Articulo Blast Freezer

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Applied Thermal Engineering 41 (2012) 71e83

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The art of air blast freezing: Design and efficiency considerations

Patrick Dempsey, Pradeep Bansal*,1
Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Auckland, Private Bag e 92019, Auckland, New Zealand

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Air blast freezing is a common freezing technique used throughout the world to freeze various food
Received 16 March 2011 commodities from carcasses to packaged goods. The New Zealand Cold Storage industry identified blast
Accepted 6 December 2011 freezing as the most energy intensive operation in the frozen food storage industry, consuming 8.1 GWh
Available online 13 December 2011
of electricity in New Zealand in 2005. This paper presents an overview of various types of blast freezers,
their common design flaws, common energy saving measures and a best practice guide. A simulation
model has also been presented to predict the performance and to design an optimal system under range
Blast freezer
of operating conditions.
Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Low temperature

1. Introduction are prone to moisture loss during blast freezing as the absolute
humidity of the bulk air is usually lower than that of the air at the
Air blast freezing is the process of taking a product at surface of the food.
a temperature (usually chilled but sometimes at ambient temper- Although air blast freezers have been used in industry since the
ature) and freezing it rapidly, between 12 and 48 h, to its desired 1950’s, limited number of technical studies have been published on
storage temperature which varies from product to product (e.g. specific aspects of the topic in the open literature [1,3,12,24,26,
fish ¼ 20  C, beef ¼ 18  C). Typically, the evaporator tempera- 31,42,51,52], and there is hardly any study that summarises all
ture in a blast freezer refrigeration system ranges between 35  C aspects of blast freezers at one point in a single study. Therefore, this
and 52  C. Slow freezing produces large ice crystals, which grow paper presents an overview of blast freezers of their working prin-
through cell walls, permitting an accelerated penetration of oxygen, ciple, historical background, different designs, efficiency issues,
causing rancidity and browning of meat and enhancing the danger a modelling perspective and a best practice guide.
of higher drip on thawing. Therefore, rapid freezing is required to
maintain food quality as it produces small ice crystals due to 2. Origin of air blast freezers
a higher number of nucleation points from which ice crystals form.
Air Blast freezing is classified as a forced convection phenom- The early freezing rooms typically consisted of bare pipe grids in
enon where the use of fans increases the products surface heat the ceiling above rails on which sheep carcasses and beef quarters
transfer coefficient and produces a more uniform air temperature were hung. These freezing rooms relied on the natural convection of
throughout the freezer. The air velocity, and hence heat transfer cold air, typically around 15  C, and resulted in freezing times up to
coefficient, can be altered with the use of variable speed drives three days. Following World War II the world faced a serious food
(VSD’s). The main detriment of forced convection in blast freezers is shortage. A major New Zealand innovation was the air blast freezer
the use of large fans that add significantly to the total heat load on which enabled rapid freezing for high export quantities. The air blast
the refrigeration system and running costs. Also, unwrapped foods freezer used fans to blow air at low temperatures (down to 30  C)
over carcasses reducing freezing times to between 10 and 24 h. This
ability to freeze and transport food to distant markets made
* Corresponding author. Current address: Building Equipment Program, Oak refrigeration a highly profitable trade and in fact made New Zealand
Ridge National Laboratory, P O Box 2008, Oak Ridge, TN37831-6067, USA. Tel.: þ1
865 576 7376.
one of the richest countries in the world in the 1950’s and 1960’s.
E-mail address: (P. Bansal). The New Zealand company Ellis Hardie Syminton Ltd patented
Tel.: þ1865 576 7376. the A189 air-blast freezer in about 1950 [1]. The concept was to use

1359-4311/$ e see front matter Ó 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
72 P. Dempsey, P. Bansal / Applied Thermal Engineering 41 (2012) 71e83

