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Nguyen Thi Thanh Ha, M.A.

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Average number of hours worked

Look at the bar graph. Then discuss the questions: each week by people aged 20-34
United Kingdom (41)
1. What is being compared in the bar graph?
Australia (41)
2. How does it compare them? Canada (42)
Italy (43)
3. What are millennials?
Germany (43)
4. Where do millennials work for most hours? The least? Spain (43)
France (44)
Brazil (45)
United States (45)
Japan (46)
Greece (47)
Singapore (48)
China (48)
Mexico (48)
India (52)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Average number of hours worked each week by people
aged 20-34
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WARMING UP (cont.)

Average number of hours worked

Answers each week by people aged 20-34
1. What is being compared in the bar graph? United Kingdom (41)
Australia (41)
 The average number of hours people aged 20-34 work Canada (42)
per week. Italy (43)
Germany (43)
2. How does it compare them?
Spain (43)
 It compares the number of hours worked in different France (44)
countries. Brazil (45)
United States (45)
3. What are millennials? Japan (46)
 Millennials are people between 20 and 34 years old. Greece (47)
Singapore (48)
They are usually progressive and interested in technology.
China (48)
4. Where do millennials work for most hours? The least? Mexico (48)

 They work the most in India and the least in Australia India (52)

and the UK. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Average number of hours worked each week by people
aged 20-34
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• Academic track: Career studies

• Academic skills:
▪ Listening:
- Identify main ideas and details
- Take notes on key words and phrases
▪ Speaking: Talk about jobs and weekly schedules
▪ Critical thinking: Make inferences

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1.1 Listening

1.2 Speaking

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1.1.1. Glossary 1.1.2. Listening skill

1.1.3. Note-taking skill 1.1.4. Critical thinking

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• Have opportunity to do something (v): có cơ hội làm gì?

• Photographer (n): Nhiếp ảnh gia.
• Middle East (n): vùng Trung Đông.
• Throughout the interview: trong suốt cuộc phỏng vấn.
• A frightening experience (n): trải nghiệm đáng sợ.
• Ordinary people (n): những người bình thường.
• Take pictures of wildlife and landscapes (v): chụp ảnh phong cảnh tự nhiên.
• Take sb along (v): đưa ai đó đi theo.
• Assignment (n): nhiệm vụ được giao.
• Couldn’t bear sth: không thể chịu đựng được việc gì?

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1.1.1. GLOSSARY (cont.)

• Have a great perspective on the world: có cách nhìn nhận đúng về thế giới.
• Communicate with people (v): giao tiếp với mọi người.
• Shyness (n): sự ngại ngùng.
• Gesture (v): diễn tả bằng điệu bộ.
• Curiosity (n): sự tò mò, hiếu kỳ.
• Be creative (a): sáng tạo.
• That makes sense: điều đó có ý nghĩa.
• Bring back memories of an unforgettable day (v): gợi nhớ kỷ niệm về 1 ngày khó quên.

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Identifying main ideas

• Definitions:
▪ The main ideas are the speaker’s most important points.
▪ Listening for main ideas means focusing on the gist or central topic.
▪ Main ideas are supported with examples, reasons, explanation and additional information.
• Example:
▪ Main idea: Annie Griffiths is famous for her beautiful photographs.
▪ Detail: The photos are of places all over the world.

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1.1.2. LISTENING SKILL (cont.)

Exercise 1: Listen to the Interview with Annie Griffiths. Choose the main ideas of the interview.
A. Annie Griffiths’ work is dangerous sometimes.
B. Annie Griffiths travels around the world as a photographer.
C. Annie Griffiths knows how to communicate with the people she meets.

File audio: Link

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1.1.2. LISTENING SKILL (cont.)

A. Annie Griffiths’ work is dangerous sometimes.
B. Annie Griffiths travels around the world as a photographer.
C. Annie Griffiths knows how to communicate with the people she meets.

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Taking notes on key words and phrases

• How to take notes on key words and phrases:
▪ Don’t listen for every word.
▪ Don’t write full sentences.
▪ Focus on nouns, verbs, names, numbers.
▪ Use abbreviations when you can.
• Abbreviations examples:
▪ b/c (because)
▪ b/w (between)
▪ e.g. (for example)
▪ = (is)
▪ w/ (with)
▪ w/o (without)

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1.1.3. NOTE-TAKING SKILL (cont.)

Exercise 2: Listen again and take notes on important details. Use only key words and phrases.
1. Her favorite places: ___________________________________________________
2. Why she loves to travel:________________________________________________
3. Why she took her children:______________________________________________
4. How she communicates: _______________________________________________
5. Skills needed to be a photographer: ______________________________________

File audio: Link

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1.1.3. NOTE-TAKING SKILL (cont.)

Answers will vary. Possible ones:

1. Her favorite places: S. Africa, Galapagos Isl., Mex.
2. Why she loves to travel: learn diff cultures, diff views, take pics of wildlife/landscapes.
3. Why she took her children: long assgnmts, wanted them see world, not want to be away
from them.
4. How she communicates: smiles, gestures, is silly.
5. Skills needed to be a photographer: curiosity, creativity, see things in new ways.

