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Memory response in a nonlocal micropolar double porous

thermoelastic medium with variable conductivity under
Moore-Gibson-Thompson thermoelasticity theory
Shishir Gupta, Rachaita Dutta∗, Soumik Das
Department of Mathematics and Computing, Indian Institute of Technology (ISM), Dhanbad, Jharkhand 826004, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The present study enlightens the two-dimensional analysis of the thermo-mechanical response for a mi-
Received 29 October 2021 cropolar double porous thermoelastic material with voids (MDPTMWV) by virtue of Eringen’s theory of
Revised 23 December 2021
nonlocal elasticity. Moore-Gibson-Thompson (MGT) heat equation is introduced to the considered model
Accepted 29 January 2022
in the context of memory-dependent derivative and variable conductivity. By employing the normal mode
Available online xxx
technique, the non-dimensional coupled governing equations of motion are solved to determine the an-
Keywords: alytical expressions of the displacements, temperature, void volume fractions, microrotation vector, force
Memory-dependent derivative stress tensors, and equilibrated stress vectors. Several two-dimensional graphs are presented to demon-
Eringen’s nonlocal elasticity theory strate the influence of various parameters, such as kernel functions, thermal conductivity, and nonlocality.
Micropolar double porous thermoelastic Furthermore, different generalized thermoelasticity theories with variable conductivity are compared to
material with voids visualize the variations in the distributions associated with the prior mentioned variables. Some particu-
Moore-Gibson-Thompson thermoelasicity
lar cases are also discussed in the presence and absence of different parameters.
Variable conductivity
© 2022 Shanghai Jiaotong University. Published by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

1. Introduction tablished by Tzou [7] and Choudhuri [8] proceed towards ill-posed
systems in terms of Hadamard. The modified Green-Naghdi theo-
The motion of a body can be properly described by the mu- ries have been introduced to thermo-diffusion models in several
tual interaction between deformation and temperature distribu- works [9–13]. The refined models of Green-Naghdi theories are
tion. Biot [1] eliminated the classical uncoupled paradox inherent employed to investigate the characteristics of thermomechanical
by proposing the coupled thermoelasticity theory with the con- waves in axisymmetric disks [14,15]. Mashat and Zenkour [16] ap-
sideration of the conventional Fourier’s formulation. This paradox plied the nonlocal thermoelasticity theory based on Euler-Bernoulli
states that elastic distortion is independent of the change in tem- hypothesis under unified DPL Green-Naghdi model for analysing
perature which is impractical. However, the utmost disadvantage thermoelastic vibration of temperature-dependent nanobeams sub-
of Biot’s [1] proposition is the infinite speed of thermal signals. Af- jected to a ramp type heating. Abouelregal [17] first detected that
terward, many non-classical heat conduction laws indicating the fi- the correlation between the modified Fourier law and energy equa-
nite speeds of thermal waves have been demonstrated [2–5]. Chan- tions in these two theories generates a series of elements in the
drasekharaiah [6] proposed the dual-phase-lag (DPL) thermoelas- point spectrum. Hence, the real component becomes infinity which
tic model based on the heat conduction law provided by Tzou results in the discontinuity of the solution. Quintanilla [18] has
[7]. A generalization of Tzou’s theory, termed the three-phase-lag derived a novel thermoelastic model subjected to Moore-Gibson-
(TPL) thermoelastic model, was illustrated by Choudhuri [8]. In ad- Thompson’s (MGT) equation is constituted from a third-order dif-
dition to the phase lags for the heat flux vector and the tem- ferential equation. This modified theory incorporates a relaxation
perature gradient associated with DPL theory, TPL model intro- time parameter into the heat equation of Green-Naghdi theory of
duces another delay parameter which is known as the phase lag type III. This relaxation parameter represents the slackening time
for thermal displacement gradient. Unfortunately, both models es- due to the fast transient effects of thermal inertia. Recently, im-
plementations of MGT thermoelasticity theory in different material
micro-structures have attracted the severe attention of several re-

Corresponding author. searchers [19–22]. Abouelregal et al. [23] have considered a nonlo-
E-mail address: (R. Dutta).
2468-0133/© 2022 Shanghai Jiaotong University. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

Please cite this article as: S. Gupta, R. Dutta and S. Das, Memory response in a nonlocal micropolar double porous thermoelastic medium
with variable conductivity under Moore-Gibson-Thompson thermoelasticity theory, Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science, https:
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S. Gupta, R. Dutta and S. Das Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science xxx (xxxx) xxx

cal isotropic magneto-thermoelastic half-space to conduct a com-  t −ε

= 1− if a2 = 1, a1 = 1. (4)
putational study on the basis of MGT heat equation in the pres- 
ence of a periodically varying heat flow. The characteristics of ther-
As a special case, when K ∗ (t − ε ) ≡ 1 and  → 0, we get
mal and mechanical waves in an infinite thermo-viscoelastic or-

thotropic solid cylinder under MGT theory are analyzed by Abouel- 1 t
f (t ) − f (t −  )
D f (t ) = f  ( ε )d ε = → f  (t ).
regal et al. [24] where the thermal conductivity is assumed to vary  t− 
with temperature. Thermal conductivity is an important parame-
ter that plays vital roles in different areas, such as mechanical and The equation written above delineates that dt is a limiting case
civil engineering, physics, chemistry, and thermal load analysis in of D as  → 0.
semiconductors. Several analytical and experimental works have The heat conduction law in MDD MGT thermoelasticity is writ-
implied the dependency of thermal conductivity on temperature ten as below following Quintanilla [18]
change [25–27]. Guo et al. [28] investigated a modified fractional-
(1 +  D )qi = −[κ∇θ + κ ∗ ∇ ]. (5)
order generalized piezothermoelastic model with variable thermal
conductivity. Othman et al. [29] elaborated the impact of vari- Yu et al. [38] discussed some applications of MDD. The thermoe-
able thermal conductivity on a pre-stressed infinite fiber-reinforced lasticity theory of two temperatures along with MDD has been an-
plate. In recent years, many eminent researchers have introduced alyzed by Ezzat et al. [39]. In the most recent years, several articles
variable thermal conductivity in their studies [30–33]. [40–44] are published in the context of MDD.
Extensive interest in fractional calculus has begun to grow re- The behavior analysis of any particle in the interior of a physi-
cently as fractional-order differential equations have significant cal substance is illuminated by the postulates of nonlocality in the
applications in various fields, e.g., continuum mechanics, bio- light of functional fundamental relations. According to the nonlo-
physics, electrical engineering, bioengineering, viscoelasticity, sig- cal theory, a particular particle characteristic depends on the state
nal and image processing, electrochemistry etc. Caputo [34] frac- of every point in the substance. This aspect makes the nonlocal
tional derivative has been modified by Diethelm [35] in the fol- theory different from the classical theory. The nonlocal atomic in-
lowing manner: teractions have profound usage in solid-state physics for determin-
 t ing material properties. The nonlocal theory deals with the in-
a f (t ) =
DM ∗
KM (t − ε ) f (r ) (ε )dε (1) ternal characteristic length parameter which precisely estimates
a the physical features of material at nano-scale. Eringen and Ede-
with len [45] proposed the preliminary idea of nonlocal elasticity. Af-
(t − ε )r−M−1 terward Eringen’s [46–48] intense efforts in extending this theory

