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A missing astronaut, a team of

mysterious robots and three secret The Lost

artefacts? Welcome to the galaxy!
Eddy and Coral are the latest recruits aboard
the starship Stardust, and Admiral Proudfoot is
ready to send them on their first mission. One of
Stardust’s best astronauts, Brook, has gone missing
during a top secret journey to the homeworld. Now
it’s down to Eddy and Coral to find him!

What was the reason for Brook’s mission? And

who are the mysterious robots that seem to be
following the adventurous astronauts around the
galaxy? Help Eddy and Coral solve the puzzles,
outwit the robots, and find the Lost Astronaut in
this fun-filled adventure that’s out of this world!

A Twinkl Puzzled Adventure Book

In this Twinkl Puzzled Adventure Book, The Lost
you join Eddy and Coral in their search across
the galaxy for The Lost Astronaut!

Try to solve the puzzles before moving

on to the next page!

There are hints for each puzzle on pages 45-47

and answers for each puzzle on pages 48-55.

Good luck!
A Twinkl Puzzled Adventure Book

First published 2022 © Twinkl Ltd of Wards Exchange,

197 Ecclesall Road, Sheffield S11 8HW

Copyright © Twinkl Ltd. 2022

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information and
retrieval system, without permission in writing from Twinkl Ltd.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents
are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any
resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Twinkl is a registered trademark of Twinkl Ltd.

Meet the Crew! Stardust’s mission is to explore the galaxy
and learn more about the universe.
Meet Eddy and Coral, two new
recruits of the spaceship Stardust.

1 2
Eddy was unpacking his bags in his new cabin aboard Eddy gulped. “Yes, Admiral!” he said.
Stardust when the telescreen flickered into life. The words:
Eddy looked around the messy cabin and thought about what
INCOMING MESSAGE he needed to take.
flashed up on the monitor in big red letters. “Boots, hat, wristwatch, rucksack, torch, notebook,
binoculars… Boots, hat, wristwatch, rucksack, torch,
Eddy pressed a button at the side of the telescreen and
notebook, binoculars…” he repeated to himself.
Admiral Proudfoot’s face appeared.
He needed to find them quickly – where was everything?
“Eddy!” cried Admiral Proudfoot. “I have a very important
task for you. Get ready for your first mission and meet me Can you find Eddy’s boots, hat, wristwatch, rucksack,
and Coral on the bridge as soon as you can.” torch, notebook and binoculars?

3 4
Eddy gathered his belongings and raced breathlessly “Yesterday I sent Brook, one of our most experienced crew
through the corridors of Stardust to meet Admiral Proudfoot members, on a straightforward mission to Oceana,” Admiral
at the bridge. Proudfoot explained. “But he hasn’t returned. The crew at
Outpost 5 think they have picked up a distress signal.”
Coral was waiting when he arrived.
“Outpost 5…” wondered Eddy. “Coral and I will take a ship
Admiral Proudfoot looked up from the screen that she was
out there right away. We’ll see if we can follow this distress
studying, a frown etched across her forehead.
signal. It might lead us to Brook.”
“Coral! Eddy!” she began. “Thank you for coming so quickly.
“Very good,” said Admiral Proudfoot. “There’s a ship waiting
Let me explain the story so far…”
for you in the docking bay. Good luck. And find that

5 6
Eddy and Coral’s hearts were racing. A journey to Outpost The pair clambered inside the small craft. Eddy looked
5! It was their first mission as Stardust crew. around the cockpit and took hold of the controls. A tingle
of excitement ran through his fingers. Coral was busy
Eddy knew there were space stations, some of them
pressing buttons on the dashboard to prepare Comet for
decades old, orbiting distant planets and moons, crewed
by only two or three people. Their role there was to watch,
to observe, to record. Maybe the crew at Outpost 5 could “This spaceship needs a code to start,” she said, tapping
lead them to Brook? the little screen in the middle of the dashboard. “Any idea
what it is?”
One of Admiral Proudfoot’s android staff led the pair to
the docking bay, where several spaceships were waiting. “No idea,” said Eddy. Then he saw some notes left around
Eddy ran his fingers along the name of their spaceship and the dashboard. “But it looks like the last pilot has left us a
whispered its name. few clues…”

“COMET.” What is the code?

7 8
Coral tapped the code into the keypad and Comet buzzed Where is the signal coming from?
into life. Soon she and Eddy were flying out of the docking
bay, far away from Stardust and into the glittering ocean
of space.

Before long, the shimmering silver structure of Outpost 5

came into view. As they approached, its docking bay doors
opened and Eddy guided Comet carefully inside the space
station. Two of Outpost 5’s crew members were waiting
for them. They guided them to the observation deck at the
top of the space station, where a third crew member was
studying a blinking screen.

