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Construction of New Office Building at Mahakali Irrigation Management Office,

National Competitive Bidding (NCB)

Single-Stage: Two-Envelope Bidding Procedure

IFB No.: IDSC_Kanchanpur/NCB/COB/01/2079/080

Contract Identification No.: IDSC_Kanchanpur/NCB/COB/01/2079/080

Institutional Development Support Component

Issued on: 06-07-2023 00:00
BD ... ................................................................... Bidding Document
BDF ................................................................... Bidding Forms

BDS ................................................................... Bid Data Sheet

BOQ ... ............................................................. . Bill of Quantities

COF ................................................................ . Contract Forms

DP ... ................................................................ . Development Partners

DoLI ... ............................................................... . Department of Local Infrastructure

ELI ... ............................................................ ... Eligibility

EQC ... ............................................................... Evaluation and Qualification Criteria

EXP ... ............................................................... Experience

FIN ... ............................................................ ... Financial

GCC ... ............................................................... General Conditions of Contract

GoN1 ... .............................................................. Government of Nepal

ICC ... ................................................................ . International Chamber of Commerce

IFB ……………………………………. Invitation for Bids

ITB ... ................................................................ . Instructions to Bidders

JV ... .................................................................. Joint Venture

LIT ... ............................................................ ... Litigation

NCB ... ............................................................. . National Competitive Bidding

PAN ... .............................................................. Permanent Account Number

PPA ... ............................................................... Public Procurement Act

PPMO ... ........................................................... Public Procurement Monitoring Office

PPR ... ............................................................... Public Procurement Regulations

PL ... .................................................................... Profit & Loss

SBD ................................................................... Standard Bidding Document

SCC ... ............................................................... Special Conditions of Contract

TS ... .................................................................... Technical Specifications

VAT ... .............................................................. Value Added Tax

WRQ ... ......................................................... ... Works Requirements
Table of Contents
Invitation for Bids .........................................................................................................................

Part I: BIDDING PROCEDURES ...............................................................................................

Section I: Instructions to Bidders ..............................................................................................

Section II : Bid Data Sheet .......................................................................................................
Section III: Evaluation and Qualification Criteria .......................................................................
Section IV: Bidding Forms ........................................................................................................
Section V - Eligible Countries ...................................................................................................

Part II : EMPLOYER'S REQUIREMENT ....................................................................................

Section VI: Works Requirements .............................................................................................

Section VII: Bill of Quantities ....................................................................................................

Part III: CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT AND CONTRACT FORMS ........................................

Section VIII: General Conditions of Contract ...........................................................................

Section IX: Special Conditions of Contract ................................................................................
Section X: Contract Forms ........................................................................................................
Invitation for Bids
Institutional Development Support Component

Date of publication: 06-07-2023 00:00


2. Institutional Development Support Component invites electronic bids from eligible bidders for the construction of
Construction of New Office Building at Mahakali Irrigation Management Office, Kanchanpur under National
Competitive Bidding – Single Stage Two Envelope Bidding procedures.

Only eligible bidders with the following key qualifications should participate in this bidding:

Minimum Average Annual Construction Turnover of the best 3 years within the last 10 years: 53900000.00
Minimum Work experience of similar size and nature: 57500000.00

3. Under the Single Stage, Two Envelope Procedure, Bidders are required to submit simultaneously two separate
sealed envelopes, one containing (i) the Technical Bid and the other (ii) the Price Bid, both in turn enclosed in one
sealed envelope as per the provision of ITB 21 of the Bidding Document.

4. Eligible Bidders may obtain further information and inspect the Bidding Documents at the office of
Institutional Development Support Component, Lalitpur, Lalitpur, Bagmati Province, Nepal or may visit PPMO e-
GP system

5. If hard-copy is allowed then a complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased from the office Institutional
Development Support Component, Lalitpur, Lalitpur, Bagmati Province, Nepal by eligible Bidders on the
submission of a written application, along with the copy of company/firm registration certificate, and upon
payment of a non-refundable fee of 5000.0 NRs. till 06-08-2023 12:00 during office hours.


Bidder who chooses to submit their bid electronically may purchase the hard copy of the bidding documents as
mentioned above or may download the bidding documents for e-submission from PPMO’s e-GP system www. Bidders, submitting their bid electronically, should deposit the cost of bidding document in
the Project’s Rajaswa (revenue) account as specified below

Information to deposit the cost of bidding document in Bank:

Name of the Bank: Nepal Bank Ltd.
Name of the Office: Institutional Development Support Component
Office Code no: 308033407
Office Account no: 00101000000001001001
Rajaswa (revenue) Shirshak no: 14229
6. Pre-bid meeting shall be held at Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy,Water Resource and Irrigation
Department of Water Resource and Irrigation
Institutional Development Support Component
Bagmati Province
Nepal at 26-07-2023 13:00 hours.
7. Sealed or electronic bids must be submitted to the office Institutional Development Support Component, Lalitpur,
Lalitpur, Bagmati Province, Nepal by hand/courier or through PPMO’s e-GP system on
or before 06-08-2023 12:00. Bids received after this deadline will be rejected.

8. The bids will be opened in the presence of Bidders' representatives who choose to attend at 06-08-2023 15:00 hours
at the office of Government of Nepal
Ministry of Energy,Water Resource and Irrigation
Department of Water Resource and Irrigation
Institutional Development Support Component
Bagmati Province
Nepal. Bids must be valid for a period of 90 days after bid opening and must be accompanied by a bid security or
scanned copy of the bid security in pdf format in case of e-bid, amounting to a minimum of NRs. 2050000 which
shall be valid for 30 days beyond the validity period of the bid.
9. If the last date of purchasing and /or submission falls on a government holiday, then the next working day shall be
considered as the last date. In such case the validity period of the bid and bid security shall remain the same as
specified for the original last date of bid submission.
10. Evaluation and Qualification Criteria:

Average Annual Construction Turnover:


Financial Resources:
Using Forms FIN - 3 and FIN - 4 in Section IV (Bidding Forms) the Bidder must demonstrate access to, or
availability of, financial resources such as liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, and other financial resources,
(other than any contractual advance payments) to meet the cash-flow requirement of NRs. 1,50,00,000.00

For Single Entity : Must meet requirement

For joint Venture : Each partner Must meet 25% of the requirement
All partner combined: Must meet requirement
One partner -> must meet 40% of the requirement

Documents Submission Requirements : Form FIN - 3

Part I: Bidding Procedures
Section I: Instructions to Bidders

This section specifies the procedures to be followed by Bidders in the preparation and
submission of their Bids. Information is also provided on the submission, opening, and
evaluation of bids and on the award of contract.

Table of Clauses

A. General ..............................................................................................................................
1. Scope of Bid ....................................................................................................................................
2. Source of Funds ..............................................................................................................................
3. Fraud and Corruption .....................................................................................................................
4.Eligible Bidders ................................................................................................................................
5. Eligible Materials, Equipment and Services ....................................................................................
B. Contents of Bidding Documents ..........................................................................................
6. Sections of Bidding Document ........................................................................................................
7. Clarification of Bidding Document, Site Visit, Pre-Bid Meeting .....................................................
8. Amendment of Bidding Document ...............................................................................................
9. Cost of Bidding ................................................................................................................................
10. Language of Bid ............................................................................................................................
11. Documents Comprising the Bid ....................................................................................................
12. Letter of Bid and Schedules ..........................................................................................................
13. Alternative Bids ...........................................................................................................................
14. Bid Prices and Discounts .............................................................................................................
15. Currency of Bid and Payment .....................................................................................................
16. Documents Comprising the Technical Proposal ...........................................................................
17. Documents Establishing theQualifications ofthe Bidder ............................................................
18. Period of Validity of Bids..............................................................................................................
19. Bid Security ..................................................................................................................................
20. Format and Signing of Bid ............................................................................................................
D. Submission and Opening of Bids .........................................................................................
21. Sealing and Marking of Bids..........................................................................................................
22. Deadline for Submission of Bids ...................................................................................................
23. Late Bids .......................................................................................................................................
24. Withdrawal, andModification ofBids............................................................................................
25. Bid Opening ..................................................................................................................................
E. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids .....................................................................................
26. Confidentiality ..............................................................................................................................
27. Clarification of Bids ......................................................................................................................
28. Deviations, Reservations, and Omissions ...................................................................................
29. Examination of Technical Bid .......................................................................................................
30. Determination of Responsiveness of Technical Bid ....................................................................
31.NonconformitiesErrors, andOmissions...........................................................................................
32 Qualification of the Bidder ............................................................................................................
33. Correction of Arithmetical Errors ..............................................................................................
34 Subcontractors ...............................................................................................................................
35. Evaluation of Price Bids ................................................................................................................
36. Comparison of Bids .......................................................................................................................
37. Employer’s Right to Accept Any Bid, and to Reject Any or All Bids ...............................................
38. Award Criteria ...............................................................................................................................
39. Letter of Intent to Award the Contract/Notification of Award....................................................
40. Performance Security and Line of Credit ......................................................................................
41 Signing of Contract ........................................................................................................................
42. Complaint and Review .................................................................................................................
Section I: Instructions to Bidders

A. General
1. Scope of Bid 1.1 In connection with the Invitation for Bids indicated in the Bid Data Sheet (BDS),
the Employer, as indicated in the BDS, issues this Bidding Document for the
procurement of Works as specified in Section VI (Works Requirements). The
name, identification, and number of lots (contracts) of the National
Competitive Bidding (NCB) are provided in the BDS.
1.2 Throughout this Bidding Document:
(a)the term “in writing” means communicated in written form and delivered
against receipt;
(b) except where the context requires otherwise, words indicating the
singular also include the plural and words indicating the plural also include
the singular; and
(c) “day” means calendar day.
2. Source of Funds 2.1 GoN Funded: In accordance with its annual program and budget, approved by the
GoN, the implementing agency indicated in the BDS plans to apply a portion of
the allocated budget to eligible payments under the contract(s) for which this
Bidding Document is issued.
Public Entities' own Resource Funded: In accordance with its annual program
and budget, approved by the public entity, the implementing agency indicated
in the BDS plans to apply a portion of the allocated budget to eligible payments
under the contract(s) for which this Bidding Document is issued.
DP Funded: The GoN has applied for or received financing (hereinafter
called “funds”) from the Development Partner (hereinafter called “the DP”)
indicated in the BDS toward the cost of the project named in the BDS. The
GoN intends to apply a portion of the funds to eligible payments under the
contract(s) for which this Bidding Document is issued.
2.2 DP Funded: Payment by the DP will be made only at the request of the GoN and
upon approval by the DP in accordance with the terms and conditions of the
financing agreement between the GoN and the DP (hereinafter called the
“Loan/Grant Agreement”), and will be subject in all respects to the terms and
conditions of that Loan/Grant Agreement. No party other than the GoN shall
derive any rights from the Loan Agreement or have any claim to the funds.

3. Fraud and Corruption 3.1 Procuring Entities as well as Bidders, suppliers and contractors and their sub-
contractors shall adhere to the highest standard of ethics during the
procurement and execution of such contracts. In pursuance of this:;

(a) the Employer adopts, for the purposes of this provision, the terms as
defined below:
(i) “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving, or
soliciting, directly or indirectly, anything of value to influence improperly
the actions of another party;

(ii) “fraudulent practice” means any act or omission, including a

misrepresentation, that knowingly or recklessly misleads, or attempts
to mislead, a party to obtain a financial or other benefit or to avoid
an obligation;

(iii) “coercive practice” means impairing or harming, or threatening to

impair or harm, directly or indirectly, any party or the property of the
party to influence improperly the actions of a party;

(iv) “collusive practice” means an arrangement between two or more

parties designed to achieve an improper purpose, including influencing
improperly the actions of another party.

v) “obstructive practice” means (a) deliberately destroying, falsifying,

altering, or concealing of evidence material to an investigation; (b)
making false statements to investigators in order to materially impede an
investigation; (c) failing to comply with requests to provide information,
documents, or records in connection with an investigation; (d)
threatening, harassing, or intimidating any party to prevent it from
disclosing its knowledge of matters relevant to the investigation or from
pursuing the investigation; or (e) materially impeding GoN/DP’s
contractual rights of audit or access to information; and

vi) “integrity violation” is any act which violates Anticorruption Policy,

including (i) to (v) above and the following: abuse, conflict of interest,
violations of GoN/DP sanctions, retaliation against whistleblowers or
witnesses, and other violations of Anticorruption Policy, including failure
to adhere to the highest ethical standard.

(b) the Employer will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the
Bidder recommended for award has, directly or through an agent, engaged in
corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or obstructive practices or other
integrity violations in competing for the contract;
(c) DP will cancel the portion of the financing allocated to a contract if it
determines at any time that representative(s) of the GoN/or of a beneficiary
of DP-financing engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, or coercive
practices or other integrity violations during the procurement or the execution
of that contract, without the GoN having taken timely and appropriate
action satisfactory to DP to remedy the situation.

(d) DP will impose remedial actions on a firm or an individual, at any time, in

accordance with DP's Anticorruption Policy and related Guidelines (as
amended from time to time), including declaring ineligible, either indefinitely
or for a stated period of time, to participate in DP-financed, -administered, or
-supported activities or to benefit from an DP-financed, -administered, or -
supported contract, financially or otherwise, if it at any time determines that
the firm or individual has, directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt,
fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or obstructive practices or other integrity
violations; and

(e) The Contractor shall permit the GoN/DP to inspect the Contractor’s
accounts and records relating to the performance of the Contractor and to have
them audited by auditors appointed by the GoN /DP, if so required by the

3.2 The Bidder shall not carry out or cause to carry out the following acts
with an intention to influence the implementation
of the procurement process or the procurement agreement :

(a) give or propose improper inducement directly or indirectly,

(b) distortion or misrepresentation of facts,
(c) engaging in corrupt or fraudulent practice or involving in such act,
(d) interference in participation of other competing bidders,
(e) coercion or threatening directly or indirectly to cause harm to the
person or the property of any person to be involved in the procurement
(f) collusive practice among bidders before or after submission of bids for
distribution of works among bidders or fixing artificial/uncompetitive bid
price with an intention to deprive the Employer the benefit of open
competitive bid price,
(g) Contacting the Employer with an intention to influence the Employer
with regards to the bids or interference of any kind in examination and
evaluation of the bids during the period from the time of opening of the
bids until the notification of award of contract.
3.3 PPMO, on the recommendation of the Procuring Entity may blacklist a Bidder
for a period of one (1) to three (3) years for its conduct including on the following
grounds and seriousness of the act committed by the bidder:

(a) if convicted by a court of law in a criminal offence which disqualifies the

Bidder from participating in the contract,
(b) if it is established that the contract agreement signed by the Bidder was based
on false or misrepresentation of Bidder’s qualification information,
(c)if it at any time determines that the firm has, directly or through an agent,
engaged in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or obstructive practices in
competing for, or in executing, a GoN/DP-financed contract.
(d) if the Successful Bidder fails to sign the Contract.
(e) if the bidder fails to inform about the saturation of maximum number of
contracts as per ITB 4.10.
3.4 A bidder declared blacklisted and ineligible by the GoN, Public Procurement
Monitoring Office (PPMO) and/or the DP in case of DP funded project, may be
ineligible to bid for a contract during the period of time determined by the GoN,
PPMO and/or the DP.
3.5 In case of a natural person or firm/institution/company which is already declared
blacklisted and ineligible by the GoN, any other new or existing
firm/institution/company owned partially or fully by such Natural person or
Owner or Board of director of blacklisted firm/institution/company; shall not be
eligible bidder.

3.6 Furthermore, Bidders shall be aware of the provisions of GCC (GCC 28.3 and
4. Eligible Bidders 4.1 A Bidder may be a natural person, private entity, or government owned entity
subject to ITB 4.5 or any combination of them in the form of a Joint Venture (JV)
under an existing agreement, or with the intent to constitute a legally-enforceable
joint venture. In the case of a JV:
(a) all partners shall be jointly and severally liable for the execution of the
Contract in accordance with the Contract terms. Maximum number of JV
shall be as specified in the BDS and

(b) the JV shall nominate a Representative who shall have the authority to
conduct all business for and on behalf of any and all the parties of the JV
during the bidding process and, in the event the JV is awarded the
Contract, during Contract execution.

4.2 A Bidder, and all parties constituting the Bidder, shall have the nationality of an
eligible country, in accordance with Section V (Eligible Countries). A Bidder
shall be deemed to have the nationality of a country if the Bidder is a citizen or is
constituted, or incorporated, and operates in conformity with the provisions of
the laws of that country. This criterion shall also apply to the determination of the
nationality of proposed sub-contractors or suppliers for any part of the Contract
including related services.
4.3 A Bidder shall not have a conflict of interest. A Bidder found to have a conflict of
interest shall be disqualified. A Bidder may be considered to be in a conflict of
interest with one or more parties in this bidding process, if any of, including but not
limited to, the following apply:
(a) they have controlling shareholders in common; or
(b) they receive or have received any direct or indirect subsidy from any of them;
(c) they have the same legal representative for purposes of this bid; or
(d) they have a relationship with each other, directly or through common third
parties, that puts them in a position to have access to material information
about or improperly influence the Bid of another Bidder, or influence the
decisions of the Employer regarding this bidding process; or
(e) a Bidder participates in more than one bid in this bidding process either
individually or as a partner in a joint venture. This will result in the
disqualification of all Bids in which it is involved. However, subject to any
finding of a conflict of interest in terms of ITB 4.3 (a)-(d) above, this does not
limit the participation of the same subcontractor in more than one bid; or
(f) a Bidder or any of its affiliated entity, participated as a consultant in the
preparation of the design or technical specifications of the works that are the
subject of the Bid; or
(g) a Bidder was affiliated with a firm or entity that has been hired (or is proposed to
be hired) by the Employer as Engineer for the Contract.
(h) a Bidder that has a close business or family relationship with a professional
staff of the Procuring Entity.

4.4 A firm that is under a declaration of ineligibility by the GoN in accordance

with ITB 3, at the date of the deadline for bid submission or thereafter, shall be
disqualified. A firm shall not be eligible to participate in any procurement
activities under an DP-financed, -administered, or -supported project while
under temporary suspension or debarment by DP pursuant to the DP's
Anticorruption Policy (see ITB 3), whether such debarment was directly
imposed by the DP, or enforced by other DPs pursuant to the Agreement for
Mutual Enforcement of Debarment Decisions. A bid from a temporary
suspended or debarred firm will be rejected.

4.5 Enterprises owned by Government shall be eligible only if they can establish that
they are legally and financially autonomous and operate under commercial
law, and that they are not a dependent agency of the GoN.

4.6 Bidders shall provide such evidence of their continued eligibility satisfactory to the
Employer, as the Employer shall reasonably request.

4.7 Firms shall be excluded in any of the cases, if

(a) by an act of compliance with a decision of the United Nations Security
Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,
Nepal prohibits any import of goods or Contracting of works or services
from that country or any payments to persons or entities in that country.
Where Nepal prohibits payments to a particular firm or for particular
goods by such an act of compliance, that firm may be excluded;
(b) DP Funded: as a matter of law or official regulation, Nepal prohibits
commercial relations with that country, provided that the DP is satisfied
that such exclusion does not preclude effective competition for the supply of
goods or related services required;
(c) DP Funded: a firm sanctioned or temporarily suspended by the DP in
relation to their guidelines or appropriate provisions on preventing and
combating fraud and corruption in projects financed by them.

4.8 In case a prequalification process has been conducted prior to the bidding
process, this bidding is open only to prequalified Bidders.

4.9 Maximum number of running contracts that a Bidder, and all parties constituting
the Bidder can have shall be as specified in BDS. The bidders shall be considered
ineligible if number of running contracts exceeds the number as specified.
4.10 For the purpose of ITB 4.9 above, the bidder shall declare that the bidder, and all
parties constituting the Bidder have not running contracts more than the number
as specified in BDS. If the bidder, and all parties constituting the Bidder has
participated in bidding processes of many public entities and during that period
the maximum number of contracts as specified saturates due to issuance of letters
of acceptance by a particular public entity, the bidder shall inform in written to all
other concerned public entities, where the bidder have participated in bidding
process, within three days of issuance of last letter of acceptance that saturates the
maximum number of contracts as specified.

5. Eligible Materials, 5.1 The materials, equipment and services to be supplied under the Contract shall
Equipment and have their origin in any source countries as defined in accordance with Section
Services V (Eligible Countries) and all expenditures under the Contract will be limited to
such materials, equipment, and services. At the Employer’s request, Bidders
may be required to provide evidence of the origin of materials, equipment and

5.2 For purposes of ITB 5.1 above, “origin” means the place where the materials and
equipment are mined, grown, produced or manufactured, and from which the
services are provided. Materials and equipment are produced when,
through manufacturing, processing, or substantial or major assembling of
components, a commercially recognized product results that differs substantially
in its basic characteristics or in purpose or utility from its components.

B. Contents of Bidding Documents

6. Sections of Bidding 6.1 The Bidding Document consist of Parts I, II, and III, which include all the
Document Sections indicated below, and should be read in conjunction with any Addenda
issued in accordance with ITB 8.
PART I Bidding Procedures
Section I Instructions to Bidders (ITB)
Section II Bid Data Sheet (BDS)
Section III Evaluation and Qualification Criteria (EQC)
Section IV Bidding Forms (BDF)
Section V Eligible Countries
PART II Requirements
Section VI Works Requirements (WRQ)
Section VII Bill of Quantities (BOQ)
PART III Conditions of Contract and Contract Forms
Section VIII General Conditions of Contract (GCC)
Section IX Special Conditions of Contract (SCC)
Section X Contract Forms (COF)
6.2 The Invitation for Bids issued by the Employer is not part of the Bidding
6.3 The Employer is not responsible for the completeness of the Bidding
Document and their Addenda, if they were not obtained directly from the source
stated by the Employer in the Invitation for Bids.
6.4 The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms, and
specifications in the Bidding Document and to furnish with its bid all
information and documentation as is required by the Bidding Documents.
Failure to furnish all information or documentation required by the Bidding
Document may result in the rejection of the bid.
7. Clarification of 7.1 A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification of the Bidding Document shall
Bidding Document, contact the Employer in writing at the Employer’s address indicated in BDS or
Site Visit, Pre-Bid raise any question or curiosity during the pre-bid meeting if provided for in
accordance with ITB 7.4.The Employer will respond in writing to any request
for clarification, provided that such request is received within the period as
mentioned in ITB 7.5. The Employer shall forward copies of its response to all
Bidders who have acquired the Bidding Document in accordance with ITB 6.3,
including a description of the inquiry but without identifying its source. Should
the Employer deem it necessary to amend the Bidding Document as a result of a
request for clarification, it shall do so following the procedure under ITB 8 and
ITB 22.2.
7.2 The Bidder is advised to visit and examine the Site of Works and its
surroundings and obtain for itself, on its own risk and responsibility, all
information that may be necessary for preparing the bid and entering into a
Contract for construction of the Works. The costs of visiting the Site shall be at the
Bidder’s own expense.

7.3 The Bidder and any of its personnel or agents will be granted permission by
the Employer to enter upon its premises and lands for the purpose of such
visit, but only upon the express condition that the Bidder, its personnel, and
agents will release and indemnify the Employer and its personnel and agents from
and against all liability in respect thereof, and will be responsible for death or
personal injury, loss of or damage to property, and any other loss, damage, costs,
and expenses incurred as a result of the inspection.

7.4 The Bidder’s designated representative is invited to attend a pre-bid meeting, if

provided for in the BDS. The purpose of the meeting will be to clarify issues and
to answer questions on any matter that may be raised at that stage.

7.5 The Bidder is requested, to submit any questions in writing, to reach the
Employer as mentioned in BDS.

7.6 Minutes of the pre-bid meeting, including the text of the questions raised,
without identifying the source, and the responses given, together with any
responses prepared after the meeting, will be transmitted promptly to all Bidders
who have acquired the Bidding Document in accordance with ITB 6.3. Any
modification to the Bidding Document that may become necessary as a result of
the pre-bid meeting shall be made by the Employer exclusively through the
issue of an addendum pursuant to ITB 8 and not through the minutes of the pre-
bid meeting.

7.7 Nonattendance at the pre-bid meeting will not be a cause for disqualification of
a Bidder.

8. Amendment of 8.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, the Employer may
Bidding Document amend the Bidding Document by issuing agenda.

8.2 Any addendum issued shall be part of the Bidding Document and shall be
communicated in writing to all who have obtained the Bidding Document from
the Employer in accordance with ITB 6.3.

8.3 To give prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take an addendum into
account in preparing their Bids, the Employer may, at its discretion, extend the
deadline for the submission of Bids, pursuant to ITB 22.2. However, the time
available to submit bids shall not be less than five (5) days since amendment in
bidding document.

C. Preparation of Bids

9. Cost of Bidding 9.1 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of
its Bid, and the Employer shall in no case be responsible or liable for those costs,
regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.