KM (t − ε ) = (2) opened new paths in different directions. The uniqueness of this
(r − M )
theory has been discussed by Altan [49]. Cracium [50] established
where f (r ) symbolizes the usual rth derivative of the function and a nonlocal thermoelastic model. A nonlocal Fourier’s law is devel-
KM∗ (t − ε ) refers to the fixed kernel function for a given real num-
oped by Challamel et al. [51] subjected to one-dimensional and
ber M. According to the defined expression, KM ∗ (t − ε ) has a singu-
two-dimensional thermal lattices. Bachher and Sarkar [52] have
larity at t = ε . This formulation of a fractional-order derivative may worked on thermoelastic material with voids under the fractional-
be appropriately employed in the mechanical problems regarding order heat equation in the context of Eringen’s nonlocal elasticity
plasticity, fatigue, and electromagnetic hysteresis [36]. The basic theory. The propagation of plane waves in a nonlocal thermoelas-
concept of memory dependent derivative (MDD) has been invented tic half-space with voids under DPL heat conduction law is studied
by Wang and Li [37]. The description of the first order (M = 1) of by Mondal et al. [53]. Abouelregal [54] applied the Taylor expan-
function f is provided in the following integral form of a common sion method for higher-order time derivatives and nonlocality in
derivative with a kernel function K ∗ (t − ε ) (chosen randomly) on a the analysis of a new nonlocal thermoelasticity theory with dual-
slipping interval [t −  , t]: phase delays. Enlightened by Eringen’s nonlocal theory, Mondal
 t [55] has considered a magneto-thermoelastic rod to study memory
D f (t ) = K ∗ (t − ε ) f  (ε )dε (3) response due to moving heat source based on Lord–Shulman the-
 t− ory of thermoelasticity. Recently, the theory of nonlocal elasticity
where  (> 0 ) indicates delay time. In general, the memory ef- is being embraced in various researches corresponding to different
fect requires weight 0 ≤ K ∗ (t − ε ) ≤ 1 for ε ∈ [t −  , t] in order to areas [56–59].
achieve a smaller magnitude of D f (t ) as compared to that of the Myriad contributions of porosity in various fields of science and
common derivative f  (t ). Clearly, the right-hand side of (3 ) is a technology, such as chemical engineering, geophysics, biomechan-
weighted mean of f  (t ). By assuming our present time as t, it can ics, bone mechanics, and the petroleum industry [60–63] have pro-
be stated that [t −  , t ) is our past. Thus, it may be concluded that voked the incorporation of elastic materials with voids into differ-
the MDD possesses the feature that the functional value in real ent research topics. By studying the linear theory of elastic mate-
time is also dependent on the past time. Therefore, D is known as rials with voids, Cowin and his co-worker [64,65] formulated the
a non-local operator. The kernel function K ∗ (t −  ) can be selected void volume fraction as a ratio of the bulk density of porous ma-
randomly, such as 1, [1 − (t − ε )], and [1 − t− ε ]q , for any q(∈  ) terial to that of the complete matrix material. Lesan [66] deter-
which is related to a more realistic phenomenon. These functions mined the thermo-mechanical behavior of substances with voids.
are monotonically increasing from 0 to 1 in [t −  , t]. An appropri- The theory of double porosity, comprising matrix blocks discon-
ate kernel function can be chosen with respect to the nature of the nected by fracture networks, was conceptualized by Barenblatt
problem, e.g. et al. [67]. The fundamental relations and macroscopic momen-
tum for a dual-porosity/dual-permeability medium were provided
2a1 a22
K ∗ (t − ε ) = 1 − (t − ε ) + (t − ε )2 by Berryman and Wang [60]. A good quantity of interesting re-
 2 search articles [68–71] regarding the fluid-saturated double porous
=1 if a2 = 0, a1 = 0 material has been published in recent years. Khalili and Selvadu-
t −ε rai [62] explored the thermo-hydro-mechanical properties of a
= 1− if a2 = 0, a1 = 0.5
 completely coupled double porous thermoelastic solid. Straughan
= 1 − (t − ε ) if a2 = 0, a1 = 0.5 [72] explained the conditions of stability and uniqueness of an

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S. Gupta, R. Dutta and S. Das Journal of Ocean Engineering and Science xxx (xxxx) xxx

elastic solid with double porosity. By the virtue of Darcy’s law, nique. By utilizing the numerical values of the relevant parameters
several articles [72–74] employed the theory of double porosity for magnesium crystal-like material, the effects of kernel functions,
which involves the displacement vector and the pressure associ- thermal conductivity, and nonlocality parameters are determined
ated with matrix pores and fractures. The thermoelasticity the- graphically. Moreover, different generalized thermoelasticity theo-
ory related to double porous solid based on Nunziato–Cowin the- ries with variable conductivity, i.e., Moore-Gibson-Thompson ther-
ory of elastic material with voids has been analyzed by Lesan and moelasticity (MGTTE), Green-Naghdi III thermoelasticity (GN-IIITE),
Quintanilla [75]. The aforementioned researchers have also exhib- Lord-Shulman thermoelasticity (LSTE), and classical coupled ther-
ited the uniqueness, the criterion of stability, and the condition moelasticity (CCTE) theories are compared to observe the changes
for the solution to existing. Kumar et al. [76] analyzed Rayleigh in the distributions of the aforementioned field variables. The lin-
wave propagation in a thermoelastic double porous half-space. Re- ear theory of micropolar elasticity describes the behavior of many
cently, many articles [77–80] have discussed thermo-mechanical new synthetic materials of the elastomer and polymer type as well
interactions in double poro-thermoelastic medium with voids. The as it is extensively used for the bone modeling. The theory of mi-
micropolar theory of elasticity focuses on the microstructure of cropolar generalized thermoelasticity can be utilized by engineers
the material which is beneficial for modern engineering struc- for designing machine components, such as heat exchangers and
tures and high-frequency vibrations with short wavelengths. The boiler tubes. Multiple poroelasticity theory has several benefits in
linear micropolar theory was established by Eringen [81]. In ad- production of gas and energy, nuclear waste treatment, oil acqui-
dition to force stresses, this theory supports the couple stresses. sition, carbon sequestration, and tissue engineering etc. Further-
Moreover, micropolar solids experience macro-deformations and more, the nonlocal elasticity theory has widespread applications in
micro-rotations. Eringen and his co-worker [82,83] developed the mass stream sensors, actuators, frequency synthesis, flexural-mode
elasticity theory of micropolar solids where particle micromotions micromechanical and nanomechanical beam resonators, and ultra
within a micro-volume element along its centroid are taken into sensitive mass detection. In view of these myriad contributions
account. The collaboration between micropolar theory and thermal of the nonlocal micropolar double poro-thermoelasticity, authors
effects was first presented by Nowacki [84–86]. Othman and Singh have gained the motivation to analyze the thermoelastic deforma-
[87] studied the effect of rotation on a micropolar thermoelastic tions in the considered model.
half-space under five generalized thermoelasticity theories. Oth-
man and Lotfy [88] formulated a two-dimensional model consist- 2. Basic equations for nonlocal MDPTMWV
ing of micropolar thermoelastic material with voids for executing
the effects of thermal relaxation times on all the physical variables Following Eringen [48] and Lesan and Quintanilla [75], the con-
related to deformation. Ezzat and Awad [89] introduced the con- stitutive relations and equations of motion for a nonlocal microp-
stitutive relations, uniqueness of solution, and impact of thermal olar double porous thermoelastic solid with voids in the presence
shock in the generalized micropolar thermoelasticity theory with of body forces are given by:
two temperatures. Othman et al. [90] considered a rotating mi-
cropolar thermoelastic medium under DPL theory to examine the 2.1. Strain-displacement relation
impact of two temperatures. Hilal et al. [91] studied the effect of
the gravitational field on the deformation of a rotating micropo-
lar thermoelastic medium subjected to microtemperatures. Intense
use of the theory of micropolar thermoelasticity has begun to grow
υi j = 0.5(ui, j + u j,i ). (6)
in the recent decade [92–94].
Several eminent researchers [91,92,95] have explored differ- 2.2. Nonlocal stress-strain-temperature relations
ent thermo-mechanical properties of micropolar thermoelastic
medium under distinct thermoelasticity theories. Yadav [94] has
analyzed the propation of plane waves in an initially stressed mi- (1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )σi j = σilj = υrr δi j + 2μυi j + K (u j,i − i jr ϕr )
cropolar diffusive porous media in the context of fractional-order
+ β1∗ ψδi j + β2∗ φδi j − γ1 θ δi j (7)
thermoelasticity theory. Recently, the thermo-mechanical interac-
tion in a functionally graded double porous thermoelastic model
with gravitational effect has been studied by Kalkal et al. [96]. Ku- (1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )μi j = μli j = αϕr,r δi j + λϕi, j + ηϕ j,i (8)
mar et al. [97] have considered a micropolar thermoelastic medium
with voids subjected to Eringen’s nonlocal elasticity theory un-
der DPL and Lord-Shulman (LS) models. Moreover, the applica- (1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )σi = σil = ϑ1 ψ,i + ϑ2 φ,i (9)
tions of MDD in thermoelasticity have gained significant atten-
tion from many researchers [40–42]. MGT thermoelasticity theory (1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )ςi = ςil = ϑ2 ψ,i + ϑ3 φ,i (10)
subjected to temperature-dependent properties has been consid-
ered in several inspiring works [21,24,98]. To the best of the au-
thors’ knowledge, no study has been carried out with respect to (1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )1 = l1 = −β1∗ υ j j − ζ1∗ ψ − ζ2∗ φ + ν1 θ (11)
the collaboration between Eringen’s nonlocal theory and micropo-
lar double porous thermoelastic material with voids (MDPTMWV).
On the other hand, as far as the authors are concerned, so far
(1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )2 = l2 = −β2∗ υ j j − ζ2∗ ψ − ζ3∗ φ + ν2 θ (12)
MDD MGT heat equation has not been incorporated in any re- where τ = m0 μcl , γ1 = (3 + 2μ + K )αθ , and θ = θa − θ0 with
search work. Therefore, the present article intends to determine the assumption | θ /θ0 |
memory response in a nonlocal MDPTMWV half-space with vari-
able thermal conductivity. In addition to this, the novel concept 2.3. Nonlocal stress equation of motion
of MGT equation is applied to observe the analytical and graphi-
cal behavior of all the considered physical variables due to defor-
mation. The analytical expressions of the displacements, temper-
ature, void volume fractions, microrotation vector, force stresses, ( + μ )∇ (∇ .u ) + (μ + K )∇ 2 u + K ∇ × ϕ + β1∗ ∇ψ
and equilibrated stresses are deduced via the normal mode tech- + β2∗ ∇ φ − γ1 ∇ θ = (1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )(ρ u,tt −F ). (13)

