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Nguyen Thi Thanh Ha, M.A.

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Look at the infographic.

Then answer the questions below:
1. What do you think is the purpose of
this infographic?

2. Why are healthy fish habitats important

to the ocean economy?

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WARMING UP (cont.)

1. What do you think is the purpose of

this infographic?
 To show how much money the ocean
represents for communities and industries
2. Why are healthy fish habitats important to the
ocean economy?
 Because the global seafood industry
relies on healthy fish habitats.

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• Academic track: Social Science.

• Academic skills:
▪ Listening:
- Listen for the Main Idea
- Listen for the Details
▪ Speaking:
- Identify the Stressed Syllable in a Word
- Communicate that You Don’t Understand
- Introduce Yourself

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2.1 Listening

2.2 Speaking

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2.1.1. Pronunciation 2.1.2. Glossary

2.1.3. Listening for main ideas 2.1.4. Listening for details

2.1.5. Everyday language

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Syllable stress
• Definition:
▪ Words in English contain one or more syllables.
▪ In words with more than one syllable, one syllable is stressed.
▪ The stressed syllable is louder and clearer than the other syllables.
• Example:
▪ One syllable: job
▪ Two syllables: doc-tor
▪ Three syllables: com-pa-ny

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2.1.1. PRONUNCIATION (cont.)

Exercise 1: Listen and mark the main stress in each word.
1. Study
2. Nurse
3. Travel
4. Remember File audio: Link
5. Reporter
6. Creative
7. Receive
8. Skills

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2.1.1. PRONUNCIATION (cont.)

Listen again and check your answers:

1. Stu-dy
2. Nurse
3. Tra-vel
4. Re-mem-ber
File audio: Link
5. Re-por-ter
6. Cre-a-tive
7. Re-ceive
8. Skills

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2.1.1. PRONUNCIATION (cont.)

Exercise 2: Write each word from the box in the correct column of the chart below. Then listen and
check your answers.
Adventure cook know officer travel
Amazing fly money teacher yesterday

One syllable Two syllables Three syllables

cook money adventures

File audio: Link

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2.1.1. PRONUNCIATION (cont.)


One syllable Two syllables Three syllables

cook money adventures
know travel amazing
fly teacher yesterday

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2.1.1. PRONUNCIATION (cont.)

Exercise 3: You are going to listen to a conversation between students about oceanographer Sylvia
Earle. Here are some words you will hear. Listen and repeat the words. Then answer the
questions below.

Billion marine biologist ocean pollution tuna

1. How many syllables are in each word? Write the number of syllables next to each word.
2. Which syllable in each word receives the main stress? Mark the syllables with the main stress.

File audio: Link

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2.1.1. PRONUNCIATION (cont.)

1. How many syllables are in each word? Write the number of syllables next to each word.
billion (2), marine (2) biologist (4) ocean (2) pollution (3) tuna (2)

2. Which syllable in each word receives the main stress? Mark the syllables with the main stress.
Billion marine biologist, ocean pollution, tuna

File audio: Link

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• A presentation (n): bài thuyết trình.

• Miss sth (v): bỏ lỡ thứ gì.
• A marine biologist (n): nhà sinh học biển.
• Decide to do sth (v): quyết định làm gì.
• The ocean (n): đại dương.
• Be knocked over by a wave (v): bị sóng đánh ngã.
• Be fascinated by sth (v): thích thú điều gì.
• Be in charge of sth (v): phụ trách việc gì.
• Take care of sb (v): chăm sóc ai đó.
• A half billion people (n): nửa tỉ người.
• Relate to sth (v): liên quan đến.
• Have a big effect on the world’s oceans (v): có tác động lớn đến đại dương trên thế giới.

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2.1.2. GLOSSARY (cont.)

• The increase in people (n): sự tăng dân số.

• Lead/led to all kinds of changes (v): dẫn đến nhiều thay đổi.
• once or twice a month: một hoặc hai lần mỗi tháng.
• A huge amount of fish (n): một số lượng cá lớn.
• Pollution (n): sự ô nhiễm.
• Get dirtier (v): ngày càng bẩn.
• Fill up with trash (v): đầy rác.
• Stop eating tuna (v): ngừng ăn cá ngừ.
• Be declared protected marine areas (v): được công nhận là vùng biển được bảo vệ.
• Initiative (n): sáng kiến.
• Focus on making that happen (v): tập trung thực hiện ý tưởng đó.
• Be well-organized (a): được tổ chức tốt.

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Exercise 4: Listen to the first part of the conversation. What presentation are the students talking
about. Choose the correct answer.
A. One that Becca missed
B. One that Ren missed
C. One that was not good

File audio: Link

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A. One that Becca missed
B. One that Ren missed
C. One that was not good

File audio: Link

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Exercise 5: Listen to the entire conversation. Choose the main idea.

A. Becca was not in class on Thursday because she was sick.
B. Dr. Earle’s presentation was very interesting.
C. People are having a bad effect on the oceans, but we can change that.

File audio: Link

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A. Becca was not in class on Thursday because she was sick.

