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Part 1. Vocabulary Builder

Write down the meaning of these words!
1. Concentrations = konsentrasi/fokus 7. Appreciation= apresiasi/penghargaan
2. Awareness = kesadaran 8. Better place = tempat yang lbh baik
3. Healthy living = hidup sehat 9. Weather = cuaca
4. Air pollution = polusi udara 10. Necessities = keperluan
5. Attitude = sikap 11 Temperature= suhu/temperatur
6. Contaminated = terkontaminasi 12. Irresponsible= tidak bertanggung jawab
Part 2. Fill the blanks with suitable words above!
Why Should We Care About Our Environment?
There are many natural disasters caused by bad environment quality, like landslides and floods. Most of
the disasters caused by our 1) _irresponsible_ activities towards our surrounding environments. For example, the
practice of illegal logging is still continuing and a few of us keep throwing garbage into rivers and lakes.
Therefore, we need to change our 2) _attitude__ towards the environment. Why should we care for the
environment? Here are the reasons.
A clean environment is essential for 3) __healthy living__. If we don’t care about the environment,
chances are it will become polluted with contaminants and toxins, which may harmfully affect our heatlh. We
may suffer from asthma and bronchitis due to poor 4) __air pollution___, or gastrointestinal illness and
neurological disorders due to water pollution.
Besides, the overall 5) __temperature__ of Earth’s atmosphere is increasing. This can lead to frequent
occurences of dangerous 6) __weather_ patterns and devastating storms. Global warming and climate change
are real. The change in greenhouse gas 7) __concentrations__ causes global warming and affects the climate.
Thus, climate change may affect human health, agriculture, water resources, forests, wildlife, and coastal areas.
Third, biodiversity is important. For your information, biodiversity refers to the variety of plants,
animals, and other living things in our world. If something happens to a certain organism, it may lead to a loss
of biodiversity, which may negatively affect our 8) __necessities__. The greater the diversity of live, the greater
the opportunity for discoveries that could make our world a much 9) __better place__. Let’s do what we can to
prevent the loss of biodiversity.
Nature gives us so many things for free. It gives us clean air, clean water, beautiful landscapes,
breathtaking views, and the list goes on. We take so much from nature, but what do we give in return?
Protecting and preserving it show our 10) __appreciation_ because Earth is where we live.
Part 3. Arrange the following paragraphs into a sequential text!
Paragraph Lastly, investing helps you plan for your future and that includes setting priorities. It
....6.... forces you set goals, like buying a house or car. You will not face the dilemma of worrying if you
can spend your time planning your life after retirement.
Paragraph Second, starting investing early will require less money every month to save for
....4.... retirement if you begin in your twenties, rather than trying to make up your lack of savings in
your 40s or 50s. That last minute frantic investing will mean less money to live on and could result
in some bad choices because they are made in desperation.
Paragraph Based on the above arguments, it can be concluded that investing early benefits you for
...7..... your better future life. It can be scary if you don’t know much about it, but with research and a
good investment advisor, you can make a difference in your future.
Paragraph Investing at a young age will also help you a better quality of life. While others are
....3.... panicking, wondering if they will have enough to retire, you will be able to live as you want. It
certainly will reduce your stress in facing our retirement time.
Paragraph For many young adults, it seem easier to put off any investing decisions until their
...1..... financial situation becomes, at least theoretically, more stable. Twenty-somethings, however, are
actually in a prime position to enter the investing world. This will leave you a happier and
wealthier life when your retirement hits. Here are practical financial reasons for beginning
retirement savings while you are young.
Paragraph Next, regular investing takes discipline because you must budget it. Making investment
...5..... payments regularly will build discipline. It will also keep you from overspending since you tend to
stick to budgets. That will likely also show up in other areas of your life.
Paragraph First of all, when you start investing early, you are allowing for these investments to grow
....2.... to their fullest potential. Most of the safest investments, from stocks to gold and real estate, are
meant to be long-term. These assests need 20 to 30 years of growth to get the most our of their

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