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Morillo Quick Reviewer

- Without a law that recognizes succession as a mode
of acquisition, the death of the decedent would leave
WILLS AND SUCCESSION his inheritance without an owner, converting his
MORILLO QUICK REVIEWER assets into res nullius and his outstanding obligations
Atty. Avelino M. Sebastian, Jr. without an obligor/debtor.

Transmission of Property:
- The heirs acquire title to the hereditary estate from
the moment of the decedent's death, and, thereafter,
CHAPTER 1 the heirs become co-owners of the inheritance.
GENERAL PROVISIONS - Note: Acquisition of ownership is one thing and it
should not be confused with the right of possession
of the things that constitute the inheritance.
- It is a mode of acquisition by virtue of which the BUTTE vs. MANUEL UY & SONS
property, rights and obligations, to the extent of the GR no. L-15499, February 28, 1962
value of the inheritance of a person, are transmitted
through his death to another or others, either by his
Jose Ramirez and Marie Garnier are two of the co-owners of a
will or by operation of law. (Art. 774, NCC) house and lot in Sta. Cruz, Manila. When Jose Ramirez died, his ⅙
undivided share of the said property was inherited by Angela Butte
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN INHERITANCE AND (granddaughter), pursuant to Jose’s Last Will & Testament.
Marie Garner sold her undivided ⅙ share to Manuel Uy & Sons, and
INHERITANCE SUCCESSION the latter sent a letter to BPI (appointed judicial administrator of
Jose Ramirez’s estate), informing it about the aforesaid sale. BPI
A mode of acquisition The object of the acquisition forwarded the letter to Angela Butte. On the other hand, Angela
Butte send a letter and a PNB’s check to Manuel Uy & Sons
Refers to the decedent’s A mode of acquisition by offering to redeem the ⅙ share sold by Marie Garnier but the latter
refused it.
properties and his rights and virtue of which the
obligations which are not decedent's property, rights
extinguished by his death and obligations are W/N Angela Butte can exercise the right of legal redemption over
and which are transmitted to transmitted to his heirs. the ⅙ share sold by Marie Garnier.
his heirs.
YES, Angela butte is entitled to exercise the right of legal
ELEMENTS OF SUCCESSION: redemption. As testamentary heir of Jose Ramirez’s estate, she and
1. It is a mode of acquisition; her co-heirs acquired an interest in the undivided ⅙ share owned by
2. Transmission of an inheritance; her predecessor in the Sta. Cruz property, from the moment of the
3. The object of succession is the inheritance; death of a deceased person are transmitted to his heirs from the
4. Death triggers succession moment of his death, and the right of succession includes all
5. Succession is governed by the will or by law. property rights and obligations that survive the decedent.

As a consequence of the fundamental rules of succession (See

A. Mode of Acquisition: Arts. 776, 777, & 947, NCC), the heirs of Jose Ramirez acquired his
Claim of Ownership: undivided share in the Sta. Cruz property from the moment of his
- A mode of acquisition is the statutory basis of a claim death, and from that instant, they became co-owners of the said
of ownership. property together with the original surviving co-owners of their
- Ownership and other real rights over property are decedent.
acquired and transmitted by, among others, testate
and intestate succession. (See. Art. 712, NCC) A co-owner of an undivided share is necessarily a co-owner of the
whole. Hence, any one of Jose Ramirez heirs became entitled to
exercise the right of legal redemption as soon as another co-owner
Modes of Ownership: (O.L.D.T.I.P.S.) (Marie Garnier) had sold her undivided share to a stranger (Manuel
1. Occupation; Uy & Sons). This right of redemption vested exclusively in
2. Law; consideration of the redemptioner’s share which the law nowhere
3. Donation; takes into account.
4. Tradition;
5. Intellectual Creation; Transmission of Rights:
6. Prescription; and - The inheritance of a person includes the rights that
7. Succession pertain to him which are not extinguished by his
B. Transmission of an Inheritance: - Not all rights are transmissible. rights that are
Extinguishment of Juridical Capacity; Effect: personal in nature are intramissible and they are
- Death extinguishes the juridical capacity of a person, extinguished by the death of the person. Example of
his title to or dominion over the things he owned in intransmissible rights:
his lifetime comes to an end. - right to hold public office;


Morillo Quick Reviewer
- rights arising from certain relationships such
over the property. Margarita Herrera had an existing Contract to
as rights of usufructuary (Art. 603(e), NCC); Sell with NHA as the seller. Upon Margarita Herrera's demise, this
and Contract to Sell was neither nullified nor revoked. This Contract to
- rights arising from civil personality and Sell was an obligation on both parties—Margarita Herrera and
family relations: NHA. Obligations are transmissible. Margarita Herrera's obligation
- marital rights to pay became transmissible at the time of her death either by will
- right to receive support or by operation of law.
- parental authority
If we sustain the position of the NHA that this document is not a
- right to file an action for the
will, then the interests of the decedent should transfer by virtue of
following: an operation of law and not by virtue of a resolution by the NHA.
- Legal Separation; For as it stands, NHA cannot make another contract to sell to other
- Declaration of Nullity of parties of a property already initially paid for by the decedent. Such
Marriage; or would be an act contrary to the law on succession and the law on
- Annulment of Marriage sales and obligations.
- Claim of Legitimacy
- Rights and obligations arising from a contract are When the original buyer died, the NHA should have considered the
estate of the decedent as the next "person” likely to stand in to
generally transmissible except if such rights and
fulfill the obligation to pay the rest of the purchase price. The
obligation are purely personal, or intramissible by opposition of other heirs to the repurchase by Francisca Herrera
their very nature, or if the law or the stipulation of the should have put the NHA on guard as to the award of the lots.
parties prohibits such transmission. Further, the Decision in the said Civil Case No. B-1263 (questioning
the Deed of Self-Adjudication) which rendered the deed therein null
and void should have alerted the NHA that there are other heirs to
NATIONAL HOUSING AUTHORITY vs. ALMEIDA the interests and properties of the decedent who may claim the
GR nos. 162784, June 22, 2007 property after a testate or intestate proceeding is concluded. The
NHA therefore acted arbitrarily in the award of the lots.
Petitioner NHA contends that its resolution was grounded on
meritorious grounds when it considered the application for the
purchase of lots. Petitioner argues that it was the daughter
Francisca Herrera who filed her application on the subject lot; that VERDAD vs. CA
it considered the respective application and inquired whether she GR no. 109972, April 29, 1996
had all the qualifications and none of the disqualifications of a
possible awardee. It is the position of the petitioner that private Verdad purchased a residential lot. On the other hand, Socoro
respondent possessed all the qualifications and none of the seeks to redeem the said residential lot, tracing her title to
disqualifications for lot award and hence the award was not done deceased Macaria (her mother-in-law) who died intestate. The heirs
arbitrarily. of Ramon (grandchildren of Macaria) sold to Verdad the subject
property. Socoro discovered the sale and sought to redeem the
The petitioner further argues that assuming that the "Sinumpaang said property.
Salaysay" was a will, it could not bind the NHA. That, "insofar as
[the] NHA is concerned, it is an evidence that the subject lots were Can Socorro redeem the subject property considering that she is
indeed transferred by Margarita Herrera, the original awardee, to merely a spouse of David, son of Macaria, and not being a co-heir
Francisca Herrera was then applying to purchase the same before in the intestate of Macaria?
SC ruled that Socorro can redeem the property not because she
The SC are not impressed. When the petitioner received the rightfully can claim heirship is Macaria’s estate but she is a legal
"Sinumpaang Salaysay," it should have noted that the effectivity of heir of her husband (David) part of whose estates a share in his
the said document commences at the time of death of the author of mother’s inheritance. David survived his mother’s death and
the instrument; in her words "sakaling ako'y bawian na ng Dios ng thereupon became co-owner of the property. When David later
aking buhay…" Hence, in such period, all the interests of the died, his own estate which included the undivided interest over the
person should cease to be hers and shall be in the possession of property inherited from Macaria, passed on to his widow Socorro
her estate until they are transferred to her heirs by virtue of Article and her co-heirs pursuant to (Art. 995 & Art. 1001, NCC) law on
774 of the Civil Code which provides that: “Art. 774. Succession is succession.
a mode of acquisition by virtue of which the property, rights and
obligations to the extent of the value of the inheritance, of a Socorro, along with the co-heirs of David, became co-owners of
person are transmitted through his death to another or others the proper that originally descended from Macria. When their
either by his will or by operation of law.” interest in the property was sold by the Heirs of Ramon to Verdad,
a right of redemption arose in favor to Socorro and the co-heirs of
By considering the document, petitioner NHA should have noted David. (See Arts. 1619-1620, NCC)
that the original applicant has already passed away. Margarita
Herrera passed away on October 27, 1971. The NHA issued its
Transmission of Obligations:
resolution on February 5, 1986. The NHA gave due course to the
application made by Francisca Herrera without considering that the - The heirs inherited the obligations of the decedent.
initial applicant's death would transfer all her property, rights and - Whatever payment from the hereditary
obligations to the estate including whatever interest she has or may estate is made to the creditors of the
have had over the disputed properties. To the extent of the interest decedent is ultimately a payment made by
that the original owner had over the property, the same should go the heirs because the amount of payment
to her estate. Margarita Herrera had an interest in the property and diminishes the shares that the heirs would
that interest should go to her estate upon her demise so as to be
have otherwise been entitled to receive.
able to properly distribute them later to her heirs—in accordance
- SC interpreted the term “obligation” to include the
with a will or by operation of law.
contingent liabilities of the decedent which are not
The death of Margarita Herrera does not extinguish her interest extinguished by his death.


Morillo Quick Reviewer
- NOTE: Art. 774, NCC limits the liability of the heirs for
public convenience to the Intestate Estate of Pedro Fragante to
the debts of the decedent to the value of the operate and maintain an ice plant pursuant to an application filed
inheritance. by deceased Pedro in his lifetime. Limjoco (oppositor to the
- Contracts take effect only between the application of Pedro) contends that it was error on the part of the
parties, their assigns and heirs, except in PSC to allow the substitution of the legal representative of the
case where the rights and obligations arising estate of Pedro Fragante for the latter as party applicant in the case
from the contract are not transmissible by then pending before the PSC, and in subsequently granting to the
their nature, or by stipulation or by provision said estate the certificate applied for.
of law. The heir is not liable beyond the
value of the property he received from W/N the estate of Pedro Fragante is a “person” within the meaning
the decedent. (Art. 1311 (par. 1), NCC) of the Public Service Act?

YES, it seems reasonable that the estate of a decedent should be
GR no. L-8437, November 28, 1956
regarded as an artificial person. It is the creation of law for the
purpose of enabling a disposition of the assets to be properly
While in our successional system the responsibility of the heirs for
the debts of the decedent cannot exceed the value of the
inheritance they receive from him, the principle remains intact that
Under the present legal system, such rights and obligations as
these heirs succeed not only to the rights of the deceased but a;so
survive after death have to be exercised and fulfilled only by the
to his obligations.
estate of the deceased. And if the same legal fiction were not
indulged, there would be no juridical basis for the estate,
The contract of suretyship entered into by Hemady in favor of
represented by the executor or administrator, to exercise those
Luzon Surety not being rendered intransmissible due to the nature
rights and to fulfill those obligations of the deceased. The reason
of the undertaking, nor by the stipulations of the contracts
and purpose for indulging the fiction is identical and the same in
themselves, nor provision of law, his eventual liability thereunder
both cases. This is why according to the Supreme Court of Indiana
necessarily passed upon his death to his heirs. Therefore, the
in Billings vs. State, supra, citing 2 Rapalje & L. Dictionary, 954,
contracts give rise to contingent claims provable against his estate
among the artificial persons recognized by law figures "a collection
under his estate.
of property to which the law attributes the capacity of having rights
and duties", as for instance, the estate of a bankrupt or deceased
For Defendant administratrix it is averred that the above doctrine
refers to a case where the surety files claims against the estate of
the principal debtor; chan roblesvirtualawlibraryand it is urged that
the rule does not apply to the case before us, where the late C. Object of Succession is the Inheritance:
Hemady was a surety, not a principal debtor. The argument evinces
What constitutes inheritance?
a superficial view of the relations between parties. If under the
Gaskell ruling, the Luzon Surety Co., as guarantor, could file a - The assets and liabilities of a person at the time of his
contingent claim against the estate of the principal debtors if the death constitutes his inheritance. (Art. 776, NCC)
latter should die, there is absolutely no reason why it could not file - The inheritance of the decedent includes his
such a claim against the estate of Hemady, since Hemady is a properties and transmissible rights and obligations.
solidary co-debtor of his principals. What the Luzon Surety Co.
may claim from the estate of a principal debtor it may equally claim Future Property vs. Future Inheritance:
from the estate of Hemady, since, in view of the existing solidarity,
the latter does not even enjoy the benefit of exhaustion of the FUTURE PROPERTY FUTURE INHERITANCE
assets of the principal debtor.
Anything which a person does The contingent universality or
not own at present but which complex of property rights and
Transmission to the Heirs through the Estate: the person may acquire or obligations that are passed to
- Succession is transmission of the inheritance from proposes to acquire in the the heirs upon the death of the
the decedent to the heirs upon death of the former. future. grantor.
However, before the inheritance could be distributed
to the heirs, certain procedures must be completed, May be the object of a contract May not be the object of a
such as (1) payment of outstanding debts of the (Art. 1461, NCC) contract. (Art. 1347, NCC)
decedent, (2) payment of estate tax, (3) the resolution
of issues relating to collation (4) final determination of
Contract involving Future Inheritance:
ownership of the contested party, and other.
- During this time, the inheritance should go BLAS vs. SANTOS
to the estate of the decedent. (NHA vs. GR no. L-14070, March 29, 1961
Almeida, 525 SCRA 383)
A document signed by the testator’s wife, promising that she would
- The estate of a deceased person is a
respect and obey all the dispositions in the latter’s will, and that
juridical entity that has a personality of its she would hold one-half of her share in the conjugal assets in trust
own. (Nazareno vs. CA, 343 SCRA 637) for the heirs and legatees of her husband in his will, with the
obligation of conveying the same to such of his heirs or legatees as
she might choose in her last will and testament, is a compromise
and at the same time a contract with sufficient cause or
GR no. L-770, April 27, 1948
The action to enforce the wife’s promise to convey in her
testament, upon her death, one-half of the conjugal properties she
The Public Service Commission (PSC) granted a certificate of
would receive as her share in the conjugal properties, did not arise


Morillo Quick Reviewer
Succession Inter Vivos:
until and after her death when it was found that she did not comply
with her promise. (Article 1969, old Civil Code). - Art. 50, Family Code, introduced a new type of
succession that is triggered not by death of a
Future inheritance is any property or right not in existence or person but by the annulment or declaration of
capable of determination at the time of the contract, that a person nullity of marriage. (Note: See Arts. 50-52, Family
may in the future acquire by succession. Code)
- The legitime is an integral part of the inheritance of a
deceased person which is reserved for the
DE BELEN VDA. DE CABALU vs. TABU compulsory heirs. (Art. 886, NCC)
GR no. 188417, September 24, 2012 - Art. 50, FC, mandates the payment of the
legitime of the children following the
Under Art. 1347, CC, “no contract may be entered into upon future
annulment or the declaration of nullity of the
inheritance except in cases expressly authorized by law.”
Paragraph 2 of Art. 1347, CC, characterizes a contract entered into marriage of their parents.
upon future inheritance as void. The law applies when the following - Art. 50,FC, impliedly amends Art. 774, NCC,
requisites concur: (a) The succession has not yet been opened; (b) that succession may now occur even during
The object of the contract forms part of the inheritance; and (c) The his lifetime.
promissor has, with respect to the object, an expectancy of a right
which is purely hereditary in nature. Contractual Succession:
- This is a gratuitous disposition of future property
In this case, at the time the deed was executed, Faustina’s will was
not yet probated; the object of the contract, the 9,000 sqm.
mortis causa made by one future spouse to the other
property, still formed part of the inheritance of Domingo’s father in the ante-nuptial contract.
from the estate of Faustina; and Domingo had a mere inchoate - Donations mortis causa between future spouses now
hereditary right therein. require the execution of wills.

Domingo became the owner of the said property only on August 1,

1994. The time of execution of the Deed of Extrajudicial Succession If the future spouses agree upon a regime other than the
with Partition by the heirs of Faustina, when the 9,000 sqm. lot was absolute community of property, they cannot donate to each other
adjudicated to him. Domingo sold the said property to Tabu on in their marriage settlements more than one-fifth of their present
March 5, 1975. property. Any excess shall be considered void.

Therefore, the CA did not err in declaring the March 5, 1975, Deed Donations of future property shall be governed by the
of Sale null and void. provisions on testamentary succession and the formalities of wills.
(Art. 84, Family Code)

D. Death triggers Succession:

Death triggers succession: E. Governed by Will or Law:
- The transmission of the inheritance to the heirs What governs succession?
occurs only upon the death of the decedent. 1. Rules of testamentary succession (if the decedent left
However, Art. 50, Family Code, amends this. a will);
- Death may be actual or presumed. The presumed 2. Rules of intestate succession (if the decedent died
death is classified into ordinary and extraordinary. without a will, or the will is void, of the will that has
subsequently lost its validity, or the will is totally
Presumptive Death for the Purpose of Opening inoperative)
3. Both Rules (If the decedent executed a valid will
which did not or could not completely dispose of the
- After an absence of seven years, it being unknown
whether or not the absentee still lives, he shall be inheritance).
presumed dead for all purposes, except for those of
succession. Classification of Succession:
- The absentee shall not be presumed dead for the
purpose of opening his succession till after an
absence of ten years. If he disappeared after the age
of seventy-five years, an absence of five years shall
be sufficient in order that his succession may be
opened. (Art. 390, NCC)

Persons presumed death for all purposes, including the

division of the estate among his heirs:
1. A person on board a vessel lost during a sea voyage,
or an aeroplane which is missing, who has not been
heard of for four years since the loss of the vessel or
2. A person in the armed forces who has taken part in
war, and has been missing for four years;
3. A person who has been in danger of death under
other circumstances and his existence has not been
known for four years. (Art. 391, NCC)


Morillo Quick Reviewer
DISTINCTION OF AN HEIR, A LEGATEE AND DEVISEE: preserve and to transmit to the second heir the whole
Heir - A person called to the succession in the testator’s will, or part of the inheritance. (See Art. 863, NCC)
who pursuant to the terms thereof will either receive the - Hence, upon the death of the first heir, the property
entirety or a fractional part of the inheritance. (Art. 775, NCC) passes to the second heir. It does not form part of the
inheritance of the first heir.
Legatee - A person called to the succession in the Testator’s
Will who will receive a movable property specifically identified 2. Properties subject of “Reserva Troncal”:
by the testator. (Art. 782, NCC) - An ascendant who inherits from his descendant any
property which the latter may have acquired by
Devisee - A person called to the succession in the Testator’s gratuitous title from another ascendant, or a brother or
Will who will receive an immovable property specifically sister, is obliged to reserve such property as he may
identified by the testator. (Art. 782, NCC) have acquired by operation of law for the benefit of
relatives who are within the third degree and who
EFFECT OF DISTINGUISHING “HEIR” AND “LEGATEE & belong to the line from which the property came.
DEVISEE”: - The reservable property neither comes nor falls under
● In Art. 854 (NCC, the) preterition annuls the institution of the absolute dominion of the ascendant who inherits
heirs, but the legacies and devises which are not and receives the same from his descendant. Therefore
otherwise inofficious remain valid. it does not form part of his own property nor become
○ The annulment of the institution of heirs is the legitime of his forced heirs. (See. Art. 891, NCC)
total, leaving the instituted heirs with nothing
under the will. 3. Properties which are subject matter of valid Aleatory
○ The legatees and devisees will get the gifts Contracts:
of movable and immovable properties - It is legally permissible for two or more persons to
respectively, as long as these gifts do not pool their resources in a joint investment and to
impair the legitime. stipulate that the survivor between or among them
● In Art. 918 (NCC), an invalid disinheritance results in shall take absolute title to the entirety of the
the annulment of the institution of heirs insofar as it investment upon the death of one of them.
prejudices the invalidity disinherited heir, but the - NOTE: In the following cases, two persons
devises and legacies shall be valid to the extent they (two friends, a master and his servant, and a
do not impair the legitime. husband and his wife) contributed properties
○ The institution of heirs may be annulled into a single investment (joint tenancy in
(totally or partially) to the extent necessary various movable and immovable properties,
to make whole the legitime of the and bank deposits) with the express
compulsory heir who was invalidly agreement that the survivor between them
disinherited. takes absolute title to whatever is left of the
○ The legatees and devisees will get the gifts investment upon the death of the other. The
of the movable or immovable properties remaining balance of the investment does
respectively, but the same may be reduced not form part of the estate of the deceased
or abated only if the total annulment of the party and his or her relatives have no
institution of heirs is insufficient to make the successional rights thereto.
whole the legitime of the compulsory heirs
who was invalidly disinherited.
GR no. 42519, March 11, 1937
- Includes all the property, rights, and obligations of a Deceased Leonarda Macam and Defendant Juana Macam lived
person which are not extinguished by his death. (Art. together as friends, Leornarda having contributed the house and
776, NCC) Juana contributed the Buick automobile and most of the furniture
- Includes not only the property and the transmissible to such companionship, both having thereby established a de facto
rights and obligations existing at the time of his joint ownership of the properties respectively contributed by them.
death, but also those which have accrued thereto
Juana contends that with respect to the house, Exhibit C (Deed of
since the opening of succession. (Art. 781, NCC) Sale executed Leonarda & Juana with Sps. Inducil over the subject
NOTE: The inheritance of a person includes only his house), on the part of Leornrda, constitutes a donation mortis
properties, rights and obligations which are not causa in favor of Juana, and as it had not been executed with all
extinguished by his death. However, accruals thereto, the formalities required by law for a will, it is entirely invalid and did
while not forming part of the hereditary estate, are liable not produce the effect of conveying the ownership of the house to
for the payment of the claims of the creditors of the Juana.
Trial Court considered the act of Deceased Leonarda as a transfer
of ownership of the house in favor of Juana, but not in the concept
1. Properties subject of fideicommissary substitutions:
SC is of the opinion that Exhibit C is an aleatory contract whereby
- A testator may simultaneously institute 2 heirs to one
one of the parties or both reciprocally bind themselves to give or do
and the same inheritance. Upon the death of the something as an equivalent for that which the other party is to give
testator, the first heir receives the inheritance. or do in case of the occurrence of an event which is uncertain or
However, he is burdened with the obligation to will happen at an indeterminate time. Again, Leonarda was the


Morillo Quick Reviewer
owner of the house and Juana of the automobile and most of the his or her deposits in the money pool.
furniture. By virtue of Exhibit C, Juana would become the owner of
the house in case Leonarda dies first, and Leonarda would become The validity of the contract seems debatable by reason of its
the owner of the automobile and the furniture if Juana were to die “survivor-take-all” feature, but in reality, that contract imposed a
first. In this manner, Leonarda and Juana reciprocally assigned their mere obligation with a terms, the term being death. Such
respective property to one another conditioned upon who might die agreements are permitted under Art. 2010 of the Civil Code. Hence,
first, the time of death determining the event upon which the Survivorship agreements are valid and binding, not only the parties
acquisition of such right by the one or the other depended. This thereto, but also against their respective successors, provided that
contract is binding upon the parties thereto. Inasmuch as Leonarda the operation of such agreement is not violative of the law.
had died before Juana, the latter thereupon acquired the ownership
of the house, in the same manner as Leonarda would have A person may lawfully enter into a survivorship agreement with his
acquired the ownership of the automobile and of the furniture if or her spouse, or with any unrelated person, with respect to any of
Juana died first. his or her separate property, or any conjugal or community
property. If upon the death of such person he or she should be
survived by compulsory heirs, the latter cannot assail the validity of
SURVIVORSHIP AGREEMENTS: such survivorship agreement except insofar as it prejudiced their
GR no. 47747, April 17, 1942
Edgar Stephenson and Ana Rivera executed a survivorship
agreement wherein they, together with People’s Bank, agreed that
“all moneys now or hereafter deposited by us shall be the property
1. When used to conceal an inofficious donation;
of both of us as joint tenants, and after the death of one of us shall 2. When used to transfer property in fraud of creditors;
belong to and be the sole property of the survivor, and shall be or
payable to and collectible by such survivor.” 3. When used to defeat the legitime of compulsory
Ana was employed by Edgar as housekeeper until his death. The
account was transferred to the name of “Edgar Stepenson and/or TIME OF DEATH OF THE DECEDENT:
Ana Rivera.” At the time of Edgar’s death, Ana held the deposit
- The rights to the succession are transmitted from the
book and there was a balance in said account which Ana claimed
but People’s Bank refused to pay to her because it (the bank) is moment of the death of the decedent. (Art. 777, NCC)
doubtful of the validity of the Survivorship Agreement. - The time of death of the decedent is a critical
element of succession. It is the precise time on which
SC found that the survivorship is not mere power of attorney the following are determined:
from Edgar to Ana, or that it is a gift mortis causa of People’s 1. The law applicable to the substantive validity
Bank in question from him to her. The fact that subsequently of his will;
Edagr transferred the account to the name of himself and/or Ana 2. The composition of the decedent’s assets
Rivera and executed with the latter the survivorship agreement in
and their valuation, the outstanding liabilities
question nullifies the assumption that Edgar was the exclusive
of the decedent and their payment;
owner of the bank account. In the absence of clear proof to the
contrary, the SC give full faith and credit to the certificate of deposit 3. The compulsory heirs who are to succeed
which recites in effect that the funds in question belonged to Edgar the decedent and their capacity to succeed;
and Ana; That they were joint owners thereof; and that either of the 4. Determination of issues relating to
could withdraw any part or the whole of said account during the preterition;
lifetime of both, and the balance, if any, upon the death of either, 5. The testamentary capacity of the testator;
belonged to the survivor. and
6. The timeliness of acceptance or repudiation
Is the Survivorship Agreement valid? - SC thinks it is valid. It is an
of the inheritance and the effects thereof.
aleatory contract supported by a lawful consideration - the mutual
agreement of the joint depositors permitting either of them to
withdraw the whole deposit of one of them. CONSEQUENCES OF ART. 777, NCC:
1. The death of the decedent is the defining moment
when the heir acquire a definite right to the
VITUG vs. CA inheritance, whether such right is pure or contingent.
GR no. 82027, March 29, 1990 - From the moment of the death of the decedent,
the heirs become the absolute owners of his
The conveyance in question (Romarico Vitug sell certain shares of property, subject to the rights and obligations of
stock and belonging to the estate Dolores Vitug) is not of mortis the decedent, and they cannot be deprived of
causa which should be embodied in a will. In this case the monies their rights thereto except by the methods
subject of savings account were in the nature of conjugal funds,
provided for by law. The moment of death is the
having been acquired during the existence of the marital relations.
determining factor when the heirs acquire a
Neither is the survivorship agreement a donation inter vivos definite right to the inheritance whether such
because it was to take effect after the death of one party. It is not a right be pure or contingent. The right of the heirs
donation between the spouses because it involved no conveyance to the property of the deceased vests in them
of a spouse’s own properties to the other. In the case at bar, when even before judicial declaration of their being
the Sps. Vitug opened the savings account, they merely put what heirs in the testate or intestate proceedings.
rightfully belong to them in a money-making venture. They did not When Fortunata Barcena, therefore, died her
dispose of it in favor of the other, would have been sanctionable as
claim or right to the parcels of land in litigation in
a prohibited donation. And since the funds were conjugal, it cannot
be said that one spouse could have pressured the other in placing Civil Case No. 856, was not extinguished by her
death but was transmitted to her heirs upon her


Morillo Quick Reviewer
death. Her heirs have thus acquired interest in 5. There is no legal bar to a successor (with requisite
the properties in litigation and became parties in contracting capacity) to dispose his hereditary share
interest in the case. There is, therefore, no immediately after such death of the causante or
reason for the respondent Court not to allow predecessor in interest, even if the actual extent of
their substitution as parties in interest for the such share is not determined until the subsequent
deceased plaintiff. (Bonilla vs. Barcena, GR no. liquidation of the estate, because the hereditary share
L-41715, June 18, 1976) of an heir in the decedent’s estate is transmitted
2. The right of the heirs to specific distributive shares of immediately from the moment of the death of the
the inheritance does not become finally determinable predecessor in interest.
until all debts of the estate are paid. The distribution 6. An heir can sell his right, interest, or participation in
of the estate is subject to the existence of a residual the property under administration (See Art. 533,
estate after payment of the decedent’s debts NCC). However, an heir can only alienate such
(Salvador vs. Sta. Maria, GR no. L-25952, June 30, portion of the estate that may ultimately be allotted to
1967) him in the division of the estate by the probate or
3. The rights to succession are automatically intestate court after final adjudication, that s, after all
transmitted to the heirs from the decedent. While a debts shall have been paid or the devisees or
judicial settlement of the estate is a deceased legatees shall have been given their shares. (This
person, the formal declaration or recognition of such means that an heir ,ay only sell his ideal or undivided
successional rights needs confirmation, the court is share in the estate, not any specific property therein).
duty-bound to protect these rights from 7. Court approval is required in any disposition of the
encroachments made or attempted prior to such decedent’s estate but it cannot adversely affect the
judicial declarations. If the administrator or executor substantive rights of heirs to dispose of their own pro
fails or refuses to act to protect the rights of the heirs, indiviso shares in the co-heirship or co-ownership. In
the latter(heirs) may take action in place of such other words, they can sell their rights, interest, or
administrator or executor. (Ramirez vs. Baltazar, GR participation in the property under administration. A
no. L-25049, August 30, 1968) stipulation requiring court approval does not affect
- In the case of Ramirez vs. Baltazar, The the validity and the effectivity of the sale as regards
administrator is being charged to have been in the selling heirs.
collusion and connivance with the mortgagees of 8. While an estate remains undivided, the co-owners or
a property of the deceased, allowing its heirs, each have full ownership of their respective
foreclosure without notifying the heirs, to the undivided shares and may therefore alienate, assign
prejudice of the latter. Since the ground for the or mortgage them. However, the co-owner has no
present action to annul the aforesaid foreclosure right to sell or alienate a specific part of the owned in
proceedings is the fraud resulting from such common.
insidious machinations and collusion in which - When a co-owner sold a specified portion,
the administrator has allegedly participated, it the sale is valid but only with the aliquot
would be far-fetched to expect the said share of the selling co-owner and the sale is
administrator himself to file the action on behalf subject to the results of the partition.
of the estate. And who else but the heirs, who
have an interest to assert and to protect, would TYPES OF SUCCESSION:
bring the action? Inevitably, this case should fall
Testamentary When a testator dies with a valid and
under the exception, rather than the general rule operative will. A will must be both extrinsically
that pending proceedings for the settlement of Succession
and intrinsically valid.
the estate, the heirs have no right to commence (Art. 779, NCC)
[Note: Testacy is preferred over intestacy]
an action arising out of the rights belonging to
the deceased. Intestate When a person dies without a valid and
4. Generally, the rights to the succession are Succession operative will. In intestacy, the distribution of
transmitted from the moment of the decedent’s the estate of the decedent is controlled by
(Art. 778, NCC)
death. However, the recognition of ownership of the law.
inheritance by reason of succession is not, in certain
cases, self-executing. Mixed The distribution of the hereditary estate is
Succession partly controlled by the testator, and
- Example: In the transfer of ownership of shares
partly,controlled by law. It occurs in the
of stock of a corporation, upon the death of a (Art. 800, NCC)
following cases:
shareholder, the heirs do not automatically 1. If the testator executed a valid will but
become stockholders of the corporation and failed to distribute the entirety his estate
acquire the rights and privileges of the deceased and he made no provision as to how the
as a former shareholder. The shares of stocks residual property shall be disposed,
must first be transferred to the heirs and such there being no right of accretion among
transfer must be recorded in the stock and the instituted heirs;
2. Where the sole provision of the will
transfer books of the corporation.
relates to the appointment of an
- Sec. 63 (now Sec. 62) of the Corporation administrator, or the payment of debts,
Code provides that no transfer of shares or the acknowledgment of an illegitimate
shall be valid except as between the child, or any other provision that are not
parties until the transfer is recorded in considered as testamentary/property
the books of the corporation. dispositions; and


Morillo Quick Reviewer
treated as a final and irrevocable disposition of the
3. If any of the beneficiaries (whether
instituted heirs, legatees or devisees) is testator’s estate until he dies. However, in order to
incapable to accept or enter into the revoke a will, the testator must possess testamentary
inheritance, there being no substitution, capacity at the time of revocation.
representation or accretion. g. Making of a will must be a free act - See Art. 893,
NCC. A vice of consent impairs the efficacy of the
testator’s consent to the execution of the will.


2. Reserva Troncal (Art. 891, NCC);
3. Mistress (Nepomuceno vs. CA, 139 SCRA 206);
4. Fideicommissary Substitution (Art. 863, NCC);
SECTION 1 - WILLS 5. Condition not to Marry (Art. 874, NCC);
6. Dispocicion Captatoria (Art. 875, NCC);
7. Dispositions in favor of Incapacitated Persons (Art.
WILLS IN GENERAL 1031, NCC; See also Arts. 1027-1028, NCC)


DEFINITION OF A WILL: - An essential element of a will is the disposition of
- A will is an act whereby a person is permitted, with property over which the testator is given some
the formalities prescribed by law, to control to a degree of control. If a document contains no property
certain degree the disposition of his estate, to take disposition, the testator controls nothing; the
effect after his death. (Art. 783, NCC) document is not a will.
- Probate is an indispensable requirement in order that
CHARACTERISTICS OF A WILL: a will may pass property.
a. Making of a will is conferred by law - The right to - If the only disposition of a will:
dispose of property by will is not a natural but (1) relates to the recognition of an illegitimate
statutory, and statutory requirements should be child - it is not a will because the document
satisfied. (Gil vs. Murciano, 88 Phil. 260 (1951)) does not dispose of property. The document
b. Making of a will is a unilateral act - Unlike need not be probated.
contracts, the consent or participation of the (2) relates to the disinheritance of a compulsory
beneficiaries are limited to the acceptance or heir - It is a will because the exclusion of a
repudiation of the inheritance at the appropriate time compulsory heir from the inheritance results
following the death of the testator. (See Art. 1043, in an increase in the shares of the others. A
NCC) valid disinheritance is an indirect
c. Making a will is a formal act - The testator is adjudication of property to one or some
required to comply with the form prescribed in Arts. qualified heirs, for which reason probate is
804-806, NCC, in case of a notarial will; and Art. 810, necessary.
NCC, in case of a holographic will.
NOTE: There are certain defects of form that do not SEANGIO vs. REYES
compromise the authenticity of the will. In these GR no. 140371-72, November 27, 2006
exceptional cases, the SC allowed probate of the
otherwise formally imperfect will. Petitioners argued the holographic will does not contain any
institution of an heir but simply contains a disinheritance of a
d. Making of a will is a personal act - The making of a compulsory heir. Thus there is no preterition in the decedent’s will
will cannot be left in whole or in part to the discretion and the holographic will on its face is not intrinsically void.
of third person, or accomplished through the
instrumentality of an agent or attorney. (Art. 784, According to the SC, the testator all his compulsory heirs, with the
NCC) sole exception of Alfredo, to inherit his estate. None of the
compulsory heirs in the direct line of Segundo were preterited in
NOTE: There is a distinction between: (1) The mechanical the holographic will since there was no institution of an heir. The
act of drafting and finalizing the will - this function is best document (entitled “Kasulatan ng Pag-aalis ng Mana”)
left to a competent lawyer; and (2) Exercise of judgement unmistakably showed Segundo’s intention of excluding his eldest
or discretion in determining the testamentary disposition son, Alfredo, as an heir to his estate for the reasons that he cited
that will be written in the Will - this function is non- therein.
For disinheritance to be valid, Art. 916, NCC, requires that the
e. Effective Mortis Causa - The will becomes effective same must be effected through a will wherein the legal cause
only after the testator's death, subject to the therefore shall be specified. The SC believes that the incidents,
condition that it is admitted to probate. (Arts. 783 and taken a s whole, can be considered a form of maltreatment of
838, NCC). An exception to this is under Art. 50 of Segundo by his son, Alfredo, and that the matter presents a
the Family Code. sufficient cause for the disinheritance of a child or descendant
f. Making of a will is essentially ambulatory - A under Article 919 of the Civil Code.
testator may revoke his will at any time before his
Moreover, An intent to dispose mortis causa can be clearly
death, and any waiver or restriction of this right is deduced from the terms of the instrument, and while it does not
void. (Art. 828, NCC). As a rule, a will can never be


Morillo Quick Reviewer
make an affirmative disposition of the latter’s property, the Implementation of a Delegable to third person
disinheritance of Alfredo, nonetheless, is an act of disposition in testamentary disposition
itself. In other words, the disinheritance results in the disposition of
the property of the testator Segundo in favor of those who would
succeed in the absence of Alfredo. VALID TESTAMENTARY DISPOSITION TO A CLASS
Atty Sebastian’s Observation:
- The prohibited delegation in Art. 785 does not apply
- In this case, the SC set aside the Probate Court’s order to
dismiss Segundo’s Will for probate and remanded it back to
when the testator makes a class institution (or a
the probate court with instruction to hear the proceeding. cause) which is permitted by Art. 786.
However, the SC already declared the formal validity of the - Example of Class Institution: Art. 1030, NCC
said will. (Testamentary provision in favor of the poor)
- What else is left for the probate court to do? It should be - When a testator entrusts to a third person the
noted that the capacity of the testator is not challenged. At identification of the beneficiaries of the bequest made
best, the only remaining function of the probate curt court in to a class, all that the testator delegates to the third
this instance is to liquidate the estate and to distribute the net
person is the mechanical act of distributing that
proceeds thereof to the intestate heirs of Segundo, to the
exclusion of Alfredo.
which the testator had set aside for such class.

