dutta found in areas like mountains and basins. Rivers and waterfalls carry eroded rock materials and deposit them
on the surface when the flow velocity decreases to a
1 sufficient level. During this natural phenomenon, porous
Dept. of Mathematics and Computing, Indian Institute
of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad, rocks inherit fractures. A network is generated in which
Jharkhand 826004, India matrix blocks comprising primary or matrix or storage
224 Page 2 of 19 Arab J Geosci (2021) 14: 224

pores become disjointed by cracks. Thus, a double-porous and Saha et al. (2018). The purpose of mathematical
system has both matrix porosity and fracture porosity. techniques is to achieve high accuracy and low error. Several
High permeability is the main characteristic of cracked efficient techniques such as the finite element method
porous rocks, and matrix blocks occupy a considerable (FEM), the extended FEM (XFEM), spectral methods, A∗
percentage of the total volume of such rocks. The concept Localization method (ALM), Velocity-free location method,
of fractured poroelasticity is used in many practical aspects, the FastWay method, and kinetic energy metamorphosis
such as carbon sequestration, gas and energy production, (KEM) can be used for obtaining solutions in various
nuclear waste treatment, and oil recovery. The proposed complex mathematical simulations. Moghaddam et al.
theory of Biot (1956, 1962) provides the fundamentals of (2016) investigated the crack propagation problem by using
wave propagation in porous media. Biot discovered the the XFEM. The pattern and mechanism of failures in
existence of two compressional waves and one rotational temporary faults was studied by Hokmabadi et al. (2016).
wave in a porous stratum. However, it is not sufficient to Bednarik (2019) applied the KEM to examine the rock
describe the characteristics of fractured porous materials. metamorphosis problem. Gollob et al. (2017) suggested
Biot’s theory was extended by Barenblatt’s (Barenblatt that FastWay is a highly accurate and reliable method
et al. 1960) proposition related to fluid flow not only for locating emission sources. Hu and Dong (2019) used
in pores, but also in cracks. Barenblatt was the first ALM to locate the acoustic emission source for monitoring
researcher to consider a natural cracked porous material crack propagation in irregular complex structures. Dong
for developing a double-porous model. Warren and Root et al. (2020) have developed a three-dimensional hole-
(1963) made further improvements to the postulates of dual containing structures using the velocity-free MS/AE source
porosity. The coupling between rock distortion and fluid location method. The finite difference method has numerous
flow was included in their study. Wilson and Aifantis (1982, suitable qualities, such as high computational accuracy,
1984) used mixture theory to examine the propagation high stability, and the ability to solve complex models.
of waves in a fluid-saturated cracked porous medium No approximation is required in this technique. Thus, the
and expressed the coefficients in terms of quantifiable finite difference method is considerably different from other
parameters. The aforementioned authors also discovered the simulation methods. This technique is flexible in predicting
existence of three compressional waves and one rotational the displacement components of propagating waves by
wave. However, their analysis lacked detailed calculations. providing precise results. Thus, the finite difference method
Beskos (1989) and Beskos et al. (1989) investigated the has high reliability. Kelly et al. (1976) and Emerman et al.
cracked porosity model in further detail. They provided (1982) have used the finite difference approach for seismic
detailed equations, performed a comparative study between wave simulation. The solution of the wave equation in the
cracked porosity and single porosity, and illustrated the frequency domain should have high accuracy. However, the
effects of porosity and permeability on the behaviors of solution in the time domain requires both high accuracy and
four bulk waves. By using the volume averaging technique, stability. Therefore, a numerical technique must be adopted
balance equations and constitutive relations for cracked for achieving stability of mathematical models. Numerous
porous medium were first established by Berryman and researchers (Gupta et al. 2017; Pallavika et al. 2008) have
Wang (1995) and Berryman and Wang (2000). They studied stability criterion by using the finite difference
have simplified macroscopic momentum and stress–strain method.
relations and have presented the process of determining Pallavika et al. (2008) examined SH-wave propagation
relevant parameters. through an anisotropic porous multilayered system. The
Thompson (1950) was the first to provide a matrix material considered in their study only possessed matrix
formation for analyzing the transmission of plane waves or storage pores. To the best of the authors’ knowledge,
through a microsystem consisting of multiple solid layers. wave propagation in a multilayered heterogeneous cracked
Haskell (1953) modified the matrix method of Thompson porous media has not been analyzed so far. Therefore, in
to construct a systematic procedure that consumed a small this study, the effects of fracture porosity, as well as matrix
amount of time. Haskell’s matrix technique is an easy porosity, were examined in addition to the heterogeneity.
method for handling multilayered models. A multilayered Haskell’s matrix method was used to explore the dispersion
transversely isotropic system was solved by Anderson and attenuation of SH-waves in a multilayered half-space.
(1962) by using Haskell’s matrix technique. Chattopadhyay Moreover, the finite difference method was used to establish
et al. (2010) extended Haskell’s technique to derive the the expressions for the phase and group velocities and
dispersion equation of SH-wave propagation in multilayered to determine the stability criterion. Figure 1 represents a
magnetoelastic self-reinforced media. The multilayered flowchart which describes the research methodology of this
model became the primary interest of researchers such study. The outline of the mathematical model is described in
as Gupta and Bhengra (2017), Kalyani et al. (2008), the formulation of the problem. The multilayered half-space
Arab J Geosci (2021) 14: 224 Page 3 of 19 224

Fig. 1 Flowchart of the research


is considered to comprise n − 1 heterogeneous cracked when n assumes successive values starting from 2. In
porous layers resting over an inhomogeneous fluid-saturated the “Dispersion and attenuation equations” section, several
cracked porous half-space. The rigidity and density of each complex quantities are dissociated into real and imaginary
medium vary exponentially with depth (i.e., G(z) = Ḡeαz , parts. Dispersion and attenuation equations of SH-wave
ρij (z) = ρ¯ij eαz , ζij (z) = ζ¯ij eαz , and ρ(z) = ρ̄eαz ). In propagation are obtained for n = 2 and n = 3. In the
the solution section, the equation of motion for SH-wave “Validation of the problem” section, the developed model is
propagation as well as the displacement component and validated by applying particular conditions. The “Stability
traction in the rth layer are determined. Haskell’s matrix analysis, phase and group velocity” section describes the use
method is used to derive complex frequency relations of the finite difference approach for determining the phase
224 Page 4 of 19 Arab J Geosci (2021) 14: 224

