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I.OBJECTIVES: At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:

1. describe the nature and background of Outdoor Swimming and
Camping; identify the different preparations for Outdoor Swimming and Camping;
2. analyze the physiological indicators such as heart rate, rate of perceived
exertion and pacing associated with MVPAs to monitor and/or adjust participation or
Select specific aspect of physiological indicators that add value when approaching
MVPAs monitoring

Content Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding of recreation in optimizing one’s health as
a habit; as requisite for physical activity assessment performance, and as a career

Performance Standards
The learner leads recreational events with proficiency and confidence resulting in
independent pursuit and in influencing others positively

Most Essential Learning Competency/ies

Analyzes physiological indicators such as heart rate, rate of perceived exertion and
pacing associated with MVPAs to monitor and/or adjust participation or effort.


Materials Needed – Answer sheets.

B. References: Physical Education and Health Volume II, First Edition, Rex Bookstore,
Copyright 2017

C. Additional Materials and Learning Resources


120 minutes or 2 days

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For Teachers and Parents

This activity sheet contains the different physical activities that are beneficial to develop
physical fitness and well-being. One of the best practices one could have to ensure a
healthy lifestyle is active participation in varied recreational activities. This module
provides you with a clear vision of how one should attain and maintain physical
fitness considering the nature and background of mountaineering activities, basic
skills, essential equipment and how one must check on level of intensity.

Parents or guardians may assist in the learners’ quest for knowledge. If you have
encountered seemingly difficult questions, please write them down and you may
forward them to the subject teacher, the next time you get the modules.

For the Learner

Congratulations you finished SAS 3! You are now ready to move to the next Student
Activity Sheets.

This Student Activity Sheet will help you understand how recreation will optimize
one’s health as a habit. This allows us to understand attaining and maintaining physical
fitness requires us to continuously monitor one’s fitness through physical activity
assessment performance, and in the latter could be considered as a career
opportunity. Being the model of fitness in the family could lead to motivating and
influencing the family and the community to take responsibility also in keeping oneself
fit. Happy learning!

What I need to know?

After going through this Students Activity Sheet, you are expected to:

Describe the nature and background of Outdoor Swimming and Camping;

Identify the different preparations for Outdoor Swimming and Camping;
Analyze the physiological indicators such as heart rate, rate of perceived exertion and
pacing associated with MVPAs to monitor and/or adjust participation or effort
Select specific aspect of physiological indicators that add value when approaching
MVPAs monitoring

What is/are new: Activity 4.1 Quick Writes

Directions: Copy the Essential of the lesson and answer it in your answer sheet.
Share your thoughts and relate it to previous experiences regarding outdoor
recreation camping and swimming.

How will you prepare for an

Outdoor Camping and
Swimming in terms of
physiological indicators?

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What I know?
Activity 4.2 Pre Test
Directions: Read each statement carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer in your
answer sheet.

1. Which of the following is an example of a passive recreation?

A. Camping B. Golf C. Skateboarding D. Soccer
2. How will you participate in an Outdoor Camping and swimming amidst COVID?
A. Avoid wearing masks C. Stay local
B. Be out during busy times D. Travel with friends
3. What is the type of outdoor camping that is also known as Car Camping?
A. Backcountry camping C. Frontcountry camping
B. Beach camping D. Mountain camping

4. How will you describe a backcountry camping?

A. All amenities ready C. Family-friendly activity
B. Comfort camping D. Great outdoor
5. What does outdoor camping and swimming reveal about its advantage to
the community?
A. It exploits the unveiled wonder of the community.
B. It provides local tourism and economic betterment.
C. It allows community integration of modern technology.
D. It offers learning experiences to campers and swimmers.
6. What are the limits of going to a safe camp?
A. Avoid busy times C. Stay inside the car
B. Invite friends to join D. Travel out of town

7. Where do you hold Frontcountry camping?

A. Campground B. Forest ridges C. Peak of mountain D. Wilderness

8. Which of the following is dominantly on top of outdoor recreational activities?

A. Camping B. Dodgeball C. Swimming D.Trekking
9. Which of the following outdoor activities is considered low-impact?
A. Basketball B. Camping C. Wall Climbing
10. What tip will you suggest to be aware of hazards in river swimming?
A. Be careful when standing C. Enter the water feet first
B. Employ layer of protection D. Check in underwater obstacles
11.What does steady heart beat reveal about heart muscle?
A. indicates the maximum heart rate C. reflects better fitness level
B. signifies possible illness or disease D. stands for normal heart rate
12.How will you compute your own maximum heart rate?
A. 200 minus your target heart rate C. 220 minus resting heart rate
B. 220 minus your age D. 200 minus steady beat

13. When you do know that your RPE using Borg scale is Hard? If the heart beat
measures .
A. 150 to 160 bpm C. 90 to 100 bpm
B. 110 to 120 bpm D. 170 to 180 bpm

14.How will you monitor your pacing?