finned surface evaporators to cool the air and large fans to direct 2a Batch Freezers: the product is stacked on pallets, or hung
the refrigerated air over the carcasses. During the 1950’s blast from hooks on slide rails in the case of carcasses, and
freezing became the dominant method of freezing worldwide and loaded into the freezer using fork hoists. This is an on/off
the fundamental principles of carcass freezing changed little over process where the freezer is loaded, run until the meat is
the next 50 years. Prior to the 1950’s the beef trade was dominated frozen to its desired temperature, then pumped down and
by quarter beef carcasses. The emergence of the hamburger in switched off for unloading. Batch blast freezers are suit-
America opened a new market for frozen boneless beef suitable for able for small quantities of varied products [17]. Typically,
direct processing. In response to the new boneless product the heat transfer coefficient is less than 50 W/m2 K (Fig. 1).
demand, Ellis Hardie Syminton Ltd in conjunction with Bill 2b Mechanised freezers: the pallet racks are fitted with casters
Freeman constructed the world’s first continuous carton freezer for or wheels. The racks or trolleys are usually moved on rails
27.2 kg beef cartons near Palmerston North (New Zealand). The by a pushing mechanism, usually hydraulically powered.
freezer blew refrigerated air as low as 40  C at a velocity around Such mechanised tunnel freezers are known as push-
3 m/s over the cartons and achieved freezing times of 24 h. through tunnels or carrier freezers which have two tiers,
Over the next 20e30 years, the air-blast freezer became universal one on top of the other. These freezers are designed
in the New Zealand frozen food industry. Several variations were primarily for packaged goods, as well as carcasses.
developed, including cross flow and vertical air flow systems and Advantages of mechanised freezers over batch freezers
there was a move from batch to continuous production for larger include: improved air circulation over the product as it
through puts and reduced labour costs. By the 1980’s, energy effi- moves at a steady rate through the tunnel; labour costs
ciency became an important design parameter. Many potential are considerably decreased as pallets are not manually
energy saving initiatives were investigated in terms of both the placed in the freezer; and there is added flexibility of the
refrigeration system and the system as a whole. Such energy saving facility by varying the freezing time with the speed of the
initiatives included: improved air flow design by altering the ram [18]. Heat transfer coefficients in mechanised freezers
product stacking arrangement and the use of baffles and turning are similar to batch freezers being less than 50 W/m2 K.
vanes, varying the air velocities at different times throughout the 2c Belt freezers: the product is loaded on a continuous
freezing process and the effect of product packaging on freezing conveyor belt. Modern belt freezers usually employ
times. The easiest and most advantageous energy saving device vertical air flow to force air between the product items
today is the use of variable speed drives (VSD’s) on evaporator fans. creating good contact with the product. Typically, the heat
transfer coefficient of belt freezers varies between 25 and
3. Why blast freeze? 80 W/m2 K. Multi belt freezers offer the advantage of
smaller floor space compared to single belt freezers. There
The killing of bacteria is largest in the range 4  C to 10  C due are several forms of belt freezers:
to ‘cold-shock,’ where their metabolism is disturbed, even stopped. i) Multi-tier belt freezers: consist of several conveyor
When the freezing rate is slow, the bacteria have time to adapt to systems positioned one above the other with fans and
the new conditions, hence food needs to be frozen quickly. coils positioned above the top belt. The air flow in belt
There are various methods available for food freezing, these freezers can either be vertical or horizontal over the
include: air-blast freezers (batch and continuous), fluidised bed product. The most efficient flow is determined by the
freezers, impingement freezers, liquid immersion freezers, plate product characteristics, dimensions, packed or
freezers, liquid nitrogen freezers and carbon dioxide freezers. The unpacked, as well as degree of processing and
major advantage of the air blast freezer is its versatility. Since air is composition.
a low viscosity fluid it has the ability to easily follow around ii) Spiral belt freezers: where the belt is coiled in numerous
irregular surface geometries, thus providing a more uniform revolutions around one vertical central axis to optimise
freezing rate over the whole product. Other freezing methods such the use of floor space. The belt can stack 30 tiers or
as plate freezing (contact freezing) offer faster cooling times [2] but
can only be used with products of a suitable geometry, i.e. a flat
surface to match the plate bed.

4. Types of air freezers

Air is the most widely used method of freezing food as it is

economical, hygienic and relatively non-corrosive to equipment [4].
Various forms of air blast freezers are used in industry [5e16].

1. Sharp freezer: or blast room freezer is a cold storage room that

relies on natural convection and low air movement from
evaporator fans to circulate the cooling air resulting in slow
freezing times. This arrangement is sometimes used for bulk
products like butter, beef-quarters and fish, but not for pro-
cessed food products.
2. Tunnel freezers: the refrigerated air is circulated by large fans
over the product confined in an insulated closed room. Meat
carcasses are supported by hooks suspended from a conveyor
or specially designed racks. The trays or spacers are arranged to
provide an air space between each layer of trays. The air can
either be cross flow or counter flow, depending on the type of
tunnel freezer. Various forms of tunnel freezers exist including: Fig. 1. Schematic of a typical batch air blast freezer.
P. Dempsey, P. Bansal / Applied Thermal Engineering 41 (2012) 71e83 73

more, one above the other thus reducing floor space to

a minimum. Spiral freezing is one of the most currently
used methods in the freezing industry for large
production needs due to its convenience, reduced floor
space, flexibility and efficiency [19] (Fig. 2).