“We’re glad you’ve come,” said one of the crew. “We’re

trying to find the source of this distress signal.”

Suddenly the crew member studying the screen jumped

up. “Got it!” she exclaimed, pointing a finger at the screen.
“The signal is coming from here.”

Eddy and Coral checked the screen and then studied the
array of planets out of the window. Brook must be out
there somewhere…

9 10
“So that’s where Brook is,” said Eddy.

“It looks like it,” Coral replied. “We

should go there right now.”

“Here, take this,” said one of the

Outpost crew, handing Coral a small
scanning device. “It will help you
track the signal.”

Eddy and Coral thanked the crew and

set their course for the red, ringed
planet that Brook’s signal was coming

Soon they were flying over the

planet’s rings.

“It’s beautiful,” said Eddy, peering at

scene below them.

“And dangerous,” added Coral. “We’ll

need to find a safe path through its
rings before we land.”

Can you find the path to the planet

through the planet’s rings?

11 12
Coral held out the scanning device. The signal grew stronger
as she and Eddy came closer to the red planet’s surface.

“What’s that?” asked Coral, pointing to a large, blue

spaceship that had landed on the surface of the planet.

“I don’t know,” Eddy replied. “It doesn’t look like one of our

Eddy landed Comet behind some boulders, out of sight of

the mysterious spaceship. He and Coral crept out onto the
planet’s surface and peered around the rock face. “It’s a robot!” he hissed. “Don’t let it see us. It might be a
scavenger bot. It might come after our spaceship.”
“Brook’s signal is definitely coming from that ship,” said
Coral, puzzled. Eddy and Coral crept back behind a boulder.

Suddenly, Eddy saw something move across the surface of the “How are we going to get inside?” Coral asked.
planet. He reached for his binoculars and peered out towards
Eddy scratched his head. “Wait a minute,” he said. “I’ve got
the ship.
an idea.”
13 14
Eddy carefully scrambled up the side of the boulder. Keeping Which door can they use to enter the ship?
low, he now had a better view of the robots’ spaceship and
its surroundings. He watched through his binoculars as five,
then six, then seven robots trundled out of the spaceship and
took up positions around it.

“They’re guarding the spaceship,” Eddy whispered to Coral.

“Someone must have seen us land.”

Coral grabbed Eddy’s binoculars and took a look for herself.

“I can see eight doors into the spaceship,” she said. “And one
of them will be left unguarded. If we’re quick, we can get
inside without being seen!”

“Alright,” Eddy agreed reluctantly. He didn’t like the idea of

creeping past the robots. “Which door is safe to use?”

Coral flicked a switch on the scanning device and the screen

flickered with numbers and letters.

“I’m scanning the robots’ programming,” she said. “It will tell
us which doors they will guard and which door will be clear.”

15 16
Eddy breathed a sigh of relief as he and Coral passed the robot “I think Brook has left us a message,” said Eddy. “But it looks
guards and entered the enormous ship. like the screen is damaged.”
Inside was gloomy and cold. The walls and floors were metallic “I think the writing has been distorted,” said Coral. “What do
and dull. The rooms curved around the shape of the circular you think it says?”
What does the message say?
Coral watched the light on the scanning device flash brighter
and brighter. “We must be really close,” she said.

Eddy followed Coral through each room until finally they came
to Brook’s ship. But there was no sign of Brook.

“We’re lucky there are no robots around here,” whispered Coral.

They crept up to the stolen spacecraft and peered into its

cockpit through a grimy window.

“Where’s Brook?” Coral asked.

Eddy opened the door of Brook’s spacecraft and shone his torch
into the darkness.

“Hey, Coral. Take a look at this,” he said, clambering into the


Coral followed Eddy into the spacecraft. He pointed to the

screen in the centre of the dashboard. It flickered in the gloom.

17 18
“City Moon!” said Coral. “I think I read about that place in “What’s happening?” Eddy cried as they climbed out of
my training. I wonder why Brook has headed there?” Brook’s spacecraft.

Suddenly Brook’s spacecraft slid sideways across the floor. “The robot’s spaceship has taken off!” said Coral. “And we’re
Eddy felt his stomach lurch. His eyes darted around. The still on board!”
robot’s spaceship was beginning to shake.
“Try not to panic!” said Eddy. “There must be an escape pod
somewhere. Let’s find it before the robots find us!”

What is the route to the escape pod?