10. Language of Bid 10.1 The Bid, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the bid
exchanged by the Bidder and the Employer, shall be written in the language
specified in the BDS. Supporting documents and printed literature that are part of
the Bid may be in another language provided they are accompanied by an accurate
translation of the relevant passages in the language specified in the BDS, in
which case, for purposes of interpretation of the Bid, such translation shall

11. Documents 11.1 The Bid shall comprise two envelopes submitted simultaneously, one called
Comprising the Bid the Technical Bid containing the documents listed in ITB 11.2 and the other the
Price Bid containing the documents listed in ITB 11.3, both envelopes enclosed
together in an outer single envelope.

11.2 The Technical Bid shall comprise the following:

(a) Letter of Technical Bid;

(b) Bid Security in accordance with ITB 19;
(c) alternative Technical Bid, at Bidder’s option and if permissible, in
accordance with ITB 13;
(d) written confirmation authorizing the signatory of the Bid to commit the
Bidder, in accordance with ITB 20.2;
(e) documentary evidence in accordance with ITB 17, establishing the
Bidder’s qualifications to perform the contract;
(f) Technical Proposal in accordance with ITB 16;
(g) Bids submitted by a Joint Venture shall include a copy of the Joint
Venture Agreement entered into by all partners. Alternatively, a Letter
of Intent to execute a Joint Venture Agreement in the event of a
successful Bid shall be signed by all partners and submitted with the
Bid, together with a copy of the proposed agreement. The Joint
Venture agreement, or letter of intent to enter into a Joint Venture
including a draft agreement shall indicate at least the parts of the
Works to be executed by the respective partners; and
(h) Any other required documents, which is not against the provision of
Procurement Act/Regulation/Directives and Standard Bidding
Document issued by PPMO as specified in the BDS.
11.3 The Price Bid shall comprise the following:
(a) Letter of Price Bid;
(b) completed Bill of Quantities(BoQ), in accordance with ITB 12 and ITB
14, or as stipulated in the BDS;
(c) alternative price Bids, at Bidder’s option and if permissible, in
accordance with ITB 13;
(d) Any other document required in the BDS.

11.4 The Bidder is solely responsible for the authenticity of the submitted
11.5 The Technical Bid shall not include any financial information related to the
Price Bid. A Technical Bid containing such material financial information
shall be declared non-responsive.

12. Letter of Bid and 12.1 The Letters of Technical Bid and Price Bid, Schedules, and all documents listed
Schedules under ITB 11, shall be prepared using the relevant forms in Section IV (Bidding
Forms) and in Section VII (Bill of Quantities). The forms must be completed
without any alterations to the text, and no substitutes shall be accepted. All blank
spaces shall be filled in with the information requested.

13. Alternative Bids 13.1 Unless otherwise specified in the BDS, alternative bids shall not be considered.

13.2 When alternative times for completion are explicitly invited, a statement to that
effect will be included in the BDS, as will the method of evaluating different
times for completion.

13.3 When specified in the BDS pursuant to ITB 13.1, and subject to ITB 13.4 below,
Bidders wishing to offer technical alternatives to the requirements of the Bidding
Document must first price the Employer’s design as described in the Bidding
Document and shall further provide all information necessary for a complete
evaluation of the alternative by the Employer, including drawings, design
calculations, technical specifications, breakdown of prices, and proposed
construction methodology and other relevant details. Only the technical
alternatives, if any, of the lowest evaluated Bidder conforming to the basic
technical requirements shall be considered by the Employer.

13.4 When specified in the BDS, Bidders are permitted to submit alternative
technical solutions for specified parts of the Works. Such parts will be identified
in the BDS and described in Section VI (Works Requirements). The method for
their evaluation will be stipulated in Section III (Evaluation and Qualification

14. Bid Prices and 14.1 The prices and discounts quoted by the Bidder in the Letter of Price Bid and
Discounts in the Schedules shall conform to the requirements specified below.

14.2 The Bidder shall submit a bid for the whole of the works described in
ITB 1.1 by filling in prices for all items of the Works, as identified in
Section VII (Bill of Quantities). In case of Unit Rate Contracts, the Bidder shall
fill in rates and prices for all items of the Works described in the Bill of
Quantities. Items against which no rate or price is entered by the Bidder will not
be paid for by the Employer when executed and shall be deemed covered by the
rates for other items and prices in the Bill of Quantities.

14.3 The price to be quoted in the Letter of Price Bid shall be the total price of the Bid,
excluding any discounts offered. Absence of the total price in the Letter of Price
Bid or the Bid Price in the Bill of Quantities shall result in rejection of the Bid.

14.4 The Bidder shall quote any discounts and the methodology for their application
in the Letter of Price Bid, in accordance with ITB 12.1.

14.5 If so indicated in ITB 1.1 and ITB 35.4, bids are invited for individual Contracts or
for any combination of Contracts (packages). Bidders wishing to offer any price
reduction for the award of more than one Contract shall specify in their bid the
price reductions applicable to each package, or alternatively, to individual
Contracts within the package. Price reductions or discounts shall be submitted in
accordance with ITB 14.4, provided the Bids for all Contracts are submitted
and opened at the same time.

14.6 Unless otherwise provided in the BDS and the Conditions of Contract, the
prices quoted by the Bidder shall be fixed. If the prices quoted by the Bidder are
subject to adjustment during the performance of the Contract in accordance with
the provisions of the Conditions of Contract, the Bidder shall furnish the indices
and weightings for the price adjustment formulae in the Table of Adjustment
Data in Section IV (Bidding Forms) and the Employer may require the Bidder
to justify its proposed indices and weightings.

14.7 All duties, taxes, and other levies payable by the Contractor under the Contract, or
for any other cause, as of the date 30 days prior to the deadline for
submission of bids, shall be included in the rates and prices and the total bid
price submitted by the Bidder.

15. Currency of Bid 15.1 The currency of the bid and payment shall be in Nepalese Rupees.
and Payment
16. Documents 16.1 The Bidder shall furnish a Technical Proposal including a statement of
Comprising the work methods, equipment, personnel, schedule and any other information as
Technical Proposal stipulated in Section IV (Bidding Forms), in sufficient detail to demonstrate
the adequacy of the Bidders’ proposal to meet the work requirements and
the completion time.

17. Documents 17.1 To establish its qualifications to perform the Contract in accordance with
Establishing the Section III (Evaluation and Qualification Criteria) the Bidder shall provide the
Qualifications of the information requested in the corresponding information sheets included in
Section IV (Bidding Forms).

18. Period of Validity 18.1 Bids shall remain valid for the period specified in the BDS after the bid
of Bids submission deadline date prescribed by the Employer. If the prescribed bid
submission deadline date falls on a government holiday, then the next working
day shall be considered as the bid submission deadline date. In such case the
validity period of the bids shall be considered from the original bid submission
deadline date. A bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by the Employer
as nonresponsive.

18.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to the expiration of the bid validity

period, the Employer may request Bidders to extend the period of validity
of their Bids. The request and the responses shall be made in writing. If a bid
security is requested in accordance with ITB 19, it shall also be extended 30
days beyond the deadline of the extended validity period. A Bidder may
refuse the request without forfeiting its bid security. A Bidder granting the
request shall not be required or permitted to modify its Bid and to include any
additional conditions against the provisions specified in Bid Documents.

19. Bid Security 19.1 The Bidder shall furnish as part of its bid, in original form, a bid security as
specified in the BDS. In case of e-submission of bid, the Bidder shall upload scanned
copy of Bid security letter at the time of electronic submission of the bid. The Bidder
accepts that the scanned copy of the Bid security shall, for all purposes, be equal to the
original. The details of original Bid Security and the scanned copy submitted with e-
bid should be the same otherwise the bid shall be non-responsive.

19.2 The bid security shall be, at the Bidder’s option, in any of the following forms:
(a) an unconditional bank guarantee from Commercial Bank or Financial
Institution eligible to issue Bank Guarantee as per prevailing Law or;
(b) a cash deposit voucher in the Employer's Account as specified in BDS.
In the case of a bank guarantee, the bid security shall be submitted
either using the Bid Security Form included in Section IV (Bidding
Forms) or in another Form acceptable to the employer. The form must include the
complete name of the Bidder. The bid security shall be valid for minimum thirty (30)
days beyond the original validity period of the bid, or beyond any period of extension if
requested under ITB 18.2.

19.3 The bid security issued by any foreign Bank outside Nepal must be counter
guaranteed by Commercial Bank or Financial Institution eligible to issue
Bank Guarantee as per prevailing Law in Nepal.

19.4 Any bid not accompanied by an enforceable and substantially compliant bid
security shall be rejected by the Employer as nonresponsive. In case of e-
Submission, if the scanned copy of an acceptable Bid Security letter is not
uploaded with the electronic Bid then Bid shall be rejected.

19.5 The bid security of unsuccessful Bidders shall be returned within three days, once
the successful Bidder’s furnishing of the required performance security and
signing of the Contract Agreement pursuant to ITB 40.1 and 41.1

19.6 The bid security shall be forfeited if:

GoN funded :
(a) a Bidder requests for withdrawal or modification of its bid, except as
provided in ITB 18.2:
(i) during the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Letter of
Technical Bid and Price Bid, in case of electronic submission;
(ii) from the period twenty-four hours prior to bid submission deadline up to
the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Letter of Technical Bid
and Price Bid, in case of hard copy submission.
(b)a Bidder changes the prices or substance of the bid while providing information
pursuant to clause 27.1;
(c) a Bidder involves in fraud and corruption pursuant to clause 3.1;
(d) the successful Bidder fails to:
(i) furnish a performance security in accordance with ITB 40.1;
(ii) sign the Contract in accordance with ITB 41.1; or
(iii) accept the correction of arithmetical errors pursuant to clause 33.1
DP funded:
The bid security shall be forfeited
(a) if a Bidder withdraws its bid during the period of bid validity specified by
the Bidder on the Letters of Technical Bid and Price Bid, except as
provided in ITB 18.2; or
(b) if the successful Bidder fails to
(i) furnish a performance security in accordance with ITB 40.1; or
(ii) sign the Contract in accordance with ITB 41.1;
(iii) accept arithmetical corrections in accordance with ITB 33.1;

19.7 The Bid Security of a Joint Venture shall be in the name of the Joint Venture
that submits the bid. If the Joint Venture has not been legally constituted at the
time of bidding, the Bid Security shall be in the names of all future partners as
named in the letter of intent mentioned in ITB 4.1.

20. Format and Signing 20.1 The Bidder shall prepare one original set of the Technical Bid and one original
of Bid of the Price Bid comprising the Bid as described in ITB 11 and clearly mark it
Alternative bids, if permitted in accordance with ITB 13, shall be clearly marked
“ALTERNATIVE”. In addition, the Bidder shall submit copies of the bid in the
number specified in the BDS, and clearly mark each of them “COPY.” In the
event of any discrepancy between the original and the copies, the original shall
In case of e-submission of bid, the Bidder shall submit his bid
electronically in PDF or web forms files as specified in ITB Clause 21.1(b).

20.2 The original and all copies of the bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink and
shall be signed by a person duly authorized to sign on behalf of the Bidder. This
authorization shall consist of a written confirmation as specified in the BDS and
shall be attached to the bid. The name and position held by each person signing
the authorization must be typed or printed below the signature. All pages of
the bid, except for un amended printed literature, shall be signed or initialed by
the person signing the bid.
20.3 Any amendments such as interlineations, erasures, or overwriting shall be valid
only if they are signed or initialed by the person signing the bid.

D. Submission and Opening of Bids

21. Sealing and 21.1 Unless otherwise specified in BDS, Bidders shall submit their bids by electronic
Marking of Bids or by mail/by hand/by courier. Procedures for submission, sealing and marking
are as follows:
(a) Bidders submitting bids by mail, by hand or by courier

shall enclose the original of the Technical Bid, and the original of the
Price Bid and each copy of the Technical Bid and Price Bid, including
alternative bids, if permitted in accordance with ITB 13, in separate sealed
envelopes, duly marking the envelopes as “ORIGINAL TECHNICAL
– TECHNICAL BID” and “COPY NO. PRICE BID” These envelopes
containing the original and the copies shall then be enclosed in one single
(b) Bidders submitting Bids electronically shall follow the electronic bid
submission procedure specified in this clause.
i. The bidder is required to register in the e-GP system following the procedure
specified in e-GP guideline.
ii. Interested bidders may either purchase the bidding document
from the Employer's office as specified in the Invitation for Bid
(IFB) or bidders may download the IFB and bidding document
from e-GP system.
iii. The registered bidders need to maintain their profile data
required during preparation of bids.
iv. In order to submit their bids the cost of the bidding document
can be deposited as specified in IFB. In addition, electronic
scanned copy (.pdf format) of the bank deposit voucher/cash
receipt should also be submitted along with the technical bid.
v. The bidder can prepare their technical and price bids using data
and documents maintained in bidder’s profile and forms/format
provided in bidding document by Employer. The bidder may
submit bids as a single entity or as a joint venture. The bidder
submitting bid in joint venture shall have to upload joint
venture agreement along with partner(s) Bolpatra ID provided
during bidder’s registration.
vi. Bidders (all partners in case of JV) should update their profile
data and documents required during preparation and submission
of their technical bids.
vii. In case of bid submission in JV, the consent of the partners shall
be obtained through the confirmation link sent to the registered
email address and the partners shall have to acknowledge their
The required forms and documents shall be part of technical bids.
No. Document Requirement Remarks
1. Letter of Technical Bid Mandatory PDF

2. Bid Security/Bank Mandatory PDF


3. Company registration Mandatory PDF


4. VAT registration Mandatory (for PDF

Certificate domestic
bidders only)
5. Business Registration Mandatory PDF

6. Tax Clearance Mandatory (for PDF

Certificate/Tax return domestic
submission bidders only)
evidence/evidence of
time extension

7. Power of Attorney of Mandatory PDF

Bid signatory

8. Bank Voucher for cost of Mandatory PDF

bid document

9. Joint venture agreement Mandatory in case PDF

JV Bids Only
10. Qualification Documents Mandatory Using profile data(financial
details, contract details etc.) and
Technical Proposal
11. Additional documents] Mandatory (If PDF
specified in ITB 11.2 (h) any)

The required forms and documents shall be part of price bids.

No. Document Requirement Remarks

1. Letter of Price Bid Mandatory PDF

2. Completed Bill of Quantities (BoQ) Mandatory Online Forms

3. Price Adjustment Table Mandatory (If Online Forms

4. Additional Documents specified in Mandatory (If PDF
ITB 11.3 (d) any)


a) The documents specified as “Mandatory” should be included in e-

submission and non-submission of the documents shall be considered as
non-responsive bid.
b) Bidders (all partners in case of JV) should verify/update their profile
documents as appropriate for the specific bid before submitting their bid

viii. After providing all the details and documents, two separate bid response
documents i.e technical bids and price bids will be generated from the
system. Bidders are advised to download and verify the response
documents prior to bid submission.
ix. For verifying the authentic user, the system will send one time password
(OTP) in the registered e-mail address of the bidder. System will validate
the OTP and allow bidder to submit their bid.
x. Electronically submitted bids can be modified and/or withdrawn through
system. The bidder may modify their bids multiple times online within bid
submission date and time specified in e-GP system. Once a Bid is
withdrawn, bidder won’t be able to submit another bid response for the
same bid.
xi. The Bidder / Bid shall meet the following requirements and conditions for
e-submission of bids;
aa) The e-submitted bids must be readable through PDF reader.

ab) The facility for submission of bid electronically through e-submission is to

promote transparency, non-discrimination, equality of access, and open
competition in the bidding process. The Bidders are fully responsible to use
the e- submission facility properly in e-GP system as per specified
procedures and in no case the Employer shall be held liable for Bidder's
inability to use this facility.

ac) When a bidder submits electronic bid through the PPMO e-GP portal, it is
assumed that the bidder has prepared the bid by studying and examining the
complete set of the Bidding documents including specifications, drawings
and conditions of contract.

21.2. The inner and outer envelopes shall:

(aa) bear the name and address of the Bidder;
(bb) be addressed to the Employer as provided in BDS 22.1;
(cc) bear the specific identification of this bidding process indicated
in BDS 1.1; and
21.3 The outer envelope and the inner envelope containing Technical Proposal shall
bear a warning not to open before the time and date for the opening of Technical Bid
in accordance with ITB 25.1.
21.4 The inner envelope containing the Price Bid shall bear a warning not to open
until advised by the Employer in accordance with ITB 25.7
21.5 If all envelopes are not sealed and marked as required, the Employer will
assume no responsibility for the misplacement or premature opening of the bid.

22. Deadline for 22.1 Bids must be received by the Employer at the address and no later than the
Submission of Bids date and time indicated in the BDS.
In case of e-submission, the standard time for e-submission is Nepal Standard
Time as set out in the server. The e-procurement system will accept the e-
submission of bid from the date of publishing of notice and will automatically
not allow the e-submission of bid after the deadline for submission of bid.

22.2 The Employer may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission
of bids by amending the Bidding Document in accordance with ITB 8, in which
case all rights and obligations of the Employer and Bidders previously subject to
the deadline shall thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.

23. Late Bids 23.1 The Employer shall not consider any bid that arrives after the deadline for
submission of bids, in accordance with ITB 22. Any bid received by the
Employer after the deadline for submission of bids shall be declared late, rejected,
and returned unopened to the Bidder.

24. Withdrawal, and 24.1 A Bidder may withdraw, or modify its bid- Technical or Price - after it has
Modification of Bids been submitted either in hard copy or by e-submission. Once a Bid is
withdrawn, bidder shall not be able to submit another bid for this bidding
process. Procedures for withdrawal or modification of submitted bids are as
(i) Bids submitted in Hard Copy
GoN Funded:
a) Bidders may withdraw or modify its bids by sending a written notice in a
sealed envelope, duly signed by an authorized representative, and shall
include a copy of the authorization in accordance with ITB 20.2. The
corresponding modification of the bid must accompany the respective
written notice. All notices must be:
(aa)prepared and submitted in accordance with ITB 20 and ITB 21,and in
addition, the respective envelopes shall be clearly marked
(bb) received by the Employer twenty four hour prior to the deadline
prescribed for submission of bids, in accordance with ITB 22.
DP Funded:
A Bidder may withdraw or modify its Bid – Technical or Price – after it has
been submitted by sending a written notice, duly signed by an authorized
representative, and shall include a copy of the authorization in accordance with
ITB 20.2, (except that withdrawal notices do not require copies). The
corresponding modification of the Bid must accompany the respective written
notice. All notices must be
i) prepared and submitted in accordance with ITB 20 and ITB 21
(except that withdrawal notices do not require copies), and in
addition, the respective envelopes shall be clearly marked
ii) received by the Employer prior to the deadline prescribed for
submission of Bids, in accordance with ITB 22.
ii) E-submitted bids.
a) Bidder may submit modification or withdrawal prior to the deadline
prescribed for submission of bids through e-GP system by using the
forms and instructions provided by the system.
24.2 Bids requested to be withdrawn in accordance with ITB 24.1 shall not be
opened. In case of hard copy submission, the Bid will be returned unopened to
the Bidders.

24.3 The following provisions apply for withdrawal or modification of the Bids:
GoN Funded:
(i) In case of bids submitted in hard copy no bid shall be withdrawn or modified in
the interval between 24 hours prior to the deadline for submission of bids and
the expiration of the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Letter
of Bid or any extension thereof.
(ii) In case of e-submitted bids no bids shall be withdrawn or modified in the
interval between deadline for submission of bids and the expiration of the
period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Letter of Technical Bid
and Price Bid or any extension thereof.
DP Funded:
No Bid may be withdrawn or modified in the interval between the deadline for
submission of Bids and the expiration of the period of bid validity specified by the
Bidder on the Letters of Technical Bid and Price Bid or any extension thereof.

24.4 Except in case of any modification or correction in bid document made by

procuring entity, Bidder may submit request for withdrawal or modification
only one time.
24.5 In case of hard copy bid, no bid may be withdrawn if the bid has already been
modified; except in case of any modification or correction in bid document by
procuring entity.

24.6 Request for withdrawal or modification must be made through the same
medium of submission. Request for withdrawal or modifications through
different medium shall not be considered.

25. Bid Opening 25.1 The Employer shall open the Technical Bids in public at the address, on the date
and time specified in the BDS in the presence of Bidders` designated
representatives who choose to attend. The Price Bids will remain unopened and
will be held in custody of the Employer until the specified time of their
opening. If the Technical Bid and Price Bid are submitted together in one
envelope, the Employer shall reject the entire Bid.

25.2 The Employer shall download the e-submitted Technical Bid. The e-GP
system allows the Employer to download the e-submitted technical bid only
after bid opening date and time after login simultaneously by at least two
members of the Bid Opening Committee.

25.3 Electronically submitted Technical Bid shall be opened at first in the same
time and date as specified above. Electronic Bids shall be opened one by one
and read out. The e-submitted technical bids must be readable through open
standards interfaces. Unreadable and or partially submitted bid files shall be
considered incomplete.

25.4 Thereafter, envelopes marked “WITHDRAWAL” shall be opened and read out
and the envelope with the corresponding Bid shall not be opened, but returned to
the Bidder. No bid withdrawal shall be Permitted unless the corresponding
withdrawal notice contains a valid authorization to request the withdrawal and is
read out at bid opening. Next, envelopes marked “MODIFICATION” shall be
opened and read out with the corresponding bid. No Technical Bid and/or
Price Bid modification shall be permitted unless the corresponding
modification notice contains a valid authorization to request the modification
and is read out and recorded at bid opening. Only the Technical Bid, both Original
as well as Modification, are to be opened, read out, and recorded at the opening.
Price Bids, both Original and Modification, will remain unopened in accordance
with ITB 25.1.

25.5 All other envelopes holding the Technical Bid shall be opened one at a
time, reading out: the name of the Bidder; whether there is a modification; the
presence of a bid security and any other details as the Employer may consider
appropriate. Only Technical Bids read out and recorded at bid opening shall be
considered for evaluation. No bid shall be rejected at opening of Technical Bids
except for late bids, in accordance with ITB 23.1.

25.6 The Employer shall prepare a record of the opening of Technical Bids that shall
include, as a minimum: the name of the Bidder and whether there is a withdrawal,
or modification; and the presence or absence of a bid security. The Bidders’
representatives who are present shall be requested to sign the record. The
omission of a Bidder’s signature on the record shall not invalidate the contents
and effect of the record.

25.7 At the end of the evaluation of the Technical Bids, the Employer will invite
bidders who have submitted substantially responsive Technical Bids and who
have been determined as being qualified for award to attend the opening of the
Price Bids. The date, time, and location of the opening of Price Bids will be
advised in writing by the Employer. Bidders shall be given at least 7 days'
notice for the opening of Price Bids.

25.8 The Employer will notify Bidders in writing who have been rejected on the
grounds of their Technical Bids being substantially nonresponsive to the
requirements of the Bidding Document and return their Price Bids unopened.

25.9 The Employer shall conduct the opening of Price Bids of all Bidders who
submitted substantially responsive Technical Bids, in the presence of Bidders`
representatives who choose to attend at the address, on the date, and time
specified by the Employer. The Bidder’s representatives who are present shall
be requested to sign a register evidencing their attendance.

25.10 All envelopes containing Price Bids shall be opened one at a time and the
following read out and recorded:
(a) the name of the Bidder;
(b) whether there is a modification;
(c) the Bid Prices, including any discounts and alternative offers; and
(d) any other details as the Employer may consider appropriate.
Only Price Bids, discounts, modifications, and alternative offers read out and
recorded during the opening of Price Bids shall be considered for evaluation.
No Bid shall be rejected at the opening of Price Bids.
25.11 The Employer shall prepare a record of the opening of Price Bids that shall
include, as a minimum, the name of the Bidder, the Bid Price (per lot if
applicable), any discounts, modifications and alternative offers. The Bidders’
representatives who are present shall be requested to sign the record. The
omission of a Bidder’s signature on the record shall not invalidate the contents
and effect of the record.

E. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids

26. Confidentiality 26.1 Information relating to the examination, evaluation, comparison, and post-
qualification of bids and recommendation of Contract award, shall not be
disclosed to Bidders or any other persons not officially concerned with such
process until information on Contract award is communicated to all Bidders.

26.2 Any attempt by a Bidder to influence the Employer in the evaluation of the bids
or Contract award decisions may result in the rejection of its bid.

26.3 Notwithstanding ITB 26.2, from the time of bid opening to the time of Contract
award, if any Bidder wishes to contact the Employer on any matter related to
the bidding process, it may do so in writing.

27. Clarification of 27.1 To assist in the examination, evaluation, and comparison of the Technical
Bids and Price Bids, the Employer may, at its discretion, ask any Bidder for a
clarification of its Bid. Any clarification submitted by a Bidder that is not in
response to a request by the Employer shall not be considered. The Employer’s
request for clarification and the response shall be in writing. No change in the
substance of the Technical Bid or prices in the Price Bid shall be sought, offered,
or permitted, except to confirm the correction of arithmetic errors discovered by
the Employer in the evaluation of the Price Bids, in accordance with ITB 33. In
case of e-submission of bid, upon notification from the employer, the bidder shall
also submit the original of documents comprising the Technical and Price Bid as
per ITB 11.2 and ITB 11.3 for verification of submitted documents for acceptance
of the e-submitted bid.