3. Fluidised bed freezers are used to freeze particulate foods of

uniform size and shape such as peas, cut corn, diced carrots,
and strawberries. The foods are placed on a mesh conveyor belt
and moved through a freezing zone in which cold air is directed
Fig. 3. Schematic of a fluidised bed freezer.
upward through the mesh belt and the food particulates begin
to tumble and float. This tumbling exposes all sides of the food
to the cold air, thus the product is individually quick frozen
(IQF). Typically, heat transfer coefficients range from 110 to Quick Freezing (IQF) methods such as fluidised bed freezers. Red
160 W/m2K (Fig. 3). meat however, does not require IQF freezing methods to maintain
4. Impingement jet freezers are straight-belt freezers involving quality and can be adequately frozen in tunnel freezers.
only one step where the top, or more generally, both faces of
the product receive very high velocity air at low temperature
6. Packaging
via uniformly distributed nozzles. The jets break the stagnant
boundary layer surrounding the product, leading to a consid-
It is common practice to freeze meat or fish products in their
erable increase in the heat-transfer coefficient, up to
transport packaging. Packaging is important in air blast freezing as
300 W/m2 K. The performance is comparable to cryogenic
it prevents dehydration, freezer burn and adherence by freezing
freezers in relation to freezing time and weight, but at a much
and oxidation. The detriment of packaging is a decrease in heat
lower cost (typically half the price).
transfer and hence an increase in the freezing time due to the
insulating properties of the packing material and excess enclosed
Table 1 summarises the characteristics and operating parame-
air. Fig. 4 shows a typical temperature versus time graph of pack-
ters of the freezers described above. The cooling air temperature for
aged and unpackaged meat products in an air-blast freezer.
each freezers ranges between 30 and 45  C. With similar cooling
Fig. 4 clearly illustrates the increased freezing time as a result of
air temperatures, it is the air velocity over the product that is the
packaging. Stage 1 refers to the sensible cooling from the product
main factor affecting the heat transfer coefficient.
inlet temperature (usually chilled) to freezing, stage 2 the latent
heat extracted during crystallisation and stage 3 the sensible
5. Products blast frozen cooling from the freezing temperature to the desired storage
temperature. Table 2 shows the heat transfer resistance of pack-
Typical products frozen in air blast freezers include but are not aging for frozen beef and fish. It may be noted from the Table that
limited to: the heat transfer resistance due to packaging can account for up to
59% of the total resistance when fish is the product being frozen. For
 Meat e carcasses, cartons, large individually wrapped cuts, beef, the portion of heat transfer resistance from packaging is less
cured or processed, hamburger patties at 38%, but still significant.
 Poultry e whole bird or pieces, processed or breaded products Food Packaging must perform three functions: i) Control the
 Fish e whole or eviscerated, fillets or small diced pieces, pro- local environmental conditions to enhance storage life. This is
cessed or breaded products, shellfish, prawns and shrimp usually met by the packaging layer closest to the food. Typical
 Fruits e small size (whole), large size (sliced), purée or pulp examples include sealed plastic film and tin-plated cans. ii) Display
 Vegetables e small and medium size, leafy the product in an attractive manner for the potential buyer.
 Other e Cheese and butter, dough, bread and baked products, iii) Protect the product during handling and transit. Corrugated
pre-cooked ready meals cardboard is commonly used which unfortunately is a very good
insulator. To reduce freezing times, cartons should use single layer
Selecting which freezing method to use is usually determined by cardboard with a high heat transfer coefficient on the top and
quality specifications, economics and availability. Each food bottom as this is where the surface area is largest.
product has its own unique characteristics which determine their
appropriate freezing temperature and freezing rate. Seafood, such 7. Air blast freezer operation and design
as prawns, requires faster freezing rates than red meat to maintain
their texture and taste. As such, prawns are suited to Individual Air blast freezers are designed to supply cool air over the food
product with a uniform air velocity throughout the freezer [23e28].
Most operation problems are related to improper positioning of the
pallet or cart in the freezer [29]. Therefore, it is imperative the
pallets and products are stacked in such a way that the air is free to
move over the entire product. The stacking method must enable
the cold air to circulate between the trays or boxes unhindered. For
carton freezing, a spacer up to 70 mm should be implemented to
allow sufficient air velocity between cartons [30]. Boast [18]
recommends an air space equal to approximately 50% of the
product thickness. Air temperature must be at least 35  C, and in
some cases 45  C [31]. This equates to a refrigerant evaporation
Fig. 2. Schematic of a typical spiral belt freezer. temperature of 42  C and 52  C respectively.
74 P. Dempsey, P. Bansal / Applied Thermal Engineering 41 (2012) 71e83

Table 1
Summary of forced convection freezing methods.

Freezer type Product Air velocity H.T.Ca W/m2 C Capacity Advantages Disadvantages
Batch tunnel Useful for all foods but better for 1.5-6 m/s h < 50 [20] 1e80 tonnes
i) Low capital cost i) Long freezing times
bulk items, particularly carcasses Typically z 4 m/s ii) Versatile, can accommodate ii) Relatively low H.T.C
various product geometries
Continuous Useful for all foods but better for 1.5e6 m/s h < 50 [20] 1000e20,000 i) Reduction in down time as i) Requires additional space
tunnel bulk items. Mainly suited to Typically z 4 m/s kg/hr the freezer is not stopped for ii) Reduced freezing capacity
packaged product due to hygiene loading/unloading due to frost on evap. coils
issues ii) Flexible with freezing times
Spiral Suitable for most foods, packaged or 3e8 m/s h z 25e80 500e6000 kg/hr i) Compact i) More expensive than tunnel
unpackaged e.g. poultry, red meat, [21] ii) Capable of IQF freezers
sea, bakery product iii) Higher efficiency than ii) Hygiene issues
Fluidised bed IQF small products, .5e5 cm z30 m/s h z 110e160 100e20,000 i) Very fast freezing times, i) Only suitable for small
diameter, e.g. peas, French fries, [21] kg/hr comparable to cryogenic only products of fairly uniform
shrimp, scallops, diced meat, meat cheaper shape and size
balls ii) High efficiency
Impingement IQF. Meat patties, fish fillets, 10e100 m/s h z 250e350 Depends on i) Reduced moisture loss i) Only suitable for products
shrimp, French fries. Product Typically z 40 m/s [21] application, ii) Very fast freezing times, of small thickness
thickness typically 0e25 mm1 can be up to similar to cryogenic
1200 kg/h
Heat transfer coefficient.

There are several optimum air velocities that are used for tunnel below 30  C, generally being closer to 40  C, with a circulation
blast freezers in the open literature, depending upon the particular velocity ranging from 3 to 8 m/s. In simple designs the air flow
product being frozen; however, the generally accepted value is 4 m/ direction relative to the belt can be horizontal, parallel or vertical
s. Although increasing the air velocity will increase surface heat (both upwards and downwards). Further design improvements
transfer coefficient, it does not necessarily reduce cooling time due implementing the use of baffles and flow dividers can provide air
to the increased heat load from the fans because fan power, W f V3. flow vertically upwards through the lower half of the stack and
This increase in fan power increases the running cost usually downwards through the upper half (controlled dual flow). This
rendering the increased fan speed uneconomical when compared balances the heat transfer on the two sides of the food, and slightly
to slower speeds. Furthermore Kolbe et al [32] showed that decreases freezing time and weight loss.
increasing the air velocity above 5 m/s only barely increased the The current state of the art developments are focused on
freezing rate. This is because partway through the freezing cycle impingement freezers, dual air systems [35] and improving the air
when the surface layers are frozen, the rate of heat transfer is flow distribution throughout air blast freezers with the aid of
increasingly controlled by the internal conduction resistance, i.e. computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Various studies [36e43] with
the Biot number becomes large. CFD application to air blast freezers have been performed in the
When sizing evaporators for tunnel blast freezers, a frost build- open literature. CFD delivers detailed information e both in time
up factor must be considered with fin spacing of no more than 4 and space e of the flow field, the temperature and moisture
fins per inch [34]. When air coolers are mounted above a false distribution, the shear forces and the heat fluxes. Furthermore,
ceiling, logarithmically spaced air deflectors can be installed to help computer visualisation gives a direct insight in the process, which
deflect the air through the 90 turns and help distribute a uniform allows a fast interpretation of any possible problem. Finally, the
airflow over the products. model-based procedure allows the evaluation of many what if
Modern spiral freezer designs eliminate any type of structure scenarios at little cost compared to the process of prototyping.
and belt support and each tier is supported directly on the previous
one (self-stacking belt). The temperature of the refrigerated air is
8. Product geometry

