Animals Intro 3

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Animals display a remarkable range of cognitive abilities and problem-

solving skills. Dolphins, for example, are known for their complex social
structures, communication skills, and ability to use tools. Crows and ravens
are highly intelligent birds that have been observed using tools to obtain
food. Some primates, such as chimpanzees and bonobos, can solve intricate
puzzles and even demonstrate a basic understanding of numbers and

Many animal species undertake incredible journeys during migration, often

traveling thousands of miles to find suitable breeding or feeding grounds.
Monarch butterflies migrate from North America to Mexico, and Arctic
terns travel from the Arctic to the Antarctic and back. These migrations are
often guided by an impressive sense of navigation, which can involve using
the Earth's magnetic field, celestial cues, and even landmarks to find their

Marine mammals like dolphins and whales are known for their exceptional
use of echolocation—a biological sonar system that allows them to
navigate and locate prey in the dark depths of the ocean. These animals
emit sounds that bounce off objects in their environment, providing them
with detailed information about their surroundings. Whales also use
complex vocalizations, known as songs, for communication and potentially
for mating purposes.

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