19 20
Eddy and Coral hurried through the corridors of the robots’ Eddy looked at the array of keys. Each one had an arrow
spaceship as it rose from the surface of the red, ringed planet. pointing in a different direction.
Eddy paused for a moment and watched out of a window as
“It’s an arrow maze,” she explained. “We have to find a
they left their own spacecraft, Comet, far behind.
path from the red arrow on the left to the circular button
“Eek! I hope Admiral Proudfoot isn’t expecting that back!” on the right.”
said Eddy.
Eddy nodded along.
“Never mind that,” said Coral from the corner of the room.
“The red buttons have white arrows on them. We follow the
“Help me open this door, I think I’ve worked out what to do.”
direction of the arrow and press any button that it points
Coral was jabbing at a keypad beside a closed door. Peering to until we reach the circular button on the right. Got it?”
through a circular window, Eddy could see the escape pod
Eddy nodded. “I think so,” he said. ”Let’s go!”
just beyond it.

Which buttons will open the door to the escape pod?

21 22
Coral tapped the buttons and the airlock door opened with
a hiss of escaping air. She and Eddy dashed into the escape
pod and the door closed behind them.

Eddy breathed a sigh of relief as the escape pod released

itself from the robots’ spaceship and drifted into space.

Eddy turned his head to look out of the window. They had
already travelled a long way. Below the escape pod was a
dusty, yellow planet orbited by eight small moons.

“Hey, where is this thing taking us?” he asked.

“The escape pod locks on to the nearest planet,” said Coral,

examining the small control panel on the dashboard. “But
we can override the autopilot and direct the pod wherever
we choose.”

“What was the name of the moon Brook was going to? We
should go there. But which one is it?”

Coral frowned again. “City Moon. I learnt about these

moons in my navigator training,” she said. She reached
into her jacket pocket and pulled out a notepad. “Let me
write down what I remember and we can work out which
Desert Moon is either the moon closest or furthest from the planet.
moon is which.”
Cloud Moon is closer to the planet than Ocean Moon.
What is the name of each moon? Which one is City Moon?
Diamond Moon is more than one moon away from Snow Moon.

Lava Moon is one moon away from Desert Moon.

Snow Moon is two moons away from Lava Moon.

City Moon is closer to the planet than Cloud Moon.

Ice Moon is the sixth moon from the planet.

23 Ocean Moon is either the moon closest or furthest from the planet. 24
Coral took control of the escape pod and directed it towards The pair trudged along the winding path until the way
City Moon. Eddy saw its skyscrapers reaching ominously into opened up into a bustling town centre.
the clouds as they made their descent.
“Which one is the workshop?” Coral asked, her eyes searching
The escape pod landed in a small spaceport. They were every building.
greeted by the crew and Eddy explained that they were
Eddy repeated the description of the workshop. “I think I can
looking for Brook, the lost astronaut.
see it,” he said. “Come on, this way!”
“You’ll find him in the workshop,” shouted one of the
Which building is the workshop?
spaceport crew. He pointed vaguely towards a path that
disappeared into the forest of buildings. “Head that way into
the centre. You’re looking for a building with three round
windows, two doors and three antennae.”

“Thank you!” Eddy and Coral shouted in unison.

25 26
They found Brook inside the workshop with a mug in one hand
“The Cosmic Engine, a machine
and a spanner in the other.
that will give Stardust the
“Aha!” he exclaimed brightly as the pair stepped through the power to bend Space itself,
door. “You found me. I knew Admiral Proudfoot would send allowing travel faster and
someone looking for me.” further than ever before.”
Eddy explained their journey so far. “What happened to you? A
group of robots have taken your spaceship.”
“The Bio Orb, a portable ecosystem
Brook sighed and handed Eddy and Coral each a mug.
that would allow us to terraform desert
“Admiral Proudfoot didn’t tell you much, did she? Let
planets and make them habitable.”
me explain…”

“I was sent on a mission to Oceana, the homeworld, to collect

a top secret cargo and return it to Stardust,” Brook began.
“The Time Driver, a top
secret, experimental
invention thought to give
Stardust the power to
travel through Time.”

“But my ship came into trouble. I found myself in the

grip of a terrible dust storm. I lost my way and landed
on a red, ringed planet. That’s where the robots took my
ship and I made my escape.”

“What happened to your cargo, the three inventions?”

asked Eddy.

“They have a rather frustrating security feature,” Brook

explained. “When they are in danger of being stolen,
they are teleported far away to safety. Now I need
to find them and bring them back. Starting with the
27 Cosmic Engine.” 28
“We’ll help you find it,” said Eddy brightly. “Brilliant!” said Brook. He looked relieved. Perhaps they
would find the Cosmic Engine after all.
“Yeah!” agreed Coral. “But we need to borrow a
spaceship first. Just tell us where we’re going.” Eddy flicked through the Spotter’s Guide to the Planets until
he came to a page filled with planets similar to the drawing
Brook looked glum. “That’s the problem,” he said. “The
Brook had showed him.
location is kept so secret that I don’t know where the
Cosmic Engine is hidden.” “Okay, here we are,” said Eddy thoughtfully. “All we need to
do is find the planet with the same colour moons as the one
Brook took a booklet out of his pocket and searched
in this book. But which planet is it?”
through the pages. He showed it to Eddy and Coral.
Which planet should they travel to?
“Here are two clues,” said Brook, pointing to the
drawings on the page. “One of them shows the planet
that the Cosmic Engine has been sent to. The other shows
a constellation of stars.”

