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Formerly Manila Doctors College

A Partner of the Metrobank Group
Pres. Diosdado Macapagal Blvd., Metropolitan Park, Pasay City

April 26, 2023

To: Prof. Ofelia Mallabo-Mutas

Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

Endorsed by: Dr. Evelyn P. Antonio

Chair, General Education Department

Thru: Prof. Chriscel Valiente-Panaligan

Students Affairs and Services Directorate, Tytana Formation Professor

RE: Tytana Formation II: ”Brighter Futures: Empowering Children for a Better

Dear Dean Mutas:


In connection to our Tytana Formation II subject, we are writing to propose a collaboration

outreach program between our school and Kaisahang Buhay Foundation, and BS Hospitality
Management First Year Students.

The program aims to promote community service and provide practical experience for our
students, while supporting the advocacy and mission of Kaisahang Buhay Foundation. This is
also in partnership with the Alliance of Future Hospitality Professionals, League of Tourism
Students of the Philippines.

The collaboration outreach program will involve the following:

● A series of workshops and training sessions for the BS Hospitality Management First
Year students on Kaisahang Buhay Foundation's advocacy, mission, and programs.

● An outreach program in which the students will have the opportunity to work with
Kaisahang Buhay Foundation and Alliance of Future Hospitality Professionals and
League of Tourism Students of the Philippines to support the foundation's projects and
activities. This could include providing assistance in organizing events, conducting
workshops for the beneficiaries, and providing logistical support.

This collaboration outreach program aligns with our school's mission to develop well-rounded
individuals who are socially responsible and community-oriented. We believe that this program
will provide our students with a valuable opportunity to engage in community service, develop

their leadership and teamwork skills, and gain practical experience that will prepare them for
their future careers.

We hope that you will find our proposal relevant and meaningful to our school's goals. We
would appreciate your support in this initiative and look forward to discussing this collaboration
with you further.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Ronnel M. Valenzuela
President AFHP

Ms. Angelica Paulene M. Javate

President, LTSP-MTC Chapter

Gil Brian Mabuti

Representative BSHM Students Tytana Formation

Nicole Anne Mayo

Representative BSHM Students Tytana Formation

Table of Contents


Approval Letter 1-3

Abstract 4
Executive Summary 4-5
Introduction 6
Objectives 6
Project Description 6-7
Project Work Plan 8-9
Project Site 9
Reasons Behind the Choice 9-10
Target Beneficiaries 10-11
Project Activities 11-12
Project Outcomes/Results 12-13
Project Budget 13
Project Organizations & Staffing 14


The proposed collaboration outreach program between our school, Kaisahang Buhay
Foundation, Alliance of Future Hospitality Professionals, League of Tourism Students of the
Philippines, and BS Hospitality Management First Year Students aims to promote community
service and provide practical experience for our students while supporting the advocacy and
mission of Kaisahang Buhay Foundation. The program includes workshops and training sessions
for the students on the foundation's advocacy, an outreach program where the students will work
with the foundation and the alliance to support their projects, and a fundraising campaign led by
the league of tourism students. This initiative aligns with our school's mission to develop socially
responsible and community-oriented individuals and provides an opportunity for the students to
engage in community service, develop their leadership and teamwork skills, and gain practical
experience for their future careers. We hope that the school deans will support this collaboration
outreach program, and we look forward to discussing this further.


The proposed collaboration outreach program aims to benefit Kaisahang Buhay

Foundation, an organization that supports disadvantaged children in the Philippines, through a
partnership between the Alliance of Future Hospitality Professionals, the League of Tourism
Students of the Philippines, and first-year students of the BS Hospitality Management program.

The program consists of several activities, including donation drives, educational

workshops, and outreach activities. These activities aim to raise awareness and funds for
Kaisahang Buhay Foundation, as well as provide opportunities for students to develop their skills
and gain valuable experience in hospitality and tourism.

Through this program, the participating organizations and students will work together to
support a worthy cause, build community partnerships, and promote social responsibility within
the hospitality and tourism industry. The program will also provide an opportunity for students to
apply their knowledge and skills in a real-world setting, as well as develop their leadership and
teamwork abilities.

Overall, the proposed collaboration outreach program offers a meaningful and impactful
way for students in the hospitality and tourism industry to give back to their community, gain
valuable experience, and contribute to a worthy cause.