NON-DELEGABILITY OF TESTAMENTARY DISCRETION: - A testator is absolutely prohibited from delegating to
- The making of a will is a strictly personal act; it a third person the discretion to determine whether or
cannot be left in whole or in part to the discretion of a not a testamentary disposition would be operative.
third person, or accomplished through the (Art. 787, NCC)
instrumentality of an agent or attorney. (Art. 784, - By entrusting to a third person the determination as
NCC) to whether or not a testamentary disposition will be
- The testamentary dispositions in a Will must operative, a testator virtually gives the third person
be left entirely to the discretion of the the power to counterma his testamentary directive.
testator. Only a testator can determine the
proper objects of his bounty. DEFECTIVE TESTAMENTARY DISPOSITIONS (Art. 789,
- However, the mechanical act of preparing a notarial NCC): A testamentary disposition my suffer from any of the
will is not covered by Art. 784, NCC because this following defects:
matter is generally delegated to an attorney. 1. Imperfect description of a property to be given to a
- A practical test may be applied in order to determine particular recipient;
whether or not a disposition is testamentary in 2. Imperfect description of a person who is to receive
character. If so, the same is reserved exclusively for the property; and
the testator. If a disposition answers the questions; 3. Uncertainty on the face of the will on the application
(1)”Who will inherit?” and (2)”What or how much wil of any of its provisions.
be inherited”, the disposition is testamentary in
character. These functions cannot be delegated to an CLASSIFICATION OF DEFECTS:
agent or attorney. a. Patent Defect - defects that are apparent from a reading
of the will. [Example: “To some of my brothers, I
Article 785. The duration or efficacy of the designation of heirs, bequeath one-half of my estate.” → The reader cannot
devisees or legatees, or the determination of the portions which determine who among the surviving brothers are entitled
they are to take, when referred to by name, cannot be left to the to receive the inheritance.]
discretion of a third person. b. Latent Defect - defects that are non-apparent from a
reading of the will but the ambiguity appears only when
Article 786. The testator may entrust to a third person the the disposition is examined in light extrinsic facts and
distribution of specific property or sums of money that he may leave
circumstances. [Example: Testator gave a legacy of
in general to specified classes or causes, and also the designation
of the persons, institutions or establishments to which such
P100,000 to his friend, Joe. The disposition is apparently
property or sums are to be given or applied. clear but if following the death of the testator, two of his
friends both name is Joe, the ambiguity of the
testamentary disposition is exposed.]
- Art. 785 emphasizes that the making of a will is
strictly a personal act of the testator. If the heirs, REMEDIAL MEASURES IN CASE OF IMPERFECTIONS
legatees or devisees are identified in the will by AND AMBIGUITIES IN THE WILL:
name, the testator is prohibited from delegating to a 1. Examine the will in its entirety and from the other
third person the determination of: provisions thereof, make an attempt to correct the
1. The duration of the designation of such mistake, fill the omission, or clarify the ambiguity of the
heirs, legatees, or devisees; relevant testamentary disposition, if it is possible;
2. The efficacy of their designation; and
3. The portions or property to be given to such Parol Evidence Rule:
heirs, legatees, or devisees.
Evidence of written agreements — When the terms of an
agreement have been reduced to writing, it is considered as
Exercise of testamentary Non-delegable to third containing all the terms agreed upon and there can be,
discretion person between the parties and their successors in interest, no


Morillo Quick Reviewer
evidence of such terms other than the contents of the written which will give to every expression some effect, rather than one
agreement. which will render any of the expressions inoperative; and of two
modes of interpreting a will, that is to be preferred which will
However, a party may present evidence to modify, explain or prevent intestacy.
add to the terms of written agreement if he puts in issue in his
pleading: Article 792. The invalidity of one of several dispositions contained
(a) An intrinsic ambiguity, mistake or imperfection in the in a will does not result in the invalidity of the other dispositions,
written agreement; unless it is to be presumed that the testator would not have made
(b) The failure of the written agreement to express the such other dispositions if the first invalid disposition had not been
true intent and agreement of the parties thereto; made.
(c) The validity of the written agreement; or
(d) The existence of other terms agreed to by the
parties or their successors in interest after the PROPERTY ACQUIRED AFTER MAKING OF A WILL:
execution of the written agreement. - Property acquired after the making of a will shall only
pass thereby, as if the testator had possessed it at
The term "agreement" includes wills. (Sec. 10, Rule 130, 2019 the time of making the will, should it expressly appear
Amended Rules on Evidence (AM no.19-08-5-SC)) by the will that such was his intention. (Art. 793, NCC)
- Purpose: To permit a testator to dispose of the
2. If the will does not provide the relevant information, use property which he may acquire after the making of a
extrinsic evidence, excluding the oral declaration of the will without having to execute a new will or to amend
testator, in order to ascertain his true intention; the existing will, as though the newly acquired
property were owned by him at the time he wrote the
Dead Man’s Statute: will. In other words, Art. 793 permits the testator to
dispose future property.
Statement of decedent or person of unsound mind – In an
action against an executor or administrator or other
representative of a deceased person, or against a person of Future Property Refers to the accruals to the inheritance
unsound mind, upon a claim or demand against the estate of under Art. 781, after the death of the testator - that is,
such deceased person or against such person of unsound after succession has opened. The accruals
mind, where a party or assignor of a party or a person in belong to the heirs by right of accession,
whose behalf a case is prosecuted testifi es on a matter of although such accruals are liable for the
fact occurring before the death of the deceased person or payment of the testator’s debts.
before the person became of unsound mind, any statement of
the deceased or the person of unsound mind, may be Future Property Refers to assets acquired by the testator
received in evidence if the statement was made upon the after the execution of the will.
under Art. 793,
personal knowledge of the deceased or the person of Consequently, these assets form part of
unsound mind at a time when the matter had been recently NCC
his estate.
perceived by him or her and while his or her recollection was
clear. Such statement, however, is inadmissible if made under
circumstances indicating its lack of trustworthiness. (Sec. 39, General Rule: A will can only distribute the properties owned
Rule 130, 2019 Amended Rules on Evidence, AM no. 19-08- by the testator at the time of the execution of the will. This is
15-SC)) because a testator in general would not dispose property that
does not belong to him.
CONSTRUCTIONS OR INTERPRETATION OF Exception: Art. 793, Testator can dispose future property
TESTAMENTARY DISPOSITION: (property acquired after the execution of the will) should he
indicate his intention to do so.
Article 788. If a testamentary disposition admits of different
interpretations, in case of doubt, that interpretation by which the
Example: A testator who makes a partition of his estate by will
disposition is to be operative shall be preferred.
is likely to omit some assets. And certainly, he could not have
Article 789. When there is an imperfect description, or when no included in the partition the assets which he might acquire in
person or property exactly answers the description, mistakes and the future. But the testator can prevent partial intestacy by
omissions must be corrected, if the error appears from the context making a disposition pertaining to the omitted assets and
of the will or from extrinsic evidence, excluding the oral future property. Thus “I hereby bequeath all other property
declarations of the testator as to his intention; and when an which I have not otherwise disposed in this will, as well as all
uncertainty arises upon the face of the will, as to the application of property which I may in the future acquire by any title, to X
any of its provisions, the testator's intention is to be ascertained and Y in equal shares.”
from the words of the will, taking into consideration the
circumstances under which it was made, excluding such oral
Article 790. The words of a will are to be taken in their ordinary and IN THE WILL:
grammatical sense, unless a clear intention to use them in another 1. A republished will relates to properties of the testator as
sense can be gathered, and that other can be ascertained of the time of republication. (Art. 836, NCC). Thus,
properties acquired after the initial execution of the will
Technical words in a will are to be taken in their technical sense,
may pass to the instituted heirs following a republication
unless the context clearly indicates a contrary intention, or unless it
satisfactorily appears that the will was drawn solely by the testator,
and that he was unacquainted with such technical sense. 2. A testamentary disposition involving a property which the
testator erroneously thought to be his is void. However, if
Article 791. The words of a will are to receive an interpretation the testator should subsequently acquire ownership


Morillo Quick Reviewer
thereof by any title, the testamentary disposition shall be
forms established by the law of the country
given effect. (Art. 930, NCC) in which he may be. Such will may be
probated in the Philippines. (Art. 815, NCC)
- Every legacy or devise is presumed to convey to the Resident & 1. The forms and solemnities of contracts,
beneficiary the entirety of the testator’s interest in the Non-Resident will and other public instruments shall be
specific property subject matter thereof. (Art. 794, Alien Testator governed by the law of the country in
NCC) which they are executed. (Art. 17, NCC)
- If the testator in a valid will devised a parcel of land to 2. The will of an alien who is in abroad
produces effect in the Philippines if made
a devisee, the latter will acquire all of the testator’s
with the formalities prescribed by the law
interest in that parcel of land. If the testator's interest of the place in which he resides, or
therein is limited to an aliquot part thereof, the according to the formalities observed in his
devisee will acquire the land, but only to the extent of country, or in conformity with those which
the testator;s interest therein. this Code prescribes. (Art. 816, NCC)

Grant of Less Generally, a testamentary disposition upon the CONFLICT RULES AS TO SUBSTANTIVE REQUIREMENTS:
than Full beneficiary the totality of the testator’s interest
in the property subject matter thereof, a testator Choice of Law as to Substantive Validity:
may confer less interest.

Ex: A testator who owns a parcel of land may As to Time Law in force at the time of death of the
grant to a devisee a ½ pro indiviso interest testator. This is the interference from Art. 777,
therein. Also, a testator who owns a car may which states that the rights to succession are
bequeath to two person jointly the ownership transmitted from the moment of the death of
thereof so that each legatee acquires ½ interest the decedent.
in the car.
As to Place Testate and intestate succession, both with
Grant of Testator is permitted to convey to a beneficiary respect to the order of succession, the amount
an interest in property that exceeds his rights of successional rights, and the intrinsic validity
thereto. (Art. 929,NCC). Thus, if the testator of testamentary dispositions, shall be
Interest regulated by the national law of the person
owns only a part of, or a part interest in the
thing bequeathed, the legacy or devise shall be whose succession is under consideration,
understood to be limited to such part or whatever may be the nature of the property
interest, unless the testator declares that he and regardless of the country wherein said
gives the thing in its entirety. In which case, the property may be found. (Art. 16, NCC)
explicit grant of greater interest in the thing may
be construed as the testator’s directive that the
third-party interest in the thing be acquired so BELLIS vs. BELLIS
that it may be given in its entirety to the GR no. L-23678, June 6, 1967
designated beneficiary. (Art. 931, CC)
Amos Bellis, an American citizen and resident of Texas, executed a
RULES ON THE FORMAL VALIDITY OF A WILL (Art. 795, will in the Philippines, in which he disposed of his estate to his
NCC): relatives including his first wife, his 3 illegitimate children, and his
1. As to time - the formal validity of a will is governed by the surviving children from his first and second marriage. Upon his
law in effect at the time of its execution. Therefore, a will death, his will was admitted to probate in Manila. The executor
that was executed in 1948 in accordance with form complied with the provisions of the will and filed a project of
prescribed by the Code of Civil Procedure retained its partition. Plaintiffs, 2 of the 3 illegitimate children, opposed the
partition on the ground that they were deprived of their legitimes as
validity even if the said will was submitted in 1951 (the
illegitimate children.
time when the New Civil Code became effective), and
even if the New Civil Code has changed the rules on the ISSUE:
formal validity of a will. Which law should apply—Texas law or Philippine law?
2. As to place - the testator can choose the law that will
govern the formal validity of his will. Therefore, A filipino RULING:
testator living (permanently or temporarily) abroad is not Texas law should apply. Art 16 par 2 and Art 1039 NCC state that
required to Philippine formalities. the national law of the decedent, in intestate or testamentary
successions, shall govern with regard to the four items: (a) order of
succession; (b) the amount of successional rights; (c) the intrinsic
CONFLICT RULES AS TO FORMAL REQUIREMENTS: validity of the provisions of the will; and (d) the capacity to succeed.
Choices of Law as to Place of Execution: The parties admit that the decedent was a resident of Texas and
under the laws of Texas there are no forced heirs or legitimes.
Accordingly, the intrinsic validity of the provision of the will and the
a. Philippine law; amount of successional rights are to be determined under Texas
b. The forms and solemnities of contracts, law and not the Philippine law.
wills and other public instruments shall be
governed by the law of the country in
which they are executed. (Art. 17, NCC) TESTAMENTARY CAPACITY AND INTENT
c. When a Filipino is in a foreign country, he
is authorized to make a will in any of the


Morillo Quick Reviewer
● The age requirement would tend to ensure that the
Article 796. All persons who are not expressly prohibited by law
may make a will.
testator possess sufficient discretion, as well as emotional
and intellectual maturity that would enable him to exercise
Article 797. Persons of either sex under eighteen years of age the testamentary power intelligently. The law fixes the age
cannot make a will. of majority at 18. (Art. 234, FC, as amended by RA 6809)
● A testator must be at least 18 years of age at the time of
Article 798. In order to make a will it is essential that the testator be the execution of the will. A will executed by the testator
of sound mind at the time of its execution. on the eve of his 18th birthday is void.


- Testamentary capacity is the ability and power to
make a will; Fitness to make a will.
- This must be present at the time of the execution of Article 799. To be of sound mind, it is not necessary that the
the will. testator be in full possession of all his reasoning faculties, or that his
mind be wholly unbroken, unimpaired, or unshattered by disease,
1. The testator is a natural person;
2. The testator is at least 18 years of age at the time of It shall be sufficient if the testator was able at the time of making the
the execution of the will; will to know the nature of the estate to be disposed of, the proper
objects of his bounty, and the character of the testamentary act.
3. The testator must be of sound mind at the time of
execution of the will;
4. The testator is not expressly prohibited by law from
- Capacity to act is the power of a person to perform 1. Testator should know the nature of the estate to be
an act with legal effect. It is conferred by law to a disposed;
person upon reaching the age of majority, unless - This refers to the testator’s knowledge of the
there are circumstances which would otherwise composition of his properties, transferable rights, and
restrict such capacity or would modify or limit the obligations.
same. 2. Testator should know the proper objects of his bounty;
- This refers to the testator’s appreciation of his
Article 38. Minority, insanity or imbecility, the state of
being a deaf-mute, prodigality and civil interdiction are
personal relationships, particularly with respect to
mere restrictions on capacity to act, and do not exempt those persons who have a legitimate expectation to
the incapacitated person from certain obligations, as receive a part of his inheritance, or the persons to
when the latter arise from his acts or from property whom he is, under ordinary circumstances, expected
relations, such as easements. to give portions of his estate.
3. Testator is conscious of the nature of the testamentary
Article 39. The following circumstances, among others, act;
modify or limit capacity to act: age, insanity, imbecility,
- This refers to the testator’s total awareness that by
the state of being a deaf-mute, penalty, prodigality, family
relations, alienage, absence, insolvency and trusteeship.
making a will, he realizes that he makes provisions
The consequences of these circumstances are governed for the distribution of his estate, and that such
in this Code, other codes, the Rules of Court, and in distribution shall take effect upon his death.
special laws. Capacity to act is not limited on account of
religious belief or political opinion. NOTE: The parameters set forth in Art. 799 are not meant to
calibrate a person’s state of mind at the time of the execution
A married woman, twenty-one years of age or over, is of the will. As the state of a person’s mind is a medical rather
qualified for all acts of civil life, except in cases specified
than legal issue, Art. 799 should not be construed as the
by law.
measurement of a person’s sanity. In cases where the
- NOTE: Capacity to act is not an element of testamentary capacity of a person is challenged on the ground
testamentary capacity. For instance, deaf-mutism, of unsound mind, medical evidence must be presented. The
prodigality and civil interdiction will not curtail a case below is instructive.
person’s power to execute a valid will. However,
minority, insanity and imbecility are circumstances GR no. L-46430-31, July 30, 1979
that disqualify a person from executing one. (Art. 798,
NCC) Between the highest degree of soundness of mind and memory
which unquestionably carries with it full testamentary capacity, and
that degrees of mental aberration generally known as insanity or
Article 801. Supervening incapacity does not invalidate an effective Idiocy, there are numberless degrees of mental capacity or
will, nor is the will of an incapable validated by the supervening of incapacity and while on one hand it has been held that mere
capacity. (NCC) weakness of mind, or partial imbecility from disease of body, or
from age, will not render a person incapable of making a will; a
weak or feebleminded person may make a valid will, provided he
AGE REQUIREMENT: has understanding and memory sufficient to enable him to know
what he is about to do and how or to whom he is disposing of his
property. To constitute a sound and disposing mind, it is not


Morillo Quick Reviewer
necessary that the mind be unbroken or unimpaired or unshattered FORMS OF WILLS
by disease or otherwise. It has been held that testamentary
incapacity does not necessarily require that a person shall actually
be insane or of unsound mind. Purpose of Formalities – to close the door on bad faith and
fraud, to avoid substitution of wills, and to guaranty their truth
and authenticity; (Lee vs. Tambago). In general, formalities are
deterrent to fraud.
Form of Notarial Will
De Guzman vs. From January 18, 1929 up to March 12,
Intestate Estate 1941,Francisco Benitez was confined at 1. In writing
the National Mental Hospital for 5 periods. ● Any medium, handwritten, printed, in chinese or
He executed his last will and testament on arabic characters,
[GR no. 61167-68 August 18, 1945. SC adopted the decision
January 20, 1989] ● Does not require the testator to be literate (note
of the RTC which found that Francisco
Benitez does not possess a sound and
different rule in holographic will)
disposing mind at the time executed his ● Purposes: (i) to prove compliance with the prescribed
will. formalities; and (ii) to serve as proof of its contents,
thereby avoiding reliance on memory. Probate is,
Baltazar vs. Laxa The state of being forgetful or “magulyan” therefore, conducted (i) for a visual inspection of the
[GR no. 174489 does not necessarily make a person written document in order to determine compliance
mentally unsound so as to render him unfit with formalities; and (ii) to determine substantive
April 11, 2012]
to execute a will. A testator is presumed to validity of dispositions.
be of sound mind at the time of the
execution of the Will and the burden to
prove otherwise lies on the oppositor. 2. Language known to testator
● Objective is to ensure testator knows the contents of
the will, without necessity of third-party assistance.
PRESUMPTION OF SANITY: ● Testator’s knowledge of the language used in the will
is presumed (Abangan vs. Abangan); but if contested,
Article 800. The law presumes that every person is of sound mind,
in the absence of proof to the contrary. it must be proved.
● Knowledge of English language is not presumed if
The burden of proof that the testator was not of sound mind at the the Filipino testatrix is apparently illiterate (Suroza vs.
time of making his dispositions is on the person who opposes the Honrado).
probate of the will; but if the testator, one month, or less, before ● Testator’s knowledge of the Spanish language may
making his will was publicly known to be insane, the person who be established by circumstantial evidence (Reyes vs.
maintains the validity of the will must prove that the testator made it vda. de Vidal).
during a lucid interval. (NCC)
● The testator is presumed to know the language
spoken in the locality where he resides (Lopez vs.
1. One month or less, before the execution of the will,
the testator was publicly known to be insane; 3. Signed by the testator at the end thereof
2. Prior judicial declaration of the testator’s insanity, ● “End” means the end of the last testamentary
unless such declaration has been set aside prior to disposition. The objective of the law is to prevent
the execution of the will; and unauthorized insertions after the last testamentary
3. Prior judicial appointment of a guardian over the disposition.
person and.or property of a person by reason of ● A breach of this requirement results in the nullity of
having been found to be insane. the will; additional dispositions after the testator’s
end-signature, even if handwritten and authenticated
by the testator, nullifies the will because of the
NOTE: The party who maintains the validity of the will under the
danger it poses. If the testator wants to add
above circumstances, has the burden of proving that at the time
that the will was executed, the testator was either (1) In a lucid dispositions, the solution is for the testator to execute
interval; or (2) Has regained sanity. a codicil. (Note a different rule in holographic wills
(particularly 812) which permits the testator to add
testamentary dispositions.)
MARRIED WOMAN: ● However, if the insertion or additional testamentary
disposition is unauthorized, i.e., without the testator’s
knowledge or consent, and proven to be so, the will
● A married woman may make a will without the consent of should not be declared void because it will unduly
her husband, and without the authority of the court. penalize the testator for the mischief of another.
(Article 802, NCC) ● Or, if the insertion after the testator’s end-signature is
not a testamentary disposition, the same should not
● A married woman may dispose by will of all her separate result in the invalidation of the will.
property as well as her share of the conjugal partnership ● The requisite end-signature does not apply to the
or absolute community property. (Art. 803,NCC) witnesses who may affix their subscribing signature
on the left margin (as prescribed in 805), or,
anywhere else according to the ruling in Taboada vs.


Morillo Quick Reviewer
Rosal, because the purpose of the subscribing ● Objective is to have at least 3 witnesses who can
signatures of the witnesses is merely identify the confirm the authenticity of the signature of each of
authentic pages of the will. them.
● The customary signature of the testator is sufficient; ● Test of presence is not actual seeing the signing, but
the law did not specifically require the testator’s full the possibility of seeing a person affix his signature
signature. The customary signature represents the by just casting his eyes in the right direction (Nera vs.
testator’s consent to the execution of the will. Rimando).
● The testator’s thumb mark is acceptable, especially if ● The subscribing signatures of the witnesses and the
the testator is debilitated and unable to manually sign testator need not be on the left margin (Taboada vs.
(Lopez vs. Liboro), or if the testator is illiterate. Rosal).
● But a “cross” (or any other mark) is not equivalent to
a customary signature, unless it is so proven (Garcia 7. Pages correlatively numbered in letters placed at
vs. Lacuesta). It results in a void will. the upper part of each page
● It is doubtful if a facsimile signature or an electronic ● The objective of the law is to provide evidence of the
signature is sufficient. actual number of pages of the will; to facilitate page
count; to deter the insertion of a fraudulent page or
4. Testator’s name may be written by a third person, the suppression of an authentic page.
provided it is under his express direction and in his ● A breach of this requirement generally renders the
presence, as well as in the presence of the witnesses. will void.
● The third person should manually write the testator’s ● Numbering need not be in letters; may use roman or
name, not his own name. If the third person manually arabic numerals.
wrote his name, the will is void (Balonan vs. ● A two-page will need not be numbered on the first
Abellana). The manual signature of the third person is page (Lopez vs. Liboro)
irrelevant because it is not his will. The authority
conferred to the third person is to write the testator’s 8.Must contain an attestation clause
name – not his own name. ● The attestation clause is an act of the witnesses, not
● This alternate execution permits an illiterate testator of the testator.
to execute a will, although he may also affix his ● It must be signed by all the witnesses; testator need
thumb mark. not sign the same.
● If the two conditions are not met (signed by the ● It is the confirmation by the witnesses of the truth of
express order of the testator, and in the presence of the 3 statements made in the attestation clause,
the testator and the witnesses), the will is void. The namely:
authority to affix the testator’s name is a form of o the number of pages of the will;
agency; no directive expressly given, no authority. o the testator signed the will or caused another to
The writing of the testator’s name in the presence of write his name by his express direction and in the
the witnesses will enable the witnesses to testify on presence of the testator and the witnesses; and
this particular matter during the probate of the will. o the testator (or the third person who wrote his
See the prescribed contents of the attestation clause. name) and the witnesses signed in the presence of
one another.
5. Attested and subscribed by three credible o Failure to state that the testator’s name was written
witnesses by a third person is a fatal defect (Garcia vs.
● Attesting signatures refer to the signature of the Lacuesta)
witnesses at the bottom of the attestation clause, ● In general, a defective attestation clause renders a
thereby confirming the matters therein written. will void, subject to the substantial compliance rule in
● The subscribing signatures of the witnesses refer to 809. Thus, a defect of the language or form of the
their marginal signatures which are intended to attestation clause may be ignored if it is proven that
identify the authentic pages of the will. the will was in fact executed in accordance with the
● The failure of the witnesses, or anyone of them, to prescribed formalities, there being no bad faith,
affix their marginal signatures generally results in a forgery, fraud or undue influence and improper
void will. But see the exception to this rule in Icasiano pressure. The objective of the substantial compliance
vs. Icasiano. rule is to avoid penalizing the testator for the non-
● “Credible” means believable. Credibility of the material errors committed by the witnesses. (See vda.
witnesses is required so that their testimonies during de Gil vs. vda. de Murciano, and Caneda vs. CA and
probate may be given probative value; hence, the notice the reason for the difference in the conclusions
disqualification of witnesses who have been reached by the SC in these two similar cases.)
convicted or perjury, falsification of documents and o Thus, in Taboada vs. Rosal, the failure of the AC to
false testimony (821[2]). state the number of pages was cured by a
● More than being credible, a witness must also be statement of such number in the will itself, and in
competent; i.e., possessing the qualifications in 820. the notarial acknowledgment.
o And in Samaniego-Celada vs. Abena, an erroneous
6. Attesting and subscribing must be done in the number of pages (3 instead of correct number
presence of the testator and of the witnesses which was 2) was deemed inconsequential because
● In short, each of the testator and the witnesses must it was explained that the witnesses erroneously
sign in the present of each other. believed that the AC was part of the will.
● Breach of this requirement renders the will void.


Morillo Quick Reviewer
o But in Lopez vs. Lopez, the AC stated there were 7 ● An illiterate person is treated as a blind person
pages to the will, but the actual page count was 8. because he cannot read the will even if he wants to.
The court disallowed the will. His situation is similar to a blind testator.
● The AC does not need to state the number of ● Two separate readings are required: first by one of
witnesses (Estate of Abada vs. Abaja). the witnesses selected by the testator, and second,
● The witnesses must sign at the bottom of the AC; if by the notary public before whom the will shall be
they signed on the left margin, the AC is void, and so acknowledged.
is the will (Cagro vs. Cagro). ● This is the only instance the notary public has to be
● AC that is not signed by the witnesses renders the present at the execution of the will.
will void (Azuela vs. CA). ● The testator’s inability to read printed materials, even
● Witnesses are expected to testify during probate on if distance vision is not impaired, is equivalent to
the matters set forth in the AC. Their credibility will be blindness and requires the mandatory two readings
subjected to test. But it is not required for the (Garcia vs. Vasquez).
proponent to prove the credibility of the witnesses; it ● But note the controversial ruling in Alvarado vs.
is for the probate court to appreciate credibility. Gaviola, where the court allowed an alternate
Thus, even in the case of conflicting testimonies of procedure for the execution of the will of a blind
the witnesses, the court may yet admit the will to testator, under the principle of substantial
probate (vda. de Ramos vs. CA) compliance.

9. Acknowledged before a notary public by the Holographic Will

testator and the witnesses A holographic will achieves two basic purposes: (i) to keep
● The notarial acknowledgment is a certification by the secret the fact of execution of a will; and (ii) more importantly,
notary public that the testator voluntarily and freely to keep secret the contents thereof.
executed the will, and the witnesses voluntarily and
freely signed the AC. See the definition of a notarial Advantages of a holographic will:
acknowledgment. ● Because the form is simple, it can be executed in
● Acknowledgment before the notary public need not accordance with the prescribed form even without legal
happen immediately after the execution of the will. assistance.
● The notary public need not be present during the ● It makes secrecy possible.
execution of the will, except in the case of the will of
a blind or illiterate testator because of the mandatory Disadvantages of a holographic will:
reading requirement (808). ● The simplicity of its form makes it more vulnerable to
● If the witnesses did not acknowledge the AC before fraud, particularly, forgery.
the notary public, the will is void (Garcia vs. ● Because of the absence of other protective measures,
Gatchalian). there is hardly any assurance that the testator executed
● The notary public must be duly commission in the the will freely and voluntarily.
jurisdiction where he performed the notarial act,
otherwise the will is void (Guerrero vs. Bihis). Formal Requisites:
● The notary public may not be one of the witnesses to
the will (Cruz vs. Villasor). 1. Entirely written, dated and signed by the hand of
the testator
Special Additional Formalities for a deaf, deaf-mute, and blind ● Must be handwritten by the testator; no other form is
testator – The additional requirements are in the nature allowed.
compensatory mechanism (added protection) to make up for ● The handwriting of the testator is the only proof of
the handicap or disability of the testator. authenticity.
● The requirement refers to the date, the testamentary
Deaf or Deaf-Mute Testator dispositions, and the signature of testator.
● If testator is deaf or deaf-mute, he is a PWD because ● Breach of the requirement renders the holographic will
his ability to hear and/or to communicate his void.
thoughts is impaired. He is thus required to read the ● The authenticity of the will is assured only by the
will, if able to do so, in order to ensure that he handwriting of the testator, for which reason, it is
understands what he is about to sign. This is a arguable that the requirement may be relaxed if the
mandatory requirement that he must comply with portion that is not handwritten by the testator is not the
before he affixes his signature to the will. But note date, his signature, or a testamentary disposition.
that there is no assurance that the testator actually ● The date need not be a complete date (Roxas vs. de
read the will. Jesus). But the incomplete date must make possible
● If he is illiterate, he shall designate two persons who the determination of the state of the mind of the
shall read the will and who shall communicate to him testator and the law applicable to the required
in some practicable manner the contents thereof. formalities. Thus the date “Feb.’61” is sufficient to be
● Testator is given the right to choose the persons who used as reference for determining the state of the mind
can effectively communicate with him and whom he of the testator at or about February 1961. It also
trusts. Clearly, the law cannot determine who these indicates that the provisions of the New Civil Code
persons are. apply to the formal requisites of the holographic will of
the testator.
Bind Testator ● The date is presumed to be the true date of execution.


Morillo Quick Reviewer
● The exact location of the date is not important; it can testator’s full signature. lawyer.
be embodied in the will (Labrador vs. CA).
● Clearly, a holographic will is treated as a work in progress
2. Implicitly, it must be executed in a language to which the testator may add testamentary dispositions
known to the testator during his lifetime.
● Another indication that it is a work in progress is 814;
Probate of a holographic will insertions, cancellations, erasures or alterations are
1. Ante mortem probate – This is the best option for a permitted provided they are authenticated by the testator’s
holographic will because the proceeding can be simplified full signature.
by the testator testifying that the will presented to the court ● In Kalaw vs. Relova, the testatrix amended the sole
is his will, that he executed it freely and voluntarily, and disposition in her will by cancelling the name of original
that the same is in his handwriting. heir (Rosa) and substituted it with Gregorio. But the
testatrix did not sign the alteration. The alteration is not
2. Post mortem probate (811) effective as to Gregorio because of the lack of the
(a) Uncontested – Allowance to probate requires one authenticating signature of the testatrix. But the
witness who knows the handwriting and signature of cancellation of Rosa’s name is effectively a revocation of
the testator to declare that the will and the signature the disposition in her favor (830[3])
are in the handwriting of the testator. ● 813 and 814 are not considered elements of formal
(b) Contested – Three such witnesses are required. validity; therefore, they are not to be dealt with during
probate proper (Ajero vs. CA).
● Note that the witness must know the handwriting and
signature of the testator; knowledge is not the same as Joint Wills (818)
familiarity (Codoy vs. Calugay); therefore it is imperative ● It is a will jointly executed by two or more testators (more
that the witness should present evidence as to the often than not, by spouses).
circumstances which made him say that he knows the ● It may contain joint dispositions, particularly when the
handwriting and signature of the testator; an property disposed thereby is owned in common (ACP,
unsubstantiated assertion would not be sufficient. CGP). But it may also contain separate dispositions, albeit
● The testimony of the sole witness, or the 3 witnesses in contained in a single document.
the appropriate case, is intended to prove the sole ● The joint testators may provide for their reciprocal benefit,
formal requisite of a holographic will – the handwriting or for the benefit of a third person.
and signature of the testator. ● As to Filipinos, joint wills are void (819); as to foreign
● Azaola vs. Singson (an en banc decision) declared that nationals, this matter is governed by their national law.
the 3-witness rule is directory, not mandatory, ● Joint wills are prohibited because it gives an opportunity
because: (i) it is possible that there may not be 3 such for one of the testators (the dominant one) to unduly
witnesses who are qualified to declare that the will is influence the other (the weaker one), and this is particularly
entirely written by the hand of the testator; or (ii) such true with respect to spouses.
witnesses, while available, may not be willing to testify ● However, if a probate court erroneously allowed probate to
during probate; or (iii) the testimonies of such joint wills, and the order admitting the will to probate has
witnesses may fail to convince the court. For these become final, res judicata sets in and the probate order
reasons, the law permits referral to expert witnesses. can no longer be assailed (de la Cerna vs. Rebaca-Potot).
● The subsequent case of Codoy vs. Calugay (a divisional In this case, the will was probated as to the husband. On
decision) ruled, however, that the 3-witness rule is the reprobate of the same will as to the wife who died
mandatory because 811 used the words “at least three subsequently, probate was properly denied. This was
of such witnesses shall be required.” But it is because at the time the husband died, the Rules did not
disputable that a divisional ruling can overturn an en permit ante-mortem probate, which would have been the
banc ruling. case as to the wife. Thus, upon the death of the wife, the
same will had to be re-probated. In the second probate,
Peculiarities of a holographic will the court correctly ruled that joint wills are void.
Holographic Will Notarial Will ● However, if today a similar situation should arise, and,
Disposition below the Disposition written by the ante-mortem probate being expressly permitted, the post
testator’s signature are valid if testator (or by a third mortem probate as to the husband would be the ante-
dated and signed by the person) below the testator’s mortem probate as to the surviving wife. This would seem
testator (812). signature renders the will to lead to the conclusion that even as to the wife, the due
void (805). execution of the joint wills can no longer be contested.
When a number of This is not permitted in a
dispositions are signed notarial will, and if done, will
without being dated, and the make the notarial will void.
last disposition is both signed
and dated, the dispositions Witnesses to a Notarial Will
preceding it are validated The witnesses are expected to take the witness stand during
(813). probate in order to testify on (i) the required procedure for the
Insertions, cancellations, This is generally not done in execution of the notarial will, (ii) the testamentary capacity of
erasures and alterations are a notarial will because more the testator, and (iii) that the testator freely and voluntarily
permitted provided often than not, its executed the will.
authenticated by the preparation is handled by a


Morillo Quick Reviewer
1. Qualifications of a Witness (820) ● A similar provision is found in 1027(4) where an
● Of sound mind (See 799, 800, 801 and Alsua-Betts vs. attesting witness, his spouse, parents, children, or any
CA); the supervening incapacity a witness shall not one claiming under them, are incapacitated to inherit
deter the allowance of the will (822), in the same way from the testator. But note the differences between
that the supervening incapacity of the testator will not these two provisions of the law:
invalidate the will (801).
● 18 years of age or older Nullity of the Benefit under Incapacity of the Witness
● Not blind, deaf or dumb (note that he is expected to 823 under 1027
testify during probate) Voids the legacy or devise Incapacitates the witness
● Literate (ensures higher level of cognitive ability) Provides an exception if Does not provide for an
● Credible (specifically required by 805[1]) there are 3 other witnesses exception; the incapacity of
● But credibility of a witness need not be proved by to the will the witness is firm
the proponent of the will (Gonzales vs. CA); it is left Basis of nullity of legacy or Basis is the presumed
to the court’s appreciation of their testimonies devise is that the economic undue influence exerted by
during probate. benefit he stands to receive the witness on the testator
under the will might
2. Disqualifications of a Witness (821) compromise the integrity of
● Not domiciled in the Philippines – Local domicile his testimony
ensures his availability to testify during probate. It is
arguable though that even if he is a non-domiciliary, if ● A distinction must be made between the economic
he is available to testify during probate, it should not benefit to the witness under a legacy or devise, from
result in the disallowance of a will. The unavailability of charging the estate for the payment of a debt due to
the witnesses to testify during probate jeopardizes the such witness. A witness who collects a debt from the
allowance of the will. estate is not given any economic advantage because
● Convicted of falsification of document, perjury and whether or not the will is allowed, he should be able to
false testimony – Conviction for these specific crimes collect what is due him.
impairs the credibility of the witness upon whose
testimony the allowance of the will is dependent. The
common element of the specified crimes is the CODICILS AND INCORPORATION
dishonesty of the offender. BY REFERENCE
● He must not be the notary public before whom the will
is to be acknowledged (Cruz vs. Villasor). A notary Codicil
public who is likewise a witness to a will cannot be
● A supplement or addition to a will, made after the
permitted to acknowledge the AC before himself. This execution of a will and annexed to be taken as part of
is, at best, a self-serving frustration of the purpose of the will (825).
the acknowledgment. (See the definition of ● The objectives of a codicil are: (i) to explain a
disposition in the will, or (ii) to add a disposition, (iii) to
alter a disposition, or to revoke a prior will (830[2]).
3. Prohibited economic interest of a Witness (823) ● Clearly, a codicil needs a formally valid antecedent will,
● If a witness stands to receive a legacy, a devise, or any otherwise there is nothing to explain, nothing to add to,
other economic benefit under the will upon its and nothing to alter, nothing to revoke.
allowance, the legacy, devise, or economic benefit is ● If the objective is to explain, add or alter a disposition,
void. the antecedent will must be preserved because it, too,
● The nullity of the legacy, devise, or economic benefit must be presented for probate.
extends to those that may be given to his spouse, ● If the objective is to revoke a will, the antecedent will
parents, children, and anyone else claiming under must likewise be preserved because the efficacy of the
them. revocation is dependent upon the allowance of the
● An exception is created, and the legacy, devise or revoking will. Thus, if the revoking will is denied
economic benefit shall not be voided, if there are 3 probate, the antecedent will remains in force under the
other credible and competent witnesses (other than the doctrine of dependent relative revocation (Samson vs.
witness with an economic benefit under the will). Naval).
● The reason for the nullity of the legacy or devise is ● Requires compliance with the formalities of a will; a
because those gifts will compromise the integrity of the codicil may therefore be notarial or holographic.
testimony of the benefitted witness when he takes the ● Requires the testator to possess testamentary capacity
witness stand, as he will benefit (directly or indirectly) at the time of the execution of the codicil.
from the allowance of the will, and will be prejudiced by
its disallowance. Therefore, he is not likely to be
Incorporation by Reference (827)
completely truthful when he testifies, particularly on
● It is the incorporation of a document into a will, and as
matters that could lead to the disallowance of the will. a consequence of which the document becomes an
Remember that he losses the economic benefit if the
integral part of the will.
will is disallowed.
● Because the incorporated document becomes part of
● The economic benefit notwithstanding, the law does the will, the attestation clause should reflect this by
not disqualify the witness from being a competent including in the page count the number of pages of the
witness with respect to the will from which he stands to
incorporated document.