Product geometry plays a significant role in determining

freezing time. Most meat plants use a standard carton depth of
160e165 mm. A reduction in carton depth can significantly reduce
freezing time. The most important areas of the carton are the top

Table 2
Heat transfer resistance of packaging [22].

Heat transfer resistance (m2K/W)

Source of heat transfer resistance Frozen fish Frozen beef

Convective boundary layer external to .04 .04
Carton wall .06 .02
Nominal 1 mm layer of trapped air .04 .04
between carton and product
Product itself between surface and .03 .06
geometric centre
Total .17 .16
Heat transfer resistance due to 59 38
Fig. 4. Freezing curves for packaged and unpackaged meat product in an air blast
packaging system (%)
P. Dempsey, P. Bansal / Applied Thermal Engineering 41 (2012) 71e83 75

and bottom as this is where the surface area and hence the heat cooling, a Miller air cooled condenser with five pressure
transfer is largest. controlled fans, receiver, suction accumulator with sub-cooling,
A New Zealand meat company decided, for logistic purposes, two 4.0 kW fixed speed evaporator fans, two custom made four
that the base dimension of their meat cartons should be the same. pass evaporators and seven Danfoss expansion valves. Six of the
To maintain a constant weight for each carton, the carton’s height expansion valves, rated at 10.2 kW, are used on the evaporators
was varied to cater for different product densities. Cleland [22] (three per evaporator), the remaining valve is used for the inter-
investigated the effects of the different carton heights on freezing cooling. The system uses refrigerant R22.
time and found freezing time varied between a linear and The pressure enthalpy (P-h) diagram for the two-stage blast
a quadratic relationship with height if the air convection heat freezer system shown in Fig. 5, is shown in Fig. 6, with actual data
transfer coefficient was unchanged. The tall cartons obstructed the taken from the site, where the advantage of two-stage compression
air flow channels in the freezer more than the short cartons, thus and sub-cooling is illustrated vividly on the P-h diagram in Fig. 6 (a)
they had less air flow over them. with reduced compressor work and an increased evaporator
Tan et al. [44] set out to determine the factors affecting the capacity.
freezing process of tilapia fillets of different geometries. A numer- The volumetric efficiency of a reciprocating compressor is
ical model based on the continuity equation, momentum equations inversely proportional to the compression ratio. The ability of the
and energy equation was developed. Five different geometries of two-stage system to split the evaporating and condensing pressure
equal mass were tested, three fish cakes and two spherical: slab, difference over two stages means the compressors are operating
elliptical, disc, spherical and cylindrical respectively. The freezer’s with a lower pressure ratio, thus a higher volumetric efficiency
air velocity was set at 5 m/s and temperature at 35  C. than the single-stage system. Furthermore, by desuperheating the
The three fish cakes had very similar freezing times ranging LSC discharge refrigerant the HSC discharge temperature is lower
from 1.167 (disc) to 1.233 h (slab) due to their similar thickness and than the single-stage compressor. This means the two-stage system
surface area. The freezing time for the sphere was 3.7e3.9 times is less prone to oil breakdown and fatigue on compressor compo-
longer than that of the flat shaped fillets due to the difference in nents. Intercooling the liquid line enables the refrigerant to enter
surface area and distance from surface to centre. The cylindrical the evaporator at a lower quality. Since the heat transfer coefficient
shaped fillets produced the longest freezing time of 5 h. of a two-phase mixture is significantly higher than the vapour,
intercooling the evaporator leads to higher heat transfer coefficient
9. Single and two stage air blast freezers than that of the single-stage system, thereby, increasing the evap-
orator efficiency.
Schematic of a two-stage carton blast freezer operating in New Fig. 7 shows an older system, installed in approximately 1980.
Zealand is shown in Fig. 5. The system consists of a 63 kW Vilter This is a single-stage system consisting of two stand alone refrig-
VMC-440 two-stage compressor with desuperheating and sub- eration units, Sub-System One (SS1) and Sub-System Two (SS2).

Fig. 5. Schematic of a two-stage carton blast freezer operating in New Zealand.

76 P. Dempsey, P. Bansal / Applied Thermal Engineering 41 (2012) 71e83

Fig. 6. (a) Two-stage P-h diagram for system shown in Fig. 5 and (b) corresponding theoretical single-stage P-h diagram operating with the same suction and discharge pressures.