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Table 1

Symbols Description Symbols Description

, μ Lame’s parameters i jk Levi-Civita symbol

α , λ, η, K Micropolar material constants υi j Strain tensor
σi j Nonlocal stress tensor μi j Nonlocal couple stress tensor
σi , ς i Nonlocal equilibrated stress vectors of matrix and 1 , 2 Nonlocal equilibrated body forces of matrix and fracture
fracture pores, respectively pores, respectively
σilj Local stress tensor μli j Local couple stress tensor
σil , ςil Local equilibrated stress vectors of matrix and fracture l1 , l2 Local equilibrated body forces of matrix and fracture
pores, respectively pores, respectively
τ Nonlocality parameter m0 Material constants
μcl Internal characteristic length υ Dilatation term
δi j Kronecker delta u Displacement vector
u1 , u3 Displacement components of solid along x- and z- F Body force vector
directions, respectively
ρ Density of material ϕ Microrotation vector
θ Thermodynamic temperature  Thermal displacement
 Microinertia l1 , l2 Extrinsic equilibrated body forces
qi Component of heat flux vector ψ, φ Volume fractions of matrix and fracture pores,
θa Absolute temperature θ0 Reference temperature
κ Temperature-dependent thermal conductivity κ∗ Temperature-dependent material property corresponding
to the rate of conductivity.
κ0 Thermal conductivity at reference temperature θ0 κ0∗ Material property corresponding to the rate of
conductivity at reference temperature θ0 .
 Time relaxation parameter s Entropy per unit volume
Cs Specific heat at constant strain αθ coefficient of linear thermal expansion
β β ϑ1 ,


2, Void parameters  1 , 2 Equilibrated inertia of matrix and fracture pores,
ϑ2 , ϑ3 , ζ1∗ , ζ2∗ , ζ3∗ respectively
γ1 , ν1 , ν2 Thermal parameters t Time

2.4. Nonlocal couple stress equation of motion 3. Formulation of the problem

In the present mathematical model, we consider a nonlocal, ho-

mogeneous, isotropic semi-infinite two-dimensional medium con-
(α + λ + η )∇ (∇ .ϕ ) − η∇ × (∇ × ϕ ) + K ∇ × u − 2K ϕ sisting of MDPTMWV under the purview of memory-dependent
= ρ ( 1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 ) ϕ
 ,tt . (14) MGT thermoelasticity with variable thermal conductivity. It is as-
sumed that the system is in undeformed phase initially at the
2.5. Nonlocal void equations of motion reference temperature θ0 . The positive z-axis is indicated verti-
cally downward direction and the free surface of the substrate (i.e.,
z = 0) is subjected to both the mechanical load and thermal shock.
As the two-dimensional deformation is evaluated in the present
σi,il + l1 + ρ (1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )l1 = (1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )1 ψ,tt (15)
article, the displacement vector u = (u1 (x, z, t ), 0, u3 (x, z, t )) and
the microrotation vector ϕ  = (0, ϕ2 (x, z, t ), 0 ). In the present math-
ςi,il + l2 + ρ (1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )l2 = (1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )2 φ,tt . (16) ematical formulation, some of the thermal properties of the
MDPTMWV solid vary with the change in temperature which re-
2.6. Memory-dependent nonlocal MGT heat conduction equation sults in a nonlinear MGT heat conduction equation. Therefore the
parameters κ , κ ∗ , and Cs become linearly dependent on tempera-
Following Eq. (5 ), the generalized memory-dependent nonlocal ture. However, the thermal diffusivity constant kd (= κ /ρCs ) is as-
MGT heat conduction law for MDPTMWV is proposed as sumed to be independent of temperature. Hence, we replace the
parameters κ and κ ∗ by the relations
(1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )(1 +  D )qi = −[κ∇θ + κ ∗ ∇ ]. (17)
κ = κ0 (1 + κ1 θ )
In view of Eringen’s nonlocal theory of thermoelasticity [46],
κ ∗ = κ0∗ (1 + κ2 ) (21)
the energy equation in the absence of heat source may be written
as where κ1 , κ2 ≤ 0 and κ0 , κ0∗
are thermal parameters at reference
temperature θ0 .
ρθ0 s,t = −qi,i (18) Substituting Eq. (21 ) into Eq. (20 ) we obtain the nonlinear
MDD MGT heat conduction equation in the following form
(1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )ρ s = (ρ s )l = γ1 υ j j + ν1 ψ + ν2 φ + aθ . (19) κ0 [∇ .((1 + κ1 θ )∇θ )],t + κ0∗ [∇ .((1 + κ2 )∇ )],t
Using Eqs. (17)–(19), the heat conduction equation for MGT = (1 +  D )[(ρCs θ,t ),t + θ0 (γ1 υ + ν1 ψ + ν2 φ ),tt ] (22)
thermoelasticity with memory-dependent derivative is given by By following Youssef [99], let us introduce new functions which
[∇ .(κ∇ θ ) + ∇ .(κ ∗ ∇ )],t are as follows
= (1 +  D )[(ρCs θ,t ),t + θ0 (γ1 υ + ν1 ψ + ν2 φ ),tt ] (20) T1 = (1 + κ1 ϑ )dϑ T2 = (1 + κ2 ϑ )dϑ . (23)
0 0
where ,t = θ , υ = υ j j , and aθ0 = ρCs . The detailed description of
Integrating Eq. (23 ) we get
the aforesaid terms along with some other terms mentioned later
have been represented in a tabulated form (Table 1). T1 = θ (1 + 0.5κ1 θ ) T2 = (1 + 0.5κ2 ). (24)

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Differentiating (23 ) with respect to i(= x, z ) we obtain ( + 2μ + K )u1,xx + ( + μ )u3,xz + (μ + K )u1,zz − K ϕ2,z + β1∗ ψ,x
κ κ ∗

∇ T1 = ∇ θ ∇ T2 = ∗ ∇ . (25) −1 + 1 + 2κ1 T1
κ0 κ0 + β2 φ,x − γ1

= (1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )ρ u1,tt , (39)
Again differentiating (25 ) with respect to i(= x, z ) we get ,x

∇ 2 T1 = ∇ . ∇θ ∇ 2 T2 = ∇ . ∗ ∇  . (26) (μ + K )u3,xx + ( + μ )u1,zx + ( + 2μ + K )u3,zz + K ϕ2,x + β1∗ ψ,z
κ0 κ0

−1 + 1 + 2κ1 T1
Differentiating (23 ) with respect to t we yield + β2 φ,z − γ1

= (1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )ρ u3,tt , (40)
κ κ∗ ,z
T1,t = θ T =  . (27)
κ0 ,t 2,t κ0∗ ,t
η∇ 2 ϕ2 + K (u1,z − u3,x ) − 2K ϕ2 = (1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )ρ ϕ2,tt , (41)
Using the relation θ = ,t , from Eq. (27 ) we get
T2,t = θ. (28) ϑ1 ∇ 2 ψ + ϑ2 ∇ 2 φ − β1∗ (u1,x + u3,z ) − ζ1∗ ψ − ζ2∗ φ

With the help of Eqs. (26)–(28) and assuming | θ /θ0 |
1 we −1 + 1 + 2κ1 T1
+ ν1 = (1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )1 ψ,tt , (42)
get the following result κ1
(∇ 2 T2 ),t ≈ ∇ 2 T1 . (29)
In view of Eq. (29 ), Eq. (22 ) is transformed as follows ϑ2 ∇ 2 ψ + ϑ3 ∇ 2 φ − β2∗ (u1,x + u3,z ) − ζ2∗ ψ − ζ3∗ φ

  −1 + 1 + 2κ1 T1
κ0∗ 2 1 θ0 + ν2 = (1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )2 φ,tt . (43)
(∇ 2 T1 ),t + ∇ T1 = (1 +  D ) T1,tt + (γ1 υ + ν1 ψ + ν2 φ ),tt . κ1
κ0 kd κ0
(30) Let us introduce the non-dimensional variables in the following
Neglecting body forces and in view of Eq. (24 ), the constitutive form
relations (7)–(12) and equations of motion (13)–(16) for the con- c1 c c2
sidered two-dimensional model become
( x , z  , τ  ) =(x, z, τ ) (u1 , u3 ) = 1 (u1 , u3 ) (t  ,   ) = 1 (t,  )
kd kd kd
(1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )σxx = σxxl = ( + 2μ + K )u1,x + u3,z + β1∗ ψ θ 1

θ = $κ1 , κ2 ) = θ0 (κ1 , κ2 ) (T1 , T2 ) = (T1 , T2 ) ϕ2
θ0 θ0
−1 + 1 + 2κ1 T1
+ β2 φ − γ1

, (31) 1 c14
κ1 = ϕ2 ( ψ  , φ  ) = (ψ , φ )
β1∗ k2d
σi j c1
(1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )σzz = σzzl = u1,x + ( + 2μ + K )u3,z + β1∗ ψ σij = μ = μ (σ  , ς  )
+ 2μ + K i j γ1 θ0 kd i j i i

−1 + 1 + 2 κ T kd + 2μ + K
+ β2∗ φ − γ1
1 1
, (32) = ( σi , ς i ) c 1 = . (44)
κ1 ϑ 1 c1 ρ
With the help of these non-dimensional variables mentioned in
(1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )σzx = σzxl = (μ + K )u1,z + μu3,x − K ϕ2 , (33) Eq. (44 ), Eqs. (31)–(43) and (30 ) for linearity are transformed as
follows (omitting primes)
(1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )σxx = σxxl = u1,x + r1 u3,z + r2 ψ + r3 φ − r4 T1 (45)
(1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )μzy = μlzy = ηϕ2,z (1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )μxy = μlxy = ηϕ2,x
(1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )σzz = σzzl = r1 u1,x + u3,z + r2 ψ + r3 φ − r4 T1 (46)