Morillo Quick Reviewer
● Objective is to eliminate the need of re-writing the imputed cause would be (i) speculative and (ii)
document into the will; good case for incorporation by inadmissible in evidence.
reference are TCTs of properties disposed in the will, o Therefore, a revocation based on a false cause can
marriage and birth certificates that will establish occur only if the revocation is by means of the
relationship. execution of a subsequent will or codicil. It cannot
apply to revocation by implication of law and
● Requisites: revocation by means of an overt act.
o The incorporated document must be in existence at
the time of the execution of the will; something that ● Requisites of revocation, in general:
does not exist cannot be incorporated into a will. o Testamentary capacity of testator
o The will must clearly identify and describe the o Done personally by him (other than the mechanical
document, particularly stating the number of pages act of destroying the document)
thereof. o Animus revocandi
o Signed by the testator and the witnesses on each o Revocation must be definite (express, if there is a
and every page, except for voluminous books of revocatory clause; or implied, if there are
accounts or inventories. irreconcilable dispositions between a prior and a
o During probate, must be identified by clear and subsequent will)
satisfactory proof to be the document referred to in o Revoking will is admitted to probate
the will.
Modes of Revocation
● While incorporation by reference is clearly permissible 1. By implication of law: such as (i) FC 63(4) on effect of
in notarial wills, it is highly doubtful if it is permissible in legal separation on the offending spouse; (ii) FC 43(5) on
a holographic will which must be entirely written, dated the effect of the declaration of nullity of marriage on the
and signed by the hand of the testator; except, guilty spouse; and FC 50, on the effect of the annulment of
perhaps, if the incorporated document is entirely in the marriage on the guilty spouse.
handwriting of the testator (such as ledgers, books of 2. By the execution of a subsequent will or codicil
accounts). ● Presupposes a prior formally valid will; without which
there is nothing to revoke.
● Doctrine of dependent relative revocation – For
revocation to be effective, the revoking will must be
TESTAMENTARY DISPOSITION admitted to probate; otherwise, it cannot revoke a prior
will (Samson vs. Naval)
Revocation of Wills and Dispositions
● Basis – A will is essentially ambulatory; a waiver or 3. By certain overt acts
restriction on the power to revoke a will or a disposition ● Overt act must be specified by law; however, it is
thereof is void (828). arguable that the enumeration of the overt acts is not
● It is effectively a testamentary disposition; therefore, a exclusive as in the Spanish decision where the cutting
testator needs to possess testamentary capacity in of the will using a pair of scissors was deemed to be a
order to revoke a will. It is also a personal act of the valid act of revocation; thus, shredding the will should
testator (i.e., the discretion to revoke a will must be be considered as a valid act of revocation
exercised personally by the testator) although the ● Additional requisites specific to revocation by means of
mechanical act of revoking the will, particularly in the an overt act – completion of the subjective phase of the
case of revocation by means of an overt act, may be overt act; ideally the overt act must be completed.
delegated by the testator to a third person by means of However, it is possible that the burning or tearing of a
an express direction, and done in his presence (Estate will may leave a doubt as to whether it was sufficiently
of Maloto vs. CA). burned or torn. It is important therefore to establish by
● The revocation of a prior will may be conditional (i.e. competent evidence that in doubtful cases, that in the
revocation contingent on a future uncertain event). testator’s mind he had completed the overt act. Cases
● If revocation is valid, the revoked will is set aside, even where this may be relevant are: (i) when the testator
if the revoking will should be inoperative because of the after commencing the destruction of the will, was
incapacity of the heirs or their repudiation (832). The persuaded to desist, and he desisted; (ii) when the
revoking will must, however, be admitted to probate. testator has commenced the destruction of the will, but
● A revocation based on a false cause is null and void without his knowledge, the same was salvaged by
(833). Mote that the true cause of the benefit given in a someone else.
will is the generosity of the testator. The false cause of
revocation referred to here is the internal reason why 4. By presumption – If a will was at all times in the
the testator decided to revoke the will. possession of the testator, and was last seen in his
o The reason for the nullity of the revocation is that possession, and upon his death it could not be found, a
the same is the product of vitiated consent – presumption arises that he revoked the will (Gago vs.
specifically, a mistake. Mamuyac)
o Therefore, it is absolutely necessary, in order to
establish the mistake, that the false cause is stated Types of Revocation
in the will; otherwise no one can impute a cause for 1. Total or partial – total if the entire will is revoked and
the testator’s revocation of his will; any such no disposition is left effective; partial, if only specific
dispositions are revoked (831)


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2. Express or implied republic of a will that is void as to form requires the re-
● Expressed, if there is a revocatory clause where the execution thereof.
testator explicitly states his desire to revoke a prior will. 2. Will is formally valid but revoked - If the will is valid as to
Express revocation does not permit a revival of the will form but was revoked by the testator, the rewriting and
(837); but if the revoked will is formally valid, it may be re-execution thereof would be unnecessary.
republished by mere reference (836), meaning the Republication in this instance is accomplished through
revoked will need not be re-written, as a codicil which the execution of a subsequent valid codicil that makes
refers to it would be sufficient to republish the revoked specific reference to the revoked will.
will. Republication by reference requires that the
revoked will be preserved. If the expressly revoked will Article 837. If after making a will, the testator makes a second
is void as to form, technically the revoking will did not will expressly revoking the first, the revocation of the second
revoke it; hence it may be republished only by the re- will does not revive the first will, which can be revived only by
writing and re-execution of a new will which must be another will or codicil. (NCC)
valid as to form (835).
● Implied, if the revocation of a prior will or a prior REVIVAL OF WILLS:
disposition arose from its irreconcilable inconsistency - This refers to the reinstatement of a revoked will by
with a subsequent will or disposition. In sum the operation of law which requires no action on the part
testator never indicated his desire to revoke the prior of the testator, Unlike republication.
will. A will that is impliedly revoked may be revived by
the revocation of the subsequent will, because the REQUISITES OF REVIVAL OF WILLS:
inconsistency would disappear. 1. The testator executed a first formally valid will;
2. The testator executed a second formally valid will
Effect of revocation on the recognition of an illegitimate child whose provisions are irreconcilably inconsistent with
● An illegitimate child may be recognized by his putative those of the first will;
father in the latter’s will. 3. The second will does not expressly revoke the first
● Such recognition is not a property disposition; therefore, will, but because of the irreconcilable inconsistency
its validity or efficacy is not dependent on the allowance of between the provisions of the two wills, the second
the will. will impliedly revoked the first will;
● As a general rule, the recognition of the illegitimate child 4. The testator revoked the second will.
does not become ineffective by the revocation of the will
that contains it (834), precisely because it is not a property NOTE: When the above requisites are met, the first will is
disposition. automatically revived.
● But exceptionally, the recognition of the illegitimate child
may be challenged if the will is disallowed by reason of (i)
testator’s want of testamentary capacity; or (ii) if
disallowance was premised upon the testator committing a
mistake, or upon violence, intimidation, undue influence, or
fraud perpetrated on the testator. Allowance and Disallowance of Wills:

General Rule – 838 provides that no will shall pass property

unless it is proved and allowed in accordance with law
(probate proceedings)
Article 835. The testator cannot republish, without ● Probate is necessary because of the extremely
reproducing in a subsequent will, the dispositions contained in sensitive nature of a will which gratuitously disposes
a previous one which is void as to its form. (NCC) property after the grantor has died. The grantor can no
longer be heard to confirm or to deny the property
Article 836. The execution of a codicil referring to a previous dispositions attributed to him.
will has the effect of republishing the will as modified by the ● There is a need to ensure that the will is genuine and
codicil. (NCC) truly expresses the wishes of the testator.
● There is a real danger of fraud being perpetrated,
MEANING OF REPUBLICATION: particularly forgery.
- To re-issue publicly or to officially or formally
announce or proclaim again. Definition of Probate – to prove before some officer or
- The republication of a will is a process sanctioned by tribunal, vested by law by authority for the purpose, that the
law pursuant to which (1) A will that is void as to form instrument offered to be proved is the last will and testament
is rectified by re-executing the same; or (2) A revoked of the deceased person whose testamentary act it is alleged
will which is valid as to form is brought back to life to be, and that it has been executed, attested and published
through the execution of a codicil that makes as required by law, and that the testator was of sound and
reference to the antecedent revoked will. disposing mind. It is a proceeding to establish the validity of
the will (Lasam vs. Umengan).
1. Will is void as to form - If the will is void as to form, the Stages of Probate
testator can rectify the mistake by re-executing the will, 1. Probate Proper – It is the first phase of the proceeding
but this time, in accordance with the formalities where the scope of judicial inquiry is limited to: (i) the
prescribed by law at the time of republication. The testamentary capacity of testator, (ii) compliance with


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formal requisites, (iii) proof that the will presented is that without prejudice to the matter being threshed out in a
of the testator, and (iv) proving that the testator freely separate proceeding (Pastor, Jr. vs. CA). Pastor
executed the same (Gallanosa vs. Ancangel). If these enumerated the errors of the probate court:
items are proved, the probate court will issue an order ● Probate court ordered the inclusion of disputed shares
admitting the will to probate (the probate order). in the estate of the testator; but went beyond such
Generally, matters of substantive validity are not dealt finding by ordering that a portion of all those shares be
with in this phase of the proceedings, except if is shown delivered to the legatee.
that the probate of the will would be an idle ceremony and ● The order of partial distribution was issued even before
a waste of time, such as if a compulsory heir was the will was admitted to probate.
preterited and the will contained only one disposition ● The order of partial distribution was issued even before
which was the universal institution of an heir (Nuguid vs. the estate liabilities (taxes included) could be settled.
Nuguid). ● The order of partial distribution was issued even before
2. Partition – It is the second phase of the proceeding, the compulsory heirs could be identified and
following the admission of the will to probate, where the confirmed, and even before their legitime could be
scope of judicial inquiry includes a determination of the determined.
substantive validity of the testamentary dispositions, the
capacity of the heirs, and eventually leading to the 3. Intrinsic Validity – scope of inquiry in Phase 1 of
partition of the hereditary estate. probate
● Jimenez vs. IAC - A widower gave to his 4 children
Types of Probate properties which pertained to the dissolved conjugal
1. Post mortem – probate after the death of the testator; partnership with the deceased wife. This was not
allowance of the will is largely dependent on the testimony properly documented, nor was the estate of the wife
of the witnesses formally settled. Then he contracted a second marriage
2. Ante mortem – probate during the lifetime of the which bore him 7 more children. When he died, the
testator; allowance of the will is largely dependent on a children of the second marriage sought to include in
visual examination of the will and the testimony of the the settlement of his estate the properties which were
testator previously given to the children of the first marriage.
And correctly so, because the first conjugal partnership
3. Reprobate of a Will – pertains to the reprobate of a was not properly liquidated.
will already probated in a foreign jurisdiction; this is ● Nepomuceno vs. CA – A testator gave the legitime of
necessary only if the probated will is sought to be enforced his legitimate children, and gave the free portion to his
in the Philippines. The evidence required are: common law partner. Testator was a married man,
● Due execution of the will in accordance with the albeit separated, and lived with his mistress – a fact he
relevant foreign law admitted in his will. The court, during probate, struck
● Testator was domiciled in the foreign country and not out the institution of the mistress, even before passing
in the Philippines on the formal validity of the will. This case is similar to
● Admission of the will to probate in such country Nuguid, where the universal institution of the sister
● Fact that the foreign tribunal is a probate court resulted in the preterition of the surviving parents. Here,
● Prove the foreign law on procedure and allowance of the children were entitled to the legitime as a matter of
will (vda. de Perez vs. Tolete) right and the testator need not give it to them in his will.
Technically therefore, the only disposition in the will
Jurisprudence was the grant of the entire free portion to his mistress.
1. Necessity of Probate - A will cannot pass property
unless it is allowed or probated (Rodriguez vs. Rodriguez). 4. Presentment of the Will to Probate Court – The will
The unprobated will of the testator where he allocated his must be physically delivered to the probate court in order
5-door apartment among his children and live-in partner is to allow a visual examination of the same so that
ineffective. The situation did not change even if the compliance with the formalities can be determined
children and the live-in partner executed an extrajudicial (deadline to custodian of the will – 20 days from learning of
partition of the estate (based on the provision of the the testator’s death - Rule 75). Probate therefore becomes
unprobated will) which they did not register. Thus, if it problematic if the will is lost or could not be found.
turned out that the testator had sold the apartment units to ● Gan vs. Yap – An attempt was made to prove the due
the live-in partner, the children cannot claim any execution and contents of a missing holographic will.
entitlement under the will which was not probated. Same Proponents tried to explain why the testatrix concealed
conclusion was reached in Lasam vs. Umengan where the the will from her husband; and that at least 5 witnesses
supposed will of the testatrix adjudicating her properties to testified on the contents thereof. The decision did not
her heirs was not probated. state the evidence presented in respect of the evidence
surrounding its execution. The court found the
2. Issue of Ownership - As a rule, an issue of testimonies of the witnesses not credible and ruled that
ownership may not be dealt with in a probate proceeding, the court will not distribute the property of the
the probate court being a court of limited jurisdiction. deceased based on the holographic will unless it is
Issues of ownership are generally addressed in a separate proved to be in his handwriting and signature, such
action specifically instituted for the purpose. However, that the loss of the holographic will is a fatal defect.
when necessary to determine the inclusions to or ● Rodelas vs. Aranza – Under similar circumstances, a
exclusions from estate of the deceased person, a probate photostatic copy of the missing holographic will was
court may provisionally rule on an issue of ownership, presented. The probate court dismissed the petition on


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the ground that the only evidence of compliance with specific movable/immovable property, it being his
the formalities is the original copy of the will. The intention to set aside such property for the legatee or
Supreme Court ruled that the probate proceedings devisee, to the exclusion of all other persons. The
should not be dismissed immediately, but that the testator’s main concern is not the value of the gift, but
proponent should be given an opportunity to compare the identity of the property he wants to give.
the photostatic copy with the standard handwriting of
the testator. Importance of the Correct Definition – The correct
definition of the institution of heirs highlights the
Grounds for Disallowance of a Will (839) significance of one of the consequences of preterition and
1. non-compliance with formalities invalid disinheritance. In either case, the institution of heirs
2. lack of testamentary capacity is annulled (totally in the case of preterition, and possibly
3. testator’s consent was vitiated (force, threat, undue partially only in the case of an invalid disinheritance), but
influence, fraud, mistake) legacies and devises which are not inofficious shall remain
valid. Why? In preterition and invalid disinheritance, there
Jurisprudence is a need to restore the legitime which is denied the
1. Vice of consent must be proved; cannot be preterited or invalidly disinherited heir. Therefore, it is
appreciated on the basis of unsubstantiated allegations of imperative for a portion of the estate to be freed so that
intimidation, undue influence, or fraud (Baltazar vs. Laxa); from that portion of the estate, the legitime of the deprived
mere forgetfulness is not insanity. compulsory heir could be sourced.
2. That the testatrix lived with the principal beneficiary
of her estate is not an indication that she was unduly ● In preterition, there is a need to annul the institution
influenced by the latter (Pascual vs. de la Cruz). because there is no other source for the recovery of the
3. That the testator was unduly influenced by his legitime of the preterited heir.
temporary host with whom he lived during the Japanese
occupation is belied by the fact that the testator did not ● In a void disinheritance, the annulment of the institution
revoke such will after he moved out of the house of his is mandated only if there is no other source of recovery
host after the war (Ozaeta vs. Cuartero). for the disinherited heir, or if the available resources are
4. The oppositor in a probate proceeding has the insufficient to fully recover the legitime.
burden of proving undue influence (Coso vs. Fernandez-
Deza); not every influence is undue; mere general or In freeing up a portion of the estate for the recovery of the
reasonable influence is permissible. Influence becomes legitime, the law made the first recourse against the institution
undue when it overpowers and subjugates the mind of the of heirs, before recourse against the legacies and devises.
testator as to destroy the free agency of his will and makes This is because the legatees and devises are deemed to have
him express the will of another, rather than his own. been given by the testator the preferential right to the specific
5. The 52-year age gap between the testator and his property allotted to them. Thus, between the preference
wife is not indicative that the latter defrauded the testator extended to legatees and devisees against none given to
in signing the will; neither does the omission of collateral instituted heirs, the institution of heirs will have to be annulled
relatives from the will (Ortega vs. Valmonte). or aside, before reducing or abating the legacies and devises.

Requisites of a Valid Institution

SECTION 2 - INSTITUTION OF HEIRS a. Extrinsically valid will – Unless the will is admitted to
probate, it cannot pass property.
Preliminary Statement – The testator may distribute his b. Substantive validity of the institution – The institution
estate in either of three ways: (i) by instituting heirs, (ii) by must be compliant with the substantive provision of the
giving legacies and devises (Dizon-Rivera vs. Dizon), or (iii) law (e.g., no preterition, capacity of the heir, no
by doing both. This explains 841 in that a will need not impairment of the legitime).
contain an institution of heirs. c. Institution must be free from vice of consent on the part
of the testator – otherwise the institution is void.
Definition – Institution refers to the designation of the d. The Institution personally made by the testator (784) – it
person(s) who will succeed to the testator’s estate (840). is a non-delegable function
The definition is inaccurate because it encompasses the e. The instituted heir must be clearly identified (845),
legatees and the devisees. The accurate definition is the without prejudice to the validity of class institution (786,
designation of the person(s) who will inherit the whole or a 1030)
fractional part of the estate.
5. Basic Principles
● Gift of value – This is the essence of institution of a. Complete distribution by institution is not necessary
heirs. The testator gives to the heirs, individually or (841) – Incomplete distribution, repudiation, or
collectively, specific portion(s) of his PRO which incapacity of the heirs merely creates a vacancy in the
represent(s) specific value. The testator is concerned inheritance, and such vacancy may be filled:
only with the value of what he is giving, and not with ● by the testator himself through substitution of heirs
the properties which will comprise such portion of the (857);
estate. ● by law, through the right of representation (970)
and, thereafter, accretion (1015); and
● Gift of specific property – This is the essence of a ● finally by intestacy, if there is no representation and
bequest. The testator gives to the legatee/devisee a accretion


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● The rule on collective institution is an adjunct of the
Incomplete distribution may thus result in partial rule of equality. The rule of equality prescribes that
intestacy (851). Note that the law distinguishes between heirs instituted without designation of shares shall
the validity of the will (both formal and substantive) and inherit equally.
its effectiveness (i.e., the implementation f the ● Thus, if individually instituted heirs concur with
testamentary dispositions contained in the will, which collectively instituted heirs, an issue arises as to
can be prevented by RIP). Thus, a will may be valid, but whether or not the rule of equality will squarely
ineffective in whoe or in part. In order that the estate apply.
may be fully liquidated by testamentary succession, the
will must be both valid and effective. ● If the collectively instituted heirs are treated as one
heir, the individual shares of the collectively
b. Freedom to dispose (842) – Testator is free to dispose instituted heirs will be significantly less than the
his estate in any manner in favor of any qualified heir if shares of the individually instituted heirs. This is not
he does not have compulsory heirs (887); if he has, he prohibited, but the law requires that such intention
must preserve the legitime (886). must appear in the disposition.
● Without any indication that such was the intention
c. How to designate heirs – The simple rule is that the of the testator, the collectively instituted heirs shall
instituted heir must be identified or identifiable with be treated as though they were individually
certainty; failing which the institution is void (843, 844, instituted – resulting in the equal division of the
845). estate among all heirs. The collective institution of
several heirs will be treated merely as descriptive of
d. Rule of equality – Heirs instituted without designation the individuals comprising the group.
of shares inherit equally (846). Without designation of ● Thus, the testator instituted to the free portion X, Y,
specific shares for each heir, there is no factual basis and the three children of Z (namely A, B, C). The
for giving an advantage to one or some over the others, free portion shall be divided into 5 equal parts. But
and there should be no speculation or second- if the testator instituted X, Y, and collectively as a
guessing the testator on this point. group A, B and C, then X and Y will each get 1/3 of
● If the instituted heirs are all voluntary heirs, apply the free portion, and the remaining 1/3 shall be
the rule of equality outright. divided equally among A, B and C.
● If some of the instituted heirs are voluntary heirs,
and the others are compulsory heirs, certain f. Rule of Simultaneous Institution – If a person is
precautions must be observed. called to the succession together with his children, they
o Carefully read the testamentary disposition are deemed simultaneously instituted, not successive
and make a determination of the true intention (849).
of the testator. Determine if the testator’s ● How successive institution works – The testator
intention is to give equal shares to all such institutes a specific heir (can also be a legatee or
heirs without distinction, or alternatively, if the devisee), subject to a stipulation that at a specified
testator’s intention is to apply the rule of equal point in time, or at the very latest, upon the death of
division only with respect to the free portion of such heir, the property shall pass to another heir or
the estate. heirs designated by the testator.
o In the first instance, apply the rule of equal ● Consequence of successive institution – The heir
division among the compulsory and voluntary originally instituted, while he acquires title to the
heirs, but making sure that the assigned property, is at best comparable (comparable does
shares of the compulsory heirs do not impair not mean the same) to a lifetime usufructuary
their legitime. If there is impairment of the because he is denied the right to dispose the
legitime, make the necessary adjustments so property which, at a specified time, or at the latest
that the compulsory heirs get at least the upon his death, shall pass to another person
legitime. In this case, the rule of equality will designated by the testator.
not result in the quantitative equality of the ● Successive institution was eliminated in the New
shares of all the heirs. (See Dizon-Rivera vs. Civil Code. The fundamental justifying reason is that
Dizon) successive institution permits a testator to control
o In the second instance, if the intention of the the property from his grave (i.e., even after his
testator is clearly to apply the law of equality death which under 37 terminated his ownership of
only to the free portion, distribute the legitime the property).
first, and apply the rule of equality to the free ● Thus, if a person is instituted together with his
portion. children, they all inherit simultaneously and will
● In order to fully understand the process of acquire the property in equal shares. The father
distribution, refer to the illustrative examples set out cannot claim sole ownership of the property during
in Article 846 of the book. his lifetime and deny his children their proportionate
share thereof until his death.
e. Rule on Collective Institution – If the testator ● But the law created one exception to the rule of
instituted some heirs individually, and others simultaneous institution: the fideicommissary
collectively, it is presumed that his intention is to substitution (863) which shall be discussed later.
institute them individually unless a contrary intention
appears (847). g. Institution based on a false cause (850)


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● The false cause must be understood in the recovery of the legitime by the preterited heir. See the
colloquial sense: a false and incidental reason relied illustrative examples of the annulment of the institution
upon by the testator in making the testamentary in the book.
disposition. It is important to remember that the c. Objective – The legitime of the compulsory heirs must
legal and true cause for the institution of an heir is be preserved. A preterited heir is entitled to recover his
the liberality or generosity of the testator – which legitime. The total annulment of the institution of heirs
can never be false. permits this recovery.
● Essentially, therefore, the false cause in an d. Different modes of impairing the legitime
institution is a mistake committed by the testator ● Testator may execute a will, dispose his entire
upon which he relied in making a testamentary estate, and leave nothing to a compulsory heir in
disposition. A mistake vitiates consent (1330). the direct line. This situation is addressed by 854
● The principles of revocation based on a false cause (preterition).
(833, Lecture No. 5) are applicable to the institution ● Testator may give a share to a compulsory heir, but
based on a false cause. in an amount less than the prescribed legitime. This
● Effect of a false cause – the false cause is deemed
situation is addressed by 906 (completion of
not written and the disposition remains valid,
except if it appears from the will that the testator
would not have made such disposition had he ● Testator may, in his lifetime, dissipate his estate
known of the falsity of the cause. through donations inter vivos and thereby deprive
his compulsory heirs of the legitime. This situation
● Requisites: is addressed by 1061 (collation of donations).
o The testator must indicate in the disposition his e. Requisites of preterition
reason for making the institution; this reason is ● Omission of a compulsory heir – Reference is 887.
the incidental cause for the institution, the Children and descendants are the primary
principal cause is his generosity to the heir; if compulsory heirs. The surviving spouse and
the cause for the institution is not stated, there illegitimate children are concurring compulsory
would be no basis for alleging that the institution heirs. Parents and ascendants are secondary
was based on a false cause (see parol evidence compulsory heirs. Children and descendants as
rule). Thus, the only acceptable basis for well as parents and ascendants are compulsory
establishing the falsity of the cause is the heirs in the direct line and may thus be preterited.
testamentary disposition itself, to the exclusion While preterition is a matter of intrinsic validity, it
of extrinsic evidence. may be dealt with during probate proper if a
o There must be competent proof that the stated continuation of the proceeding, despite a clear case
cause for the institution of the heir is false. of preterition, would be an idle ceremony (Nuguid
o To nullify the disposition, it is imperative to vs. Nuguid).
prove that the testator would not have made ● Compulsory heir in the direct line – excludes the
such disposition had he known the falsity of the surviving spouse (Balanay vs. Martinez), but
stated cause. In Austria vs. Reyes, there was a includes an adopted child (Acain vs. IAC)
failure to prove that the consistent reference of ● Omission of the compulsory heir is total: i.e., he
the testatrix to the description of the instituted stands to receive nothing by will, will receive
heirs as her compulsory heirs (which is false) nothing by intestacy as the will disposed
was the cause for the institution. everything, and he received no advances of the
legitime (i.e., no collationable donation) (Aznar vs.
h. Rules for Adjusting the Shares of Instituted Heirs Duncan). If something is left undistributed by the
● If the testator instituted several heirs as her sole will, the omission is not total, there is no preterition;
and universal heirs (to the exclusion of all others), the omitted heir would merely be entitled to
but their collective entitlements do not cover the completion of his legitime (see illustrative example
entire estate, their respective shares shall be in Art. 855).
increased proportionately so that the entire estate ● Omitted compulsory heir survives the testator – If
would be distributed (852). the omitted compulsory heir predeceased the
● If the testator instituted several heirs and their testator, he never had a chance to inherit from the
entitlements exceed the hereditary estate, their latter; thus, he could not have been omitted.
respective shares shall be reduced (853). However, the children and descendants of a
● See the illustrative adjustments in the examples predeceased omitted compulsory heir are entitled
cited in Arts. 852 and 853. to exercise the right of representation (856 in
relation to 972). While there is no preterition of a
Preterition predeceased child, the descendants of the latter
a. Definition – It is the omission of one, some or all of the are entitled to recover the legitime of the
compulsory heirs in the direct line, whether such heirs predeceased omitted child by right of
are living at the time of the execution of the will, or born representation.
after the death of the testator (854). f. Preterition (854) compared to an Ineffective
b. Consequence – Preterition results in the total disinheritance (918)
annulment of the institution of heirs, but legacies and Preterition Ineffective Disinheritance
devises which are not inofficious shall remain valid. The
total annulment of the institution paves the way for the Presumed to have been Disinheritance is always


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caused by oversight of the intentional; the testator ● Reciprocal – two heirs being bilateral substitute for the
testator; therefore, has a reason for the other
unintentional. same. ● Fideicommissary – a first heir and a second heir
simultaneously instituted, but the beneficial rights of
854 applies only to All compulsory heirs the second heir is suspended for the duration of the
compulsory heirs in the (descendants, beneficial rights of the first heir (863)
direct line, thus excluding ascendants and spouse)
the spouse. may be disinherited. 3. Basic Rules of Substitution
● The substitute takes the share of the defaulting
Preterition results in the The annulment of the instituted heir, subject to the same charges and
total annulment of the institution is limited to conditions imposed on the instituted heir, except: (i) if
institution of heirs; legacies the extent necessary to the testator otherwise provides, or (ii) the condition or
and devises which are not allow the disinherited charge imposed on the instituted heir is purely personal
inofficious are preserved. heir to recover legitime;
● If heirs instituted in unequal shares should be
legacies and devises
reciprocal substitutes, the substitute acquires the share
which are not inofficious of the defaulting heir (RIP), unless the testator indicates
are preserved. otherwise. If there are more than one substitutes, they
shall have the same share in the substitution as in the
The recovery of the Recovery of the institution (861). In this regard, be very cautious if the
preterited heir may exceed disinherited heir is substitution involves compulsory heirs because the
the legitime, following the always limited to the legitime of a compulsory heir is not subject to
total annulment of the legitime. substitution (904). See the illustrations in Art. 861.
institution of heirs.
4. Fideicommissary substitution – The first heir
(fiduciary) is entrusted with the obligation to preserve and
Governing law of preterition – national law of the testator to transmit the whole or part of the inheritance to the
(Cayetano vs. Leonidas). second heir, subject to two conditions: (i) the first and
second heirs are related to each other in the first degree
SECTION 3 - SUBSTITUTION OF HEIRS (necessarily by consanguinity because the degree of
relationship is measured by generation 963); and (ii) both
must be living at the time of the death of the testator (863).
Substitution of Heirs A third requisite was omitted by law: i.e., both heirs must
1. Definition – the testator’s appointment of another be capacitated to inherit from the testator.
heir who shall enter into the inheritance in default of the
heir originally instituted (857). The definition is not exactly ● Nature of fideicommissary substitution – It is
accurate because of fideicommissary substitution where undoubtedly a case of successive institution that was
the second heir is not, strictly speaking, meant to take the disguised as a substitution. By definition, substitution is
place of the first instituted heir. The truth is: the appointment of a replacement for a defaulting
fideicommissary substitution is the only permissible case instituted heir (RIP, 857). In a fideicommissary
of successive institution. substitution, the first heir did not default. How was the
disguise created? The theory is that the first and
● Purpose – to fill the vacancy in the inheritance left by second heirs inherited simultaneously from the testator;
the refusal (repudiation) or inability (predecease and but they do not become co-owners of the property
incapacity) of the instituted heir to take the inheritance. inherited. The reason is that while title to the property
In the process, intestacy with respect to the vacant pass to both of them simultaneously, the first heir takes
portion is avoided. precedence in enjoying the beneficial rights to the
property, to the exclusion of the second heir, at most
● Remedies for filling the vacancy in the inheritance to for a lifetime. At the appointed time, or at the latest on
avoid intestacy: the death of the first heir, the beneficial rights to the
● By an act of the testator – substitution of heirs property is consolidated in the second heir, who then
● By provision of law – right of representation (970) becomes the absolute owner of the property.
and right of accretion (1015) Consequently, upon the death of the first heir, the
property subject to fideicommissary substitution does
● Grounds for substitution – Generally, substitution fills a not form part of his estate. So, the practical
vacancy brought about by RIP, unless the testator consequence and benefit arising from a
specifies the specific ground for substitution (859). fideicommissary substitution is that the testator, in a
There is no law that prohibits the testator from single testamentary disposition, is able to pass
providing substitution for another cause (e.g., non- ownership of the property twice: initially to the first heir,
fulfillment of a suspensive condition attached to the and thereafter to the second heir. But for these two
institution of the heir) transmissions, the estate tax is only paid once.

2. Types of substitutions (858) ● Requisites of fideicommissary substitution:

● Simple or common – one heir, one substitute a. The testator appoints a first heir (or a first legatee
● Brief – one heir, two or more substitutes (860) or a first devisee). The first heir is alive at the time
● Compendious – two or more heirs, one substitute (860)


Morillo Quick Reviewer
of testator’s death and capacitated to inherit from ● Since the substitution is not premised on the
the latter. The first heir acquires title to the property default of the first heir, the second heir inherits from
(simultaneously with the second heir). He is not just the testator even though he should die before the
a trustee or a usufructuary of the property (vda. de first heir; the right of the second heir to the property
Mapa vs. CA). passes to his heirs (866)
b. The testator imposed on the first heir (the ● If the first heir should predecease the testator, he
fiduciary) the duty to preserve the property and passes nothing to his heirs. Upon the death of the
to transmit it to the second heir (the testator, the property shall pass to the second heir
fideicommissary). In sum, there is a restriction on because he too is an instituted heir.
the title of the first heir because his title is at best ● If the substitution is void, the institution of the first
for a lifetime, if not even shorter. So, does the first heir remains valid; the substitution is deemed not
heir have the right to dispose or alienate the written (868)
property (jus disponendi)? One opinion holds that
the right to dispose is in conflict with his duty to 5. Dispositions that are void – These are deemed
preserve and to deliver the property to the second possible circumventions of the limitations on
heir, and therefore, necessarily denied him. A fideicommissary substitution.
second opinion holds that the first heir may alienate ● Fideicommissary substitution that are not made in an
the property because he is an owner thereof (not a express manner
co-owner). However, because of the obligation to ● Perpetual prohibition to alienate the property inherited;
preserve and to transmit the property to the second however, the prohibition is valid for 20 years (870,
heir, his ability to alienate the property is subject to Rodriguez vs. CA)
the resolutory condition of his ownership: i.e., at the ● Imposition of the burden of paying income or pension
appointed time of delivery to the second heir, the to various persons beyond the limit of 863 – meaning
alienation must likewise end. The problem with this not more than 2 payees who must be parent and child
second opinion is that the conditional title of the ● Heirs given secret instruction regarding the application
first heir may not be known or knowable by the or investment of the property bequeathed
transferee which would make the latter a purchaser
in good faith. In which case, the second heir may 6. Separate disposition of naked title and usufruct
not recover the property from the purchaser in good (869) – This is permitted and is not covered by the
faith. Could the second heir demand a security for limitations on fideicommissary substitution. But if the
the delivery to him of the property at the appointed usufruct is given to several persons successively, the
time? The law does not require the first heir to give limitations on fideicommissary substitution shall apply.
such security, particularly because the first and
second heirs are related to each other as parent
and child (first degree).
c. The substitution cannot go beyond one degree –
This requisite was interpreted as one degree by
relationship (Ramirez vs. Ramirez). Thus, the only
persons permitted to be the first and second heirs Testamentary Dispositions with a Condition or Term;
in a fideicommissary substitution would be a parent Modal Disposition
and a child (regardless of legitimacy or illegitimacy
of relationship because they are related within the 1. Important Definitions
first degree), but not an adopting parent and an ● Condition – an event that is uncertain to happen in the
adopted child (if there is no blood relationship future which will either trigger the efficacy of a
within the first degree). testamentary disposition or its termination
d. Both the fiduciary and the fideicommissary must ● Suspensive condition – an event that is uncertain to
be alive at the time of the testator’s death – This happen in the future, the happening of which will make
is because they inherit from the testator a testamentary disposition effective; meantime the
simultaneously (866) and thus have to be efficacy of the testamentary disposition is put in a state
capacitated to inherit from the testator at that point of suspense, or otherwise held in abeyance. If the
in time. Note, however, that a conceived child is suspensive condition does not happen, or if it becomes
given the presumptive personality (40, 41). certain that it will not happen, the testamentary
e. The substitution must be made in an express disposition becomes ineffective.
manner – There are two ways of accomplishing ● Resolutory condition – an event that is uncertain to
this: (i) call the substitution fideicommissary, or (ii) happen in the future, the happening of which will
impose upon the first heir the explicit obligation to terminate a testamentary disposition; meantime the
preserve and to transmit the property to the second instituted heir, legatee, or devisee takes possession of
heir (865, 867). Thus, failing to call the substitution the property bequeathed to him.
as fideicommissary, or failing to impose the twin ● Potestative condition – a condition whose fulfillment
duty to the first heir, there can be no is dependent completely on the will of the heir
fideicommissary substitution (Crisologo vs. ● Casual condition – a condition whose fulfillment is
Singson). purely dependent on chance or luck
● Mixed condition – a condition whose fulfillment is
● Principles of fideicommissary substitution to remember partly dependent on the will or the heir, and partly on
● It cannot burden the legitime (864, 904). chance or luck or on the will of another person


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● Positive condition – a condition that requires the heir ● Absolute impossibility – the condition cannot be
to do something fulfilled by any one at any time under any
● Negative condition – a condition that requires the heir circumstance (e.g., the condition to make a dead
to refrain from doing something man live again)
● Relative impossibility – the condition cannot be
● Term – an event that is certain to happen in the future, fulfilled by the beneficiary of the disposition
although the exact time of happening may not be known, particularly, even if it can be fulfilled by some other
which has an effect on the demandability of a testamentary person.
● Suspensive term – an event that is certain to happen Effect: The condition is void, but the disposition is
in the future (thus, it is a matter of time), but until such valid.
event happens or until the arrival of that period, the Reason: The condition is merely an accessory to the
demandability of a testamentary disposition is put in a testamentary disposition; the cause of the disposition
state of suspense, or otherwise held in abeyance is the generosity of the testator. If the impossibility of
● Resolutory term – an event that is certain to happen in the condition is known to the testator, then it is
the future (thus, it is a matter of time), the happening of apparent that the testator is making a mockery of the
such event or the arrival of such period terminates the privilege to dispose property by will.
testamentary disposition Compared to obligations – An obligation subject to an
impossible condition is void; not just the condition.
● Modal disposition – may refer to the institution of an heir, (1183) This is because the impossibility of the condition
or to a legacy or devise, wherein the testator states: (i) the indicates the lack of interest of the parties to be bound
object (or purpose) of the institution, legacy or devise, or to the performance of the obligation.
(ii) the application of the property left to the beneficiary, or Time of impossibility – The condition must be
(iii) imposes a charge or burden on the recipient of the impossible at any point in time, whether at the time of
property the execution of the will, or at the time of the death of
the testator
● Efficacy – refers to the effectiveness of the testamentary
disposition, i.e., whether or not the disposition shall take b. Absolute condition not to contract a first or
effect; it is not the same as demandability subsequent marriage (874) – void because it violates
the freedom of the heir to choose his status in life; void
● Demandability – refers to the entitlement of the because it tends to encourage cohabitation outside of
beneficiary of a testamentary disposition to demand the marriage.
delivery of the property left to him; it pertains only to an
effective testamentary disposition As to the prohibition to contract a subsequent
marriage, it is valid if imposed on the widow or widower
It is advisable to review the provisions of the Code on by the deceased spouse, or by the latter’s ascendants
conditional obligations and obligations with a term (1179- and descendants.
1198 inclusive) because the conditions imposed by the
testator upon the heir is governed by the rules established A condition imposing marriage, surprisingly, is valid.
for conditional obligations, in all matters not specifically
provided herein (884). A relative prohibition to marry (e.g., relative as to time,
race, or religion), to the extent that it is not extremely
2. A testamentary disposition (whether it is an institution onerous as to virtually amount to an absolute
of heir, a legacy, or a devise) may be subject to a prohibition to marry, is valid.
condition, a term, or it may be modal (871). However, a
condition, term or mode cannot be attached to the legitime Effect: The disposition is valid, but the condition is
(872, 904). void.

3. Requisites of a Conditional Institution c. Dispocicion captatoria (875) – It is a testamentary

● The condition must be expressly stated in the will; the disposition made upon the condition that the heir
law does not sanction implied conditions or conditions (legatee, or devisee) shall make some provision in his
deduced from inferences. will in favor of the testator or any other person. A
● The condition must be clear and understandable. If dispocicion captatoria is void for the following reasons:
despite the use of the tools of interpretation the ● It contractualizes succession which is meant to be
condition is not clarified, it shall be considered as not a gratuitous transmission of property.
written and the disposition may be given effect. The ● It enables a testator to indirectly control the estate
nullity of the condition does not carry with it the nullity of his heir.
of the disposition to which it is attached. ● It compels the heir to make a will in order to comply
● The condition must be lawful; i.e., not contrary to law. with the condition of his institution; and indirectly, it
prevents him from revoking the will that he
4. Three Void Conditions in the Code executed, or he loses the benefit due from the
a. Impossible conditions (873) which includes those that testator’s estate.
are contrary to law or good customs, those whose ● It may result in an absurdity. If compliance with the
fulfillment is physically impossible (e.g., a condition that dispocicion captatoria means a valid and effective
is contrary to the laws of nature). institution of the testator or his nominee in the will


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of the heir, the condition would be suspensive, and However, the testator could provide otherwise (877). If
compliance with the dispocicion captatoria cannot the condition was fulfilled at the time the will was
be established until the will of the heir is admitted to executed and the testator was unaware thereof, the
probate. condition is deemed fulfilled. But if the testator knew
that it had been previously fulfilled and yet imposed the
If the condition of the institution of the heir is for him to condition, it must be fulfilled again unless by its nature
provide something to the testator or the testator’s it cannot be fulfilled again. The fulfillment of a casual or
nominee other than by way of a parallel testamentary mixed condition is mainly a function of luck, chance or
disposition, the condition is valid as it is not a the will of another person with little or no influence on
dispocicion captatoria. the part of the heir.