Some abbreviations are used:

S. (south), isl (island), Mex. (Mexico), diff (different), pics (pictures), / (or), assgnmts (assignments)

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Making inferences
Exercise 3: Read the statements and choose True or False. The statements were not stated directly, but
you can infer or guess whether they are true or false.

Statements True False

1. Annie Griffiths likes her life of adventure.

2. Griffiths knows how to make friends with strangers.

3. Griffiths does not mind going to places that are dangerous.

4. Griffiths’ children do not like to travel.

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1.1.4. CRITICAL THINKING (cont.)


Statements True False

1. Annie Griffiths likes her life of adventure. x

2. Griffiths knows how to make friends with strangers. x

3. Griffiths does not mind going to places that are dangerous. x

4. Griffiths’ children do not like to travel. x

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1.2.1. Grammar for Speaking 1.2.2. Practice

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The Simple Present vs. the Present Continuous

Simple Present Present Continuous

• Repeated actions or habits: • Action happening now:

Eg: He goes to work at 8:00 every day. Eg: She is taking a photo.
• Action or states that are always true: • Actions happening around this time:
Eg: Photographers take pictures. Eg: I am travelling a lot these days.

Used with adverbs of frequency: never, rarely, Used with expressions: now, right now, at this
occasionally, sometimes, often, usually, always… moment…

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Exercise 4. Read the conversations below. Fill in each blank with the simple present or the present
continuous form of verb from the box. You will use one verb twice. Then practice each conversation.
cook help sell show work write
• Conversation 1:
A: What do you do for work?
B: I _________(1) in a restaurant.
A: What are you doing right now?
B: I _________(2) a new meal for tonight.
A: It smells delicious.
• Conversation 2:
A: Hi! What are you working on?
B: I _________(3) a new computer program.
A: Sounds interesting.

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1.2.2. PRACTICE (cont.)

• Conversation 3:
A: You’re a real estate, right?

B: Yes, that’s right. I ______ (4) and _______(5) homes. I ______(6) a house to a buyer this morning.

• Conversation 4:
A: What do you do for your job?

B: I’m a police officer. I ________(7) people who are in trouble.

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1.2.2. PRACTICE (cont.)

• Conversation 1:
A: What do you do for work?
B: I work (1) in a restaurant.
A: What are you doing right now?
B: I am cooking (2) a new meal for tonight.
A: It smells delicious.
• Conversation 2:
A: Hi! What are you working on?
B: I am writing (3) a new computer program.
A: Sounds interesting.

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1.2.2. PRACTICE (cont.)

• Conversation 3:
A: You’re a real estate, right?

B: Yes, that’s right. I sell/ show (4) and show/ sell (5) homes. I am showing/ am selling (6) a house
to a buyer this morning.

• Conversation 4:
A: What do you do for your job?

B: I’m a police officer. I help (7) people who are in trouble.

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1.2.2. PRACTICE (cont.)

Exercise 5: Follow the instructions below:

(1). Look around the room. Talk about 3 things happening in the room now.
(2). Think of someone you know well. Talk about 3 things that person is probably doing right now.
(3). Think of a job you know about. Make a list of three things a person with that job does every day.

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1.2.2. PRACTICE (cont.)

Sample Answers
(1). Look around the room. Talk about 3 things happening in the room now.
 Students are reading. The teacher is writing on the board. The computer is warming up.
(2). Think of someone you know well. Talk about 3 things that person is probably doing right now.
 My sister is probably making breakfast, feeding her baby, and getting ready for work.
(3). Think of a job you know about. Make a list of three things a person with that job does every day.
 A manager organizes projects, has meetings, and solves problems every day.

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1.2.2. PRACTICE (cont.)

Exercise 6: Discuss your weekly schedules. Use the questions below and your own ideas.
1. Which days do you work? What time do you start and end?
2. Which days do you go to school? Which day is your longest school day?
3. What are some things you do often each week? Sometimes? Rarely?
4. What are you doing right after class today?
5. What are you doing a lot these days?

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1.2.2. PRACTICE (cont.)

Sample Answers
(1). Which days do you work? What time do you start and end?
 I work from Monday to Friday. I start working at 8 a.m and end working at 5 p.m.
(2). Which days do you go to school? Which day is your longest school day?
 I go to school all weekdays except Saturday & Sunday. Friday is my longest school day.
(3). What are some things you do often each week? Sometimes? Rarely?
 I often go swimming, sometimes go to the cinema and rarely play tennis.
(4). What are you doing right after class today?
 I am going shopping right after class today.
(5). What are you doing a lot these days?
 I am studying for my English test these days.

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LISTENING: An interview with Annie Griffiths

▪ Listening skill: identifying main ideas
- The main ideas are the speaker’s most important points.
- Listening for main ideas means focusing on the gist or central topic.
- The main ideas are supported with examples, reasons, explanation and additional information
▪ Note-taking skill: taking notes on key words and phrases
- Don’t listen for every word.
- Don’t write full sentences.
- Focus on nouns, verbs, names, numbers.
- Use abbreviations when you can.
SPEAKING: talking about jobs and weekly schedules
Use Present Simple and Present Continuous Tense to describes jobs and weekly schedules.

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