“If we can find out which planet that is, perhaps we can
travel there. But which planet is it?” asked Coral, turning
to Eddy. “Any ideas?”

Eddy smiled. He had a book of his own to share. “The

Spotter’s Guide to the Planets,” he beamed. “I’ve had it
since I was little.”

29 30
Finally they knew which planet the Cosmic Engine had
been sent to.

“Great,” sighed Brook. “Now all we need is a spaceship.”

“We can borrow one from this workshop,” said Eddy. “If it
has one that’s big enough for all three of us.”

The trio headed out into the yard behind the workshop
building. There were spaceships of all different sizes.

“How far away is the planet?” asked Coral.

Eddy checked his book. “About 100,000 miles away,” he

said. “It’s another red, rocky planet.”

Coral checked the list of spaceships that was pinned upon

the wall.

“Aha!” she said at last. “I know which one we can borrow.”

Which spaceship can they borrow?

31 32
Soon they were off. The planet was far away, but the Brook scanned the horizon. “The Cosmic Engine must be
spaceship was even speedier than Comet, and they were on top of one of those mountains,” he suggested. “But
soon approaching the mysterious planet. which one?”

The planet was a desert, and eerily quiet. Brook carefully Coral looked towards the stars and mountains in the
landed the spaceship on an open plain, amongst a circle of distance. Then she remembered something.
distant mountains.
“I’ve got it!” she cried. “I know where the Cosmic Engine
The trio clambered out and looked at the sky in awe. The is hidden! I know which mountain to climb. Follow me!”
deep blue ocean of space glittered with dazzling stars.
Which mountain should they climb?

33 34
Eddy, Coral and Brook headed in the direction of the Suddenly something caught Eddy’s eye. At first it looked like
mountain where they were sure to find the Cosmic Engine. one of the distant stars was drifting through the sky. But as
the shimmering object came closer, a tingle of fear ran down
They followed a dry, dusty path that twisted up the side of
Eddy’s spine.
the mountain. The ground was littered with boulders, stones
and pebbles of rusty red rock. “It’s the robot spaceship!” he hissed. “We’ve been followed!”

“I hope this isn’t a wild goose chase,” said Coral. “Don’t panic!” said Coral. “I’ve seen a cave we can hide
inside. We just need to find the Cosmic Engine before the
Finally they came to the summit of the mountain. It was a
robots get here!”
wide open space, covered in red rubble.
Where is the Cosmic Engine?
The trio looked around, desperate to find the missing
invention. Where was it?

“This is impossible!” said Brook in despair.

35 36
Just as the robots’
spaceship began its
descent, Eddy spotted the
Cosmic Engine’s hiding
place. Carrying it carefully
across the rubble, he
handed it to Brook.

“Phew!” sighed Brook.

“Come,” said Coral,

watching the approaching
spaceship. “The cave’s
entrance is just along this

Eddy and Brook followed

Coral along the mountain
path and out of sight of
the robots.

The cave opened up like

an angry mouth. Eddy
shone a beam of light into
the darkness.

“It’s the only way,” said

Coral. “Come on. We can
do this!”

Which path leads safely

back to the spaceship?

37 38
Eddy breathed a sigh of relief when they finally came out of “The Bio Orb and Time Driver are still missing,” said Coral.
the darkness and returned to the surface of the planet.
“Exactly,” said Brook. “We need to find them.”
Coral looked back at the mountaintop. She could see the
“So where next?” asked Eddy, peering out of the window. The
robots’ spaceship had landed there.
universe was a big place.
“Come on,” she said. “Let’s get out of here before they see us.”
The spaceship’s dashboard lit up. “Looks like a message from
The three astronauts scrambled into the spaceship and soon Admiral Proudfoot,” said Brook.
they were away, leaving the planet and the mysterious robots
Eddy watched as the message flashed up on the screen. The
far behind.
words were scrambled.
Brook tapped the keys on the spaceship’s dashboard. “I’ve
“There’s something wrong with the monitor,” he said. “We’ll
sent a message to Admiral Proudfoot, letting her know where
have to unscramble the message.”
we are,” he explained. “And that we’re not coming home yet.”
What does the message say?
“What do you mean?” asked Eddy.

39 40
“Uh-oh,” said Brook. “Someone’s got to the Bio
Orb before us.”

“Could it be the robots?” asked Coral. “They

were after the Cosmic Engine.”

Brook shrugged. “Could be,” he said.