5. Different Types of Conditional Dispositions 6. Dispositions with a Term

a. Disposition with a suspensive condition – Prior to a. Disposition with a suspensive term (ex die) – Upon
the fulfillment of the suspensive condition, or until it the death of the testator, the heir acquires the right to
becomes certain that the condition cannot be fulfilled, the inheritance and can transmit such right to his heirs
the property must be placed under administration (878), but he cannot demand delivery until the arrival of
(880). Administration ends when the suspensive the term. Since the term is sure to arrive, only the
condition is fulfilled; the inheritance is delivered to the demandability of the inheritance is deferred. Prior to
heir together with fruits and interest. But if the the arrival of the term, the inheritance shall be delivered
suspensive condition is not fulfilled, or it becomes to the intestate heirs of the testator who shall provide
certain the condition cannot be fulfilled, the the caucion muciana in favor of the instituted heir (885).
administrator shall deliver the inheritance, together with If the testator should designate an interim heir prior to
fruits and interest, to the substitute (if the testator the arrival of the term, the same may be objected to as
appointed one) or failing which, to the intestate heirs. an indirect violation of the limitation in 863
b. Disposition with a positive, potestative, and (fideicommissary substitution) particularly if the interim
suspensive condition – The fulfillment of the condition heir is not a relative of the instituted heir in the first
is dependent on the will of the heir. He must fulfill the degree.
condition as soon as he learns of the testator’s death, b. Disposition with a resolutory term (in diem) – Upon
unless the condition has been fulfilled in the past and the death of the testator, the instituted heir acquires the
cannot be fulfilled again (876). Until he fulfills the right to the inheritance. Upon completion of the
condition, he cannot receive the inheritance left to him. required proceedings, he is entitled to the delivery
The fulfillment of a potestative condition is a matter of thereof. The instituted heir is entitled to the inheritance
obedience to the express wishes of the testator, and for the duration of the term. Upon the arrival of the
totally within the control of the heir. resolutory term, the inheritance shall be passed to the
intestate heirs of the testator (885). The testator cannot
The time of fulfillment of the condition is controversial. designate a successor heir because that could be
A person may know the death of another; but he may construed as a form of fideicommissary substitution,
not know if the decedent wrote a will, or that he stands and if so, must comply with the one-degree limitation.
to benefit from the will, or that the benefit conferred
upon him is conditional. He may not even be sure of 7. Modal institution – It is an institution (or a legacy or
receiving the benefit because the will must be allowed devise) wherein the testator states: (i) the object or
probate. In short, an heir should not be penalized for a purpose of the institution, (ii) the application of the
delay in complying with the positive, potestative and property, or (iii) imposes a charge or burden on the
suspensive condition for any cause which is instituted heir (882).
reasonable. ● The object or purpose, the application of the property,
c. Disposition with a negative, potestative condition – or the charge or burden, are not to be considered as
The heir acquires the right to the inheritance upon the conditions to the institution, legacy or devise. The
death of the testator, and after completion of the reason is: the purpose, application, or burden will
prescribed proceedings, he is entitled to the delivery neither suspend nor resolve the institution, or legacy, or
thereof. However, he must comply with the prohibition, devise. They are meant to be complied with by the heir,
and a breach thereof would require him to return the under penalty of losing the property (together with fruits
inheritance, together with the fruits and interest (879). and interest) in case of breach.
In order to guaranty the return of the inheritance with
its fruits and interest, he must provide a security which ● For which reason, the modal heir, modal legatee, or
is known as the caucion muciana in favor of the modal devisee must post a security for the faithful
substitute heir (if the testator provided for substitution) compliance with the mode. (Rabadilla vs. CA)
and failing which, in favor of the intestate heirs. If the ● The mode must be a directive from the testator and
heir cannot post the security, the property will be must be complied with. It is not enough for the testator
placed under administration (880[2]). to make a suggestion. However, if without fault the
d. Disposition with casual or mixed condition – modal heir could not comply strictly with the mode, he
Generally, it is sufficient if the condition happened at is permitted to comply in the most analogous manner
any time before or after the death of the testator (883). If a person stands to benefit from non-
(primarily because its fulfillment is dependent wholly or compliance with the more, and he prevented such
partly upon chance or luck, and the law does not compliance, the mode is deemed complied with.
require that luck should visit the heir more than once).


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● The net effect of a modal institution is similar to the -Illegitimate grandparents and other illegitimate
effect of an institution with a negative resolutory ascendants (more remote in degree) are not
condition. compulsory heirs of their illegitimate descendants.
3. Concurring Compulsory Heirs:
- Refers to the heirs who succeed concurrently with
primary or secondary compulsory heirs.
- The surviving spouses and illegitimate children are
DEFINITION OF LEGITIME: concurring compulsory heirs. (Art. 887, NCC)
- It is that of the testator’s property which he cannot - Collateral Blood Relatives (brothers, sisters,
dispose of because the law has reserved it for certain nephews, nieces, uncles, aunts, and cousins)
heirs who are, therefore, called compulsory heirs. whether full or half blood are not compulsory heirs.
(Art. 886, NCC)
- Conceptually, the legitime is a specified portion of TABLE OF LEGITIME
the estate of a deceased person which is reserved for
the compulsory heirs as the latter’s minimum share of
the inheritance/ It is an error that a testator cannot Survivors CC LC SS IC LP IP
dispose of the legitime. (Dizon-Rivera vs. Dizon, 33 Provisions:
SCRA 554)
LC only 888 ½ ÷ LC
1. Legitimate children and descendants, with respect to
their legitimate parents and ascendants;
2. In default of the foregoing, legitimate parents and 1 LC and 892 ½ ¼
ascendants, with respect to their legitimate children SS
and descendants;
3. The widow or widower; 2 or more 892, 895, ½ ÷ LC 1 LC ½ LC
4. Acknowledged natural children, and natural children LC, IC 897, 898
by legal fiction; and SS
5. Other illegitimate children referred to in article 287.
(Art. 887, NCC) SS and IC 894 ⅓ ⅓

Compulsory heirs mentioned in Nos. 3, 4, and 5 are not excluded

LP, SS 896, 899 ⅛ ¼ ½
by those in Nos. 1 and 2; neither do they exclude one another. In all
and IC
cases of illegitimate children, their filiation must be duly proved.

The father or mother of illegitimate children of the three classes LP only 889 ½
mentioned, shall inherit from them in the manner and to the extent
established by this Code. (Art. 887, NCC)
IC only 901 ½


1. Primary Compulsory Heirs: SS only 900 ½; ⅓; ½ ½
- These are the principal beneficiaries of the estate of a
deceased person. They exclude secondary
compulsory heirs and enjoy a preference over other LP and 893 ¼
compulsory heirs (Art. 887, par. 2,NCC) SS
- The legitimate children are the primary compulsory
heirs of the decedent, they exclude the parents and IP only 903 ½
other ascendants of the decedent (whether legitimate
or illegitimate).
- Adopted children fall within the category of legitimate IP and SS 903 ¼ ¼
children. (Art. 189, Family Code)
2. Secondary Compulsory Heirs:
- Refers to heirs who succeed only in default of
LC – Legitimate Children LP – Legitimate Parent/s
primary compulsory heirs. SS – Surviving Spouse IP – Illegitimate Parent/s
- Legitimate parents and other legitimate ascendants IC – Illegitimate Children
are secondary compulsory heirs because they inherit
only in default of legitimate children and other
legitimate descendants.
1. Primary Compulsory Heirs - Legitimate children and
- Illegitimate parents (as secondary compulsory heirs)
legitimate descendants:
are treated restrictively because they inherit as
- These heirs always get one-half of the hereditary
secondary compulsory heirs only in the absence of
estate, which is divided equally between or among
descendants of the decedent, whether legitimate or
them. If there is only one primary compulsory heir, he
illegitimate. (Art. 903, NCC)
gets the entire one-half share. Remember, an
adopted child is a primary compulsory heir of the


Morillo Quick Reviewer
adopter. The other half of the hereditary estate – the child, the legitime is reduced to one-fourth (Art.
“free portion” – is the source of the legitime first, of 892,NCC).
the surviving spouse, and thereafter, the illegitimate - If Surviving Spouse survives only with legitimate
children. After payment of these accounts, any parents or ascendants of the deceased spouse, the
remaining balance is referred to as the “free legitime is one-fourth (Art. 893, NCC), the parents or
disposal.” ascendants take also one-fourth.
- The legitimate (and adopted) children referred to as - If Surviving Spouse survives only with illegitimate
primary compulsory heirs does not include a son or a children of the deceased spouse, the legitime is one-
daughter-in-law (Rosales vs. Rosales, GR no. L- third, the illegitimate children get one-third divided
40789, February 27, 1987). equally among them (Art. 894, NCC).
- Primary compulsory heirs exclude secondary - If Surviving Spouse survives with legitimate parents
compulsory heirs (Baritua vs. CA, GR no. 82233, or ascendants, and illegitimate children, legitime is
March 22, 1990). 1/8; the parents or ascendants are entitled to one-
- Legitimate descendants inherit from a legitimate half as secondary compulsory heirs, and the
ascendant in two possible ways: (i) in their own right illegitimate children, collectively, entitled to one-
as legitimate descendants of the decedent, when all fourth (Art. 899, NCC).
the children of the decedent repudiate the - If Surviving Spouse alone survives, the legitime is
inheritance; or (ii) by right of representation if one, generally one-half, but reduced to one-third if the
some or all of the children of the decedent marriage was in articulo mortis and the deceased
predeceases, are incapacitated, or disinherited (DIP). spouse died within 3 months from the time of
marriage; but restored to one-half if they have been
2. Secondary Compulsory Heirs - Legitimate parents living together for more than 5 years from the
and legitimate ascendants: celebration of the marriage in articulo mortis (Art.
- They inherit only in default of primary compulsory 900, NCC). Note that Art. 900 refers only to the
heirs. legitime. In intestacy under the same situation, the
- When they inherit from a child or descendant, they Surviving Spouse gets the entire estate.
always get the one-half share of the primary - The legitime of Surviving Spouse is always taken
compulsory heirs. from the free portion, but such legitime has priority
- They are not compulsory heirs of an adopted child of over the legitime of the illegitimate children. Thus, the
their children – no blood ties. legitime of the Surviving Spouse is never reduced by
- Parents exclude grandparents; grandparents exclude reason of the insufficiency of the estate (Art. 895,
great grandparents – rule of proximity applies strictly. NCC).
- Legitime of legitimate parents are divided equally
between them; if one is incapable of receiving his or 4. Illegitimate Children:
her half, the entire legitime goes to the qualified - Family Code eliminated the distinction among
parent. illegitimate children; they are now considered only as
- Legitime of ascendants are divided per stirpes; one- one class of children, and given the same rights with
half for the paternal line, the other half to the maternal respect to each other.
line; generally divided equally between the survivors - Because they are heirs in the direct line, illegitimate
of each line. If only one line survives, the legitime children may be preterited.
goes entirely to that line – rule of proximity applies - If only illegitimate children survive, the legitime is
strictly. one-half (Art. 901,NCC).
- The legitime of parents and ascendants may be - The right of illegitimate children to the legitime is
burdened by the reserva (Art.891, NCC) transmitted to their own descendants, whether
legitimate or illegitimate (i.e., by right of
3. Surviving Spouse: representation). Note that the iron curtain rule in Art.
- His or her legitime is premised upon a valid marriage 992, NCC, will not apply to the descendants of the
(or at least a voidable one which has not been illegitimate child.
annulled). Common law spouse is not a spouse and
thus not a compulsory heir. 5. Illegitimate Parents:
- In case of legal separation, the surviving spouse - They are compulsory heirs of their illegitimate child
inherits from the deceased spouse provided she is only if the latter is not survived by any descendant
not the spouse at fault (Art. 63(4), Family Code, (legitimate or illegitimate) or by an adopted child.
disqualification to inherit by testate or intestate - If they survive with the Surviving Spouse of the
succession). But if the will was executed after the illegitimate child, their legitime is one-fourth, and the
decree of separation, the disposition therein in favour Surviving Spouse takes the other one-fourth (Art.
of the spouse at fault is valid. 903, NCC)
- If the marriage was dissolved by annulment,
declaration of nullity, or foreign divorce, there is no 6. Illegitimate Ascendants:
surviving spouse (obiter, Van Dorn vs. Romillo, GR - They are not compulsory heirs of the deceased, and
no. L68470, October 8, 1985). are not entitled to the legitime.
- Generally, the legitime of the Surviving Spouse is
equal to the legitime of one legitimate child, except OTHER MATTERS:
that if he or she concurs with only one legitimate - The testator cannot deprive a compulsory heir of the
legitime except thru disinheritance; neither may a


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testator impose any burden, encumbrance, condition,
D 18,000 0 0 - 6,750 11,250
or substitution on the legitime (Art. 904, see also Art.
872). This is because the legitime is a statutory E 18,000 0 0 - 6,750 11,250
entitlement of a compulsory heir.
- The legitime cannot be renounced during the lifetime Total 90,000 67,500 90,000
of the decedent; if he does so, it is void and the rule
of estoppel will not apply to the renouncer (Art. 905).
Better yet, any contract involving future inheritance is NOTE: The amount of P13,500 representing the impairment of
void (Art. 1347, Uson vs. del Rosario) the legitime of A,B&C was deducted from the shares of D&E
- A compulsory heir who receives less than the legitime who (in this instance) inherited from the testator as voluntary
is not preterited (Art. 854), but he is entitled to the heirs. Since the shares of D&E are equal, they also equally
completion of the legitime (Art. 906). And for this shared the burden of making good the impairment of the
purpose, any testamentary disposition that Impairs legitime of A,B &C.
the legitime may be reduced (or even abated) to the
extent that such disposition is inofficious. B. Indirect Impairment:
- When the testator makes testamentary dispositions
IMPAIRMENT OF LEGITIME: whose aggregate value exceeds the disposable free
- Testamentary dispositions that impair or diminish the portion. (See Art.907, NCC
legitime of the compulsory heirs shall be reduced on
petition of the same, insofar as they may be ILLUSTRATION:
inofficious or excessive. (Art. 907, NCC) Testator with a net hereditary estate of P90,000 was survived
- The legitimate may be impaired by the testator either by two legitimate sons (A&B), and his spouse ©. the testator’s
directly or indirectly. will contains two dispositions: (1) He instituted his father (D) to
⅛ of the estate; and (ii) he gave a car valued at P20,000 as
A. Direct Impairment: legacy to his mother (E).
- When a testator gives to a compulsory heir a share of
the inheritance that is short of the legitime due to Assume that the will was admitted to probate:
such compulsory heir (See Art. 906, NCC). ● Under the terms of will, D is entitled to receive P11,250
and E entitled to the car worth P20,000 for a total
ILLUSTRATION: disposition of P31,250.
Testator with a net hereditary estate of P90,000 was survived ● Each of A,B&Cis entitled to receive by way of legitime
by two legitimate sons (A&B), his spouse C, and his legitimate theamount of P22,500, or P67,500 combined.
parents (D&E). In his will, he instituted A,B,C,D&E, as universal ● If the legitime of the compulsory hers and the
heirs to his estate in equal shares. The intention of the testator testamentary dispositions are to be paid in full, the
is to give each of the beneficiaries the amount of P18,000. amount of P98,750 is needed. The net hereditary estate is
only P90,000. Thus, the testamentary dispositions in favor
Assume that the will was admitted to probate: of the father and the mother impaired the legitime of the
● A & B are entitled to a legitime equal to one-half of the compulsory heirs.
estate (P22,500 each) ● Under Art. 907, these testamentary dispositions should be
○ Net Hereditary Estate divided by two, to get reduced by P8,750, the latter amount being inofficious or
the legitime and free portion. Then divide the excessive.
legitime among the legitimate children. ● NOTE: legatees and devisees enjoy a preference over the
○ [90,000 / 2 = 45,000] instituted heirs. Therefore, the relevant reduction should
○ [45,000 / 2 = 22,500] be applied to the share of the father as an instituted heir,
● C is entitled to a legitime equal to that of a legitimate child and only when further reduction is necessary should the
= P22,500 share or the mother, as legatee, be reduced. Thus:
● The equal distribution of the net hereditary estate among Heir Instituti Legitim Impairm Adjust Final
the testator’s legitimate children, surviving and legitimate on e ent ment Shares
parents, as mandated by the testator in his will, impaired
the legitime of the legitimate children and the surviving A 22,500 22,500
spouse. Under Art. 906, the legitimate children (A&B) and
the surviving spouse (C) may demand that their legitime B 22,500 22,500
by fully satisfied. The full satisfaction of the legitime of
A,B&C requires the shares of D&E, voluntary heirs, be C 22,500 22,500
reduced and the amount taken fromD & E shall be added
to the shares of A,B&C to complete the legitime. Thus: D 11,250 - 8,750 2,500

E 20,000 20,000
Heir Instituti Legitim Impairm Adjust Final
on e ent ment Shares Total 11,250 20,000 67,500 - 8,750 90,000

A 18,000 22,500 4,500 4,500 22,500

NOTE: The Impairment of the legitime occurred not because
B 18,000 22,500 4,500 4,500 22,500 the testator deliberately left to the compulsory heirs an
amount less than the legitime, but because the testamentary
C 18,000 22,500 4,500 4,500 22,500 dispositions exceeded the disposable free portion. Hence, the


Morillo Quick Reviewer
impairment of the legitime is indirect and most probably ● A legitimate ascendant (reservor) acquires property
unintentional on the part of the testator. (reservable property) from a legitimate descendant
(prepositus) by operation of law (the second
transmission of property).
● The prepositus in turn acquired the same property by
gratuitous title (the first transmission of property from
Reserva Troncal another ascendant, brother or sister (origin).
1. Nature – The reserva is a reversionary rule that seeks ● The reservor is required to reserve the reservable
to remedy the accidental and unintended transfer of property.
wealth from one line of the family to the other (i.e., from ● The beneficiaries of the reservation are the legitimate
the maternal to the paternal, and vice versa), by restoring relatives of the prepositus within the third degree
the accidentally transferred property to the line from coming from the line of the origin (reservees).
which it originally came from. Thus, “the ascendant who
inherits from his descendant any property which the latter 4. Parties to the reserva
may have acquired by gratuitous title from another ● Origin – a legitimate ascendant or brother, or sister
ascendant, brother or sister, is obliged to reserve such (whether full or half-blood) of the prepositus who is
property as he may have received by operation of law for the original owner of the reservable property. He
the benefit of relatives who are within the third degree and transmits the reservable property to the prepositus
who belong to the line from which the property came.” by gratuitous title (i.e., by donation inter vivos or by
hereditary succession). The key element of this
2. Transaction flow transmission is the gratuitous transfer. This is the first
● The Origin (the original owner of the reservable transmission of the reservable property.
property) is an ascendant, brother or sister of the ● The transmission is gratuitous even if the
Prespositus (either a descendant or a brother or prepositus had to pay for certain obligations of
sister of the Origin). So, it is a transmission of the origin in order to acquire the reservable
property either from (i) an ascendant to a property, provided that such payment was not
descendant, or (ii) from a brother or sister to another mandated by the origin (Chua vs. CFI).
brother or sister. This first transmission is by ● A transmission made through a relatively
gratuitous title (i.e., by donation inter vivos or by simulated sale (which is proved to be a donation
hereditary succession). because the consideration was not paid by the
transferee) is a gratuitous transmission.
● The Prepositus, in his lifetime, is the owner of the ● A sale for a price that is grossly lower than the
reservable property. He may do whatever he wants fair value of the property may be construed as a
with the property so acquired, provided the action is donation, to the extent of the deficiency of the
legal. purchase price.

● The Prepopsitus dies leaving behind the reservable ● Prepositus – the transferee in the first transmission,
property. Upon his death, the Prepositus is neither i.e., a descendant, with respect to a legitimate
survived by a legitimate or adopted child, nor by any ascendant-origin, or a brother or sister of the Origin.
descendant to whom the reservable property may ● During the lifetime of the prepositus, there is no
pass by succession. reserva. The prepositus is at full liberty to do
whatever he may wish to do with the property.
● As a consequence, the hereditary estate of the Thus, if the prepositus disposed the property,
Prepopsitus is pushed to the direction of the parents
the possibility of it becoming a reservable
or ascendants, as secondary compulsory heirs.
property is eliminated.
● If the Prepositus died intestate, the transmission of ● The prepositus may therefore forestall the
the reservable property to a parent or ascendant (the reserva. If the prepositus should beget a
Reservor) would be by operation of law. This is the legitimate child, or should he adopt a child, the
potentially accidental transfer of wealth from one line reserva can no longer exist because the only
of the family to the other. Specifically, if the Origin of way for succession to flow in the ascending line
the reservable property was the mother of the
(to the ascendant-reservor) is thru testamentary
Prepositus, and the ascendant Reservor who
acquired the reservable property was the father of succession – which is not a transmission by
the Prepositus, it is patently clear that the reservable operation of law. The prepositus can further
property which originally belonged to the maternal forestall the reserva by disposing the reservable
line accidentally and unintentionally passed to the property by will – again, the transmission would
paternal line. not be by operation of law and hence not
accidental or unintentional.
● Art. 891 requires the ascendant Reservor to reserve
● The prepositus controls to a large extent the
the reservable property for the legitimate relatives of
the Prepositus within the third degree coming from occurrence of the reserva.
the line of the Origin.
● Reservor – the ascendant to acquires the reservable
3. Elements of the reserva property by operation of law from the prepositus (the


Morillo Quick Reviewer
second transmission of property). This is the ● Rules of intestate succession – determines who
accidental and unintentional transfer of property from among those within the group will ultimately receive
one line to the other. Note however, that in Gonzales the property. The determination of these people is
vs. CFI, the court ruled that the accidental transfer is governed by the law on intestate succession – hence
not an element of the reserva, such that for as long the theory of delayed intestacy adopted in Padura vs.
as the elements are present, the reserve must be Baldovino, and reiterated in de Papa vs. Camacho. (A
recognized. discredited theory is the integration theory where all
● The obligation to reserve the property the relatives of the prepositus within the third degree
commences at this point. coming from the line of the prepositus will share the
● While the reservor owns the property in his reservable property equally. Under the theory of
lifetime, the eventual characterization of the delayed intestacy, the said relatives will be covered
property as reservable will be determined upon by the two fundamental rules of intestacy: the rule of
his death (whether or not there are surviving proximity (subject to the right of representation) and
reservees). the rule of equal division, such that not all of them will
share the reservable property.)
● The reservor has a registrable title to the ● In Nieva vs. Alcala, the court ruled that the reserva
property; thus, he is not just a trustee or a runs only in the legitimate family.
usufructuary, but an owner (Edroso vs. Sablan)
● While the reservor is the owner of the property, 6. Encumbrance created by the reserva – The reserva
his title thereto is conditional; in fact, his title is creates an encumbrance on the reservable property. That
subject to the double resolutory conditions: his encumbrance (the reservation in favour of the reservees) if
death and the survival of the reservees. If these properly registered or otherwise known to the transferee
conditions are fulfilled, the reserva comes to life of such property, follows the property (Sumaya vs. IAC).
(Sienes vs. Esparcia). If on his death there are no
surviving and qualified reservees, there is no 7. Reserva in testamentary succession – There can
reserva and the property shall form part of his be a reserva even in testamentary succession. This
estate and distributed to his heirs. happens when the potentially reservable property passes
● If there are qualified surviving reservees, the from the prepositus to the reservor as part of the legitime
property reverts to the latter and the property will of the reservor. When this happens, there are two
not form part of the estate of the reservor; the conflicting theories on the treatment of the reservable
reservor cannot dispose the reservable property property: reserva maxima and reserva minima.
through his will (Florentino vs. Florentino).
● A reservor is always a legitimate ascendant of 8. Extinguishment of the Reserva
the prepositus. An aunt of the prepositus (a ● Loss of the reservable property by force majeure; if
collateral relative) who acquires the property the loss is due to the negligence or bad faith of the
from the prepositus by operation of law is not a reservor, the reservees have a right of action against
reservor. She is under no obligation to reserve the former.
the property (Solivio vs. CA). A half-blood sister ● Waiver of rights by the reservees; but the waiver
who acquired the property from the prepositus is must be made only upon the death of the reservor
not a reservor; she is under no obligation to because prior to that time, the reservees have
reserve the property (Lacerna vs. vda. de nothing to waive.
Corsino). ● Non-survival of the reservees at the time of the death
● The critical element is that this second of the reservor
transmission be by operation of law (e.g., by ● Extinctive prescription; 10 years good faith, 30 years
intestacy, or a transmission of the legitime). The bad faith (Carillo vs. de Paz)
second transmission should not be by the
voluntary act of the prepositus, or else the
transmission would not be accidental or CALCULATION OF THE LEGITIME:
● Reservees – they are the legitimate relatives of the
prepositus within the third degree coming from the Value of the property at the time of testator’s death
line of the origin. Less (-): Debts and Charges (Pre-existing)
● The reservees cannot be descendants of the Net Hereditary Estate
prepositus; if they are, there would have been no
reserva because the property would not have ADD (+): Collationable Donations
passed to an ascendant by operation of law. Theoretical Hereditary Estate
● The determination of the third-degree relatives
must be reckoned by consanguinity.
1. Determine the total value of the properties left by the
5. Governing Laws – two sets of laws govern the
decedent/testator at the time of his death:
2. Deduct the unpaid debts and other charges against
● Art. 891 – determines two things: whether or not the
from the total value of the properties left by the
property is reservable, and identification of the group
decedent/testator in order to get the Net Hereditary
of persons to whom the property shall be returned
Estate (NHE).


Morillo Quick Reviewer
3. To get the Theoretical Hereditary Estate (THE), add ● Divide the theoretical hereditary estate into two
the value of all donations given by the collationable (representing the strict legitime and the free portion):
donations to the NHE. (See Art. 908, NCC) [1,000,000/2 = 720,000]
● Divide the Strict Legitime among the compulsory heirs
(A,B&C): [720,000/3 = 240,000]
● The value of property left by the testator is calculated at the
● The Surviving Spouse is entitled to the share of 1
time of his death – not the acquisition cost, nor any legitime but it is to be taken from the Free portion.
speculative value. The basis of valuation is the fair market Hence, 720,000 - 240,000
value of the property. Note the exclusions from the estate of Distribution is illustrated as follows:
the decedent.
Theoretical Hereditary Estate: 1,440,000
● Debts and charges include the testator’s unpaid and
demandable contractual as well as statutory obligations (e.g.,
the estate tax). Exclude those indicated in the will (legacies, Strict Legitime 720,000
devises, etc.).

● The net hereditary estate is the actual estate to be distributed Free Portion 720,000
to the heirs.

● Add the collationable donations to get the theoretical Legitime of Compulsory Heirs: A 240,000
hereditary estate.

● Compute the legitime on the basis of the theoretical B 240,000

hereditary estate.

C 240,000
Facts: D, the decedent, was survived by his three ;legitimate
children (AB,&C), and by his surviving spouse (S). In his S 240,000
lifetime, D gave a donation of P500,000 to a stranger (X)/ At
the time of D’s death, he left properties worth P1,000,000 and
debts of P10,000. The estate estate tax due on his estate is Total Legitime: [240,000 x 4] 960,000

Answer: Disposable Free Portion: 480,000

1. Calculation of the Theoretical Hereditary Estate (THE):
● Value of Properties at the Time of D’s death:
P1,000,000. After the legitime shall have been determined, the theoretical
● Total Value of D’s debts and charges: (10,000 + 50,000) hereditary estate ceases to have any further relevance. The
= 60,000 actual distribution of D’s estate to the heirs shall be based on
● The Net hereditary Estate is: (1,000,000 - 60,000) = the net hereditary estate.
● The Collationable Donation is 500,000, representing D’s In the above example, D’s net hereditary estate is P940,000.
donation to X However, after collating the donation to X, the total legitime
● The theoretical Hereditary Estate is : (940,000 + due to the compulsory heirs is P960,000. It is clear that the
500,000) = 1,440,000 D’s donation of P500,000 to X impaired the legitime of the
Illustrated as follows: compulsory heirs by P20,000. The donee X must, therefore,
Value of Properties at the return to the estate of D in the amount of P20,000 so that the
1,000,000 legitime of the compulsory heirs could be paid in full. Thus;
Time of D’s death
Net Hereditary Estate 940,000
Less: Unpaid debts
(ADD:) Reimbursement from X 20,000
Estate tax Resources Available for Payment of Legitime 960,000

Total Legitime of Compulsory Heirs 960,000

Net Hereditary Estate
Disposable Free Portion 0

Add: Collationable
500,000 Without collation, the legitime of the compulsory heirs would
have been calculated as follows:
Theoretical Hereditary
1,440,000 Net Hereditary Estate: 940,000

2. Calculation of the Legitime of the compulsory heirs: Strict Legitime 470,000


Morillo Quick Reviewer
a. The preservation of the legitime of compulsory heirs
Free Portion 470,000
by making sure that the donations made by the donor
in his lifetime did not impair the legitime; and
Legitime of Compulsory Heirs: A 156,666.66 b. If the donation was given to a compulsory heir,
collation is meant to equalize the shares of the
[470,000/3 = 156, 666.66] compulsory heirs. In sum, a donation to a
B 156,666.66 compulsory heir (unless declared non-collationable)
is not meant to give an advantage to the donee; the
donation is considered as an advance of the legitime.
C 156,666.66
As a rule, collation is merely a notional accounting process where
S the value of all donations inter vivos made by a decedent in his
lifetime is notionally added back to the net assets (net of liabilities)
he left upon his death. The purpose is merely to compute the
legitime. But, if upon computing the legitime it should turn out that
Total Legitime: [156,666.66 x 4] 626,666.64
the actual net estate is not sufficient to pay the legitime in full, then
collation in value (notional accounting) moves to collation in kind
(collation in kind).
Disposable Free Portion:
[156,666.66 - 470,000]
Notice the effect of collation on the legitime of compulsory - The collationable value of a donation is the fair
heirs. Without collation, the diminution of D’s estate resulting market value of the gift at the time of the donation.
from the donation to X reduced significantly the legitime of the (Art. 1071, NCC).
compulsory heirs. this is because the legitime was calculated - However, for practical reasons, the value of the
solely on the basis of what is left of D’s estate upon his death. donation as indicated in the relevant deed or
Without collation, D could have diluted the legitime even otherwise in the donor's tax return is accepted for the
further, or even further, or even deprived his compulsory heirs purpose of collation.
thereof, by simply giving away his possession in his lifetime.
Art. 752 (NCC) prevents this circumvention because it RELEVANCE OF COLLATION:
provides that “x x x no person may give or receive, by way of - The collation of donation is necessary only if the
donation, more than he may give or receive by will.” decedent is survived by compulsory heirs. If there are
no surviving compulsory heirs, no part of the
DEFINITION OF COLLATION: hereditary estate is required to be set aside for the
- It is the process of bringing back to the estate of a legitime; no legitime can be impaired; the entirety of
decedent the things he had gratuitously disposed or the net hereditary estate is freely disposable by the
donated in his lifetime, or their values at the time they decedent thereby making collation totally irrelevant.
were given, without regard to subsequent Article 842. One who has no compulsory heirs may
appreciation or depreciation in value, or even total dispose by will of all his estate or any part of it in favor of
loss of the property donated (Art. 1071, NCC), so that any person having capacity to succeed.
they may be accounted for in the computation of the
legitime of compulsory heirs (Art. 1061, NCC). One who has compulsory heirs may dispose of his estate
provided he does not contravene the provisions of this
Code with regard to the legitime of said heirs. (NCC)
1. if the testator has no surviving compulsory heir
(Arellano vs. Pascual) (collation is required in order to LIMITATIONS ON THE POWER TO GIVE DONATION:
preserve the legitime), and - A person cannot donate more than what he can give
2. If the only donee is also the sole compulsory heir of by will. (Art. 752, NCC; Vda. De Tupas vs. Br. XLIII
the donor (which makes collation an idle process). RTC Negros Occidental, GR no. L-65800, October 3,
- Requires the donee to return the donated thing, or to - Depending on the composition of the surviving
make cash reimbursement to the estate; it is resorted compulsory heirs, it is possible that the estate of a
to if the donation impaired the legitime of the deceased person, regardless of its value, may be; (1)
compulsory heirs (Art. 1061, NCC) barely sufficient to pay the legitime of all compulsory
heirs. (eg. One legitimate child, surviving spouse, and
2. Collation in Value: one illegitimate child), or (2) insufficient to pay in full
- Value of the donation is notionally added back to the the legitime of some of the surviving compulsory
net hereditary estate of the donor-decedent solely for heirs (eg. One legitimate, surviving spouse, two or
the purpose of calculating the legitime of the more illegitimate children). In these cases, all
compulsory heirs. If the donation did not impair the donations (regardless of value) made by the
legitime, the donee is not required to return the decedent in his or her lifetime would be inofficious.
donated thing (Art. 1071, NCC)
PURPOSE OF COLLATION: a. Collation of donations to compulsory heirs;


Morillo Quick Reviewer
b. Collation of donations to strangers
Legitime of C [115,000 / 2 = ]
Collation of Donations to Compulsory Heirs:
Less (-): Collationable Donation
- If the collationable donation was given to a 0
compulsory heir who concurs with other compulsory
heirs, collation equalizes the respective shares of all Legitime Payable to C
compulsory heirs in the hereditary estate. 57,500
- Donations to compulsory heirs is generally
chargeable to the legitime of the donee, except if the Total Legitime Payable to B & C: [7,500 + 57,500 = ]
donor expressly stipulated in the relevant deed that
the donation is not collationable - in which case, the
donation is charged to the disposable free portion. Distribution of the Disposable Free Portion by Intestacy:
Amount of the Disposable Free Portion 115,000
A, the decedent, died with properties valued at P200,000 and debts Intestate Share of B [115,000 / 2 = ] 57,500
amounting to P20,000. His estate is exempt from estate tax. He
was survived by his legitimate sons B and C. In his lifetime, A Intestate Share of C [115,000 / 2 = ] 57,500
donated P50,000 to B. A died intestate.
ANSWER: Distribution of the Estate of A:
Without collation, the net hereditary estate of A would be P180,000
(Assets worth P200,000 minus debts of P20,000) which shall be Heir Legitime Intestate Share Total:
divided equally between his sons (B&C) equally at P90,000 each.
B 7,500 57,500 65,000
However, B had received from A by way of donation the amount of
P50,000 in Art. 909, NCC, donations given to children are C 57,500 57,500 115,000
chargeable to their legitime, unless the donor specifically stipulated
in the relevant deed that the donation is exempt from collation, in Total 65,000 115,000 180,000
which case the donation to the compulsory heir shall be charged to
the disposable free portion. In the instant case, the donation to B is
not specifically exempt from collation. Therefore, it shall be treated Note: By adding the P50,000 donation to B’s share, the total
as an advance of B’s legitime. The estate of A shall there be amount received by him would be P115,000. thus, B&C effectively
distributed by intestacy as follows: shared the estate of A equally.

Value of Properties Left by A 200,000 B.COLLATION OF DONATIONS TO STRANGERS:

Collation of Donations to Compulsory Heirs:
- If the collationable donation given to a stranger,
Less (-): Debts (20,000)
collation protects the legitime of the compulsory heirs
Net Hereditary Estate 180,000
by limiting the value of the donation to that which
can be absorbed by the disposable free portion.
- Donations given to children shall be charged to their
Add (+): Collationable Donation 50,000 legitime. Donations made to strangers shall be
charged to that part of the estate of which the
Theoretical Hereditary Estate 230,000 testator could have disposed by his last will. (Art.
909, NCC)

Calculation of Legitime under Art. 908, NCC: ILLUSTRATION:

Theoretical Hereditary Estate 230,000 A, the decedent, died with properties valued at P100,000. and
debts amounting to P10,000 His estate is exempt from estate tax.
Strict Legitime [230,000 / 2 = ] 115,000 He was survived by his legitimate sons B&C. In his lifetime, A gave
X (friend) a donation of P100,000. A died intestate.
Disposable Free Portion [230,000 / 2 = ] 115,000

Calculation of the Total Legitime Payable to B & C:

Legitime of B [115,000 / 2 = ] 57,500 THE INSOLVENT ESTATE:
- The estate of a deceased person is insolvent if the
aggregate outstanding obligations of the testator
Less (-): Collationable Donation 50,000
(decedent) exceed the value of the assets left by him.
[Testator’s Obligation > Testator’s Assets = Insolvent]
Balance of legitime Payable to B 7,500

FACTS: The decedent X died intestate survived by his two
legitimate children (A&B). He left properties valued at
P100,000 and debts amounting to P200,000. In his lifetime, X
donated P50,000 to A. The estate of X is factually insolvent
because the unpaid liabilities exceed the value of the assets.


Morillo Quick Reviewer
Value of Properties Left by X 100,000 donation to A. The unrecoverable credit is reduced from P100,000
to P50,000.