(1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )σx = σxl = ϑ1 ψ,x + ϑ2 φ,x (1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )σz (1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )σzx = σzxl = r5 u1,z + r6 u3,x − r7 ϕ2 , (47)
= σzl = ϑ1 ψ,z + ϑ2 φ,z , (35)

(1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )μzy = μlzy = r8 ϕ2,z (1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )μxy = μlxy = r8 ϕ2,x

(1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )ςx = ςxl = ϑ2 ψ,x + ϑ3 φ,x (1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )ςz (48)
= ςzl = ϑ2 ψ,z + ϑ3 φ,z , (36)

(1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )σx = σxl = r9 ψ,x + r10 φ,x (1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )σz

(1 − τ ∇ )1 =  = −β (u1,x + u3,z ) − ζ ψ
2 2 l ∗ ∗
= σzl = r9 ψ,z + r10 φ,z , (49)


−1 + 1 + 2κ1 T1
− ζ2 φ + ν1

κ1 (1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )ςx = ςxl = r10 ψ,x + r11 φ,x (1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )ςz
= ςzl = r10 ψ,z + r11 φ,z , (50)
(1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )2 = l2 = −β2∗ (u1,x + u3,z ) − ζ2∗ ψ

−1 + 1 + 2 κ 1 T1 u1,xx + (r1 + r6 )u3,xz + r5 u1,zz − r7 ϕ2,z + r2 ψ,x + r3 φ,x − r4 T1,x
− ζ3∗ φ + ν2 (38)
κ1 = (1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )u1,tt , (51)

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r5 u3,xx + (r1 + r6 )u1,zx + u3,zz + r7 ϕ2,x + r2 ψ,z + r3 φ,z − r4 T1,z 

Ri D14−2i (ū1 , ū3 , ϕ̄2 , T̄1 , ψ̄ , φ̄ )(z ) = 0 (64)
= (1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )u3,tt , (52) i=1

where Ri ’s are obtained by collecting the coefficients of D14−2i s, i =

r12 ∇ 2
ϕ2 + r13 (u1,z − u3,x ) − r14 ϕ2 = (1 − τ ∇ )ϕ2,tt , 2 2
(53) 1 ( 1 )7 .
As z → ∞, the solution of Eq. (64 ) can be expressed in the fol-
lowing form
r15 ∇ 2 ψ + r16 ∇ 2 φ − (u1,x + u3,z ) − r17 ψ − r18 φ
+ r19 T1 = (1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )ψ,tt , (54) ū1 , ū3 , ϕ̄2 , T̄1 , ψ̄ , φ̄ (z ) = [1, Hi(1) , Hi(2) , Hi(3) , Hi(4) , Hi(5) ]Mi e−δi z
r20 ∇ 2 ψ + r21 ∇ 2 φ − r22 (u1,x + u3,z ) − r23 ψ − r24 φ + r25 T1
where δi , i = 1(1 )6 be the roots of Eq. (64 ) with positive real parts
= (1 − τ 2 ∇ 2 )φ,tt , (55) and the functions Mi , i = 1(1 )6 require to be determined.
The terms Hi(1 ) , Hi(2 ) , Hi(3 ) , Hi(4 ) , Hi(5 ) , i = 1(1 )6 in Eq. (65 ) can
be expressed in the following form
∇ 2 T1,t +r26 ∇ 2 T1 = (1+  D )[T1 + r27 (u1,x + u3,z ) + r28 ψ + r29 φ ],tt , 9
δi19−2 j G122+ j
Hi(1) = − 9
(56) 18−2 j
j=0 δi G112+ j
where ri ’s, i = 1(1 )29 are delineated in Appendix A1.
r13 δi + S10 Hi(1)
Hi(2) = (67)
4. Solution of the problem: normal mode technique S11 δi2 − S12
Normal mode technique has been employed in this study to de- Hi(1) δi7−2 j G99+ j + 3j=0 δi6−2 j G108+ j
Hi(3) = −
rive the expressions of the displacement components, microrota- 4 8−2 j
tion vector, thermodynamic temperature, volume fractions of ma- j=0 δi G103+ j
trix and fracture pores, normal, shear, and couple stress tensors,
and equilibrated stress vectors. The primary aim of this method is
Hi(1) (δi3 G45 + δi G46 ) + Hi(3) (δi2 G47 + G48 ) + (δi2 G52 + G53 )
to decompose the aforesaid variables and to provide accurate so- Hi(4) = −
lutions without any presumed limitations on the physical variables δi4 G49 + δi2 G50 + G51
that are present in the field equations. With regard to the normal (69)
mode, we assume the solution of the field variables in the follow-
ing form:
 r22 δi Hi(1) + r25 Hi(3) + (r20 δi2 − S18 )Hi(4) + S17
u1 , u3 , ϕ2 , T1 , ψ , φ , σi j , μi j , σi , ςi (x, z, t ) Hi(5) = − (70)
 S19 δi2 − S20
= ū1 , ū3 , ϕ̄2 , T̄1 , ψ̄ , φ̄ , σ̄i j , μ̄i j , σ̄i , ς̄i (z )eωt+ιnx (57)
where G j , j = 1(1 )131 are defined in Appendix A3.
where ω (= ωR + ιωI ) is a complex wave frequency, In view of Eqs. (57 ) and (65 ) we have
n is the wave number towards x-direction, and
ū1 (z ), ū3 (z ), ϕ̄2 (z ), T̄1 (z ), ψ̄ (z ), φ̄ (z ), σ̄i j (z ), μ̄i j (z ), σ̄i (z ), ς̄i (z ) [u1 , u3 , ϕ2 , T1 , ψ , φ ](x, z, t )
are the amplitudes of the aforementioned physical variables. 

With the help of Eq. (57 ), the non-dimensional coupled govern- = [1, Hi(1) , Hi(2) , Hi(3) , Hi(4) , Hi(5) ]Mi e−δi z eωt+ιnx . (71)
ing Eqs. (51)–(56) can be rewritten as follows i=1

By substituting Eq. (71 ) in Eqs. (45)–(50), the nonlocal stress

(S1 D2 − S2 )ū1 + S3 Dū3 − r7 Dϕ̄2 − S4 T̄1 + S5 ψ̄ + S6 φ̄ = 0 (58)
components can be acquired as

S3 Dū1 + (S7 D2 − S8 )ū3 + S9 ϕ̄2 − r4 DT̄1 + r2 Dψ̄ + r3 Dφ̄ = 0 (59) [σxx , σzz , σzx , μzy , μxy , σx , σz , ςx , ςz ](x, z, t )

= [Hi(6) , Hi(7) , Hi(8) , Hi(9) , Hi(10) , Hi(11) , Hi(12) , Hi(13) , Hi(14) ]Mi e−δi z eωt+ιnx
r13 Dū1 − S10 ū3 + (S11 D − S12 )ϕ̄2 = 0
(60) i=1


S13 ū1 − Dū3 + r19 T̄1 + (S14 D2 − S15 )ψ̄ + (r16 D2 − S16 )φ̄ = 0 (61) where the terms Hi(6 ) , Hi(7 ) , Hi(8 ) , Hi(9 ) , Hi(10 ) , Hi(11 ) , Hi(12 ) , Hi(13 ) , Hi(14 ) , i =
1(1 )6 in Eq. (72 ) can be expressed in the following form

ιn−r1 δi Hi(1) −r4 Hi(3) +r2 Hi(4) +r3 Hi(5)

Hi(6) = ⎪

S17 ū1 − r22 Dū3 + r25 T̄1 + (r20 D − S18 )ψ̄ + (S19 D − S20 )φ̄ = 0
2 2 1−τ 2 (δi2 −n2 ) ⎪

(62) Hi(7) =
ιnr1 −δi Hi(1) −r4 Hi(3) +r2 Hi(4) +r3 Hi(5) ⎪

1−τ 2 (δi2 −n2 ) ⎪

−r5 δi +ιnr6 Hi(1) −r7 Hi(2) −r8 δi Hi(2) ιnr8 Hi(2)
Hi(8) = Hi(9) = Hi(10) =
S21 ū1 + S22 Dū3 + (S23 D2 + S24 )T̄1 + S25 ψ̄ + S26 φ̄ = 0 (63) 1−τ 2 (δi2 −n2 ) 1−τ 2 (δi2 −n2 ) 1−τ 2 (δi2 −n2 ) ⎪

ιn(r9 Hi(4) +r10 Hi(5) ) −δ (r H (4) +r10 Hi(5) ) ⎪

Hi(11) = Hi(12) = i1−9τ 2i (δ 2 −n ⎪

where D = ∂∂z and Si ’s, i = 1(1 )26 are defined in Appendix A2. 1−τ 2 (δi2 −n2 ) 2)