“There’s only one way to find out!” called Eddy,

flicking switches and pressing buttons on the
spaceship’s dashboard. “Change the course for
Verdius. This adventure isn’t over yet!”

The Story Continues in

The Forest Planet

41 42
Thank you for reading
The Lost Astronaut!

We hope you enjoyed solving all the puzzles along the

way just as much as we enjoyed writing them for you.

An old theatre, a deck of playing cards The Theatre of

and a mysterious teleportation box?
Where will this adventure lead?
When Alex and Sam find an old magic box in the Theatre
of Magic, they are sent back in time to the night of a
talent show. But some of the performers’ props have gone
missing and someone is trying to sabotage the other acts!

Can Alex, Sam and Joey find the missing props? Will
Joey’s magic show go ahead? And will the girls make it
back to the teleportation box in time to get home?

Step inside the Theatre of Magic and help solve the

puzzles in this adventure puzzle book filled with magic,
mystery and suspense.

Adventure at
Dragon Castle
A Twinkl Puzzled Adventure Book

A portal to a para
llel universe, a
to another
a rescue mission
research team and

Under the City

of Mysteria, Prof
a parallel univ
essor Photon
erse with his
Photon File
has travelled to . But now he and
t Dime nsion Invention
top secre little hope
are stran ded there, with
his team al Service
the Mysteria Speci
of escape. When send Agent
ves a scram bled message, they
recei e mission
er on an incredible rescu
Ash Walk research
essor Phot on's underground
into Prof Invention
Meet Captain Cockatoo: emble the Dimension
facility, to reass
ded scientists.
explorer, adventurer, bird! e the stran
and rescu
the puzzles
it takes to solve
The search is on for the Ocean’s Crown. Do you have what
on File?
inside The Phot
When Captain Cockatoo receives an unexpected message, cted by the
documents colle
Told through the t Walker
he and the Aviary Crew set sail to find the Ocean’s Crown Service, help Agen
Mysteria Special les in this
– a legendary treasure now lost to time. But who is the ishly tricky puzz
solve the fiend e book .
message from, and what does it have to do with his old exciting puzzle
adve ntur
friend Magpie, the treasure thief?
What on Earth
Is Captain Cockatoo being led on a wild goose chase? happened to the
Or is the Ocean’s Crown out there somewhere? Professor?
Come aboard Seabird and help Captain Cockatoo solve
the puzzles with First Mate Flamingo, Penny Penguin and
the rest of the Aviary Crew in this adventure puzzle book
filled with mystery, friendship and fun. the Ocean’s Crown Mor
e pu
s her
A Twinkl Puzzled Adventure Book

Ready for your next adventure?

Why not try one of our other

Puzzled Adventure Books?

Looking for the hints and answers?

They’re on the next page...

43 44
The Lost Astronaut Pages 19-20

Hints Find the path from Brook’s spaceship to the escape pod. Use
the doors to move between rooms and the teleporters to move
between floors.
Pages 3-4
Pages 21-22
Look carefully around Eddy’s room. Can you see where each
item is hidden? Find the path between the red arrow and the black circular
button. Which arrows only lead to dead ends or loops? You
Pages 7-8
can rule out these buttons.
Using the clues, work out what each digit could be. Using a
Pages 23-24
process of elimination, which digits can you rule out?
Carefully read Coral’s notes. Which planets can you match to
Pages 9-10
the descriptions? It may help to use a logic grid to solve this
Match the image on the screen to the scene outside the puzzle.
window. Which planet is the one identified on the screen?
Pages 25-26
Pages 11-12
Which building matches the spaceport crew’s description?
Find a path from the spaceship to the red planet through the
Pages 29-30
gaps in the rings.
Look carefully at the colours of the planet’s moons. Which is
Pages 15-16
the only planet with moons that match those colours?
Match each robot to a door on the spaceship. Start with the
Pages 31-32
position of Robot 1. Now can you work out where the other
robots go? What type of spaceship do Eddy, Coral and Brook need? How
far will they travel, how many seats will they need and what
Pages 17-18
type of planet will they travel to?
The letters in the message have been distorted. Can you work
Pages 33-34
out what each letter is supposed to be?
Is there a pattern of stars that looks familiar? Where has
Coral seen it before?

45 46
Pages 35-36 The Lost Astronaut
The Cosmic Engine is hidden amongst the debris on the Answers
mountaintop. Can you find it?

