The Chernobyl Disaster

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A presentation on the
The World's Worst history and the after-
effects of the nuclear

Nuclear Disaster catastrophe that changed

the world.

in History
The disaster occurred when technicians at reactor Unit
4 attempted a poorly designed experiment. Workers
shut down the reactor’s power-regulating system and

HAPPENED its emergency safety systems, and they withdrew most

of the control rods from its core while allowing the

reactor to continue running at 7% power. These
mistakes were added up by others, and the chain
reactions in the core went out of control. Several
explosions triggered a large fireball and blew off the
heavy steel and concrete lid of the reactor. This and the
ensuing fire in the graphite reactor core released large
amounts of radioactive material into the atmosphere,
where it was carried great distances by air currents.
The accident occured on April 25–
26, 1986. With the continuous
WHEN DID IT mistakes coming to a front, at 1:23
AM at April 26, the chain reaction
HAPPEN at nuclear reactor unit 4 blasted out
??? of control, beginning the worst
nuclear disaster of the century.

Due to multiple changes in the power supplied to

nuclear reactor 4, the main cause for the Chernobyl
accident, it aggravated the state of the machine, and the
graphite rods that were supposed to subdue the reaction,
a normal measure, instead powered the reactor and made
it explode and that began the chemical explosion that
brought on severe damage.
2 people were killed in the initial blast, 134
plant workers eventually passed away from
ARS, acute radiation syndrome. The
firefighters who came to put out the fire sadly
suffered the same fate in a few days because of
the radiation in the sky. People were
evacuated and saved but many suffered from
radiation sickness and they either died in a few
days or got cancer and passed away later on.
Thyroid cancer in so many children who
were affected. A severe blast that shocked all
of Europe.
The Social Effects
The entire world felt the blast at the nuclear plant.
Countries like Germany and Italy cancelled their
nuclear plant creation, plants were shut down in so
many countries. Some of the most powerful
countries in the world had to make changes in
their conduction, the shockwave was both physical
and metaphorical. One explosion changed things
everywhere. Scientists had new precautions and
protocols for the nuclear reactors, new designs, and
changes that would guarantee safety and no
possibility of any more nuclear explosions.

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