Less (-): Outstanding debts -200,000 2. If the creditors were not able to Rescind the Donation:
Assuming that the donation to A is not rescinded and
Hereditary Estate -100,000 therefore beyond the reach of the unpaid creditors, the
same must nonetheless be brought to collation by A for the
purpose of determining the legitime of the compulsory heirs
ANSWER: In this case, the unpaid creditors will simply divide (A&B). In fact, B has a right to demand the collation of the
amongst themselves the residual estate of P100,000 in said donation. The objective of collation is to allow B to
accordance with the rules on preference of credits. recover his legitime. For this purpose, the net hereditary
estate of X is Zero; the unpaid claims of the creditors are
NOTE: ignored since they have no right to enforce their claims
● The unpaid balance due to the creditors in the amount of against the donation to A. Thus:
P100,000 is not recoverable from A and/or B as heirs of Value of property Left by X 100,000
the decedent.
○ In Art. 774 (NCC), the liability of the heirs for the
debts of the decedent is limited to the value of the Less (-): Outstanding Debts 200,000
hereditary estate. The heirs do not incur a
Net Hereditary Estate 0
personal obligation to pay the debts of the
decedent from their own personal resources.
● General Rule: the creditors cannot assert their claims Add (+): Collationable Donation to A 50,000
against persons who had received donations from the
decedent, particularly if the donations antedated the Theoretical Hereditary Estate 50,000
unpaid debts. EXCEPTIONS:
a. if the donation was made after the decedent had
incurred the obligations to the creditors, a
presumption may arise that the gratuitous Calculate the Legitime:
conveyance was made by the donor in fraud of his Theoretical Hereditary Estate 50,000
creditors. (See Art. 1387, NCC). [NOTE: If a donation
falls under Art.1387, par. 1, NCC, a creditor may, Strict Legitime [50,000 / 2 = ] 25, 000
within the period provided by law, institute an action
Disposable Free portion [50,000 / 2= ] 25 000
for rescission of the donation. Rescission would be
premised on the presumption that the gratuitous
conveyance of property made by the donor was the
reason the donor could not meet his payment]
Legitime of A [25,000 / 2 = ] 12,500
b. Even if the donor gave the donation prior to incurring
the debt, an unpaid creditor may yet challenge the Legitime of B [25,000 / 2 = ] 12,500
donation if he can prove that the donor’s undisclosed
intention in giving the donation was precisely to Total Legitime 25,000
defraud the future creditors by deliberately disabling
himself from fulfilling his obligation towards the latter.
Therefore, A must pay and deliver to B P12,500 as B’s
Example: legitime. Notice that all properties left by the decedent are
earmarked for the creditors, the estate being insolvent. iN
1. If the creditors were able to Rescind the Donation: SUM, a is left with a reduced donation of P37,500 which is
Creditors have a period of 4 years from the time the donation was accounted for as follows; (a)P12,500 as A’s legitime; and
made to seek the rescission of the said donation (Art. 1389, NCC).
(b)P25,000 representing the entire disposable free portion of
In the example aboved, if the creditors of X are successful in
rescinding the donation given to A, the hereditary estate of X will be the decedent’s estate. In turn, B recovers his legitime of
calculated as follows: P12,500.
Value of the Properties Left by X 100,000
- After collating the donation as required in Art. 908,
Add (+): Value of the Rescinded Donation 50,000 NCC, the donations must be imputed to the relevant
to A
Adjusted Value of Properties Left by X 150,000 - Donations given to children are presumed to be
advances on their legitime, unless in the relevant
deeds the donor expressly stipulated that the
Lees (-): Outstanding Debts -200,000 donations are not collationable. In these cases, the
donations to children shall be charged to the
Hereditary Estate -50,000 disposable free portion. On the other hand, donations
to strangers (ie. persons who are not compulsory
heirs of the donor) are always chargeable to the
The recovery by the creditors will improve with the rescission of the disposable free portion. (Art. 909, NCC)


Morillo Quick Reviewer
1. A&B have two legitimate children (C&D). A gave C a 3. A&B have two legitimate children (C&D). In his lifetime, A
donation of P100,000. A died with a net hereditary estate gave X (a friend) a donation of P100,000. A died with a net
of P500,000. The legitime is as follows: estate of P500,000. the legitime is as follows:
Vale of properties Left by the Decedant 500,000 Value of Properties Left by the Decedent 500,000

Less (-): Debts and Charges 0 Less (-): Debts and Charges 0

Net Hereditary Estate 500,000 Net hereditary Estate 500,000

Add (+): Collationable Donation to C 100,000 Add (+): Collationable Donation to X 100,00

Theoretical Hereditary Estate 600,000 Theoretical Hereditary Estate 600,000

Strict Legitime: [600,000 / 2 = ] 300,000 Strict Legitime 300,000

Free Portion: [600,000 / 2 = ] 300,00 Free Portion 300,000

From the free portion shall be paid the legitime of the surviving Distribution of Legitime:
spouse B which is equal to the legitime of 1 legitime child. Heir Legitime Donation to X
Thus, the distribution of legitime will be as follows:
Heir Legitime (Donation) Net Legitime Net Estate C 150,000

C 150,000 -100,000 50,000 D 150,,000

D 150,000 150,000 B 150,000

B 150,000 150,000 X 100,000

Subtotal: 450,000 -100,000 350,000 350,000 Subtotal: 450,000 100,000

Disposable Free Portion + 150,000 Disposable Free Portion of Donation to X 50,000

Net hereditary Estate 500,000 Net Hereditary Estate 500,000

The imputation of the donation to C’s legitime equalized the NOTE: After deducting the legitime of the surviving spouse
respective shares of C and D in the strict legitime. from the portion, the donation to X was charged thereto,
thereby leaving a disposable balance of P50,000.00.
2. On the same facts above but with the modification that the
relevant deed of donation stipulated that the donation to C IMPUTATION OF DONATIONS TO ILLEGITIMATE
is not collationable, the legitime of the compulsory heirs is CHILDREN:
as follows: - Donations made by either parent to an illegitimate
child are imputable to the legitimate of such
C 150,000
illegitimate child with respect to the donor-parent.
D 150,000
(Art. 910, NCC)
- Should they exceed the portion that can be free
B 150,000 disposed of, they shall be reduced in the manner
prescribed by this Code.
Total: 450,000 - The process of imputing such donation to the
legitime of the illegitimate child is the same as the
Disposable Free Portion 50,000 imputation of the donations to the legitime of a
legitimate child under Art. 909, NCC.
Net Hereditary Estate: 500,000

Article 911. After the legitime has been determined in accordance

The donation to C is not considered as an advance on his with the three preceding articles, the reduction shall be made as
legitime and shall therefore be charged to the disposable free follows:
portion [P150,000 - P100,000 = P50,000]. Because the donor (1) Donations shall be respected as long as the legitime can
specifically mandated that the donation was not collationable, be covered, reducing or annulling, if necessary, the
C enjoyed an advantage over the ther compulsory heirs. devises or legacies made in the will;


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b. If the balance is insufficient to pay these legacies
(2) The reduction of the devises or legacies shall be pro rata,
without any distinction whatever. and devises - the same shall be prorated among
If the testator has directed that a certain devise or legacy
be paid in preference to others, it shall not suffer any ILLUSTRATION:
reduction until the latter have been applied in full to the Facts: The testator was survived by the following compulsory
payment of the legitime. heirs; (1) Four Legitimate Children (A,B,C&D); (2) Two
(3) If the devise or legacy consists of a usufruct or life Illegitimate Children (E&F); and his surviving spouse (G). In his
annuity, whose value may be considered greater than that
lifetime, the testator gave the following donations Inter Vivos;
of the disposable portion, the compulsory heirs may
choose between complying with the testamentary (a) To A&F, P10,000 each, expressly declared as non-
provision and delivering to the devisee or legatee the part collationable; (b) To B&E P20,000 each; and (c) To H (a friend),
of the inheritance of which the testator could freely P20,000. In his will, the testator gave the following legacies; (i)
dispose. (NCC) To C, P20,000; and (ii) To D, P40,000. In addition, he gave his
faithful driver, I, a preferred devise valued at P50,000. upon
the testator’s death, the value of his properties amounted to
- Art. 911 applies to the order of reduction of P500,000, with unpaid credit card bill amounting to P25,000,
abatement of donations inter vivos by the testator in and Estate tax liability amounting to P15,000. Liquidate the
his lifetime, and also the reduction or abatement of
dispositions made in his will.
1. Determine the Net Hereditary Estate:
AND TESTAMENTARY DISPOSITIONS: Value of Properties Left by the Testator 500,000
- The order of reduction or abatement under Art. 911,
NCC is relevant only if:
Less: Unpaid Debts 25,000
1. the testator is survived by compulsory hirs;
2. the donations inter vivos given by the Estate Tax 15,000
testator in his lifetime and/or the legacies 40,000
and devises provided in his will cannot be
accommodated after payment of the Net Hereditary Estate 460,000
legitime of the compulsory heirs.

Rules or Process of Reduction or Abatement:

1. Calculate the Theoretical Hereditary Estate (T.H.E.) which 2. Determine the Theoretical Hereditary Estate and Use the
will be the basis for determining the legitime of the same to Calculate the legitime of the compulsory heirs:
compulsory heirs; Net Hereditary Estate 460,000
2. From the T.H.E., pay the legitime of the primary
compulsory heirs. The Collationable donations to them
shall be charged to their legitime. Thereafter, the balance Add: Value of All Donations 80,000
represents the free portion. The Free portion shall be paid
Theoretical Hereditary Estate 540,000
the legitime of the concurring heirs (The Surviving Spouse
& Illegitimate Children), if there any;
3. Thereafter: Strict Legitime 270,000
a. If the legitime of the concurring compulsory heirs
(Surviving spouse and/or Illegitimate Children) is
EQUAL to the free portion (or if there still remains a Free Portion 270,000
disposable free portion) - It is confirmed that the
donations made by the decedent (testator) in his
lifetime did not impair the legitime of the compulsory
heirs. All donations shall be honored. NOTE:
b. If the legitime, as calculated in accordance with Art. - To get the Strict Legitime and free Portion, divide the
908, NCC, is GREATER than the Net Hereditary T.H.E. by two. [540,000 / 2 = 270,000]
Estate - The donation has impaired the legitime of the - The Value of All Donation are as follows:
compulsory heirs. Therefore, the donation shall be Donation To: Amount
reduced or abated, beginning from the most recent
ones going back to the older ones (last-in-first-out) A 10,000
until the legitime is fully satisfied.
4. If there is a Positive Balance comprising the disposable F 10,000

free portion after payment of the legitime of the Surviving

B 20,000
Spouse and the Illegitimate Children - The same shall be
used to pay the preferred legacies and devises. E 20,000
5. Note:
a. If after payment of preferred legacies and devises H 20,000
there remains a balance of the disposable free
portion - the same shall be applied to all ordinary Total: 80,000
legacies and devises.


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Disposable Free Portion 95,000
3. Calculate the Legitime of the Compulsory Heirs:
A 67,500
- The donations to the Compulsory Heirs (P10,000 to
B 67,500 A, and P10,000 to F) were expressly declared as
Non-Collationable. The donation to H (P20,000) is a
Legitimate Children donation to a stranger. All these donations (totalling
C 67,500 to P40,000) are chargeable to the Disposable Free
- Note that despite these charges to the free
D 67,500 portion, the legitime of the compulsory heirs
could be paid in full.
- Therefore, the Non-Collationable Donations to A&F
E 33,750
and the Donation to H are honored. After the
payment of the adjusted legitime of the compulsory
Illegitimate children
heirs, the net hereditary estate has a positive balance
F 33,750
of P95,000

Surviving Spouse G 67,500 6. From the Disposable free portion, pay the preferred devise
to I:
Gross Legitime 405,000 Disposable Free Portion 95,000

Preferred Devise to I - 50,000

Net Hereditary Estate 460,000
Balance of the Disposable Free Portion 45,000

NOTE: 7. Pay the ordinary legacies and devises:

- The Strict legitime shall be divided equally among the
Balance of the Disposable Free Portion 45,000
4 legitime children. [270,000 / 4 = 67,500]
- From the free portion shall be paid the legitime of the Total Ordinary Legacies and Devises to C and D 50,000
Surviving Spouse and the illegitimate Children.
- The Illegitimate children are entitled to half of the Deficit - 5,000
legitime of the Legitimate Children. [67,500 / 2 =
- Note that while the legitime was calculated based on NOTE:
the T.H.E., the payment of legitime shall be sourced - Since there is a deficiency of P5,000, the balance of
from the net hereditary estate. the disposable free portion shall be pro-rated
between C and D at the rate of 1:2, such as:
4. Adjust the Legitime of Compulsory Heirs by imputing the Legatee Original Amount Reduced Amount
collationable donations to the legitime of the relevant
donees: C 20,000 15,000

Heir Gross Legitime Collationable Donation Adjusted Legitime D 40,000 30,000

A 67,500 67,500 Total 45,000

B 67,500 - 20,000 47,500

C 67,500 67,500 8. The final distribution of the estate shall be as follow:

D 67,500 Heir Adjusted Legitime Legacies & Devises Total


E 33,750 - 20,000 A 67,500 67,500


B 47,500 47,500
F 33,750 33,750

G 67,500 C 67,500 15,000 82,500


D 67,500 30,000 97,500

Total 405,000 - 40,000 365,000

E 13,750 13,750
5. Honor the Non-Collationable donations and the donations
to strangers which are chargeable to the free portion. F 33,750 33,750

Net Hereditary Estate 460,000 G 67,500 67,500

Total Legitime 365,000 I 50,000 50,000


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Total 365,000 95,000 460,000 A 300,000 To be funded as follows:
700,000 from the estate of the testator
200,000 cash reimbursement from D

B 300,000

Note: In intestate succession, the order of preference with respect S 300,000

to legacies and devises is governed by Art. 950, NCC

D Condo Reimburse A, B and S 200,000

Article 912. If the devise subject to reduction should consist of real
property, which cannot be conveniently divided, it shall go to the 2. A testator who left a Net Hereditary Estate of P500,000
devisee if the reduction does not absorb one-half of its value; and in was survived by two legitimate children (A&B), and his
a contrary case, to the compulsory heirs; but the former and the spouse S. The sole disposition in the testator’s will is a
latter shall reimburse each other in cash for what respectively devise of a condominium unit valued at P500,000 to his
belongs to them. friend D. The theoretical estate is P1,000,000.
The devisee who is entitled to a legitime may retain the entire
Assuming the will is admitted to probate, the devise given
property, provided its value does not exceed that of the disposable
portion and of the share pertaining to him as legitime.
to D will impair the legitime of the compulsory heirs
because A,B and S are each entitled to a legitime of
- Art 912, NCC applies when the real property subject P250,000 (collectively P750,000), leaving a disposable free
matter of the devise CANNOT BE DIVIDED. The rule portion of only P250,000. The devise (valued at P500,000)
states that if the reduction does not absorb 1⁄2 of its is inofficious by P250,000, or exactly one-half its value.
value, it shall go to the devisee. If the reduction The condominium unit is essentially indivisible. The
absorbs 1⁄2 of the value, then it shall go to the condominium unit shall be given to the compulsory heirs,
compulsory heirs. Either way, the person who will but the latter shall reimburse D P250,000.
receive the real property (devise or compulsory heir) Beneficiary Legitime Devise Funding
will have to reimburse the other in cash.
A 250,000 To be funded as follows:
500,000 condominium unit
Article 913. If the heirs or devisees do not choose to avail 250,000 cash from the estate
themselves of the right granted by the preceding article, any heir or B 250,000
devisee who did not have such right may exercise it; should the
latter not make use of it, the property shall be sold at public auction
at the instance of any one of the interested parties. (NCC) S 250,000

- Art. 913, NCC, applies when neither the devisee nor

any of the compulsory heirs opted to exercise the D 250,000 To be funded by the estate
right of keeping (or getting) the devise and
reimbursing the other as provided in Art 912.
3. A testator who left a net hereditary estate of P900,000 was
However, if any heir fails to exercise this right, the
survived by two legitimate children (A&B), and his spouse
rule states that the real property shall be sold at
S. The sole disposition in the testator’s will is a devise of a
public auction, the proceeds of which will be used to
condominium unit valued at P300,000 to A. The theoretical
pay the deficiency of the legitime of the compulsory
hereditary estate, inclusive of the condominium unit is
Assuming the will is admitted to probate, the devise given
1. A testator who left a Net Hereditary Estate of P700,000
to A will not impair the legitime of B and S. Each of the
was survived by two legitimate children (A&B), and his
compulsory heirs A,B and S are entitled to a legitime of
spouse (S). The sole disposition in the testator’s will is a
P300,000 (collectively P900,000), leaving a disposable free
devise of a condominium unit valued at P500,000 to his
portion of P300,000. Thus:
friend D. The theoretical hereditary estate (inclusive of the
condominium unit) is P1,200,000. Beneficiary Legitime Devise Total

Assuming the will is admitted to probate, the devise given A 300,000 Condo Unit 600,000
to D will impair the legitime of the compulsory heirs
B 300,000 300,000
because A,B and S are each entitled to a legitime of
P300,000 (collectively P900,000), leaving a disposable free S 300,000 300,000
portion of only P300,000. Thus, the devise is inofficious by
P200,000. The condominium unit is essentially indivisible. Total: 900,000 300,000 1,200,000
Under Art. 912, par. 1, NCC, the condominium unit shall
be adjudicated to D because the reduction will not absorb
one-half of its value. However, D must reimburse A,B and DEVISEE IS ALSO A COMPULSORY HEIR:
S the amount of P200,000 in order to complete the - A devisee who is likewise a compulsory heir is
legitime of the latter. Thus: entitled to the devise in addition to the legitime. Art.
912, par. 2, NCC, envisions this situation. Thus, in
Beneficiary Legitime Devise Funding determining the devisee’s right to retain the property


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whose value exceeds the disposable free portion, the children who, therefore, can no longer be preterited. The
excess of the value of the devise may be imputed to presumptive legitime shall be adjusted upon the death of the
the legitime of the devisee. parents; it may be increased or decreased as warranted; but
the problem arises if there is a need to return a part of the
LACK OF INTEREST TO ACQUIRE THE PROPERTY: presumptive legitime. It is a collationable advance
- If the aggrieved heir(s) who is/are entitled to exercise
the right to retain the property choose(s) not to
exercise the right, the devisee, who under Art.912,
NCC, did not have such right,may exercise the same
provided he reimburses the aggrieved compulsory Disinheritance
heir(s) the deficit of the latter’s legitime. On the other
hand, if the devisee who is entitled to exercise the 1. Definition and concept – It is a testamentary act of
right of retention chooses not to exercise it, the the testator, executed in the form of a will or otherwise
heir(s) whose legitime was impaired may exercise the contained in a will, whereby a compulsory heir is
right. expressly denied or deprived of his legitime for a cause
- If neither one is interested to acquire the property, provided by law. Disinheritance is the only legal way of
then any other heir or devisee may exercise the right. denying a compulsory heir of his legitime. The mere
This essentially means that such other heir or devisee omission of a compulsory heir in the will is not tantamount
shall pay the value of the property; (i) to the to disinheritance; it could, however, be a case of
compulsory heirs, to the extent of the impairment of preterition depending on compliance with the requisites of
the legitime; and (ii) the balance to the devisee. 854. A disinheritance results in the total exclusion of a
- In the event no one is interested to exercise the right compulsory heir from the inheritance.
to acquire the property, the same shall be sold at a
public auction and from the proceeds, the aggrieved 2. Requisites of a Valid Disinheritance
compulsory heir(s) shall be entitled to the completion ● The disinherited heir is a compulsory heir; therefore, it
of the legetime, and the balance shall be paid to the includes only a child or descendant, a parent or
devisee. ascendant, and a spouse. No collateral relative may
be disinherited because they are not entitled to the
Article 914. The testator may devise and bequeath the free portion legitime.
as he may deem fit. (NCC) ● The disinherited heir must be identified, or at least
described, with certainty. The identification of the
disinherited heir cannot be left to speculations. If
LIMITATIONS OF ART. 914: there is a doubt as to identity which cannot be
1. A testator may not delegate the exercise of resolved with certainty, the disinheritance cannot be
testamentary discretion to a third person (Art. 784, given effect. Note that disinheritance is a penalty for
NCC); an unworthy compulsory heir
2. A testator who has no compulsory heir may dispose ● The disinheritance must be for a cause specified by
by will all or any part of his estate, but only in favor of law. Being punitive in character, and given that it
persons with capacity to succeed (Art. 842, NCC). In results in the deprivation of a statutory entitlement
Art. 1031, NCC, a testamentary disposition in favor of (the legitime) the ground for disinheritance must have
a disqualified person is void; statutory basis.
3. If a testator should devise or bequeath the free ● The disinheritance must be stated in a formally valid
portion to a fideicommissary substitution, he must will because it is a testamentary disposition. The will
comply with the limitations provided in Art. 863 must be admitted to probate, before evidence can be
(NCC). The testator may not issue secret instructions received to prove the validity of the ground cited by
in relation to the application of any property forming the testator. If the will is denied probate, the
part of his estate (Art. 867, NCC); disinheritance is void.
4. A testator cannot declare his estate or any part ● The disinheritance must be express. The law does
thereof inalienable for a period in excess of 20 years. not sanction implied disinheritance, particularly
(Art. 870, NCC); because the ground must be specified. Remember,
5. A testator cannot subject a testamentary disposition disinheritance is punitive in nature.
to an impossible suspensive condition or to an ● The ground for disinheritance must be true and
absolute condition prohibiting a first or subsequent certain – meaning, the ground must exist at the time
marriage (Art. 873-874, NCC); of the execution of the will where the disinheritance is
6. A testator is prohibited from making a dispocicion made, and, the ground must be proved, if denied by
captatoria (Art. 875, NCC) the disinherited heir. The burden of proof lies on the
7. A testamentary disposition in favor of a common-law heirs who wish to enforce the disinheritance. If the
spouse is void. (Art. 739, NCC) ground cited requires conviction, there is basis for
disinheritance provided the offense has been
PRESUMPTIVE LEGITIME: committed at the time of the execution of the will
where the disinheritance is made, but the efficacy will
have to await the conviction (e.g., attempt on life).
Presumptive Legitime – awarded in cases where the children ● Disinheritance must be total; no such thing as partial
would have been legitimate were it not for the defect of the deprivation of the legitime.
marriage; it is an advance of the hereditary share of the


Morillo Quick Reviewer
It is therefore clear that disinheritance can only occur in testator to make a 919(4)
testamentary succession. But let there be no mistake, will, or to change (ii) a parent or ascendant under
there are 5 grounds for disinheritance which are also one already made Art. 920(5)
grounds for incapacity by reason of unworthiness (1032). (iii) a spouse under Art. 921(3)
Therefore, even if a compulsory heir was not disinherited
under any of these concurring grounds, there is no 3. Void Disinheritance
certainty that he can inherit because of the application of ● Disinheritance without specification of the cause –
1032. disinherited heir will be deprived of his right to
challenge the ground for disinheritance
Further, if a compulsory heir is disinherited, any ● Disinheritance of a cause which, if contradicted, is
testamentary disposition in his favour in a prior will is not proved
revoked automatically. If he is deprived of legitime to ● Disinheritance for a cause not specified by law
which he is entitled as a matter of law, there is no basis to
grant him any benefit which is not due him by law, and Consequence: annulment of the institution but only to
which was given him out of the generosity of the testator. the extent necessary to allow the disinherited heir to
recover his legitime. (Note the difference with the total
Five Common Grounds for Incapacity due to annulment of the institution of heirs in case of preterition
Unworthiness and Disinheritance [854].) This is the limit of recovery – legitime only, nothing
Incapacity under Grounds to Disinherit under Arts. more. The theory is that if the testator did not want to give
Article 1032 919, 920, 921 him the legitime, there is no basis to assume that the
Paragraph 1 – Abandonment of children, inducing testator would have wanted to give him more than that.
Abandonment of daughter to lead a corrupt or immoral Legacies and devises remain valid to the extent that they
children, inducing life, attempting on her virtue – a ground do not impair the legitime, or to the extent the legitime of
daughter to lead a to disinherit an ascendant under Art. the disinherited heir can be recovered without touching
corrupt or immoral 920(1); also a ground to disinherit a those legacies and devises (annul the institution first,
life, attempting on spouse because: before reducing or abating legacies and devises).
her virtue
Art. 921(4) – giving cause for legal 4. Grounds for Disinheritance
separation – A spouse gives cause for Grounds for Disinheritance Desc. Asc. Sp.
legal separation if he/she attempts or
induces a common child, or a child of Guilty of attempt on life of the √ √ √
the other spouse by prior marriage, to testator, his spouse,
engage in prostitution, or connives in
descendant, or ascendant
such corruption or inducement (Art.
55(3) Family Code)
Groundlessly accusing the √ √ √
Paragraph 2 – Conviction for an attempt on the life of
conviction for an the testator, his/her spouse, testator of a crime with
attempt on the life descendants or ascendants is a imposable penalty of
of the testator, ground to disinherit: imprisonment of 6 years or more
his/her spouse, (i) a child or descendant under
descendants or Art. 919(1) Conviction of adultery or √ √
ascendants (ii) a parent or ascendant under concubinage with the testator’s
Art. 920(2) spouse
(iii) a spouse under Art. 921(1)
Paragraph 3 – Falsely accusing the testator of a crime
Caused the testator to make or √ √ √
falsely accusing punishable by imprisonment of 6 years
the testator of a or more is a ground to disinherit: change a will through fraud,
crime punishable (i) a child or descendant under violence, intimidation, undue
by imprisonment of Art. 919(2) influence,
6 years or more (ii) a parent or ascendant under
Art. 920(3) Unjust refusal to give support to √ √ √
(iii) a spouse under Art. 921(2) the testator
Paragraph 5 – Convicted of adultery or concubinage
convicted of with the spouse of testator is a ground Maltreatment of the testator by √
adultery or to disinherit:
word or deed(Seangio vs.
concubinage with (i) a child or descendant under
the spouse of Art. 919(3)
testator (ii) a parent or ascendant under
Article 920(4) Leading a dishonorable or √
Paragraph 6 – Person who by fraud, violence, disgraceful life
person who by intimidation, or undue influence should
fraud, violence, cause the testator to make a will, or to Conviction of crime with √
intimidation, or change one already made is a ground accessory penalty of civil
undue influence to disinherit: interdiction (41 RPC)
should cause the (i) a child or descendant under Art


Morillo Quick Reviewer
Abandonment of children; √ innocence. This makes the accusation groundless. An
inducing a daughter to live a acquittal based on reasonable doubt, failure to prosecute,
corrupt or immoral life; or prescription of the offense is not equivalent to a false
attempting on her virtue
● Adultery or concubinage with the spouse of the testator
Loss of parental authority (FC √ – Reference must be made to the statutory definition (and
229, 230, 231,232) essential requisites) of adultery or concubinage under the
RPC because this ground requires criminal conviction. No
Attempt of one parent on the life √ conviction; no ground to disinherit. The counterpart to the
of the other, unless they have adultery or concubinage must be the spouse (not
reconciled common law partner) of the testator.

Giving cause for legal separation √ The penalty of disinheritance based on this ground does
not apply to the offending spouse. The offending spouse
(FC 55)
may, however, be disinherited under 921(4) – giving cause
for legal separation (i.e., sexual infidelity).
Giving ground for loss of √
parental authority ● Fraud, violence, intimidation, undue influence to cause
testator to make a will or to change one already made –

● Attempt on life – Take note of the victims of the attempt. Review the definition and elements of the various vices of
A child who attempted on the life of (i) his sibling, whether consent under 1330-1338 of the Code.
legitimate or illegitimate, whether of the full or half-blood,
(ii) his grandparents or other ascendants, (iii) his nephews A will executed under these circumstances is void (see
or nieces, whether legitimate or illegitimate, whether of 839 – grounds to deny probate); the perpetrator of the
the full or half-blood, or (iv) his biological or stepparent, vice of consent may be disinherited by the testator who
may be disinherited by his parent or ascendant. was victimized. For obvious reason, the testator has to
execute a new will where the perpetrator will be
The stage of commission (consummated, frustrated or disinherited.
attempted) is irrelevant. In any case, there is an attempt
which is a ground to disinherit. ● Unjust refusal to give support - Refer to the definition of
support in FC 194. Support depends on the needs of the
Intent to kill is essential; death that was caused by recipient and on the resources of the giver. Refer to FC
reckless imprudence is not a ground to disinherit. But, 195 to determine who are obliged to support each other.
proof of a justifying or exempting circumstance precludes
the possibility of disinheritance. ● Maltreatment of the testator – may be done either by
words (verbal maltreatment) or by deed (physical
Final conviction is required for the efficacy of the maltreatment). It must demonstrate lack of respect to the
disinheritance; but it is sufficient that the ground existed testator. (See Seangio vs. Reyes)
at the time of the execution of the will. Efficacy of
disinheritance will await the final conviction. Acquittal on
● Leading a disgraceful or dishonourable life – The law
the basis of any legal ground precludes disinheritance.
did not define what constitutes a disgraceful or
dishonourable life. It is clear, however, that this is a kind
Degree of participation (principal, accomplice, or
of lifestyle, not just an isolated behavior, no matter how
accessory) is irrelevant, except that in Art. 20 RPC, an
reprehensible it may be. The apparent basis for
accessory after the fact incurs no criminal liability if he is
disinheritance is the embarrassment it caused the testator
such an accessory to the offender, except if he profited,
or assisted the offender to profit from the effects of the
crime. ● Civil interdiction – In RPC 41, this is an accessory
penalty imposed when the imposable penalty is
● False accusation – Testifying against the testator is the imprisonment for 12 years and 1 day to 20 years
classic example of an accusation. But, withholding (reclusion temporal). It is the deprivation of the right of
favourable testimony that could exculpate the testator is parental authority or guardianship to the person or
equivalent to an indirect false accusation. The filing of the property of the ward, the deprivation of marital authority,
affidavit complaint before the prosecutor is a not form of the right to manage one’s property, and the right to
accusation. The prosecutor is merely to determine the dispose property by an act inter vivos. The disinheritance
existence of probable cause for charging the accused. He is based on the resulting embarrassment to the testator.
is not in a position to determine the guilt or innocence of This ground requires final conviction of the offender.
the accused.
● Abandonment of children – refers to the total neglect of
The crime charged must carry the penalty of parental obligations, not only with respect to providing
imprisonment for 6 years or more. support, but also with respect to the proper care and
guidance of children under parental authority. Giving up a
The disinheritance based on this ground must be founded child for adoption or giving consent thereto is not
upon a definitive acquittal premised on a finding of abandonment.


Morillo Quick Reviewer
he disinherited the plotter parent. If argued that the
● Inducing a child of the testator to live a corrupt or disinheritance is under 920[2], the disinheritance will
immoral life – It is not necessary for a parent to induce a require conviction; but if it is argued that the
daughter to become a prostitute (as in the old Civil Code). disinheritance in under 920[8], conviction is not required
The meaning of a corrupt or immoral life includes and the guilt of the plotter may be established by mere
activities that may not be as serious as prostitution.
preponderance of evidence, or alternatively, reconciliation
between the spouses may have occurred which makes
● Attempt on the virtue of the child of the testator – It
may be in the form of attempted rape, attempted the disinheritance under 920[8] ineffective.
seduction, or acts of lasciviousness. Conviction is not
necessary to constitute a ground to disinherit. ● Giving cause for legal separation – The mere giving of
cause for legal separation is sufficient to support the
● Loss of parental authority – Refer to FC 229-232. It is a disinheritance. A final decree of legal separation is not
ground to disinherit if the loss of parental authority is necessary. See FC 55 for the 10 grounds for legal
attributable to the fault of the neglectful parent (e.g., separation. Given the expanded grounds for legal
subjecting the child to acts of lasciviousness, compelling separation, it is obvious that the spouse is the most
the child to beg, excessive harshness or cruelty to the vulnerable to disinheritance.
child, etc.)
5. Obliterating the effect of disinheritance –
Note that the FC does not make mention of “loss” of Reconciliation between the offender and the offended
person deprives the latter of the right to disinherit, and
parental authority; it uses the terms “termination,”
renders ineffective the disinheritance already made. Two
“suspension,” “deprivation,” and “permanent deprivation” important points: (i) if disinheritance has not been made,
of parental authority. the offended party can no longer disinherit the offender;
(ii) if disinheritance has been made, it becomes
The effect of the recovery of parental authority, after it ineffective.
was lost, is a contentious matter that has not been ● Reconciliation is not defined by law. But it is
resolved. The question is: if parental authority is generally understood to mean the restoration of the
relationship between the offender and the offended
eventually recovered, will it make the disinheritance
party prior to the commission of the act that
ineffective? constitutes the ground for legal separation. (See
Bugayong vs. Gines) But, pardon is not the same as
● Attempt of a parent on the life of another (920[8]) – This reconciliation, as there may be pardon without
is a separate ground for a child to disinherit a parent. But reconciliation. Reconciliation however necessarily
this specific ground is completely different from the same includes pardon.
attempt on the life of a parent by the other parent under
920[2] in the following respects: SECTION 7 - LEGACIES AND DEVISES
● This sub-article does not require the conviction of the
offending parent (note it did not state “convicted of
an attempt”) even if there was an intent to kill the
victimized parent. Gifts of Movable Property Gifts of Immovable Property
● The plotter parent and the victimized parent must be given by the testator to a given by the testator to a
the biological parent of the child; the child cannot be specified beneficiary under such specified beneficiary under sch
conditions as may be provided conditions as may be provided
an adopted child of the plotter parent and the
in the will. in the will.
victimized parent because adopting parents are not
compulsory heirs of the adopted child.
● This ground cannot be invoked if the plotter parent or OBJECT OF A LEGACY OR DEVISE:
- All things and rights which are within the commerce
the victimized parent is a stepparent of the child. If
of man may be bequeathed or devised. (Art. 924,
the plotter is a stepparent of the child, he is not a NCC)
compulsory heir of the child; if the victimized parent
is a stepparent of the child, he is neither a BURDEN OF LEGACIES AND DEVISES:
compulsory heir of the child. Article 925. A testator may charge with legacies and devises not
● The effect of disinheritance under 920[8] is only his compulsory heirs but also the legatees and devisees.
obliterated by a reconciliation between the parents.
The latter shall be liable for the charge only to the extent of the
In 920[2], reconciliation will not obliterate the
value of the legacy or the devise received by them. The compulsory
disinheritance, but final conviction is necessary to heirs shall not be liable for the charge beyond the amount of the
make the disinheritance effective. free portion given them. (NCC)

A chaotic situation arises if the child who disinherited the INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY:
parent dies before the charges are filed against the plotter - If the testator imposed the burden of paying a legacy
parent, and the child did not specify under which ground or devise upon a particular heir, legatee or devisee -


Morillo Quick Reviewer
he alone shall be obliged to pay it, but he is limited - Note that the unauthorized possessor is not exempt
to the proportion in which he may inherit. (Art. 925, from liability even if the loss or destruction is caused
NCC) by force majeure.
- If the testator imposed the burden of paying a legacy
or devise collectively upon the heirs, legatees and/or WARRANTY FOR GENERIC LEGACIES AND DEVISES:
devisees - all of them shall be label to pay the same - The heir who is bound to deliver the legacy or devise
in the same proportion in which they inherit. (Art. 925, shall be liable in case of eviction, if the thing is
NCC) indeterminate and is indicated only by its kind. (Art.
928, NCC)
Problem:Testator instituted his 3 legitimate sons (A,B, and C) as Example:
universal heirs to an estate of P18,000.00 in the following manner; Testator imposed upon an heir the obligation to give to a
“(1) A-½; (2) B-⅓; and (3) C-6; provided that the heirs shall give a ward of the testator a car with a value of not less than
legacy of P30,000.00 to D. P100,000.00. The heir owns two cars; (1) One belongs and
registered in his name without any lien or encumbrance; and
Answer: The estate shall be distributed as follows: (2) Another car, registered in his own but was purchased on
Free Liability for an installment basis and is subject to a chattel mortgage in
Heir Institution Legitime Legacy Net share
Portion Legacy favor of a financing company. Between these two motor
vehicles, the heir could freely dispose of the unencumbered
A 90,000 30,000 60,000 (20,000) 70,000 car.

B 60,000 30,000 30,000 (10,000) 50,000 However, if the heir deliver to the legatee the encumbered
car and he defaults in the remittance of the monthly
C 30,000 30,000 0 0 30,000 amortization which results to the foreclosure of the chattel
mortgage, the seizure of the car from the legatee would make
D 30,000 30,000 the heir liable to the the latter under Art. 928, NCC.

Total 180,000 90,000 90,000 30,000 (30,000) 180,000

- If the legacy or devise to be delivered by an heir to
the legatee or a devisee is a thing specified by the
● To ensure the preservation of the legitime, the shares of the
compulsory heirs were broken into two parts:
testator, the warranty in Art. 928 is not applicable.
1. The Legitime; and - Rationale:
2. Their (Legitime) respective participation in the distribution - Art. 928 expressly refers to legacies and
of the disposable free portion devises of generic things.
● The responsibility for the payment of the legacy to D can only - By delivering the specific thing, the heir’s
be imposed on those compulsory heirs who benefited from the faithful compliance with the testator’s order
distribution of the disposable free portion. The legacy cannot does not serve as basis for bad faith (It is a
be burdened by any charge (Art. 904, NCC)
matter of obedience); and
● The legacy to D is paid by debiting proportionately the
respective shares of A and B in the disposable free portion.
- The testator intended the legatee or devisee
Since A’s share of the disposable free portion is twice as as the to bear with the risk of potential loss of the
share of B, hence, A contributes twice as much as B in the thing through eviction.
payment of the legacy to D.
● C cannot be made responsible to D since all that C got was his PARTLY OWNED PROPERTY:
legitime which cannot be impaired. - Gen. Rule:
- If the testator, heir or legatee owns only a part or an
RESPONSIBILITY FOR LOSS OR DESTRUCTION OF interest in the thing bequeathed, the legacy or devise
THING BEQUEATHED: shall be understood limited to such part of interest.
- When a will is admitted to probate, the court shall (Art. 929, NCC)
grant letters testamentary or letters of administration - Exception: “Unless the testator expressly declares that
with a will annexed. Such letters shall extend to all he gives the thing in its entirety.” (Art.929, NCC)
the estate of the testator in the Philippines. The - If at the time if the execution of the will, the testator
executor or administrator is mandated to take knew he owns only a party of the thing bequeathed
possession and charge of the goods, chattels, rights, (or that the person charged with the sub-legacy or
credits and estate of the deceased. The exclusive sub-devise owns only a part thereof), he (testator)
responsibility for the possession, care and may make an express declaration that; (I) He gives
preservation of the estate of the testator is vested in the thing to the legatee or devisee in its entirety; or (ii)
him. (See Sec. 4, Rule 77, ROC) He directs the person charged with the sub-legacy or
- If an heir or some them should take possession of the sub-devisee to the thing to the sub-legatee or sub-
estate or any part thereof prior to the issuance by the devisee in its entirety.
court of an order for the distribution thereof, and in - In any case, such express declaration is not
the meantime any property forming part of the estate an indication that the testator did not know
is lost or destroyed, the possessors are held jointly the nature of his estate.
and severally liable for such loss or destruction. (Art. - It is important that in order to give the thing in its
927, NCC) entirety, the testator must indicate in the will that he
is aware that another person has an interest in the


Morillo Quick Reviewer
property and that notwithstanding, he gives the thing
the will is letters or in Arabic numeral;
to the legatee or devisee in its entirety. written, and the 2. The testator affixed his
fact that the thumb mark to the
testator signed instrument instead of signing
the will and his name; and
CHAPTER 3 every page 3. There was no statement in
LEGAL OR INTESTATE SUCCESSION thereof. (Art. the will that the testator
804-805, NCC) knew the language in which
it was written.