Pages 37-38 Pages 3-4:

Find the path from the mountaintop to safety. Use the steps to Eddy’s belongings
Eddy was unpacking his bags in his new cabin aboard Eddy gulped. “Yes, Admiral!” he said.
are circled here.
move between the layers of the maze of tunnels.
Stardust when the telescreen flickered into life. The words:
Eddy looked around the messy cabin and thought about what
INCOMING MESSAGE he needed to take.
flashed up on the monitor in big red letters. “Boots, hat, wristwatch, rucksack, torch, notebook,
binoculars… Boots, hat, wristwatch, rucksack, torch,

Pages 39-40
Eddy pressed a button at the side of the telescreen and
notebook, binoculars…” he repeated to himself.
Admiral Proudfoot’s face appeared.
He needed to find them quickly – where was everything?
“Eddy!” cried Admiral Proudfoot. “I have a very important
task for you. Get ready for your first mission and meet me Can you find Eddy’s boots, hat, wristwatch, rucksack,

The letters in the message have been rearranged into a

and Coral on the bridge as soon as you can.” torch, notebook and binoculars?

pattern. Can you see work out what it is?

3 4

Pages 7-8:
The code is 6329
Eddy and Coral’s hearts were racing. A journey to Outpost The pair clambered inside the small craft. Eddy looked
5! It was their first mission as Stardust crew. around the cockpit and took hold of the controls. A tingle
of excitement ran through his fingers. Coral was busy
Eddy knew there were space stations, some of them
pressing buttons on the dashboard to prepare Comet for
decades old, orbiting distant planets and moons, crewed
by only two or three people. Their role there was to watch,
to observe, to record. Maybe the crew at Outpost 5 could “This spaceship needs a code to start,” she said, tapping
lead them to Brook? the little screen in the middle of the dashboard. “Any idea
what it is?”
One of Admiral Proudfoot’s android staff led the pair to
the docking bay, where several spaceships were waiting. “No idea,” said Eddy. Then he saw some notes left around
Eddy ran his fingers along the name of their spaceship and the dashboard. “But it looks like the last pilot has left us a
whispered its name. few clues…”

“COMET.” What is the code?

7 8

47 48
Pages 9-10: Pages 15-16:
The distress signal These are the
Coral tapped the code into the keypad and Comet buzzed Where is the signal coming from? Eddy carefully scrambled up the side of the boulder. Keeping Which door can they use to enter the ship?
into life. Soon she and Eddy were flying out of the docking is coming from this low, he now had a better view of the robots’ spaceship and doors guarded by
bay, far away from Stardust and into the glittering ocean its surroundings. He watched through his binoculars as five,
of space.
planet. then six, then seven robots trundled out of the spaceship and
took up positions around it.
the robots. Door
Before long, the shimmering silver structure of Outpost 5
came into view. As they approached, its docking bay doors
opened and Eddy guided Comet carefully inside the space
“They’re guarding the spaceship,” Eddy whispered to Coral.
“Someone must have seen us land.”
E is unguarded.
station. Two of Outpost 5’s crew members were waiting
for them. They guided them to the observation deck at the
Coral grabbed Eddy’s binoculars and took a look for herself. Eddy and Coral
top of the space station, where a third crew member was “I can see eight doors into the spaceship,” she said. “And one
studying a blinking screen. of them will be left unguarded. If we’re quick, we can get can enter the
inside without being seen!”

spaceship through
“We’re glad you’ve come,” said one of the crew. “We’re
trying to find the source of this distress signal.” “Alright,” Eddy agreed reluctantly. He didn’t like the idea of
creeping past the robots. “Which door is safe to use?”
Door E.
Suddenly the crew member studying the screen jumped
up. “Got it!” she exclaimed, pointing a finger at the screen. Coral flicked a switch on the scanning device and the screen
“The signal is coming from here.” flickered with numbers and letters.

Eddy and Coral checked the screen and then studied the “I’m scanning the robots’ programming,” she said. “It will tell
array of planets out of the window. Brook must be out us which doors they will guard and which door will be clear.”
there somewhere…

9 10 15 16

Pages 11-12: Pages 17-18:

Navigate the rings The message says:
“So that’s where Brook is,” said Eddy. Eddy breathed a sigh of relief as he and Coral passed the robot “I think Brook has left us a message,” said Eddy. “But it looks

“It looks like it,” Coral replied. “We of the planet. guards and entered the enormous ship. like the screen is damaged.” THE ROBOTS
Inside was gloomy and cold. The walls and floors were metallic
should go there right now.” “I think the writing has been distorted,” said Coral. “What do
and dull. The rooms curved around the shape of the circular you think it says?”
“Here, take this,” said one of the
Outpost crew, handing Coral a small What does the message say?
scanning device. “It will help you Coral watched the light on the scanning device flash brighter
track the signal.” and brighter. “We must be really close,” she said.

Eddy and Coral thanked the crew and Eddy followed Coral through each room until finally they came ESCAPING TO
set their course for the red, ringed to Brook’s ship. But there was no sign of Brook.
planet that Brook’s signal was coming
“We’re lucky there are no robots around here,” whispered Coral. CITY MOON. YOU
Soon they were flying over the
They crept up to the stolen spacecraft and peered into its
cockpit through a grimy window.
planet’s rings.