27.2 If a Bidder does not provide clarifications of its Bid by the date and time set in
the Employer’s request for clarification, its Bid may be rejected.

28. Deviations, 28.1 During the evaluation of bids, the following definitions apply:
Reservations, and
Omissions (a) “Deviation” is a departure from the requirements specified in the Bidding
(b) “Reservation” is the setting of limiting conditions or withholding from
complete acceptance of the requirements specified in the Bidding Document;
(c) “Omission” is the failure to submit part or all of the information or
documentation required in the Bidding Document.

29. Examination of 29.1The Employer shall examine the Technical Bid to confirm that all documents
Technical Bid and technical documentation requested in ITB 11.2 have been submitted. If
any of these documents or information (except alternative Technical Bid
which is optional) is missing, the bid shall be rejected.

29.2 In case of e-submission bids, the Employer shall confirm that all the documents
and information requested in ITB 21.1 have been submitted. If any of these
documents or information is missing, the bid shall be rejected.

30. Determination of 30.1 The Employer’s determination of a Bid’s responsiveness is to be based on the
Responsiveness of contents of the bid itself, as defined in ITB11.2.
Technical Bid
30.2 A substantially responsive Technical Bid is one that meets the requirements of the
Bidding Document without material deviation, reservation, or omission. A
material deviation, reservation, or omission is one that,
(a) if accepted, would:
(i) affect in any substantial way the scope, quality, or performance of
the Works specified in the Contract;
(ii) limit in any substantial way, inconsistent with the Bidding
Document, the Employer’s rights or the Bidder’s obligations under
the proposed Contract; or
(b) if rectified, would unfairly affect the competitive position of other Bidders
presenting substantially responsive bids.

30.3 The Employer shall examine the technical aspects of the Bid submitted in
accordance with ITB 16, Technical Proposal, in particular, to confirm that all
requirements of Section VI (Works Requirements) have been met without any
material deviation, reservation or omission.

30.4 If a bid is not substantially responsive to the requirements of the Bidding

Document, it shall be rejected by the Employer and may not subsequently be
made responsive by correction of the material deviation, reservation, or

30.5 In case of e-submission bids, the Employer evaluates the bid on the basis of the
information in the electronically submitted bid files. If the Bidder cannot
substantiate or provide evidence to establish the information provided in e-
submitted bid through documents/ clarifications as per ITB Clause 27.1,
the bid shall not be considered for further evaluation.

30.6 In Case, a corruption case is being filed to Court against the Natural Person or
Board of Director of the firm/institution /company or any partner of JV, such
Natural Person or Board of Director of the firm/institution /company or any
partner of JV such bidder’s bid shall be excluded from the evaluation, if public
entity receives instruction from Government of Nepal.
30.7 Except in case of e-submission, the Financial Bid of the bidder, which is
evaluated as substantially non-responsive in technical bid, shall be returned to
the respective bidders.

31. Non-conformities 31.1 Provided that a bid is substantially responsive, the Employer may waive any
Errors, and Omissions non-conformities in the bid that do not constitute a material deviation,
reservation, or omission.

31.2 Provided that a Technical Bid is substantially responsive, the Employer may
request that the Bidder submit the necessary information or documentation,
within a reasonable period of time, to rectify nonmaterial nonconformities in the
Technical Bid related to documentation requirements. Requesting information or
documentation on such nonconformities shall not be related to any aspect of
the Price Bid. Failure of the Bidder to comply with the request may result in the
rejection of its bid.

31.3 Provided that a Technical Bid is substantially responsive, the Employer shall
rectify quantifiable nonmaterial nonconformities related to the Bid Price. To
this effect, the Bid Price shall be adjusted, for comparison purposes only, to
reflect the price of a missing or non-conforming item or component. The
adjustment shall be made using the methods indicated in Section III (Evaluation
and Qualification Criteria).

31.4 If the monetary value of such non-conformities is found to be more than fifteen
percent of the Bid Price of the bidder pursuant to ITB 31.3, such bid shall be
considered nonresponsive and shall not be involved in evaluation.

32 Qualification of the 32.1 The Employer shall determine to its satisfaction during the evaluation of
Bidder Technical Bids whether Bidders meet the qualifying criteria specified in
Section III (Evaluation and Qualification Criteria).

32.2 The determination shall be based upon an examination of the documentary

evidence of the Bidder’s qualifications submitted by the Bidder, pursuant to
ITB 17.1.

32.3 An affirmative determination shall be a prerequisite for the opening and

evaluation of a Bidder’s Price Bid. A negative determination shall result into
the disqualification of the Bid, in which event the Employer shall return the
unopened Price Bid to the Bidder.

33. Correction of 33.1 During the evaluation of Price Bids, the Employer shall correct arithmetical
Arithmetical Errors errors on the following basis:
(a) only for unit price Contracts, if there is a discrepancy between the unit price
and the total price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity,
the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected, unless in the
opinion of the Employer there is an obvious misplacement of the decimal
point in the unit price, in which case the total price as quoted shall govern
and the unit price shall be corrected;
(b) if there is an error in a total corresponding to the addition or subtraction of
subtotals, the subtotals shall prevail and the total shall be corrected;
(c) If there is a discrepancy between the bid price in the Summary of Bill of
Quantities and the bid amount in item (c) of the Letter of Price Bid, the
bid price in the Summary of Bill of Quantities will prevail and the bid
amount in item (c) of the Letter of Price Bid will be corrected.
(d) If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words
shall prevail, unless the amount expressed in words is related to an
arithmetic error, in which case the amount in figures shall prevail
subject to (a), (b) and (c) above.

33.2 If the Bidder that submitted the lowest evaluated bid does not accept the
correction of errors, its bid shall be disqualified and its bid security shall be

34 Subcontractors 34.1 In case of Prequalification, the Bidder’s Bid shall name the same subcontractor
as submitted in the prequalification application and approved by the Employer.
In case of Post-qualification, the Employer may permit subcontracting for
certain specialized works as indicated in Section III When subcontracting is
permitted by the Employer, the sub-contractor shall meet the qualifications
criteria as indicated in section III.
Sub-contractors’ qualification and experience will not be considered for
evaluation of the Bidder. The Bidder on its own (without taking into account
the qualification and experience of the sub-contractor) should meet the
qualification criteria.
Bidders may propose subcontracting up to the percentage of total value of
contracts or the volume of works as specified in the BDS.

35. Evaluation of Price 35.1 The Employer shall use the criteria and methodologies listed in this Clause. No
Bids other evaluation criteria or methodologies shall be permitted.

35.2 To evaluate a Price Bid, the Employer shall consider the following:
(a) the bid price, excluding Value Added Tax , Provisional Sums, and the
provision, if any, for contingencies in the Summary Bill of Quantities, for Unit
Rate Contracts, or Schedule of Prices for lump sum Contracts, but including
Day work items, where priced competitively;
(b) adjustment for correction of arithmetic errors in accordance with ITB
(c) adjustment due to discounts offered in accordance with ITB 14.4;
(d) adjustment for nonconformities in accordance with ITB 31.3;
(e) application of all the evaluation factors indicated in Section III (Evaluation
and Qualification Criteria);

35.3 The estimated effect of the price adjustment provisions of the Conditions of
Contract, applied over the period of execution of the Contract, shall not be taken
into account in bid evaluation.

35.4 If this Bidding Document allows Bidders to quote separate prices for
different lots (Contracts), and to award multiple Contracts to a single Bidder
as specified in BDS, the methodology to determine the lowest evaluated
price of the Contract combinations, including any discounts offered in the
Letter of Price Bid, is specified in Section III (Evaluation and Qualification
35.5 if the bid for an Unit Rate Contract, which results in the lowest Evaluated Bid
Price is seriously unbalanced or front loaded or extremely low in the
opinion of the Employer, the Employer may require the Bidder to produce
detailed price analysis for any or all items of the Bill of Quantities, to demonstrate
the internal consistency of those prices with the construction methods and
schedule proposed. After evaluation of the price analysis, taking into
consideration the schedule of estimated Contract payments, the Employer may
require that the amount of the performance security be increased at the expense
of the Bidder as mentioned in BDS to protect the Employer against financial loss
in the event of default of the successful Bidder under the Contract or may
consider the bid as non-responsive.

35.6 In case of e-submission bids, the Employer evaluates the bid on the basis of the
information in the electronically submitted bid files. If the Bidder cannot
substantiate or provide evidence to establish the information provided in e-
submitted bid through documents/ clarifications as per ITB Clause 27.1, the
bid shall not be considered for further evaluation.

35.7 In Case, a corruption case is being filed to Court against the Natural Person or
Board of Director of the firm/institution /company or any partner of JV, such
Natural Person or Board of Director of the firm/institution /company or any
partner of JV such bidder’s bid shall be excluded from the evaluation, if public
entity receives instruction from Government of Nepal.

36. Comparison of Bids 36.1 The Employer shall compare all substantially responsive bids in accordance
with ITB 35.2 to determine the lowest evaluated bid.

37. Employer’s Right to 37.1 The Employer reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to annul the
Accept Any Bid, and bidding process and reject all Bids at any time prior to contract award, without
to Reject Any or All thereby incurring any liability to Bidders. In case of annulment, all Bids
Bids submitted and specifically, bid securities, shall be promptly returned to the

F. Award of Contract

38. Award Criteria 38.1 The Employer shall award the Contract to the Bidder whose offer has been
determined to be the lowest evaluated bid and is substantially responsive to
the Bidding Document, provided further that the Bidder is determined to be
qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily.

39. Letter of Intent to 39.1 The Employer shall notify the concerned Bidder whose bid has been selected in
Award the accordance with ITB 38.1 within seven days of the selection of the bid, in writing
Contract/Notification that the Employer has intention to accept its bid and the information regarding the
of Award name, address and amount of selected bidder shall be given to all other bidders
who submitted the bid.

39.2 After issuance of the notice under ITB 39.1 if the concerned bidder provides
information pursuant to ITB 4.10 regarding saturation of maximum number
of contracts, the employer shall disqualify the bidder and shall select the next
lowest evaluated Bidder in accordance with ITB 38.1 and notify accordingly
as per ITB 39.1.

39.3 If no bidder submits an application pursuant to ITB 42 within a period of

seven days of the notice provided under ITB 39.1, the Employer shall, accept
the bid selected in accordance with ITB 38.1 and Letter of Acceptance shall be
communicated to the selected bidder prior to the expiration of period of Bid
validity, to furnish the performance security and sign the contract within fifteen

39.4 After communicating letter of acceptance under ITB 39.3, if the concerned
bidder provides information pursuant to ITB 4.10 regarding saturation of
maximum number of contracts, the employer shall reject the bid of that
bidder and shall select the next lowest evaluated Bidder in accordance with
ITB 38.1 and shall issue the notice accordingly as per ITB 39.1. In such case
bid security of the rejected bidder shall not be forfeited.

39.5 In Case, a corruption case is being filed to Court against the Natural Person or
Board of Director of the firm/institution /company or any partner of JV, such
Natural Person or Board of Director of the firm/institution /company or any
partner of JV such bidder’s bid shall be excluded from the evaluation, if public
entity receives instruction from Government of Nepal.

40. Performance 40.1 Within Fifteen (15) days of the receipt of Letter of Acceptance from the
Security and Line of Employer, the successful Bidder shall furnish the performance security in
Credit accordance with the Conditions of Contract, subject to ITB 35.5, as specified below
from Commercial Bank or Financial Institution eligible to issue Bank Guarantee as per
prevailing Law in Nepal using Sample Form for the Performance Security included
in Section X (Contract Forms), or another form acceptable to the Employer.
The performance security issued by any foreign Bank outside Nepal must be counter
guaranteed by Commercial Bank or Financial Institution eligible to issue Bank
Guarantee as per prevailing Law in Nepal.
i) If bid price of the bidder selected for acceptance is up to 15 (fifteen) percent below
the approved cost estimate, the performance security amount shall be 5 (five) percent of
the bid price.
ii) For the bid price of the bidder selected for acceptance is more than 15 (fifteen) percent
below of the cost estimate, the performance security amount shall be determined as
Performance Security Amount = [(0.85 x Cost Estimate –Bid Price) x 0.5] + 5% of
Bid Price.
The Bid Price and Cost Estimate shall be exclusive of Value Added Tax.

40.2 Failure of the successful Bidder to submit the above-mentioned Performance

Security or to sign the Contract Agreement shall constitute sufficient grounds
for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the bid security. In that
event the Employer may award the Contract to the next lowest evaluated
Bidder whose offer is substantially responsive and is determined by the
Employer to be qualified to perform the Contract satisfactorily. The process shall
be repeated according to ITB 39.

41 Signing of Contract 41.1 The Employer and the successful Bidder shall sign the Contract Agreement
within the period as stated ITB 40.1.

41.2 At the same time, the Employer shall affix a public notice on the result of the
award on its notice board and make arrangement for causing such notice to be
affixed on the notice board also of the District Coordination Committee, District
Administration Office, Provincial Treasury and Controller Office and District
Treasury and Controller Office. The Employer may make arrangements to post
the notice into its website, if it has; and if it does not have, into the website of the
Public Procurement Monitoring Office, identifying the bid and lot numbers and
the following information: (i) the result of evaluation of bid; (ii) date of
publication of notice inviting bids; (iii) name of newspaper; (iv) reference
number of notice; (v) item of procurement; (vi) name and address of bidder
making contract and (viii) contract price

41.3 Within thirty (30) days from the date of issuance of notification pursuant to ITB
39.1 unsuccessful bidders may request in writing to the Employer for a
debriefing seeking explanations on the grounds on which their bids were not
selected. The Employer shall promptly respond in writing to any
unsuccessful Bidder who, requests for debriefing.

41.4 If the bidder whose bid has been accepted fails to sign the contract as stated ITB
40.1, the Public Procurement Monitoring Office shall blacklist the bidder on
recommendation of the Public Entity.

42. Complaint and 42.1 If a Bidder is dissatisfied with the Procurement proceedings or the decision made
Review by the Employer in opening of the price bid or the intention to award the
Contract, it may file an application to the Chief of the Public Entity within
Seven (7) days of providing the notice under ITB 25.8 and ITB 39.1 by the
Public Entity, for review of the proceedings stating the factual and legal grounds.

42.2 Late application filed after the deadline pursuant to ITB 42.1 shall not be

42.3 The chief of Public Entity shall, within five (5) days after receiving the
application, give its decision with reasons, in writing pursuant to ITB 42.1:
(a) whether to suspend the procurement proceeding and indicate the procedure to be
adopted for further proceedings; or
(b) to reject the application.
The decision of the chief of Public Entity shall be final for the Bid amount up
to the value as stated in 42.4.

42.4 If the Bidder is not satisfied with the decision of the Public Entity in accordance
with ITB 42.3, or the decision is not given within five (5) days of receipt of
application pursuant to ITB 42.1, it can, within seven (7) days of receipt of
such decision, file an application to the Review Committee of the GoN,
stating the reason of its disagreement on the decision of the chief of Public
Entity and furnishing the relevant documents, provided that its Bid amount ,equal
or more than Rupees Twenty Million (NRs. 20,000,000). The application may be
sent by hand, by post, by courier, or by electronic media at the risk of the
Bidder itself.

42.5 Late application filed after the deadline pursuant to ITB 42.4 shall not be

42.6 Within three (3) days of the receipt of application from the Bidder, pursuant
to ITB 42.4, the Review Committee shall notify the concerning Public
Entity to furnish its procurement proceedings, pursuant to ITB 42.3.

42.7 Within three (3) days of receipt of the notification pursuant to ITB 42.6, the
Public Entity shall furnish the copy of the related documents to the Review

42.8 The Review Committee, after inquiring from the Bidder and the Public
Entity, if needed, shall give its decision within one (1) month of the receipt of
the application filed by the Bidder, pursuant to ITB 42.4.

42.9 The Bidder, filing application pursuant to ITB 42.4, shall have to furnish a
cash amount or Bank guarantee from Commercial Bank or Financial
Institution eligible to issue Bank Guarantee as per prevailing Law
equivalent to ten percent (10 %) of amount of bid security in case of
complaint against decision pursuant to ITB 25.8 and one percent (1%) of its
quoted Bid amount in case of complaint against decision pursuant to ITB 39.1
with the validity period of at least ninety (90) days from the date of the filing
of application pursuant to ITB 42.4.

42.10 If the claim made by the Bidder pursuant to ITB 42.4 is justified, the Review
Committee shall have to return the security deposit to the applicant, pursuant to
ITB 42.9, within seven (7) days of such decision made.

Bid Data Sheet

This section consists of provisions that are specific to each procurement and supplement the information or
requirements included in Section I. Instructions to Bidders.
A. General

ITB 1.1 The number of the Invitation for Bids is : IDSC_Kanchanpur/NCB/COB/01/2079/080

ITB 1.1 The Employer is : Institutional Development Support Component

ITB 1.1 The number and identification of lots (contracts) comprising this bidding process is:

ITB 2.1 The name of the Project is: Construction of New Office Building at Mahakali Irrigation Management Office, Kanchanpur

The Development Partner(DP) is : NA

The implementing agency is: NA

GoN Funded or DP Funded: NA

ITB 4.1(a) Maximum number of partner in a joint venture shall be :3

ITB 4.9 & Maximum number of running contracts that a Bidder, and all parties constituting the Bidder can have shall be :5

B. Bidding Document

ITB 7.1 For clarification purposes only, the Employer’s address is:

Attention: Dipak Manandhar

Address: Lalitpur
Bagmati Province

Telephone: 015537301

Facsimile number:

Electronic mail address:

ITB 7.4 A pre bid meeting shall be held. Pre-Bid meeting will take place at the following date, time and place:

Date and Time:26-07-2023 13:00

Address :Government of Nepal

Ministry of Energy,Water Resource and Irrigation
Department of Water Resource and Irrigation
Institutional Development Support Component
Bagmati Province

ITB 7.4 A site visit shall not be organized by the Employer.

ITB 7.5 Time for request: Requests for clarification should be received by the Employer no later than 10 days prior to the deadline
for submission of bids.

C. Preparation of Bids

ITB 10.1 The language of the bid is: English / Nepali

ITB 11.2 The Bidder shall submit with its Technical Bid the following additional documents:

SL No Document Name
1 None
ITB 11.3 In accordance with ITB 12 and ITB 14, the following schedules shall be submitted with the bid, including the priced Bill
(b) of Quantities for Unit Rate Contracts and Schedule of Prices for lump sum contracts:

SL No Document Name
1 None
ITB 11.3 The Bidder shall submit with its Price Bid the following additional documents :

SL No Document Name
1 None

ITB 13.1 Alternative bids shall not be permitted.

ITB 13.2 Alternative times for completion shall not be permitted.

If alternative times for completion are permitted, the evaluation method will be as specified in Section III (Evaluation and
Qualification Criteria).

ITB 13.4 Alternative technical solutions shall not be permitted for the following parts of the Works

ITB 14.6 The prices quoted by the Bidder shall not be subject to adjustment during the performance of the Contract.

ITB 18.1 The bid validity period shall be 90 days.

ITB 19.1 The Bidder shall furnish a bid security, from Commercial Bank or Financial Institution eligible to issue Bank Guarantee
as per prevailing Law with a minimum of 2050000.00 NPR, which shall be valid for 30 days beyond the validity period of
the bid.

ITB 19.2(b) Bank Name: Nepal Bank Ltd.

Bank Address: Gabahal, Lalitpur

Office Name: District Treasury Controller Office, Lalitpur

Account Number: 01801000002003000001

Office Code: 308033407

ITB 20.1 In addition to the original of the bid, the number of copy/ies is/are:

SL No Document Name
1 Not Applicable

ITB 20.2 The written confirmation of authorization to sign on behalf of the Bidder shall indicate:
(a) The name and description of the documentation required to demonstrate the authority of the signatory to sign the Bid
such as a Power of Attorney; and
(b) In the case of Bids submitted by an existing or intended JV, an undertaking signed by all parties
(i) stating that all parties shall be jointly and severally liable, and
(ii) nominating a Representative who shall have the authority to conduct all business for and on behalf of any
and all the parties of the JV during the bidding process and, in the event the JV is awarded the Contract, during contract

D. Submission and Opening of Bids

ITB 21.1 Bidders shall have the option of submitting their bids by electronic only.
ITB 22.1 For bid submission purposes only, the Employer’s address is :

Attention : Project Chief

Address : IGovernment of Nepal

Ministry of Energy,Water Resource and Irrigation
Department of Water Resource and Irrigation
Institutional Development Support Component
Bagmati Province

The deadline for bid submission is : 31-07-2023 12:00

ITB 25.1 The Technical Bid opening shall take place at :

Address : Government of Nepal

Ministry of Energy,Water Resource and Irrigation
Department of Water Resource and Irrigation
Institutional Development Support Component
Bagmati Province

Date : 31-07-2023 15:00

E. Evaluation and Comparison of Bids

ITB 34.1 Sub-contracting for this procurement is: Not Applicable

ITB 35.4 Bidders are not permitted to quote separate prices for lots (Contracts), and a single Bidder will be awarded multiple lots
(Contracts) based on provision of Paragraph 1.2, Multiple Contracts Section III (Evaluation and Qualification Criteria).

ITB 35.5 The amount of the performance security be increased by 8 percent of the quoted bid price.

Evaluation and Qualification Criteria

This Section contains all the criteria that the Employer shall use to evaluate bids and qualify Bidders by post-
qualification exercise. GoN/DP requires bidders to be qualified by meeting predefined, precise minimum
requirements. The method sets pass-fail criteria, which, if not met by the bidder, results in disqualification. In
accordance with ITB 32 and ITB 35, no other methods, criteria and factors shall be used. The Bidder shall
provide all the information requested in the forms included in Section IV (Bidding Forms).
1. Evaluation
In addition to the criteria listed in ITB 35.2 (a) - (e) the following criteria shall apply:

1.1 Adequacy of Technical Proposal

Sl. No. Criteria Title Criteria Description

1 Adequacy of Technical Proposal Evaluation of the Bidder's Technical Proposal will include an
assessment of the Bidder's technical capacity, to mobilize key
equipment and personnel for the contract consistent with its proposal
regarding work methods, scheduling, and material sourcing in
sufficient detail and fully in accordance with the requirements
stipulated in Section VI (Works Requirements).
Non-compliance with equipment and personnel requirements
described in Section VI (Works Requirements) shall not be grounds
for bid rejection and such non-compliance will be subject to
clarification and rectification prior to contract award.

1.2 Multiple Contracts

Sl. No. Criteria Title Criteria Description

1 Multiple Contracts Multiple Contracts, if permitted under ITB 35.4, will be evaluated as
Award Criteria for Multiple Contracts [ITB 35.4]:
Bidders have the option to Bid for any one or more Contracts. Bids
will be evaluated taking into account discounts offered, if any, for
combined contracts. The contract(s) will be awarded to the Bidder or
Bidders offering the lowest evaluated cost to the Employer for
combined contracts, subject to the selected Bidder(s) meeting the
required qualification criteria for combination of multiple contracts
as the case may be.
Qualification Criteria for Multiple Contracts:
The criteria for qualification shall be the sum of the minimum
requirements for respective individual contracts as specified under
items 2.3.2, 2.3.3, 2.4.2 b, 2.5 and 2.6.
With respect to the Contracts of Similar Size and Nature under item
2.4.2(a). of Section III, the evaluation shall be done as below:
N is the minimum number of contracts required as per Specific
Construction Experience (2.4.2(a)).
V is the minimum value of a single contract as per Note (2), (3) or
(4) of 2.4.2 Specific Construction Experience

i. Minimum requirements for combined contract(s) shall be

the aggregate requirements for each contract for which the bidder has
submitted bids as follows, and N1,N2,N3, etc. shall be different
Contract 1: N1 contracts, each of minimum value V1;
Contract 2: N2 contracts, each of minimum value V2;
Contract 3: N3 contracts, each of minimum value V3;
ii. Total number of contracts is equal or less than N1 + N2 +
N3 +--but the total value of all such contracts is equal or more than
N1 x V1 + N2 x V2 + N3 x V3 +---.

1.3 In case other than Multiple Contracts

Sl. No. Criteria Title Criteria Description
Sl. No. Criteria Title Criteria Description

1 In case other than Multiple Contracts Bidders have the option to Bid for any one or more Contracts. The
contracts will be awarded to the Bidder or Bidders offering the
lowest evaluated cost to the Employer, subject to the selected Bidder
(s) meeting the required qualification which shall be the sum of the
minimum requirements for respective individual contracts. Under
this case, Contract shall be awarded based on Least Cost
Combination to the Employer.

