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Francois-Marie Arouet ‘ Voltaire’ (1694-1778)

Voltaire is thought to be one of the greatest writers of France. One of his renowned works is

the satirical novel ‘Candide’(1759) . Voltaire was part of the ‘Enlightment’ in the intellectual

history for reform and a better world. He campaigned against cruelty, bigotry, and tyranny.

Voltaire fought for religious tolerance by believing that there are many beneficial effects

resulting in having tolerance for religious beliefs. He also believed in reason. That progress

would be attained through reason and that no political or religious authority is free from

provocation. (Pomeau ,2021)

The idea for a better world and Voltaire’s philosophy of reason has continued to be an argument

throughout history. Today religious tolerance is a key factor for societies to set aside differences

for a betterment of cohabitating. Politics play an enormous role in the trials of differences, but it

is religious beliefs that set the stage for discrimination and a tangled web of a quandary society .

Voltaire’s philosophy of reason allows tolerance to overcome the negative perceptions of other

faiths. Permitting people to belief as they choose without judgment or ridicule creates a society

of harmony. The idea of agreeing to disagree and the right of one to do so no matter the issues.

‘If God didn’t exist , it would be necessary to invent him’ stated by Voltaire meaning that people

must have a higher power , a divine being , something to believe in which would create social

order in the world .(Farlex,2015). In most societies today, one must have a direction. A path to

follow not only morally but spiritually. It is having a power greater than we to create a better

society. To choose between right and wrong and be aware of the consequences that may occur

from our choices.

All around the world in the early centuries, these philosophies embedded critical thinking

mindsets to change societies for the good of all people. These philosophies are present today. It

think Voltaire and his idea of reform and belief in a divine being are synonymous. Without God

how could there be reform and the choice of right and wrong. The idea of reason for the freedom

of religion , freedom of speech , freedom to choose and the persons give right to do so is the

foundation of western and European countries today. In the United States, this reasoning or

forms of reform care written in the constitution. It is every citizen’s right to their own faith,

political views, moralities, and ethos. It is done so by under the law not only by way of

jurisdiction but spiritually as well. Reasoning circumvents prejudice, injustice, discrimination,

and intolerance. The foundations are strong but not without flaws, yet society thrives.

In the Middle East where I have been living for a very long time, you do not find such tolerance

as you would in the west. Many middle eastern countries are of one faith and denomination

pertaining to the scholars of that region. In many of these countries, you will not find a church

or synagogue nor cathedral. It is the culture or the political rules that confines any means of

tolerance that is needed to allow change.

I do agree with Voltaire’s philosophy of reason. Is it not reasoning itself that calms the mind and

soul for the better good ? Do we not as humans, understand each other’s differences by way of

reasoning? Are not problems solved by way of reasoning? It is far more purposeful to reason

with a person than to cause dismay.

The idea of reason not only plays an important part in the society, but also in our everyday lives.

Reasoning is a key concept for resolving disputes among family members. Asking and

understanding why someone did or didn’t do what was expected, has a less unfavorable outcome.
As with Voltaire, his idea of reason to understand and have a common ground. As much as one

may disagree with another’s beliefs whether political or religious, he stood for the person’s right

to do so as he chooses. This mindset is a perfect foundation for societies around the world.

Unfortunately, there are issue that lack cement that supports the pillars. In the USA, the

constitution state ‘freedom of speech’ yet when someone comments on a sensitive issue, they are

ridiculed or called racist. If an LGBTQ member were denied service from a business, he is being

discriminated and the business owner is reprimanded or fined. Isn’t it the owners right to deny

service to whom ever he chooses. Like the policy no shirt no shoes no service, it is the same idea

in my opinion. The reasoning here must be aligned with a person’s right to choose to do as he

morally or ethically wishes. Furthermore, if it is his religious beliefs to deny a LGBTQ member

no service, it is his right to do so. This is where chaos develops. By law he is not permitted to

deny service but spiritually it is his moral duty to not serve the customer and accused of

discrimination. If the customer was African American and was denied service, the owner would

be racist. Can we reason with this see-saw or tug of war mindset of who has more right? Do we

follow the law of God or the idea of reason with understanding both sides? Voltaire said,

“Whatever you do, crush the infamy”.


Britannica, T. Information Architects of Encyclopaedia (2022, March

16). Voltaire. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Farlex Dictionary (2015) If God Didn’t Exist, would it be necessary to invent him

Pomeau, R. Henry (2021, November 17). Voltaire. Encyclopedia Britannica.

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