B. Dr. Earle’s presentation was very interesting.
C. People are having a bad effect on the oceans, but we can change that.

File audio: Link

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Exercise 6: Listen again. Check (˅) any ideas that are NOT part of the conversation.
❑ Becca feels better today.
❑ Dr. Earle gave a presentation to the class on Thursday.
❑ Dr. Earle earns a high salary.
❑ There are more than seven billion people on earth now.
❑ Dr. Earle doesn’t eat fish.

File audio: Link

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❑ Becca feels better today.
❑ Dr. Earle gave a presentation to the class on Thursday.
❑ Dr. Earle earns a high salary.
❑ There are more than seven billion people on earth now.
❑ Dr. Earle doesn’t eat fish.

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Showing that You’re Listening

Use these expressions to show someone that you’re listening and interested in the conversation.
• Really?
• I see
• Interesting!
• Um-hmn
• I see your point.
• Wow!

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2.2.1. Speaking skill 2.2.2. Presentation skill

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Communicating that You Don’t Understand

• I don’t understand.
• I’m sorry?
• I’m not sure what you mean.
• Do you mean…?
• Can you explain?
• I’m not sure I follow.

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2.2.1. SPEAKING SKILL (cont.)

Exercise 7: Read and listen to the conversation. Then underline the expressions that show when the
speakers don’t understand.
A: What’s your major? File audio: Link
B: Marine biology
A: I’m sorry?
B: Marine biology. It’s the study of marine organisms and their ecosystems.
A: Do you mean you study fish and other forms of life in the ocean?
B: Exactly
A: And what can you do with that?
B: I’m not sure what you mean?
A: What jobs can you get?
B: Oh gosh, a lot of different things. I can do research or teach; I could be a fisheries biologist…
A: Stop there. Fisheries? What are those?
B: They raise fish. And there’s also aquaculture…
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2.2.1. SPEAKING SKILL (cont.)

Listen again and check your answers. Then practice this conversation.
A: What’s your major?
B: Marine biology File audio: Link
A: I’m sorry?
B: Marine biology. It’s the study of marine organisms and their ecosystems.
A: Do you mean you study fish and other forms of life in the ocean?
B: Exactly
A: And what can you do with that?
B: I’m not sure what you mean?
A: What jobs can you get?
B: Oh gosh, a lot of different things. I can do research or teach; I could be a fisheries biologist…
A: Stop there. Fisheries? What are those?
B: They raise fish. And there’s also aquaculture…

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2.2.1. SPEAKING SKILL (cont.)

Exercise 8: Practice the conversations below. Imagine you are student B. Use one of the following expression
I don’t understand. I’m sorry? I’m not sure what you mean.
Do you mean…? Can you explain? I’m not sure I follow.

Conversation 1:
A: You need a lot of special skills to be a marine biologist.
B: ________________________________________________
A: Well, to study the ocean, you need to know how to do many things.
Conversation 2:
A: Working in tourism is an adventure.
B: ______________________________
A: Every day you meet people from different places and cultures.

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Introducing Yourself
• Expressions:
▪ Hi, I’m (your name)/ Hello, my name is (your name).
▪ I’m from (your city, country, university, etc).
• Practice
Exercise 9: Read and listen to one student’s presentation. Then follow the steps below.
File audio: Link
Hi, everyone. My name is Alejandro, but please call me Alex. I’m from Bogotá. As you probably know, that’s
the capital city of Colombia. I’m studying English now, and I’m also studying international relations. I hope to
work for an international aid organization someday. I want to travel the world, and I want to help people, too,
so I think this is a good job for me.
1. Find out the expressions Alex uses to introduce himself.
2. Find out the reasons Alex gives for the job he wants.
3. Decide which expressions you will use to introduce yourself.

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Listen and check your answers.

File audio: Link

1. Find out the expressions Alex uses to introduce himself.

Hi, everyone. My name is Alejandro, but please call me Alex. I’m from Bogotá.
2. Find out the reasons Alex gives for the job he wants.
I want to travel the world, and I want to help people, too, so I think this is a good job for me.
3. Decide which expressions you will use to introduce yourself.
Answers will vary.

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Exercise 10: Give a short presentation about yourself, using following questions.

1. What’s your name?

2. Where are you from?

3. What subjects are you studying?

4. What job do you have or hope to have in the future? Why?

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▪ Pronunciation skill: Stressed syllable is louder and clearer than the others.
▪ Listening skill:
- Listening for main ideas
- Listening for details
▪ Everyday language: showing that You are Listening
- Really?
- I see
- Interesting!
- Um-hmn
- I see your point.
- Wow!

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SUMMARY (cont.)

▪ Speaking skill: Communicating that You Don’t Understand
- I don’t understand.
- I’m sorry?
- I’m not sure what you mean.
- Do you mean…?
- Can you explain?
- I’m not sure I follow.
▪ Presentation skill: Introducing yourself
- Hi, I’m (your name)/ Hello, my name is (your name).
- I’m from (your city, country, university, etc.).

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