Each sub-system consists of two semi-hermetic reciprocating water for all the water cooled systems operating at the facility. The
compressors, oil separator, water cooled shell-and-tube condenser, heated water at the outlet of the condensers is returned to the
thermostatic expansion valves, evaporators and a suction accu- mains before entering the cooling tower. The water for all systems
mulator. Both systems use refrigerant R22. The freezer has eight is driven by a single centrifugal pump. SS1 has three evaporators,
4.0 kW evaporator fans and racks for suspending meat carcasses. one large and two small, each with different geometries. The large
Sub-System One has two Copelametic compressors, approxi- evaporator is fed by two TXV’s, the two small evaporators are fed by
mately 30 years old, rated at 26 kW each operating in parallel. These one TXV each. SS2 has two large evaporators each fed by two TXV’s.
compressors have older reed valves. Sub-system Two has two The COP for the two-stage and single-stage systems is respec-
DWM COPELAND compressors, approximately 10 years old, rated at tively defined by Eqs. (1) and (2))-
20.1 kW operating in parallel. These compressors have the more Two-stage Coefficient of Performance:
modern discus valves.
Both SS1 and SS2 have three pass water cooled shell-and-tube _ LSC ðh2 h1 Þ
condensers mounted underneath the compressor racks. The COP2stg ¼ (1)
_ LSC ðh2
m _ HSC ðh4
h1 Þ þ m h3 Þ
water cooling the condensers is fed from the mains which supplies

Fig. 7. Schematic of a single-stage carcass freezer operating in New Zealand.

P. Dempsey, P. Bansal / Applied Thermal Engineering 41 (2012) 71e83 77

COP2stg ¼ 1.73 calculating UA for a single tube (i.e. 1 of the 46 condenser tubes),
then multiplying the UAsingle tube by the total number of tubes, i.e.:
Single-stage Coefficient of Performance:
UASH;2Ph;SC ¼ Ntubes $UAsingle tube;SH;2Ph;SC (7)
_ ref ðh2
m h1 Þ h h1
COP1stg ¼ ¼ 2 (2) The model sequence starts by guessing the fraction of the tube
mref ðh1 h4 Þ h1 h4
length required to de-superheat the refrigerant, FSH (FSH (FSH < 1).
To calculate the resistance over the superheated zone, each full
COP1stg ¼ 1.30 resistance, that is the each of the five resistances over the full tube
length (Rfull), is divided by the fraction of the tube length (FSH) used
Splitting the refrigeration cycle into two stages and sub-cooling for that particular section,
resulted in 33% increase in COP from 1.30 to 1.73. The total resistance is the sum of the individual resistances. The
conductance of the superheat zone, as calculated by the model, is
10. Simulation model of the two stage system given by:

A steady state simulation model of the two-stage system was 1

UASH;model ¼ Ntubes $ (8)
developed to analyse the performance of the refrigeration System Rtotal;SH
using the Engineering Equation Solver [33] package to optimise the
where Rtotal,SH is the sum of the superheat resistances. In order to
system for maximum efficiency. The main model was based on
verify the initial guess of the superheat fraction FSH. The actual rate
individual components including Compressors, condensers, evap-
of heat transfer over the superheat section (q_ SH ) is given by:
orators etc. using equations and correlations from the open
literature. q_ SH ¼ m
_ 3 hin
hsat;x¼1 (9)

10.1. Compressor model The NTU conductance is calculated by:

The low and high stage compressors were modelled by the UASH;NTU ¼ NTUSH $C_ min (10)
method proposed by Popovic and Shapiro (1995), where the The model conductance UASH,model is checked against the NTU
geometry of both the low and high stage compressors was identical conductance UASH,NTU. The initial guess of the fraction of the tube
(bore, stroke, rpm etc.). The refrigerant mass flow rate is calculated length required for desuperheating, FSH, is iterated until UASH,model
by: and UASH,NTU converge. Upon convergence, the fraction of tube
1=n  length required for desuperheating is known and the process is
u$PD repeated for the two-phase section.
_ ¼
m 1þC C (3)
60$vsuc Psuc The two-phase zone analysis starts by guessing the fraction of
where piston displacement (PD) is the volume actually swept the tube length required for full refrigerant condensation (latent
during one cycle. The clearance volume C is the refrigerant volume heat), F2Ph. The resistances are solved for the tube length L2Ph cor-
left in the cylinder after completion of the discharge process is responding to F2Ph. The refrigerant saturation temperature and the
calculated by: HSC discharge pressure are used to determine the refrigerant
properties. The average heat transfer coefficient during condensa-
Vdis tion in horizontal tubes, required to determine the refrigerant-side
C ¼ (4) resistance in the two-phase zone, is calculated using the correlation
Vsuc Vdis
suggested by Dobson and Chato [53]. The refrigerant side resistance
The compressor work is calculated by: is determined with the area corresponding to the two-phase
2 0 13 length, L2Ph. The resistances are calculated in the same manner as
n 1
n P described for the superheated region using L2Ph. The conductance of

_ ¼ m
W _4 Psuc vsuc @ dis
1A5 (5)
n 1 Psuc the two-phase zone, as calculated by the model, is given by:

The polytropic exponent n, in Eq. (5), is a function of the UA2Ph;model ¼ Ntubes $ (11)
discharge specific volume (a model output), and is calculated from
experimental data. The actual rate of heat transfer over the two-phase zone, q_ 2Ph , is
calculated by:
logðPdis =Psuc Þ
n ¼ (6)
logðvdis =vsuc Þ q_ 2Ph ¼ m
_ 3 ðhx¼1 hx¼0 Þ (12)
The compressor model determines the LSC flow rate m _ 1 and the where hx¼1 and hx¼0 refer to the vapour and liquid saturation
HSC flow rate m _ 2 . The intercooler flow rate is calculated as the enthalpies respectively. The air-side capacitance rate is the
difference between the HSC and LSC flow rates. minimum capacitance rate in the condensing section as the
capacitance rate of the condensing refrigerant is effectively infinite.
10.2. Condenser model Therefore, the maximum possible heat transfer rate in the
condensing zone is:
The condenser was modelled by dividing into zones corre-
q_ max;2Ph ¼ C_ air;sat TR;sat
sponding to the refrigerant state (superheated, two-phase, sub- Tair;in (13)
cooled). The condenser consisted of 46 individual tubes (Ntubes) and
The NTU conductance, UA2Ph,NTU, is calculated by:
6 tube passes (Npasses).
The ε-NTU method is used to evaluate the heat exchanger
UA2Ph;NTU ¼ Ntubes C_ minNTU2Ph (14)
performance. The conductance, UA, for each zone is determined by
78 P. Dempsey, P. Bansal / Applied Thermal Engineering 41 (2012) 71e83