and group velocities by using the Courant number. This where ws2 , wm2 , and wf 2 define displacement components
section also describes the analysis of the stability condition. of solid, fluid in matrix pore, and in fracture pore, respec-
In the “Numerical calculations and graphical discussions” tively. The mass coefficients ρij and coupling viscosity
section, the effects of several parameters associated with coefficients ζij , which are considered as functions of z.
the developed model are illustrated on the basis of various ρ23 and ζ23 are nullified as short-term wave propagation
two-dimensional plots. The conclusions are presented in the has been considered in this model. ρl and ρs represent den-
“Conclusions” section. sity of the fluid and the solid material, respectively. As
fracture porosity is assumed to be 1 (Berryman and Wang
2000), relations between macroscopic fluid pressures Mp
Formulation and solution of the problem and Fp and the fluid pressures mp and fp acting in the
interior of matrix and fracture pores are defined as below
The considered mathematical model comprises n − 1
Mp = Vm m mp , Fp = Vf fp (2)
inhomogeneous layers with matrix and fracture pores
overlying a heterogeneous fractured porous half-space. The where Vm + Vf = 1 and t = Vm m + Vf . m , t , Vm ,
layers are enumerated in top-down manner. The thickness of and Vf symbolize matrix porosity, total porosity, fractions
each layer from top to bottom is denoted as h1 , h2 , ..., hr , ..., of matrix pore volume, and fracture volume, respectively.
and hn−1 , respectively, as displayed in Fig. 2. The x-axis τt , τm , and τf refer to overall, primary, and secondary
represents the direction of SH-wave propagation, and the tortuosity vectors, respectively. The shear viscosity of the
positive z-axis is in the downward direction. In general, viscous liquid is denoted by ηl . Only matrix permeability
w1 = w3 = 0, w2 = w2 (x, z, t), and ∂y ∂
= 0 for the coefficient κ11 and fracture permeability coefficient κ22
propagation of SH-waves, where w1 , w2 , and w3 are the have impact on short-term wave propagation in cracked
components of the displacement vector in the x-, y-, and porous medium.
z-directions, respectively. The constitutive relations for cracked porous layer can be
By following Berryman and Wang (2000), the equations expressed as below by following Berryman and Wang (2000)
of motion for fluid-saturated fractured porous layer are ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎞
written as below τxx N11 N12 N13 n14 n15 0 0 0 υxx
⎜ τyy ⎟ ⎜N21 N22 N23 n24 n25 0 0 0 ⎟ ⎜ υyy ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
ρ11 ẅs2 + ρ12 ẅm2 + ρ13 ẅf 2 + (ζ12 + ζ13 )ẇs2 ⎜ τzz ⎟ ⎜N31 N32 N33 n34 n35 0 0 0 ⎟ ⎜ υzz ⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
− ζ12 ẇm2 − ζ13 ẇf 2 = τyj,j , ⎜−mp ⎟ ⎜ n41 n42 n43 n44 n45 0 0 0 ⎟ ⎜−mw ⎟
⎜ ⎟=⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
⎜−fp ⎟ ⎜ n51 n52 n53 n54 n55 0 0 0 ⎟ ⎜ −fw ⎟
ρ12 ẅs2 + ρ22 ẅm2 + ρ23 ẅf 2 − ζ12 ẇs2 ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
(1) ⎜ τyz ⎟ ⎜ 0 0 0 0 0 2G 0 0 ⎟ ⎜ υyz ⎟
+ (ζ12 + ζ23 )ẇm2 − ζ23 ẇf 2 = −Mp,y , ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
⎝ τzx ⎠ ⎝ 0 0 0 0 0 0 2G 0 ⎠ ⎝ υzx ⎠
ρ13 ẅs2 + ρ23 ẅm2 + ρ33 ẅf 2 − ζ13 ẇs2 − ζ23 ẇm2 τxy 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2G υxy
+ (ζ13 + ζ23 )ẇf 2 = −Fp,y (3)

Fig. 2 Diagram of the model

consisting of multilayered
fluid-saturated inhomogeneous
fractured porous half-space
Arab J Geosci (2021) 14: 224 Page 5 of 19 224

where Nij s are the elastic moduli of drainage system, nij s ⎪
⎨ −Ḡ(r) α (r) i Ḡ(r) 4γ (r) − α (r)
(r) (r)
are the material parameters, G is the shear modulus. Nij , s (r−1) = (E1 + E2 ) +

⎩ 2 2
nij , and G are considered as functions of z. The stress and ⎫
strain components are denoted by τij s and υij s, respectively. ⎪

mw and fw define the increment of fluid in matrix blocks (E1(r) − E2(r) ) ei(kx−ωt) (10)

and fracture pores, respectively. By following Berryman and
Wang (2000), the expressions are given by
Similarly at rth interface (i.e., at z = hr ), the dimensionless
mw = −Vm m ∇ · (wm − ws ) , fw = −Vf ∇ · (wf − ws ) phase velocity and the traction component are determined as

(4) (r) (r−1)
ẇs2 (r)
− α 2 hr ⎢ ẇs2
=e ⎣
Displacement components of solid, matrix pore fluid, and c c
crack pore fluid are indicated by the following expression ⎧ ⎫ ⎤

⎨ (r) α (r) ⎬
⎪ (r) s (r−1)
{ws2 , wm2 , wf 2 } = {Ws2 (z) , Wm2 (z) , Wf 2 (z)}e i(kx−ωt) sin ψ 2iω sin ψ ⎥
cos ψ (r) + − ⎦ (11)

⎩ ⎪
4γ (r) − α (r) ⎭ cḠ(r) 4γ (r) − α (r)
2 2
By applying the exponential variations in G(z), ρij (z), and ⎡ ⎧
(r−1) ⎪
⎨ icḠ(r)
ζij (z) and with the help of Eqs. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, we obtain s (r) = e
α (r) hr ⎢ ẇs2
− (α (r) cos ψ (r) + 4γ (r) − α (r) sin ψ (r) )+
2 ⎣
c ⎪
⎩ 2ω
ws2 = (E1 e η1 z
+ E2 e η2 z
)e i(kx−ωt)
(6) ⎫

icḠ(r) α (r)
where ( 4γ (r) − α (r) cos ψ (r) − α (r) sin ψ (r) )


2ω 4γ − α
(r) (r)2

−α + i 4γ − α 2 −α − i 4γ − α 2 ⎤
η1 = , η2 = , s (r−1)

2 2 (r) ⎥
+ ( 4γ − α cos ψ − α sin ψ )⎦
(r) (r)
(r) (r)2

ρ̄ω2 4γ (r) − α (r)


γ = − k2, (12)

ρ¯12 − ωi ζ12¯ 2 ¯ 2
ρ¯13 − ωi ζ13
ρ̄ = ρ¯11 + ¯ ¯
ζ12 + ζ13 − − . where = 4γ (r) − α (r) .
ψ (r) hr 2
ω ¯
ρ¯22 + ωi ζ12 ¯
ρ¯33 + ωi ζ13 2
By using Eqs. 11 and 12, the following matrix is formed
Here E1 and E2 are arbitrary constants and α is the  (r)   (r−1) 
ẇs2 ẇs2
heterogeneityparameter. Without loss of generality, let us c = lr c (13)
assume Re[ 4γ − α 2 ] > 0. Equation 6 represents the s (r) s (r−1)
displacement component of the fractured porous medium.
By following Eq. 6, the displacement component in rth where
⎛  ⎞
layer of multilayered heterogeneous fractured porous model α (r) hr (r) (r) (r) −
α (r) hr
⎜e − sin ψ α − 2iω sin ψ e
2 cos ψ (r) + ⎟
is represented as ⎜ 4γ (r) −α (r)
2 (r)2 ⎟
 cḠ 4γ −α
(r) (r)
lr = ⎜
⎜ α (r) hr

(r) (r) ⎝ 2icḠ(r) γ (r) sin ψ (r) e 2 α (r) hr (r) (r)
sin ψ α

(r) (r) (r) − e cos ψ (r) −
ws2 = (E1 eη1 z
+ E2 eη2 z )ei(kx−ωt)
(7) ω 4γ (r) −α (r)
4γ (r) −α (r)

(r) −α (r) +i 4γ (r) −α (r)
(r) −α (r) −i 4γ (r) −α (r)
2 By following the repeating technique in Eq. 13, we obtain
where η1 = 2 , η2 = 2 ,  (n−1)   (0) 
ρ̄ (r) ω2 ẇs2 ẇs2
γ = Ḡ(r) − k .
(r) 2
c =L c (14)
By using Eq. 3, the traction at the boundary of rth layer is s (n−1) s (0)
defined as
(r) L11 L12
α (r) z ∂ws2 (r) (r) (r) (r) where L = ln−1 ln−2 ...l2 l1 = is a 2 × 2 matrix.
s (r) = τyz
= Ḡ(r) e = Ḡ(r) eα z (E1 η1 eη1 z L21 L22
∂z Replacing r by n in Eqs. 9 and 10, using Eq. 14, and
(r) (n)
(r) (r)
+E2 η2 eη2 z )ei(kx−ωt) (8) applying restrictions s (0) = 0 and E1 = 0 , we get