1.4 Completion Time

1.5 Alternative Technical Solutions

Sl. No. Criteria Title Criteria Description

1 Alternative Technical Solutions Alternative technical solutions, if permitted under ITB 13.4, will be
evaluated as follows:
[insert project specific requirements]

1.6 Quantifiable Non-conformities and Omissions

Sl. No. Criteria Title Criteria Description

1 Quantifiable Non-conformities and Subject to ITB 14.2 and ITB 35.2, the evaluated cost of quantifiable
Omissions nonconformities including omissions, is determined as follows:
Pursuant to ITB 31.3, the cost of all quantifiable nonmaterial
nonconformities shall be evaluated, but excluding omission of prices
in the BoQ.The Employer will make its own assessment of the cost
of any nonmaterial nonconformities and omissions for the purpose of
ensuring fair comparison of bids.

2. Qualification
2.1 Eligibility

Sl. No. Criteria Title Criteria Description

1 Nationality Nationality in accordance with ITB Subclause 4.2.

Single entity : must meet requirements.

In case of joint ventures,

each partner: must meet requirement.

all partners: must meet requirement.
One partner: Not Applicable.

Document required: Letter of Technical Bid Forms ELI –1; ELI –2

with attachments.
Sl. No. Criteria Title Criteria Description

2 Conflict of Interest No conflicts of interest in accordance with ITB Sub- Clause 4.3.

For Single Entity : Must meet requirement

For joint Venture,
All partners combined : existing or intended JV must meet
Each partner : Must meet requirement.
One partner : Not applicable.

Documents Submission Requirements : Letter of Technical Bid.

3 Government/DP Eligibility Requirement : Not having been declared ineligible by

government/DP, as described in ITB Sub-Clause 4.4.

Single entity : must meet requirements.

In case of joint ventures,

each partner : must meet requirement.
All partners : must meet requirement.
One partner : Not applicable.

Documents Required : Letter of Technical Bid.

4 Government-Owned Enterprise Bidder required to meet conditions of ITB Sub-Clause 4.5.

For Single Entity : Must meet requirement

For joint Venture ,
Each partner: Must meet requirement.
All combined partner: existing or intended JV must meet
One partner-> Not Applicable.

Documents Submission Requirements : Forms ELI - 1, ELI - 2, with

5 United Nations Eligibility Not having been declared ineligible based on a United Nations
resolution or Employer's country law, as described in ITB Sub-
Clause 4.8.
For Single Entity : Must meet requirement
For joint Venture,
All combined partner : existing or intended JV must meet
Each partner : must meet requirement.
One partner -> not applicable.

Documents Submission Requirements : Letter of Technical Bid.

6 Bidder’s Running Contracts Bidder's Running Contracts not more than five (5) as described in
ITB Sub-Clause 4.9.

For Single Entity : Must meet requirement

For joint Venture,
Each partner: Must meet requirement
For all partner combined: Existing or intended JV must meet
For One Partner: Not Applicable
Documents Submission Requirements : ELI-3
Sl. No. Criteria Title Criteria Description

7 Other Eligibility : Firm Registration Firm Registration Certificate

For Single Entity : Must meet requirement
For joint Venture,
Each partner : must meet requirement.
For all partner combined and one partner : not applicable.

Documents Submission Requirements : Document attachment.

8 Other Eligibility : Business Registration Business Registration Certificate

For Single Entity : Must meet requirement
For joint Venture,
Each partner : must meet requirement.
For all partner combined and one partner : not applicable.

Documents Submission Requirements : Document attachment.

9 Other Eligibility : VAT and PAN VAT and PAN Registration(only for domestic bidders)
For Single Entity : Must meet requirement
For joint Venture,
Each partner : must meet requirement.
For all partner combined and one partner : not applicable.

Documents Submission Requirements : Document attachment.

10 Other Eligibility : Tax Clearance Tax Clearance Certificate/Tax return submission evidence/evidence
Certificate/Tax return submission of time extension for the F/Y 2078/2079 (Only for domestic bidders)
evidence/evidence of time extension for the
F/Y 2078/079 (Only for domestic bidders) For Single Entity : Must meet requirement
For joint Venture,
Each partner: must meet requirement.
For all partner combined and one partner : not applicable.
Documents Submission Requirements : Document attachment.
11 Other Eligibility : Additional requirements Insert if Any

2.2 Pending Litigation

Sl. No. Criteria Title Criteria Description

1 Pending Litigation and Arbitration All pending litigation shall be treated as resolved against the Bidder
and so shall in total not represent more than 50 percent of the
Bidder's net worth.

For Single Entity : must meet requirement by itself or as partner to

past or existing JV
For joint Venture :Each partner must meet requirement by itself or as
partner to past or existing JV. All partner combined and one partner
-> not applicable.
Documents Submission Requirements : Form LIT - 1

2.3 Financial Situation

Sl. No. Criteria Title Criteria Description
Sl. No. Criteria Title Criteria Description

1 Historical Financial Performance Submission of audited balance sheets and income statements, for the
last Three (3) years to demonstrate the current soundness of the
Bidder's financial position. As a minimum, a Bidder's net worth for
the last year calculated as the difference between total assets and
total liabilities should be positive.
(1) The financial information provided by a Bidder should be
reviewed in its entirety to allow a truly informed judgment, and the
pass-fail decision on the financial position of the Bidder should be
given on this basis. Balance sheet of the past three to five years
period which shall be decided according to the nature of the work.
For Single Entity : Must meet requirement
For joint Venture : Each partner Must meet requirement. All partner
combined and one partner -> not applicable.
Documents Submission Requirements : Form FIN - 1 with

2 Average Annual Construction Turnover Minimum average annual construction turnover of NRs
5,39,00,000.00 calculated as total certified payments received for
construction contracts in progress orcompleted, within best three
years out of last ten years.
Only the net amount shall be calculated after deducting the amount
for VAT and such amount shall be adjusted wholesale price index of
Nepal Rastra Bank.
For Single Entity : Must meet requirement
For joint Venture : All combined partner Must meet requirements,
Each partner Must meet 25% of the requirement, One partner must
meet 40% of the requirements.
Documents Submission Requirements : Form FIN -2

Only the net amount shall be calculated after deducting the amount
for VAT and such amount shall be adjusted to present value by
applying wholesale price index of Nepal Rastra Bank.
3 Financial Resources Using Forms FIN - 3 and FIN - 4 in Section IV (Bidding Forms) the
Bidder must demonstrate access to, or availability of, financial
resources such as liquid assets, unencumbered real assets, and other
financial resources, (other than any contractual advance payments) to
meet the cash-flow requirement of NRs. 1,50,00,000.00

For Single Entity : Must meet requirement

For joint Venture : Each partner Must meet 25% of the requirement
All partner combined: Must meet requirement
One partner -> must meet 40% of the

Documents Submission Requirements : Form FIN - 3

4 Required Bid Capacity The bidding capacity of the bidder should be equal to or more than
the NRs. 7,18,00,000.00

For Single Entity : Must meet requirement

For joint Venture :
All combined partner: Must meet requirements,
Each partner Must meet 25% of the requirement,
One partner: Must meet 40% of the requirement

Documents Submission Requirements : Form FIN - 4 and Form FIN


2.4 Experience
Sl. No. Criteria Title Criteria Description
Sl. No. Criteria Title Criteria Description

1 General Construction Experience Experience under construction contracts in the role of contractor,
subcontractor, or management contractor for at least the last Five (5)
years prior to the applications submission deadline.

2 Contracts of Similar Size and Nature Participation as Prime contractor, management contractor, or
(ii) For Works with value above NRs. 50 subcontractor, in at least One (1) Contract within the last ten (10)
million years, with a value of at least NRs. 5,75,00,000.00 that have been
successfully or are substantially completed and that are similar to the
proposed works. The similarity shall be based on the physical size,
complexity, methods, technology or other characteristics as
described in Section VI, Works Requirements.

For Single Entity : Must meet requirement

For joint Venture,
For all partner combined: Not Applicable
Each partner: Not Applicable
For One Partner: Must meet requirement

Documents Submission Requirements : Form EXP – 2(a)

3 Construction Experience in Key Activities For the above or other contracts executed during the period
stipulated in 2.4.2(a) above, a minimum construction experience in
the following key activities :
Concrete works (including Plum Concrete, Shotcrete, Grouting): 285

For Single Entity : Must meet all requirements

For joint Venture,
For all partner combined: Must meet all requirements
Each partner: Not applicable
For One Partner: Not applicable

Documents Submission Requirements : Form EXP – 2(b)

Following contracts shall not be counted for this purpose

a) The contracts which were invited or accepted before 2078-12-03 B.S or March 17, 2022 A.D
b) The contracts which have been invited after 2078-12-03 B.S i.e March 17, 2022 A.D and accepted but the work
acceptance report has been approved according to Rule 117 of PPR.
c) The contracts that are running under all types of foreign assistance
Personnel Requirements
Using Form PER-1 and PER-2 in Section IV (Bidding Forms), the Bidder must demonstrate it has personnel that
meet the following requirements:

Sl. No. Position Required No Academic Qualification Total Work Experience Experience in Similar
(years) Works (years)
1 Civil Engineer 1 Bachelors in Civil 3 1
Engineering or Equivalent
Equipment Requirements
Using Form EQU in Section IV(Bidding Forms), the Bidder must demonstrate it has the key equipment listed

Sl. No. Equipment Type and Characteristics Minimum Number Requirement

1 Concrete Mixer 1

2 Tipper 1
2.5 Subcontractors
The experience and financial capacity of the sub-contractors shall not be added to those of the Bidder for
purposes of qualification of the Bidder.
The sub-contractors proposed shall be fully qualified for their work proposed, and
meet the following criteria:
Bidding Forms
This Section contains the forms which are to be completed by the Bidder and submitted as part of its Bid.
Letter of Technical Bid

The Bidder must accomplish the Letter of Bid in its letter head clearly showing the Bidder’s
complete name and address.

Date: .........................................................

Name of the contract: .........................................................

Invitation for Bid No.: .......................................................


We, the undersigned, declare that:

(a) We have examined and have no reservations to the Bidding Documents, including Addenda issued
in accordance with Instructions to Bidders (ITB) Clause 8.

(b) We offer to execute in conformity with the Bidding Documents the following Works:

(c) Our Bid consisting of the Technical Bid and the Price Bid shall be valid for a period of [insert validity
period as specified in ITB 18.1 of the BDS] days from the date fixed for the bid submission deadline
in accordance with the Bidding Documents, and it shall remain binding upon us and may be
accepted at any time before the expiration of that period.

(d) Our firm, including any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the Contract, have nationalities from
eligible countries in accordance with ITB 4.2 and meet the requirements of ITB 3.4,& 3.5

(e) We are not participating, as a Bidder or as a subcontractor, in more than one Bid in this bidding
process in accordance with ITB 4.3(e), other than alternative offers submitted in accordance with
ITB 13.

(f) Our firm, its affiliates or subsidiaries, including any Subcontractors or Suppliers for any part of
the contract, has not been declared ineligible by DP, under the Employer’s country laws or official
regulations or by an act of compliance with a decision of the United Nations Security Council;

(g) We are not a government owned entity/We are a government owned entity but meet the
requirements of ITB 4.5;1

(h) We declare that, we including any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the contract do not
have any conflict of interest in accordance with ITB 4.3 and we have not been punished for an
offense relating to the concerned profession or business.

(i) We declare that we are solely responsible for the authenticity of the documents submitted by us.
The document and information submitted by us are true and correct. If any document/information
given is found to be concealed at a later date, we shall accept any legal actions by the Employer.
(j) We agree to permit the Employer/DP or its representative to inspect our accounts and records and
other documents relating to the bid submission and to have them audited by auditors appointed by
the Employer.
(k) If our Bid is accepted, we commit to mobilizing key equipment and personnel in accordance with
the requirements set forth in Section VI (Works Requirement) and our technical proposal, or as
otherwise agreed with the Employer.

(l) We declare that we have not running contracts more than five (5)1 in accordance with ITB 4.9.

Name: .................................................................................................

In the capacity of .............................................................................

Signed …………………………………………………………...

Duly authorized to sign the Bid for and on behalf of …………

Date …………………………………………………………....

1 Note: Following contracts shall not be counted for this purpose

a) The contracts which were invited or accepted before 2078-12-03 B.S or March 17, 2022 A.D
b) The contracts which have been invited after 2078-12-03 B.S i.e March 17, 2022 A.D and accepted but the work
acceptance report has been approved according to Rule 117 of PPR.
c) The contracts that are running under all types of foreign assistance
Letter of Price Bid

The Bidder must accomplish the Letter of Bid in its letterhead clearly showing the Bidder’s
complete name and address.

Date: .........................................................

Name of the contract: .........................................................

Invitation for Bid No.: .......................................................


We, the undersigned, declare that:

(a) We have examined and have no reservations to the Bidding Documents, including Addenda issued
in accordance with Instructions to Bidders (ITB) Clause 8;

(b) We offer to execute in conformity with the Bidding Documents the following Works:

(c)The total price of our Bid, excluding any discounts offered in item (d) below is: [Insert one of the
options below as appropriate] or when left blank is the Bid Price indicated in the Bill of Quantities

Option 1, in case of single contract: Total price is: [insert the total price of the Bid in words and figures];

Option 2, in case of multiple lots (contracts): (i) Total price of each lot (contracts): [insert the total price
of each lot in words and figures]; (ii) Total price of subject contract [say Lot1] and Lot2 [another
contract] [insert the total price in words and figures]; (iii) Total price of subject contract [say Lot1]and
Lot3 [another contract] [insert the total price in words and figures]; Total price of subject contract [say
Lot1], Lot2 [another contract], Lot3 [another contract], ………………..[insert the total price in words
and figures];

(d) The discounts offered and the methodology for their application for subject contract [single contract]
are:…………………………………………….. [For Bidding Documents not provisioning multiple

Add following if Bidding Document provisions applicability of multiple contracts:

The discounts offered and the methodology for their application for subject contract [say Lot1] and Lot2
[another contract] are:……………………………………………..
The discounts offered and the methodology for their application for subject contract [say Lot1] and Lot3
[another contract] are:……………………………………………..

The discounts offered and the methodology for their application for subject contract [say Lot1], Lot2
[another contract] and Lot3 [another contract],……………………,

1. Formulate possible combinations depending upon the number of lots under Bidding Process and
modify accordingly Paragraph (c) and (d)]

(a) Our bid shall be valid for a period of [insert validity period as specified in ITB 18.1] days from the
date fixed for the bid submission deadline in accordance with the Bidding Documents, and it shall
remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period;

(b) If our bid is accepted, we commit to obtain a performance security in accordance with the Bidding

(c) We have paid, or will pay the following commissions, gratuities, or fees with respect to the bidding
process or execution of the Contract:2
Name of Recipient Address Reason Amount

............................................. ........................................... .................................. ........................

............................................. ........................................... .................................. ....................... .
(d) We understand that this bid, together with your written acceptance thereof included in your
notification of award, shall constitute a binding contract between us, until a formal contract is
prepared and executed;

(e) We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest evaluated bid or any other bid that you
may receive; and

(f) We declare that we are solely responsible for the authenticity of the documents submitted by us.

(g) We agree to permit the Employer/DP or its representative to inspect our accounts and records and
other documents relating to the bid submission and to have them audited by auditors appointed by
the Employer.
Name: ..............................................................................................

In the capacity of .............................................................................

Signed …………………………………………………………...

Duly authorized to sign the Bid for and on behalf of …………

Date …………………………………………………………....

If none has been paid or is to be paid, indicate “None”.
Table of Price Adjustment Data3
[To be used if Price Adjustment is applicable as per GCC 53.1]

Base Bidder's
Source Proposed
Index Value Proposed
Code of Weighting
Description and Weighting
Index* Range
Date (coefficient)**
1 2 3 4 5 6
Non -
0.15 0.15
Adjustable (A)
Labor (b)
Materials (c)
usage (d)
Total 1.00

*Normally following source of index shall apply. Public Entity shall choose applicable Index for each

(a) Labor: "National Salary and Wage Rate Index"- "Construction Labor" of Nepal Rastra Bank
or rate fixed by District Rate Fixation Committee

(b) Material:"National Wholesale Price Index" - Construction Materials" of Nepal Rastra Bank

(c) Equipment usage: "National Wholesale Price Index" - Machinery and Equipment" of Nepal Rastra
Bank or "Fuel" Price fixed by Nepal Oil Corporation.

** Bidders proposed weightings should be within the range specified by the Employer in column - 5

Non-compliance of the data (stipulated by the bidder in this table) with requirements described here
shall not be grounds for bid rejection and such non-compliance will be subject to clarification and
rectification prior to contract award.
Table of Price Adjustment Data 4
[To be used if Price Adjustment is applicable as per GCC 53.6]

Code Construction Unit Base Price (NRs/Unit) Source

Material* (Ex-factory) (Factory)**
1 2 3 4 5

* Major construction materials to be specified by Employer in column - 2.

** Base Price and source normally to be specified by Employer (or alternatively informed to be
proposed by bidder) in column 4 and 5.

The base prices of the construction materials shall be taken as of 30 days before the deadline for submission of the Bid
as quoted by the Bidder and verified by the Employer. For the purpose of calculation of price adjustment, the Ex-
factory price of the same source shall be taken into consideration.

Non-compliance of the data (stipulated by the bidder in this table) with requirements described here
shall not be grounds for bid rejection and such non-compliance will be subject to clarification and
rectification prior to contract award.
Bid Security
Bank Guarantee
Bank’s Name, and Address of Issuing Branch or Office
(On Letter head of the Bank)
Beneficiary: .............................. name and address of Employer ………………………………
Date: ……………………………………………Bid Security No.: ..............................................
We have been informed that. …………. [insert name of the Bidder] (hereinafter called “the
Bidder”)intends to submit its bid (hereinafter called “the Bid”) to you for the execution of
………… of Contract . …………… under Invitation for Bids No. ……………… (“the IFB”).
Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions, bids must be supported by a bid
At the request of the Bidder, we…………………. . name of Bank ……………….. hereby irrevocably
undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of . . ………...amount in
figures ………………………. (. …………..amount in words ……………….) upon receipt by us of
your first demand in writing accompanied by a written statement stating that the Bidder is in breach of its
obligation(s) under the bid conditions, because the Bidder:
(a) has withdrawn or modifies its Bid:
i) during the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder on the Letter of Technical and Price Bid,
in case of electronic submission
(ii) from the period twenty-four hours prior to bid submission deadline up to the period of bid validity
specified by the Bidder on the Letter of Technical Bid and Price Bid, in case of hard copy submission;
(b) does not accept the correction of errors in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders
(hereinafter “the ITB”); or
(c) changes the prices or substance of the bid while providing information pursuant to clause 27.1 of
ITB; or
(d) having been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by the Employer during the period of bid validity,
(i) fails or refuses to execute the Contract Agreement, or (ii) fails or refuses to furnish the
performance security, in accordance with the ITB.
(e) is involved in fraud and corruption in accordance with the ITB
This guarantee will remain in force up to and including the date ………number…………days after
the deadline for submission of Bids as such deadline is stated in the instructions to Bidders or as it may
be extended by the Employer, notice of which extension(s) to the Bank is hereby waived. Any demand in
respect of this guarantee should reach the Bank not letter than the above date.
This Bank guarantee shall not be withdrawn or released merely upon return of the original guarantee by
the Bidder unless notified by you for the release of the guarantee.
This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No. 758.
. . .Bank’s seal and authorized signature(s) . . .
The bid security of ………..……………. has been counter guaranteed by the Bank ……..………..…… on
…………... .................................................. ...……..………. (Applicable for Bid Security of Foreign Banks).
Technical Proposal Format



Site Organization

Method Statement

Mobilization Schedule

Construction Schedule

Form PER - 1: Proposed Personnel

Bidders should provide the names of suitably qualified personnel to meet the specified requirements for
each of the positions listed in Section VI (Work Requirements). The data on their experience should be
supplied using the Form below for each candidate.

Academic Total Work Experience in

No. Name Position* Qualification Experience Similar
[Years] Works [years]






 As listed in Section VI (Work Requirements).

Form PER - 2: Resume of Proposed Personnel

The Bidder shall provide all the information requested below.

Personal Information Name Date of Birth
Professional qualifications
Present employment Name of employer
Address of employer
Telephone Contact (manager/personnel officer)
Fax E-mail
Job title Years with present employer

Summarize professional experience over the last twenty years in reverse chronological order. Indicate
particular technical and managerial experience relevant to the project.

From To Company, Project, Position and Relevant Technical and

Management Experience
Form EQU: Equipment

The Bidder shall provide adequate information to demonstrate clearly that it has the capability to meet the
requirements for the key equipment listed in Section VI (Work Requirements). A separate Form shall
be prepared for each item of equipment listed, or for alternative equipment proposed by the Bidder.

(i) For the equipment under Bidder's ownership

Total Nos. of No. of Equipment

Equipment under engaged/proposed for Nos. of Equipment
Equipment Type
No. Bidder's ongoing/committed proposed for this
and Characteristics
Ownership contracts contract


(ii) For the Equipment to be leased/hired

Total Nos. of No. of Equipment Nos. of Equipment
Equipment Type Equipment under the engaged/committed proposed to be
and Characteristics ownership of lease/hire for other works leased/hired for this
provider contract

Type of Equipment

Equipment Information Name of manufacturer Model and power rating

Capacity Year of manufacture

Current Status Current location

Details of current commitments

Source Indicate source of the equipment

 Owned  Rented  Leased  Specially manufactured

The following information shall be provided only for equipment not owned by the Bidder.
Owner Name of owner

Address of owner

Telephone Contact name and title

Fax email

Agreements Details of rental / lease / manufacture agreements specific to the


The Bidder shall be solely responsible for the data provided. However, this shall not limit
the right of Employer to verify the authenticity of submitted information.
Bidder’s Information and Qualification Format

Site Organization

Method Statement

Mobilization Schedule

Construction Schedule

Bidder’s Qualification
To establish its qualifications to perform the contract in accordance with Section III (Evaluation and
Qualification Criteria) the Bidder shall provide the information requested in the corresponding
Information Sheets included hereunder.

Form ELI - 1: Bidder’s Information Sheet

Bidder's Information

Bidder's legal name

In case of JV, legal name of each partner

Bidder's country of constitution

Bidder's year of constitution

Bidder's legal address in country of constitution

Bidder's authorized representative (name, address,

telephone numbers, fax numbers, e-mail address)

Attached are copies of the following original documents.

1. In case of single entity, articles of incorporation or constitution of the legal entity named above, in
accordance with ITB 4.1 and 4.2.
2. Authorization to represent the firm or JV named in above, in accordance with ITB 20.2.

3. In case of JV, letter of intent to form JV or JV agreement, in accordance with ITB 4.1.

4. In case of a government-owned entity, any additional documents not covered under 1 above required to
comply with ITB 4.5.
Form ELI - 2: JV Information Sheet
Each member of a JV must fill in this form

JV / Specialist Subcontractor Information

Bidder's legal name

JV Partner's or Subcontractor's legal name

JV Partner's or

Subcontractor's country of constitution

JV Partner's or

Subcontractor's year of constitution

JV Partner's or

Subcontractor's legal address in country of


JV Partner's or

Subcontractor's authorized representative

information (name, address, telephone numbers,

fax numbers, e-mail address)

Attached are copies of the following original documents.

1. articles of incorporation or constitution of the legal entity named above, in accordance with
ITB 4.1 and 4.2.
2. Authorization to represent the firm named above, in accordance with ITB 20.2.
3. In the case of government-owned entity, documents establishing legal and financial autonomy
and compliance with commercial law, in accordance with ITB 4.5.
Form ELI - 3: Bidder’s Running Contracts5
Each member of a JV must fill in this form

Bidder's Running Contracts

Contract Date of issuance

Name of Date of Issuance
Identification Source of of Letter of Status of of Taking Over
office contract**
no. Fund* Acceptance Certificate***

* Mention GON funded or DP funded or Other PE (Insert name) funded

** Mention "Yet to sign" if contract is not signed, "Running" if contract has been signed and contract is running
and "Substantially completed" if taking over certificate has been issued.
** Insert date of issuance of taking over certificate if the awarded contract has been substantially completed and
taking over certificate has been issued.

5Note: Following contracts shall not be counted for this purpose

a) The contracts which were invited or accepted before 2078-12-03 B.S or March 17, 2022 A.D
b) The contracts which have been invited after 2078-12-03 B.S i.e March 17, 2022 A.D and accepted but the work
acceptance report has been approved according to Rule 117 of PPR.
c) The contracts that are running under all types of foreign assistance
Form LIT - 1: Pending Litigation
Each member of a JV must fill in this form

Pending Litigation

 No pending litigation in accordance with Criteria 2.2 of Section III (Evaluation and Qualification
 Pending litigation in accordance with Criteria 2.2 of Section III (Evaluation and Qualification Criteria)

Value of Pending Value of Pending

Year Matter in Dispute Claim as a Percentage
Claim in NRS
on Net Worth
Form FIN - 1: Financial Situation

Each Bidder or member of a JV must fill in this form

Financial Data for Previous 3 Years [in NRS]

Year 1 : Year 2 : Year 3 :

Information from Balance Sheet

Total Assets

Total Liabilities

Net Worth

Current Assets

Current Liabilities

Information from Income Statement

Total Revenues

Profit Before Tax

Profit After Tax

o Attached are copies of financial statements (balance sheets including all related notes, and income statements)
for the last three or above years, as indicated above, complying with the following conditions.
o All such documents reflect the financial situation of the Bidder or partner to a JV, and not sister
or parent companies.
o Historic financial statements must be audited by a certified auditor.
o Historic financial statements must be complete, including all notes to the financial statements.
o Historic financial statements must correspond to accounting periods already completed and audited (no
statements for partial periods shall be requested or accepted).
Form FIN - 2: Average Annual Construction Turnover

Each Bidder or member of a JV must fill in this form

The information supplied should be the Annual Turnover of the Bidder or each member of a JV in
terms of the amounts billed to clients for each year for work in progress or completed to NRs at the end
of the period reported.