The initial guess of the tube length required for the two-phase a thermodynamic model is used to simulate the desuperheating
region F2Ph is iterated until UA2Ph,model and UA2Ph,NTU converge. and sub-cooling processes of the intercooler.
Upon convergence, the fraction of tube length required for phase- Fig. 6a shows the log P-h diagram of the two-stage system with
change is known and the process is repeated for the sub-cooled zone. the state points used for modelling. State points 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and the
With FSH and F2Ph known, the fraction of tube length associated mass flow rates m _ evap m _ evap are calculated from the
_ cond and m
to sub-cooling is calculated by: compressor, condenser and expansion valve models coupled with
the evaporating and condensing pressures given as model inputs.
FSC ¼ 1 FSH F2Ph (15) The intermediate pressure is calculated as the geometric mean of
The six resistances are calculated using the sub-cooling tube the condensing and evaporating pressures given by:
length given by: qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
Pint ¼ Pevap $Pcond (22)
Ltube;SC ¼ FSC $Ltube;total (16)
State point 3 is determined from the fraction of superheat x,
The conductance of the sub-cooled zone is calculated by:
given by
UASC;model ¼ Ntubes $ (17)  
Rtotal;SC h3 ¼ x h2 hsat;Pint (23)

The NTU over the sub-cooling section is calculated by: where

UAmodel;SC 0<x1 (24)

NTUSC ¼ (18)
C_ min The fraction of superheat x is determined from the experimental
The rate of heat transfer over the sub-cooling section is deter- data and can be adjusted for parametric analysis. The enthalpy at
mined by: state point 7 is determined from an energy balance across the
q_ SC ¼ εSC C_ minðTRef ;sat Tair;in Þ (19)
_ int ðh3
Qint ¼ m _ evap ðh2
h6 Þ ¼ m _ evap ðh5
h3 Þ þ m h7 Þ (25)
The enthalpy of the refrigerant leaving the condenser is deter-
mined by an energy balance across on the refrigerant side: 10.6. Complete system model
q_ SC
hout ¼ hsat;x¼0 (20) The system model consists of the individual component models
m _3
linked together. Fig. 8 shows the flow chart of the complete system
Finally, the total rate of heat transfer across the condenser is model. The condenser model uses two loops to determine the
determined by: fraction of the tube length required for the superheat and two-
phase sections according to the condenser inlet air temperature,
q_ cond;total ¼ q_ SH q2Ph þ q_ SC (21)
air mass flow rate and the refrigerant condensing pressure. The
If FSC (from Eq. (15)) is less than one, the refrigerant leaves the evaporator model has one loop used to determine the fraction of
condenser in a saturated state. Under these conditions the refrig- the tube required for the two-phase section according to the freezer
erant enthalpy at the condenser outlet is calculated in the same air inlet temperature, air mass flow rate and the refrigerant evap-
manner as described for the sub-cooling zone. orating pressure. The complete model has an additional loop on the
superheat to ensure the energy balance between the evaporator,
10.3. Evaporator model condenser and compressors is met. The model is used as a tool
to analyse the thermodynamic performance of the system
The two-stage blast freezer has two identical wavy fin-and-tube (i.e. system COP).
evaporators with a staggered tube layout. Each evaporator has
three TXV’s with a distributor further dividing the flow into 15 11. Model validation and results
tubes, i.e. 15 tubes per TXV. This equates to 45 tubes per evaporator.
Each tube has four passes. The two-stage compressor model consisted of two individual
The evaporator is modelled in the same manner as the compressor models, the LSC (m _ 3 ). The compressor
_ 1 ) and HSC (m
condenser. The evaporator is divided into zones corresponding to model predicted the LSC mass flow rate to within 7% of the nine
the refrigerant state. The refrigerant enters the evaporator in two- measured mass flow rates. Similarly, the compressor model pre-
phase state and leaves superheated. The air-side heat transfer dicted the intercooler mass flow rate to within 13% of the
coefficient is calculated for a six row heat exchanger, same as the measured mass flow rates. The modelled condenser capacity
condenser. The remaining resistances are calculated for four rows. agreed to measured capacity to within 5% of the 13 measured data
points, as shown in Fig. 7.3 (Fig. 9).
10.4. Expansion valves model The evaporator model was validated using the measured
refrigerant mass flow rate. The outputs of the evaporator model are
The six evaporator expansion valves and the intercooler the refrigerant superheat and the outlet temperature of the air. The
expansion valve are all of the mechanically controlled thermostatic modelled evaporator capacity agreed with the measured capacity
type, TXV. The throttling of the liquid refrigerant is achieved by to within 4%. The system model was validated with the recorded
assuming the expansion is enthalpic. data from the unloaded freezer. The experimental data was
collected over a 4 h period where the evaporator load dropped from
10.5. Intercooler model 75 kW to 45 kW. The ambient air over this period varied from
17.4  C to 19.7  C. Fig. 7.6 shows the model predicted COP against
The intercooler could not be modelled physically like the heat the measured COP, where the model COP agreed to within 8% of
exchangers because the geometric data was unavailable. Therefore, the 11 measured data points (Fig. 10).
P. Dempsey, P. Bansal / Applied Thermal Engineering 41 (2012) 71e83 79

Fig. 8. System model flow diagram.