Our proposed collaboration outreach program aims to bring together the Alliance of
Future Hospitality Professionals, the League of Tourism Students of the Philippines, and first-
year students of the BS Hospitality Management program to support the Kaisahang Buhay
Foundation. The Foundation is a non-governmental organization that provides care and support
for underprivileged children in the Philippines.

Through this program, we hope to promote social responsibility within the hospitality and
tourism industry and provide students with an opportunity to give back to their community. The
program includes various activities, including fundraising events, donation drives, educational
workshops, and outreach activities, that aim to raise awareness and funds for the Kaisahang
Buhay Foundation.

Our program offers a unique opportunity for students to apply their knowledge and skills
in a real-world setting, develop their leadership and teamwork abilities, and contribute to a
worthy cause. By collaborating with each other and the Kaisahang Buhay Foundation, we can
make a meaningful impact on the lives of underprivileged children in the Philippines while
promoting the values of social responsibility and community service within the hospitality and
tourism industry.


The objectives of our proposed collaboration outreach program for Kaisahang Buhay
Foundation are as follows:

● To raise awareness about the Kaisahang Buhay Foundation and its mission among the
hospitality and tourism community in the Philippines.

● To raise donation drives to support the Kaisahang Buhay Foundation's programs and
services for underprivileged children in the Philippines.

● To provide opportunities for students in the hospitality and tourism industry to develop
their skills and gain practical experience through organizing and participating in
fundraising events, donation drives, educational workshops, and outreach activities.

● To promote social responsibility within the hospitality and tourism industry and
encourage students to give back to their community by supporting a worthy cause.

● To build partnerships and strengthen relationships between the Alliance of Future

Hospitality Professionals, the League of Tourism Students of the Philippines, and the BS
Hospitality Management program, as well as with the Kaisahang Buhay Foundation.

● To make a meaningful and lasting impact on the lives of underprivileged children in the
Philippines by providing them with access to education, healthcare, and other essential


This project collaboration outreach program for Kaisahang Buhay Foundation will
involve a partnership between the Alliance of Future Hospitality Professionals, the League of
Tourism Students of the Philippines, and first-year students of the BS Hospitality Management
program. The program will include various activities that aim to raise awareness, funds, and
support for the Kaisahang Buhay Foundation and its programs for underprivileged children in the

The program will begin in a donation drive for essential items such as school supplies,
clothing, and personal hygiene products. These items will be collected by the students and
donated to the Kaisahang Buhay Foundation.

Educational workshops will also be organized to raise awareness about the challenges
faced by underprivileged children in the Philippines and the work done by the Kaisahang Buhay

Foundation to support them. These workshops will be open to all interested students and
members of the community.

The program will also involve outreach activities such as knowing about the Kaisahang
Buhay Foundation and interacting with the children in their care. This will provide students with
a firsthand understanding of the foundation's work and its impact on the lives of underprivileged

Throughout the program, the students will work closely with the Kaisahang Buhay
Foundation to ensure that their efforts align with the foundation's needs and goals. This
collaboration will provide students with the opportunity to develop their leadership and
teamwork skills, as well as gain practical experience in event planning, fundraising, and outreach

Overall, the proposed collaboration outreach program aims to make a meaningful and
lasting impact on the lives of underprivileged children in the Philippines, while promoting social
responsibility within the hospitality and tourism industry and providing students with valuable
learning opportunities.

Project Work Plans:

The following is a tentative work plan for our proposed collaboration outreach program
for Kaisahang Buhay Foundation.

Phase 1: Planning and Coordination (week 1)

● Form a planning committee composed of representatives from the Alliance of Future

Hospitality Professionals, the League of Tourism Students of the Philippines, and the BS
Hospitality Management program.
● Establish communication with Kaisahang Buhay Foundation and discuss their needs and
requirements for the program.
● Conduct a needs assessment and determine the activities and events that will be included
in the program.
● Develop a detailed project plan, including timelines, roles and responsibilities, and

Phase 2: Fundraising and Donation Drive (week 2)

● Promote the fundraising event through social media and other channels to reach a wider
audience and encourage donations.
● Organize a donation drive for essential items such as school supplies, clothing, and
personal hygiene products.
● Collect and sort the donated items and prepare them for delivery to the Kaisahang Buhay

Phase 3: Educational Workshops and Outreach Activities (Week 3)

● Organize educational workshops to raise awareness about the challenges faced by

underprivileged children in the Philippines and the work done by the Kaisahang Buhay
Foundation to support them.