A. know the baseline first C. increase without rest
B. repeat until you feel pain D. skip task if its hard
15. Why do you need to analyze your physiological indicators in monitoring your efforts
in participating in recreational camping and swimming?
A. To disregard status about the result of assessed physiological indicators.
B. To classify recreational activities to moderate and vigorously intense.
C. To intensify physical activities that belong to moderately intense effect.
D. To monitor the impact of recreational activities participation to fitness level.

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Health Optimizing Physical Education helps to guide you in increasing the MVPA.
Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activities showcase opportunities to increase your
holistic health benefits. It provides you the chance to explore your potential to
attain and maintain physical fitness, moving you away from a sedentary lifestyle
that may result in obesity and acquisition of varied chronic diseases. This lesson will
guide you to be equipped in engaging to moderate to vigorous physical activities
(MVPAs) for at least 60 minutes most days of the week.

What’s in?
Activity 4.3 Shared Escapades
Directions: Interview a family member regarding their own outdoor recreational
camping and swimming experience. Number 2 slot is for you.

Name Recreational activity How does it How do these

of participated feel doing activities help them
family (swimming or swimming or to be healthy?
member camping) camping


Guide Questions:
1. Are there any concerns you and your family members shared about heart
rate, effort that they exerted in participating in these activities?
2. Do you and your family members continue participating in these recreational
activities through time? Why and Why not?

You are now ready to learning something new!

What’s new?
Activity 4.4 Bananagrams
Directions: Rearrange the letters below and think of a similar
word or synonym of it.Write the answer to your answer sheet.

1. A C P I GN

2. E R A H T E AR T

3. E E X I O R T N

Guide Question: What is the implication of these key words to Outdoor Recreation
Swimming and Camping?

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What is it?
Outdoor Camping and Swimming are examples of passive recreational activities that
do not require prepared facilities. The unique characteristics of these physical activities
conveys opportunities for protection and restoration of natural resources,
appreciation of natures’ solitude, beauty, local economic betterment and cultural
and sociological awareness.
Outdoor Camping is one of the exciting outdoor recreational activities one could
ever experience. You might associate Camping to Girl Scout activities or Boy
Jamborees. These camping activities are done
at school
Frontcountry grounds,
camping localknown
is commonly parks
as theor nearby Campers or visitors drive to an established campground
Car Camping.
with restricted campsite
mountains or beach.areasOutdoor
to pitch tent, set up has
camping picnictwo
tables and for some venue, there are other amenities like
bonfire, grill and wash areas. This type
types. The Frontcountry camping and the of camping is held in parks with different markings which made this known as
backcountry camping.

Backcountry camping is the opposite of frontcountry camping. Compare to frontcountry camping, it is more
planned and you must be physiologically prepared.
It is called as the The great outdoors for we really do not know what will nature throw unto your journey. It
encouraged campers to be well-prepared in terms of survival skills and knowledgeable of the in- depth info of
wilderness. This type of camping engaging because it brings out the enthusiasm to explore more about the natural
wonders and solitude and peace of mind that one could experience with nature.

Tips to prepare for a safe camping

Dr. Lloyd (2020) recommended that if you are prepared to take proper precautions
to keep yourself and others safe, camping is actually a great idea right now”. He
also elaborated that in the present time, people are struggling from anxiety and
depression and nature might be a remedy which enables us to be one with nature.
This is great for the mind and body that may increase one’s immunity too. Here are
the tips for a safe camping:
Stay Local. Choose to camp in local parks,campgrounds, mountains, lakes and
beaches. This eliminates non-essential travel outside your community.
Avoid busy times. Weekdays and other regular days are best for camping instead of
busier vacation months, weekends and holidays. Camping at busy times may
expose you to the risk of being exposed to potentially asymptomatic individuals.
Travel with family only. Keep your group small and travel with people in your household.
Maintain social distancing. There is still a need of at least six feet apart. It is most
recommended to always wear face coverings-masks, face shields at all times.
Wash your hands. Frequent handwashing slows the spread of COVID and other germs.
Always stock up also with masks, hand sanitizers, alcohol and other disinfectants
especially when travelling.
Recreational Swimming is the natural flotation of the body through neutral buoyancy
in which the limbs,arms and legs moved in coordination. It is dominantly on top of
the varied recreational activities one could choose from. Recreational swimming is great
for all ages for exercise, survival or simply to just have fun and enjoy each other's
company. While enjoying, you are also providing your body a low-impact workout
which is good to relax and feel good. The different swimming styles you may explore
are breaststroke, backstroke, side stroke and freestyle.