SECTION 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS Samaniego- The attestation An error in the number of

Celada vs. shall state the pages of the will as stated in
Abena number of pages the attestation clause was not
PREFERENCE OF TESTACY OVER INTESTACY: 556 SCRA used upon which considered material so as to
- Testator’s will is preferred over intestate succession 569 the will is invalidate the will.
written, (Art. 805,
because it is the testator’s wishes and intention to
constitute first and principal law in the matter of
testaments. When expressed clearly and precisely in Alvarado vs. If the testator is The Court departed from the
his last will, they amount to the only law whose Gaviola, Jr. blind, the will twin requirements of Art. 808
mandate must be faithfully obeyed and complied 226 SCRA shall be read to by admitting to probate the will
with. (Rodriguez vs. Borja, 17 SCRA 418; Dizon- 347 him twice; once, of a blind testator even if
Rivera vs. Dizon, 33 SCRA 554) by one of the during the execution of the said
subscribing will, the same was read to the
Jurisprudencial Examples Where the Supreme Court Bend witnesses, and testator only once by a person
again, by the who was neither the notary
Some of the Rules Prescribed in the Execution of a Will:
notary public public before whom the will
CASE GOVERNING before whom the was acknowledged nor one of
SC RULING OR ACTION: will is the attesting witnesses.
(Art. 808, NCC)
Nera vs. The testator and It is not necessary for the
Rimando the attesting testator and the witnesses to
Roxas vs. de A holographic The court admitted a
18 Phil. 450 witness must actually see each other affix
sign the will in their signatures to the will Jesus, Jr. will must be holographic will to probate
134 SCRA dated. (Art. 810, despite its being incompletely
the presence of during the execution of the will.
245 NCC) dated because there was no
one another. It is sufficient that they might
evidence of bad faith, fraud
(Art. 805, NCC) have seen each other sign, had
they chosen to do so, and undue and improper
influence and pressure.
considering their mental and
physical condition and position
in relation to each other at the
moment of inscription of each
signature. - Intestate succession is a type of succession that
takes place when the decedent (or testator) failed to
Taboada vs. The testator and The witnesses may sign on the express his property dispositions in a valid and
Rosal the witnesses left margin of the will (except operative last will and testament.
118 SCRA must sign at the with respect to the signatures - In intestate succession, the distribution of the estate
195 end of the will, of the witnesses to the of a deceased person is controlled by law, unlike in
and that the attestation clause). testamentary succession wherein the disposition of
attestation the estate is controlled by the testator to a certain
clause must Further, even if the attestation
state the number failed to state the number of
of pages used pages used upon which the will
on which the will was written, such omission did RODRIGUEZ vs. BORJA
was written. (Art. not invalidate the will. GR no. L-21993, June 21, 1966
805, NCC)
FACTS: The intestate proceedings of the estate of the deceased Fr.
Icasiano vs. The witnesses The SC allowed the probate of Rodriguez in the CFI Rizal was filed at 8:00am on March 17, 1963
Icasiano must sign the the will and averted intestacy while the petition for probate was filed in the CFI Bulacan at
11 SCRA will in all pages. from taking place. It rule that 11:00am on the same day. Themovants contend that CFI Bulacan
422 (See Art. 805, the duplicate copy of the will has no jurisdiction to entertain the petition for probate.
NCC) “serves to prove that the
omission of one signature in RULING: “Only after final decision as to the nullity of testate
the third page of the original succession could an intestate succession be instituted in the form
testament was inadvertent and of pre-established action.” The institution of intestacy proceedings
not intentional.” in CFI Rizal may not proceed while the probate of the aforesaid will
of Fr. Rodriguez is pending. SC ruled that the CFI Bulacan was
Lopez vs. The attestation The court admitted the will to entitled priority in the settlement of the estate in question, and that
Liboro shall state the probate even if: in refusing to dismiss the probate proceeding, the said court did
81 Phil. 429 number of pages 1. The first sheet of a two-page not commit any abuse of discretion. The proceedings in the CFI
used upon which will was not paged either in Rizal should be discontinued.


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inheritance and return the same to the legal heirs of
- In the case of intestate succession, the Civil Code - The illegality of a testamentary disposition may also
controls the disposition of the estate of the deceased result in intestacy.
person. The framers of the law (putting themselves in - Ex: A disposition in favor of the testator’s
the shoes of the decedent) attempt to distribute the mistress is void. (Nepomuceno vs. CA, 139
decedent’s estate in a manner that will most closely SCRA 206)
resemble the distribution which the decedent would - Pretrion (which results in the total annulment of the
have made, with respect to both the recipients and institution of heirs) will always result in intestacy.
the amounts to be given to each of them, had h been
able to execute his will. INTESTATE HEIRS:
1. Intestate heirs who are likewise compulsory heirs of
the decedent;
Article 960. Legal or intestate succession takes place:
(1) If a person dies without a will, or with a void will, or one which
2. Collateral relatives who are not compulsory heirs; and
has subsequently lost its validity; 3. Intestate heir by default (the State). (See Art. 961,
(2) When the will does not institute an heir to, or dispose of all the NCC)
property belonging to the testator. In such case, legal
succession shall take place only with respect to the property of
which the testator has not disposed; Article 962. In every inheritance, the relative nearest in degree
(3) If the suspensive condition attached to the institution of heir excludes the more distant ones, saving the right of representation
does not happen or is not fulfilled, or if the heir dies before the when it properly takes place.
testator, or repudiates the inheritance, there being no
substitution, and no right of accretion takes place; Relatives in the same degree shall inherit in equal shares, subject to
(4) When the heir instituted is incapable of succeeding, except in the provisions of article 1006 with respect to relatives of the full and
cases provided in this Code. (NCC) half blood, and of article 987, paragraph 2, concerning division
between the paternal and maternal lines. (NCC)

1. Decedent dies without a will;
2. Decedent dies with a void will:
1. Rule of Proximity; and
3. Decedent dies with a will that had lost its validity;
2. Rule of Equal Division. (Art. 961, NCC)
- NOTE: A will that is formally valid at the time of the
execution cannot subsequently lose its validity and it
will continue to be valid because the supervening RULE OF PROXIMITY:
incapacity of the testator does not invalidate an
otherwise valid will not shhall any subsequent change
in the required formalities. (See Arts 801 & 795, NCC) THE RULE OF PROXIMITY:
- The phrase “has subsequently lost its validity” (being - The relatives nearest to the decedent in degree will
inaccurate) must be understood to has subsequently inherit from the decedent to the exclusion of the
lost its efficacy. more remote ones.
- A will that is vaid at the time of its execution loses its - Generally, relatives within the first degree (son or
efficacy is when the testator revokes it. (Art. 828, parent) will exclude relatives within the second
NCC) degree (grandson or grandparent), and those who are
4. The will does not institute an heir; even more remotely related to the decedent.
- NOTE: This contravenes Art. 841, NCC, therefore in - Rationale: The decedent is presumed to have a
order for this to make sense, it must be interpreted to deeper affection for th relative who is nearer in
refer to a case where a testator executed a valid but degree.
did not make any property disposition therein. In
which case, the document cannot be construed as a DE LOS SANTOS vs. DE LA CRUZ
will. The author thereof technically died intestate. GR no. L-29192, February 22, 1971
5. The will failed to dispose the entire estate;
- Partial intestacy ISSUE: Whether Plaintiff Gertrudes de los Santos is an heir of the
6. Non-fulfillment of a suspensive condition attached to the decedent Pelagia.
institution of heirs;
RULING: Gertrudes is not an heir of deceased Pelagia. Plaintiff
- The rights to succession are transmitted from the
Gertrudes being a mere grand niece of Pelagia, she could not
moment of the death of the decedent. However, the inherit from the latter by right of representation. In the present case,
efficacy of an institution that is subject to a the relatives nearest in degree to deceased Pelagia are her
suspensive condition is deferred until such time that nephews and nieces, one of whom is Defendant Maximo de la
the condition is fulfilled. Cruz. Necessarily, Gertrudes (a grandniece) is excluded by law
7. The instituted heir predeceases the testator or is from inheritance.
otherwise incapacitated to inherit from the latter, or
repudiates the inheritance;
8. Other causes of intestacy; BAGUNU vs. PIEDAD
- Intestacy may take place if the institution of an heir is GR no. 140975, December 8, 2000
subject to a resolutory term or condition, in which
case the instituted heir must, upon the arrival of the FACTS: Augusto Piedad died without any direct descendants or
ascendants. Respondent is the maternal aunt of the decedent
term or the fulfillment of the condition, give up the


Morillo Quick Reviewer
Augusto (a third degree relative of Augusto), while Petitioner is the
daughter of a first cousin of deceased Augusto (fifth degree relative A P22,500.00 P22,500.00
of Augusto).
B P22,500.00 P22,500.00
RULING: The rule on proximity is a concept that favors the relatives
nearest in degree to the decedent and excludes the more distant C P22,500.00 P22,500.00
ones, except when and to the extent that the right of representation
can apply. By right of representation (Art. 962, NCC), a more D 0 0
distant relative of a decedent is (by operation of law) “raised to the
same place and degree”of relationship as that of a closer blood E P22,500.00 P22,500.00
relative of the same decedent. The right of representation does not
apply to "other collateral relatives within the fifth civil degree" (to Total P67,500.00 P22,500.00 P90,000.00
which group both petitioner and respondent belong) who are sixth
in order of preference following, firstly, the legitimate children and
descendants, secondly, the legitimate parents and ascendants, Solution:
thirdly, the illegitimate children and descendants, fourthly, the ● Divide the Net Hereditary Estate into four, representing the
surviving spouse, and fifthly, the brothers and sisters/nephews and surviving heirs (A,B,C, and E). [90,000/4 = 22,500]
nieces, of the decedent. Among collateral relatives, except only in
the case of nephews and nieces of the decedent concurring with Explanation: Under the rule of proximity, E is excluded by A and B
their uncles or aunts, the rule of proximity, expressed in Article 962, from the inheritance of X. However, by exercising the right of
aforequoted, of the Code, is an absolute rule. representation which is available to E, he is raised to the place and
degree of D (a relative of X in the first degree). Therefore, E inherits
Respondent, being a relative within the third civil degree, of the late from his grandfather X along with A and B as though E were a first
Augusto H. Piedad excludes petitioner, a relative of the fifth degree, degree relative of X in the descending line. The right of
from succeeding ab intestato the estate of the decedent. representation spared E from the exclusionary effect of the rule of


2. Relatives in descending are preferred over relatives in
GR no. 116775, January 22, 1998
ascending line;
In this case, Private Respondent is the son of Agatonica, the half- - Succession pertains in the first place to the
sister of Justa. He is thus a third degree relative of Justa. On the descending direct line. (Art. 978, NCC)
other hand, Petitioners are the sons and daughters of Justa’s - Only in default of legitimate children or descendants
cousin. Therefore, they are fifth degree relatives of Justa. Applying will parents and other ascendants inherit. (Art. 985,
the principle that the nearest excludes the farthest, then Private NCC)
Respondent is the lawful heir of deceased Justa. The fact that his
mother is the only half-sister of Justa is of no moment.
3. Relatives in direct line are preferred over relatives in
Petitioners misappreciate the relationship between Justa and collateral line:
private Respondent. As already stated, private respondent is the - The order of intestate succession calls to succession
son of Justa’s half-sister Agatonica. He is therefore Justa’s the heirs in the following: (First) the descending direct
nephew. A nephew is considered a collateral relative who may line; (Second) the ascending direct line; (Third) the
inherit if no descendant, ascendant, or spouse survive the surviving spouse; (Fourth) the collateral relatives but
decedent. The private respondent is only a half-blood relative is only up to the fifth civil degree; (Fifth) the State. The
immaterial. This alone does not disqualify him from being his aunt’s
intestate heirs falling within the first two categories
heir. As the Court of Appeals correctly pointed out, "The
determination of whether the relationship is of the full or half-blood
are relatives in the direct line. The intestate heirs
is important only to determine the extent of the share of the falling in the fourth category are the relatives in the
survivors." collateral line.
- Because of the preference of the collateral line, a
legitimate grandson of the decedent (a relative of the
EXCEPTIONS TO THE RULE OF PROXIMITY: second degree in the direct line) will exclude a
1. The rule of proximity yields to the right of legitimate brother of the decedent (a relative of the
representation; second degree in the collateral line).
- Representation is a right created by fiction of law by
virtue of which a representative is raised to the place
and degree of the person to be represented, and RULE OF EQUAL DIVISION:
acquires the rights which the latter would have if he
were living or if he could have inherited. (Art. 970,
NCC) - Heirs of the same degree shall inherit in equal shares.
- Rationale: The law presumes that a decedent would
Example: have an equal affection for his relatives of the same
Problem: X is survived by his two legitimate children (A & B) and degree.
his spouse (C). X has a predeceased child (D) who had a legitimate
son E. If X died intestate with a net hereditary estate of P90,000.00, EXCEPTION TO THE RULE OF EQUAL DIVISION:
How should X’s estate be distributed? 1. The decedent’s brothers and sisters of the full blood
are entitled to twice the shares of brothers and sisters
Answer: It shall be distributed as follows:
of the half blood:
Heir Intestate Share Representation Total - Should brother and sisters of the full blood survive
together with brothers and sisters of the half blood,


Morillo Quick Reviewer
the former shall be entitled to a share double that of
the latter. (Art. 1006, NCC) Solution:
● Divide the Net Estate into two Ascendant Lines to get the
Example: shares of the Ascent Lines. [100,000/2=50,000]
● Divide the share Each Line among the surviving ascendants to
Problem: A&B had 2 legitimate children (C&D). Upon the death of
get their individual intestate shares. [50,000/2=25,000]
A, B married E with whom they had 2 legitimate children (F&G).
When B&E died, they were survived by the four siblings; C&D (B’s
Explanation: X is survived by his grandparents both in the maternal
children in his first marriage), and F&G (B’s children in his second
and paternal line. According to Art. 987, NCC, “should they be of
marriage). Thereafter, C died intestate leaving a net estate of
different lines but of equal degree, ½ shall go to the paternal line
P120,000.00. How should C’s estate be distributed?
and the other half to the maternal line.”
Answer: It shall be distributed as follow:
NOTE: If A predeceased X, B will get double the respective shares
Heir Intestate Share Relationship to C of C&D because the inheritance shall be divided equally between
the paternal and maternal lines regardless of the number of
D 60,000 Full-Blood Brother survivors in each of the lines.

F 30,000 Half-Blood Brother 3. Whenever heirs inherit by right of representation, the

representatives get only that portion which the person
G 30,000 Half-Blood Brother
represented would otherwise inherit if he were living
and could inherit:
Total 120,000
- Whenever there is succession by representation, the
division of the estate shall be made per stirpes, in
Solution: such manner that the representative or
● Distribute the estate in accordance with Art. 1006, NCC. [D= representatives shall not inherit more than what the
½; F= ¼; G= ¼]
person they represent would inherit, if he were living
● Divide the Net Estate in accordance with their respective
shares: or could inherit. (Art. 974, NCC)
○ For D, [120,000 x (½ or 0.5) = 60,000]
○ For F, [120,000 x (¼ or 0.25) = 30,000] Example:
○ For G, [120,000 x (¼ or 0.25) = 30,000]
Problem: Decedent X was survived by his 2 legitimate children
(A&B), and 4 legitimate grandchildren (D,E,F&G) who are legitimate
Explanation: While D, F and G are relatives of C in the second
children of his predeceased son, C. X died intestate with a net
degree. D is a full-blood brother, while F&G are his half-blood
estate of P120,000. How should X’s estate be distributed?
brothers. Following to Art. 1006, D gets double the respective
shares of F&G.
Answer: A’s estate should be distributed as follows:

Heir Intestate Share Representation Total

2. In the ascending line, the inheritance is divided equally
between the paternal and maternal lines. Within each A 40,000 40,000
line, the inheritance is divided per capita:
- In default of the father and mother, the ascendants B 40,000 40,000
nearest in degree shall inherit. Should there be more
than one of equal degree belonging to the same line D 10,000 10,000
they shall divide the inheritance per capita; should
they be of different lines but of equal degree, one-half E 10,000 10,000
shall go to the paternal and the other half to the
maternal ascendants. In each line the division shall F 10,000 10,000
be made per capita. (Art. 987, NCC)
G 10,000 10,000
Total 80,000 40,000 120,000
Problem: Decedent X was survived by his grandparents; (A&B) in
the maternal line. and (C&D) in the paternal line. X’s net estate is
P100,000. How would X’s estate be distributed? Solution:
● Divide X’s net estate among his legitimate
Answer: X’s estate shall be distributed as follows: children.[120,000/3=40,000]
● Divide C’s share among his four legitimate children.
Maternal [40,000/4=10,000]
50,000 Paternal Line 50,000
Explanation: Under the right of representation, D,E,F&G were
Intestate Intestate raised to the place and degree of C in respect of X in the first
Heir Heir
Share Share degree. However, they took only the share pertained to C because
the representatives cannot inherit more than what the person whom
A 25,000 C 25,000 they represent would have inherited.

B 25,000 D 25,000
Total 50,000 Total 50,000


Morillo Quick Reviewer
- Proximity of relationship is determined by the number ACCRETION IN INTESTATE SUCCESSION (Art. 968,NCC):
of generations. Each generation forms a degree. (Art. - Gen. Rule: If any of the intestate heirs should be unable or
963, NCC) unwilling to accept the inheritance, the vacant portion
pertaining to such heir shall not devolve to the relatives
CIVIL DEGREES OF CONSANGUINITY: next in degree but shall accrue in favor of the co-heirs of
the same degree by right of accretion.
- Exception: If the vacancy in the inheritance is caused
specifically by the incapacity of the heir, the incapacitated
heir may (under the conditions specified by law) be
represented by his descendants, which case, accretion in
favor of the co-heirs of the incapacitated shall not take

The intestate heirs of A to an estate of P90,000 are his
legitimate brothers B,C&D. If all of the heirs accepted the
inheritance, each will receive P30,000.

1. If B is incapacited to inherit from A but has 2

Legitimate children (E&F) - The vacant portion
pertaining to B shall pertain to E&F in equal shares by
right of representation. (Art. 972, NCC). Such vacant
portions shall not accrue in favor of C&D because
Right of Representation is superior to the right of
SERIES OF DEGREES: 2. If B is incapacited to inherit from A & has Illegitimate
children - The illegitimate children are barred from
DIRECT LINE COLLATERAL LINE inheriting from A under Art. 992, NCC. Hence, the
vacant portion pertaining to B shall accrue in favor of
Constituted by the series of Constituted by the series of C&D.
degrees among ascendants and degrees among persons who 3. If B repudiated the inheritance but he has 2
descendants. (Art. 964, NCC) are not ascendants and Legitimate children (E&F) - E&F cannot exercise the
descendants, but who come
right of representation because a repudiator cannot
from a common ancestor. (Art.
964, NCC) be represented. (Art. 977, NCC). Hence, the vacant
portion pertaining to B shall accrue in favor of C&D.
Ascent is made to the common Ascent is made to the common
ancestor. (Art. 966, NCC) ancestor and then descent is
made to the person with whom
the computation is to be made. Article 969. If the inheritance should be repudiated by the nearest
(Art. 966, NCC) relative, should there be one only, or by all the nearest relatives
called by law to succeed, should there be several, those of the
The child is 1 degree removed A person is 2 degrees removed following degree shall inherit in their own right and cannot represent
from the parent, 2 degrees from his brother, 3 degrees the person or persons repudiating the inheritance. (NCC)
removed from his grandfather, removed from his uncle (who is
and 3 degrees removed from the brother of his father), 4
his great-grandparent. degrees removed from his first Illustration:
cousin, and so forth. Decedent D dies with an estate ofP120,000. He was survived
by 3 legitimate children (A,B&C). A has 2 legitimate children
(X&Y).B has 1 legitimate child (W) while C also has 1 legitimate
child (Z).
Descending Ascending
1. If A repudiates the inheritance, the estate of D shall be
Unites the head of the family Binds a person with those divided as follows:
with those who descend from whom he descends.
from him. (Art. 965, NCC) (Art. 965, NCC)
B 60,000
C 60,000
Total: 120,000
That is existing between That exists between persons
persons who have the same who have the same father Solution: Divide the Estate among the remaining
father and same mother. but not the same mother, or legitimate children who did not repudiate.
(Art. 967, NCC) vice-versa. (Art. 967, NCC)


Morillo Quick Reviewer
[120,000 / 2 = 60,000] latter would have if he were living or if he could have inherited.

Reason: A’s repudiation of the inheritance denies X and

Y the right of representation. Band C inherit as sole Article 971. The representative is called to the succession by the
intestate heirs of D. law and not by the person represented. The representative does not
succeed the person represented but the one whom the person
represented would have succeeded. (NCC)
2. If A,B&C repudiate the inheritance, the estate of D shall be
divided as follows:
HEIR AMOUNT: - Representation is a right created by fiction of law.
- The fiction lies in the raising of a more distant relative
X 30,000 to the place and the degree of the person who is
unable to accept an inheritance in any of the
Y 30,000 following circumstances:
1. Such a person was disinherited by the
W 30,000 decedent (Art. 923, NCC);
2. He was declared incapacitated to inherit
Z 30,000 from the decedent (Art. 1035, NCC); or
3. He predeceased the decedent (Art. 1025,
Total: 120,000 NCC).

Solution: Divide the Estate among the D’s BASIC PRINCIPLES OF THE RIGHT OF
grandchildren. [120,000 / 4 = 30,000] REPRESENTATION:
1. The right of representation is an exception to the rule of
Reason: The collective repudiation of the inheritance by proximity:
A,B&C pushes down the succession to the - Representation prevents the exclusion of relatives
grandchildren, the descendants of D next in degree more distantly related to the decedent by those
nearer in degree by raising the representative to the
place and degree of the person to be represented for
3. If A,B&C either predeceased D or are otherwise the purpose of enabling the representative to acquire
incapacitated to inherit from D, the estate of D shall be the inheritance due to the person represented which
divided as follows: the latter is deprived of (as result of disinheritance) or
HEIR AMOUNT: which he cannot otherwise accept (in consequence
of predecease and incapacity).
X 20,000
2. The representative is called to the succession by law:
Y 20,000 - The representative inherits from the decedent
because the law vests in the representative the right
W 40,000 to inherit.

Z 40,000 3. The representative does not inherit from the person

Total: 120,000 - The representative inherits from the decedent whom
the person represented would have succeeded.
4. The representative must be capacitated to inherit from the
● Divide the Estate among the 3 legitimate children to
get their pro-rata shares. [120,000 / 3 = 40,000]
● Divide A’s share among his representatives (X&Y).
[40,000 / 2 = 20,000] 5. An adopted child may not represent his adoptive parent:
- Through adoption, the adopted child is deemed to be
a legitimate child of the adopter, and both the
Reason: X&Y will represent A; W will represent B; and Z
adopted child and the adopter acquire reciprocal
will represent C. The representatives inherit that which
rights and obligations arising from the relationship of
the person represented would inherit, if living at the time
parent and child. (Art. 189, FC)
of death of the decedent and capacitated to inherit from
- The artificial relationship created by adoption is
the latter.
limited to the adopter and the adopted child. Such
relationship does not extend to the biological
relatives of either of them.

Legitimacy. – The adoptee shall be considered the legitimate

Article 970. Representation is a right created by fiction of law, by son/daughter of the adopter(s) for all intents and purposes and
virtue of which the representative is raised to the place and the as such is entitled to all the rights and obligations provided by
degree of the person represented, and acquires the rights which the law to legitimate sons/daughters born to them without


Morillo Quick Reviewer
6. An adopted child may not be represented in the
discrimination of any kind. To this end, the adoptee is entitled
to love, guidance, and support in keeping with the means of inheritance of his adoptive parent:
the family. (Sec. 17, RA 8552)
7. A representative only steps into the shoes of the person
Succession. – In legal and intestate succession, the adopter(s) - A representative is entitled to receive no more than
and the adoptee shall have reciprocal rights of succession the share pertaining to the person represented.
without distinction from legitimate filiation. However, if the
adoptee and his/her biological parent(s) had left a will, the law 8. In the descending line, the right of representation is
on testamentary succession shall govern. (Sec.18, RA 8552) exercisable in an unbroken chain one degree at a time:

9. Because representation is a right created by fiction of law,

DE LA PUERTA vs. CA it does not take into account the wishes of the deceased
GR no. 77867, February 6, 1990 person:
- Representation transmits to the representative only
Indeed, even as an adopted child, Carmelita would still be
that portion of the estate which the person
barred from inheriting from Dominga Revuelta for there would
be no natural kindred ties between them and consequently, represented is entitled by law to receive from the
no legal ties to bind them either. As aptly pointed out by Dr. decedent.
Arturo M. Tolentino: - Representation in intestate succession covers the full
“If the adopting parent should die before the adopted intestate share of the person represented.
child, the latter cannot represent the former in the - NOTE: In voluntary succession, the dispositions of
inheritance from the parents or ascendants of the the testator are driven primarily by the personal
adopter. The adopted child is not related to the affection of the testator towards the instituted heirs,
deceased in that case, because the filiation created by
legatees and/or devisees. The right of representation
fiction of law is exclusively between the adopter and the
adopted. "By adoption, the adopters can make for cannot extend to these personal dispositions of the
themselves an heir, but they cannot thus make one for testator.
their kindred."

The result is that Carmelita, as the spurious daughter of

Vicente de la Puerta, has successional rights to the intestate ILLUSTRATION AND APPLICATION OF THE
estate of her father but not to the estate of Dominga Revuelta.
Her claims for support and inheritance should therefore be
filed in the proceedings for the settlement of her own father's
estate and cannot be considered in the probate of Dominga Problem: Sps. A&B have two children (C&D). B has an
Revuelta's will. illegitimate child E by an extramarital affair. C has 2
descendants, F an illegitimate child and G a legitimate child. D
has two descendants: H an adopted child and J a legitimate
SAYSON vs. CA child. E has two descendants: K and L both illegitimate. G has
GR nos. 89224-25, January 23, 1992 a legitimate child M. H has a legitimate N. B died intestate.

There is no question that as the legitimate daughter of

Teodoro and thus the granddaughter of Eleno and Rafaela,
Doribel has a right to represent her deceased father in the
distribution of the intestate estate of her grandparents. Under
Article 981, quoted above, she is entitled to the share her
father would have directly inherited had he survived, which
shall be equal to the shares of her grandparents' other

But a different conclusion must be reached in the case of

Delia and Edmundo, to whom in the grandparents were total
strangers. While it is true that the adopted child shall be First Principle:
deemed to be a legitimate child and have the same rights as - If C predeceased B, G (a legitimate second degree
the latter, these rights do not include the right of
relative of B in the descending line) shall exercise the
representation. The relationship created by the adoption is
between only the adopting parents and the adopted child and right of representation and shall take the share of C.
does not extend to the blood relatives of either party. - While F is likewise two degrees remote from B, F is
not entitled to exercise the right of representation
In sum, we agree with the lower courts that Delia and because he is barred by Art. 992 from inheriting from
Edmundo as the adopted children and Doribel as the B.
legitimate daughter of Teodoro Sayson and Isabel Bautista, Second Principle:
are their exclusive heirs and are under no obligation to share - G is called by law to succeed B in representation of
the estate of their parents with the petitioners. The Court of
C. G inherits not because C wanted him to or
Appeals was correct, however, in holding that only Doribel
has the right of representation in the inheritance of her because C transferred his successional right to G,
grandparents' intestate estate, the other private respondents but because the law calls G to succeed B.
being only the adoptive children of the deceased Teodoro. Third Principle:
- If B validly disinherited E, K&L will exercise the right
of representation and shall receive the legitime of E


Morillo Quick Reviewer
(Art. 902, NCC). K&L inherit from their grandfather B
Incapacity, Predeceases
and not from their father E. Predeceases
- E never acquired ownership of any part of
B’s estate, clearly, E passed nothing to K&L. Coverage Legitime Only Full Intestate Share
- While K&L are illegitimate children of E, they
are not barred by Art. 992, NCC, from Who may Descendants only, Generally descendants,
inheriting from B because the line of B to E represent? never ascendants nover ascendants but
and the line from E to K&L are both available in the
illegitimate. collateral in favor of
- Whatever K&l receive from the estate of B will pertain nephews and nieces.
to them in ownership to the exclusion of E who is
barred from enjoying the usufruct or administration of Who may be Compulsory heir who is Generally, only a
represented? a descendant of the descendant who is an
the same. (Art. 923, NCC)
testator intestate heir; but by
Fourth Principle: way of exception, a
- G may represent his father C in the inheritance of B brother or sister who
because G is capacitated to inherit from B. However, inherits as an intestate
F is disqualified to inherit from B because of the heir may be
separation of the legitimate from the illegitimate represented.
family under Art. 992, NCC. Such disqualification will
lie even if F is fully capacitated to inherit from C.
- K&L may inherit from B by right of representation as a
result of the disinheritance of E. The barrier in Art.
992, NCC, is not applicable to them because K&L are
related to B in the illegitimate line, E (being an Problem: Testator (T) has 3 legitimate children (A,B&C). Bhas 2
illegitimate child of B). legitimate children (D&E), and two illegitimate children (F&G). C has
- In Art. 902, NCC, the successional rights of 1 adopted child (H) and a legitimate child (J). In T’s notarial will, he
instituted A, B and C as his sole and universal heirs to an estate of
an illegitimate child are transmitted upon his
P96,000 in the following portion: A-½; B-¼; C-¼. B predeceased T
death to his descendants (legitimate or while C is incapacitated to inherit. Divide the estate.
- If G repudiates the inheritance of his father C, G does
not lose the right to inherit from B in representation of ANSWER: B who predeceased T, and C who is incapacitated
his father C. In the same way, K&L may inherit from B to inherit from T, cannot receive their respective shares.
by right of representation even if they repudiated the However, their descendants may exercise the right of
inheritance of E. representation. In testamentary succession, the right of
Fifth Principle: representation is available in cases of disinheritance,
- If D should predecease B, J may exercise the right of incapacity and predecease, but only in the descending line
representation but H (the adopted child) may not and only with respect to the legitime of the person
exercise the right of representation. represented. While D&E are entitled to represent B in the
Sixth Principle: succession T, F&G are disqualified to represent C because of
- If H should predecease D, N cannot inherit from D in Art. 992, NCC. While J is entitled to represent C in the
representation of H. There are no blood ties between succession to T, H has no blood ties with T and is therefore
D and N. not entitled to exercise the right of representation.
- The relationship by adoption between H and D does
not extend to N. Given that representation in testamentary succession is
Seventh Principle: limited to the legitime of the person represented, the
- G’s entitlement under the right of representation is to representatives will thus inherit from T as follows:
receive whatever is due C from the estate of B and C Heir By Representation Undistributed Reason for
survived B. In the same way, K&L are entitled to Institution to Legitime Balance Undistributed Balance
whatever share may be due E as an illegitimate child
A 48,000
of B. K&L will divide that share equally between
them. 8,000 4,000 These amounts
D represent B’s institution
to the free portion.
Eight Principle:
- If G repudiated the inheritance of B, M cannot inherit 8,000 4,000 (8,000 /2)
from his great-grandfather B by representing his
grandfather C because the successional right that F 0
would link M to his great-grandfather B is broken by
the repudiation of B’s inheritance by G. G 0

H 0

AVAILABILITY AND SCOPE OF REPRESENTATION: 16,000 8,000 This amount represents

J C’s institution to the
Basis Testamentary Intestate Succession free portion.
Tota 48,000 32,000 16,000 (48,000 - 32,000 =
Disinheritance, Incapacity, l 16,000)


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Solution: NOTE: D,E&J cannot benefit from the right of accretion since
1. Determine first the shares of T’s legitimate children’s all that they got from the estate of the testator is the legitime
shares according to T’s will. which would have otherwise pertained to B and to C. In this
a. For A (96,000 x 0.50 = 48,000) illustration, only A was effectively instituted to the disposable
b. For B (96,000 x 0.25 = 24,000) free portion.
c. For C (96,000 x 0.25 = 24,000)
2. Then, determine the Legitime by dividing the legitime B. REPRESENTATION IN INTESTATE SUCCESSION:
among the 3 compulsory heirs (A,B&C). Assume that T’s will was denied probate, he estate will be
a. T’s Estate divided by 2 to get the legitime distributed in accordance under the rules of intestate
(96,000/2 = 48,000), Hence, the Legitime succession. The intestate heirs of T are his legitimate children
and the free portion amounts to 48,000 (A,B&C) who would have divided the estate of P96,000 equally
b. Divide the legitime into 3 (48,000/3 = among them in the amount of P32,000 had B not
16,000). Hence, A,B&C will each get 16,000. predeceased, and had C not been incapacitated to succeed.
3. Then subtract each Instituted shares from their
respective legitime in order to get the free portion. Nonetheless, B may be represented by his legitimate children
a. For A (48,000 - 16,000 = 32,000) (D&E), but not by the illegitimate children (F&G) who are barred
b. For B (24,000 - 16,000 = 8,000) from inheriting from T under Art. 992. On the other hand, C
c. For C (24,000 - 16,000 = 8,000) may be represented by his legitimate child (J) but not by his
d. Total Free Portion (32,000 + 8,000 + 8,000 adopted child (H).
= 48,000)
4. D & E are entitled to represent B in succession to T, ANSWER: In intestate succession, the right of representation
they are only entitled to B’s legitime. Hence, Divide is available in cases of incapacity and predecease and covers
B’s legitime by two (for D&E) the full intestate share of the person represented. Hence, T’s
a. For D (16,000/2 = 8,000). D’s representation estate shall be distributed as follows:
to the Legitime is 8,000 Heir Intestacy Representation in Intestacy Total
b. For E (16,000/2 = 8,000) E’s representation
to the Legitime. A 32,000 32,000
5. Because C is incapacited and H is not entitled, J will
get the total 16,000, as representation to C’s D 16,000 16,000
E 16,000 16,000
F 0 0
Given that there remains an undistributed balance of
P16,000, in the table above, after giving effect to the right of G 0 0
representation, the only remaining solution to fill the vacant
portion is to apply the right of accretion, if possible. 1

H 0 0
According, the undistributed balance will pertain by right of
accretion to the heir to whom the testator has given and who J 32,000 32,000
has accepted the whole or a part of the disposable free
portion. In this case, the only heir qualified to receive the Total 32,000 64,000 96,000
undistributed balance is A since he is the only testamentary
heir to whom was given and who has accepted a part of the
disposable free portion. The final distribution of T’s estate, 1. Divide T’s estate among his 3 intestate heirs (A,B&C)
therefore, will be as follows: to get the respective intestate shares. (96,000/3 =
Heir Institution Representation Accretion Total 32,000). Each intestate heir shall receive P32,000
intestate shares.
A 48,000 16,000 64,000 2. Divide B’s intestate among his representatives (D&E).
a. 32,000/2 =16,000. Hence, D&E shall receive
D 8,000 8,000 P16,000 each.

E 8,000 8,000

F 0 0 Article 972. The right of representation takes place in the direct

descending line, but never in the ascending.
G 0 0
In the collateral line, it takes place only in favor of the children of
brothers or sisters, whether they be of the full or half blood. (NCC)
H 0 0


- Representation is available only when succession
Total 48,000 32,000 16,000 96,000 flows in the descending line. In this case, the
successional right will descend one person at a time
in an unbroken chain until the law finds that
descendant who will inherit from the decedent in
1 See Arts 1015 & 1021 for explanation


Morillo Quick Reviewer
representation of the intervening persons who are ● If all the children survived A - the estate of A would have
unable to exercise such right. been divided per capita among B,C & D, each being
entitled to P30,000.
● in exercising the right of representation - the grandchildren
A - Father
inherit per stirpes taking no more than the share pertaining
B - Son to the person they represent. Therefore, E, F, G & H will
C - Grandson each receive P7,500 for a total of P30,000 representing
D - Great-Grandson the share of C; while J & K will each receive P15,000 for a
total of P30,000 representing the sahr eof D.
D may inherit from A in representation of C and B. It is not ● If succession by representation will follow the division of
necessary, in order for D to inherit from A, that he (D) is alive (or at the estate per capita - B will be in a grossly
least conceived) at the time of the death of A (Art. 1025, CC).
disadvantageous position because the estate will be
However, a repudiating intermediate heir will break the chain that
would link D to the estate of A would thus prevent D’s exercise of
divided into 7 equal parts of just about P12,857. B would
the right of representation. Thus, if C repudiated A’s inheritance, D in effect be penalized for surviving A, while the
cannot exercise the right of representation but D may be able to grandchildren would be rewarded simply because their
inherit from A in D’s own right if D is the nearest surviving parents (C&D) predeceased A.
descendant of A.

Article 975. When children of one or more brothers or sisters of the

REPRESENTATION IN THE COLLATERAL LINE: By way of deceased survive, they shall inherit from the latter by
exception to the general rule, representation s available in the representation, if they survive with their uncles or aunts. But if they
collateral line under specific conditions: alone survive, they shall inherit in equal portions. (NCC)
1. It is available only in intestate succession;
2. May be exercised exclusively by the children of A REPUDIATOR MAY REPRESENT:
brothers and sisters of the decedent, who are - A person may represent him whose inheritance he
therefore the decedent's nephews and nieces. has renounced. (Art. 976, NCC)
Nephews and nieces inheriting in a representative
capacity inherit as relatives of the decedent in the
second degree degree. [Note: The right of ILLUSTRATION: A has 2 legitimate children (D&E). B predeceased
A. In the succession of the estate of B, D repudiated the
representation cannot be extended to grandnephews
inheritance, leaving E as the sole heir of B. A subsequently died
and grandnieces] intestate leaving an estate of P120,000. following the rule that a
3. Nephews and nieces may exercise the right of person may represent him whose inheritance he has renounced, D
representation only if they concur with at least one may represent B in the succession to A. Therefore, A’s estate shall
uncle or aunt (the brother or sister of the decedent), be distributed as follows:
otherwise they inherit in their own right as relatives of
Heir Share Manner of Succession
the decedent in the third degree;
4. The right of representation is exercisable subject to
D 30,000 By representation
the application of the barrier in Art. 992.
E 30,000 By representation
Article 973. In order that representation may take place, it is C 60,000 In his own right
necessary that the representative himself be capable of succeeding
the decedent. (NCC) While D repudiated B’s inheritance, it does not follow that D would
be unwilling to accept the inheritance of A. Therefore, while D
severed his right to succeed his father B, he did not sever his right
to succeed his grandfather A. Furthermore, in representation, the
Article 974. Whenever there is succession by representation, the representative inherits from the decedent and not from the person
division of the estate shall be made per stirpes, in such manner that whom he represents.
the representative or representatives shall not inherit more than
what the person they represent would inherit, if he were living or
- Heirs who repudiate their share may not be
In succession by representation, the division of the estate per represented. (Art. 977, NCC)
stirpes is justified as follows: - If a person repudiates the inheritance of his
1. The representative/s is/are called upon by law to take ascendant, his heir may not, by right of
the share of the person represented. Thus, regardless representation, accept that which the repudiator had
of the actual number of representatives, they are rejected.
considered as one group entitled to get no more than
the share of the person whom they represent.
2. A distribution of the estate per capita among the ILLUSTRATION: In the above example, If B survived A but
repudiated the inheritance of A, D&E are not entitled to get B’s
representatives would work injustice to those heirs share in the inheritance of A by right of representation because a
who inherit in their own right. repudiatory cannot be represented.

ILLUSTRATION: A left a net hereditary estate of P90,000. He Note that D&E are called by law to take the place of B in the
was survived by B (A’s legitimate son), E, F G & H (A’s inheritance of A, there is no legal basis to allow D&E to accept that
legitimate grandchildren by his predeceased son C), and by which has repudiated. Therefore, C inherits as the sole heir of A.
J&K (A’s legitimate grandchildren by a predeceased son D).


Morillo Quick Reviewer
may be reduced if the division
Assume that while repudiated A’s inheritance, C predeceased A prescribed above would result
and left no descendants. - In this case, D&E will inherit the estate if in the impairment of the legitime
A, not by representation, but in their own right as the nearest of the legitimate and/or adopted
surviving descendants of A. children.