Annual Turnover Data for the Last 10 Years

(Construction only)

Year Amount Currency

- Average Annual Construction Turnover

(Best three years within the last 10 years)
Form FIN - 3: Financial Resources

Specify proposed sources of financing, such as liquid assets, unencumbered real assets and other
financial means, net of current commitments, available to meet the total construction cash flow demands
of the subject contract or contracts as indicated in Section III (Evaluation and Qualification Criteria).

Financial Resources

No. Source of financing Amount (in NRS)

Form FIN – 4: Bid Capacity

Each Bidder or member of a JV must fill in this form

Bid Capacity = [(5 x A) – B]

A = Average Annual Turnover of best three years out of last ten fiscal years.
B = Annual Value of the existing commitments and works (ongoing) to be completed, calculated from

A, in B, in Bid Capacity,
SN Name of Bidder Pan No.
Million Million in Million

Total Bid Capacity :

Signature of Bidder
Form FIN- 5: Current Contract Commitments / Works in Progress

Bidders and each partner to a JV should provide information on their current commitments on all contracts that have been awarded, or for which a letter of intent or
acceptance has been received, or for contracts approaching completion, but for which an unqualified, full completion certificate has yet to be issued.
Current Contract Commitments ( For Calculation of B with reference of FIN-3)
Estimated Time in Month
Initial or Revised Value of
Employer's Contract Contract to Complete the
Contract Contract outstanding
Name of Name of the Contact Amount in Date(yyyy- outstanding works
No. Share in % Duration works [In
Contract Contractor/s Address, Tel, Millions mm) (f) = (c) + (d) – Date of
(a) (months) Millions, NRS]#
Fax (b) (c) Invitation of Bid
(d) (e)

Signature of Bidder
# The Outstanding Works means Contract Price (excluding Vat) minus Work Evaluated by Employer till the reference date. Bidder shall have to submit the relevant documentary evidence to
substantiate the facts/figures.

 ( e)  ( a ) 
Note 1: “B” shall be calculated as : B=   x12 , If (f) is less than 12, then value of (f) shall be taken as 12.
 (f) 
Note 2: If Initial or Revised Contract Date is run out with respect to Date of Invitation of Bid, the Estimated Time in Month to Complete the outstanding works shall be taken equal to 12 months.
Form EXP - 1: General Construction Experience
Each Bidder or member of a JV must fill in this form.

General Construction Experience

Starting Ending Year Contract Identification and Name and Address Role of
Month Year Month of Employer Brief Description of the Works Bidder
Year Executed by the Bidder
Form EXP - 2(a): Specific Construction Experience

Fill up one (1) form per contract.

Contract of Similar Size and Nature

Contract No………… of….. Contract Identification
Award Date Completion
Role in Contract   
Contractor Management Subcontractor
Total Contract Amount  NRS
If Partner in a JV or subcontractor, specify Percent of Amount
participation of total contract amount Total
Employer's Name

Description of the similarity in accordance with Criteria 2.4.2 (a) of Section III

Note :
The Employer should insert here contract size,
complexity, methods, technology, or other
characteristics as described in Section VI
(Work Requirements) against which the bidder
demonstrates similarity in the box on the right-
Description of the similarity in accordance with Criteria 2.4.2 (a) of Section III

Participation as Prime contractor, management contractor, or subcontractor, in at least One (1) Contract of Single Building with
RCC Framed Structure within the last ten (10) years, each with a value of at least NRs 5,75,00,000.00 that have been
successfully or are substantially completed and that are similar to the proposed works.The similarity shall be based on the
physical size, complexity, methods, technology or other characteristics as described in Section VI, Works Requirements.Single
entity must meet requirements. In case of joint venture, all partners combined must meet requirements.Document required:
Form EXP-2(a)
Form EXP - 2(b): Specific Construction Experience in Key Activities

Fill up one (1) form per contract.

Contract of Similar Size and Nature

Contract No………… Contract Identification


Award Date Completion Date

Role in Contract  Contractor  Management  Subcontractor


Total Contract Amount  NRS ………..

If Partner in a JV or Percent of Total Amount

subcontractor, specify
participation of total contract

Employer's Name

Description of the similarity in accordance with Criteria 2.4.2 (a) of Section III

Note :
The Employer should insert here
production rate(s) for the key
activity (activities) subject
contract against which the bidder
demonstrates in the box on the
right-hand-side production rates
achieved by him on previous
Description of the similarity in accordance with Criteria 2.4.2 (b) of Section III

For the above or other contracts executed during the period stipulated in 2.4.2(a) above,a minimum construction experience in
the following key activities :
(1) Concrete works (including Plum concrete, Shotcrete, Grouting): 285 Cum/Year

Single entity must meet requirements. In case of joint venture, all partners combined must meet requirements.Document
required: Form EXP-2(b)

Eligible Countries
This section contains the list of eligible countries.

For GoN funded: [with estimate upto NRs. 5 Billion]

For the purpose of ITB 4.2: Nepal and
For the purpose of Country of Origin ITB 5.1 and GCC 79.2: "all Countries"
Part II: Employer's Requirements
Table of Clauses

Scope of Work ............................................................................................................................

Specifications ............................................................................................................................

Notes on the Specifications ......................................................................................................

Sample Clause: Equivalency of Standards and Codes ...........................................................
Drawings .....................................................................................................................................

Supplementary Information .......................................................................................................

Personnel Requirements…………………………………………………………………....

Equipment Requirements …….……………………………………………………….......

Section VI: Bill of Quantities .....................................................................................................

Notes for Unit Rate Contracts: .................................................................................................

Preamble of Bill of Quantities ...................................................................................................
A. General .................................................................................................................................
B. Day work Schedule ..............................................................................................................
Provisional Sums ......................................................................................................................
Bill of Quantities .........................................................................................................................

Works Requirements
This Section contains the Specification, the Drawings, and supplementary information that describe the
Works to be procured, Personnel Requirements and Equipment Requirements.
Scope of Work
Construction of RCC framed structure office building at Mahendranagar, Kanchanpur. The work
consist of site preparation, foundation excavation, RCC works, PCC works, Brick works, wood
works for doors, UPVC works for windows and vertilation, tile works for flooring, granite works
for staircase, colour for doors, inner and outer portion, electrifications, sanitation etc. as mentioned
in bills of quantities and other parts of this bid documents.
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 1

Notes on the Specifications

A set of precise and clear specifications is a prerequisite for Bidders to respond realistically and
competitively to the requirements of the Employer without qualifying or conditioning their Bids. The
specifications must be drafted to permit the widest possible competition and, at the same time, present a
clear statement of the required standards of workmanship, materials, and performance of the goods and
services to be procured. Only if this is done will the objectives of economy, efficiency and fairness in
procurement be realized, responsiveness of Bids be ensured, and the subsequent task of bid evaluation
facilitated. The specifications should require that all goods and materials to be incorporated in the
Works be new, unused, of the most recent or current models, and incorporate all recent improvements in
design and materials unless provided otherwise in the Contract.

Samples of specifications from previous similar projects are useful in this respect. The use of metric units is
encouraged by the Funding Agency in case of funding assisted projects. Most specifications are normally
written specially by the Employer or Project Manager to suit the Contract Works in hand. The available
standard specification of works of Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and Transport, DoLI and Other line
Ministries can be adopted for respective civil construction works.

There are considerable advantages in standardizing General Specifications for repetitive Works in
recognized public sectors, such as highways, urban housing, irrigation, and water supply, in the same
country or region where similar conditions prevail. The General Specifications should cover all classes of
workmanship, materials, and equipment commonly involved in construction, however it may not
necessarily be adequate to be used in a particular Works Contract and may necessitate preparation of
Particular (Special) Specifications to amend and or supplement the provision of the General Specifications to
meet the requirement of the particular Works.

Care must be taken in drafting specifications to ensure that they are not restrictive. In the specification of
standards for goods, materials, and workmanship, recognized international standards should be used as
much as possible. Where other particular standards are used, whether national standards of Nepal or other
standards, the specifications should state that goods, materials, and workmanship that meet other
authoritative standards, and which ensure substantially equal or higher quality than the standards
mentioned, will also be acceptable.

Employers should decide whether technical solutions to specified parts of the Works are to be permitted.
Alternatives are appropriate in cases where obvious (and potentially less costly) alternatives are possible to
the technical solutions indicated in the Procurement Documents for certain elements of the Works, taking
into consideration the comparative specialized advantage of potential bidders. For example:

The Employer should provide a description of the selected parts of the Works with appropriate
references to Drawings, Specifications, Bill of Quantities, and Design or Performance criteria, stating that
the alternative solutions if applicable shall be at least structurally and functionally equivalent to the
basic design parameters and specifications.

Such alternative solutions shall be accompanied by all information necessary for a complete evaluation by the
Employer, including drawings, design calculations, technical specifications, breakdown of prices,
proposed construction methodology, and other relevant details.
Sample Clause: Equivalency of Standards and Codes
Wherever reference is made in the Contract to specific standards and codes to be met by the goods and
materials to be furnished, and work performed or tested, the provisions of the latest current edition or
revision of the relevant standards and codes in effect shall apply, unless otherwise expressly stated in the
Contract. Where such standards and codes are national, or relate to a particular country or region, other
authoritative standards that ensure a substantially equal or higher quality than the standards and codes
specified will be accepted subject to the Project Manager‟s prior review and written consent. Differences
between the standards specified and the proposed alternative standards shall be fully described in writing
by the Contractor and submitted to the Project Manager at least 30 days prior to the date when the
Contractor desires the Project Manager‟s consent. In the event the Project Manager determines that such
proposed deviations do not ensure substantially equal or higher quality, the Contractor shall comply with
the standards specified in the documents.

These Notes for Preparing Specifications are intended only as information for the Employer or the person
drafting the Procurement Documents. They should not be included in the final documents.
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 3




G2.01 Sign Board/Consultant Site Office
G2.02 Drawing, Instructions and Measurements
G2.03 Clearing the Site
G2.04 Trees
G2.05 Measuring Materials
G2.06 Temporary Protection
G2.07 Quality of Work
G2.08 Leave Clean
G2.09 Samples
G2.10 Provisional Items
G2.11 Storage at Site
G2.12 Contractor's Laboratory

G3.01 Sources
G3.02 Inspection and Acceptance of Materials
G3.03 Procurement Programme, Samples and Tests
G3.04 Defective Materials
G3.05 Trade Names and Alternatives
G3.06 Imported Materials
G3.07 Contract Documents

G4.01 Shoring of Foundations
G4.02 Trimming and Leveling
G4.03 Classification of Soil
G4.04 Disposal
G4.05 Extra for Lift
G4.06 Disposal of Surplus Earth
G4.07 Site Clearance
G4.08 Filling in Plinth

G5.01 Plain Cement Concrete M10 (1:3:6)
G5.02 Plain Cement Concrete M15 (1:2:4)
G5.03 Plain Cement Concrete M20 (1:1.5:3)
G5.04 Plain Cement Concrete M25 (1:1:2)
G5.05 Materials
G5.06 Mixing
G5.07 Laying
G5.08 Curing
G5.09 Concrete on Grades
G5.10 General RCC Works
G5.11 Materials
G5.12 Water
G5.13 Cement
G5.14 Aggregate
G5.15 Deleterious Materials
G5.16 Fine Aggregates
G5.17 Gradation for Fine Aggregate Table - 1
G5.18 Coarse Aggregate
G5.19 Gradation for Coarse Aggregate Table 2
G5.20 Measurement and Proportioning of Concrete Materials
G5.21 Properties of Concrete
G5.22 Concrete Grade and Strength
G5.23 Control of Concrete
G5.24 Measurement of Consistency
G5.25 Concrete Mixing
G5.26 Distribution of Concrete
G5.27 Preparations for Placing Concrete
G5.28 Placing Concrete
G5.29 Placing Concrete in Extreme Weather
G5.30 Vibration
G5.31 Construction Joints
G5.32 Protection and Curing of Concrete
G5.33 Patch work
G5.34 Test of Structure
G5.35 Measurement of RCC Members
G5.36 RCC M 150 Shelves

G6.01 Supplying and fixing tore steel
G6.02 Supplying and fixing mild steel
G6.03 Reinforcement Bar
G6.04 Certificates and Tests for Reinforcement
G6.05 Dimensions of Reinforcement
G6.06 Bending Schedule of Reinforcement
G6.07 Fixing Reinforcement
G6.08 Cover of Concrete and Spacing of Bars

G7.01 Centering, Propping and Strutting
G7.02 Design
G7.03 Deflection and Camber
G7.04 Supports
G7.05 Joints and Edges
C7.06 Sundries
G7.07 Cleaning and Treatment of Formwork
G7.08 Striking or Removal of Formwork
G7.09 Extra in formwork

G8.01 Kiln made brick in Foundation/plinths
G8.02 BTF machine made bricks
G8.03 Kiln made bricks in Superstructure
G8.04 Machine made bricks in Superstructure
G8.05 Kiln made brick masonry in cement mortar with 6mm diameter mild steel reinforcement
G8.06 Machine made bricks as above
G8.07 Extra for Fair faced/Decorative Brickwork
G8.08 Brick on Edge in cement mortar
G8.09 Extra for providing quarter thick brick in Cement Mortar (1:3)

G9.01 Timber
G9.02 Dressed Sal timber Eave's Board
G9.03 Timber facia
G9.04 Timber Posts
G9.05 Teak timber Hand Rail
G9.06 Sal wood Skirting Board


G10.01 Sal Timber frames - Doors, Windows Ventilators
G10.02 Mild steel Flat Holdfasts
G10.03 12mm Diameter Holdfasts
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 5
G10.04 Solid Core Flush Door Shutters
G10.05 Sal Timber Door Shutters
G10.06 Clear Storey and Ventilator Sal Timber Shutters
G10.07 Glazing
G10.08 Hardware to the Doors/Windows/Clear storey windows/Ventilators


G11.01 Frame/Shutter in Doors, Windows, Ventilators and clear storey Windows
G11.02 Construction
G11.03 Doors/Windows General requirements


G12.01 Stainless Steel Hand Rail
G12.02 Mild steel Hand Rail
G12.03 MS flat profiled grill
G12.04 Circular/Square MS Pipes
G12.05 Brass Step Edging

G13.01 Hand/Roller Packed Gravel and Stone Boulder
G13.02 Kiln Made Dry Flat Brick Soling
G13.03 Kiln made Dry Brick on Edge Soling
G13.04 Plain Cement Concrete (1:4:8) under Floor
G13.05 Plain Cement Concrete (1:2:4) under Floor
G13.06 150mm Thick Cement Concrete (1:2:4)
G13.07 Flagged Stone Flooring in Cement Mortar
G13.08 Dressed Stone Flooring/Skirting
G13.09 Marble Flooring
G13.10 Terrazzo Tile Skirting/Dado
G13.11 Glass Strip in Flooring Panels
G13.12 Glazed/non glazed Ceramic Tiles
G13.13 Kiln made brick on Flat in Cement Mortar
G13.14 Kiln made brick on Edge in Cement Mortar
G13.15 Cement Render Skirting
G13.16 Screeding

G14.01 CGI Sheet Roofing - Colour Bounded
G14.02 Tubular Truss with Steel Tubes
G14.03 16mm Diameter Anchor Bolts
G14.04 Flashing

G15.01 12mm thick (1:4) Cement plaster on Walls
G15.02 12mm thick (1:3) Cement plaster on RCC slab soffit and ceiling
G15.03 Cement Sand Punning (1:2) with Neat Cement finish
G15.04 Pointing of Exposed Brickwork with Cement Mortar

G16.01 Primer Coats
G16.02 Water Proofing Cement Paint
G16.03 Synthetic Enamel Paint
G16.04 Acrylic Emulsion Paint
G16.05 Waterproofing Paint to Exposed Brickwork
G16.06 Oil bound Distemper Paint
G16.07 Natural Wood Polish
G16.08 Hot Bitumen Emulsion
G16.09 Heritage Texture Paint

G17.01 Wetproof Process
G17.02 Bitumen 80/100 of Approved make
G17.03 Hessian Base Tarfelt laps bonded with Hot Bitumen
G17.04 Heavy Gauge, Cross Fibred, Tearproof Polythene Sheet
G17.05 32 SWG Zinc coated Flat Sheet
G17.06 Damp Proof Course of Plain Cement Concrete

G18.01 Staircase Balusters
G18.02 Staircase Balustrades
G18.03 122mm thick Gypboard
G18.04 200mm thick Gypboard
G18.05 Ms Sheet Rolling Shutter
G18.06 Metal Gate
G18.07 MS Fan Hooks
G18.08 Carving Works in Cement Mortar


G1.01 The work shall be carried out according to the specifications whether specifically mentioned or
only indicated. No extra in any form shall be paid to the Contractor unless definitely stated as an
item in the Bill of Quantities.
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 7
Whenever the specifications are not given or are ambiguous, the relevant Indian Standard and or
decisions of the Engineer/Architect shall be considered as final and binding. In such cases the
contractor is not entitled to claim and extra other than the rates fixed in the Bill of Quantities.
G1.02 The work shall be carried out simultaneously with the electrical, plumbing, sanitary and other
trades in cooperation with the trade contractors. The building Contractor shall keep the other
trade contractors informed well in advance of the proposed program of the work so that good
coordination is effected. The Contractor shall further cooperate with other trade contractors in
respect of any facilities required by them e.g. making holes in shuttering for pipes, electric
conduits, fan hooks etc. Nothing extra shall be admissible to him for such reasonable assistance
and facilities afforded to other contractors and the building contractor shall be deemed to have
taken these factors into consideration while quoting his tender rates.
G1.03 The work shall be related to the drawings, which the contract is presumed to have studied.
Nothing extra will be paid for any item by reason of its shape, location or other difficult
circumstances, even if the schedule makes no such distinction so long as the item is shown in the
G1.04 The materials stated in the specifications are those, which are generally available. Sourced
materials not conforming to specifications shall be rejected even if they come from stated
sources. The Contractor shall satisfy himself that sufficient quantities of material of acceptable
specification and type are available from the stated or other sources.

G2.01 Sign Board
The sign board shall be erected on the site as per consultant‟s approval. This board shall be
painted in approved color with names and title as illustrated. The contractor at his own expense
shall provide this. Further, the contractor shall provide site office for the Consultant with one
computer/printer and required stationary, till completion of the Project along with one vehicle
facility. The contractor at his own expense shall provide this. No extra shall be paid for this.

G2.02 Drawing, Instructions and Measurements

All work shall be done according to the drawings and instructions of the Engineer/Architect, and
the Contractor shall arrange to test materials and / or portions of the work at his own cost in order
to prove their soundness and sufficiency. If after any such test and in the opinion of the
Engineer/Architect any work or portion of work is found to be defective or unsound the
Contractor shall pull down and re-execute the same at his own cost. Defective materials shall be
removed from the site by the next day.

G2.03 Clearing the Site

The site described and shown on the plans shall be cleared of all obstructions, loose stones and
materials, rubbish of all kinds as well as brushwood. All holes or hollows whether originally
existing or produced shall be well rammed and leveled off as directed. Also the Contractor shall
dress the site prior to the construction works and landscape the premises after completion. No
extra shall be paid for this, unless specified otherwise.

G2.04 Trees
No trees shall be cut without permission. If any trees have to be cut, this shall form an extra
item. For the purpose of the specification a tree shall be defined as growth whose diameter of the
trunk at 300 mm from the base.
G2.05 Measuring Materials
Materials requiring measuring shall be measured separately in boxes or appropriate sizes before
being mixed.

G2.06 Temporary Protection

All trenches, walls, newly laid concrete, materials built that require setting or drying, or other
work requiring protection from weather, environment or accidental injury shall be protected by
means of a suitable plastic or other membrane, hoardings, boards, metal sheeting, sand bagging
or in other way so as to keep the work immune from damage. Nothing extra shall be allowed for
on this matter.

G2.07 Quality of Work

Materials, tools, plants and workmanship as approved by the Engineer/Architect shall be the best
of several kinds obtainable in the market and specifications not withstanding, the Employers
expectations shall be met with which shall be subject to the acceptance of the Engineer/Architect.
G2.08 Leave Clean
Upon the completion of the work at the end of each day, the contractor shall have his personnel
and materials kept orderly and the site of work cleaned of all residual materials, construction
debris, unused materials and such, to the satisfaction of the Engineer/Architect.
On completion, all construction work, it and the surroundings shall be cleaned down by
appropriate means, rubbish removed and the works and total site cleared of rubbish, surplus
materials, debris and other accumulations and everything maintained in a clean and orderly
condition by the Contractor. Should the Engineer/Architect not be satisfied he may issue
instructions given to the contractor on maintaining the construction, materials and site orderliness
to his satisfaction and the contractor shall make sure the Engineer/Architect‟s instructions are
followed by the next day.

G2.09 Samples
Samples of each class of work required shall be submitted by the Contractor for the approval of
the Engineer/Architect and after such approval these samples shall be deposited at a protected
place chosen by the Engineer/Architect. The Contractor will be required to perform all work
under the contract in accordance with these approved samples in addition to the other
specifications and clauses in this contract. In particular sample fair-faced brick walls with
Dakchi Appa inlay and interlacement of the two brick forms must not only be a decorative
exercise but shall be structurally sound and methods devised for it as shall be approved by the
contractors structural Engineer/Architects and proposed to the Engineer/Architect so that the
finished walls shall be stable on a long term basis. Special care must be taken so that slating
leaching from poor cement used in the laying and binding mortars and the like do not mar the
exposed walls and their decorative elements over the time of the maintenance of the works.

G2.10 Provisional (PC) Items

All provisional items in the schedule shall be carried out at the direction of the
Engineer/Architect and may or may not form part of the contract. In case the Contractor
executes the provisional items the rates shall be settled as stated in the conditions of contract.

G2.11 Storage at Site

Safe, dry and proper storage shall be provided for all materials, particularly for cement. The
capacity of a separate cement storage facility shall have a capacity to store at least 50 tones with
a 1200 wide walk all around the stacked bags installed at the site of work.

G2.12 Contractor's Laboratory ( Laboratory establishment is not applicable for this contract, but
testing should be carried out in approved lab)

The Contractor shall provide a laboratory with equipment at his own cost within 15 days
after signing the "Form of Agreement" at the site which shall be maintained by him through out
the Contract period and may only be removed with the written approval of the
Engineer/Architect upon the satisfactory completion of the works. The equipment and facilities
for carrying out the tests therein shall be under the supervision of a qualified Engineer/Architect
and lab technician. The laboratory shall be at least 20 meters square housed in a weatherproof
building designated and used exclusively for the purpose of testing. The laboratory shall be
maintained in a clean, tidy and orderly fashion to the satisfaction of the Engineer/Architect. The
Contractor's laboratory shall have the following equipment in working condition, labour and
materials required for tests.

Universal testing machine 100 1 set

Standard I.S. sieves for testing sand and aggregate up to 38mm 2 sets
Hydrometer 1 set
Penetrometer 1 set
Weighing balance up to 10 kg 1 set
Field balance minimum 1 gm 1 set
Weighing scale minimum 1 gm 1 set
Glass measuring flask ½ liter and 1 liter 4 sets
Stove and pans for sand drying 1 set
Slump cone 2 sets
Cube moulds metal 36 sets
Water tank for curing of concrete cubes and a sink provision
work benches, tables, etc. to the satisfaction of the Engineer/Architect‟s
Brick and tile curing tanks
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 9
The Contractor shall maintain the equipment in a good serviceable condition and any breakdown
or discrepancies shall be immediately corrected or equipment replaced if it is found to be
inaccurate by the next day.
In the performance of the tests required by the Engineer/Architect, the contractor shall carry out
tests in a technical laboratory of Pulchowk Engineering College, Nepal bureau of Standard,
National Vigilance center or any government recognized laboratory.
The Contractor shall perform tests of materials such as cube testing for every batch of concrete in
cast concrete cube forms, all batches of reinforcing bars, sand, aggregate, and other material as
instructed by the Engineer/Architect from time to time, arriving at the site, as specified and shall
submit to the Engineer/Architect two copies of the results of each test signed by the testing
authority for the approval of the Engineer/Architect. The third copy of the result of each test
shall be retained in the Contractor's Laboratory. Without relieving the Contractor of any of his
responsibilities for the testing of materials the Engineer/Architect may, as and when desired carry
out his personal tests using the facilities provided by the Contractor, to confirm the contractor‟s
test results. The Contractor shall arrange and carry out the tests of materials to be used in the
works or any other tests deemed necessary by the Engineer/Architect at his own cost.