By simplifying Eqs. (58)–(63), we obtain the conditions for the ιn(r10 Hi(4) +r11 Hi(5) ) −δ ( r H ( 4 ) + r H ( 5 ) ) ⎭
Hi(13) = 1−τ 2 (δi2 −n2 )
Hi(14) = i 1−10τ 2i(δ 2 −n112 )i .
existence of a non-trivial solution leading to the characteristic i

equation in the following form (73)

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With the help of the above boundary conditions (74)–(80)and

using the expressions (71 ) and (72 ) we get the system of six
nonhomogeneous equations represented in the following matrix
⎛ ⎞⎛ ⎞
H1(3) H2(3) H3(3) H4(3) H5(3) H6(3) M1
⎜ H (7 ) H2(7) H3(7) H4(7) H5(7) H6(7) ⎟
⎜ 1 ⎟⎜M2 ⎟
⎜ H (8 ) (8 ) (8 ) (8 ) (8 ) ⎟⎜ ⎟
H6(8) ⎟⎜M3 ⎟
⎜ 1 H2 H3 H4 H5
⎜ (9 ) ⎟⎜ ⎟ (81)
⎜ H1 H2(9) H3(9) H4(9) H5(9) H6(9) ⎟⎜ M4 ⎟
⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟
⎝H (12) (12 ) ⎠⎝M5 ⎠
H2(12) H3(12) H4(12) H5(12) H6
H1(14) H2(14) H3(14) H4(14) H5(14) H6(14)
⎛ ⎞
⎜−LM ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜ 0 ⎟

=⎜ ⎟. (81)

⎜ 0 ⎟
⎝ 0 ⎠
Fig. 1. Geometry of the problem.
5. Boundary conditions The solution of the above system of Eq. (81 ) yields the expres-
sions of Mi ’s, i = 1(1 )6 in the following form
In the present work, a nonlocal, homogeneous, isotropic mi-
1 2 3 4 5 6
cropolar double porous thermoelastic material with voids half- M1 = M2 = M3 = M4 = M5 = M6 =
space is considered which occupies the region z ≥ 0. The free sur-
face (i.e., z = 0) of the half-space is subjected to both mechanical (82)
and thermal load (LM and LT , respectively), as displayed in Fig. 1. where represents the 6 × 6 matrix present in Eq. (81 ) and
For the purpose of determining the unknowns Mi i = 1(1 )6, the ap- i , i = 1 (1 )6 are obtained by substituting the ith column by
propriate boundary conditions at z = 0 for the considered problem (L∗T − LM 0 0 0 0 )T .
are given by Substituting (82 ) into Eqs. (71 ) and (72 ), we determine the
following analytical expressions of the displacements, temperature,
5.1. Thermal boundary condition void volume fractions, microrotation vector, and stress fields for a
MDPTMWV substrate in the context of MDD MGT thermoelasticity
with variable conductivity
θ (x, 0, t ) = LT (x, t ) (74) [u1 , u3 , ϕ2 , T1 , ψ , φ ](x, z, t )
where LT (x, t ) = LT eωt+ιnx and LT is the magnitude of thermal 1 

load. = [1, Hi(1) , Hi(2) , Hi(3) , Hi(4) , Hi(5) ] ie

−δi z ωt+ιnx
e (83)
In view of Eqs. (24 ) and (74 ) we get i=1

T1 (x, 0, t ) = L∗T (x, t ) (75)

[σxx , σzz , σzx , μzy , μxy , σx , σz , ςx , ςz ](x, z, t )
where L∗T (x, t ) = L∗T eωt+ιnx and L∗T = LT (1 + 0.5κ1 LT eωt+ιnx ).
1  (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
= [Hi , Hi , Hi , Hi , Hi , Hi , Hi , Hi , Hi ]
5.2. Normal and tangential stresses boundary conditions i=1
−δi z ωt+ιnx
ie e . (84)

σzz (x, 0, t ) = −LM (x, t ) (76)

−1 + 1 + 2κ1 T1 (x, z, t )
θ (x, z, t ) = . (85)
σzx (x, 0, t ) = 0 (77)
6. Particular cases
where LM (x, t ) = LM eωt+ιnx and LM is the magnitude of normal
mechanical load.
Some particular cases have been considered in this section.
Case-I delineates the absence of memory dependent derivative and
5.3. Couple stress boundary condition
variable thermal conductivity parameters. In addition to the condi-
tions described in case-I, the nonlocality parameter and micropolar
effect are neglected in case-II. Under case-I, equations of motion
μzy (x, 0, t ) = 0. (78) and heat conduction equation for MGTTE model, GN-IIITE model,
GN-IITE model, LSTE model, and CCTE model are summarized and
5.4. Equilibrated stresses boundary conditions documented as follows:

6.1. Case I: the absence of memory-dependent derivative and variable

thermal conductivity parameters
σz (x, 0, t ) = 0 (79)
In the absence of memory-dependent derivative (i.e., D f (t ) →
ςz (x, 0, t ) = 0. (80) f  (t )) and variable thermal conductivity parameters (i.e., κ1 = κ2 =

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0), the heat conduction equations of the following models can be

(i) From Eq. (22 ), the MGT heat conduction equation in the ab-
sence of MDD and variable thermal conductivity is given by

κ0 ∇ θ,t + κ ∇ θ = 1 + 
2 ∗ 2
[ρCs θ,tt + θ0 (γ1 υ + ν1 ψ + ν2 φ ),tt ]
which is in well agreement with the heat conduction equation of
Quintanilla [18].
(ii) Substituting  = 0 in Eq. (86 ) we get the heat conduction
equation for GN-IIITE model as follows
κ0 ∇ 2 θ,t + κ0∗ ∇ 2 θ = ρCs θ,tt + θ0 (γ1 υ + ν1 ψ + ν2 φ ),tt . (87) Fig. 2. Distribution of u1 for different kernel functions and variable thermal con-
ductivity parameters.
(iii) Ignoring the first term in the left-hand side of Eq. (87 ), the
heat conduction equation for GN-IITE model is obtained as
the relevant parameters are presented in Table 3. The numeri-
κ0∗ ∇ 2 θ = ρCs θ,tt + θ0 (γ1 υ + ν1 ψ + ν2 φ ),tt . (88) cal values of other parameters used for graphical implementations
(iv) Replacing κ0∗ by 0 in Eq. (86 ) we achieve the following heat are ωR = 2, ωI = 1, n = 1.2, LT = 1, LM = 1, and κ1 = κ2 = −10.
conduction equation for LSTE model In Figs. 2–21, variation in the real component of the dimension-
  less field variables are plotted against the vertical depth z on the

κ0 ∇ θ = 1 + 
[ρCs θ,t + θ0 (γ1 υ + ν1 ψ + ν2 φ ),t ]. (89) plane x = 0.5 and at time t = 0.5s. Figs. 2–11 portray the effect
∂t of the variation in kernel function (K ∗ ) on the considered non-
(v) Setting  = 0 in Eq. (89 ), the heat conduction equation for CCTE dimensional field variables (u1 , u3 , ϕ2 , θ , ψ , φ , σzz , σzx , σz , ςz ) for
model is expressed as both variable and constant thermal conductivity. In Figs. 12–21, all
field variables are compared separately on the basis of the gener-
κ0 ∇ 2 θ = ρCs θ,t + θ0 (γ1 υ + ν1 ψ + ν2 φ ),t . (90) alized theories of MGTTE, GN-IIITE, LSTE, and CCTE in the presence
and absence of nonlocality parameter.
6.2. Case II: the absence of nonlocal and micropolar effect

8.1. Effect of kernel function (K ∗ ) and thermal conductivity

In addition to the case I, when the nonlocal and micropolar ef-
parameters (κ1 , κ2 )
fect is also absent in the model, viz., τ = α = λ = η = K =  = 0,
the stress-strain-temperature relations and equations of motion for
In Figs. 2–11, horizontal displacement component (u1 ), vertical
a local double porous thermoelastic material with voids can be ob-
displacement component (u3 ), microrotation component (ϕ2 ), tem-
tained as follows:
perature (θ ), volume fraction of matrix pores (ψ ), volume frac-

σi j = σilj = υrr δi j + 2μυi j + β1∗ ψδi j + β2∗ φδi j − γ1 θ δi j ⎪ tion of fractures (φ ), normal stress (σzz ), tangential stress (σzx ),

⎪ equilibrated stress of matrix pores (σz ), and equilibrated stress
σi = σil = ϑ1 ψ,i + ϑ2 φ,i ⎪

⎪ of fractures (ςz ) are plotted against z for different kernels K ∗
ςi = ςi = ϑ2 ψ,i + ϑ3 φ,i
l ⎪

⎪ in the presence and absence of thermal conductivity parameters
1 = 1 = −β1 υ j j − ζ1 ψ − ζ2 φ + ν1 θ
l ∗ ∗ ∗ ⎬ (κ1 , κ2 ), respectively. For the purpose of graphical implementa-
2 = l2 = −β2∗ υ j j − ζ2∗ ψ − ζ3∗ φ + ν2 θ ⎪ tions, the kernel functions are taken to be 1 (when a1 = a2 =