With the help of Eqs. 7 and 8, translation of the coordinate 2iω

L11 L = L21 (15)
system from the free surface to (r − 1)th interface with c
respect to z-axis and substitution of z = 0 provides
where L = Ḡ(n) (α (n) + i 4γ (n) − α (n) ). Equation 15

ẇs2 (r−1) iω defines the complex SH-wave dispersion relation in
= − (E1(r) + E2(r) )ei(kx−ωt) (9)
c c heterogeneous cracked porous multilayered model.
224 Page 6 of 19 Arab J Geosci (2021) 14: 224

α (1) h1 α (2) h2
When n = 2, we have 2i Ḡ(1) e γ (1) sin ψ (1)
⎧ ⎫ L3 = −
2 2

⎨ ⎪
⎬ 4γ (1) − α (1)
(1) (1) (1) 2
α h
− 2 1 sin ψ α
e cos ψ +
Ḡ(2) (α (2) ⎧ ⎫

⎩ 2⎪
⎭ ⎪ ⎪
4γ − α
(1) (1)
⎨ sin ψ (2) α (2) ⎬
cos ψ (2) − .
α (1) h1

⎩ 2⎪
4Ḡ(1) γ (1) sin ψ (1) e 2 4γ (2) − α (2) ⎭
+i 4γ − α ) =
(2) (2) 2
4γ (1) − α (1)

Equation 17 defines the complex dispersion relation of

Equation 16 reflects the complex dispersion relation of SH-waves for the model comprising two inhomogeneous
SH-waves for the model comprising an inhomogeneous fractured porous layers overlie a fractured porous half-space
fractured porous layer resting over a fractured porous half- with inhomogeneity.
space with inhomogeneity.
When n = 3, we have

2iω Dispersion and attenuation equations
(L0 + L1 )Ḡ(3) (α (3) + i 4γ (3) − α (3) ) = (L2 + L3 )

(17) Wave number, which is considered as a complex quantity,
 is defined by the relation k = k1 (1 + iδ), where δ(<< 1)
α (1) h1 α (2) h2 (1) (1)
where L0 = e− 2 e− 2 cos ψ (1) + sin ψ α symbolizes attenuation coefficient. Velocity of the SH-wave
4γ (1) −α (1) (c) and angular frequency (ω) are related to the real part

(2) (2) of the wave number (k1 ) by the relation ω = k1 c. Several
cos ψ (2) + sin ψ α ,
4γ −α (2)
(2) 2 complex quantities present in Eq. 16 are defined as below

α (1) h1

α (2) h2 γ (1) = k12 (q¯1 2 − q1 ) + 2ik12 q¯1 q1 , γ (2)
4Ḡ(1) e e 2 2 γ (1) sin ψ (1) sin ψ (2)
L1 = − , 2 h1 k 1
= k12 (q¯2 2 − q2 ) + 2ik12 q¯2 q2 , ψ (1) = (A1 + iB1 ),
Ḡ(2) 4γ (1) − α (1) 4γ (2) − α (2)
2 2
4γ (1) − α (1) = k1 (A1 + iB1 ),
α (1) h1 α (2) h2
2i Ḡ(2) e− e
2 2 γ (2) sin ψ (2)
L2 = − i 4γ (2) − α (2) = k1 (A2 + iB2 )
4γ (2) − α (2)

⎧ ⎫

⎨ ⎪
⎬ where q¯1 , q1 , q¯2 , and q2 are defined in the Appendix.
sin ψ (1) α (1) A1 , B1 , A2 , and B2 are derived by rigorous mathematical
cos ψ (1)
+ ,

⎩ 2⎪
4γ (1) − α (1) ⎭ calculations. Complex quantities present in Eq. 17 are
defined as

2 2 2
γ (1) = k12 (q¯1 2 − q1 ) + 2ik12 q¯1 q1 , γ (2) = k12 (q¯2 2 − q2 ) + 2ik12 q¯2 q2 , γ (3) = k12 (q¯3 2 − q3 ) + 2ik12 q¯3 q3 ,

4γ (1) − α (1) = k1 (A1 + iB1 ), 4γ (2) − α (2) = k1 (Ā2 + i B¯2 ), i 4γ (3) − α (3) = k1 (A3 + iB3 ),
2 2 2

sin ψ (1) = P1 + iQ1 , cos ψ (1) = P2 + iQ2 , sin ψ (2) = P3 + iQ3 , cos ψ (2) = P4 + iQ4
α (1) h1 α (2) h2 α (1) h1 α (2) h2
e− 2 e− 2 4Ḡ(1) e 2 e− 2
L0 = (L¯0 + iL0 ), L1 = − (L¯1 + iL1 ),
(A21 + B12 )(Ā2 + B¯2 ) Ḡ(2) (A21 + B12 )(Ā2 + B¯2 )
2 2 2 2

α (1) h1 α (2) h2 α (1) h1 α (2) h2

2i Ḡ(2) e− 2 2 (1)
¯2 + iL2 ), L3 = − 2i Ḡ e
e 2 e 2
L2 = − (L (L¯3 + iL3 ) (19)
(A21 + B12 )(Ā2 + B¯2 ) (A21 + B12 )(Ā2 + B¯2 )
2 2 2 2
Arab J Geosci (2021) 14: 224 Page 7 of 19 224

where q¯3 , and q3 are given in the Appendix. Ā2 , B¯2 , A3 , (j )
the conditions α (j ) → 0, δ = 0, δ1 = 0, ρ11 = ρ (j ) ,
(j )

B3 , Pj , Qj , L̄t , and Lt for j = 1(1)4 and t = 0(1)3 are (j ) (j ) (j ) (j )

and ρ12 = ρ22 = ρ13 = ρ33 = 0, j = 1, 2, 3 in Eq. 22
obtained by rigorous mathematical derivation.
Using Eqs. 16 and 18, we get for n = 2 Ḡ(2) Ḡ(3) q¯2 q¯3 − Ḡ(2) Ḡ(1) q¯2 q¯1 tan(q¯1 k1 h1 )
tan(q¯2 k1 h2 ) =
Ḡ(2) q¯2 2 + Ḡ(3) Ḡ(1) q¯3 q¯1 tan(q¯1 k1 h1 )

4Ḡ(1) C2 e α (1) h1 (25)

C1 C 3 − D1 D3 = (20) $ $ $
Ḡ(2) (A21 + B12 ) where q¯1 = c2 c2 2
2 − 1, q¯2 =
cs1 2 − 1, q¯3 =
1 − c2 ,

Ḡ(j )
4Ḡ(1) D2 eα h1
(1) csj = ρ (j )
, j = 1, 2, 3. Equation 25 represents the
D1 C 3 + C 1 D3 = (21) dispersion equation of Love-type wave propagating in an
Ḡ(2) (A21 + B12 )
isotropic homogeneous layer mediated between an isotropic
homogeneous layer and a isotropic homogeneous half-
where C1 , C2 , C3 , D1 , D2 , and D3 are expressed in the space.
Appendix. Equations 20 and 21 are the respective dispersion (iii) In addition to the aforementioned conditions, when
and attenuation equations of SH-wave propagation in one- the mediated layer is absent (i.e., h2 = 0), we get Eq. 24
layered model. which is the classical Love wave dispersion equation.
Using Eqs. 17 and 19, we get for n = 3

4L¯21 eα
(2) h
2 Stability analysis, phase and group velocity
L¯11 D  − L11 D  = (22)
A finite rectangular region of the developed model is
considered for applying the finite difference approach.
4L21 eα
(2) h
L11 D  + L¯11 D  = (23) Discretizing the xz-plane, a grid with equal increment in x
Ḡ(3) and z along x- and z-axis is introduced, respectively. The
time axis is also discretized by considering step length t.
where L¯11 , L11 , L¯21 , L21 , D  , and D  are shown in the Therefore, the space and time grids are defined as
Appendix. Equations 22 and 23 are the respective dispersion xl = lx, zm = mz, tq = qt
and attenuation equations of SH-wave propagation in two-
layered model. By using Eqs. 2, 3, and 4 and applying the inhomogeneity
and the finite difference method in Eq. 1, we get