The materials supplied and used in the Works shall comply with the requirements of these
Specifications. They shall be new, except as may be provided elsewhere in the Contract or
permitted by the Engineer/Architect in writing. The materials shall be manufactured, handled
and used in a workmanship like manner to ensure completed work in accordance with the
Contract. Where an Indian Standard is specified, the latest version of the standard quoted shall
be considered to apply. All manufactured and proprietary items shall be accompanied with
genuine test and / or performance specifications and / or results and / or guarantees as the case
may be; from the manufacturer signed by him and these shall be submitted to the
Engineer/Architect with the arrival of each item or material into the site of the work.

G3.01 Sources
The use of any one kind or class of material from more than one source is prohibited, except by
written permission of the Engineer/Architect. Such permission if granted will set forth the
conditions under which the change may be made. The sources or kinds of material shall not be
changed at any time without written permission of the Engineer/Architect. If the product from
any source proves unacceptable at any time, the Contractor shall make such arrangements as may
be necessary to assure acceptable material, either by alternations in plant operations or by a
change of source. Claims for increased costs, which may be occasioned by such alternations or
changes, will not be given consideration, unless the source of the unacceptable material was
designated in the Contract as a source of material.
When any proprietary or manufactured product, either new or used, is furnished by the
Employer, the location at which such material will be delivered to the Contractor will be
designated. In such cases, the Contractor shall haul the materials from the designated delivery
point to the point of use, and compensation for such hauling, installation, testing and
commissioning, shall be negotiated prior to compliance, and shall include the price for placing
the materials in the finished work.

G3.02 Inspection and Acceptance of Materials.

Final inspection and acceptance of materials will be made only at the site of work. The
Engineer/Architect reserves the right to sample, inspect and test materials throughout the
duration of the work, and to reject any materials, which are found to be unsatisfactory at any
A preliminary inspection of materials may be made at the source for the convenience of the
Contractor, but the presence of Engineer/Architect at the source shall not relieve the Contractor
of the responsibility of furnishing materials at the site, which comply with these Specifications,
and requirements of the project.
The Engineer/Architect shall have free entry at all times to those parts of any plant which
concern the manufacture or production of the materials ordered.

G3.03 Procurement Programme, Samples and Tests

The Contractor shall submit sample of all materials for the approval of the Engineer/Architect
prior to commencement of work.
The Contractor shall give immediate notification of the placing of orders for shipment of
materials to permit testing; he shall furnish without charge all samples required; and he shall
afford such facilities as the Engineer/Architect requires for collecting and forwarding such
The Contractor shall not make use of or incorporate into the work the materials represented by
the samples until the tests have been made and the materials are found to comply with the
requirements of the Specifications, except that any materials which have a satisfactory record of
compliance with the Specifications may, at the discretion of the Engineer/Architect be used until
the tests are completed. If the material fails to pass the tests, the Contractor shall take the
necessary steps to satisfactorily correct the deficiencies subject to the approval of the
When required by the Engineer/Architect, preliminary samples of the character and quantity
prescribed shall be submitted by the Contractor for examination and shall be tested. Samples
approved shall not be constructed as acceptance of materials. Acceptance or rejection shall be
based on the results of the tests and inspections prescribed in these Specifications of the batches
received at the site.
Within two weeks from the date of signing this Contract the Contractor shall also furnish a
detailed "Procurement of Materials Programme" for the approval of the Engineer/Architect.
This Procurement Programme above mentioned shall allow sufficient time to cover the time
required for the collection of all samples, it should allow for time required for testing and / or for
approvals of the Engineer/Architect, and then time for the final procurement, order, transport, site
stacking and storage at the Work site. This procumbent of all building and finishing materials
should be completed within the first six months of the Project as assessed from the date of
signing this Contract. Failure on the part of the Contractor to comply with this clause shall be
treated as a breach of contract. The Engineer/Architect shall evaluate the management and
operations of is Programme at the end of the said Project, and should the Project not be
completed in the specified time, in the light of the above, the Engineer/Architect's decision shall
be final and binding on the Contractor.

G3.04 Defective Materials

All materials, which do not conform to the requirements of the Contract, are liable to be rejected
whether in place or not. They shall be removed immediately from the site by the next day unless
otherwise permitted by the Engineer/Architect. No rejected material, the defects of which have
been subsequently corrected, shall be used in the work unless approval in writing has been given
by the Engineer/Architect. Failure of the Contractor to comply promptly with any order of the
Engineer/Architect given under this Clause, may result in the Engineer/Architect requesting that
the Employer remove and replace the rejected materials and the cost thereof shall be deducted
from any monies due to the contractor by the Employer.

G3.05 Trade Names and Alternatives

For convenience in designation in the contract, certain articles or materials to be incorporated in
the work may be designated under a trade name or by the name of a manufacturer and his
catalogue information. The use of an alternative article or material, which is of equal quality and
of the required characteristics for the purpose intended, will be permitted, subject to the
following requirements:

a) The burden of proof as to the quality and suitability of alternatives shall be upon
the Contractor and he shall furnish all information necessary as required by the
Engineer/Architect. The Engineer/Architect shall be the sole judge as to the quality and
suitability of alternative articles or materials and his decision shall be final.
b) The Engineer/Architect‟s approval of alternative materials does not release the
contractor from his responsibilities to the work, and the subsequent failure and replacement
of an approved alternative material still rests with the contractor at his own cost, which shall
be replaced even after installation if it proves to fail at a later date within the time of
c) Whenever the specifications permits the substitution of a similar or equivalent material or
article, no tests or action relating to the approval of such substitute material will be made
until the request for substitution is made in writing by the Contractor accompanied by
complete data as to the equality of the material or article proposed. Such request shall be
made in ample time to permit approval to avoid delaying the work.

G3.06 Imported Materials

Materials, which are manufactured, produced or fabricated outside Nepal, shall be delivered in
time to conform with the construction schedules and programs. The Contractor shall not be
entitled to an extension of time for acts or events occurring outside Nepal and it shall be the
Contractor's responsibility to deliver materials obtained to the point of entry into Nepal to permit
timely delivery to the job site. The Contractor shall supply the facilities and arrange for any
testing required at his own cost. All testing by the Contractor shall be subject to witnessing by
the Engineer/Architect at the Engineer/Architect‟s discretion.
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 11
The manufacturer, producer or fabricator of imported material shall furnish to the
Engineer/Architect a "Certificate of Compliance" with the specifications where required. In
addition certified mill test reports clearly identifiable to the lot of material delivered shall be
furnished where required by the Engineer/Architect. Where structural materials requiring mill
test reports are obtained from foreign manufacturers, such materials shall be furnished only from
those foreign manufacturers who have a previously established record for excellence, and has the
sufficiency of their in-plant quality control, as deemed necessary by the Engineer/Architect and /
or to the relevant International standards institute and / or codes of quality, of that country, and
which give satisfactory assurance of the manufacturer‟s ability to furnish material uniformly and
consistently in conformance with all specifications. At the option of the Engineer/Architect, the
Engineer/Architect shall establish such sufficiency whether by submission of detailed written
proof thereof or through in-plant inspection.
G3.07 Contract Documents
The Contractor is bound to execute and realize the Project works covered under these Contract
Documents. These Contract Documents cover the said work along with that which is normally
understood therein and shall comprise of:
a) These Tender Documents comprising of Volume 1 with any addenda and in any combination
b) All tender and working drawing issued by the Employer prepared by his Engineer/Architect.
c) All site instructions made in the Site Order Book or Log prepared by the Engineer/Architect
or his appointed representative.
d) All instructions given to the Contractor by the Engineer/Architect be they verbal, in the form
of sketches, by directions, by email and what is commonly understood therein, etc.
e) All shop drawings and samples approved by the Engineer/Architect.
f) All manufacturers‟ specifications, data, brochures, information, guarantee etc., of the
manufacturers and / or approved by the Engineer/Architect.
g) All aspects of work checked and approved by the Engineer/Architect either on, or off, the
Project site.
h) All samples and guidelines that the Engineer/Architect shall instruct the
Contractor to follow.
i) All submissions of the contractor accepted by the Employer.

Earthwork in excavation in trenches, raft foundation etc., in soil including dressing of sides,
ramming of bottom, lift up to 1500mm stacking of excavation and then returning the stacked soil
in 150 mm layers to be suitably consolidated as instructed, in plinth areas, under floors, sides of
foundation, infilling after placement of footings, each 150 mm layer by watering and mechanical
ramming and then disposing of all surplus excavated soil as directed within a lead of 150 meters.
The foundation/rafts etc. shall be dug to the dimensions shown on the drawings or to a depth at
which is in accordance with the structural Engineer/Architects drawings, supported by the geo-
technical report and / or which in the opinion of the Engineer/Architect is suitable.
The foundation excavation shall be carefully dug out to the levels, shapes and dimensions as
shown or figured on the structural drawings or as directed by the Engineer/Architect to receive
the footing work. Should any of the excavation be taken down below the specified levels, the
Contractor shall refill such excavation at his own expense with well rammed earth specially
sourced as appropriate; and consolidated according to the structural Engineer/Architect‟s or
Engineer/Architect‟s requirements until it is brought to the proper levels; refilling such excess
excavation with excavated materials shall not be permitted.
No extra charge will be given for the lift of the excavated materials up to 2.50 m. The excavated
earth shall be stacked at least 30.00m from the edge of the foundations. The Contractor, at his
own cost, shall dispose of all surplus excavated soil as directed by the Engineer/Architect within
a lead of 60.00m.
If foundations are made broader or longer than directed, the extra length and breadth shall be
refilled in after the footings are built as specified above. The Contractor shall also at his own
cost remove such portions of boulders or rocks, as are required to make the bottom of foundation
trenches horizontal and level. The Contractor shall at his own expense and without extra charge,
make provision for any extra excavation in slopes, and the pumping, dredging or bailing out
water from trenches. All trenches shall be kept free from water while the footing work is in
progress until they are completed to the satisfaction of he Engineer/Architect. Nothing extra
shall be admissible for pumping and / or bailing out water unless otherwise taken separately in
the Bill of Quantities. All excavations of trenches / rafts / isolated footings etc., shall be
inspected by the Engineer/Architect when the trench level shall be recorded before any part of
the footing work is laid therein. The filling in of the sides of trench excavations shall be done in
not more than 150 mm layers. Each layer shall be watered and rammed hard before adding the
next layer. Such fillings shall be brought up to the ground level without extra charge and shall
form part of the item of excavation / earthworks.

G4.01 Shoring of Foundations

When foundations are liable to caving in, Engineer/Architected shoring and strutting using steel
plates and other appropriate equipment shall protect the sides of the trenches. Shoring shall be
close or open depending on the nature of the soil and work. The arrangement of shoring shall be
as directed by the contractor‟s Engineer/Architect according to accepted levels of safety and
Engineer/Architecting practice as per the IS codes.
Nothing extra on this account shall be admissible unless otherwise taken separately in the Bill of
G4.02 Trimming and Levelling
The bottom of all foundation should be trimmed and leveled in accordance with the drawings.
Bottom of foundation shall be mechanically rammed and watered before the laying of the
designed sub base of the concrete work or other footings as are specified or instructed.

G4.03 Classification of Soil

Unless hard rock or earth with 50% or more stone or old masonry or concrete or block cankers or
unstable sand are met with which require special treatment for the purpose of excavation, it shall
be deemed to be excavation in soil. Ordinary pebbles, cobbles or canker shall be taken under soil
for which nothing extra shall be paid.

G4.04 Disposal
Disposal of the surplus earth shall be done within the site as directed by the Engineer/Architect.
Nothing extra shall be paid for such disposal within the lead of 150 meters.

Shall be measured correct up to 10 mm and be product of the exact length and width of the
lowest step of the foundations according to the drawing or the Engineer/Architect's instructions
and the depth measured vertically. Where the ground is not level, an average depth shall be
taken. The rate shall be inclusive of all the works described above.

G4.05 Extra for Lift

Extra payment shall be made for the extra lift involved beyond 2500mm under this item.
Measurement shall be the exact length, breadth and depth over 1500mm or part thereof.

G4.06 Disposal of Surplus Earth

All surplus earth shall be disposed of as directed by the Engineer/Architect but no payment shall
be made for such disposal done within 150 m from the place of excavation and within the site.
For disposal of the earth beyond 150 m and out of site the payment shall be made as per this item
of schedule.

Quantity disposed under this item shall be arrived at by calculation i.e. total quantity involved in
excavation for foundation less quantity filled in trenches around foundations, less quantity filled
under floors less any other disposal done within 150 m.

G4.07 Site Clearance

By removal of grass, shrubs etc maximum depth of excavation and filling 300mm including
dressing and leveling if required and depending upon the site conditions as shall be directed by
the Engineer/Architect.
The site described in plan plus 30 m on all sides shall be cleared of all grass, shrubs etc. The
maximum depth excavation for clearing or filling shall be 300 mm. The 300 mm around the
building shall be dressed and leveled properly with slopes as per designs. The surplus excavated
material shall be disposed within a lead of 150 m as directed. The removal of any trees or hedges
shall be measured and paid for separately.

The quantity of site cleared shall be the product of length and breadth actually cleared.
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 13
G4.08 Filling in Plinth
Filling in plinth with materials brought from outside in 150mm layers under floors including
watering, mechanical ramming, consolidation and dressing complete.
a) Sand
b) Earth
The earth for filling shall be brought from within the site within a lead of 150m to be approved
by the Engineer/Architect prior to filling. If the earth from within the site is of unsuitably
quality, appropriate earth shall be brought from outside the site, which shall be measured and
paid as an extra item. The sand shall be either a pit sand or river sand as approved by the
The work shall be done with earth / sand in 150mm layers, each layer being watered and rammed
thoroughly. It shall include excavation of earth / sand, transportation, screening if necessary,
filling and all the cost of labour etc. complete. The Engineer/Architect may instruct compaction
results required and the appropriate tests to achieve this.

The measurement shall be taken for the consolidated thickness of earth / sand and paid in cubic
meters. Pit or stack measurement shall not be done for payment. Quantity of earth fill under this
item shall be arrived at by calculation i.e. sum total of earth filling required in trenches around
footings, over raft, under floors or any other filling work less the total quantity involved in
foundation excavation.

G5.01 Providing and laying Plain Cement Concrete M10 (PCC) 1:3:6
1 cement: 3 sand: 6 stone aggregate, 35mm and down gauge excluding cost of formwork
complete as required
G5.02 Providing and laying Plain Cement Concrete M15 (PCC) 1:2:4
1 cement: 2 sand: 4 stone aggregate, 35mm and down gauge excluding cost of formwork
complete as required

G5.03 Providing and laying Plain Cement Concrete M20 (PCC) 1:1.5:3
1 cement 1.5 sand: 3 stone aggregate, 35mm and down gauge excluding cost of formwork
complete as required.

G5.04 Providing and laying Plain Cement Concrete M25 (PCC) 1:1:2
1 cement 1sand: 2 stone aggregate, 35mm and down gauge excluding cost of formwork complete
as required

G5.05 Materials
Cement, sand and stone aggregate shall conform to the specifications as under Reinforced
Cement Concrete works.

G5.06 Mixing
All proportions shall be by volume except cement which shall be proportioned by weight and as
specified. Mixing shall be done in a mechanical mixer as per specification of Reinforced cement
concrete work. However, in special cases, the Engineer/Architect may allow hand mixing when
the following procedure shall be adopted. The several materials shall be accurately gauged in
boxes and thoroughly mixed on a water tight platform of adequate size, being turned over at least
thrice till the colour is uniform and then twice wet. Water shall be added gradually and not more
than necessary to sufficiently wet the materials. Only that much concrete shall be mixed which
can be used within half an hour. Each stack shall however be not larger than consuming one bag
of cement. All such stacks shall be placed distinct from each other. In case hand mixing is
allowed, the Contractor shall put in 10% more cement than specified without extra charges.

G5.07 Laying
Concrete shall be laid in horizontal layers of not more than 150mm thick and gently vibrated.
Excessive vibration till the separation of the materials shall not be done.
G5.08 Curing
After laying, the concrete shall be kept wet for seven days. If cast in hot weather, it shall be
covered with gunny bags which shall be kept constantly wet. Other work on concrete shall not
start until 3 days after laying of concrete.
In cubic meters of exact length, breadth and depth. This shall be exclusive of any formwork
required to complete the item. Rate shall include all materials and labour.

G5.09 Concrete on grades

Providing and laying Reinforced Cement Concrete of Grades as indicated excluding the Cost
of Formwork and the Cost of Reinforcement in:
a) Slab and beams M 20
b) Beams M 20
c) Columns M 20 and M 25
d) Slabs M 20
e) Walls M 20
f) Lintels M 15
g) Staircase waist slab and step M 20
h) Fins and louvers M 15
i) Facia and parapet M 15
j) Mullions M 15
k) Water tank M 20
l) Column footing M 20
Unless specified in schedule of quantities.

G5.10 General RCC Works

All RCC work shall be carried out in strict accordance with IS 456-2000 specifications, and the
construction drawings. Any discrepancies in the dimensions on the drawings or any points not
clear to the Contractor shall be brought to the notice of the Engineer/Architect and clarified in
advance before proceeding with the work.
All structural concrete shall be mixed with Super Plasticizer Admixture as per manufacturer‟s
specifications. The Engineer/Architect shall approve the admixture before mixing.
The Contractor shall allow wastage in all materials and items of work. He shall also allow for
tests of concrete mixes and if required produce manufacturer's certificates for cement and steel.
No concrete work shall be cast in the absence of the Engineer/Architect. The Contractor's
Engineer/Architect shall personally check that both the formwork and reinforcement have been
correctly placed and fixed and satisfy himself that all work preparatory to casting is completely
ready, before requesting the Engineer/Architect for inspection and approval with at least 24 hours
prior notice. The formwork horizontality and verticality shall be checked by Theodolite prior to
concreting. The Engineer/Architect shall have all lines and levels rechecked if he feels that there
might be improper alignment, which must be corrected prior to concreting of any sort. However
the onus of lines and levels rests with the contractor and any misalignment, which required
rectification by whatever means should be deemed the responsibility of the contractor,

G5.11 Materials
The materials used in the works shall be of the qualities and kinds specified. Materials delivered
to the works shall be equal to the approved sample, which shall be deposited with the
Engineer/Architect least 30 days before it is required for use in work. Delivery shall be made
sufficiently in advance of constructional requirements to enable further samples to be selected
and tested if so desired by the Engineer/Architect. No material shall be used in the works until
approved. Materials failing to comply with the approved samples and Specification shall be
immediately removed from the works at the Contractor's Cost and by the next day.

G5.12 Water
Water used in mixing concrete shall be free from injurious amounts of oils, acids, alkalis, organic
materials or other deleterious substances.

G5.13 Cement
The cement shall be ordinary Portland cement of approved brand and manufacture and shall
comply in all respects with the IS 269-1967 for ordinary Portland cement & IS 8112 for higher
grade cement. Preference shall be given to Udaypur cement for all structural purposes. It shall
be delivered on the site in bags with an unbroken seal fixed by the makers and plainly marked
with the name of brand and date of manufacture. It shall be stored in a dry place, in regular piles
not exceeding ten bags high, raised off the floor by 100 mm timber scantlings, and recorded in
such a manner that it will be efficiently protected from moisture and contamination, and that the
consignments can be used up in the order in which they are received. Set cement shall be
immediately removed from the site and replaced by the Contractor at his own expense. If
desired, tests shall be made by taking samples of cement from stores or elsewhere from the
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 15
works. The selection of samples and procedure for testing shall comply with appropriate IS

G5.14 Aggregate
All aggregates shall conform to IS 383 - 1970. Aggregate with test certificates shall, where
possible, be derived from a source that normally produces aggregate satisfactory for concrete,
and if requested by the Engineer/Architect the Contractor shall supply evidence to this effect. If
he is instructed to do so, the Contractor shall supply samples of the aggregate for the purpose of
making preliminary concrete test cubes as herein specified.

G5.15 Deleterious Materials

Aggregate shall not contain any harmful materials, such as iron pyrites, coal, mica, shale or
similar laminated material, clay alkali, soft fragments, sea shells, organic impurities etc., in such
quantity as to effect the strength or durability of the concrete or in addition to the above for
reinforcement concrete, any material which corrodes the reinforcement. Aggregate, which is
chemically reactive with the alkalis of cement, is harmful and shall not be use, as cracking of
concrete may take place.

G5.16 Fine Aggregates

Fine aggregate shall be natural sand derived by crushing suitable gravel or stone and shall be free
from coagulated lumps. Sand derived from a stone unsuitable for coarse aggregate shall not be
used as fine aggregate.
The fine aggregate shall conform to the requirements of IS 282-1970. Fine aggregate shall
contain not more than 3% of material removable by decantation test, nor more than 1% dry
lumps. The total of coal, clay lumps, shale, soft fragments and other deleterious substance shall
not be more then 5%.
The percentage of clay clumps shall be determined by examining the various fractions that
remain after the material has been tested for grading. Any particles that can be broken with
fingers shall be classified as clay lumps and the total percentage of clay lumps shall be
determined on the basis of the total original weight of the sample. Fine aggregate shall be well
graded from fine to coarse and shall meet the following gradation requirements:

G5.17 Table - 1
Weight Passing Percentage by
Sieve design 10 No 4 No 16 No 30 No 50 No 10

Fine aggregate 95-100 45-80 25-55 10-30 2-100

100 mm

Blending will be permitted in order to meet the gradation requirements for the fine aggregate.

G5.18 Coarse Aggregate

The coarse aggregate shall be crushed stone or uncrushed gravel. The pieces of aggregates shall
be angular, Friable, flaky and laminated pieces, mica shale shall only be present in such
quantities as not to effect adversely the strength and durability of the concrete as ascertained by
tests on concrete cubes. After twenty-four hours immersion in water, a previously dried sample
shall not have gained more than 5% in weight and not more than 10% if it is to be used in plain
concrete or elsewhere as described. The coarse aggregate shall conform to the requirements of
IS 383-1970. The percentage of wear at 500 revolutions of Los Angeles Rattler Test shall not be
more than 50%. The coarse aggregate shall meet the gradation of Table2.

G5.19 Table 2
Sieve Percentage by Weight Passing Sieves
Designation (Sq Opening)
50mm 38mm 25 mm 20 10 No 4 No 8
38 mm & down 100 90-100 20-55 0-15 0-5

20 mm & down 100 90-100 20-55 0-10 0-5

G5.20 Measurement and Proportioning of Concrete Materials

The aggregate shall be measured by volume in a gauge box of correct and approved size based on
the weight of the material or by other approved accurate means. The gauges box or other
container shall be filled with the aggregate without compacting to a predetermined
uniform depth, accurate allowance being made for bulking due to moisture content of the fine
The cement shall be measured by weight, one or more complete bags containing 50 kg being
used for a single batch of concrete and as the size of the mixer shall permit this to be done.
The normal proportion of cement and aggregate shall comply with the quantities specified below
for the concrete described for each part of the work. The specified quantities shall be altered if
instructed after examination of the aggregate materials in samples or in bulk in order to obtain
the densest concrete with approved materials. Any such alterations within the range of 1 part of
fine aggregate to 1½ parts of coarse aggregate and 1 part of fine aggregate 2½ parts of coarse
aggregate shall be made without any alteration in the charge made by the Contractor
G5.21 Properties of Concrete
Concrete Proportion
The minimum cement content of mixture shall be as below:
Grade Minimum Cement Content In Kg/cum.
M 10 210.00
M 15 320.00
M 20 390.00
M 25 580.00
The quantity of water used shall be varied to suit the moisture content of the aggregate, and shall
be just sufficient to produce a dense concrete, consistent with practical workability.
G5.22 Concrete Grade and Strength
The compressive strength (cube strength) for Portland cement concrete shall be in accordance
with I.S. 456-1978, Table 2 from which the following figures are taken:
Grade Specific Characteristic
Compressive Strength at
28 days
M 10 10N/mm²
M 15 15N/mm²
M 20 20N/mm²
M 25 25N/mm²

G5.23 Control of Concrete

a) Preliminary Tests
The Contractor shall be called upon to submit representative samples of materials to be used for
concrete in order that they may be tested at a laboratory and the suitability of materials
established. All expenses in connection with the above materials, tests shall be done by the

b) Works Cube Tests

During the progress of the work 15 cm cubes shall be made as per IS 456-1978 as necessary and
tested in accordance with IS 516-1959. Ten cubes shall come from various batches. The
Engineer/Architect shall record the concrete used in the project from these batches and a record
maintained. Failure of cube tests may warrant demolition of related works in the project from the
failed batch and possible rejection of the batch materials used.