It was very encouraging to note that the model predicted the freezer. The higher fan speed resulted in negative velocities at the
evaporator air outlet temperature very accurately to within an error fan inlet due to the formation of a large unstable vortex. As a result
of 2%. This established the accuracy and the validity of the model, more heat was added to the freezer from the fans thus reducing
which now could be used to predict performance of a blast freezer the efficiency.
as well as a design tool for future blast freezers in order to achieve The following modifications were installed on the air blast
higher energy efficiency. freezer:

12. Design improvements  Baffling on the top and sides of the freezing chamber
 Fan inlet cone and diffuser
Odey [47] investigated performance enhancing measures of  Air inlet and discharge vanes on corners
a batch air blast freezer. He found that generalised rules of thumb  Variable speed drive on fan
have been used for the design of air flow through blast freezers.
Critical aspects of the design and implementation of the airflow Prior to the modifications the air flow entering the fan was
circuit are often excluded from the refrigeration contract, resulting highly unstable with significant flow reversal. This turbulence
in poorly implemented and underperforming facilities. Typically, reduced significantly with the above modifications. Most of the
the refrigeration contractor’s response to poor freezer perfor- pressure drop in the unmodified freezer occurred at the 90 turning
mance is to increase the fan capacity and power. It was found that points, whereas the modified freezer had the largest pressure drop
simply increasing the air flow by increasing fan speed did not through the product pallets. As a result of the experiment, the
necessarily increase the air speed through the cartons in the existing 11 kW fan motors drawing 8.7 kW were replaced with
80 P. Dempsey, P. Bansal / Applied Thermal Engineering 41 (2012) 71e83

Fig. 9. Comparison of the condenser model capacity against measured condenser

Fig. 11. Product heat load characteristics for hot-boned and cold-boned beef cartons [47].

3.5 kW motors drawing 4.0 kW. The fans were re-pitched from 30
to 22 to maintain drawn power within the motor capacity. After [48] surveyed a plant which changed the type of cardboard pack-
the modifications satisfactory freezing was being achieved within aging used. As a result freezing time was increased by 8 h. The
the specified 48 h turnaround period. change of packaging was determined as the major cause of the
Kemp and Chadderton [48] performed a study on the perfor- plant’s freezing problems.
mance of batch blast freezers used to freeze beef cartons and found The fan load in old carcass freezers can account for up to 60%
that designs seem to be based on average product heat load which of the total refrigeration load [50]. Wee et al [51] installed
is insufficient to handle the initial peak heat load. This problem is variable speed drives (VSD’s) on the fans of a 4000 lamb carcass
especially prevalent with hot-bone meat. Insufficient cooling capacity blast freezer and reported a 44% energy saving. The
capacity generally occurs at the beginning of the freezing process VSD was controlled by a personal computer where the program
when the product heat load is being released at a peak rate that far continuously analysed data inputs such as air temperature and
exceeds the average rate, see Fig. 5. This problem is compounded as calculated the optimum air flow velocity. The VSD payback
very few blast freezer systems manage to maintain their design period was 2.1 years. Other benefits included a more uniform
cooling capacity (Fig. 11). product quality, improved power factor for the freezer fans and
Bowater [34] states it is necessary to size evaporators at least minimization of product weight-loss due to the lower air
50% higher than the average refrigeration load for 24 h freezes to velocity. Kolbe et al [32] investigated the effects of baffling and
account for the high initial heat load, while this requirement is not various fan speed control on air blast freezer performance. The
so critical for 48 h freezes. Other factors effecting cooling time 8.7 tonne capacity freezer was used for 10 kg sardine cartons.
include overloading of the freezers that often results in higher The system had three 5.6 kW fans mounted in the false ceiling
cooling loads and therefore longer freezing times. Changes in downstream of the evaporator. Typical freezing times were
product packaging have to be taken into account when sizing air around 12.5 h.
blast freezer throughput. Mannapperuma et al. [49] found the The following modifications were applied to re-direct and
surface heat transfer coefficient of whole, unpackaged chickens channel the air flow:
reduced by an order of magnitude when the chickens were wrap-
ped in plastic and stored in vented boxes. Kemp and Chadderton  Plywood on upper supply-side corners prevented air from
sweeping around the upper end of the ceiling structure
 The ceiling was lowered to 75 mm to reduce the gap between
ceiling and product
 Plastic sheeting on the supply-air side sealed the horizontal
corner where the near-vertical and horizontal ceilings meet,
and at the vertical corners between wall and cartons
 Floor-to-ceiling plywood sheets, installed at the start of each
freezing cycle, covered the ends of the racks and prevented
end-around by-pass

Prior to the modifications, analysis of the flow velocities showed

35% of the air went through the carton racks, 15% flowed over the
top of the racks and 50% by-passed around the two sides. Air
velocity ranged roughly from 1.5 to 4.0 m/s. After the modifications
velocities ranged from 3.0 to 4.0 m/s, hence the average velocity
through the product increased. The results of the baffling are
shown in Table 3. The baffling reduced maximum freezing time by
15%, fan energy usage by 6% and uniformity, the difference between
maximum and minimum freezing times of individual cartons,
Fig. 10. Comparison of model COP against measured COP. improved significantly.
P. Dempsey, P. Bansal / Applied Thermal Engineering 41 (2012) 71e83 81

The second part of the experiment was to test effects of fan Table 4
speed control on both freezing time and energy use. Tests for three Results (averages) for fan loading trials [32].

fan schedules were performed: Max. time Min. time Difference Fan energy Total energy
(kWh) (kWh)
Trial 1 11.4 7.9 3.5 151 819
Trial 1 Trail 2 11.4 7.4 4 167 873
Trial 3 11.9 7.4 4.5 197 847
all 3 fans come to full speed within 45 min. After 3.5 h, the fans are
slowed to 75% speed for the remainder of the freezing period.