(q+1) (q) (q−1)

Validation of the problem ws2(l,m) − 2ws2(l,m) + ws2(l,m)
(i) For n = 2, when the two media (i.e., one heterogeneous (q+1) (q) (q−1)
double porous layer and an inhomogeneous double porous wm2(l,m) − 2wm2(l,m) + wm2(l,m)
+ ρ¯12
half-space) become isotropic homogeneous, we get the (t)2
following equation by applying the conditions α (j ) → (q+1)
wf 2(l,m)
(q) (q−1)
− 2wf 2(l,m) + wf 2(l,m)
(j ) (j ) (j ) (j ) (j )
0, δ = 0, δ1 = 0, ρ11 = ρ (j ) , and ρ12 = ρ22 = ρ13 = + ρ¯13
(j ) (t)2
ρ33 = 0, j = 1, 2 in Eq. 20 (q+1) (q−1)
ws2(l,m) − ws2(l,m)
$ ¯ + ζ13
+ (ζ12 ¯ )
!" # Ḡ(2) 1 − c2
(q+1) (q−1) (q+1) (q−1)
c2 cs2 wm2(l,m) − wm2(l,m) wf 2(l,m) − wf 2(l,m)
tan − 1 k 1 h1 = $ (24) ¯
− ζ12 ¯
− ζ13
cs1 2 2t 2t
Ḡ(1) c2 − 1
cs1 (q) (q) (q)
ws2(l+1,m) − 2ws2(l,m) + ws2(l−1,m)
= Ḡ
Equation 24 represents the classical Love wave dispersion (x)2
(q) (q) (q)
equation. ws2(l,m+1) − 2ws2(l,m) + ws2(l,m−1)
+ Ḡ (26)
(ii) For n = 3, when the three media (i.e., two het- (z)2
erogeneous double porous layers and a lowermost inho- (q) (q)
ws2(l,m+1) − ws2(l,m−1)
mogeneous double porous half-space) become isotropic + Ḡ sinh(αz) ,
homogeneous, we get the following equation by applying 2(z)2
224 Page 8 of 19 Arab J Geosci (2021) 14: 224

(q+1) (q) (q−1)

ws2(l,m) − 2ws2(l,m) + ws2(l,m) By substituting λ = 2π
k1 and p = cs0 x , where p refers to
ρ¯12 the Courant number, in Eq. 30 and using Eq. 31, we get
(q+1) (q) (q−1)
wm2(l,m) − 2wm2(l,m) + wm2(l,m) c pπ x
+ρ¯22 sin [I1∗ + I3∗ + I5∗ ]
(t)2 cs0 λ
(q+1) (q−1) (q+1) (q−1) ⎛ ⎞2
ws2(l,m) −ws2(l,m) wm2(l,m) −wm2(l,m) ! #
−ζ12 ¯
+ ζ12 = 0, (27) ⎜ p ⎟ 2F2∗ F3∗
2t 2t = Ḡ ⎜

⎠ 2F1∗ + − (32)
Ḡ[2(1−δ 2 )+ kα δ] d12 d12
(q+1) (q) (q−1) ρ¯11
ws2(l,m) − 2ws2(l,m) + ws2(l,m)
(t)2 Ij∗ , j = 1(2)5 and Fj∗ , j = 1(1)3 are defined in the
(q+1) (q) (q−1) (q+1) (q−1) Appendix. Equation 32 determines the phase velocity of
wf 2(l,m) −2wf 2(l,m) +wf 2(l,m) ws2(l,m) −ws2(l,m)
+ρ¯33 ¯
− ζ13 SH-waves for x = z.
(t)2 2t Differentiating Eq. 30 with respect to k1 provides
(q+1) (q−1)
wf 2(l,m) − wf 2(l,m)
+ζ13 =0 %
(I1∗ +I3∗ +I5∗ )
(28) ∂ω
2t ∂k1 c pπ x (I I I ) (I V )
cos +(I1 +I3
cs0 2 cs0 λ
The initial errors in ws2 , wm2 , and wf 2 are considered at &
c pπ x Ḡp
t = 0 to evaluate the stability criterion of this considered +I5(I V ) ) sin =
cs0 λ Ḡ[2(1−δ 2 )+ kα δ]
model. By considering the wave number as a complex ρ¯11
quantity (i.e., k = k1 (1 + iδ)), the expressions of errors at ⎡  ⎤
(I I I ) (I I I ) 2παd1 x
2F2 F3 sinh k1 λ
(l, m, q) are given by ⎣2F (I I I ) + − ⎦ (33)
1 d1 d1
E(ws2(l,m) ) = M1 exp[−k1 δ(lx + mz)] exp[−iω(qt)
(I I I ) (I V ) (I V ) (I I I )
+ik1 (lx) + ik1 (mz)] where I1 , I3 , I5 , and Fj , j = 1(1)3 are
(q) derived by rigorous mathematical calculations. Equation 33
E(wm2(l,m) ) = M2 exp[−k1 δ(lx + mz)] exp[−iω(qt)
represents the group velocity of SH-waves for x = z.
+ik1 (lx) + ik1 (mz)] By considering x = z and comparing real compo-
E(wf 2(l,m) ) = M3 exp[−k1 δ(lx + mz)] exp[−iω(qt) nents of both sides in Eq. 30, we get
+ik1 (lx) + ik1 (mz)] (29)
ωt t 2
sin [I1 + I3 + I5 ] = Ḡ
Corresponding to fixed k1 , the dispersion relation ω(k1 ), 2 x
which will indicate that the error is dependent on time, [4{cos(k1 x) cosh(k1 δx) − 1}
should be determined. As these errors satisfy the solution of − sinh(αx) cos(k1 x) sinh(k1 δx)] (34)
the system, substituting Eq. 29 in Eqs. 26, 27, and 28 and

equating real components from both sides, we get For the stability of the model, | sin 2 | must not exceed
1. Therefore, we get from Eq. 34
sin [I1 + I3 + I5 ]
2 t 2
! # Ḡ [4{cos(k1 x) cosh(k1 δx) − 1}
t 2 t 2 t 2 x
= Ḡ 2F1 +2F2 −F3 (30) − sinh(αx) cos(k1 x) sinh(k1 δx)] ≤ I1 +I3 +I5 (35)
x d1 x d1 x
' (
where I1 + I3 + I5 ≤ 4 −ρ¯11 + ρρ¯12¯22 + ρρ¯13¯33 .
2 2

where d1 = z
x .
F1 , F2 , F3 , I1 , I3 , and I5 are defined in
the Appendix. Equation 35 indicates the stability criterion of the het-
By assuming the approximation sin δ = δ, cos δ = erogeneous fractured porous multilayered model. Conse-
2 2 quently, ω becomes real and the error becomes time inde-
1 − δ2 , sinh δ = δ, and cosh δ = 1 + δ2 up to second order
pendent. For a small value of δ, let us consider sin(δ) =
in Eq. 30, we get 2 2
δ, cos(δ) = 1 − δ2 , sinh(δ) = δ, and cosh(δ) = 1 + δ2 .
" Using these approximations in Eq. 34 in case of small x
ω Ḡ[2(1 − δ 2 ) + α
k1 δ] and t, the local phase velocity of SH-waves for x = z
cs0 = = (31)
k1 ρ¯11 is obtained which exactly matches with Eq. 31.
Arab J Geosci (2021) 14: 224 Page 9 of 19 224