A predeceased, incapacitated
or disinherited illegitimate child
may be represented by his or
her descendants, whether
legitimate or illegitimate.
- concurring with the The estate shall be divided
surviving spouse equally among them.
Legitimate Decedent Illegitimate Decedent
- concurring with the The surviving spouse gets the
1. Legitimate Children and 1. Legitimate children and surviving spouse and same share as a legitimate
Legitimate Descendants legitimate descendants illegitimate children and/or adopted child.

2. In default of the foregoing, 2. Illegitimate children and Each of the illegitimate children
Legitimate Parents and their legitimate or shall get half the share of a
Legitimate Ascendants illegitimate descendants legitimate and/or adopted child,
Provided that the intestate
3. Illegitimate Children and 3. In default of the foregoing, share of the illegitimate children
their legitimate or illegitimate parents shall be paid only after the
illegitimate descendants (ascendants are excluded) intestate share of the surviving
spouse has been paid; and
4. Surviving Spouse 4. Surviving Spouse Provided further that the
intestate share of the illegitimate
children may be reduced if, after
5. Legitimate brothers/sisters 5. Illegitimate brothers/sisters
the payment of the intestate
and legitimate and illegitimate
share of the surviving spouse,
nephews/nieces nephews/nieces (no other
the estate is insufficient to pay
in the full the share of the
illegitimate children.
6. Other legitimate relatives 6. State
within the 5th degree
LEGITIMATE PARENTS or The estate shall be divided
LEGITIMATE ASCENDANTS equally between the surviving
7. State parents, provided that if there is
only one surviving parent, the
entire estate shall be given to
the survivor.

TABLE SUMMARY OF INTESTATE SHARES: If there is no surviving parent,

the estate shall be adjudicated
INTESTATE HEIR: INTESTATE SHARE: to the ascendants nearest in
degree, dividing the estate
LEGITIMATE and/or Entire estate shall be divided equally between the paternal
ADOPTED CHILDREN and equally among the legitimate and maternal lines, provided
their LEGITIMATE (excluding and/or adopted children. that in each line the intestate
the descendants of the share shall be divided per
adopted children) The legitimate descendants of a capita.
legitimate child may exercise
the right of representation in If there are no surviving
cases of predecease and ascendants in one line, the
incapacity, and valid entire estate shall be
disinheritance. adjudicated to the line with
surviving ascendants.
The illegitimate descendants of
a legitimate child are barred by Illegitimate ascendants (ie.
Art. 992 from exercising the illegitimate grandparents) do not
right of representation. have successional rights. There
is no right of representation in
An adopted child may not be the ascending line.
represented by his or her
descendants. - concurring with Half the estate shall be given to
illegitimate children the legitimate parents who shall
- concurring with An illegitimate child gets half of and their descendants divide the same equally
illegitimate children the share of a legitimate and/or between them, or otherwise
and their descendants adopted child. consolidated in the surviving
The share of the intestate child


Morillo Quick Reviewer
In the absence of surviving takes the entire half of the
parents, the legitimate estate. The other half shall be
ascendants will take half the given to the surviving spouse.
estate dividing the same per
stirpes, but within each line the SURVIVING SPOUSE The surviving spouse is entitled
inheritance shall be divided to the entire estate.
between the surviving
ascendants per capita. The The rule in Art. 900 (ie. ½; ⅓; ½)
other half of the estate shall be is not applicable to the intestate
divided equally among the share of the surviving spouse, it
illegitimate children, subject to relates solely to his or her
the right of representation of the legitime.
grandchildren regardless of
legitimacy. - concurring with The surviving spouse shall take
brothers, sisters, half of the estate. The other half
- concurring with the Surviving spouse shall be given nephews and nieces shall pertain to the brothers and
surviving spouse half the estate. sisters, subject to the right of
representation of nephews and
The other half shall be given to nieces.
the surviving parents (per
capita) or legitimate ascendants In the appropriate case, the
(per stirpes) nephews and nieces may inherit
in their own right.
- concurring with the Legitimate parents or in their
surviving spouse and default, the legitimate The successional rights of
illegitimate children ascendants shall take half the brothers, sisters, nephews and
and descendants estate. nieces are subject to the
provisions of Art. 992 and 1006.
The surviving spouse takes one-
fourth of the estate. BROTHERS, SISTERS, Brothers and sisters, concurring
NEPHEWS AND NIECES with the children of
Collectively, the illegitimate predeceased or incapacitated
children take one-fourth of the brother or sister will take the
estate and shall divide the same entire estate, provided that the
equally among them. children of a predeceased or
incapacitated brother or sister
ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN and The entire estate shall be given inherit by right of
their DESCENDANTS to the illegitimate children who representation; provided further
shall divide the same equally that their successional rights are
among them, subject to the subject to the provisions of Art.
right of representation of the 992 and 1006.
grandchildren regardless of
legitimacy. OTHER COLLATERAL Other collateral relatives shall
RELATIVES take the entire subject to the
- concurring with the Surviving spouse shall take half strict application of the rule of
surviving spouse of the estate, the other half shall proximity and Art. 992
given to the illegitimate children
who shall divide the same THE STATE Whenever the State inherits, it
equally among them, subject to takes the entire estate.
the right of representation of the
grandchildren regardless of
ILLEGITIMATE PARENTS illegitimate parents shall take
the entire estate which shall be
divided equally between them. Article 978. Succession pertains, in the first place, to the
descending direct line.
Should there be only one
surviving illegitimate parent, the
entire estate shall be Article 979. Legitimate children and their descendants succeed the
adjudicated to the survivor. parents and other ascendants, without distinction as to sex or age,
and even if they should come from different marriages.
Illegitimate ascendants do not
have successional rights. An adopted child succeeds to the property of the adopting parents
in the same manner as a legitimate child.
- concurring with the The illegitimate parents shall
surviving spouse take the half of the estate,
dividing the inheritance equally
between them. Article 980. The children of the deceased shall always inherit from
him in their own right, dividing the inheritance in equal shares.
If there is only one surviving
illegitimate parent, he or she


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- Illegitimate children concur with legitimate children.
Article 981. Should children of the deceased and descendants of
other children who are dead, survive, the former shall inherit in their
The distribution of the estate between may be
own right, and the latter by right of representation. illustrated as follows:
PROBLEM: X died intestate with a net estate of P120,000. He
was survived by two legitimate children (A&B) and an
Article 982. The grandchildren and other descendants shall inherit illegitimate child (C).
by right of representation, and if any one of them should have died,
leaving several heirs, the portion pertaining to him shall be divided ANSWER: Applying Art. 175, FC, the illegitimate child C shall
among the latter in equal portions. get half the share of one legitimate child (ratio of 1:2). X’s
estate shall therefore be divided among the children as
Article 983. If illegitimate children survive with legitimate children, Heir Full Intestate Legitime Share of Free
the shares of the former shall be in the proportions prescribed by share Portion
article 895.
A 48,000 30,000 18,000

Article 984. In case of the death of an adopted child, leaving no B 48,000 30,000 18,000
children or descendants, his parents and relatives by consanguinity
and not by adoption, shall be his legal heirs. C 24,000 15,000 9,000

INTESTATE SHARES OF CHILDREN: Total 120,000 75,000 45,000

- Art. 980 makes no distinction between legitimate NOTE: The legitimate of each legitimate child is P30,000,
(including the adopted) and illegitimate children from while that of the illegitimate child is P15,000, or a ratio of 2:1.
inheriting from the decedent in their own right. All of the intestate heirs, legitimate and illegitimate,
However, it should be noted that between the participated in and benefitted from the distribution of the
legitimate and illegitimate children, the intestate disposable free portion, likewise at the ratio of 2:1.
shares are not equal because an illegitimate child
Solution: In this example, Atty Sebastian used “80-20”
gets half the intestate share of a legitimate child. wherein the 80% of X’s net estate is given to his legitimate
children (A&B) while 20% was given to C (X’s illegitimate
CHILDREN CONCURRING WITH GRANDCHILDREN: child). Hence the distribution of the share will be as follows:
- While a child inherits from his or her parents in his or 1. For A = 40%
her own right, the descendants of a predeceased, 2. For B = 40%
incapacited or disinherited child, generally, inherit 3. For C = 20%
from their grandparents by right of representation.
In order to get the Full Instate Share of each, multiple the
However, this does not mean that grandchildren can
percentage share to the Net Estate, hence;
never inherit from their grandparent in their own right. 1. For A (120,000 x 40% = 48,000)
- If the only child, or all of the children, should 2. For B (120,000 x 40% = 48,000)
repudiate the inheritance of the father, the 3. For C (120,000 x 20% = 24,000)
grandchildren will inherit in their own right as
descendants of their grandfather in the To get the share of free portion, subtract the Intestate share
second degree. to the legitime.


CHILDREN (Art. 983, NCC): A. In intestate succession and when there are no illegitimate
- Take note, Art. 895, CC was repealed by Art. 176, FC children succeeding the decedent:
only with respect to the distinction among th various - The distribution of the estate among the intestate
classes of illegitimate children and their respective heirs is a relatively simple process: just follow the
legitime but Art. 895, 3rd paragraph, CC remains proportion fixed by law.
valid. - In the following combination of intestate heirs, there
- Under Art. 176, Family Code: “Illegitimate children will never be a case where the distribution of the
shall use the surname and shall be under the parental estate would require the reduction of the legitime:
authority of their mother, and shall be entitled to
support in conformity with this Code. The legitime of Combination of Intestate
Intestate Shares
each illegitimate child shall consist of one-half of the Heirs
legitime of a legitimate child. Except for this
modification, all other provisions in the Civil Code 1 legitimate (or adopted) child Entire estate
governing successional rights shall remain in force.”
2 or more legitimates (and/or Entire estate divided equally
- Under Art. 895, third paragraph, Civil Code: “x x x x
adopted) children
The legitime of the illegitimate children shall be taken
from the portion of the estate at the free disposal of 1 legitimate (or adoptedO child ½ for the legitime (or adopted)
the testator, provided that in no case shall the total and spouse) child); and
legitime of such illegitimate children exceed that free 1.2 for the surviving spouse
portion, and that the legitime of the surviving spouse
must first be fully satisfied.” 2 or more legitimate (and/or Entire estate divided equally
adopted) children and spouse


Morillo Quick Reviewer
Legitimate parents Entire estate divided equally
Intestate Heir Intestate Share
Legitimate paternal and Entire estate divided per stirpes
maternal ascendants
A legitimate child 24,000
Illegitimate parents Entire estate divided equally
B legitimate child 24,000
Spouse Entire estate
C legitimate child 24,000
Spouse with brothers and ½ - spouse;
D surviving spouse 24,000
sisters ½ - brothers & cisterns, subject
to Art. 1006
E illegitimate child 12,000
Brothers, sisters, nephews and Entire estate divided equally,
nieces subject to the right of F illegitimate child 12,000
representation and Art. 1006
Total: 120,000
Collateral relatives within the 5 Entire estate divided equally
The State Entire estate ● Take note that E&F (being illegitimate children and only
entitled to half of the legitimate share ), add first their share in
order to get a whole number (0.5 + 0.5 = 1) then add it to the
B. In intestate succession and when there are illegitimate four (A,B,C and D).
children concurring with (1) Legitimate (and/or adopted) ● Divide the Net Hereditary Estate by 5 (120,000/5 = 24,000),
children; or (2) legitimate children and the surviving hence A, B, C, and D will receive 24,000 each.
spouse: ● Divide the remaining 24,000 by 2 to get the intestate shares
- It must first confirm whether or not the estate is of E&F as illegitimate children. (24,000/2 = 12,000). Hence,
sufficient to pay the full intestate shares of the E&F each get 12,000 as intestate share
illegitimate children.
Explanation: The distribution of the estate did not require the
- NOTE: the spouse gets the same share as
reduction of the legitime of the illegitimate children. the intestate
one legitimate child, while an illegitimate shares of all the heirs are in excess of the legitime.
child gets half the share of a legitimate child.
- The test runs as follows: 2. PROBLEM: Decedent is survived by 1 legitimate child (A), the
1. Divide the estate into 2 equal parts (the strict legitime surviving spouse (B), and 3 illegitimate (C,D&E).
and the free portion);
2. Set. aside the strict legitime for the legitimate (and/or ANSWER: Strict Legitime (2 pts.) < Free Portion (5 pts.), hence,
adopted) children. Assign 2 points for each legitimate the estate is insufficient to pay the full intestate shares of the
(and/or adopted) child and charge the same to the heirs. Therefore the estate shall be distributed as follows:
strict legitime;
3. To the free portion, charge 2 points to cover the Intestate Heir Intestate Share
share of the surviving spouse and 1 point for each
illegitimate child.;
4. If the points charged to the strict legitime are greater A legitimate child 60,000
than or equal to the points charged to the free
portion, the estate is sufficient to pay the full intestate B surviving spouse 30,000
shares of all intestate heir;
5. If the points charged to the free portion are greater C illegitimate child 10,000
than points charged to the strict legitime, the estate
D illegitimate child 10,000
is insufficient to pay the full intestate shares of the
illegitimate children.
E illegitimate child 10,000
6. If the estate is insufficient to pay the full intestate
shares of the illegitimate children, distribute the
Total: 120,000
estate by simply giving the legitime of the legitimate
children and surviving spouse, and thereafter give the
balance of the estate to the illegitimate children in
equal shares. Solution:
● Divide the Estate by 2 to get the legitime and free portion/
(120,000/2 = 60,000).
Examples: ○ Legitime = 60,000
1. PROBLEM: Decedent is survived by 3 legitimate children ○ Free Portion = 60,000
(A,B&C), THE SPOUSE (D), and two illegitimate children (E&F). ● Give the legitime to A (legitimate child), hence A will receive
ANSWER: Strict Legitime (6 pts.) > Free Portion (4 pts.), hence, ● Divide the free portion by 2 (between the spouse and the
the estate is more than enough to pay the full intestate shares illegitimate children). (60,000/2 - 30,000)
of all the heirs. If the net hereditary estate is P120,000, the ● Give the 30,000 to the spouse (B), and the remaining 30,000
same shall be distributed to the intestate heirs as follows: to the illegitimate children (C,D&E).


Morillo Quick Reviewer
Explanation: If the net hereditary estate is P120,000, the same ASCENDING DIRECT LINE
shall be distributed by simply giving the legitime of the legitimate
child A and the spouse B, and thereafter divide the balance of the
estate equally among C,D&E
Article 985. In default of legitimate children and descendants of the
deceased, his parents and ascendants shall inherit from him, to the
ADOPTED CHILDREN: exclusion of collateral relatives.
- Adopted children inherit in the same way as legitime
children (Art. 979, NCC)
Article 986. The father and mother, if living, shall inherit in equal
- However, under Art. 190 (Family Code) the adopting
parent inherits from the adopted child only in the 4
following instances: Should one only of them survive, he or she shall succeed to the
1. The adopting parents concur with the entire estate of the child.
biological parents of the adopted child. The
legitime of the biological parents is ½ of the
estate (whether the parents are legitimate or Article 987. In default of the father and mother, the ascendants
illegitimate). The other half of the estate is nearest in degree shall inherit.
the disposable free portion which Art. 190
awards to the adopting parents. Should there be more than one of equal degree belonging to the
2. The adopting parents concur with the same line they shall divide the inheritance per capita; should they
be of different lines but of equal degree, one-half shall go to the
illegitimate children or the surviving spouse
paternal and the other half to the maternal ascendants. In each line
of the adopted child. The legitime of the division shall be made per capita.
illegitimate children is ½ of the estate. In the
alternate case, the legitime of the surviving
spouse is likewise ½ of the estate. In either ASCENDING DIRECT LINE (Parents, Grandparents, and
case, the other half of the estate which Art. Beyond):
190 (Family Code) awards to the adopting - They inherit by intestacy only in default of children
parents represents the disposable free and descendants or adopted child of the deceased
portion. (Art. 985, NCC). Ascendants exclude collaterals.
3. The adopting parents concur with the - Parents inherit in equal shares; provided the survivor
illegitimate children and the surviving between them takes the entire share (Art. 986, NCC).
spouse of the adopted child. The legitime of - In default of parents, the ascendants nearest in
the illegitimate children is ⅓ of the estate degree inherit; maternal and paternal lines inherit per
(Art. 894, NCC). Art. 190 (Family Code) stirpes subject to equal division per line (Art. 987,
awards the remaining ⅓ portion of the NCC)
estate, the disposable free portion, to the
adopting parents.
4. There are no descendants, ascendants, or
collateral relatives surviving the adopted
child. The law rewards the entire estate to MEANING OF ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN:
the adopting parents in lieu of the State, - Children conceived and born outside a valid marriage
- Note: the adopting parents are not compulsory heirs are illegitimate, except as otherwise provided by the
of the adopted child but rather, it is the biological family code. (Art. 165, Family Code)
parents, hence:
parent/ascendant; 1/2
legitimate ascendants +
adopter adopter Article 988. In the absence of legitimate descendants or
ascendants, the illegitimate children shall succeed to the entire
estate of the deceased.
Spouse or illegitimate 1/2 spouse or illegitimate
- Art. 988, NCC is premised on the assumption that the
children + adopter children; 1/2 adopter decedent died without a surviving legitimate or
adopted child, legitimate parents or other legitimate
ascendants, and spouse.
Spouse + illegitimate 1/3 spouse; 1/3 illegitimate - Illegitimate children cannot concur with illegitimate
children + adopter children; 1/3 adopter parents as well as collateral relatives of the decedent.

Adopter alone Entire estate DEL PRADO vs. SANTOS

GR no. L-20946, September 23, 1966

- In sum, succession to the adopted child is based on ISSUE: Who has a better right to the parcel of land left by the
his biological relationship, disregarding the fact of his Anastacio, is it Plaintiff Eugenio (legitimate brother of deceased
adoption by the adopting parents, except under Art. Anastacio), or minor Jesus (illegitimate son of deceased
190, Family Code.
RULING: Appellant contends: Even if said minor is the illegitimate


Morillo Quick Reviewer
son of the deceased, the latter never recognized him as such, no
showing having been made that it was at the instance or with the The decedent (with an estate of P90,000) is survived by his
consent of the deceased that said minor was entered as his son in legitimate parents (A&B), and by 3 illegitimate children (X,Y&Z). The
the civil registry or that the birth certificate where the recognition estate shall be divided into 2 equal parts. The first half shall pertain
appears authentic. to the legitimate ascendants who shall divide the same equally
between them (or otherwise consolidated to the lone surviving
Appellant's position is untenable. The facts stipulated by him and ascendant). The other half shall pertain to the illegitimate children
by appellee are clear: "the deceased Anastacio C. del Prado and who shall divide the same equally between or among themselves
defendant Aurea S. Santos cohabited with each other without the (or otherwise to the sole owner.
benefit of matrimony; as a result of that cohabitation, the late
Anastacio C. del Prado and defendant Aurea S. Santos had one A 22,500
son — the minor Jesus S. del Prado — who was born on Legitimate Parents (½ of the
December 19, 1957, and whom Anastacio C. del Prado admitted to estate)
be his son in the latter's birth certificate." [90,000/2)/2 = 25,000] B 22,500

Since Anastacio C. del Prado died in 1958 the new Civil Code
applies (Article 2263). Illegitimate children other than natural are X 15,000
entitled to successional rights (Article 287). Where, as in this case,
the deceased died intestate, without legitimate descendants or Illegitimate Children (½ of the
ascendants, then his illegitimate child shall succeed to his entire estate) Y 15,000
estate (Article 988), to the exclusion of appellant who is only a
collateral relative. [90,0000/2)/3 = 15,000]
Z 15,000
Article 988. In the absence of legitimate descendants or Total: 90,000
ascendants, the illegitimate children shall succeed to the entire
estate of the deceased.
If A predeceased the decedent, the estate shall be distributed as
Article 989. If, together with illegitimate children, there should
survive descendants of another illegitimate child who is dead, the Legitimate Parents (½ of the
B 45,000
former shall succeed in their own right and the latter by right of estate) [90,000/2 = 45,000)
Illegitimate Children (½ of the X 15,000
- In the succession to the parents of the deceased
illegitimate child, a predeceased illegitimate child [90,0000/2)/3 = 15,000]
Y 15,000
may be represented by his or her children or
descendants (Whether legitimate or illegitimate).
While Art. 989 specifically refers to the representation Z 15,000
of a predeceased illegitimate child, the right of
representation is likewise exercisable by such
Total: 90,000
children or descendants in cases of incapacity and
disinheritance of an illegitimate child.
If X&Y predeceased the decedent without descendents who may
exercise the right of representation,, the estate shall be distributed
Decedent A is survived by his 3 illegitimate children (B,C&D) each as follows:
having their own illegitimate child. (1) E is the illegitimate child of B;
Legitimate Parents (½ of the
(2) F is the illegitimate child of C; and (3) G is the illegitimate child of A 22,500
[90,000/2)/2 = 25,000]
If B predeceased A, and C is incapacitated to inherit from A, and A B 22,500
disinherited D, the grandchildren E,F&G may exercise the right of
Illegitimate Children (½ of the
Z 45,000
However, if B,C&D collectively repudiates A’s inheritance, E,F&G estate) [90,000/2 = 45,000]
will inherit from A in their own right as second degree relatives in
the descending line. The right of representation in Art. 989 is a new Total: 90,000
right conferred upon illegitimate children.

If X predeceased the decedent but has 2 legitimate children D&E,

ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN CONCURRING WITH the estate shall be divided as follows:
- If legitimate ascendants are left, the illegitimate A 22,500
children shall divide the inheritance with them, taking Legitimate Parents (½ of the
one-half of the estate, whatever be the number of the
[90,000/2)/2 = 25,000]
ascendants or of the illegitimate children. (Art. 991, B 22,500


Morillo Quick Reviewer
- The illegitimate child cannot inherit by operation from
any member of the legitimate family, nor can the
Y 15,000
Illegitimate Children (½ of the latter inert from the former. (Cacho vs. Udan, GR no.
estate) L-19996, April 30, 1965
[90,0000/2)/3 = 15,000]
Z 15,000
Application of The Barrier in the Collateral Line:
1. The barrier applies among relatives in the collateral
D 7,500 line (Corpus vs. Corpus, GR no. L-22469, oCTOBER
Representing X 23, 1978).
[15,000/2 =7,500]
2. The barrier applies to an illegitimate child who seeks
E 7,500
to inherit by operation of law from half-blood sibling
in the legitimate line (Manuel vs. Ferrer, GR no.
Total: 90,000 117246, August 21, 1995).
3. If it is alleged that the barrier applies, the probate
court may inquire into the filiation of the person
seeking to inherit (Leonardo vs. CA, GR no. L-51263,
February 28, 1983).
IRON CURTAIN RULE (“THE BARRIER”): 4. The barrier applies to illegitimate grandchildren who
- An illegitimate child has no right to inherit ab intestato seek to inherit by operation of law from their
from the legitimate children and relatives of his father grandmother who is from the legitimate family (Diaz
or mother; nor shall such children or relatives inherit vs. IAC, GR no. L-66574, June 17, 1987). This is the
in the same manner from the illegitimate child. (Art. issue raised in the pending case before the SC – a
992, NCC) challenge to the Diaz ruling.
- The barrier applies only to intestate succession and
right of representation but this cannot apply and
invoked in testamentary succession where an SURVIVING SPOUSE
illegitimate relative is instituted as an heir, or given a
legacy or devise, by a relative coming from the
legitimate line, and vice versa.
Reason for the Barrier: Concurring Heirs Intestate Share
- The reason for the barrier is the presumed animosity
between the legitimate and illegitimate family. (Vda. Spouse alone (Art. 995) Entire estate
de Crisologo vs. CA, GR no. L-44051, June 27,
1985)., which presumption (in the opinion of Manresa) Spouse + Legitimate Children Same share as a legitimate child
is conclusive. or Descendants (Art. 996)

VDA. DE CRISOLOGO vs. CA ½ of the estate - Spouse

Spouse + Legitimate Parents
GR no. L-44051, June 27, 1985 ½ of the estate - Legitimate
or Ascendants (Art. 997)
Parents divided per capita
It is clear from the records that the petitioners cannot between them; or Divided per
inherit the properties in question because of Article 992 Stirpes between the paternal
of the Civil Code. Being relatives on the legitimate line of and maternal lines in the case of
Julia Capiao they cannot inherit from tier illegitimate other legitimate ascendants
daughter. Their relative Julia Capiao predeceased the
daughter, Lutgarda Capiao As explained by Manresa,
Spouse + Illegitimate Parents ½ of the estate - Spouse
whom the private respondents cited:
(Art. 993) ½ of the estate - Illegitimate
parents divided per capita
“Between the natural child and the legitimate relatives of
between them
the father or mother who acknowledged it, the Code
denies any right of succession. They cannot be called
relatives and they have no right to inherit. Of course, Spouse + Illegitimate Children ½ of the estate - Spouse
there is a blood tie, but the law does not recognize it. In (Aert. 998) ½ of the estate - Illegitimate
this Article 943 is based upon the reality of the facts and children divided equally among
upon the presumptive will of the interested parties; the them.
natural child is disgracefully looked down upon by the
legitimate family; the legitimate family is, in turn, hated by Spouse + Legitimate + Spouse gets a share equal to
the natural child; the latter considers the privileged Illegitimate Children (Art. 999) that of a legitimate child.
condition of the former and the resources of which it is
thereby deprived; the former, in turn, sees in the natural The illegitimate children gets
child nothing but the product of sin, a palpable evidence half of the share of legitimate
of a blemish upon the family. Every relation is ordinarily children which shall be taken
broken in life; the law does no more than recognize this from the free portion after
truth, by avoiding further grounds of resentment. (7 payment of the share of the
Manresa, 3rd ed., p. 110).” spouse. If the estate is not
sufficient to pay the full intestate
NOTE: In this case, the conclusiveness of the shares of the illegitimate
presumption of animosity is under review. children, the ballance of the
balance estate after payment of
The Barrier Operates Bilaterally: the share of the spouse shall be


Morillo Quick Reviewer
divided equally among the Total: 90,000
illegitimate children.

Spouse + Legitimate Parent ½ of the estate - Legitimate

or Ascendants + Illegitimate Parents (divided per capita Explanation: While neither A nor B inherited from the
Children (Art. 1000) between them) or other decedent, the intestate share of the surviving spouse must be
legitimate ascendants (divided computed as though there was a concurring legitimate child.
per stirpes between paternal The grandchildren (X,Y&Z) who inherit by right of
and maternal lines). representation will merely get that which would have
otherwise pertained to their parents (A&B)
¼ of the estate - Spouse

¼ of the estate - Illegitimate 2. Assume that A&B repudiated the inheritance, the estate of
Children divided equally among the decedent shall be distributed as follows:
Heir Source of Right Amount
Spouse + Brothers & Sisters ½ of the estate - Spouse
C Intestate share as surviving spouse 15,000
and.or their Descendants (Art. ½ of the estate - Brothers &
1001) Sisters, subject to the right
representation of nephews and X Intestate share in his own right 15,000
nieces (without prejudice to
nephews and nieces inheriting Y Intestate share in his own right 30,000
in their own right) and subject
further to the provision of Art. Z Intestate share in his own right 30,000
Total: 90,000

- The surviving spouse is a concurring intestate heir;
neither excluded by descendants, ascendants, nor by NOTE: With the repudiation of the inheritance by A&B,
the brothers/sister of the deceased spouse. But she succession flowed to the descendants next in degree which
excludes all other collaterals. are the grandchildren, who in this instance inherited in their
- The successional right of the surviving spouse own right. While Art. 996 gives the spouse the same intestate
presupposes that there was a valid marriage with the share as a legitimate child, it does not contemplate a case
deceased spouse; or a voidable marriage which was where the grandchildren inherit in their own right. If Art. 996
not annulled. In a void marriage, or a marriage which were to be applied in this case by analogy, the surviving
was annulled, there will be no surviving spouse. spouse would be disadvantaged. The legitimate children can
- Note the successional disqualification of a surviving technically reduce the intestate share of the surviving spouse
spouse who is the offending party in legal separation. by simply renouncing the inheritance of the decedent.
- If the spouse survives with one legitimate or adopted
child, he/she inherits by intestacy one-half of the
hereditary estate (Santillon vs. Miranda, GR no. L-
19281, June 30, 1965).
Article 1003. If there are no descendants, ascendants, illegitimate
SPOUSE CONCURRING WITH GRANDCHILDREN: children, or a surviving spouse, the collateral relatives shall succeed
- If the spouse concurs with grandchildren inheriting by to the entire estate of the deceased in accordance with the
right of representation, the intestate share of a following articles.
spouse must be calculated on the basis of the
intestate share of 1 legitimate child. Article 1004. Should the only survivors be brothers and sisters of
the full blood, they shall inherit in equal shares.

ILLUSTRATION: Article 1005. Should brothers and sisters survive together with
1. The decedent is survived by X &Y, legitimate children of nephews and nieces, who are the children of the descendant's
the predeceased son (A), Z, legitimate child of the brothers and sisters of the full blood, the former shall inherit per
predeceased son (B), and by C, the surviving spouse. The capita, and the latter per stirpes.
net hereditary estate is P90,000. the estate of the
decedent shall be distributed as follows: Article 1006. Should brother and sisters of the full blood survive
together with brothers and sisters of the half blood, the former shall
Heir Source of Right Amount be entitled to a share double that of the latter.

X Representing A’s intestate share 15,000 Article 1007. In case brothers and sisters of the half blood, some
on the father's and some on the mother's side, are the only
Y Representing A’s intestate share 15,000 survivors, all shall inherit in equal shares without distinction as to
the origin of the property.
Z Representing A’s intestate share 30,000
Article 1008. Children of brothers and sisters of the half blood shall
succeed per capita or per stirpes, in accordance with the rules laid
C Intestate share as surviving spouse 30,000
down for brothers and sisters of the full blood.

Article 1009. Should there be neither brothers nor sisters nor


Morillo Quick Reviewer
- The State inherits thru escheat proceedings. Escheat
children of brothers or sisters, the other collateral relatives shall
succeed to the estate. is the reversion of property to the State when there is
a failure of persons legally qualified to inherit from the
The latter shall succeed without distinction of lines or preference decedent.
among them by reason of relationship by the whole blood. - The escheated personal property shall be awarded to
the municipality/city where the decedent last resided;
Article 1010. The right to inherit ab intestato shall not extend the immovable property shall be awarded to the
beyond the fifth degree of relationship in the collateral line. municipality or city where it is found.
- The escheated property shall be used for the benefit
NOTES: of (i) public schools, and (ii) public charitable
- Collateral relatives are classified into two groups: (i) institutions and centers.
the brothers and sisters of the deceased, and (ii) all
other collaterals within the fifth degree of
consanguinity. CHAPTER 4
- Brothers and sisters are preferred over other PROVISIONS COMMON TO TESTATE
collaterals; in fact, the former exclude the latter. AND INTESTATE SUCCESSION
- Brothers and sisters are excluded by descendants
and ascendants of the decedent, but they concur
with the surviving spouse.
- Brothers and sisters inherit in their own right, but they
may be represented by their children (if concurring
with at least one brother or sister of the decedent),
subject to the barrier in Art. 992, NCC. Right of Accretion
- Full-blood brothers and sisters inherit twice as much 1. Definition – a right by virtue of which, when two or
as half-blood brothers and sisters (Art. 1006, NCC) more persons are called to the same inheritance, devise or
legacy, the part assigned to one who renounces, or is
incapacitated, or predeceased, is added or incorporated to
the part assigned to his co-heirs, co-devisees, or co-
Article 1011. In default of persons entitled to succeed in
o This is the second statutory remedy for curing a
accordance with the provisions of the preceding Sections, the State
shall inherit the whole estate. vacancy in the inheritance caused by RIP. Accretion in
testamentary succession will prevent the onset of
Article 1012. In order that the State may take possession of the intestacy with respect to the vacant portion of the
property mentioned in the preceding article, the pertinent provisions inheritance.
of the Rules of Court must be observed.
o There is an opinion that accretion may also apply to fill
Article 1013. After the payment of debts and charges, the personal a vacancy in the inheritance caused by the non-
property shall be assigned to the municipality or city where the
fulfillment of a suspensive condition attached to the
deceased last resided in the Philippines, and the real estate to the
municipalities or cities, respectively, in which the same is situated.
share of a co-heir, co-devisee or a co-legatee, or to the
nullity of the disposition with respect to a co-heir, co-
If the deceased never resided in the Philippines, the whole estate devisee, or a co-legatee.
shall be assigned to the respective municipalities or cities where the
same is located. o Accretion is inferior to the testator’s right to appoint a
substitute; there will be no accretion if the testator filled
Such estate shall be for the benefit of public schools, and public a vacancy thru the appointment of a substitute in the
charitable institutions and centers, in such municipalities or cities. instances when substitution is permissible.
The court shall distribute the estate as the respective needs of each
beneficiary may warrant.
o Accretion is also inferior to the right of representation;
The court, at the instance of an interested party, or on its own there will be no accretion (whether in testamentary or
motion, may order the establishment of a permanent trust, so that intestate succession) in the instances where the right of
only the income from the property shall be used. representation is available.

Article 1014. If a person legally entitled to the estate of the o Accretion in testamentary succession is not available to
deceased appears and files a claim thereto with the court within five the legitime of a compulsory heir. The vacancy in the
years from the date the property was delivered to the State, such
legitime is subject to representation, or if not, the
person shall be entitled to the possession of the same, or if sold,
the municipality or city shall be accountable to him for such part of
vacant legitime shall be tacked into the legitime of the
the proceeds as may not have been lawfully spent. other compulsory heirs.

o Accretion in intestacy does not apply to the legitime

- The State is an intestate heir by default; only when
there are no qualified and surviving relatives of the o Accretion in testamentary succession is premised on
decedent, thus making the State to succeed out of the assumption that (i) if the testator bequeathed a
necessity. specific property (to several co-legatees or co-


Morillo Quick Reviewer
devisees) or a specific portion of the estate (to several ● The distribution of the vacant portion to the beneficiaries of
co-heirs), it is the intention of the testator to give the accretion is proportionate to their respective undivided
same to them exclusively, to the exclusion of all others. shares (1019) (excluding the legitime, if also a compulsory
Thus, if there is a vacancy, the law presumes that it is heir). Study and understand the illustrative examples cited
the testator’s intention to tack in the vacant portion in the book.
proportionately to the shares of the other co-heirs, co-
legatees, or co-devisees, to the exclusion of all others. ● In 1018, the law provides that “in legal succession, the
share of the person who repudiates the inheritance shall
o Because of the foregoing presumption, and unlike the always accrue to his co-heirs. This provision is misleading
right of representation, a testator may prohibit because if the vacant portion pertains to a compulsory heir
accretion between or among co-heirs, co-legatees and as his legitime, accretion will not lie (1021). Study and
co-devisees. Such prohibition will be interpreted to be understand the illustrative examples cited in the book.
the testator’s lack of intention to give the co-heirs, co-
legatees and co-devisees preference over the portions ● He who benefits from accretion (particularly in
given them, nor an intention to exclude all other testamentary succession) succeed as well to all the rights
persons. and obligations which applies to the co-heir, co-legatee, or
co-devisee who repudiated, predeceased, or is otherwise
o In the same way, no co-heir, co-legatee, or co-devisee incapacitated (1020). This provision does not apply to
should be forced to accept the accrued portion; he accretion in intestacy as obviously, no such obligation
should be given the option to accept or to repudiate it, could have been imposed as there is no testator.
given that accretion is a right conferred by law – not an
obligation. There are, of course, contrary opinions on ● 1022 is a unique provision as it refers to accretion in
the matter which has not be resolved by the SC. intestacy. The law states: In testamentary succession,
when the right of accretion does not take place, the vacant
o In intestacy, the right of accretion (it being the last portion of the instituted heir, if no substitute has been
remedy to cure a vacancy in the inheritance) is meant designated, shall pass to the legal (intestate) heirs of the
to complete the distribution of the hereditary estate. testator, who shall receive it with the same charges and
obligations. This is a unique provision because the charges
2. Requisites of Accretion and obligations imposed on a testamentary heir under the
● Unitary object of the inheritance – This refers to a single will of the testator, shall pass to the intestate heirs who will
object of the inheritance, either in the form of a single receive the vacant portion under the rules of intestacy.
object or a collection of objects, or a definite portion of the Note that in 960, intestacy results if there is no will, or the
estate, or the totality of the estate; in short, there is a will is void, or the will was revoked.
single inheritance.
● Plurality of subjects – This refers to the designation of two
or more persons who shall receive the unitary object; i.e., a
property, or a collection of property, or a definite portion of
the estate, or the entirety of the estate is bequeathed to
two or more persons, such that they become co-heirs, co- Capacity to Succeed
legatees, or co-devisees with respect to the unitary object. 1. Definition – It is the fitness of an heir, a legatee or a
● Vacancy in the inheritance – This means that one or some devisee to inherit from the testator or the decedent. Based
of the co-heirs, co-legatees, or co-devisees repudiate his on the statutory definition (1024) which is couched in
share, or is incapacitated to inherit from the decedent, or negative terms, it may be deduced that capacity is
predeceased the decedent (RIP). presumed; incapacity must be proved.
● Acceptance of the inheritance by the other co-heirs, co-
legatees, or co-devisees. They are the beneficiaries of the Note, however, that 1024 makes an erroneous statement:
right of accretion because of their having accepted their “The provisions relating to incapacity by will are equally
respective shares. applicable to intestate succession.
● Non-earmarking of shares of the co-heirs, co-legatees or
co-devisees – In 1017, the words “one-half for each” or “in There are 3 types of incapacities referred to in the Code:
equal shares” or any others which, though designating an (i) incapacity because of possible undue influence (1027),
aliquot part, do not identify it by such description as to (ii) incapacity by reason of moral considerations (1028),
make each heir the exclusive owner of a determinate and (iii) incapacity by reason of unworthiness (1032).
property. In short, non-earmaking means that the co-heirs, Items (i) and (ii) apply only to testamentary succession.
co-legatees or co-devisees were meant to be co-owners Only item (iii) applies to both testate and intestate
of the unitary object, each acquiring an undivided interest succession.
therein. Therefore, in testamentary succession, if the
testator earmarks or designates specific portions of the The essential element of capacity to succeed is found in
unitary object to the several co-heirs, co-legatees or co- 1025: the heir, devisee or legatee must be living at the
devisees in such manner as each will acquire the exclusive moment succession opens, except (i) when
ownership of specific portion of the unitary object, there representation is proper (i.e., the representative takes the
will be no accretion because there is no co-ownership place of the predeceased compulsory heir), and (ii) in the
among them. case of successional right of an unborn child under the
doctrine of presumptive personality in Arts. 40 and 41.
3. Rules of Accretion See Parish Priest of Victoria vs. Rigor.