⎪ 0), 1 − t− ε (when a2 = 0, a1 = 0.5), 1 − (t − ε ) (when a2 = 0, a1 =
( + μ )∇ (∇ .u ) + μ∇ 2 u + β1∗ ∇ψ + β2∗ ∇φ − γ1 ∇θ = ρ u,tt −F⎪⎪
⎪  2

⎪ 0.5 ), and 1 − t− ε (when a2 = 1, a1 = 1) as mentioned in Eq.
σi,il + l1 + ρ l1 = 1 ψ,tt ⎪

⎭ (4 ). In Figs. 2–11, curves 1 and 5, curves 2 and 6, curves 3 and
ςi,i + 2 + ρ l2 = 2 φ,tt .
l l
7, and curves 4 and 8 are drawn for the kernel functions K ∗ =
(91) 1, K ∗ = 1 − t− ε , K ∗ = 1 − (t − ε ), and K ∗ = 1 − t− ε , respectively.
Solid curves (i.e. curves 1,2,3 and 4) correspond to the variable
Eq. (91 ) is in good agreement with the Eqs. (2)–(9) of Gupta et al.
thermal conductivity, whereas dashed curves (i.e. curves 5,6,7 and
[80] when the functionally graded parameter, gravity, and rotation
8) are drawn for implementing the constant thermal conductivity.
are absent and the vertical depth is taken along z-direction.
It is noticed from Fig. 2 that u1 begins to increase up to a
certain value of z and approaches 0 with respect to ascending z
7. Validation of the present model with pre-established models
values. Moreover, in absence of the variable thermal conductivity,
curves attain much higher values of u1 than the curves with vari-
Some notable cases are discussed in a tabulated format
able thermal conductivity. Also, u1 attains maximum magnitude
(Table 2), which validate the considered model.  2
for K ∗ = 1 − t− ε followed by the values corresponding to K ∗ =
8. Numerical data and graphical observations 1 −  , 1, and 1 − (t − ε ) up to a certain z value, regardless of the
fact that the thermal conductivity parameter is present or absent.
The variations in the displacements, microrotation vector, tem- According to Fig. 3, u3 starts to decrease up to a certain z value
perature, void volume fractions, stress tensors, and equilibrated and approaches 0 as z assumes ascending values. It is also revealed
stress vectors are graphically illustrated with respect to the numer- that u3 attains maximum value for K ∗ = 1 followed by the values
ical values of different physical quantities related to magnesium associated with K ∗ = 1 − t− ε , K ∗ = 1 − t− ε , and K ∗ = 1 − (t − ε )
crystal-like material in order to observe the graphical behavior of within a particular range of z, in the case of both the variable and
the aforementioned field attributes. By following Khalili [102] and constant thermal conductivity. When κ1 = κ2 = −10, u3 achieves
Deswal and Kalkal [103], the numerical values corresponding to greater values than in case of κ1 = κ2 = 0. However, comparison

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Table 2
Some notable cases and the corresponding models.

Case Condition Model

I D f (t ) → f  (t ), κ1 = κ2 = τ = α = λ = η = K =  =  = 0 Case I represents the local double porous thermoelastic medium with voids under
GN-IIITE theory, which is in good agreement with Kalkal et al. [96] in the absence of
functionally graded parameter, gravity, and thermal relaxation times
II D f (t ) → f  (t ), κ1 = κ2 = τ = α = λ = η = K =  = κ0∗ = Case II represents the local porous thermoelastic medium with one type of voids under
β2∗ = ϑ2 = ϑ3 = ζ2∗ = ζ3∗ = ν2 = 0 LSTE theory, which is in good agreement with Gunghas et al. [100] in the absence of
functionally graded parameter and gravity
III D f (t ) → f  (t ), κ1 = κ2 = τ = α = λ = η = K Case III represents the local thermoelastic medium under GN-IIITE theory, which is in
=  =  = β1∗ = β2∗ = ϑ1 = ϑ2 = ϑ3 = ζ1∗ = ζ2∗ good agreement with Gunghas et al. [101] in the absence of functionally graded
= ζ3∗ = ν1 = ν2 = 0 parameter, rotation, and magnetic field
IV τ =  = κ0∗ = β1∗ = β2∗ = ϑ1 = ϑ2 = ϑ3 = ζ1∗ = ζ2∗ Case IV represents the local micropolar thermoelastic medium with variable
= ζ3∗ = ν1 = ν2 = 0 conductivity under memory-dependent CCTE theory, which is in good agreement with
Said [30] in the absence of rotation, thermal relaxation times, and magnetic field
V κ1 = κ2 = τ = α = λ = η = K =  = κ0∗ = β1∗ = Case V represents the local thermoelastic medium under memory-dependent LSTE
β2∗ = ϑ1 = ϑ2 = ϑ3 = ζ1∗ = ζ2∗ = ζ3∗ = ν1 = ν2 = 0 theory, which is in good agreement with Othman and Mondal [43] in the absence of

Table 3
Numerical values of various constants.

Symbols Values Symbols Values

9.4 × 1010 N m−2 μ 4 × 1010 N m−2

K 1010 N m−2 η 0.779 × 10−9 N
 0.2 × 10−19 m2 ρ 1740 kg m−3
ϑ1 1.3 × 10−5 N ϑ2 0.12 × 10−5 N
ϑ3 1.1 × 10−5 N ζ1∗ 1.2 × 1010 N m−2
ζ2∗ 1.23 × 106 N m−2 ζ3∗ 2.21 × 1010 N m−2
β1∗ 0.9 × 1010 N m−2 β2∗ 0.1 × 1010 N m−2
1 0.1456 × 10−12 N m−2 s2 2 0.1546 × 10−12 N m−2 s2
ν1 0.16 × 105 N m−2 K−1 ν2 0.219 × 105 N m−2 K−1
ϑt 1.78 × 10−5 K−1 θ0 293 K
Cs 383.1 J kg−1 K−1 κ0 3860 W m−1 K−1
τ 7 × 10−6 m  0.02 s
Fig. 4. Distribution of ϕ2 for different kernel functions and variable thermal con-
ductivity parameters.

Fig. 3. Distribution of u2 for different kernel functions and variable thermal con-
ductivity parameters. Fig. 5. Distribution of θ for different kernel functions and variable thermal conduc-
tivity parameters.

between Figs. 2 and 3 reveals that thermal conductivity parame-

All the curves corresponding to κ1 = κ2 = 0 have a common initial
ters has more favorable impact on u1 than u3 .
point of magnitude θ = 1.2, whereas θ value is −1 for all curves
Fig. 4 exhibits the effect of variation in κ1 , κ2 , and K ∗ on ϕ2 .
associated with κ1 = κ2 = −10, in the vicinity of source which sat-
According to Fig. 4, curves plotted in case of K ∗ = 1, K ∗ = 1 − t− ε ,
 2 isfies the boundary condition (74 ). According to Fig. 5, as z in-
and K ∗ = 1 − t− ε start to decrease up to a certain z and after creases, θ in the absence of thermal conductivity parameters de-
a sharp decrement in the ϕ2 , curves slightly ascend and approach creases, whereas in the presence of thermal conductivity param-
0 simultaneously. Curves for K ∗ = 1 − (t − ε ) show ascending na- eters, θ shows ascending nature with increasing z values, irre-
ture up to an approximated z value of 0.7 beyond which they ap- spective of all K ∗ . Beyond z = 3, each curve eventually approaches
proach 0. Furthermore, when z ∈ [0, 0.4], ϕ2 assumes lowest values 0. For K ∗ = 1, θ attains individual maximum value in each case
for K ∗ = 1 − (t − ε ) and highest values for K ∗ = 1 − t− ε , regard- (κ1 = κ2 = 0 and κ1 = κ2 = −10). When the variation in κ1 , κ2 is
less of the fact that the thermal conductivity parameter is present considered, very minute differences among the curves can be vi-
or absent. Furthermore, for the individual kernel, the curve with sualized for variable thermal conductivity, whereas a considerable
variable thermal conductivity shows a higher ϕ2 value than the difference is observed between curves for constant thermal con-
curves with constant thermal conductivity within a particular re- ductivity in an entire range of z.
gion of z. Fig. 5 displays the impact of the variation in K ∗ on θ Figs. 6 and 7 display the effects of the kernel function and ther-
in the presence and absence of thermal conductivity parameters. mal conductivity parameters on ψ and φ , respectively. Both fig-

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Fig. 6. Distribution of ψ for different kernel functions and variable thermal con- Fig. 9. Distribution of σzx for different kernel functions and variable thermal con-
ductivity parameters. ductivity parameters.

Fig. 7. Distribution of φ for different kernel functions and variable thermal conduc- Fig. 10. Distribution of σz for different kernel functions and variable thermal con-
tivity parameters. ductivity parameters.