By considering λ = 2π
k1 and ω = k1 c, we get 1.8

⎛ ⎞2 1. δ = 0.010
2. δ = 0.035
c pπ x ⎜ p ⎟
sin [I1∗ + I3∗ + I5∗ ] = Ḡ ⎜

⎠ 3. δ = 0.060
cs0 λ Ḡ[2(1−δ 2 )+ kα δ]
1 1.6 4. δ = 0.085
% ) *
2π x 2π δx
× 4 cos cosh − 1 − sinh(αx)
λ λ
2π x 2π δx

c cs1
cos sinh (36) 1.4
λ λ

(I1∗ + I3∗ + I5∗ )
∂k1 c pπ x 4
cos 1.2 3
cs0 2 cs0 λ
& 2
(I I I ) (I V ) (I V ) c pπ x 1
+(I1 + I3 + I5 ) sin
cs0 λ
Ḡp 1.0
= 2 α 4{δ cos(k1 x) sinh(k1 δx)
Ḡ[2(1−δ )+ k δ] 0 2 4 6 8
ρ¯11 k 1 h1
− sin(k1 x) cosh(k1 δx) }
Fig. 3 Phase velocity (c/cs1 ) vs. wave number (k1 h1 ) for attenuation
2π αx
− sinh {δ cos(k1 x) cosh(k1 δx) coefficient (δ) values of 0.010, 0.035, 0.060, and 0.085
k1 λ
− sin(k1 x) sinh(k1 δx)} (37) observed through graphical implementations according to
Eqs. 32 and 33. The phase velocity (c/cs0 ) is represented
Equations 36 and 37 illustrate the expressions for the phase on the y-axis in Figures 11(2)19, and the group veloc-
and group velocities of SH-waves, respectively, when x = ity ((∂ω/∂k1 )/cs0 ) is represented on the y-axis in Fig-
z. ures 12(2)20. The x-axis represents the dispersion param-
eter (x/λ) in Figures 11(1)20. Figure 21 displays a
comparison of SH-wave dispersion in the fractured porous
Numerical calculations and graphical layered structure and isotropic layered system. In this figure,
discussions the dimensionless phase velocity (c/cs2 ) is plotted against
the dimensionless wave number (k1 h2 ) for detecting the
Using Eqs. 20 and 21, the effects of the attenuation coeffi- difference in SH-wave dispersion in the aforementioned
cient, wave velocity, porosity, and heterogeneity parameter structures when n = 2 (i.e., one layer resting over a half-
are illustrated in various 2D graphs. Figures 3(1)8 exhibit space) and n = 3 (i.e., two layers overlying a half-space).
the dispersion and attenuation features of SH-wave propaga- Numerical values of required parameters related to frac-
tion in a heterogeneous fractured porous layer overlying an tured porous layer and half-space are obtained from Dai and
inhomogeneous cracked poroelastic half-space. In Figs. 3, Kuang (2006);
5, and 7, the dimensionless phase velocity (c/cs1 ) is plotted
against the dimensionless wave number (k1 h1 ) to highlight (1) (2)
G = 3 GPa, G = 12 GPa, ρs = 3000 kg/m3 ,
the dispersive nature of SH-wave. The damping proper-
ties are illustrated by plotting the attenuation coefficient ρl = 1000 kg/m3 ,
(Log(δ)) against the dimensionless wave number (k1 h1 ) in ηl = 10−3 Pa S, κ11 = 10−16 m2 , κ22 = 10−12 m2
Figs. 4, 6, and 8. Variations in the wave velocity (c) and the
attenuation coefficient (Log(δ)) with respect to the width For the propagation of SH-waves, the upper and lower
(h1 ) of heterogeneous fractured porous layer are plotted in bounds of the wave velocity must be approximately equal
Figs. 9 and 10, respectively, for observing the modal behav- to SH-wave velocity in the lowermost half-space and
ior of SH-wave. Moreover, the changes in the phase and overlying layer, respectively. Therefore, it is calculated that
group velocities with respect to the variations in several fac- 1067.57 m/s < c < 2019.05 m/s in the considered structure
tors such as the attenuation coefficient, porosity, Courant consisting of one heterogeneous fractured porous layer
number, discretization ratio, heterogeneity parameter are overlying an inhomogeneous fractured porous half-space.
224 Page 10 of 19 Arab J Geosci (2021) 14: 224

Effects of the variation in the attenuation coefficient Effects of the total porosity and dimensionless
and wave velocity heterogeneity parameter on the dispersion
and attenuation
Figure 3 displays the effect of the variation in the attenuation
coefficient (δ) on the dimensionless phase velocity of SH- The effect of the total porosity (t ) is displayed in Figs. 5
wave. The values of δ in the figure are 0.01, 0.035, 0.06, and 6. As the total porosity gradually increases, the phase
and 0.085. As δ increases, the phase velocity decreases. velocity decreases (Fig. 5). Minimal variation is observed
When the dimensionless wave number (k1 h1 ) lies between between dispersion curves 1 and 2 (when t = 0.28432 and
0.6 and 2, no variation is observed in the phase velocity. 0.48312, respectively), whereas a considerable difference is
However, when k1 h1 is higher than 2, the phase velocity observed between curves 3 and 4 (when t = 0.68192 and
decreases with increasing δ and the differences between 0.88072, respectively). The total porosity has a substantial
consecutive curves widens rapidly. When k1 h1 increases effect on the phase velocity in the k1 h1 range of 0.3–2.
from 0.6 to 2, the phase velocity decreases considerably. The variation in the phase velocity with the total porosity
Specifically, the wave velocity suddenly decreases from becomes nominal in the k1 h1 range of 2–4. As k1 h1
1921.63 m/s when k1 h1 = 0.6 to 1314.18 m/s when increases further and reaches 6, curves 1 and 2 overlap.
k1 h1 = 2. In a large range of the dimensionless wave Moreover, when k1 h1 is 8, curves 1, 2, and 3 overlap.
number, curve 4 exhibits a less destructive nature than curve Thus, as the value of k1 h1 increases, the effect of total
1 due to the descending nature of phase velocity. During porosity on the phase velocity decreases. Therefore, if the
an earthquake, the SH-wave with a low value of δ has high total porosity of cracked porous material increases, the
destruction power in the considered one-layered model. destructive power of SH-waves decreases for low values
The variation in the attenuation coefficient with respect to of k1 h1 , which implies that the aforementioned material is
ascending values of the wave velocity (c) is displayed in suitable for geological and engineering purposes. Figure 6
Fig. 4. The lowest value of c is considered as 1300 m/s, indicates that an inverse proportionality relationship exists
and the value is increased by 200 m/s in each successive between the attenuation coefficient and total porosity for t
stage. Figure 4 indicates that the attenuation coefficient is values are considered in Fig. 5. The attenuation curves in
directly proportional to the wave velocity. For higher values Figure 6 exhibit a similar nature for each value of t . When
of dimensionless wave number, the distance between the the dimensionless wave number increases beyond 2, the
curves increases. Moreover, as the wave velocity increases, distance between successive curves increases substantially.
the damping nature of the SH-wave is enhanced. Furthermore, the increment in the attenuation coefficient

1 1.6
1. t = 0.28432
1.5 2. t = 0.48312
2 1 4
2 3. t = 0.68192
3 4. t = 0.88072
Log δ

c cs1


1. c = 1300
2. c = 1500
3. c = 1700 1.1
4. c = 1900

6 1.0
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 0 2 4 6 8
k1 h1 k 1 h1

Fig. 4 Attenuation coefficient (Log[δ]) vs. wave number (k1 h1 ) for Fig. 5 Phase velocity (c/cs1 ) vs. wave number (k1 h1 ) for total porosity
wave velocity (c) values of 1300, 1500, 1700, and 1900 (t ) values of 0.28432, 0.48312, 0.68192, and 0.88072
Arab J Geosci (2021) 14: 224 Page 11 of 19 224