G5.24 Measurement of Consistency

The consistency shall be determined by making a trial mixture with dried aggregate. The
consistency of the trial mixture of approved consistency shall be measured as instructed.
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 17
The slump of an approved trial mixture shall be measured and this slump shall not be exceeded
throughout all batches of concrete made from the same materials mixed in the same proportions
as the trial mixtures and used in those parts of the work as instructed. In no case, however, shall
the slump exceed 50 mm for concrete in slabs, or exceed 25 mm for concrete consolidated by
mechanical vibration. The slump test shall be made on concrete actually being placed in the
works at the commencement of each grade of concrete placing and such other times as instructed.
The apparatus used for the slump test shall be a standard cone. When the cone is filled it shall be
raised vertically clear of the concrete and the slump shall be measured. Care shall be taken to
prevent vibration of the sample being tested. If the Engineer/Architect requires the use of other
means for testing the consistency of the concrete it shall be done as instructed without any extra

G5.25 Concrete Mixing

The cement and aggregates shall be thoroughly mixed together in the specified proportions by
volume or weight in a batch type mechanical mixer, unless another type or mixer is approved.
The water shall be admitted to the drum of the mixer only when all the cement and aggregates
constituting one batch be in the drum. The concrete shall be mixed until the mixer is of uniform
color and in no case for less than minute. If the drum rotates at lower speeds, the minimum
period shall be increased inversely proportional to that speed. The period of mixing shall be
measured from time when all the materials and water are in the drum. The entire contents of the
drum shall be discharged before materials for the succeeding batch are fed into the drum.
Materials spilled from the skip or other container shall not be used. No partly set or frozen
concrete shall be used in the work. Partly set concrete shall not be remixed with the addition of
cement or aggregate.
G5.26 Distribution of Concrete
The concrete shall be distributed from the mixers to the position of placing in the works by
approved means that do not cause separation or otherwise impair the quality of the concrete.

G5.27 Preparations for Placing Concrete

Before the concrete is placed the form work shall be checked for lines and levels, horizontality
and verticality and shall be true. Any water accumulated therein or thereon shall be removed.
All saw dust, chips, nails, and other debris shall be washed out or otherwise remove from the
formwork. The reinforcement shall then be inspected for accuracy of fixing. Proper MS chairs
shall be used as shall be approved. Immediately before placing the concrete the formwork shall,
except in frosty weather, be well wetted and inspection openings closed. The Engineer/Architect
may instruct the use of a medium gauge polythene sheet laid over the horizontal formwork in
which case the Contractor at no extra charge shall provide it to the Project. Suitable release
agents as per the IS codes shall be used where necessary as shall be approved by the
G5.28 Placing Concrete
The interval between adding the water to the dry mix and completion of the concrete placing
operation shall not exceed 30 minutes nor, when an approved admixture that accelerates the
initial setting of the cement be used, the interval shall be reduced appropriately.
Except where otherwise approved for slabs and large sections, concrete shall be placed in the
formwork by shovels or other approved implements and shall not be dropped from a height nor
handled in a manner to cause separation. Accumulations of hardened concrete dropping on the
reinforcement shall be avoided. Concrete shall be sorted along the formwork.
Each layer of concrete while being placed shall be consolidated by approved methods of
ramming, tamping, or mechanical vibrations to form a dense surface free from honey combing
and tolerably free from watermarks and air holes or other blemishes. The concrete shall be
tamped against the face of the formwork so as to produce a dense fair surface. The number and
type of mechanical vibrations shall be approved before consolidating by vibration. Placing and
consolidation of concrete shall be done in such a manner as not to disturb concrete already
placed, and reinforcement projecting from concrete already placed shall not be vibrated or jarred.
In formed walls and other structures having lateral dimensions of 125mm or under, each layer of
concrete while being placed shall be properly consolidated by approved methods of mechanical
vibrations produced by internal or external mechanical vibration.
Any water accumulating on the surface of the newly placed concrete shall be removed by
approved means and no further concrete shall be placed thereon until such water is removed. No
fresh concrete shall be brought into contact with the concrete containing cement of a different
type. Unless otherwise approved or instructed, concrete shall be placed in a single operation to
the full depth of slabs, beams, and members similar thereto and shall be placed in horizontal
layers not exceeding 900 mm deep in walls, columns until completion of the part of the work
between construction joints as specified hereafter or of a part of an approved extent. At the
completion of a specified or approved part of a construction, joints of the form and in the
position herein after specified shall be made. If a temporary cessation of concrete placing be
unavoidable elsewhere, a construction joint shall likewise be made.

G5.29 Placing Concrete in Extreme Weather

Work shall be done according to clause 20.1.6. of IS 456-1964.

G5.30 Vibration
a) Appearance
The concrete that is to be compacted by vibration should appear anything from earth dry to
slightly glistening. The mix should have the appearance of lacking in fines.
b) Placing
Segregation is likely to take place when the concrete is tipped into the form and this should be
avoided. The concrete mix should not contain surplus water and sand, which will develop
segregation under influence of vibratory compaction. The distribution of new concrete should be
uniform for the whole section and the surface kept horizontal the whole time, thus ensuring the
movement of concrete is downward only. Vibrators shall not be used as a spreading or
distributing agent.
The vibrators shall be of rotary out of balance immersion type or the electro-magnetic type and
operate at a frequency not less than 4,000 cycles per minute. The vibration shall be of such a
power-input as to produce an acceleration of 3 to 4 sec / sec in the mass of the compacted
concrete. The vibrators shall be provided for continuous operation. The Contractor at no extra
cost, if instructed by the Engineer/Architect shall use needle or plate vibrators.

c) Disposition of Vibration
Internal vibrators shall be disposed within the mix, when placed, so as to maintain the whole of
the concrete under treatment in an adequate state of agitation such that de-aeration and effective
compaction may be attained at a rate commensurate with the supply of concrete from the mixers.
Insertion of vibrators at about 450 mm centre is considered sufficient.
d) Period of Vibration
Vibration shall continue during the whole period occupied by placing the concrete, the vibration
being adjusted so that the centre of vibration approximates to centre of the mass being compacted
at the time of placing. The concrete should not be over vibrated and the period of insertion of
internal vibrator should be about 15 seconds at any point.
e) Compactness
The concrete shall be judged to be compacted when the mortar fills the spaces between the
coarse aggregate so as to form a glistening and even surface except for slight irregularities where
the coarse aggregate breaks this smooth surface. When this condition has been attained the
vibrators shall be withdrawn slowly.
The vibrator must not be placed against the steel or the formwork, the minimum distance being
75 mm. The compressor must be placed in such a position that formwork reinforcement and
recently laid concrete are subjected to the minimum amount of vibration.
G5.31 Construction Joints
Construction joints shall be made in the positions hereinafter specified or elsewhere as approved.
Such joints shall be truly vertical or horizontal as the case may be, except that in an inclined or
curbed members the joint shall be strictly at right angles to the axis of the member.
Construction Joints shall be made horizontally at the top of the footings and horizontally 75mm
below the lowest beam soffit at the head of columns. Concrete in the ribs and slabs of small tee,
all beams shall be placed in one operation, but, for large beams concrete in the rib up to a level
25mm below the slab soffit shall be placed first. Concrete in haunches or splays on the beams or
braces and concrete in the head of adjoining portion of the columns shall be placed at the same
time as that in the beams or braces. Concrete in splays at the junction of walls and slabs shall be
placed at the same time as that in the slab. Construction joints in the length of a beam shall be
avoided where practicable, but where joints are unavoidable they shall be made as previously
approved by the Engineer/Architect. Construction joints in slabs shall be made parallel to the
main reinforcement, and where required at right angles to the main reinforcement, they shall be
made at a place previously approved by the Engineer/Architect
G5.32 Protection and Curing of Concrete
Immediately after placing or finishing, concrete surfaces not covered by forms shall be protected
from loss of surface moisture for at least seven days when the average daily temperature is at
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 19
least 21°C, where Portland cement has been used. Protection from loss of surface water shall be
done by any of the following methods where applicable to the type of work involved:
i) by water covering
ii) by covering of surfaces with water-impervious paper
iii) by application of approved impervious membrane.
Surfaces from which forms have been removed before the curing period has elapsed shall be
protected as specified for surfaces not covered by forms above. Membrane curing shall not be
used in surfaces required to receive additional concrete or concrete fill, nor on cement finish
coats that are to receive dust proofing or hardening treatments, nor during hot weather.
Water curing shall be performed by keeping the concrete surface wet by ponding, by continuous
spraying or by covering the surface with approved water - saturated covering such as 25mm of
sand or sawdust, or by one or more layers of burlap. The exposed concrete surfaces shall be
saturated with water throughout the full, stipulated curing period. Where forms remain in place
during the curing period, they shall be kept sufficiently wetted with clean water to reduce cracks
and to prevent joints from opening in the forms.
The impervious membrane curing compound shall be an approved non - bituminous, colorless,
liquid sealing compound in atomized form so as to preserve the natural color of the concrete.
The curing compound shall be applied as soon as surface water has disappeared from concrete
surfaces with approved pressure spraying equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's
directions and in sufficient thickness to form an effective water seal. No compounds shall be
used which will adversely affect the subsequent installation of finished flooring.
Joints of sheet membrane used for curing shall be lapped at least 150mm and sealed with
waterproof tape as recommended by the manufacturer. Polyethylene sheet shall be considered
the water - impervious paper / membrane for purposes of interpretation of this Item. No liquid
curing compound may be used without specific written approval of the Engineer/Architect
regarding type, manufacturer, location and extent of use and application procedures.
G5.33 Patch Work
Immediately after stripping formwork, minor defects and honeycombed areas shall be patched
and holes filled before the concrete is thoroughly dry. Patch areas shall be chipped away to
25mm depth, with regular edges perpendicular to the surface. Areas to be patched shall be
thoroughly wet including the areas at least 150mm wide entirely surrounding them, just prior to
placing the patching mortar. Mortar shall be of the same material and proportions as used for the
concrete, without coarse aggregate. A sufficient quantity of white cement shall be substituted for
part of the ordinary cement so that the patching mortar, when dry, will match the surrounding
concrete. Water in the mix shall be kept to a minimum and mortar shall be re tempered without
adding water and shall be allowed to stand for one hour prior to use during which time it shall be
mixed to prevent setting. The mortar shall be thoroughly compacted into place, screeded so as to
leave the patch slightly higher than surrounding surfaces, left undisturbed for one to two hours to
permit initial shrinkage and finished to match the adjoining work. Where patches exceed 25mm
deep, they shall be trimmed and wet as specified, after which the opening shall be filled to within
25mm of the surface. After sufficient shrinkage time has elapsed, the patching shall proceed as
described above. Patched shall be kept wet for five days. Tie holes left by the withdrawal of
rods, or holes left by removal of ends of ties shall be filled solidly with mortar. For holes passing
entirely through the wall, plunger-type grease gun or other device to force mortar through the
wall, starting at the back face, shall be used. When a hole is completely filled, excess mortar
shall be struck off with a cloth flush with the surface. Holes not passing entirely through walls
shall be filled solidly with mortar. Any excess mortar shall be struck off with a cloth on the wall
surface. The surface of non-shuttered faces of concrete work other than slabs shall be smoothed
with a wooden float (or if approved with a steel trowel) to give a finish equal to that of the
rubbed down shuttered faces. Concealed concrete faces shall be left as it is except that
honeycombed surface shall be made good.
The top faces of slabs not intended to be surfaced shall be leveled and floated to a smooth finish
at the levels or falls shown on the drawings or as instructed by the Engineer/Architect.
The floating shall not be executed to the extent of bringing excess fine material to the surface.
Ribbed surfaces of slabs shall where instructed be formed at the time of tamping and leveling.
Indentation in slab or stair surfaces shall be formed by approved implements giving the depth and
patterns instructed. The top faces of slabs intended to be covered with screed, granolithic or
similar surfacing shall be left with a spade finish.
The soffits of slabs and faces of walls intended to be rendered shall be roughened by approved
means to form a key for a good adhesion surface for the render. Concrete surfaces to take
finishes other than those specifically referred to herein shall be prepared in an approved manner
to form a good surface for adhesion to suit the finish as instructed.

G5.34 Test of Structure

The Engineer/Architect may instruct that a loading test be made on the works or any part thereof
if in his opinion such a test be deemed necessary for one or more of the following reasons:
a) The site made concrete test cubes failing to attain the specified strength.
b) Over loading during construction of the works or part thereof.
c) The props and / or forms being prematurely removed.
d) Concrete improperly cured.
e) Any other circumstances attributable to alleged negligence on the part of the contractor,
which in the opinion of the Engineer/Architect may result in the works or part thereof being
less than the expected strength.
f) Any reason other than the foregoing.
If the loading test be instructed to be solely or in part for the reason (a) the test shall be made
at the contractor's own cost.
If the tests are instructed to be made for one or more of the reasons (b) to (e) inclusive the
Contractor shall be reimbursed for the cost of the test if the result thereof be satisfactory.
If the tests are instructed to be made for the reason (f) the contractor shall make the test and shall
be reimbursed for all cost relating thereof irrespective of the result of the test.
For the purpose of a loading test on floors, roofs and similar structures and their supports, the test
load shall be equivalent to 1 and 2/3 times the superimposed load for which the works or part
thereof to be tested has been designed. The test load shall not be applied within 90 days (or 28
days if rapid hardening Portland cement be used) of the completing of placing of the concrete in
the part of the works to be tested, and the latter shall not be supported during the test by
shuttering or other non - permanent support. Means shall be taken to ensure that in the event of a
failure under the test temporary support of the loaded member shall be immediately available.
The test shall proceed strictly as instructed. For the loading test on floors, roofs or similar
structures the result shall be deemed satisfactory if upon removal of the test load the residual
deflection does not exceeds one - quarter of the maximum deflection after 24 hours loading. If
the residual deflection exceed this amount the test loading shall be repeated, and the result shall
be deemed to be satisfactory if the residual deflection after removal of the second test load does
not exceed one quarter of the maximum deflection occurring during the second test.
If the result of the loading test is not satisfactory the Engineer/Architect shall instruct that part of
the works concerned to be taken down or removed and reconstructed to comply with this
specifications, or that such other remedial measures shall be taken as to make the works secure.
If the tests instructed to be made for one or more of the reasons (a) to (e) inclusive as above
specified, the Contractor shall take down or remove and reconstruct the defective work or shall
take the remedial measures instructed by the Engineer/Architect at his own cost.

G5.35 Measurement of RCC Members

In calculating the contents of any RCC member, for measurement purposes the dimensions
adopted shall be structural concrete members exclusive of any finish.
a) Raft Slabs and Beams
It shall be measured in cubic (cu) meters of work done as per the drawings. Measurement shall
be done for the raft concrete below the column junction to the raft slab / beam. Nothing extra
shall be paid for any profiling of the surfaces to suit the site and the designs or any odd size or
shapes that may be required.

b) Beams
Measurement shall be between RCC columns or resting on walls in cubic meters of the work
done as shown on the drawing. The depth shall be taken from bottom of the stem to the top of
the slab or chajja if any. Lintels when connected to main RCC structure shall be measured as
beams. Except in the case of lateral or horizontal RCC nominal ties used to stabilize certain
walls, parapets etc.

c) Columns
These shall be measured in cu meters of work done according to the drawings from the top of the
footing or raft slab to the top of the slab in case of ground floor and from the top of each
subsequent slab to the slab above for all other floors. Unless otherwise specified nothing extra
shall be admissible for any odd size and for any special section and shape or alignment of
columns i.e. square, rectangular, round, elliptical etc. and laid at any angle as may be shown on

d) Slabs
These shall be measured in cubic meters of the work done as per drawings. These shall be
measured from beam to beam wall to wall or beam to wall including bearing part on the wall.
unless otherwise specified in the schedule nothing extra shall be admissible for slabs laid to
slopes, canopy slabs or those of any shape or section, any cantilevered part of any projections
small or big beyond the bearing beam or wall as may be shown on drawings or for drop slabs in
wet areas. Cement plaster or render shall be paid for separately.
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 21

e) Walls
These shall be measured from the ends of slabs / columns / beams, and shall be termed as wall.
It shall be paid in cubic meters excluding any finishing work.

f) Lintels
All lintels, pre-cast or cast in situ, spanning over independent opening unrelated to the main RCC
structure shall be measured as “lintels”, in cubic meters of the work done according to the
drawing. The width of the lintels shall be taken according to wall thickness specified unless set
back or projected from wall as shown on the drawing. Unless otherwise instructed or shown on
the drawings, the minimum bearing over the openings shall be depth of 150 mm.

g) Stairs
These shall be measured in cubic meters of the concrete work done as per drawing. Unless
specified otherwise nothing extra shall be admissible for step profiles laid in a straight run or in
any shape as shown in the plans or instructed by the Engineer/Architect.

h) Fold Staircase
The fold in a staircase shall be measured excluding the vertical main column. It shall be
measured for step slabs of any shape size and paid in cubic meters excluding the finish.

i) Fins and Louvers

The RCC fins or louvers shall be measured and paid cubic meters. Nothing extra shall be
allowed due its shape, location, installation details, or size.

j) Facia and Parapets

These shall be measured in cubic meters of the concrete work done as per the drawings or
instructions of the Engineer/Architect, exclusive of finishing. For sill with projections up to 150
mm beyond the wall on either side shall be made without any extra charge and these shall be
inclusive of forming any pattern or drip course detail.

k) Mullions
The RCC mullions shall be measured and paid in cubic meter. Nothing extra shall be admissible
for its location, shape, profile or size.

l) Water tank
These shall be measured for all the slabs comprising and forming the water tank. Nothing extra
shall be allowed for its shape, size and location. It shall be paid in cubic meters of the concrete

m) Column Footings
These shall be measured in cubic meters of the concrete work done as per the designs and the
drawings. Unless otherwise specified nothing extra shall be admissible for any particular shape
of the footing.

G5.36 RCC M150 Shelves

Reinforcement Cement Concrete M 150 in Shelves including Propping, Shuttering and finishing
the top and facing surface smooth with neat cement slurry complete but excluding the cost of
The concrete work shall conform to as in clause G5.09 “Concrete on grades” and thereafter
applicable and formwork shall comply with clause G7.01 “Formwork - centering, shuttering,
propping, strutting, removal”. The RCC may be pre-cast or cast in situ. Cracked or damaged
shelves shall not be accepted. The shelves shall be finished smooth with neat cement slurry at
the rate of 20 kg / per 10.00m² on top and facing exposed faces. The item shall consist of
providing and laying the RCC shelves in place, accurately positioning and fastening them
securely all complete.

These shall be measured in cubic meters of the work done inclusive of any beams as the part and
parcel of the shelves. Rate shall include the cost of all formwork, fixings, making good, material
and labour.
Cement concrete M 150 in windowsills including formwork and neat cement plaster in 1:3 (1
cement: 3 sand) complete.
The concrete work of M-150 shall conform to clause G5. The windowsill of specified thickness
and size shall be pre-cast or cast in-situ with all the necessary formwork complete. The exposed
underside shall be plastered and the top and facing shall be plastered neatly with cement mortar
1:3 (1 cement: 3 sand). The groove drip course shall be provided. The sill shall be fitted and
fixed as per the drawings or as directed by the Engineer/Architect.

G6.01 Supplying and Fixing Tor Steel
Supplying and fixing tor steel reinforcement conforming to IS 1786-1966 or IS 1139-1966 in
RCC work including bending, placing in position with MS chairs securely tied, including the cost
of binding with GI wire, as per the structural drawings and Engineer/Architect‟s instructions.

G6.02 Supplying and fixing Mild Steel

Supplying and fixing mild steel reinforcement grade 1 conforming to IS 432-1966 in RCC work
including bending, placing in position with MS chairs securely tied, including the cost of binding
with GI wire, as per drawings and Engineer/Architect‟s instructions.
Reinforcement shall be free from pitting due to corrosion, loose rust, mill scale, paint, oil, grease,
adhering earth, ice or other materials that may impair the bond between the concrete and the
reinforcement or that may in the opinion of Engineer/Architect cause corrosion of the
reinforcement of disintegration of the concrete.

G6.03 Reinforcement Bar

Reinforcement bar described as "mild steel" shall be plain round, hot rolled steel bars.
Reinforcement bar described as "tor steel" shall be hot rolled deformed bars or cold twisted steel
bars. With respect to manufacture, quality, physical properties and related requirements,
reinforcement of the foregoing descriptions shall comply with appropriate parts of IS Standards
Nos.432-1966, 1139-1966 and IS 1786-1966 for mild steel and tor steel respectively.

G6.04 Certificates and Tests for Reinforcement

For each consignment of bar reinforcement brought to the site and offloaded, the Contractor shall
provide the manufacturers test certificate giving the ultimate strength, yield stress elongation and
the result of the cold bend test for each size of bar. A test for the purpose of obtaining the
information shall conform to the relevant IS codes. The manufacturer‟s tests not withstanding,
the contractor shall conduct tests for every batch of steel brought to the site, on steel of the
various diameters and types, at the Engineering College laboratory,Pulchowk.
Where in the opinion of the Engineer/Architect materials has been subject to corrosion or other
bad effects, the Engineer/Architect shall select as many test pieces as he deems necessary, and
the Contractor shall supply and deliver the test reports of the test pieces free of cost without
reimbursement and shall pay the cost of preparing and collection as well. Every batch to be
tested shall be supplied with three cut pieces measuring 750 mm long from each diameter of
reinforcing bar.

G6.05 Dimensions of Reinforcement

The size of a reinforcement bar described on the working drawings or elsewhere shall be the
minimum and the rolling margin and other tolerances shall be wholly above this size. The length
of a reinforcement bar shall be not less than the length on the drawing or elsewhere and shall be
not more than 50 mm in excess of that length.

G6.06 Bending Schedules of Reinforcement

Bar bending schedules shall be prepared by the Contractor and submitted for approval of the
Engineer/Architect. The schedules shall be prepared based on reinforcement details, prior to the
execution of the work. Nothing extra shall be paid for this.
Reinforcement bars shall be bent by approved means producing a gradual and even motion. Bars
shall comply with the dimensions described in the drawings. Overall dimensions of bent or
internal dimensions of bending or the like shall be within a tolerance of 40 mm. Any
discrepancies or inaccuracies found by the Contractor in the drawings or other documents shall
be immediately reported to the Engineer/Architect prior to executing the work and the
Engineer/Architect‟s decisions relating there to shall be final and binding. The internal radius of
bends shall be not less than twice the size of the bars unless described to the contrary on the
bending lists or elsewhere in the drawing. Hooks and other end anchorage bends for mild steel
shall be bent to an internal radius of the twice diameter of the bar. This internal radius off the
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 23
bends at corners of binders or stirrups or links shall be half the size of the bar embraced by the
binder stirrups or links.

G6.07 Fixing Reinforcement

Reinforcement shall be accurately located and fixed in the positions described. Bars intended to
be in contact shall be securely wired together at all such points with 16 gauge soft iron tying
wire. Welded joints shall not be allowed. Binders, stirrups and links shall be firmly attached to
the bars to which they are intended to be in contact and shall be securely and firmly wired.
Reinforcement shall be lapped, joined or spliced only at the positions described. Splices
necessary shall be located only as instructed. Lapping shall be provided as shown in the drawing
and / or as instructed.
Where practicable bars in each member shall be assembled and fixed in the form of a rigid cage
or skeleton before placing in the moulds or formwork.
Immediately before concreting, the reinforcement shall be checked for correctness, positioning,
cleanliness, and freedom from rust or and retarding liquid. Means shall be taken to ensure that
the formwork and reinforcement remains firmly in correct position with the required cover
during the placing and consolidation of the concrete.
Reinforcement projecting from any work being concreted or already concreted shall not be bent
out of its correct position for any reason unless approved and shall be protected from deformation
or other damage. Reinforcement left projecting for bending with future extensions shall be
thoroughly coated with cement grout wash or encased in concrete or otherwise protected from
vibration and corrosion as instructed.

G6.08 Cover of Concrete and Spacing of Bars

Unless otherwise described, the clear cover of concrete to the reinforcement shall be as follows:

a) Horizontal, vertical or inclined slabs

20mm or the size of the bars whichever is greater.
b) Lintels
25mm or the size of the bar whichever is greater.
c) Beams
25mm or the size of the main bars whichever is greater, binders and the like 15mm
d) Columns
Main bars for columns not exceeding 20mm diameter shall be 40mm and the main bars in
columns exceeding 20mm diameter shall be 40mm or the size of the main bars whichever is
greater. Rectangular binders or links or helical binding, 30mm minimum.
e) Footings
50mm or the size of the bars whichever is greater.
e) Walls
25mm or the size of the bars whichever is greater.

For the purpose of ascertaining payments due to the Contractor the basis of measurements of bars
or wire reinforcement used in the works shall be the calculated weight in kg, which shall be
computed from the sizes and lengths of the bars or wires described on the structural drawings, or
counted at the site, or by other methods. No allowance in the weight shall be made for cutting to
waste, rolling margin, extra length or other tolerances. Nothing extra, whatsoever shall be
admissible on bars 12mm and below rolled in weights higher than the standard weights even if
purchased by the Contractor directly from the market on actual weight basis. The Contractor is
deemed to have taken this factor into consideration and quoted accordingly in the tender. The
Contractor's rate for unit weight of bar reinforcement shall be deemed to include all allowances
omitted in calculating the weight and for any other tolerances, and for providing binding wire
and cover blocks as specified hereinafter, for carriage and handling, for bending hooking,
cranking, and for fixing and maintaining in the correct position in the works. Standard laps of
the lengths as shown in the drawing or as instructed at site shall be admissible. Standard hooks 9
times the dia. for each hook for mild steel shall be added to the finished length to arrive at the
length of the bar for cutting and measurement. No hooks are required for ribbed or tor steel.