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How to Swim Safely in Rivers and Other Natural Environments
According to American Red Cross (2021), it is vital that we seek for knowledgable
people who may guide us in exploring the environment that we are swimming in.
Determine the water component, current, waves, dept, shallowness and possible
underwater obstructions. Moreover, here are the tips for safe recreational swim in rivers
and other natural environments.
Unexpected changes in air or water temperature.
Be cautious of thunder & lightning.
Fast-moving currents, waves and rapids, even in shallow water.
Be Aware of Hazards & Hazards, such as dams, underwater obstacles, or rocks and debris.
Weather. Vegetation, animals and fish.
Drop-offs that can unexpectedly change water depth.
Other people’s activities in the same waters, such as boating.
Enter the water feet first for your safety!
Do not enter the water from a height, such as a bridge or boat.
Establish and Enforce Rules Be careful when standing to prevent being knocked over by
and Safe Behaviors currents or waves.
Swim sober
Swim with a buddy.
Practice Water Safety Steps. Employ layers of protection
Ensure every member of your family learns to swim
Know what to do in a water emergency

Physiological Preparations

Heart Rate and Resting Heart Rate. Allen (2017)defines Heart rate as the number of
times that the heart muscle contracts or beats averaged for a specific period of time,
usually 1 minute. However, Resting Heart rate, Healthline (2021),was described as the
number of heart beats you have when you aren’t exercising or doing nothing. It also
measures the health of your heart muscle. Check your Heart rate using any of the
varied methods such as Carotid Pulse, Radial Pulse, Temporal Pulse, Brachial Pulse
and using assistive devices. Normal resting heart rate is from 60 to 100 beats per
minute. The lower the resting heart rate the better. This means that your heart is in
better condition and easier to maintain steady beat which is linked to better fitness
level, high blood pressure and body weight.
In engaging in recreational camping and swimming, it is important that you know
your steady heart rate and analyze your status before you participate in. Age is a
factor in knowing your resting heart rate and maximum heart rate.
Maximum heart rate is 220 minus your age.
Moreover, Healthline (2021) highlighted that in the age category closest to yours, read
across to find your target heart rates. The target heart rate during moderate
intensity activities is about 50-70% of maximum heart rate, while during vigorous
physical activity it’s about 70-85% of maximum.

Monitoring of heart rate will also allow you to check on the transition of activities to
moderate to vigorous intensity level.

Age Target HR Zone 50-85% Average Maximum Heart Rate, 100%

20 years 100-170 beats per minute (bpm) 200 bpm

30 years 95-162 bpm 190 bpm
35 years 93-157 bpm 185 bpm
40 years 90-153 bpm 180 bpm
45 years 88-149 bpm 175 bpm
50 years 85-145 bpm 170 bpm
55 years 83-140 bpm 165 bpm
60 years 80-136 bpm 160 bpm
65 years 78-132 bpm 155 bpm
70 years 75-128 bpm 150 bpm

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3. RPE or Rate of Perceived Exertion scale. Another physiological indicator that you
could use to monitor and/or adjust your participation or effort is through the RPE scale.
This is use to measure the intensity level of the activity. One method of RPE lets you
rate your exertion on a scale that runs from 0 to 10. Another RPE scale, the Borg
scale, is a 14-point scale that rates exertion from 6 points (no exertion) to 20 points
(maximum exertion). There are three observable indicators used to measure RPE and
these are the elevated heart rate, increased breathing and muscle fatigue. To
analyze your RPE status, you may take an estimated RPE and multiply it by 10. If
you think your activity merit is on the scale of 14, then multiply by 10 which makes
your heart beats per would be 140. The purpose is for self monitoring and not to
compare with others. One may have a unique RPE result.

The monitoring of your heart rate and RPE will guide you in the maintenance and
monitoring of your safe zone before and during participation in outdoor activities
like recreational camping and swimming.
3.Pacing. Pacing refers to the rate of doing physical activities. This means that a person
can take it slow when engaged in physical activities or do them quickly. Pacing
allows you to change the way you perform a physical activity so that you can
successfully see changes. Recreational camping and swimming are considered
Passive recreation which is more likely to have slow pacing. To monitor your pacing,
you may consider the following steps:
Steps To Check On Pacing

Establish your baseline for each activity. Baseline is the amount of activity before
you flare-up.Pain is controllable and a test of tolerance. If you intend to have
Recreational camping in mountains, you might consider checking on your heart’s
steady beat in doing walking. Hiking may require you to walk for a certain distance
going to the campsite.
Set a rest or break time if you plan to perform the activity in chunks of time. If it is
outdoor swimming, it is important that you have a lot of time for rest if you feel
muscle fatigue. However, outdoor camping doesn’t require much movement unless
certain physical activities are in stock to participate in.
Gradually and systematically increase your tolerance by setting goals. The increase
from the baseline for passive recreational activities depends on the challenge to
oneself. The important thing here is to keep track of your baseline. Progress may
take place in time but not in pressure.
The different physiological indicators signal how well your body responds to varied
physical activities you are participating in. This will allow you to check on your progress
in terms of the intensity level of the activities. The intensity level of the activity varies in
terms of age, lifestyle and engagement to physical activities. It is important that we
recognized these changes to analyze the impact of your chosen recreational activities.

