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so here planning in the sense requirement analysis and after planning after

requirement analysis we will design the code so again risk analysis comes under
like after completion of requirement analysis in the risk analysis we will plan
like how much risk is involved like how many developers required how many testers
are required we analyze in detail so that is comes under risk analysis so these
two basically comes under requirement analysis and everything and engineering and
execution means what it is basically design and development phase

spirtal model:

1)spiral model is iterative model,why we are calling iterative model because all
the software develpment activities will happen in the reputation model so we say
iterative model and which is also called as version control model because in each
and every cycle we are releasing on version of the software to the customer so
is also called as version control models

2) spiral model overcome drawbacks of waterfall model so what are the drawbacks
means requirement changes are not allowed.

3) and we follow spiral model whenever there is dependency on the models what
does that mean so whatever software we have developed in the first cycle that is

model and whatever the new requirements we have taken from the customer that is
depend on the previous model. first the customer given some requirements we have
implemented and whatever requirement is newly given that should be depending on the
existing requirement so in that case we can use spiral model.

4) the next one is in every cycle new software will be released to the customer.
means as soon as we completed one cycle like requirement anlysis desing coding
here in each and every cycle we follow waterfall model.

5) software will be released in multiple it is also called as version

control model.

means once we get the requirements we do all the process requirement analysis
design coding testing and deliver the one software to the one version of software
to the
customer. and then they will start with new software will be
released in multiple it is also called as version control model.

advantages of spirtal model.

1) testing is done in every cycle,before going to the next cycle.

(means in every cycle we have all the phases like in every cycle we are following
waterfall again ,requirement design coding testing that is one cycle again
requirement design coding testing second cycle . so in every cycle we have a
testing that is one of the advantage ) and the next one is

2) customer will get to use the software for every module.

(means customer no need to wait for full fledged software and whatever the initial
requirements they have given we can develop the requirements and test it and we
will give the software to the customer and he will work on the software parallely
we will get the another requirement from the customer new requirement from the
customer and again we can start another cycle . so customer is no need to wait
till we complete the entire process of entire software .
3) and the last advantage is requirement changes are allowed after every cycle
before going to the next cycle.


1) requirement changes are not allowed in between the cycle.

2) every cycle of spiral model looks like a waterfall model
(means every cycle we are doing requirement analysis desing coding and testing)
3) there is no testing requirement and design phase.

prototype :

is a blue print of the software

first we will get the initial requirements from the customer and after that we
don't develop the complete software we will develop the prototype and we will show
this prototype to the customer.if the customer is satisfied with this prototype
then we will start design coding testing and different phases.

vmodel (vv model means verification and validation model)

vmodel is also one of the software development process model sdlc model.

the main thing in vmodel is in every phase we will conduct the testing means in the
requirement analysis phase we do testing,in the desing phase we do testing in
development phase also we do testing,in the testing phase also we do testing. so in
every phase of softwaer develpment process we do testing so that is the speciality
of the vmodel.

1)in vmodel one part which is comes under verification the other part is comes
under the what is the first phase in the software development life
is collecting the requirements from the here we have something called
brs(business requirement specification) or urs (users requirement specifiaction)
or crs (customer requirement specification) this documents contains
the business requirements means whatever the requirements are given by the customer
or client will be noted in the brs unit people will prepare this based on brs document we conduct one testing called user acceptance
testing will be brs document is going to be input for user acceptance
testing,we can call it it as uat testing.

2) so in the second phase srs document will be created based on brs document. why
because brs is a document cannot understandable by the developers or we

need a document which contains some more technical based on brs document
there will be another document will be prepared that is srs document system
requirement specification document.then technical people especially developers and
testers can userstand.

3)so thats the next document and based on the srs document
the designers will prepare hld and lla document high level design document(which
contains the main modules of the application ) and low level design (which contains
low levels modules of the application) document this is a third section.
so module means a piece of functionality in the here the entire
application will be divided into main modules again each module is divided into
sub modules,so those sub modules which is called as a low level design.
srs is also prepared by the project manager or product manager.
4) and coding is a forth stage here the development will start coding will start
based on the this is one part. this is all comes under verification

review : to ensure the document is correct and complete

by using review or
by using walkthrough or
by using inspection we conduct testing on documents,so brs ,srs hld,lld.
these 3 are testing techniques to verify the documents

testing is involed in each and evey phase
documentation is more
initill investment is more

static testing :
testing the project related documents is called stating testing.
testing the project related documents in the form of reviews,walkthough,inspection
is called as a static testing.
whatever testing we conduct on these documents which is basically called as static
testing techniques
testing the project related documents is called static testing. in the form of

once the coding is started slowly the software will be ready,so the coding will be
done first,some modules will be developed and after developing multiple modules
they will integrate those modules and after integration of the modules
we will conduct one more testing

unit testing ? in the sense testing the single module of your software which
called as a unit testing.
so after completion of the coding first unit testing will be conducted by the
developers .

