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The training session for EPT

use included a practical
demonstration by a trained
warehouse worker, ensuring that
outdoor workers were provided
with hands-on experience and
guidance on operating the
equipment safely. 2. Each newly
trained worker received the
existing warehouse written
procedure for EPT use, which
contained detailed instructions
and information about machine
checks, load limits, route
planning, braking, and safe
storage. The provision of a
written procedure enhances
consistency and clarity in
performing tasks.
3. During the training session,
the warehouse worker discussed
with outdoor workers how the
warehouse SSOW and written
procedure could be adapted for
outdoor use. This
demonstrates a proactive
approach to tailoring safety
practices to the specific
working environment.

4. The SSOW likely includes

instructions to check the EPT's
condition before use.
ensuring that it is in good
working order. Regular
maintenance and checks are
crucial for minimizing the risk of
equipment failure and associated

5. The SSOW emphasizes the

importance of adhering to load
limits and planning and clearing
the route to be taken. These
instructions mitigate the risk of
overloading the EPT and ensure
that workers consider potential
obstacles or hazards along their
intended path.

6. The SSOW includes

instructions on how to stop the
machine, apply brakes, and store
it safely. Proper braking
techniques and safe storage
practices reduce the likelihood of
unintended movement or
unauthorized use of EPTS.

7. The OTL advises workers to

use EPTs during quieter working
hours in the outdoor section
when there are fewer customers
present. This consideration
demonstrates an awareness of
the potential risks associated
with operating heavy equipment
around customers and aims to
minimize such risks.

8. The SSOW mentions the

requirement for users to wear
steel toe cap boots provided by
the employer. This highlights the
inclusion of appropriate PPE in
the system of work, addressing
the need for foot protection when
operating heavy machinery.

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