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o Ministers are incapacitated for any kind of
Juridical entities like the state, LGUs, and private spiritual aid given to the testator during the last
corporations (whether stock or non-stock, whether for illness.
profit or otherwise), and partnerships, may inherit
because they are given juridical personality. However, o Question: Will the disqualification apply to an
1026 creates an exception in favour of unincorporated Imam, or a Buddhist monk?
organizations and associations for religious, scientific,
cultural, educational and charitable purposes. Even ● The relatives of the priest or minister within the 4 th

without separate juridical personality, they may inherit by degree, the church, order, chapter, community,
express provision of the law. Ownership of the inherited organization or institution to which he belongs – The
property will vest upon the members of such extension of the incapacity is to address a potential
organizations and associations. circumvention of the incapacity of the priest or
2. Types of incapacity
● Absolute – cannot succeed from any one or inherit ● The guardian with respect to testamentary
any property under any circumstance (e.g., a person dispositions given by the ward in his favour prior to
yet to be conceived at the time succession opens; the approval of the final accounts of the guardian;
the reservees inheriting a reservable property need except if the guardian is an ascendant, descendant,
not be alive on the death of the prepositus, pursuant brother, sister or spouse of the testator –
to the theory of delayed intestacy, it being sufficient o A guardian is appointed to take custody of the
that the reserves is at least conceived on the death of ward (an incapacitated person), or to manage the
the reservor when succession to the reservable property of the latter, or both.
property opens.)
o This incapacity has very limited application today
● Relative – cannot succeed a particular decedent
because a person 18 years or older is
(e.g., the application of the iron curtain rule in 992,
emancipated and could execute a will; unlike in
the persons named in 1027 and 1028) or inherit a
particular property (e.g., the heirs of the reservor the old dispensation wherein the age of
cannot inherit the reservable property) emancipation is 21, but an 18-year old minor
may execute a will, even if he is under
3. Incapacity by reason of possible undue influence guardianship. This is the situation addressed by
(1027) the law; the opportunity of the guardian to
● The priest who heard the confession of the testator unduly influence the ward under his custody or
during the last illness; the minister who extended whose property is under his management.
spiritual aid to the testator during the last illness –
Notice the explicit reference to the “testator,” o The incapacity of the ward for reason of mental
implying that this incapacity does not extend to disorder is not relevant if such disorder
intestate succession. The law takes into account the disqualifies the ward from executing a will.
opportunity of the priest and the minister to unduly
influence the testator in making provision for them.
o There are two types of guardians: (i) legal, i.e.,
guardian who exercises parental authority over
o The confession to the priest need not be the last;
but it must be a confession during the last the ward (i.e., parents), and (ii) judicial, i.e., a
illness. guardian appointed by the court. The incapacity
referred to cannot possibly refer to the legal
o Testator need not die immediately after the guardians of the ward.
confession. If he recovers from the illness and
had ample chance to reconsider the disposition o There are two three types of judicial guardians: (i)
but did not revoke the disposition, the same is over the person of the ward, meaning custody of
valid. There is an end to the effect of undue the ward; (ii) over the management of the
influence. property of the ward, and (iii) over both. Judicial
guardian over the person requires no
o No application if the priest rendered other
accounting; judicial guardianship over the
spiritual aid (not confession); if the alleged undue
property requires periodic accounting to the
influence was made not to favour the priest; if
the disposition to the priest was given before the guardianship court. So, it would appear that
confession; the disposition that pertains to the since the disqualification lasts only until the final
priest is not economic (e.g., his appointment as accounts of the guardian is approved by the
executor of the will); if the priest is a compulsory guardianship court upon the termination of the
heir of the testator (at least with respect to the guardianship, the incapacity refers to the
legitime. guardian over the property of the testator-ward.
But it is the judicial guardian over the person of
o Members of the catholic church who are not the ward has the better opportunity to exert
priests are not covered. undue influence on the ward. Thus, the generally
accepted proposition is that the disqualification


Morillo Quick Reviewer
should apply equally to the judicial guardian over succession. The objective of the law is to prevent a
the person and judicial guardian over the situation where persons who are co-conspirators in a
property of the testator-ward. criminal offense will benefit therefrom or be rewarded

● An attesting witness to the will, his spouse, parents o Persons guilty of adultery or concubinage at the time
or children, or anyone claiming under any of them – of the execution of the will – The word “guilty”
Refer to the discussion in 823 and note the suggests the necessity of criminal conviction,
comparison between 823 and 1027(4). meaning that at the time of the execution of the will,
the testator and the beneficiary have been convicted
● The physician, surgeon, nurse, health officer or of adultery or concubinage.
druggist who took care of the testator during the last
illness o Persons found guilty of the same criminal offense, in
consideration thereof – Again, “guilty” suggests prior
o The law presumes that the opportunity to unduly criminal conviction prior to the execution of the will.
influence the testator may likewise be exploited “In consideration thereof” means that the
by healthcare providers. testamentary disposition was made in consideration
of the criminal conspiracy, which should not be
rewarded with a testamentary gift. The
o Notice that the incapacity does not extend to the
disqualification should not affect the legitime if one of
relatives of the healthcare providers.
the co-conspirators is a compulsory heir of the other.
But, would it be necessary for the testamentary
o “Taking care” of the testator during the last disposition to categorically state that the cause of the
illness clearly suggests the continuity of the same is the recipient’s participation in the criminal
provision of healthcare services, as distinguished conspiracy? Perhaps not, because the
from isolated services which do not create a disqualification is imposed by law and is a matter of
personal and intimate relationship with the public policy.
testator, or the testator’s dependency on the
healthcare provider. o Those given to a public officer, his spouse,
descendant or ascendant, by reason of his office –
o Notice the enumeration of the healthcare This is a patent form of corruption because the
providers that are specifically disqualified by law. testamentary gift would not have been given had the
recipient not been a public officer. Must the
The enumeration appears to be outdated as
disposition state that the disposition is made by
there are other heathcare providers today who
reason of the recipient’s holding of a public office?
have an equal opportunity to unduly influence Perhaps not, because this statement could expose
the testator (e.g., licensed caregivers). the testator and the recipient to criminal prosecution
and it is unlikely the testator would do this.
o The testator must execute the will during the
illness and while the heathcare services were 5. Disqualification by reason of unworthiness (1032)
being provided. If the will was executed before – The incapacity by reason of unworthiness is premised
that, the disqualification will not apply. If the will upon the commission by the heir, legatee or devisee of a
was executed long after the termination of the serious offense against the testator which makes him
services, or long after the testator recovered unworthy of the generosity of the latter. There are 7
from the illness, the disqualification will not apply grounds for incapacity by reason of unworthiness. All of
either because of the improbability of the them, except one, are grounds for disinheritance (i.e.,
failure of an heir of full age to report to a law officer the
exertion of undue influence; the disposition may
violent death of the testator within 30 days, unless the
in fact be considered as remuneratory (which is
authorities have taken action, provided that the incapacity
not prohibited by law). will not apply if by law there is no obligation to make an
accusation). Refer to the discussion of the various
o Compulsory heirs are not covered by this grounds for disinheritance (919-921) where the same
disqualification, at the very least, with respect to grounds constitute an act of unworthiness.
the legitime. But even beyond that, a
disqualification would penalize a compulsory heir o The causes of unworthiness apply both to
who rendered services to the testator. testamentary and intestate succession.

● Individuals, associations and corporations not o The unworthy heir may be represented by his
permitted by law to inherit – This is a misplaced descendants (1035), subject to: (i) the iron curtain rule
provision as it has nothing to do with undue in 992 and (ii) subject to the rules of representation in
influence. testamentary and intestate succession, respectively.
Therefore, it is important to remember the principles
4. Incapacity by reason of morality (1028) – They surrounding the iron curtain rule, and the principles of
cannot inherit from each other by testamentary representation discussed in 970-977).
succession; there is no disqualification in intestate


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o Incapacity by reason of unworthiness is cured by the time the incapacitated heir took possession of the
condonation. property. The action may be brought by any heir who
has an interest in the hereditary estate (1040).
o Condonation, if express, must be in writing signed by
the testator indicating the offense that is condoned. It ● The incapacity of an heir, legatee or devisee, is
need not comply with the formalities of a will; it need governed by the national law of the decedent (1039).
not be admitted to probate; it need not be notarized.
But it must be made after the commission of the 8. Special Testamentary Dispositions – These
offense. dispositions are those made in favour of those who are
not natural persons, or those who are not individually
o If implied, condonation is inferred from the act of the specified.
testator in providing something for the offender in his
will, knowing fully well that the offender has ● Institution of the testator’s soul (1029) - It is a
committed an offense against him. By providing disposition of property, in general terms, for prayers
something in his will for the offender, it is presumed and pious works for the benefit of the testator’s soul.
that the testator has condoned the unworthy act of The property shall be divided equally between (i) the
the former. church or denomination to which the testator
belongs, to be used for prayers and pious works, and
o Implied condonation is at best conditional because (i) (ii) the State, to be used for the benefit of public
the will must be admitted to probate before it could schools, and public charitable institutions and
dispose property, and (ii) the testator can revoke that centers (1013). Note that a person’s soul in truth
will at any time before his death. If the will containing cannot be instituted because it has no juridical
implied condonation is not admitted to probate, the personality.
authenticity of the will is not established. On the other Requisites:
hand, if the will is revoked, the testamentary
disposition in favour of the offender is ineffective. In o The disposition for payers and pious works shall
either case, non-admission of the will to probate be made in general terms without specifying the
makes the implied condonation ineffective. nature of the prayers or pious works, or
otherwise specifying the application of the
o Note that condonation (which cures incapacity by property; otherwise, the specified application
reason of unworthiness) is not the same as shall be followed.
reconciliation (which renders disinheritance
ineffective). Refer to the discussion of reconciliation o The testator’s intention is to give benefit to his
in 922. soul.

6. Effects of incapacity o No particular person is charged with the

● The incapacitated heir may be represented by his implementation of the disposition; otherwise that
descendants (1035), but he shall not enjoy the person will determine the application of the
usufruct and be entitled to the administration of the property.
property acquired by his descendants by
representation. o The disposition is a burden on the estate, not on
any particular heir, legatee or devisee.
● If the incapacitated heir has performed acts of
administration prior to the declaration of his ● Institution of the poor in general – This is an
incapacity and the judicial order of exclusion, the example of a class institution. The heirs are instituted
acts are valid as to third persons who acted in good as a class, not as individuals. Therefore, there is a
faith; but the co-heirs shall be entitled to indemnity need to identify the persons who belong to the
for damages against the incapacitated heir (1036). instituted class.

● But the incapacitated heir shall be entitled to recover o The selection of the individuals who will form
the expenses he incurred for the preservation of the part of the class are limited to those living in the
property, and to enforce such right against the estate domicile of the testator at the time of his death,
(1037). The basis of recovery of necessary expenses unless the testator otherwise specified.
is unjust enrichment of the estate. o The authority to identify these persons rests with
the person appointed by the testator for the
● The incapacitated heir who disregards the purpose, failing which, the executor, failing
consequences of his incapacity and enters into which, collectively the municipal mayor,
possession of the property shall be obliged to return municipal treasurer, and municipal judge
it together with its accession (fruits and interest). (requiring a majority vote); in all cases, the
Further, he shall be liable for the unrealized fruits and designation of the beneficiaries shall be
rent that could have been received through the approved by the probate court.
exercise of due diligence (1038).
o The delegation of the power to identify the
7. Other significant rules beneficiaries is not a delegation of testamentary
● Action for the declaration of incapacity and for the
recovery of the inheritance prescribes in 5 years from


Morillo Quick Reviewer
discretion, but a delegation of the power to
implement the testamentary disposition. 2. Who may accept/repudiate
● Any person with free disposal of his property; i.e.,
● Disposition in favour of an incapacitated person there are no restrictions on his ability to dispose
(1031) – The disposition is void, but this refers only to property (1044). Therefore:
those incapacitated by reason of undue influence and o Minors and incapacitated persons may accept
those incapacitated by reason of morality. It does not and inheritance thru their guardians, but
apply in general to a disposition in favour of a person repudiation by a guardian needs judicial
incapacitated by reason of unworthiness, because authorization because repudiation is a
under certain conditions, the disposition may be disposition of property constituting an act of
construed as an implied condonation. ownership which is beyond the authority of a
guardian. See Guy vs. CA where a parent waived
o The objective of the law is to prevent a the hereditary rights of her illegitimate children
circumvention of the incapacity of the heir. from their father. In addition, repudiation may be
challenged by a defrauded creditor who may
o The customary mode of circumvention is to petition the court to accept the same (1052)
simulate the disposition as a separate onerous o Acceptance of the institution of the poor in
contract, or through the intervention of an general (1030) shall be accepted by the person
intermediate party to conceal the privity between designated to identify those who will benefit from
the testator and the incapacitated heir, legatee the class institution.
or devisee. o For bequests to private juridical entities,
acceptance shall be made by their lawful
o This circumvention is not done in the will itself, representatives (1045 in relation to Sec. 23,
otherwise the circumvention would be patent. Corporation Code - the board of directors, for a
corporation). But repudiation needs court
approval (recall the trust fund doctrine in
INHERITANCE o For public official establishments – acceptance
or repudiation requires the approval of the
Acceptance and Repudiation of the Inheritance government (1046). Public official establishment
1. Characteristics of acceptance and repudiation refers to institutions that perform non-
● It is a free and voluntary act (1041) – no one can be governmental functions (e.g., national museum,
forced to accept or repudiate an inheritance. If there national library, the CCP). Acceptance or
are several heirs, they can each independently repudiation requires the approval of the agency
exercise the right to accept or to repudiate the shares to which they are attached.
respectively pertaining to them (1054). o For a married woman, she is free to accept or
● The effect is retroactive to the moment of the death repudiate an inheritance (1047); does not require
of the decedent. The rights to the inheritance are the consent of the husband even under an ACP
transmitted from the moment of the death of the because the inheritance would fall under her
testator. The acceptance or repudiation therefore, is paraphernal.
but a confirmation that succession has or has not o For literate deaf-mute, he can accept or
transferred ownership to the heir. repudiate personally or through an agent. But if
● It requires certainty of the death of the testator, and he is illiterate, he is considered incapacitated to
the heir’s entitlement to the inheritance. Death act and therefore needs the intervention of a
triggers succession, without which there can be no guardian (1048); but in case of repudiation, he
successional transfer of the inheritance. Certainty of must obtain judicial approval.
entitlement means a number of things. In o If an heir is called to the succession both as a
testamentary succession, it means the allowance of testamentary and intestate heir (obviously a case
the will, a determination that the disposition in favour of partial intestacy), and he repudiates his
of the heir is valid, and a determination that the heir is testamentary share, he is deemed to have
capacitated to succeed the testator, a residual estate repudiated his share as an intestate heir. Refusal
after the payment of debts and taxes, non- to accept what is due him by will results in a
impairment of the legitime, if any. In intestacy, it derivative conclusion that he would not be
means a residual estate after payment of debts and predisposed to accept that which may be due
taxes, the entitlement to the inheritance under the him by law. But if he repudiated his intestate
order of intestate succession, and capacity to share not knowing that he has a testamentary
succeed the decedent. share, he may still be permitted to accept his
● The right to accept or reject an inheritance belongs to testamentary share. Rejection of what is due him
the heir, legatee or devisee. If he was unable to by law does not equate to a rejection of what is
exercise this right because he died, the right passes due him by the generosity of the testator (1055).
to his own heirs (1053).
● Once an heir has accepted or repudiated an 3. Kinds of Acceptance (1049)
inheritance, the same is irrevocable (1056) except if ● Express – requires a public or private instrument; in
his decision is vitiated (mistake, violence, short, in writing
intimidation, undue influence, and fraud).


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● Tacit – Acceptance is implied from the acts of the ● In any case, before a creditor makes such a petition,
heir, legatee, or devisee by which the intention to he debtor-heir’s right to the inheritance must be
accept is necessarily implied, or an act which such established; i.e., if the settlement of the estate is
heir, legatee or devisee would have to right to do judicial and testamentary, the will has been admitted
except if he had accepted the inheritance. Such acts to probate, debts and taxes have been paid, legitime
that imply acceptance are (1050): is not impaired, the debtor-heir is capacitated to
o Selling, donating or assigning his right to a inherit from the testator, his share may be lawfully
stranger or to a co-heir – He could not have sold, given him. If the settlement is by intestacy, the
donated, or assigned something which he did petition must be filed before the intestate court. If the
not own. Therefore, by doing so, he impliedly decedent died intestate and the settlement of the
accepted the inheritance. estate is extrajudicial, the unpaid creditor must
ventilate his claim in a court of general jurisdiction.
o Repudiation of the inheritance for the benefit of ● In any case, the creditor’s resort to this remedy must
one or more co-heirs – While he acted as though be initiated before the final liquidation f the estate of
he repudiated, he could not have done so for the the decedent, because after which, the jurisdiction of
benefit of a co-heir if he did not own that which the probate or intestate court ends.
he relinquished for someone else. This form of ● Note that the right to accept the inheritance on behalf
tacit acceptance, however, requires that the of the repudiating heir presupposes that succession
repudiating heir must identify the co-heir in has opened. If the testator is still alive, the unpaid
whose favour he is repudiating his share. If no creditor cannot make a claim on the future
such beneficiary is named, there is a real case of successional rights of the debtor-heir.
repudiation, in which case, the repudiated
portion shall pertain to the substitute heir, if the
testator appointed one, or to the other co-heirs
collectively and proportionately, under the right
of accretion. Article 1058. All matters relating to the appointment, powers
and duties of executors and administrators and concerning
● Presumed – Acceptance is presumed if after 30 days the administration of estates of deceased persons shall be
after the court issued the order of distribution the governed by the Rules of Court. (NCC)
heir, legatee or devisee failed to signify his
acceptance or repudiation of the inheritance (1057). Article 1059. If the assets of the estate of a decedent which
The reason for the law is to prevent holding hostage can be applied to the payment of debts are not sufficient for
the settlement of the estate of the deceased person that purpose, the provisions of articles 2239 to 2251 on
by the mere inaction of the beneficiaries. Preference of Credits shall be observed, provided that the
expenses referred to in article 2244, No. 8, shall be those
4. Form of Repudiation – requires a public instrument involved in the administration of the decedent's estate. (NCC)
(could be done in the deed of extrajudicial partition which
is notarized) or thru an authentic document (e.g., a Article 1060. A corporation or association authorized to
manifestation in the probate court confirming the conduct the business of a trust company in the Philippines
repudiation (1051). Repudiation requires a specific form may be appointed as an executor, administrator, guardian of
because (i) it is in fact a property disposition, (ii) it could an estate, or trustee, in like manner as an individual; but it
have a material adverse effect on the patrimony of the shall not be appointed guardian of the person of a ward.
repudiator which in turn could affect his ability to service (NCC)
his debts and his ability to provide support to those he is
obliged to support, and (iii) it results in a vacancy in the
inheritance that triggers the application of statutory SECTION 5 - COLLATION
solutions (e.g., accretion) and the possible application of
the rules of intestacy. The re-alignment of the distribution What is collation?
of the hereditary estate cannot be justified on the basis of It is the process of bringing back to the estate of a
mere presumptions. decedent the things he had donated in his lifetime, or their
values at the time they were given, without regard to
5. Right of an unpaid creditor to accept the subsequent appreciation or depreciation in value, or even total
repudiated share of an heir (1052) – If the repudiation of loss, of the property donated (Art. 1071), so that they may be
an inheritance by an heir would prejudice his unpaid accounted for in the computation of the legitime of
creditor (e.g, he would be unable to pay after having compulsory heirs (Art. 1061). Collation is irrelevant if (i) the
repudiated the inheritance), the latter may petition the testator has no surviving compulsory heir (Arellano vs.
court to be authorized to accept the same, to be applied Pascual) (collation is required in order to preserve the
to his claim. legitime), and (ii) the only donee is also the sole compulsory
heir of the donor (which makes collation an idle process).
● The right of a creditor to accept the inheritance
cannot exceed the amount of his unpaid claim. Collation is an integrated 4-step process. Study and
● The unpaid claim has to be proved and must be understand the illustration cited in the book.
existing. See Leviste vs. CA where the court rejected
the request of the unpaid creditor. First, collation Collate the donations inter vivos by adding
of all the value thereof to the net hereditary estate


Morillo Quick Reviewer
donations (i.e., assets minus liabilities and taxes); the o The first step of collation (as outlined above) is purely
inter vivos sum is the theoretical hereditary estate. collation in value. The purpose of collation here is
merely to determine whether or not the donations inter
Second, Using the theoretical hereditary estate as the vivos made by the donor-decedent impaired the
calculation of base, calculate the legitime of the compulsory
o If after collation in value it is determined that the
the legitime heirs of the donor-decedent. If the total donations inter vivos did not impair the legitime, the
legitime is equal to or less than the net same shall be honored; the donees may keep the
hereditary estate, the donations inter vivos donated property; the value of all such donations are
did not impair the legitime. The donees may charged to (or deducted from) the free disposal; the net
keep the same and such donations shall be hereditary estate shall be distributed to the heirs.
honored. o If after collation in value it is determined that the
donations inter vivos impaired the legitime, the collation
will have to shift in kind; i.e., the donees may have to
Third, In the distribution of the net hereditary estate,
make cash reimbursement to the estate or return the
imputation of the donations inter vivos shall first be donated property in order that the legitime of the
the donations imputed. Donations to compulsory heirs shall compulsory heirs may be paid in full.
inter vivos be charged as advances of the legitime; i.e., o As explained in the book, reimbursement in cash if the
the donation shall be included in the legitime, fairest of all practical solutions to the impairment of the
unless the donor stipulated that the donation legitime. The abatement of the donation (recovery of
shall be non-collationable, in which case the the property in an inofficious donation) may result in
under-recovery of the impaired legitime, or the over-
donation to the compulsory heir shall be
reimbursement by the donee.
charged to the free disposal. Donations to
strangers shall be charged to the free What are the purposes of collation?
disposal. o If the donation was given to a stranger, the
preservation of the legitime of compulsory heirs by
Fourth, If after calculating the legitime it should turn making sure that the donations made by the donor in
reduction or out that the net hereditary estate is his lifetime did not impair the legitime of the
abatement of insufficient to pay the legitime, the donations compulsory heirs.
o If the donation was given to a compulsory heir,
donations, as inter vivos would be inofficious. These
collation is meant to equalize the shares of the
may be donations shall either be reduced or compulsory heirs. In sum, a donation to a compulsory
necessary otherwise totally abated in order to pay the heir (unless declared non-collationable by the donor) is
legitime in full. The reduction or abatement not meant to give an advantage to the donee; the
will follow the inverse order; i.e., last donation donation is considered as an advance of the legitime.
in-first donation out. Study and understand the Illustrative example cited in
the book that shows how the legitime of compulsory
heirs is equalized.
o Equalization of the legitime of the compulsory heir is
What are the two kinds of collation?
both quantitative (donation is an advance of the
legitime) and qualitative (equality even as to the nature
of the property donated in 1073)
Collation requires the donee to return the donated
in Kind thing; resorted to if such donation impaired Who are obliged to collate?
the legitime of the compulsory heirs (inferred All donees are obliged to bring to collation whatever they
from 912 and 1076) had received from the donor inter vivos, in the settlement of
the latter’s estate. Remember, collation seeks to preserve the
Collation value of the donation is notionally added back legitime. Thus, all donations must be collated, otherwise
to the net hereditary estate of the donor- leakages in the patrimony of the donor which are not collated
in value
may result in the impairment of the legitime.
decedent for the purpose of calculating the
legitime of the compulsory heirs (908, 1071). If o A surviving spouse can never be obliged to collate
the donation did not impair the legitime, the because every donation (not customary gifts) given to
donee is not required to return the donated such surviving spouse by the deceased spouse is
thing. void (FC 87).

o If a predeceased donee received a donation inter

How do collation in value and collation in kind work? vivos from his/her parents, the same is not
The Civil Code did not explain this enigma. What is collationable by his/her surviving spouse in the
clear though is that the Code was irrationally shifting from settlement of the estate of the parent-donor
collation in kind to collation in value without an explanation (Vizconde vs. CA). The obligation to collate pertains
for the shift. Dr. Tolentino suggested the following (which personally to the donee. Thus, the donation to the
seems to be a reasonable interpretation of the conflicting predeceased donee, while collationable, shall be
provisions of the law). charged to the free disposal because the


Morillo Quick Reviewer
predeceased donee never had a chance to inherit that the educational expenses for obtaining a
from the donor. Read Vizconde carefully and profession or vocation is not collationable.
understand the decision.
o the presumptive legitime given to children in the cases
o Grandchildren who inherit from a grandparent in specified in the Family Code;
representation of their parent must bring to collation
the donation which their parent had received from o sums paid by a parent in satisfaction of the debts of his
their grandparent (1064). This is because child, election expenses, fines, and similar expenses
grandchildren inheriting by right of representation (by (Art. 1069); and
subrogation) merely acquire the rights which would
have pertained to their parent (Art. 970). In sum, the o wedding gifts (consisting of jewelry, clothing and outfit)
donation to the parent is an advance of what the given by parents or ascendants on the occasion of the
parent is entitled to receive from the grandparent, wedding of a child or descendant; but a wedding gift
and it does not matter that the children did not not exceeding 1/10 of the free disposal will not be
benefit from such donation. Study and understand charged to the legitime of the recipient, but to the free
the illustrative example cited in the book. disposal (Art. 1070). The wedding gift in 1070 is not the
same as a donation propter nuptias.
o A person who inherits from his parent is not obliged Donation Propter Nuptias Wedding Gift in 1070
to bring to collation the donation given to his/her
children or descendant by his deceased parent; (Art. Object is not specified. Object is jewelry, clothing
1065) but such donation shall nonetheless be and outfit
brought to collation by the donees in order to
determine if the legitime was impaired. The donation
Donor may be any person Donor must be a parent or
shall be imputed or charged to the free disposal (Art.
1064). qualified to give a donation ascendant of the donee

o A donation given by a person to his or her son-in-law If given by a parent, the The done must be a child or
or daughter-in-law, while collationable, is charged to donee is either the child, the descendant of the donor;
the free disposal because the donee is not a future spouse, or both of cannot include the future
compulsory heir of the donor. But more importantly, them jointly spouse of the child or
the spouse of such donee is not liable to bring to descendant.
collation the value of the gift to his or her spouse in
the settlement of the estate of his or her parent-donor
Donation must be given Donation may be given at
(1066). In sum, the donation to a child is collationable
and is deemed an advance of the legitime of such before the celebration of the any time before or after the
child. But a donation to the spouse of that child is a marriage. marriage.
donation to a stranger, and therefore chargeable to
the free disposal. Study and understand the Donation is governed by the The donation is non-
illustrative example cited in the book. rules of ordinary donation, as collationable to the extent
modified by the Family Code. not exceeding 1/10 of the
What must be brought to collation? Thus, it is collationable in full, value of the free portion of
o all gratuitous conveyances (donations) made by a
except if declared by the the hereditary estate of the
person in his lifetime, excluding amounts received by
way of support, or as customary gifts (Art. 1067); donor to be non- donor.
expenses for support is not a gift (or an act of liberality collationable.
or generosity) of the parent to the child; it is an
obligation imposed by law on the parent to the child.

o expenses incurred by the parent for the education of What is a non-collationable donation?
the child; this is, under the Family Code, part of It is a donation to a compulsory heir which the donor
support. In 1068, it would seem that a child’s right to stipulated in the deed of donation to be chargeable to the
education is limited, because this provision gives the free disposal, and not to the legitime of the donee (Art.
parent the option to require the child to collate the 1062). Non-collationable donations, nonetheless, must still
expenses incurred in giving the child a professional, be collated for the purpose of calculating the legitime.
vocational, or other career. The implication of 1068 is Non-collationable donations shall be reduced or abated if
that the obligation of the parent in respect of the the legitime is impaired.
education of the child is limited to the completion of
secondary education (up to high school only) such that An irrevocable donation inter vivos is not the same as a
anything beyond that is considered a gift from the non-collationable donation (de Roma vs. CA).
parent which the latter may require to be collated.
However, Art. 194 of the Family Code in part provides How is a collationable donation imputed?
as follows: “The education of the person entitled to be If given to a compulsory Charge to the legitime of the
supported referred to in the preceding paragraph shall heir (except the spouse) donee; but if declared non-
include his schooling or training for some profession, collationable, charge to free
trade or vocation, even beyond the age of majority”.
Conclusion: 1068 is modified by FC 194 to the extent


Morillo Quick Reviewer
● The share of co-owners in the benefit and charges shall
If given to a voluntary heir Charge to the free disposal be proportionate to their respective interest in the thing
or to a stranger owned in common (485). Each co-owner has full
ownership of the part and of the fruits and benefits
pertaining thereto (493).

● No co-owner shall be obliged to remain in co-

o Joint donation made by the parents to a child is
ownership, and any one may demand partition, but an
separately collationable by the child in the settlement
agreement to keep the thing undivided for a period not
of the estates of his parents: one-half to the estate of
exceeding 10 years is valid (494), or 20 years if ordered
his father and imputed as an advance of his legitime
by a donor or testator. But even if prohibited by the
from the father, and the other half to the estate of his
testator, there may be a partition of the estate when
mother and imputed as an advance of his legitime from
any of the causes for which a partnership is dissolved
the mother (1072). Study and understand the illustrative
takes place (see 1830 and 1831 for the causes of
example cited in the book.
dissolution of a partnership), or when the court finds a
compelling reason (1083).
o Donation given jointly to a child and his spouse is
likewise separately collationable: one-half
● Partition may be prohibited by law; nor may partition be
collectionable by the child and imputed as an advance
allowed if to do so would render the thing
of his legitime from the donor-parent; one-half
unserviceable (495). Note that partition may likewise be
collationable by the spouse of the child and imputed to
prohibited by contract (e.g., a prohibition to further
the free disposal.
partition a subdivision lot, if such prohibition was
imposed by the subdivision developer and inscribed at
What is meant by reduction or abatement of donations?
the back of the TCT to the subdivision lot).
If after collation the legitime was not impaired, the
donations shall be respected (Art. 911); the donees may keep
● In the case of partition of a hereditary estate, it
what they had received. However, if after collation the legitime
presupposes a final determination of the PRO, the
was impaired, the donation may be reduced or abated in order
payment of the relevant taxes and debts, the payment
that the legitime may be paid in full (Mateo vs. Lagua). The
of all other obligations of the estate, a final
reduction or abatement of donations is governed by the last-
determination of the identity of the persons entitled to
in-first-out rule.
the hereditary estate, and, in the case of testamentary
succession, the allowance of the will and a
If a donation is abated because it was determined to be
determination of the substantive validity of the
inofficious, the donee is entitled to reimbursement from the
testamentary dispositions.
heirs of the donor (who will benefit from the abatement of the
donation) for the expenses incurred in the preservation of the
thing donated (reimbursement of necessary expenses), even if ● A voluntary heir upon whom a suspensive condition is
such expenses did not augment the value of the property. He imposed cannot demand partition until the condition is
is also entitled to reimbursement for useful expenses fulfilled (1084). But the heirs who are not bound by a
(improvement of value) which exists at the time of the condition may demand partition, provided they give
partition. But he has no right to reimbursement for expenses security for the right of the conditional heir; the partition
for mere pleasure, although he has the right to remove them if is thus conditional.
it can be done without injuring the property (1076).
Who may effect partition?
● The heirs themselves, as in the case of extrajudicial
SECTION 6 - PARTITION AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE partition (or partition by agreement of the heirs);
ESTATE ● The testator himself (see Art. 1080); or a person
designated by the testator (1081); or
● The probate or intestate court
What is an ante mortem partition?
It is a partition of an estate prepared by a person during
Partition his lifetime. It is valid provided the legitime is not impaired
1. Definition – The separation, division and assignment (1980). However, the partition is not effective until the
of a thing held in common among those to whom it may death of the person.
belong (1079). Every act intended to put an end to
indivision among co-heirs is a partition, even if it purports The law cited a specific instance when a person might
to be a sale, an exchange, or a compromise (1082). make an inter-vivos partition. If he wishes to keep and
Partition is the dissolution of the co-ownership among the agricultural, industrial or manufacturing enterprise to be
co-heirs, or co-legatees, or co-devisees (1078). Subject to kept intact even after his death, he may adjudicate the
some exceptions, partition of an estate is a matter of right enterprise to one or some of his heirs, and the legitime of
(1083). those persons to whom the enterprise is not awarded, may
be paid in cash.
● Whenever the ownership of an undivided thing or right
belongs to different persons, there is co-ownership


Morillo Quick Reviewer
Inter-vivos partition does not require the formalities of a will may be collectible or non-collectible (bad debts),
(Mang-oy vs. CA); a written signed document is sufficient. depending on the solvency of the debtor. The
In Chavez vs. IAC, the SC went further by ruling that an receivables will be distributed to the heirs during
inter-vivos partition may be made even orally. The doctrine partition.
in Chavez is based on estoppel; a co-heir may be
estopped from contesting the parol partition made by his o If a receivable is assigned to an heir as collectible,
predecessor-in-interest. the co-heirs shall give a warranty of collectability by
holding themselves liable for the insolvency of the
4. Rules Governing Partition debtor, provided such insolvency existed at the
● The rule of quantitative and qualitative equality (1085) time of partition. This warranty is good fora period
must be observed. of 5 years from partition.
● If the co-owned property is essentially indivisible or if o There is no warranty of collectability for bad debts,
partition will impair its value, it may be awarded to one if the debtor’s insolvency was known at the time of
of the co-heirs who will reimburse in cash the shares of partition, and notwithstanding, the heir accepted
the others, or, upon demand of any co-heir, the same the receivable.
shall be sold at public auction (1086). Note that 1086 is o If bad debts are not assigned to any heir, all of them
different from 1080 which refers to an agricultural, shall nonetheless proportionately share any
industrial or a manufacturing enterprise which is collection from the said bad debts.
essentially divisible.
● Co-heirs shall reimburse one another for income and ● Instances when the warranty of title and quality do not
fruits which each may have received from the co- exist (1096)
owned property, for necessary and useful expenses o If the testator made the partition; which means the
made on the property, and for damages sustained by testator intended the recipient to take the risk of
reason of malice or negligence (1087). non-collection, provided the legitime of the
● Disposition of a co-heir’s share in the co-owned recipient is not impaired in the event of non-
property gives to the non-selling co-heirs the right of collection.
redemption within 30 days by reimbursing the price to o In the case of extrajudicial partition, if the
the purchaser who is required to serve them notice of warranties are waived expressly by agreement of
the transaction (1088). But in Alonzo vs. IAC, the SC the co-heirs, unless there was bad faith on the part
dispensed with the notification by the buyer because of some of the co-heirs.
the purchaser occupied a proportionate portion of the o If eviction was due to a cause that occurred
land that was co-owned, and therefore the subsequent to the partition, or was caused by the
redemptioners (who delayed their action for years) were fault of the recipient of the property.
fully aware of the sale.
● Basis – Rescission of partition is based on the economic
Effects of Partition damage suffered by a co-heir (1098). Annulment is based
● Immediate effect – the dissolution of the co-ownership on a vice of consent to the partition (mistake, violence,
among the co-heirs. Each co-heir acquires exclusive intimidation, undue influence and fraud) on the part of the
ownership of the property (or part thereof) adjudicated co-heir demanding annulment. It appears, however, that
to him (1091). the law does not envision a voidable partition because the
title of subsection 3 is “Rescission and Nullity of Partition,”
● Statutory warranties – Each co-heir gives to the others suggesting that the partition will be set aside as null and
a warranty of title to and quality (warranty against void.
hidden defects) of each property adjudicated.
o A breach of warranty does not require a new ● Rescission or annulment of partition envisions several co-
partition, but the aggrieved heir is entitled to heirs; if there is only one heir, rescission or annulment of
recover from the others the loss that he suffered. partition is irrelevant because there will be no co-
o No warranty is given if it was the testator who ownership to dissolve. Indeed, in Rule 74, a sole heir may
specified the property to be given to a specific adjudicate the entire estate to himself by mere affidavit.
beneficiary or beneficiaries; so, the warranties do
not extend to legatees and devisees. ● In contract law, rescission is:
o The warranty is shared by the co-heirs in proportion o a subsidiary remedy; it is available only as a remedy of
to their respective shares; but their liability is last resort, meaning, there is no other legal means to
solidary as the share of the insolvent is absorbed by obtain reparation for the economic damage;
those who are solvent, deducting the share of the o granted only to the extent necessary to repair the
co-heir to be indemnified (1093). economic damage; thus, the entire transaction
o The action to enforce the warranty prescribes in 10 (partition, in this case) need not be rescinded;
years from the date the right of action accrues. o not available to contracts which are approved by the
court. Note, however that in 1098, a judicial partition
● Receivable assigned as collectible (1095) – It is may be rescinded.
possible that a portion of the hereditary estate may
include receivables. By its very nature, a receivable


Morillo Quick Reviewer
These principles are important because partition may be
rescinded for the same causes as contracts (1097).

In order to justify a rescission of a judicial or extrajudicial

partition, the prejudiced heir must receive something
whose value is less by at least one-fourth of the value due
him, using the value of the things at the time of
adjudication. Note that in contract law, the threshold of the
economic damage is more than one-fourth of the value of
the thing. The lesion could be caused by an erroneous
valuation of the properties of the estate, or otherwise due
to some defect of the property adjudicated.

● Nullity of partition is premised on the same causes as a

contract (1097). Therefore:
o a partition executed by the heirs during the lifetime of
the decedent is void because the partition, as a
contract, has no lawful object.
o a partition founded upon an unlawful cause is void; like
a contract founded on an unlawful cause (1352).
o The action to set aside a partition that is “invalid” is
imprescriptible (Bautista vs. Non), as in the case of a
partition that excluded a compulsory heir.

Other rules
● A partition made by the testator cannot be rescinded
except if the legitime is impaired, or if it can be
demonstrated that the testator intended otherwise (1099).
● The heir sued for the rescission of partition has two
options: (i) to indemnify the prejudiced heir in cash, or by
the delivery of a thing of the same kind and quality, in
order to repair the damage, or (ii) to agree to a new
partition. Clearly, a demand for the rescission of partition
will not necessarily result in the setting aside of the original
partition. In addition, the heirs who were not prejudiced by
the partition and those who did not receive more than their
just share shall not be affected by the rescission. In short,
a new partition will not affect the entire hereditary estate
● An heir who has alienated the whole or a substantial part
of the real property adjudicated to him cannot maintain an
action for rescission on the ground of lesion; he may only
ask for cash indemnification (1102). Again, notice the
difference with rescission in contract law where a party
cannot seek rescission of a contract if he is unable to
return the thing he received from that contract.
● The inadvertent omission of some assets in the partition is
not a ground for rescission of the partition on account of
lesion; the omitted assets shall merely be distributed to the
heirs (1103).
● The omission or exclusion of a compulsory heir from the
partition shall not justify its rescission, provided there was
no bad faith or fraud on the part of those who participated
in the partition. But the omitted or excluded compulsory
heir shall be entitled to recover what is due him.
● The inclusion of a stranger (one who has no right to the
inheritance) in the partition is void only with respect to
such person (1105).


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