1 1.8

1. = 0.5
2 1
1.6 2. = 0.6
4 k1
2 1
1 3. = 0.7
4. = 0.8

c cs1
Log δ


1. t = 0.28432 1.2 3
5 2. t = 0.48312 1
3. t = 0.68192
4. t = 0.88072

6 1.0
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 0 2 4 6 8
k1 h1 k1 h1

Fig. 6 Attenuation coefficient (Log[δ]) vs. wave number (k1 h1 ) for Fig. 7 Phase velocity (c/cs1 ) vs. wave number (k1 h1 ) for heterogene-
total porosity (t ) values of 0.28432, 0.48312, 0.68192, and 0.88072 ity parameter ( αk1 ) values of 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, and 0.8

with the total porosity for each curve is higher between the repulsion between the curves is clearly visible. When
k1 h1 = 1.5 and 2.5 than beyond k1 h1 = 2.5. Figure 6 k1 h1 is approximately 2.6, the distance between the curves
indicates that the SH-wave undergoes favorable attenuation begins to decrease. Thus, for a particular range of the
with a decrease in the total porosity. dimensionless wave number, the inhomogeneity factor has
Figures 7 and 8 display the effects of the dimensionless a favorable effect on the attenuation of SH-waves.
heterogeneity parameter on the dispersion and damping of
SH-waves, respectively. Curves 1, 2, 3, and 4 correspond
(1) 1
to αk1 = 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, and 0.8, respectively, in
both graphical representations. Figure 7 indicates that
an inverse proportionality relationship exists between
the dimensionless phase velocity and the heterogeneity 2
parameter, whereas Fig. 8 reveals that the attenuation 1
coefficient is directly proportional to the dimensionless 3
heterogeneity parameter. As displayed in Fig. 7, a rapid 3 4
change occurs in the phase velocity within a k1 h1 range
Log δ

of 0.5–2. Moreover, no variation between the curves is 1

1. = 0.5
observed within this k1 h1 range. Beyond a k1 h1 value of 2, 4 k1

the distances between curves 1, 2, and 3 are approximately 2.

= 0.6
similar, whereas the distance between curves 3 and 4 varies
(1) 1
with increasing k1 h1 . Specifically, up to αk1 = 0.7, all 3.
= 0.7
α (1)
the curves exhibit similar behavior; however, when is k1 4.
= 0.8
greater than 0.7, the amount of decrement in the phase
velocity changes. Thus, as the inhomogeneity of cracked
porous material increases, SH-waves hit the ground with 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
a decreased velocity. Consequently, surface wave, which
k 1 h1
are less damaging, would be generated. As displayed in
Fig. 8, when k1 h1 increases from 1.2, marginal variation Fig. 8 Attenuation coefficient (Log[δ]) vs. wave number (k1 h1 ) for
occurs between the curves. Beyond a k1 h1 value of 1.5, heterogeneity parameter ( αk1 ) values of 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, and 0.8
224 Page 12 of 19 Arab J Geosci (2021) 14: 224

Modal behavior of SH-wave dispersion 1

and attenuation 2π
1. = 0.08

The wave velocity and attenuation coefficient are plotted 2
2. = 0.06
with respect to the variation in the wavelength in Figs. 9 and 3. =

10, respectively. In both figures, curves 1–3 correspond to
λ = 0.08
2π 2π
, 0.06 2π
, and 0.04 respectively. The lowest wavelength
produces the fundamental mode, and as the wavelength

Log δ
increases, higher modes are generated gradually. According
to Fig. 9, the wave velocity and wavelength are directly
proportional, whereas Fig. 10 indicates that the attenuation 4 3.2nd Higher

coefficient and wavelength are inversely proportional. In

both the Figs. 9 and 10, the fundamental mode is obtained 2.1st Higher

for λ = 0.08 2π
, first higher mode is obtained for λ = 5

0.06 , and second higher mode is obtained for λ = 0.04 2π
. 1.Fundamental
The wavelength affects the wave velocity and attenuation
coefficient favorably for a wide range of h. 6
0 20 40 60 80 100
Effects of the attenuation coefficient, total porosity h1
and dimensionless heterogeneity parameter
Fig. 10 Attenuation coefficient (Log[δ]) vs. width of layer (h1 ) for
on the phase and group velocities 2π
wavelength (λ) values of 0.08 2π
, 0.06 2π
, and 0.04

The attenuation coefficient δ influences the phase and group

velocities, as displayed in Figs. 11 and 12, respectively. As curves gradually decreases. A similar effect is observed on
the attenuation coefficient increases from 0.008, the phase the group velocity up to a certain value of the dispersion
velocity decreases (Fig. 11). Within a dispersion parameter parameter (Fig. 12). The group velocity begins to decrease
( x
λ ) range of 0.1–0.6, the variation in δ has no effect on
beyond x λ = 0.5, and a noticeable change is observed
the phase velocity. After x λ attains a value of 0.6, the
within all four curves up to a x
λ value of 1.1. The curves
different curves in Fig. 11 proceed with different phase intersect at x
λ = 1.1, and a reverse feature is observed
velocities. When x λ is 1.3, the differences between the beyond this value.

2π 1.2
1. = 0.08
3.2nd Higher

2. = 0.06
1800 2π
3. = 0.04
Phase velocity c cs0

2.1st Higher 1
1600 2

0.8 4

1. Fundamental
1. δ = 0.008
0.6 2. δ = 0.040
1200 3. δ = 0.080
4. δ = 0.100

0 20 40 60 80 100 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
h1 Dispersion parameter x

Fig. 9 Wave velocity (c) vs. width of layer (h1 ) for wavelength (λ) Fig. 11 Phase velocity (c/cs0 ) vs. dispersion parameter (x/λ) for
2π 2π 2π
values of 0.08 , 0.06 , and 0.04 attenuation coefficient (δ) values of 0.008, 0.040, 0.080, and 0.100
Arab J Geosci (2021) 14: 224 Page 13 of 19 224

1.2 2
1. δ = 0.008 1.5 1 1. t = 0.36384
2. δ = 0.040 2. t = 0.41184
3. δ = 0.080 3. t = 0.45984
4. δ = 0.100 4. t = 0.50784
k1 cs0

k1 cs0
0.8 1.0
Group velocity

Group velocity
2 0.5
0.4 3


0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Dispersion parameter x Dispersion parameter x

Fig. 12 Group velocity ((∂ω/∂k1 )/cs0 ) vs. dispersion parameter Fig. 14 Group velocity ((∂ω/∂k1 )/cs0 ) vs. dispersion parameter
(x/λ) for attenuation coefficient (δ) values of 0.008, 0.040, 0.080, (x/λ) for total porosity (t ) values of 0.36384, 0.41184, 0.45984,
and 0.100 and 0.50784

the curves come close to each other and converge at a par-

The effects of the total porosity (t ) on the phase and
ticular point. Figure 14 indicates that the group velocity is
group velocities are displayed in Figs. 13 and 14, respec-
direct proportional to the total porosity for a low range of
tively. According to Fig. 13, the phase velocity decreases
as t increases from 0.36384 to 0.41184, 0.45984, and
the dispersion parameter (i.e., from x λ = 0.1 to 0.4). As
0.50784. Differences between the curves are clearly noticed λ exceeds this range, all the curves coincide with each
other. In a xλ range of 0.4–1.3, the group velocity of every
throughout the considered domain. Beyond x λ = 1.3, all
curve changes simultaneously. Up to a x λ value of 0.9, the
group velocity decreases, and between x λ values of 0.9 and
1 1.1, all the curves have a constant group velocity. Beyond
λ = 1.1, all the curves move downwards and converge
1.0 4 at a certain point. Moreover, a comparison of Figs. 13 and
14 indicates that the point of convergence for the phase
velocity has higher value than that for the group veloc-
0.8 ity. Specifically, the phase velocity curves converge to 0 at
λ = 2, whereas the group velocity curves converge to 0 at
Phase velocity c cs0

λ = 1.3.

