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: Moral principles that govern a person’s behavior or the conducting of an activity. Moral principles
as the principles of right and wrong that are accepted by an individual or a social group. As a general
rule, morals are what we use to guide our actions.

Ethics or moral philosophy is a branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending and
recommending concepts of right and wrong behavior. The field of ethics along with aesthetics,
concerns matters of value; these fields comprise the branch of philosophy called axiology.

Defining Ethics

The English word ethics is derived from the ancient greek word ethikos meaning relating to one’s
character, which itself comes from the root word ethos meaning character, moral nature. This word
was transferred into latin as ethica and then into French as ethique from which it is transferred in to

Values are individual beliefs that motivate people to act one way to another. They serve as a guide
for human behavior. Some values for intrinsic worth, such a love, truth and freedom. Other galues,
such as ambition, responsibility and courage describe traits or behaviours that are instrumental as
means to an end.

Branches of Ethics

There are main four branches of ethics. They are

Descriptive Ethics

Normative Ethics

Meta Ethics

Applied Ethics

Ethical Principles

Ethical principles underpin all professional codes of conduct. Ethical principles may differ depending
on the profession . for example, professional ethics that relate to medical practitioners will differ
from those that relate to lawyers or real estate agents.

However, there are some universal ethical principles that apply across the professions, including:




Respect for others

Adherence to the law

Doing good and avoiding harm to others


Codes of conduct
Professional codes of conduct draw on these professional ethical principles as the basis for
prescribing required standards of behavior for members of a profession. They also seek to set out
the expectations that the profession and society have of its members.

The intention of codes of conduct is to provide guidelines fo the minimum standard of appropriate
behavior in a professional context. Codes of conduct sit alongside the general law of the land and
the personal values of members of the profession.

Confidentiality, objectivity, respect, obedience to the law and loyalty.

Professional codes of conduct provide benefits to:

.The public as they build confidence in the professions trustworthiness

.Clients, as they provide greater transparency and certainty about how their affairs will be

.Members of the profession, as they provide a supporting framework for resisting pressure
to act inappropriately and for making acceptable decisions in what may be grey areas

.The profession as a whole, as they provide a common understanding of acceptable practice

which builds collegiality and allows for fairer disciplinary procedures.

.Others dealing with the profession, as the profession will be seen as more reliable and
easier to deal with.

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