Fig. 8. Distribution of σzz for different kernel functions and variable thermal con- Fig. 11. Distribution of ςz for different kernel functions and variable thermal con-
ductivity parameters. ductivity parameters.

ures reveal that ψ and φ display decreasing nature with ascending attains distinct highest and lowest magnitude for K ∗ = 1 − t− ε
z values. Beyond z = 2, all curves approach 0. However, for each and K ∗ = 1, respectively, within a particular domain of z. How-
K ∗ , the magnitude of ψ is higher than the magnitude of φ at ever, when z ∈ [0.1, 2], σzz displays higher magnitude in case of
the free surface (i.e., z = 0). From Figs. 6 to 7 it is also observed κ1 = κ2 = 0 than in case of κ1 = κ2 = −10. The impact of K ∗ , κ1 ,
that both ψ and φ acquire individual maximum magnitudes for and κ2 on σzx is exhibited in Fig. 9. From the figure it is observed
K ∗ = 1, followed by the values for K ∗ = 1 − (t − ε ), K ∗ = 1 − t− ε , that at z = 0, all the curves initially start from σzx value of 0 which
and K ∗ = 1 − t− ε , regardless of the κ1 , κ2 values, within the is a fair match to the boundary condition (77 ). σzx is observed
z range of [0.5,1.5] approximately. Furthermore, ψ and φ are in- to increase up to a certain value of z. After reaching the peak,
versely proportional to the thermal conductivity parameters up to it diminishes and approaches 0 with respect to ascending z val-
a certain z value. ues. This fact is well agreed by all the curves. At z = 0.3, σzx ac-
Fig. 8 reveals variation in σzz with respect to K ∗ , κ1 , and κ2 . quires the highest and lowest magnitudes for K ∗ = 1 − (t − ε ) and
According to the observations, σzz begins from the value −1.2 at K ∗ = 1 − t− ε , respectively, regardless of the fact that the ther-
z = 0, which justifies the boundary condition (76 ). From Fig. 8, it is mal conductivity parameter is present or absent. Moreover, an in-
monitored that each curve decreases initially for the z values close verse proportionality relationship exists between σzx and thermal
to 0, whereas after reaching a certain depth, σzz assumes ascending conductivity parameters within an approximate z range of [0.1,2].
values as z proceeds towards the value of 1. Each curve eventually Figs. 10 and 11 illustrate the influence of K ∗ , κ1 , and κ2 on σz
approaches 0. For each case (κ1 = κ2 = 0 and κ1 = κ2 = −10), σzz and ςz , respectively. All the curves in each figure have coincident

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Fig. 12. Distribution of u1 for different nonlocal and local thermoelasticity theories. Fig. 13. Distribution of u3 for different nonlocal and local thermoelasticity theories.

initial coordinate (0,0). These facts agree well with the boundary
conditions (79 ) and (80 ). Fig. 10 executes that all curves corre-
sponding to σz move upwards and form sharp peaks with unequal
heights at different distances from the origin. Afterward, sudden
drop followed by slight increment in σz values are observed un-
til all curves approach 0. The pattern of the curves in Fig. 11 is
quite similar to that of in Fig. 10. According to the comparative
study between both figures, for each K ∗ , ςz is lesser than σz at z
values near to 0. From Figs. 10 and 11 it is also observed that ψ
and φ become maximum when K ∗ = 1 − (t − ε ), within the z range
of (0,0.1] approximately. As z proceeds towards 0.5, both σz and
ςz acquire comparatively larger values in case of K ∗ = 1 than the
other three kernels. The relationship between equilibrated stresses Fig. 14. Distribution of ϕ2 for different nonlocal and local thermoelasticity theories.
and kernel alters beyond z = 0.5. Furthermore, σz and ςz are in-
versely proportional to the thermal conductivity parameters up to
an approximate z value of 0.5.

8.2. Comparative analysis of different nonlocal and local

thermoelasticity theories

The behaviors of u1 , u3 , ϕ2 , θ , ψ , φ , σzz , σzx , σz , ςz under differ-

ent thermoelastic models with variable thermal conductivity, viz.
MGTTE, GN-IIITE, LSTE, and CCTE in the presence and absence of
nonlocality parameter (τ ) have been analyzed in Figs. 12–21, re-
spectively. Curves 1 and 5, curves 2 and 6, curves 3 and 7, and
curves 4 and 8 are drawn for MGTTE, GN-IIITE, LSTE, and CCTE the-
ories, respectively. Solid curves (i.e. curves 1,2,3 and 4) correspond
to the nonlocal model, whereas dashed curves (i.e. curves 5,6,7 and Fig. 15. Distribution of θ for different nonlocal and local thermoelasticity theories.
8) represent the local model.
In Fig. 12, u1 in case of all theories starts from different negative
values. u1 assumes ascending values as z increases. After a certain z Fig. 14 reveals variation in ϕ2 with respect to local and nonlocal
value, each curve eventually approaches 0. u1 attains considerably thermoelasticity theories. According to the observation, in the ab-
greater values in case of nonlocal LSTE theory than in case of the sence of nonlocality parameter, LSTE theory and MGTTE theory in-
other three nonlocal thermoelasticity theories within the z range of herit maximum and minimum ϕ2 values at the free surface. How-
[0,1.2]. u1 under nonlocal GN-IIITE theory assumes the lowest mag- ever, minimal variation is observed between the ϕ2 values for GN-
nitude until the curves intersect at z = 0.5. Beyond z = 0.5, nonlo- IIITE and LSTE theories. As z increases, all curves converge to 0.
cal MGTTE theory inherits lowest u1 value until all curves converge It is observed from Fig. 15 that curves corresponding to local and
to 0. Moreover, up to z = 1.2 approximately, curves 5 and 6 possess nonlocal thermoelasticity theories with variable conductivity have
the minimum and maximum u1 values, respectively, in the absence a common initial point of magnitude θ = −1, in the vicinity of
of nonlocality parameter. Fig. 13 shows that for each thermoelas- source which satisfies the boundary condition (74 ). Beyond z = 0,
ticity theory, u3 begins with distinct positive values. Beyond z = 0, θ for every thermoelasticity theory attains ascending values until
each curve decreases for initial z values and eventually approaches it approaches to 0. Among all nonlocal thermoelasticity theories,
0. u3 achieves the maximum value in case of nonlocal MGTTE the- θ achieves highest and lowest values for MGTTE and CCTE theory,
ory, whereas under nonlocal CCTE theory, u3 assumes the lowest respectively, whereas in case of local thermoelasticity theories, θ is
value until the curves coincide with each other. On the other hand, maximum for LSTE theory and minimum for MGTTE theory.
in the absence of nonlocality parameter, LSTE theory and MGTTE Figs. 16 and 17 display the impacts of different local and non-
theory correspond to maximum and minimum u3 values, respec- local thermoelasticity theories on ψ and φ , respectively. Both fig-
tively, within an approximate z range of [0,2]. Furthermore, it is ures reveal that ψ and φ display decreasing nature with ascend-
also observed that u3 is inversely proportional to τ up to a certain ing z values. Beyond z = 2.5, all curves approach 0. However, for
z value. each thermoelasticity theory, the magnitude of ψ is higher than

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Fig. 16. Distribution of ψ for different nonlocal and local thermoelasticity theories. Fig. 19. Distribution of σzx for different nonlocal and local thermoelasticity theories.

Fig. 17. Distribution of φ for different nonlocal and local thermoelasticity theories. Fig. 20. Distribution of σz for different nonlocal and local thermoelasticity theories.

Fig. 18. Distribution of σzz for different nonlocal and local thermoelasticity theories. Fig. 21. Distribution of ςz for different nonlocal and local thermoelasticity theories.

the magnitude of φ at z = 0. ψ assumes maximum value in case minimum value for local MGTTE theory. The impact of different
of nonlocal CCTE theory and minimum value for nonlocal MGTTE thermoelasticity theories on σzx is exhibited in Fig. 19. From the
theory at the free surface. As z increases, curves show contrary be- figure it is observed that at z = 0, all the curves initially start from
havior and tend to 0 gradually. However, when τ = 0, ψ assumes σzx value of 0 which is an exact match to the boundary condition
highest and lowest magnitude for MGTTE and LSTE theory, respec- (77 ). σzx is observed to increase up to a certain value of z. After
tively, at the free surface. Curves in Fig. 17 behave similar to the reaching the peak, it diminishes and approaches 0 with respect to
curves in Fig. 16. ascending z values. This fact is well agreed by all the curves except
Fig. 18 reveals variation in σzz with respect to different local the curves for local LSTE (curve 7) and GN-IIITE (curve 6) theory.
and nonlocal thermoelasticity theories with variable conductivity. Both curves 6 and 7 descend up to certain depths at initial z values
According to the observation, σzz begins from the value −1.2 at and then increases until they converge to 0. In case of local model,
z = 0, which justifies the boundary condition (76 ). σzz augments σzx assumes highest and lowest magnitudes for MGTTE and LSTE
within the initial diminutive range of z under every theory. Af- theories, respectively, when z ∈ (0, 0.5].
terward, curves descend up to certain depths at different z val- Figs. 20 and 21 demonstrate the influence of different thermoe-
ues and sudden increments in the σzz values are noticed until all lasticity theories on σz and ςz , respectively. All the curves in each
curves approach 0. When, τ = 7 × 10−6 , σzz becomes maximum figure have coincident initial coordinate (0,0). These facts agree
and minimum in case of LSTE and MGTTE theories within the z well with the boundary conditions (79 ) and (80 ). Fig. 20 executes
range of [0.3,0.7], respectively. Beyond z = 0.7, σzz acquires com- that all curves corresponding to σz move upwards and form sharp
paratively higher values in the context of nonlocal CCTE theory peaks with unequal heights at different distances from the origin.
than the other three theories. On the other hand, when z ∈ (0, 0.7], Afterward, sudden drop followed by slight increment in σz values
σzz assumes maximum value in case of local GN-IIITE theory and are observed until all curves approach 0. The pattern of the curves

