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Tea Ceremony

Forest Resources
Need for
Forests are one of the most important
natural resources and can contribute
substantially to the economic development
of any country

COMMERCIAL Significance
• Main source of wood, timber, pulpwood
etc. over 1.5 billion people depend upon
fuel wood as an energy source.
• Forest lands are also used for agriculture
and grazing.
• Source of development of dams,
recreation and mining

ECOLOGICAL Significance
• Habitat for millions of species
• Reduce global warming, produces
• Act as pollution purifier by absorbing
toxic gases.
• Soil conservation and regulation of the
hydrological cycle
Conservation Strategies


• Forest resource sustainability through bio-based composite development' (Forbioplast) is an EU-funded project that
has made huge strides towards developing such eco-friendly materials.
• Three main products – fertilizers, tomato yarn and pots
• The Forbioplast project has given a huge boost to the idea that cheaper, quality eco-friendly materials should be easily
• The fact that these materials are themselves biodegradable means that forests can be continuously recycled and could
thus become a virtually inexhaustible resource.
Case Study: Forest Management in Indonesia
& Avoiding Deforestation
Much of the world’s biodiversity and terrestrial carbon is
found in the remaining forests of developing countries.
People living in or close to these forests are highly dependent
on forest resources and their livelihoods are threatened by
deforestation and non-sustainable forest use.

• Indonesia is one of the most biodiverse countries in the w

orld and has several types of government-approved
community forestry schemes.
• The government of Indonesia has recently announced an
ambitious plan to allocate some 12.7 million hectares
of land dedicated to social forestry and afforestation.
• Community forest management in Indonesia has been
identified as a win-win option for reducing deforestation
while improving the welfare of rural communities.
The answer is simple.
If we lose the world’s
forests, we lose the fight
against climate change.
Forests are our
Earth's greatest utility.

Thank you

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