0.6 Figures 15 and 16 illustrate the influence of the dimen-

sionless heterogeneity parameter ( kα1 ) on the phase and
group velocities, respectively. The values of kα1 in the two
0.4 figures are 0.05, 0.35, 0.65, and 0.95. According to the
1. t = 0.36384 figures, the phase and group velocities decrease with an
2. t = 0.41184 increase in kα1 . According to Fig. 15, when x λ has contin-
3. t = 0.45984 uous values between 0.1 and 0.7, the phase velocity is not
affected by the variation in kα1 . Beyond x λ = 0.7, the varia-
4. t = 0.50784
tion in kα1 value has a substantial effect on the phase velocity.
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 However, all the curves are not equally spaced. The distance
Dispersion parameter x between curves 1 and 2 is very small, whereas the distances
between curves 2 and 3 and between curves 3 and 4 are
Fig. 13 Phase velocity (c/cs0 ) vs. dispersion parameter (x/λ) for
total porosity (t ) values of 0.36384, 0.41184, 0.45984, and 0.50784 relatively large. Therefore, when kα1 has a value close to 1,
224 Page 14 of 19 Arab J Geosci (2021) 14: 224

1.2 α
1.2 1. = 0.05
2. = 0.35
1.0 α
3. = 0.65

k1 cs0
1.0 α
4. = 0.95
Phase velocity c cs0


Group velocity
0.8 2
3 0.6
1. = 0.05

2. = 0.35
0.6 1 2
3. = 0.65 3 4

4. = 0.95
k1 0.2

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Dispersion parameter x Dispersion parameter x

Fig. 15 Phase velocity (c/cs0 ) vs. dispersion parameter (x/λ) for Fig. 16 Group velocity ((∂ω/∂k1 )/cs0 ) vs. dispersion parameter
(1) (1)
heterogeneity parameter ( αk1 ) values of 0.05, 0.35, 0.65, and 0.95 (x/λ) for heterogeneity parameter ( αk1 ) values of 0.05, 0.35, 0.65,
and 0.95

the variation in the phase velocity is effectively observed. values. By contrast, the discretization ratio has major effect
In Fig. 16, all the group velocity curves possess equal val- on the group velocity throughout the considered domain.
ues up to xλ = 0.6 as k1 increases. Beyond this value, the
When the dispersion parameter is between 0.4 and 0.75, a
curves differ from each other visibly; however, the distance sudden decrease in the group velocity is observed for each
between curves 1 and 2 is negligible. The group velocity curve. Beyond this range, moderate changes occur in curves
varies significantly when the values of kα1 are close to 1. 1, 2, and 3 up to a xλ value of 0.85 and in curve 4 up to
Moreover, each curve displays a constant group velocity x
a λ value of 0.9. Finally, all the curves begin to descend
within the xλ range of 0.85–1. with increasing values of xλ .
The Courant number (p) moderately affects the phase
Effects of the discretization ratio and Courant and group velocities, as displayed in Figs. 19 and 20. As
number on the phase and group velocities p varies from 0.2 to 0.32, curves 1, 2, 3, and 4 are
successively generated. Figures 19 and 20 indicate that
Figures 17 and 18 display the variation in the phase and the phase and group velocities are directly proportional to
group velocities with the discretization ratio ( x ), respec- the Courant number. As displayed in Fig. 19, each curve
tively. The parameter x has the values of 0.4, 0.42, 0.44, significantly differs from its adjacent curve throughout
and 0.46 in both the figures, and its effects on the phase the entire dispersion parameter range. The phase velocity
and group velocities are approximately similar. Figures 17 changes gradually with the dispersion parameter (i.e., no
and 18 indicate that both the phase and group velocities sudden change is observed). All the curves converge to 0 at
λ = 2. Figure 20 displays the considerable decrease in the
are inversely proportional to the discretization ratio. When x
λ varies from 0.1 to 0.4, the discretization ratio has a group velocity within a very short range of the dispersion
parameter (i.e., up to x λ = 0.8). Beyond λ = 0.8,
minor effect on the phase velocity (Fig. 17); however, x

beyond x λ = 0.4, the discretization ratio has a consid- approximately constant group velocity is observed up to
erable effect on the phase velocity. As x λ = 0.95. Beyond a dispersion parameter value of 0.95,
λ increases, the
distances between all the successive curves increase rapidly. all the curves proceed downwards and converges to 0 at
λ = 1.3. Thus, the group velocity converges faster than
In other words, the discretization ratio has major effect on
the phase velocity for a high range of dispersion parameter the phase velocity.
Arab J Geosci (2021) 14: 224 Page 15 of 19 224


1.0 3
Phase velocity c cs0

Phase velocity c cs0

1 1
0.8 3
4 0.6
1. = 0.40
z 1. p = 0.20
2. = 0.42 0.4
0.6 x 2. p = 0.24
3. = 0.44 3. p = 0.28
z 4. p = 0.32
4. = 0.46 0.2
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Dispersion parameter x Dispersion parameter x

Fig. 17 Phase velocity (c/cs0 ) vs. dispersion parameter (x/λ) for Fig. 19 Phase velocity (c/cs0 ) vs. dispersion parameter (x/λ) for
discretization ratio ( x ) values of 0.40, 0.42, 0.44, and 0.46 Courant number (p) values of 0.20, 0.24, 0.28, and 0.32

Comparative analysis of the SH-wave dispersion dashed curves represent an isotropic homogeneous layered
in the fractured porous and isotropic layered model structure. According to Eq. 25, curve 1 is plotted to
determine the phase velocity of SH-waves when n = 3.
In Fig. 21, the smooth curves represent a fractured porous After removing the uppermost layer, curve 2 is obtained,
layered structure consisting of inhomogeneity and the which reflects the phase velocity of SH-waves for n =

1.2 z
1. = 0.40
x 1.2
z 1. p = 0.20
2. = 0.42
x 2. p = 0.24
1.0 z
3. = 0.44 1.0 3. p = 0.28
k1 cs0

4. p = 0.32
k1 cs0

4. = 0.46
0.8 0.8
Group velocity

Group velocity

0.6 1 0.6
0.4 0.4 4 3


0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 0.0

Dispersion parameter x 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Dispersion parameter x
Fig. 18 Group velocity ((∂ω/∂k1 )/cs0 ) vs. dispersion parameter
(x/λ) for discretization ratio ( x ) values of 0.40, 0.42, 0.44, and Fig. 20 Group velocity ((∂ω/∂k1 )/cs0 ) vs. dispersion parameter
0.46 (x/λ) for Courant number (p) values of 0.20, 0.24, 0.28, and 0.32
224 Page 16 of 19 Arab J Geosci (2021) 14: 224

1.5 model. In the presence of an additional layer, the phase

Double porous system
velocity decreases considerably, which implies that the two-
2. n=2 Isotropic system
layered model has a higher stability than the one-layered
1.4 4. n=2 model. This finding is the most significant one obtained
from Fig. 21.

c cs2

The major outcomes of this study are as follows:

• The dispersion and attenuation of SH-waves are unaf-
fected by the matrix and fracture pore fluid pressures.
1.1 • When the value of the Courant number increases,
3. n=3 the accuracy of the finite difference technique also
increases. Therefore, the multilayer model becomes
1. n=3
considerably more stabilized.
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 • If the material becomes highly porous and inhomoge-
k1 h2 neous, the phase velocity of SH-waves decreases effec-
tively, which leads to the stability of the one-layered
Fig. 21 Phase velocity (c/cs2 ) vs. wave number (k1 h2 ) in fractured model.
porous and isotropic systems for n = 2 (one layer) and 3 (two layers)
• The attenuation coefficient has a favourable effect on
the dimensionless phase and group velocities. The total
porosity and inhomogeneity parameter have adverse
effects on the group velocity. By contrast, the porosity
and heterogeneity factor have significant effects on the
2. Moreover, curve 3 is obtained when applying certain phase velocity.
conditions. This curve indicates the dispersion feature of • Variation in the discretization ratio causes significant
SH-waves propagating in an isotropic homogeneous layer changes in the phase and group velocities. By contrast,
located between an isotropic homogeneous layer and a the dimensionless phase and group velocities are
half-space. By eliminating the topmost medium, curve 4 affected minimally by the Courant number.
is attained. Figure 21 indicates that the phase velocity • In case of both heterogeneous cracked porous system
is greater when n = 2 than when n = 3 for both and isotropic homogeneous structure, the two-layered
systems, whereas a comparative study of the two systems model exhibits considerably increased stability than
exhibits that the phase velocity has both an ascending and one-layered model as the phase velocity of SH-waves
a descending nature for n = 2 as well as 3. When n = decreases. Consequently, when propagating through
2, the phase velocity for the isotropic system is less than a multilayered structure, reduced damage will occur
that for the cracked porous system up to a k1 h2 value of during an earthquake.
approximately 0.34. Within a k1 h2 range of 0.34–1.02, the • The use of the finite difference scheme in the space
phase velocity for the isotropic system is larger than that of and time domains ensures the precision and stability
the cracked porous system. Beyond a k1 h2 value of 1.02, of the considered model. For x = z and x =
the aforementioned trend begins to reverse. When n = 3, z, the same expression for the local phase velocity is
the phase velocity for the isotropic system is considerably obtained. This fact indicates the validity and stability of
higher than that for the fractured porous model within a the considered model.
k1 h2 range of approximately 0.21–0.48. Over the rest of • Second-order approximation is used to perform the
the domain, SH-waves propagate with higher velocity in the stability analysis and determine the phase and group
two-layered fractured porous model than in the isotropic velocities which provides high-accuracy results.
Arab J Geosci (2021) 14: 224 Page 17 of 19 224


(j ) (j )2 (j )2 (j ) (j )2 (j )2
s1 = ζ̄12 + ω2 ρ̄22 , s2 = ζ̄13 + ω2 ρ̄33 ,
⎡ ⎤1

⎢ Ḡ(j ) ⎥
⎢ ⎥
csj = ⎢ ⎥ ,
⎣ (j )
(j )2 (j ) (j )2 (j )
2ζ̄12 ρ̄12 +ζ̄12 ρ̄22 −ω2 ρ̄12 ρ̄22
(j )2 (j ) 2
(j ) (j ) 2
(j ) (j ) 2
(j ) (j )
2ζ̄13 ρ̄13 +ζ̄13 ρ̄33 −ω2 ρ̄13 ρ̄33 ⎦
ρ̄11 + (j ) + (j )
s1 s2
! (j ) (j ) (j ) (j ) (j ) (j )
# 2 ! #
ωcsj ζ̄12 (ρ̄12 + ρ̄22 )2 ζ̄13 (ρ̄13 + ρ̄33 )2 c δj c2
δj = (j )
+ (j )
, a1j = − (1 − δ ), b1j = 2
−δ ,
2Ḡ(j ) s1 s2 csj csj
+ +
, ,
, a 2 + b2 + a , a 2 + b2 − a
- 1j 1j 1j - 1j 1j 1j
q̄j = , qj = , j = 1, 2, 3,
2 2
α (1)
(A1 P1 + B1 Q1 ), C2 = (q¯1 2 − q1 )(A1 P1 + B1 Q1 ) − 2q¯1 q1 (A1 Q1 − B1 P1 ),
C 1 = P2 +
k1 (A21 + B12 )
α (1)
(A1 Q1 − B1 P1 ), D2 = (q¯1 2 − q1 )(A1 Q1 − B1 P1 ) + 2q¯1 q1 (A1 P1 + B1 Q1 ),
D 1 = Q2 +
k1 (A21 + B12 )
4Ḡ(1) eα h1 L¯1 4Ḡ(1) eα h1 L1 
(1) (1)
α (2)
C3 = + A2 , D3 = B2 , L¯11 = L¯0 − (2)
, L11 = L0 − (2)
k1 Ḡ Ḡ
L¯22 = P3 (q¯2 2 − q2 ) − 2q¯2 q2 Q3 , L22 = 2q¯2 q2 P3 + Q3 (q¯2 2 − q2 ),

¯ ¯ ¯ α (1) ¯ ¯ α (1)
L32 = (A1 A2 − B1 B2 ) A1 P2 − B1 Q2 + P1 + (A1 B2 + B1 A2 ) A1 Q2 + B1 P2 + Q1 ,
k1 k1
α (1) α (1)
L32 = (A1 A¯2 − B1 B¯2 ) A1 Q2 + B1 P2 + Q1 − (A1 B¯2 + B1 A¯2 ) A1 P2 − B1 Q2 + P1 ,
k1 k1

L¯23 = P1 (q¯1 2 − q1 ) − 2q¯1 q1 Q1 , L23 = Q1 (q¯1 2 − q1 ) + 2q¯1 q1 P1 ,
2 2

¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ α (2) ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ α (2)
L33 = (A1 A2 − B1 B2 ) P4 A2 − Q4 B2 − P3 + (A1 B2 + B1 A2 ) P4 B2 + Q4 A2 − Q3 ,
k1 k1
α (2) α (2)
L33 = (A1 A¯2 − B1 B¯2 ) P4 B¯2 + Q4 A¯2 −

Q3 − (A1 B¯2 + B1 A¯2 ) P4 A¯2 − Q4 B¯2 − P3 ,
k1 k1
α (3)
L¯21 = Ḡ(2) L¯2 + Ḡ(1) eα h1 L¯3 , L21 = Ḡ(2) L2 + Ḡ(1) eα h1 L3 , D  = + A3 , D  = B3 ,
(1) (1)

F1 = cos(k1 x) cosh(k1 δx) − 1, F2 = cos(k1 z) cosh(k1 δz) − 1, F3 = sinh(αz) cos(k1 z) sinh(k1 δz),

ωt ωt ωt
I1 = −4ρ¯11 sin , Rs = 16ρ¯jj 2 sin2 + 4ζ1j ¯ 2 (t)2 cos2 ,
2 2 2
%) * &
1 ωt ωt ωt ωt ωt
Ig = −4ζ1j¯ 2 (t)2 cos2 + 16ρ¯1j 2 sin2 × 4ρ¯jj sin − 32ζ1j¯ 2 (t)2 ρ¯1j sin cos2 ,
Rs 2 2 2 2 2
πpcx πpcx px πpcx
I1∗ = −4ρ¯11 sin , Rs∗ = 16ρ¯jj sin2 ¯ 2
+ 4ζ1j cos2 ,
cs0 λ cs0 λ cs0 cs0 λ
%) *
1 px 2 πpcx πpcx
Ig∗ = ∗ −4ζ1j¯ 2( ) cos2 + 16ρ¯1j 2 sin2
Rs cs0 cs0 λ cs0 λ
πpcx px 2 πpcx πpcx
×4ρ¯jj sin − 32ζ1j ¯ (
) ρ¯1j sin cos2 , s = 1, 2, g = 3, 5, j = 2, 3
cs0 λ cs0 cs0 λ cs0 λ

2πx 2πδx 2πd1 x 2πd1 δx
F1∗ = cos cosh − 1, F2∗ = cos cosh − 1,
λ λ λ λ

2πd1 x 2πd1 δx
F3∗ = sinh(αd1 x) cos sinh .
λ λ
224 Page 18 of 19 Arab J Geosci (2021) 14: 224

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