Chart 22

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The table below shows the amount of waste production (in millions of tonnes)

in six different countries over a twenty-year period.

The given table chart makes a comparison of the amount of waste that was
generated in six nations over a 20 yrs period.
Overall, in each of this year, the US generate more waste than Ireland, Japan,
Korea, Poland, and Portugal combined. It can be clearly seen that Korea and
Ireland were the two nations that managed to reduce their waste production in
In the 10 yrs duration from 1980 to 1990, rising trends can be seen in the US,
Japan, Portugal, and Poland. The US shows the most dramatic increase which is
approximately 61 million tonnes. Japan’s waste output increased from 28 million
tonnes to 53 million tonnes, Poland’s waste generation rose from 4 million tonnes
to 6.6 million tonnes, and Portugal’s waste production in 2010 is 5 which 2,5 times
higher than it was in 1980.
It can be clearly seen that there were differences among Korea and Ireland and
the others. The Ireland shows the highest percentage change in waste generation by
approximately 733%. By contrast, Korea declined their waste output by
approximately 39% from 1990 to 2000.

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