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What’s more?

Activity 4.5 Camp Talk

Directions: Complete the statement by supplying it with the
correct answer.
1. To analyze your RPE status, you may take an estimated RPE and
multiply it by .

2. This type of camping is held in parks with different markings which made this known as

3.The different signals how well your body responds to varied

physical activities you are participating in.

The target heart rate during moderate intensity activities is about

4. of
maximum heart rate.

5. The different you may explore are breaststroke, backstroke, side

stroke and freestyle.

What I can do?

Activity 4.6 Gettin’
Directions: To check on your current status, try to compute for your Heart Rate (resting,
target heart rate (moderate intense and vigorous intense and maximum), and RPE.
Follow the instructions given in the “What it is part”. Write your current status result in
the table below.

Name: Grade &Section:

Resting Heart Maximum Heart Target Heart Target Heart rate RPE
Rate rate rate (Moderate (Vigorous intense)

What other Enrichment activities can I engage in? (Additional Activities)

Activity 4.7 Conquering camping and swimming
You are now ready to conquer Outdoor Recreational Camping and Swimming.
As per advised, you need to stay local at the moment. Gear up with your
preferred outdoor camping and swimming venue near you or within your vicinity.

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What have I learned?
Activity 3.7 1 min essay
Directions: After learning mountaineering activities: hiking and trekking, it is now time to
answer back our Essential Question. Write your thoughts in three to five sentences.

How will you prepare for an Outdoor Camping and Swimming in terms of physiological

What I can do? (Assessment)

Directions: Read each statement carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer in your
answer sheet.
1. What does steady heart beat reveal about heart muscle?
A. indicates the maximum heart rate C. reflects better fitness level
B. signifies possible illness or disease D. stands for normal heart rate
2. How will you compute your own maximum heart rate?
A. 200 minus your target heart rate C. 220 minus resting heart rate
B. 220 minus your age D. 200 minus steady beat

3. When you do know that your RPE using Borg scale is Hard? If the heart beat measures
B. 150 to 160 bpm C. 90 to 100 bpm
B. 110 to 120 bpm D. 170 to 180 bpm

4. How will you monitor your pacing?

A. know the baseline first C. increase without rest
B. repeat until you feel pain D. skip task if its hard
5. Why do you need to analyze your physiological indicators in monitoring your efforts in
participating in recreational camping and swimming?
A. To disregard status about the result of assessed physiological indicators.
B. To classify recreational activities to moderate and vigorously intense.
C. To intensify physical activities that belong to moderately intense effect.
D. To monitor the impact of recreational activities participation to fitness level.

6. Which of the following is an example of a passive recreation?

A. Camping B. Golf C. Skateboarding D. Soccer
7. How will you participate in an Outdoor Camping and swimming amidst COVID?
A. Avoid wearing masks C. Stay local
B. Be out during busy times D. Travel with friends
8. What is the type of outdoor camping that is also known as Car Camping?
A. Backcountry camping C. Frontcountry camping
B. Beach camping D. Mountain camping

9. How will you describe a backcountry camping?

A. All amenities ready C. Family-friendly activity
B. Comfort camping D. Great outdoor
10.What does outdoor camping and swimming reveal about its advantage to
the community?
E. It exploits the unveiled wonder of the community.
F. It provides local tourism and economic betterment.
G. It allows community integration of modern technology.
H. It offers learning experiences to campers and swimmers.

6. What are the limits of going to a safe camp?

A. Avoid busy times C. Stay inside the car
B. Invite friends to join D. Travel out of town

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7. Where do you hold Frontcountry camping?
A. Campground B. Forest ridges C. Peak of mountain D. Wilderness

8. Which of the following is dominantly on top of outdoor recreational activities?

A. Camping B. Dodgeball C. Swimming D.Trekking
9. Which of the following outdoor activities is considered low-impact?
A. Basketball B. Camping C. Wall Climbing
10. What tip will you suggest to be aware of hazards in river swimming?
A. Be careful when standing C. Enter the water feet first
B. Employ layer of protection D. Check in underwater obstacles

Read and answer the questions
indicated in your Backpack Journal.

Prepared by:
Teacher, Physical Education and Health

Checked by:
Subject Specialist

Academic Coordinator

Noted by:

School Head

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