integration testing ?
after completion of all the modules we will conduct one more testing called
integration testing
aftet that they will integrate the modules all the modules will be ingrated and
they will make one main module then
we will test that module which is called as integration testing
(who will conduct this unit testing? developer himself should conduct the unit

unit testing and integration testing conducted by the developers

white box testing ? we have to test the internal logic of the program ,so normally
what developers will do is the developers write a program to develop the
software and to test the code directly which is basically comes under white box

whatever the testings we conduct on the code or sub modules or main modules which
is called as

white box testing techniques ( only developers can do this)

black box testing ? means what we can verify the functionality of the application
or functionality of the software whether it is working according to customer
requirement testers actually will do black box testing

dynamic testing :
in dynamic testing we are testing the actual we using testing
technique and we are using integration testing , we are using system testing and we
using user acceptance testing (uat),these are the different techniques which we
have to use in dynamic testing

after completion of integration testing then tester will involve,testers will

perform system testing here actually we are

verifying whether software is working according to customer requirement or not.

so during the system testing,tester will understand the requirements ,they write
the test plan ,they will write the test

cases ,they will execute the test cases ,they will find the defects ,they report
the defects to the developers,so all these activities will be done during sytem
testing phase. actual testers will be involved during system testing phase.

user acceptance testing ? will be done by the testers along with the costomers

verificatin / validation ?

verification means what we are exactly testing the documents in the form of reviews
walkthoughs and inspections.which is basically called as a static testing
techniques and in the validation we are exactly testing the actual software in the
form of dynamic testing techniques
verification checks whether we are building the right product.whateve activities
we are doing in every phase which are correct or not ,we are inplementing the
product correctly or not that comes under verification. and here we mainly focus
on the documentation and verification typically involves review walkthough

validation checks whether we are building the product right,whatever the product we
already built which is right or not.
and takes place after verifications are completed and which is focus on software,so
we use dynamic testing techniques so whatever the dynamic testing techniques we
use to conduct the validation.

so before software is ready we conduct verification,after software is ready then we

do validation

static testing technique ?

there are 3 techniues we have

1) is review
2) and the second technique is walkthrough and
3) third technique is inspection

so these are the 3 techniques we are use during static testing means veritying the

dynamic testing techniques ?

dynamic testing means we are actually testing the

1) unit testing
2) integration testing and
3) system testing and then we have
4) uat testing

so there are these are the dynamic testing techniques

what is review ?

review means review is conduting on the documents to ensure correctness and

suppose when i give some document to you and i ask you review the document,so
normally what you will do is you will read the entire document whether it is

completely written or not that is one thing.second thing is what whatever the
content is specified in the document which is correct or these two things

comes under review part.

different types of reviews we can do, so normally we will do

1) requirements review ? means as soon as we got the requirement from the customer
we will review them to understand those requirements better we will review them

each and requirement is mentioned or not , it is correct or not so we can review


2) design reviews ? these design reviews will be conducted on the design

documents,normally the designers will design the low level documents high level

and those design documents we will review

3) code review ? so even sometimes code also we can review so whatever the
developer has written the code that also can be reivewed but not by the testers

developers itself because unit testing can be done by the whatever
the coede they have written in the programs they can also review the code whether

code is correctly written syntactillay is correct or not logically correct or not .

so they will verify that that is called code review

4) test paln reviews ? even testers also will do some kind of reviews so whatever
the documents they created and those documents also we will be reviewd by the

like test plan review ,test cases review ,sometime even defects also we can review
like how many defects we have raised how many are fixed how many are still open,so

we can also review the defects .

review can be done anyone in the team even developer or tester or manager so
anybody can do the review .

and the next technique is

2) walkthough ? sometimes we also do walkthrough,this is mainly focused on the

1) it is a informal review ? means there will not be any proper plan ,there will
not be any schedule that is comes under informal review

informal review means we can conduct walkthrough at any time at any place.

2) author reads the documents or code and discuss with peers (author means whoever
created the document is called as a author ) author is a main person in the

walkthrough , so he will go through the documents each and every statement or step
he will read the entire document or whatever code they have written they can

read the code .

3) its not preplaned and can be done whenever required

4) and also walkthrough does not have minutes of the meet .

inspectoin ? is more formal means we have to preplanned and we have to send invite
to the team members not only testing,so sometimes even developers managers also

in the inspection actullay there are 3 kind of people will bd one type
of people called as a reader,writer and moderator so three kinds of people will

be involved in the inspection . so reader means he is the author of the document so

whoever created the document which is called as a reader and he will read the

document and writer is nothing but suppose while reading the document by other rest
of the team will raise some questions or clarifications and the writer will notdown

all the questions and clarification what they have discussed in that particular
inspection meeting so that role is taken by one guy is called writer

moderator ? means he is like mediator between the other autor and rest of the team

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