“It’s beautiful,” said Eddy, peering at

“Where’s Brook?” Coral asked.
scene below them. Eddy opened the door of Brook’s spacecraft and shone his torch
into the darkness.
“And dangerous,” added Coral. “We’ll
need to find a safe path through its “Hey, Coral. Take a look at this,” he said, clambering into the
rings before we land.” cockpit.

Can you find the path to the planet Coral followed Eddy into the spacecraft. He pointed to the
through the planet’s rings? screen in the centre of the dashboard. It flickered in the gloom.

11 12 17 18

49 50
Pages 19-20: Pages 23-24:
This is the The moons are:
“City Moon!” said Coral. “I think I read about that place in “What’s happening?” Eddy cried as they climbed out of Coral tapped the buttons and the airlock door opened with
my training. I wonder why Brook has headed there?” Brook’s spacecraft. route to the a hiss of escaping air. She and Eddy dashed into the escape 1. Desert Moon.
pod and the door closed behind them.

escape pod. 2. Lava Moon

Suddenly Brook’s spacecraft slid sideways across the floor. “The robot’s spaceship has taken off!” said Coral. “And we’re
Eddy felt his stomach lurch. His eyes darted around. The still on board!” Eddy breathed a sigh of relief as the escape pod released
robot’s spaceship was beginning to shake. itself from the robots’ spaceship and drifted into space.
3. City Moon
“Try not to panic!” said Eddy. “There must be an escape pod
somewhere. Let’s find it before the robots find us!” Eddy turned his head to look out of the window. They had
already travelled a long way. Below the escape pod was a
What is the route to the escape pod?
dusty, yellow planet orbited by eight small moons. 4. Snow Moon
“Hey, where is this thing taking us?” he asked.

“The escape pod locks on to the nearest planet,” said Coral, 5. Cloud Moon
6. Ice Moon
examining the small control panel on the dashboard. “But
we can override the autopilot and direct the pod wherever
we choose.”

“What was the name of the moon Brook was going to? We 7. Diamond Moon
should go there. But which one is it?”

Coral frowned again. “City Moon. I learnt about these 8. Ocean Moon
moons in my navigator training,” she said. She reached
into her jacket pocket and pulled out a notepad. “Let me
write down what I remember and we can work out which
Desert Moon is either the moon closest or furthest from the planet.
moon is which.”
Cloud Moon is closer to the planet than Ocean Moon.
What is the name of each moon? Which one is City Moon?
Diamond Moon is more than one moon away from Snow Moon.

Lava Moon is one moon away from Desert Moon.

Snow Moon is two moons away from Lava Moon.

City Moon is closer to the planet than Cloud Moon.

Ice Moon is the sixth moon from the planet.

19 20 23 Ocean Moon is either the moon closest or furthest from the planet. 24

Pages 21-22: Pages 25-26:

This is the This building is
Eddy and Coral hurried through the corridors of the robots’ Eddy looked at the array of keys. Each one had an arrow Coral took control of the escape pod and directed it towards The pair trudged along the winding path until the way
spaceship as it rose from the surface of the red, ringed planet. pointing in a different direction. sequence of City Moon. Eddy saw its skyscrapers reaching ominously into opened up into a bustling town centre. the workshop.
Eddy paused for a moment and watched out of a window as the clouds as they made their descent.

buttons that will

“It’s an arrow maze,” she explained. “We have to find a “Which one is the workshop?” Coral asked, her eyes searching
they left their own spacecraft, Comet, far behind.
path from the red arrow on the left to the circular button The escape pod landed in a small spaceport. They were every building.
“Eek! I hope Admiral Proudfoot isn’t expecting that back!” on the right.” greeted by the crew and Eddy explained that they were
open the door.
Eddy repeated the description of the workshop. “I think I can
said Eddy. looking for Brook, the lost astronaut.
Eddy nodded along. see it,” he said. “Come on, this way!”
“Never mind that,” said Coral from the corner of the room. “You’ll find him in the workshop,” shouted one of the
“The red buttons have white arrows on them. We follow the Which building is the workshop?
“Help me open this door, I think I’ve worked out what to do.” spaceport crew. He pointed vaguely towards a path that
direction of the arrow and press any button that it points
disappeared into the forest of buildings. “Head that way into
Coral was jabbing at a keypad beside a closed door. Peering to until we reach the circular button on the right. Got it?”
the centre. You’re looking for a building with three round
through a circular window, Eddy could see the escape pod
Eddy nodded. “I think so,” he said. ”Let’s go!” windows, two doors and three antennae.”
just beyond it.
“Thank you!” Eddy and Coral shouted in unison.

Which buttons will open the door to the escape pod?