● Invite speakers from the foundation and other organizations to share their insights and
● Organize outreach activities, such as visiting the Kaisahang Buhay Foundation and
interacting with the children in their care.
● Provide the children with essential items and conduct activities such as games,
storytelling, and arts and crafts.

Phase 4: Evaluation and Follow-up (Week4 )

● Evaluate the effectiveness of the program and identify areas for improvement.
● Collect feedback from students, faculty, and the Kaisahang Buhay Foundation.
● Develop a follow-up plan to maintain communication with the foundation and continue
supporting their work.
● Share the outcomes and impact of the program with the wider community through social
media and other channels.

The work plan is subject to change based on the needs and requirements of the Kaisahang
Buhay Foundation and the availability of resources and volunteers. Regular communication and
coordination among the planning committee and the foundation are essential to ensure the
success of the program.

Project Sites:

Kaisahang Buhay Foundation Incorporated is a private, non-profit child and family

welfare organization duly licensed and accredited by the Department of Social Welfare and
Development (DSWD). It is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and
certified as a donee institution by the Bureau of Internal Revenue and the Philippine Council for
NGO Certification. The organization’s name, Kaisahang Buhay Foundation, stands for oneness
within the family and meaningful life for the children it serves.

Reason Behind the Choice:

There are several reasons why we chose to propose a collaboration outreach program for
the Kaisahang Buhay Foundation involving the Alliance of Future Hospitality Professionals,
League of Tourism Students of the Philippines, and BS Hospitality Management first-year

● Alignment with the core values of hospitality and tourism: The hospitality and tourism
industry is built on the foundation of providing excellent service to guests and visitors.
This collaboration outreach program aligns with the core values of the industry by
extending that same level of care and service to underprivileged children in the

● Opportunity for experiential learning: The program offers an opportunity for BS

Hospitality Management students to gain hands-on experience in planning and executing
community outreach programs, developing leadership skills, and building connections
with industry professionals.

● Addressing social responsibility: The collaboration outreach program addresses the social
responsibility of hospitality and tourism professionals to give back to the community and
make a positive impact on society.

● Enhancing the reputation of the organizations involved: The program can enhance the
reputation of the Alliance of Future Hospitality Professionals, League of Tourism
Students of the Philippines, and BS Hospitality Management program by demonstrating
their commitment to social responsibility and community engagement.

● Meeting the needs of the Kaisahang Buhay Foundation: The program provides an
opportunity to meet the needs of the Kaisahang Buhay Foundation by providing essential
items, educational workshops, and outreach activities to underprivileged children in their

This collaboration outreach program offers a unique opportunity to align the values and goals of
the hospitality and tourism industry with social responsibility and community engagement, while
providing students with valuable experiential learning opportunities.

Target Beneficiaries:
The target beneficiaries of our proposed collaboration outreach program for the Kaisahang
Buhay Foundation involving the Alliance of Future Hospitality Professionals, League of Tourism
Students of the Philippines, and BS Hospitality Management first-year students are the
underprivileged children who are currently in the care of the Kaisahang Buhay Foundation.
These children come from disadvantaged backgrounds, such as those who have been abandoned,
orphaned, or abused, and are in need of essential items, education, and care.

Through this program, we aim to provide the following benefits to these children:

● Access to essential items: We will provide essential items such as food, clothing, hygiene
kits, and school supplies to help improve the children's health, hygiene, and educational

● Educational workshops: We will organize educational workshops on various topics such

as personal hygiene, health and nutrition, and life skills, to help equip the children with
the knowledge and skills they need to succeed.

● Outreach activities: We will organize fun and engaging outreach activities such as sports,
games, and arts and crafts, to help promote physical, emotional, and social development.

Our proposed collaboration outreach program will provide a holistic approach to

supporting the underprivileged children in the care of the Kaisahang Buhay Foundation, offering
essential items, educational workshops, and outreach activities to help improve their well-being
and prepare them for a brighter future.


Proposed Program

I. Registration and Preparation

7:00 AM – 8:00 AM
- Briefing and orientation will be conducted for both volunteers and participants.

II. Start of the Program

8:00 AM – 8:30 AM

- National Anthem and Invocation

- Welcome Remarks by the Program Coordinator

III. Distribution of Supplies and Hygiene Kits

8:30 AM – 9:00 AM

- Distribution of supplies and hygiene kits to the beneficiaries.