Trial 2  Optimise defrost frequency and duration

fans came to full speed slightly faster than trial 1. Fan speed was
halved after 7 h. Of these two trials, the first saved more energy and Other measures to improve blast freezing efficiency include:
would be the preferred option.
 Improve air flow design to reduce fan power for the same
Trial 3 effective air velocity over the product, e.g. use of air turning
the three fans started at 30 min intervals. After 4 h the centre fan vanes, flat inlet and outlet cones, baffles to prevent air flow
was switched off, reducing fan power by 1/3. This method does not short circuiting away from the product
require the use of VFDs.  Increase the time available to freeze the product so can operate
the freezer at lower air velocities and higher air temperatures
The results for the three trials are shown on Table 4. Trial 1  Once freezing is completed, reduce fan speeds and increase
performed the best reducing the maximum freezing time by an temperature set points to storage temperature until unloading
hour (8%) and reduced total energy use by 22%, based on the room can occur
performance prior to modifications.  Load product so that the air flow distribution remains uniform
throughout the freezer
 Defrost coils a short period of time after loading a batch freezer
13. Energy usage and best practice guide for blast freezing so that the coils operate lightly frosted for most of the time

Air blast freezing consumed 8.1 GWh of electricity in New Zealand Declining profit margins are forcing cold storage companies to
in 2005 [45] and is the most energy intensive operation in the frozen employ energy savings initiatives, load management strategies and
storage industry. Apparent energy use for blast freezing was calcu- more efficient technologies. The most common energy saving
lated as 133 kWh/tonne from regression analysis. This is 50% higher measure is the use of off-peak electricity. Variable speed drives
than the predicted value from theoretical best practice consider- (VSDs) on compressors and blast freezer fans were identified as the
ations. The New Zealand Cold Storage Industry identified blast most easily implemented energy saving new technology. Ambient
freezing as an area where a 15% saving could be achieved for many air defrost systems are becoming more common rather than water
sites, particularly related to reduction in fan power due to improved or hot gas.
air flow design. Comparison with overseas survey results showed the Table 5 summarises the findings of a report on best practise
NZ use was similar on average. If all facilities surveyed met the guide to industrial refrigeration produced by Sustainability
theoretical best practice energy consumption limit for blast freezing, Victoria [52]. The report emphasised taking the “whole-system”
this would represent an average energy saving of 33% per tonne of approach when designing new systems as this presents the
blast frozen product. This figure is supported by a survey on energy greatest opportunity to incorporate energy efficiency throughout
efficiency of food refrigeration operations funded by the UK the whole process, unhindered by the constraints that may be
Government Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs posed by existing equipment. The whole-system approach entails
(defra), who identified blast freezing as an area where a 20e30% considering the system operation as a whole rather than just
energy saving could be achieved [46]. The New Zealand survey focusing on individual components as each component has flow-
covered 13 sites that carried out blast freezing and recorded data over on effects that impact on other components, and therefore the
the duration of at least one year. These sites have a wide range of efficiency of the system as a whole. The report recommends the
refrigeration systems from multi-stage pump circulation ammonia to use of a control system that is responsive to the compressor head
single-stage direct expansion fluorocarbon systems. The most pressure. Electronic expansion valves should be used where
common refrigerant was ammonia, used at 71% of the sites. possible and have their controls linked to the head pressure
The following measures were identified as potential energy control system.
saving solutions:

 Reduce discharge pressure set points

 Raise suction pressure set points Table 5
 Variable speed drives (VSD’s) for fans Potential energy savings for industrial refrigeration systems [52].

 Improved door protections and management Method Potential saving

(energy, unless stated otherwise)

Electronic expansion valves 20%

Table 3 VSD on compressor motors 20%
Effect of baffling on blast freezer cell [32]. VSD condenser fans 2e3% of total refrigeration cost
Reduced temperature lift 3e4% improvement for 1  C reduction
Max. time Min. time Difference Fan energy Total energy Conversion from liquid injection Over 3%
(kWh) (kWh) to external oil coolers
Unbaffled 12.5 8.7 3.8 282 1054 Refrigeration system replacement Up to 30e40%
Baffled 10.6 9 1.6 266 924 If over 10 years old
Difference 1.9 L0.3 2.2 16 130 Refrigerant selection 3e10%
82 P. Dempsey, P. Bansal / Applied Thermal Engineering 41 (2012) 71e83

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P. Dempsey, P. Bansal / Applied Thermal Engineering 41 (2012) 71e83 83

hHSC,out: high stage compressor discharge enthalpy, kJ/kg COP2stg: two-stage coefficient of performance
h1stgC in: single-stage compressor suction enthalpy, kJ/kg COP1stg: single-stage coefficient of performance
h1stgC out: single-stage compressor discharge enthalpy, kJ/kg UA: conductance, kW/ K
hEXVin,1st: single-stage expansion valve inlet enthalpy, kJ/kg R: thermal resistance,  K/W
hEXVin,2nd: two-stage expansion valve inlet enthalpy, kJ/kg T: temperature,  K
hsat: saturation enthalpy, kJ/kg _ heat, kW
ysuc: suction specific volume, m3/kg _ capacitance, kJ/ K
ydis: discharge specific volume, m3/kg NTU: number of transfer units
Psuc: suction pressure, kPa x: quality
Pdis: discharge pressure, kPa F: fraction, 0  F  1
_ work (kW)
W: N: number of

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