21 22 25 26

51 52
Pages 29-30: Pages 33-34:
They should The Cosmic
“We’ll help you find it,” said Eddy brightly. “Brilliant!” said Brook. He looked relieved. Perhaps they Soon they were off. The planet was far away, but the Brook scanned the horizon. “The Cosmic Engine must be
“Yeah!” agreed Coral. “But we need to borrow a
would find the Cosmic Engine after all. travel to Sargus. spaceship was even speedier than Comet, and they were on top of one of those mountains,” he suggested. “But Engine is on this
soon approaching the mysterious planet. which one?”

It has moons mountain. The

spaceship first. Just tell us where we’re going.” Eddy flicked through the Spotter’s Guide to the Planets until
he came to a page filled with planets similar to the drawing The planet was a desert, and eerily quiet. Brook carefully Coral looked towards the stars and mountains in the
Brook looked glum. “That’s the problem,” he said. “The
Brook had showed him. landed the spaceship on an open plain, amongst a circle of distance. Then she remembered something.
matching constellation
location is kept so secret that I don’t know where the
distant mountains.
Cosmic Engine is hidden.” “Okay, here we are,” said Eddy thoughtfully. “All we need to “I’ve got it!” she cried. “I know where the Cosmic Engine
do is find the planet with the same colour moons as the one The trio clambered out and looked at the sky in awe. The is hidden! I know which mountain to climb. Follow me!”
Brook took a booklet out of his pocket and searched
through the pages. He showed it to Eddy and Coral.
in this book. But which planet is it?” the planet in deep blue ocean of space glittered with dazzling stars.
Which mountain should they climb? of stars above
Which planet should they travel to?
“Here are two clues,” said Brook, pointing to the
drawings on the page. “One of them shows the planet Brook’s picture. the mountain
that the Cosmic Engine has been sent to. The other shows
a constellation of stars.” matches the
pattern on the
“If we can find out which planet that is, perhaps we can
travel there. But which planet is it?” asked Coral, turning
to Eddy. “Any ideas?”

Eddy smiled. He had a book of his own to share. “The picture in Brook’s
Spotter’s Guide to the Planets,” he beamed. “I’ve had it
since I was little.” book.

29 30 33 34

Pages 31-32 Pages 35-36

This is the The Cosmic
Finally they knew which planet the Cosmic Engine had
been sent to. spaceship they Engine is
should borrow. hidden here.
“Great,” sighed Brook. “Now all we need is a spaceship.”

“We can borrow one from this workshop,” said Eddy. “If it
has one that’s big enough for all three of us.”

The trio headed out into the yard behind the workshop
building. There were spaceships of all different sizes.

“How far away is the planet?” asked Coral.

Eddy checked his book. “About 100,000 miles away,” he

said. “It’s another red, rocky planet.”

Coral checked the list of spaceships that was pinned upon

the wall.

“Aha!” she said at last. “I know which one we can borrow.”

Which spaceship can they borrow?

31 32

53 54
Pages 37-38:
This is the
Just as the robots’
spaceship began its path through
descent, Eddy spotted the
Cosmic Engine’s hiding
place. Carrying it carefully
the tunnels.
across the rubble, he
handed it to Brook.

“Phew!” sighed Brook.

“Come,” said Coral,

watching the approaching
spaceship. “The cave’s
entrance is just along this

Eddy and Brook followed

Coral along the mountain
path and out of sight of
the robots.

The cave opened up like

an angry mouth. Eddy
shone a beam of light into
the darkness.

“It’s the only way,” said

Coral. “Come on. We can
do this!”

Which path leads safely

back to the spaceship?

37 38

Pages 39-40:
The letters in the
Eddy breathed a sigh of relief when they finally came out of “The Bio Orb and Time Driver are still missing,” said Coral.
the darkness and returned to the surface of the planet.
“Exactly,” said Brook. “We need to find them.” message follow a
zig-zag pattern.
Coral looked back at the mountaintop. She could see the
“So where next?” asked Eddy, peering out of the window. The
robots’ spaceship had landed there.
universe was a big place.

The message
“Come on,” she said. “Let’s get out of here before they see us.”
The spaceship’s dashboard lit up. “Looks like a message from
The three astronauts scrambled into the spaceship and soon Admiral Proudfoot,” said Brook.
they were away, leaving the planet and the mysterious robots
far behind.
Eddy watched as the message flashed up on the screen. The
words were scrambled.
Brook tapped the keys on the spaceship’s dashboard. “I’ve
sent a message to Admiral Proudfoot, letting her know where
“There’s something wrong with the monitor,” he said. “We’ll MESSAGE. THE
If you’d like some more puzzles to solve,
have to unscramble the message.”


we are,” he explained. “And that we’re not coming home yet.”
What does the message say?
“What do you mean?” asked Eddy.

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