IV. Program Activities

9:00 AM – 10:0 AM

- Fun activities and games will be conducted for the beneficiaries such as storytelling, arts
and crafts, and parlor games.

V. Feeding Program

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

- A simple yet nutritious meal will be served to the beneficiaries.

VI. Learning Session

11:00 AM – 11:30 AM

- A learning session will be conducted by volunteers on basic life skills such as personal
hygiene, proper handwashing, and how to stay safe during emergencies.

VII. Distribution of Gifts and Prizes

11:30 AM – 11:45 AM
- The beneficiaries will receive gifts and prizes for their active participation in the program

VIII. Closing Program

11:45 AM – 12:00 PM

- Message of thanks from the Program Coordinator

- Turnover of certificate of appreciation to volunteers and sponsors

- Closing remarks and praye

Note: The schedule and activities may vary depending on the specific needs of the Kids
Foundation and the organization conducting the outreach program.


The proposed collaboration outreach program for the Kaisahang Buhay Foundation aims
to provide essential items, educational workshops, and outreach activities to underprivileged
children in the care of the foundation. The program's expected outcomes include:

● Improved well-being of the children: The distribution of essential items such as food,
clothing, and hygiene kits will ensure that the children's basic needs are met, contributing
to their overall health and well-being.

● Enhanced learning and development: The educational workshops on various topics such
as nutrition, personal hygiene, and basic life skills will equip the children with practical
knowledge that they can apply in their daily lives, helping them develop their potential.

● Increased engagement and participation: The outreach activities, such as games, sports,
and arts and crafts, will provide a fun and interactive environment for the children to
engage in, helping to build their social skills and confidence.

● Sustainable impact: The program's collaborative approach involving the Alliance of

Future Hospitality Professionals, League of Tourism Students of the Philippines, and BS
Hospitality Management first-year students will foster long-term partnerships and
community engagement, promoting sustainable impact and continued support for the

Through the program's evaluation and monitoring, we aim to measure the program's
success in achieving these outcomes and identify areas for improvement. Overall, the
collaboration outreach program for the Kaisahang Buhay Foundation is a meaningful initiative
that demonstrates the importance of social responsibility and community engagement in the
hospitality and tourism industry.



The proposed collaboration outreach program for the Kaisahang Buhay Foundation
involves the participation of the Alliance of Future Hospitality Professionals, League of Tourism
Students of the Philippines, and BS Hospitality Management first-year students. The following is
a breakdown of the project organizations and staffing:

● Project Coordinator - Responsible for the overall management and coordination of the
project, including planning, organizing, and implementing the outreach program.

● Alliance of Future Hospitality Professionals - Will provide assistance in organizing the

program, preparing the educational workshops, and providing the necessary equipment
and materials for the outreach activities.

● BS Hospitality Management Students First Year - Will be responsible for organizing the
outreach activities, such as games, sports, and arts and crafts, and will also provide
volunteers to help with the program implementation.

● League of Tourism Students of the Philippines - Will serve as volunteers during the
outreach program and assist with the distribution of essential items, conducting
workshops, and facilitating the outreach activities.

The project coordinator will oversee and coordinate the activities of the three
organizations involved and ensure that the project runs smoothly. All volunteers will be properly
briefed on their roles and responsibilities and will work together to achieve the project

Note: The specific number of volunteers needed will depend on the size of the Kaisahang Buhay
Foundation and the number of beneficiaries. It is recommended that there be at least one
volunteer for every five beneficiaries to ensure that each beneficiary receives adequate attention
and support.

Head Committees: Angelica Javate, Ronnel Valenzuela, Gil Brian Mabuti, Anne Mayo
● Budget, Purchasing, Audit - League of Tourism Students of the Philippines
● Documentation and Creatives - Alliance of Future Hospitality Professionals, Lysandra
Cunanan, and Danna Mogol
● Emails and Paperworks - Ruth Bautista, Ymari Vilar, and Danna Mogol
● Logistics - Raheena Uddin, Francine Marcelo, and Mary Joy Diokno
● Program Flow - Ronnel Valenzuela and Angelica Javate
● Manpower - BS Hospitality Management Students First Year and League of Tourism
Students of the Philippines Representatives Per Year Level
● Performers - Keth Comiling, Dennise Bullag, Sebastian Perocho, David Parugrug, Niel
Delmoro, and Clarence Jarantilla


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