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Based on the principals of RDSO

Attempt 1

Name : Mr. Akash A

Age : 22 Years Gender : Male

Company : Jmd

Work Experience : 3 Years Login ID : CMT_DSKZGO

Date of Assessment : 06 Jun 2023


The report will delineate the following:

Mr. Akash A

Akash ‘ s Performance on the Aptitude Test Result

Below Above
Skills Percentile Average Superior Time Taken
Average Average
6 Mins 16
Memory Test 76th
10 Mins 23
Concentration Test 75th

Field Independence 3 Mins 58

Test Secs
Reaction Time Test 38th

Intelligence Test : It measures an individual's non verbal intelligence

Score Below Average Average Above Average Superior


Skills Percentile Score Interpretation

Memory Test: It measures an individual's short term visual retention. 76th Above Average
Concentration Test: It measures an individual's ability to receive and 75th
manage selected stimuli under time pressure. Above Average

Field Independence Test: It measures an individual's ability to find,

apprehend and identify a known visual pattern embedded in a complex 46th Average
visual array.

Reaction Time Test: It measures an individual's ability of being quick 38th

and giving correct responses to stimuli. Average
Mr. Akash A
Personality Assessment Result

Low Moderate High

1-3 4-7 8-10


Accommodating, Easily
Adaptability Rigid and Inflexible Adaptable
Achievement Ambitious, Aspires to
Laid Back, Casual
Motivation Achieve

Timid, Shy Bold, Adventurous, and

Boldness Outgoing
Humble and Competitive and
Competition Accommodating Independent Minded
Serious, Prudent and Enthusiastic, Energetic
Enthusiasm Sober
Leisurely, Fast Learner, Insightful
General Ability Unorganized and Meticulous
Introverted, Socially Warm, People
Social Warmth Introspective Oriented

Tolerant and Calm Anxious, Tense and

Tension Worried
Low sense of duty, Sensitive to Duty and
Morality inattentive to people. Needs of others
Unconfident, Determined, Disciplined
Self Control Indisciplined
Emotionally Resilient, Emotionally Dependent
Sensitivity Mature
Socially Astute, Tactful,
Shrewdness Socially less alert Polite and Manipulative
Group Dependent,
Self Sufficiency Vulnerable Self Reliant, Willing

Trusting and
Suspiciousness Accepting Cautious and Wary

Confident, Apprehensive, Unsure

Guilt Proneness Responsible
Realistic, Practical and Imaginative, Impractical
Imagination Conventional and Unconventional
Conservative and Analytical, Liberal and
Innovation Calculative Innovative
Team Player, Leader, Persuasive,
Leadership Follower Impressive
Intolerant, Unrealistic, Emotionally Well-
Maturity Immature Balanced, Realistic
Pessimistic and Optimistic and Content
Mental Health Dissatisfied
Mr. Akash A


Akash A is accommodating by nature and can easily adapt to changing situations. Settles
down to complete a task without any unnecessary preparatory behaviour.

Achievement Motivation
Akash A is moderately ambitious and puts in reasonable efforts to achieve success.

Akash A is bold, adventurous, outgoing, and enjoys meeting people and making contacts. He
enjoys being the focus of attention in group situations.

Akash A is competitive and independent minded by nature and likes to do things his way. Is
assertive and direct in his relations with people. Likes to put his own ideas into practice.

Akash A tends to be reasonably candid and lively as a person. He is quite enthusiastic
and tends to have a fairly happy-go-lucky approach to life.

General Ability
Akash A may take time to learn and needs to make efforts to be organized and
meticulous in his work. He may show poor judgment in his observations.

Social Warmth
Akash A is a fairly warm and people oriented person who enjoys interacting with others. He
prefers being part of small groups as compared to large groups. He is accommodatingwith
most people.

Akash A has a high stress tolerance and deals with situations in a calm and unperturbed
Mr. Akash A


Akash A has a moderate sense of duty and shows reasonable respect to authority and afair
sense of sensitivity to the needs of others.

Self Control
Akash A has a high self image and a strong will power. He shows strong control over his
emotions and feelings and does not get carried away by the same.

Akash A tends to be moderately sensitive and at times dependent on others.

Akash A is fairly diplomatic and tactful. He is reasonably alert to social obligations.

Self Sufficiency
Akash A is group dependent and prefers to work as part of a team rather than by

Akash A tends to be trusting in his interactions with others.

Guilt Proneness
Akash A is secure as an individual and does not brood over trivial things. Akash A hasthe
confidence to deal with challenges and does not shirk from responsibilities.

Akash A is imaginative by nature and may often come up with thoughts and ideas
thatmaybe impractical or unconventional.
Mr. Akash A


Akash A is fairly analytical. He tends to be moderately experimental in his approach to

problem solving.

Akash A has the ability to take charge, lead and direct the attitude and activities of others. He
has high self-confidence, is efficient, has strong will-power, is determined and is alert to his

Akash A has a low frustration tolerance, and has feelings of general dissatisfaction with life
and world. He often tends to have unrealistic expectations from life.

Mental Health
Akash A is reasonably well adjusted and optimistic as a person. However at times he may
getdisheartened by setbacks. At times, he may feel dissatisfied with his life situations.

Mental Health Index

Factors Tension Sensitivity Guilt Proneness Mental Health

Score 3 6 3 7

Index Low Moderate Low Moderate

Mr. Akash A

Summary of Akash A's


• Competitive • Intolerance & Immaturity

• High Leadership Potential


Not Suitable

Re-Testing Suggested

Wishing all the best !

Ms. Anuradha Prabhudesai
Sr. Counseling Psychologist || Certified MBTI Practitioner

Our psychometric tests are designed to assess personal qualities, such as personality, beliefs, values, and interests, as wel l as motivation or ‘drive related factors’. They are usually administered without a time
limit and the questions have no ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ answers. The answers reflect how the person taking the test would usually or typically feel, what they believe, or what they think about things. Psychometric
tests should be used as an adjunct tool for selection or appraisal purposes and not as standalone tools for decision making.
Suitability Selection Criterion: -Pass in all tests
Candidate is considered Unsuitable if the following criterion are met :
• If candidate has failed in two or more subtests or tests
• Personality test has High Tension score 8+ and Sensitivity score 8+
Candidate w ill be given re-testing opportunity
• If he has failed in 1 subtest or 1 test
• If tension score on personality assessment is 8+
Once Candidate has re-tested and not passed , third attempt cannot be provided.
No of attempts:
Only 2 attempts after first test can be given to a candidate. So a candidate can attempt only 3 tests. 3rd attempt will be after 3 weeks only.

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