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Classifying Animals
20 Questions DATE  : 

1. I am warm blooded and a vertebrate. I have fur, four legs and a tail, I breathe air with
lungs and I give birth to live babies. What am I?

A amphibian B reptile

C bird D mammal

2. I am cold-blooded and a vertebrate. I breathe with gills, lay eggs or give birth to live
babies, I have scales, and I live in the water. What am I?

A amphibian B reptile

C bird D fish

3. I am cold blooded and a vertebrate. I have dry, scaly skin, I lay eggs, and I breathe air with
my lungs. What am I?

A mammal B reptile

C fish D amphibian
4. Select all the characteristics that describe amphibians.

A Covered in scales B Adults breathe with lungs

C Warm Blooded D Lay eggs

5. I am cold blooded and a vertebrate. I have wet/moist skin, I am born with gills, but when I
grow up I use lungs to breathe. I lay eggs in water, but as an adult I live on land. What am

A fish B amphibian

C bird D reptile

6. I am warm blooded and a vertebrate. I lay eggs, I am covered in feathers, and I breath air
with lungs. What am I?

A fish B mammal

C reptile D bird
7. Match the animal groups to show whether they are warm blooded or cold blooded.

Birds A A Warm Blooded

Mammals B B Warm Blooded

Amphibians C C Cold Blooded

Reptiles D D Cold Blooded

Fish E E Cold Blooded

8. Mammals are ​(a) and are covered with ​(b)

A fur B moist skin

C cold blooded D warm blooded

E scales
9. Match the following

A A Amphibian

B B Mammal

C C Bird

D D Reptile

E E Shark

10. Select all the vertebrate groups that lay eggs

A birds B fish

C amphibians D reptiles

11. What do reptiles and fish have in common?

A They breathe with lungs B They breathe with gills

C They are vertebrates D They live on land

12. Label each group of animals with the name of their classification group.
(Make sure to place your label at the top of each animal group!)


(a) (b)

(c) (d)


A Amphibians B Mammals

C Reptiles D Birds

E Fish

13. Fish are ​(a) and breathe with ​(b)

A gills B cold blooded

C lungs D warm blooded

14. Reptiles and amphibians are similar because they both ​(a)

A lay eggs B are born with gills

C are warm blooded D have smooth, moist skin

15. Match the following

Give birth to live young A A Amphibians

Are warm blooded B B Fish

Have dry, scaly skin C C Mammals

Lays eggs in the water D D Birds

Breathe with gills E E Reptiles

16. Why is it important for scientists to classify animals into groups?

Scientists need to protect the animals Scientists are lazy and don't want to work
habitat. with large groups of animals.

Scientists need to communicate with It allows scientists to easily communicate

plants and animals. with each other.
17. Birds are ​(a) and ​(b) .

A lay eggs B give birth to live young

C cold blooded D warm blooded

18. Fish breathe with ​(a) and live ​(b) . They are ​(c) .

A cold blooded B gills

C in the water D lungs

E warm blooded

19. Amphibians are born ​(a) and breathe with ​(b) when they are born.
When they grow up, they live ​(c) and breathe with ​(d) .

A in the water B lungs

C gills D on land
20. Match the following

Mammals A A Warm blooded

Amphibians B B Warm blooded

Reptiles C C Cold blooded

Birds D D Cold blooded

Fish E E Cold blooded

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