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what is sdlc ?

sdlc is a step by step process which we follow for developing a new software.

sdlc is talking about entire software development process from the requirement to
till production

what are the different phases include in sdlc ?

the phases involved are

in the requirement analysis phase business unit project managers or product

managers these people will be involed and

during the design and development,so development people will involve so they do
some kind of design like high level

design low level design and accordingly they write the code during the coding phase
and then testing will come into

the picture and after completion of the testing then production will start.

stlc ?

stlc is a software testing process,which is part of sdlc

it is a process which we followed for the testing process.

sdlc is talking about entire software development process from the requirement to
till production.

but stlc is a part of testing process,it is talking about only testing phase like
during testing what you will do we will understand the requirements and

then we will writing test case that's the part of design and the we will execute
the test cases and then finally we will exit from the test and

and we will report the defects or bugs to the developer,so these are all activities
involved during stlc process

what are the different models are available under sdlc,software development process
models ?

waterfall model,vmodel ,spiral model,prototype model,agile model.

4)how the development and testing activities will go on a vmodel?

in the v model like development and testing will happen paralley like while
development is happening unit test will be done so integration testing and then

system testing and uat these testings will happen depends on the
corresponding documents like we have a srs document like we have a design document

then we have unit test plan then we have integration test paln ,system test plan,so
based on those documents we will parally perform the testing in thd v modle

so basically in v model we will have each and every phase of testing,but in the
phase of requirement analysis or designing bythe time we dont have any
software,we have only documentation,so during requirement design phase we will
review the document we will test the documentation (documents means software).

so we will verify whether the documents are correctly written or not completed or
not,so that is comes under static testing because we are going to test only

documentation part until and unless the software is ready,once the software is
ready,once the development is started then software will be ready then we do

dynamic testing so there we will exactly test the software.

functional testing ?

testing the fuctionality

q) suppose there is an application so how we will start functional testing ?

first the requirement study will be done,after we will prepare the test data

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