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in Fig. 21 is quite similar to that of in Fig. 20. According to the β1∗ β2∗ k2d γ1 θ0
comparative study between both figures, ςz is lesser than σz under r3 = r4 =
 ( + 2μ + K )
1 c1 + 2μ + K
every thermoelasticity theory at z values adjacent to 0. Different
thermoelasticity theories have oscillatory impact on σz and ςz as
μ+K μ K
r5 = r = r =
monitored on the basis of magnitudes. + 2μ + K 6 + 2μ + K 7 + 2μ + K
η β ∗ k2 ϑ2 β1∗ k2d
r8 = r9 = 1 d4 r10 =
9. Conclusions ρ kd2 1 c1 ϑ1 1 c14
ϑ3 β1∗ k2d η Kk2d 2Kk2d
Some concluding remarks of the present study are as follows: r11 = r12 = r13 = r14 =
ϑ1 1 c1 4 ρ c1 2 ρ c1 4 ρ c14
• The normal mode technique is adopted in the area of thermoe-
ϑ1 ϑ2 ζ ∗ k2
lasticity and applied to those particular problems in which the r15 = r16 = r17 = 1 d4
coupled relationships between stress, strain, and temperature 1 c1 2 1 c1 2 1 c1
exist. This method provides accurate solutions without any pre- ζ2∗ k2d ν1 θ0 ϑ2 ϑ3 β ∗ 1
sumed limitations on the physical variables that are present in r18 = r19 = r20 = r21 = r22 = 2∗
1 c1 4 β1∗
2 c1 2 2 c12 β1 2
the field equations. The normal mode technique is beneficial to
solve problems in different fields, such as hydrodynamics and ζ2∗ k2d ζ3∗ k2d ν2 1 θ0 κ ∗
k d γ1 kd
r23 = r24 = r25 = r = 0 r =
thermoelasticity. 2 c14 2 c14 2 β1∗ 26 κ0 c12 27 κ0
• Major changes have been visualised between the plotted curves
ν1 β1∗ k3d ν2 β1∗ k3d
related to all field variables due to the presence and absence of r28 = r29 = .
nonlocality parameter in a wide range of the distance param- κ0 1 c14 κ0 1 c14
eter which reflects that nonlocality parameter dominates every
physical quantity within a very diminutive range of distance. Appendix A2
• The classical field theory, applicable in the length and time
domain, provides sufficiently accurate outcomes when external
characteristic length becomes greater than internal characteris-
S 1 = r 5 + τ 2 ω 2 S 2 = n 2 + ω 2 + n 2 ω 2 τ 2 S 3 = ιn ( r 1 + r 6 )
tic length. By contrast, when both characteristic lengths become
equal, the nonlocal theory ensures the precision of the obtained S4 = ιnr4 S5 = ιnr2 S6 = ιnr3 S7 = 1 + τ 2 ω2
solutions rather than the local models. S8 = n2 r5 + ω2 +n2 τ 2 ω2 S9 = ιnr7 S10 = ιnr13 S11 = r12 + τ 2 ω2
• The CCTE, LSTE, GN-IITE, and GN-IIITE theories can be obtained S12 = n2 r12 + r14 + ω2 + n2 τ 2 ω2 S13 = −ιn S14 = r15 + τ 2 ω2
as particular cases of MGTTE theory.
• The presence and absence of variable thermal conductivity pa- S15 = n2 r15 + r17 + ω2 + n2 τ 2 ω2 S16 = n2 r16 + r18 S17 = −ιnr22
rameters has major effect on the distributions of field variables S18 = n2 r20 + r23 S19 = r21 + ω2 τ 2 S20 = n2 r21 + r24 + ω2 + n2 τ 2 ω2
of a MDPTMWV substrate. S21 = ιnω2 r27 (1 + G( , ω )) S22 = ω2 r27 (1 + G( , ω ))
• kernel functions have a favorable impact on the distributions of
S23 = − r26 − ω2 S24 = ω2 (1 + G( , ω )) + n2 (ω2 + r26 )
all physical field variables.
• All the field variables of the MDPTMWV substrate approach S25 = ω2 r28 (1 + G( , ω )) S26 = ω2 r29 (1 + G( , ω )) G( , ω )
zero with the ascending depth which agrees on the concept of 2a1
= (1 − e−ω ) − (1 − e−ω (1 + ω ))
generalized thermoelasticity. ω
• The usefulness of the current model in the real-world can not a22
be ignored because of it’s several applications. Results accom- + (2 − e−ω (2 + 2ω + ω2  2 )).
plished in this analytical study can be employed in different
practical areas, such as earthquake engineering, material sci- Appendix A3
ence, carbon sequestration, and seismology.

Declaration of Competing Interest

G1 = S3 S11 G2 = −r7 S10 − S3 S12 G3 = S4 S11 G4 = −S4 S12
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan- G5 = −S5 S11 G6 = S5 S12 G7 = −S6 S11 G8 = S6 S12 G9 = −S1 S11
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to G10 = −r7 r13 + S1 S12 + S2 S11 G11 = −S2 S12 G12 = S7 S11
influence the work reported in this paper.
G13 = −S7 S12 − S8 S11 G14 = S8 S12 + S9 S10 G15 = r4 S11

G16 = −r4 S12 G17 = −r2 S11 G18 = r2 S12 G19 = −r3 S11 G20 = r3 S12
G21 = −S3 S11 G22 = S3 S12 + r13 S9 G23 = S19 G12
Authors acknowledge the Council of Scientific and Industrial G24 = −S20 G12 + S19 G13 − r22 G19 G25 = −S20 G13 + S19 G14 −r22 G20
Research(CSIR) by the project (Grant Number 25(0296)/19/EMR-
G26 = −S20 G14 G27 = S19 G15 G28 = −S20 G15 + S19 G16 − G19 r25
II) entitled Mathematical Modeling of Elastic Waves in Fractional-
Order Thermoelastic Solids with Micro-configurations and Initially G29 = −S20 G16 − G20 r25 G30 = S19 G17 − G19 r20
Stressed Media for providing financial support for this research G31 = −S20 G17 + S19 G18 + S18 G19 −G20 r20 G32 = −S20 G18 + S18 G20
work. G33 = S19 G21 G34 = −S20 G21 + S19 G22 − S17 G19
G35 = −S20 G22 − S17 G20 G36 = S19 S22 G37 = S26 r22 − S20 S22
Appendix A1
G38 = −S19 S23 G39 = −S19 S24 + S20 S23 G40 = S26 r25 + S20 S24
G41 = S26 r20 − S19 S25 G42 = −S18 S26 + S20 S25 G43 = −S19 S21
β ∗2 2 G44 = S17 S26 + S20 S21 G45 = S19 − r16 r22 G46 = −S20 + S16 r22
1 kd
r1 = r =
+ 2μ + K 2 1 c14 ( + 2μ + K ) G47 = S19 r19 − r16 r25 G48 = −r19 S20 + S16 r25 G49 = S14 S19 − r16 r20

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G50 = −S14 S20 − S15 S19 + S18 r16 + S16 r20 G51 = S15 S20 − S16 S18 G122 = G77 G89 G123 = G78 G89 + G77 G90 − G72 G94
G52 = S13 S19 − S17 r16 G53 = −S13 S20 + S16 S17 G54 = S19 G1 
G124 = G79− j G89+ j − G73− j G94+ j
G55 = −S20 G1 + S19 G2 − r22 G7 G56 = −S20 G2 − r22 G8
j=0 j=0
G56 = S19 G3 G57 = −S20 G3 + S19 G4 − r25 G7 G59 = −S20 G4 − r25 G8

G60 = S19 G5 − r20 G7 G61 = −S20 G5 + S19 G6 + S18 G7 − r20 G8 G125 = G80− j G89+ j − G74− j G94+ j
G62 = −S20 G6 + S18 G8 G63 = S19 G9 G64 = −S20 G9 + S19 G10 j=0 j=0

G65 = −S20 G10 + S19 G11 − S17 G7 G66 = −S20 G11 − S17 G8 
G126 = G81− j G89+ j − G75− j G94+ j
G67 = G49 G54 G68 = −G45 G60 + G49 G55 + G50 G54 j=0 j=0
G69 = −G45 G61 − G46 G60 + G49 G56 + G50 G55 + G51 G54

G70 = −G45 G62 − G46 G61 + G50 G56 + G51 G55 G71 = −G46 G62 G127 = (G82− j G89+ j − G76− j G94+ j )
+ G51 G56 G72 = G49 G57 G73 = −G47 G60 + G49 G58 + G50 G57
G74 = −G47 G61 − G48 G60 + G49 G59 + G50 G58 + G51 G57

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+ G51 G59 G77 = G49 G63 G78 = G49 G64 + G50 G63
G79 = G49 G65 + G50 G64 + G51 G63 − G52 G60 G80 = G49 G66 + G50 G65 
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