G7.01 Centering, Propping and Strutting
Centering shall be checked with proper leveling and surveying equipment prior to assembling
and placing the reinforcing steel work upon or in it. After the steel reinforcing has been placed
and checked for correctness prior to placing concrete, the centering shall be rechecked for a
second time again as previously mentioned. After the concrete has been placed and compacted,
the centering shall be checked for a third time to make sure that there has been no displacement
or miss alignment.
The propping, strutting of the formwork etc., shall be securely installed, secured and fixed such
that there is no deflection or displacement during any of the operations required to complete the
functions for which the formwork has been erected and what is commonly understood therein.
Propping at subsequent levels of a structure shall be checked by the contractor‟s
Engineer/Architects to insure that loads are not imposed upon the supporting structures below the
strutting, propping and supporting members of the formwork and the ultimate loads it must
support that may damage the works in any way, temporarily or permanently. Should this occur
at any point of the RCC works, whether approved or not, the same shall be made good to the
satisfaction of the Engineer/Architect at the exclusive cost of the contractor. Any time
extensions for such making good shall not be adjusted in the time for completion of the works.
The forms shall be treated as per the IS codes, as per good standards of work, and / or as per the
instructions of the Engineer/Architect, with suitable form work designs and release agents such
that the RCC works are not damaged in any way by the release agents or from the removal of the
form work.
The contractor at his cost and time shall make good any work that does not comply with these
documents in any way.

G7.02 Design
Formwork shall be so designed and constructed that concrete can be properly placed and
thoroughly compacted according to the designs to achieve the works. Formwork shall be firmly
supported and adequately strutted, braced, or tied. It shall be capable of adjustment to the lines
and dimensions required of the finished concrete. It shall be sufficiently strong to resist all loads
imposed upon it by the reinforcing bars, manpower and equipment loads, the pressure of placing
concrete during its placing and compaction, and other loads to which it may be subjected to
achieve the finished works. It shall not be liable to suffer distortion under the influence of the
weather. When concrete is to be vibrated, special care shall be taken to ensure that the formwork
will remain stable and the joints tight. The safety and adequacy of centering and shuttering shall
be the sole responsibility of the Contractor. The Contractor shall prepare drawings and
calculations for the formwork he proposes to use which the Engineer/Architect may wish to see
and keep for his records. Having designed the formwork for all the various profiles required for
the work, it should be so formed up and treated so that it can be removed without any damage to
the works. In vertical staging to achieve the succeeding levels of the building the verticality and
true angularity of all formwork shall be thoroughly checked with measuring equipment such as
Theodolites and other surveyor‟s leveling tools. In particular RCC frame work shall be true such
that the masonry infill walls and other cladding to be devised upon the RCC frame work shall
follow the RCC lines and levels and shall be true in verticality, horizontality and angularity in all
respects and any deviation requiring additional input, materials and costs to correct irregularities,
no matter how minimal shall be born by the contractor if such deviation is allowed by the

G7.03 Deflection and Camber

The Contractor shall make allowance for any settlement of deflection of the formwork that is
likely to arise during construction, so that the hardened concrete conforms accurately to the
specified line and level. The Contractor shall also make allowance in the formwork for any
camber specified by the Engineer/Architect to allow for the elastic deflection of structural
members and deflection due to the creep of the concrete. In the absence of any specified camber,
the soffit of all beams and slabs shall be given a camber equal to 1/240 of the span length to
ensure that the structure has the prescribed shape after removal of the forms.

G7.04 Supports
Formwork shall be constructed so that the formwork to the sides of members can be removed
without disturbing the soffit formwork or its supports. Props and supports shall be designed to
allow the formwork to be adjusted to minimal increments, accurately to line and level and to be
erected and removed in an approved sequence without injury to the concrete. Supports shall
sufficiently strong to afford the necessary support without injury to any portion of the structure
which includes the logistical requirements to achieve the completed structure upon the formwork.
This may mean in some cases that succeeding levels may require the supports to be carried down
to the lowest levels of the structure provided with appropriate bases in order to achieve proper
stability of the entire system so being erected, and to prevent any damage to the works. Props
and bracing shall be provided for the temporary support of composite construction where
separately specified. The supports around the perimeter of the structure / s shall be appropriate to
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 25
insure that there is not damage to property or persons beyond the perimeter of the structure / s, or
adjoining it in any way, for which the form work that has been erected.

G7.05 Joints, Edges and Construction / Expansion Joints (CJ)

a) The formwork shall be class A as designated by the IS codes. All joints in the formwork
shall be lined, leveled, tightly jointed and be closely fitted through out so that cement slurry
or grout does not leak through during the pouring, laying and curing of the concrete mixture
placed therein or thereon. Any openings shall be sealed tightly prior to the placement of the
concrete. The shapes of the formwork shall be constructed to provide straight and true
angles, edges, and profiling as per the finished RCC profiles required by the drawings,
designs and the Engineer/Architect‟s instructions. Where chamfers or tapered section are
shown on the drawings, the fillets shall be accurately cut and be of one piece per finished
plane required. All chamfers and tapering shall be smooth and continuous. Formwork
panels of a regular size shall be one piece of board or steel as shall be approved, and shall
have true edges to permit accurate edging and alignment along all its sides and edges so that
clean jointing and lines result in the finished concrete once the forms have been struck off.
No jointing of pieces of boards in any of the formwork panels shall be allowed. All
formwork shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer/Architect prior the placement of
reinforcing and concrete.
b) Where “off form” concrete is required or specified, in addition to the above, the quality of
the set concrete surface after the form works has been struck off shall be perfectly smooth,
uniform in color, with form work panel joint lines uniform, symmetrical and level hairlines
and finishing as shall be approved by the Engineer/Architect prior to starting the form work
erection at those specified places. The finish of the concrete shall be true and level so that no
cement render is needed. It shall be free of plastic liner marking and stains from incorrect
release agents. Only approved release agent shall be used on the formwork so fabricated and
specified. The formwork at the soffit of the ribbed slab panel shall be so designed that the
finished concrete after the form has been struck off is uniform and symmetrical in design and
appearance. This shall be such that all the adjoining ribbed slab panels shall be exactly the
same in finish, symmetry, design and appearance.
c) Construction joints (CJ) shall be 50 mm wide throughout and shall be finished with class A
“off form” formwork concrete finish. In other words a perfectly smooth, vertical and
correctly dimensioned joint shall be achieved throughout the designated CJ. After 30 days
from the completion of the CJ, it shall be filled with “Armour Board” expansion joint filler
suitable to fill the 50 mm gap space from top to bottom in a seamless fill and as shown on the
drawings. The Armour Board density shall not be less than 28 Kg / cu. m and shall be
installed using neoprene based adhesives as per the manufacturers recommendations. It shall
be fixed into place by compressing it and working it into the joint without tearing the cut
sheet. Once the filler is firmly in place in the floor, walls and ceiling, it shall be protected by
a 200 mm wide, profiled aluminium step strip which shall be approved by the
Engineer/Architect, screw fixed along one edge into the concrete or masonry using
appropriate expansion shields over it at floor, wall and ceiling levels. The other edge shall
float free, finished uniformly flush and level all along the adjoining surface in the manner of
a slip joint. At the roof level and along the external masonry walls where the CJ is exposed
to the environment, the CJ shall be filled with “Shelly’s Silicon Expansion Joint Seal
Filler” as per the manufacturer‟s specifications, to render the joint completely sealed against
water and damp penetration, and then covered with the aluminium strip. Refer clause
"Preparation for Placing Concrete."
d) Any deviation from the required finished mentioned above shall be made good to the
Engineer/Architect‟s requirements and final approval at the const of the contractor. Not time
extensions for the rectification of such work shall be allowed.

G7.06 Sundries
Formwork shall be provided to the top surface of concrete where the slope of slabs, or perimeter
drop slabs, or the nature of the work, requires it. Provision shall be made for providing block
outs of timber, or steel pipe or sections, for forming holes and chases for services and for
building in pipes, conduits, door spring closer mechanisms, floor trunking, and other fixings, as
required whether shown in the drawings or not. The material and position of any ties passing
through the concrete shall be to the Engineer/Architect's approval. Except where corrosion of a
metal tie is unimportant it shall be possible to remove a tie so that no part of it remaining
embedded in the concrete shall be nearer to the finished surface of the concrete than the specified
thickness of cover to the reinforcement. Any holes left after the removal of ties shall be filled
with concrete or mortar of an approved composition and application method.

G7.07 Cleaning and Treatment of Formwork

Space to be occupied by concrete shall be free from all rubbish, chipping, shavings, sawdust, dirt
and tying wire etc. before the concrete is placed. The formwork to be in contact with the
concrete shall be cleaned and treated with suitable non-staining form oil or other approved
release agent. Care shall be taken that such oil or release agent is kept out of contact with the
reinforcement or with concrete, or any construction joints. Surface retarding agents shall not be
used except with the permission of the Engineer/Architect. Formwork shall be thoroughly
cleaned after each use. Damaged or distorted formwork shall not be used and shall be
permanently removed from the site by the next day.
G7.08 Striking or Removal of Formwork
All formwork shall be removed without shock or vibration that might damage the concrete
formed upon, or moulded by, it. Before the soffit and props are removed the surface of the
concrete shall be exposed where necessary in order to ensure that the concrete has hardened
sufficiently. In no circumstances shall formwork be struck off until the concrete reaches a cube
strength of at least three times the stress to which the concrete may be subjected to at the time of
striking. The formwork to vertical surfaces such as walls, columns and sides of beams may be
removed after 24 hours in normal weather conditions although care must be taken to avoid
damage to the concrete, especially to arises and features. However formwork as per clause
G7.05 (b) “Joints and Edges - Off form” shall not be removed for a twelve day period or as
shall be permitted by the Engineer/Architect. In cold weather a longer period may be necessary
before striking. Suitable curing methods should immediately follow the removal of the

The following minimum times shall elapse before removal of formwork:

Type of Minimum period before Striking surface
Formwork Temperature of Concrete
16 C 7C
Vertical formwork to 12 hours 24 hours
columns walls and large

Soffit formwork to slabs 15 days 21 days

Props to slabs 15 days 21 days

Soffit formwork to 15 days 28 days
Props to beams 15 days 28 days
The times given for the removal of props are based on the assumption that the total live load plus
dead weight to be supported at the time of removal is not more than one half the total design
loads. For horizontal members where the loading is a higher proportion of the total design load
these times shall be increased.

Measurement for payment shall be done of the area on which centering shuttering has been done.
It shall include the application of the form oil and removal of the formwork as well.

G7.09 Extra for “Off form” concrete finish

To achieve a smooth exposed finish in “off form” concrete works of beams, columns, ribs, slabs
etc., where concrete is described as having an “off form” finish, the formwork itself shall be of a
good finish to achieve the off form concrete surface smooth, without discoloration or staining of
any kind, and perfectly even. It shall be free from all board marks, projection, pits and
honeycombing etc. and all arises shall be square, straight and true. The Contractor shall specially
see that the finished exposed surface should be smooth and even as no rendering or cement
plastering is required by the designs. The Contractor shall account for any specially constructed
form of wrought timber, hardboard, plywood or metal with taped joints or any other approved
material. The Engineer/Architect shall approve the finish.

Measurement shall be done for the area of shuttering or form work in sq. units. Payment shall be
made as an extra over the rate as admissible in the relevant items of clause G7 “form work”.


Note: Samples of walls, stone veneering, fair-faced construction, brick bands, pointing types, Dakchi
Appa brick band work – integrated with the fair faced brickwork, oxide mixtures in Portland
cement in order to colour match the finish as shown in the drawings and as shall be instructed by
the Engineer/Architect etc., shall be approved by the Engineer/Architect. Samples of the
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 27
material shall be approved by the Engineer/Architect prior to the purchase of any masonry
material items to be included in the Works. These samples shall be so located such that they are
not disturbed during the currency of the Contract and shall always be available as a yardstick to
measure the quality of such materials and / or works.
G8.01 Kiln made first class clinker brick in foundation and plinths in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4
sand) for brickwork.
G8.02 BTF machine made first class bricks as above.
i) Bricks
The bricks shall be Kiln hand made cast bricks of first class quality. These shall be of
quality approved by the Engineer/Architect free from grit and other impurities such as lime,
iron and other deleterious salts. These shall be well-burnt, sound, hard with sharp edges and
shall omit a ringing sound when struck with a mallet. These shall be of uniform size.

ii) Mortar
Cement mortar shall be of proportion as indicated. The ingredients shall be accurately
gauged by measure and shall be well and evenly mixed together in a mechanical pan mixer;
too much water shall not be used. River sand shall be used unless otherwise specified. If
hand mixing is allowed, then it shall be done in brick tanks. The gauged materials shall be
put in the tank and mixed dry. Water will then be added and the whole mixed again until it is
homogeneous and of uniform color.

iii) Workmanship
All the bricks shall be thoroughly soaked in water before use till the bubbles cease. The
bricks shall be laid in cement mortar bed in proper bond. When bonding, the brickwork must
be set back in every course. Vertical toothing shall not be accepted. The course shall be
truly horizontal and the work strictly in plumb. The mortar joints shall not exceed 10mm and
minimum 6mm in thickness as shall be determined by the sample walls approved by the
Engineer/Architect. The joints shall be broken vertically. All the joints shall be raked out to
a depth of 12 mm to receive render and/or pointing work as required.
The walls are to be carried up in a uniform manner with level courses and perpend strictly
maintained. No one portion of a wall shall be built up for more than 14 single courses per
day. The top of walls to be continued the next day shall be well wetted before the work
There shall be smooth mortared surface to receive any structural slab, beam, lintel etc. on the
brick courses. The brickwork shall be well water drenched by a 12 mm hosepipe connected
to an electric water pump for at least for 10 days and in this time it shall not be allowed to
dry at any time during the day. It shall be thoroughly drenched prior to the work closing
down at the end of each working day. The brickwork shall be thoroughly cleaned off on

iv) Cleaning
The fair-faced brick walls, including any decorative brickwork, mortar bands, cornices etc.,
shall be cleaned with jute cloth regularly during the curing period. There after, the fair faced
brick work shall be cleaned every fortnight using water and jute cloth till the handing over of
the project to the Employer or as shall be instructed by the Engineer/Architect in writing.

The measurements work shall be the product of the length, height and thickness. Deductions
for doors, windows and other openings including lintels shall be made to arrive at the net
quantity of work. Nothing shall be paid extra for forming such openings. However, no
deductions shall be made for areas less than 0.10m² overall, bearing of lintels, beams,
girders, and holdfasts blocks but nothing extra like formwork shall be paid for embedding
these. Similarly where applicable, no deductions shall be made for chimney flue left in the
walls, but nothing extra shall be allowed for rendering the flue opening as specified.
Brickwork as covering to RCC structures and the continuation of the main wall shall be
measured in thickness of quarter brick unit. Unless otherwise specified nothing extra shall
be admissible for cutting in brickwork or brick to suit RCC structures, walls in any shape
other than straight or any cutting necessary for shaping the walls to the structural design.
Rate shall be inclusive of all necessary scaffolding, watering, cutting of bricks, curing,
materials and labour.
G8.03 Kiln made first class bricks in super structure in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement: 4 sand) for
G8.04 Machine made first class bricks as above.
All the works shall be done as per specification in item G8.02. The maximum lift involve above
plinth level shall be 1.5 m. Scaffolding of required nature shall be provided as necessary.
It shall be done as specified in item G8.02 inclusive of scaffolding.
G8.05 First class Kiln made brick masonry in cement mortar (1 cement: 4 sand) with 6 mm diameter
mild steel reinforcement placed horizontally at every fourth course.

G8.06 Machine made first class bricks as above.

It shall be laid in stretcher course as for brickwork specification. Horizontal reinforcement of
6mm diameter with proper anchorage to adjoining wall/walls shall be provided at every fourth
Mortar shall be 1:4 (1 cement: 4 sand) mixed as per specification of item G8.02.

Measurement shall be done in square meters of the wall inclusive of the reinforcement.
Deduction shall be made as for brickwork stated in item No G8.02.

G8.07 Extra for Fair faced / Decorative Brickwork

This will be done as per specification of brickwork of item G8.02 but in addition specially
selected bricks shall be used for facing ensuring regular and clean faces. Bricks, which are
broken, chipped, wrinkled or having irregular edges or corners shall not be used. The exposed
face of every brick shall be rubbed without extra charge during the laying process to keep it clean
and free of cement slurry stains. At the end of each day, the brick laid in that day shall be
carefully wiped clean with a damp cloth before the workmen are allowed to close down for the
day. No mortar shall be allowed to stick to the surface, which shall be left clean to the
Engineer/Architect satisfaction with horizontal and vertical joints even and true to a straight line.
A regular thickness of joints shall be maintained. Decorative brickwork offset banding shall be
as shown in the drawings.

It shall be measured total area of the exposed brickwork done.

G8.08 Brick on Edge in Cement mortar

Providing and laying brick on edge in cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement: 3 sand) under the sill
It shall be laid as per brickwork specifications herein. Mortar shall be as specified. Extra shall
not be paid for setback or projection of the brickwork.

It shall be measured in square meters of the work done.

G8.09 Extra for providing quarter brick thick in Cement Mortar 1:3 (1 Cement: 3 Sand)
Quarter brick thick shall be cut to size as required and be provided to the faces of RCC structure
for exposed brickwork, with cement mortar 1:3. Should be quarter brick be part of a fair faced
brick wall, the quality of its finish shall match the rest of the main wall in every way.

It shall be measured in the net area of work involved and paid in square meters.


Note: The client may supply his own timber in lieu of the timber requirements designated in the
contract. In this case it shall be called Employer’s timber. The Employer's timber shall be
treated as if the contractor supplied it. Any cost adjustments in the contractor’s quoted rates
shall be adjusted according to his quoted rates in the schedule of materials and reduced
appropriately from the contractor’s payments as designated in this contract without prejudice by
the Employer.

G9.01 Timber
i) Quality
Timber shall generally conform to IS 287-1960. Timber to be used for the work shall be
from the heart of a sound tree of mature growth, the sapwood being entirely removed. It
shall be uniform in substance, straight in fibre, free from large, loose dead or cluster knots,
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 29
flows, shakes, wasp, cup spring, twist, bend and defects of any kind. It should be free from
spongy, brittle, flaky or brushy condition, sapwood, termites and borer holes.

ii) Kind
The timber shall be of best quality timber. The samples of the approved timber to be used
shall be deposited in the office of the Engineer/Architect for his approval and record.

iii) Colour
The color shall be dark and uniform as far as possible, the darkness of color amongst color
species of timber being generally a sign of strength and durability.

iv) Moisture content

The moisture content for timber shall not exceed 12 percent of dry weight of timber.

v) Stacking
As soon as a portion of the ground floor (level–1) of the main office building has been
structurally completed and a secure dry and unexposed space is available, all necessary
timber, scantling shall be brought to site and stacked in sized and sections as laid down in IS
401-1967 till required.

vi) Approvals of quality

The Engineer/Architect shall reject any defective timber or resultant construction of items
and installed works there from, and shall approve all timber for installation into the works
whether as parts of the building or as joinery and carpentry items of finishing, even
retrospectively. Any effort like plugging, painting, using any adhesives or resinous materials
to hide defects if subsequently found shall render the pieces reject able by the
Engineer/Architect. Timber shall be stored and worked in a clean and dry area and the
Engineer/Architect shall summarily reject any timber left lying in contact with damp.
Timber storage and construction areas shall be swept clean at the end of every day during the
entire period of construction. Timber presented for inspection shall be clean and free from
dust, mud, paint or other material, which may conceal the defects. The finished scantlings
and / or fabricated items shall be treated by wiping down with a coat of protective linseed oil
and turpentine in a 50:50 ratio applied with a cloth soaked in the mixture prior to restacking
pending fitting and fixing into the works. No timber shall be painted, tarred or oiled, primed
unless the finishes meet with the Engineer/Architect‟s approval in writing.

vii) Sawing
All scantlings shall be sawn in straight lines in the direction of the grain, in planes and of
uniform thickness with full measurement from end to end. They shall be sawn with such
sufficient margin as to secure specified dimensions lines and planes, perfectly formed and
accurately extruded, after working, dressing and finishing smooth as per the drawing, details
and instructions of the Engineer/Architect.

viii) Rejected materials

Any timber rejected shall at once be removed completely from the site by the next day.

ix) Employer’s Timber

The Employer may supply timber for a part or the whole of the timber works that are
required to be prepared and fabricated by the contractor. In this case the Employer shall be
responsible for the quality of the timber but this does not limit the contractor from bringing
any inferior or substandard quality timber unsuitable for the work to the notice of the
Engineer/Architect, in which case this substandard quality timber shall not be used for the
work and shall be returned to the e\employer in the condition it was received where possible.
This shall not exempt the contractor from his responsibilities and commitments to the work
in any way what so ever.

G9.02 Dressed Sal Timber Eave’s Board

Providing and fixing 30mm thick x 150mm Ht dressed Sal timber eave board as shown in the
The sal timber planks shall conform to G9.01. The eave board of specified depth shall be dressed
on exposed face, top and bottom. The timber shall be joined by half lap joints with MS screws.
The underside of the eave board with undressed surface shall be painted with a coat of hot
bitumen emulsion. The timber shall be smoothly dressed and rounding of corner junctions shall
be given as shown in the drawing or as directed. The eave board shall be fixed with MS screws.
It shall be measured in running meters and nothing extra shall be allowed for joint. Rate shall
include all material and labour.

G9.03 Timber Facia

Providing and fixing timber facia 25mm x 100mm thick carved as per detail
The timber facia shall be of approved quality. The sizes and the carving works shall be as per
drawing. These facia boards shall be fixed with screw and nails on the rafter ends and other
timber batten and treated with wood preservative of approved make.

It shall be measured in square meters of the finished surface. Rate shall include the materials and
labour complete.
G9.04 Timber Posts
Providing and fixing timber posts as per detail
The timber posts shall be 150 x 150mm or as shown in the drawings and shall be out of approved
quality of Sal timber and size. Works shall be as per detailed drawing. The posts shall rest in
MS shoes as per details. All profiling and decorative work shall be as per detail drawings.

It shall be measured cu. meters. Rate shall include all material and labour complete.

G9.05 Teak Timber Hand Rail

Providing and fixing teak timber hand rail as per drawing including the railing and balusters
The Teak timber shall be as in G9.01. The timber of specified size shall be cut to shape, round,
grooves made all as shown in the drawing. The timber shall be moulded as shown. The turning
points and or at junction neat joints shall be made out of a solid timber. The timber joints shall
be provided only as permitted. Sample of workmanship shall be got approved prior to
commencement of the work. The timber hand rail shall be fixed in position to conform to site
and drawing.

It shall be measured in running meters of the work done. The rate shall include moulding to
shape and fixing as per drawing including material and labour complete. The railing and
balusters shall be paid separately.
G9.06 Sal Wood Skirting Board
Providing and fixing 150mm x 20mm thick sal wood skirting board as per details (Ducted or
The timber shall conform to item G9.01. The skirting shall be out of 20 x 150 mm Sal wood.
The top leading edge shall be moulded to a pattern as shown in the drawings conforming to al
“Ovolo” profile measuring 15 mm x 15 mm. Where a carpet finish is specified then the skirting
shall be fixed to the wall with a 6 mm to 10 mm gap with the floor finish as a carpet recess.
Where a surface finish is parquet or other hard surface finish, the skirting board shall be fixed to
the wall with its edge firmly in contact with the finished surface. Where the hard surface
finishing may be sloped to falls, the top edge of the skirting shall remain perfectly level and
horizontal. Only the bottom edge shall be planed off and suitably leveled to fall with the
flooring. The Engineer/Architect prior to commencing with the work shall first approve all
fixing details as mentioned above. The areas in contact with masonry works shall be treated with
wood preservative and shall be perfectly leveled so that no gaps occur at any place. Accordingly
the contractor shall take particular care with the wall cement render finish at the floor levels
which shall be perfectly true at the cement rendering stage so that when the skirting boards are
fixed no gaps occur. The skirting board shall be fitted to the walls at 300mm intervals with 40
mm wood screws over / under (2 nos.) countersunk in a round hole by 10 mm. Expansion
shields in shall be used to provide a permanent grip in the masonry wall as shall be approved by
the Engineer/Architect. The board shall be sanded smooth prior to installation ready for
polishing. All screw holes shall be plugged using “pencil” wood dowels made of the same color
and quality of the skirting board. They shall be oversized with a slightly tapered end so that
when hammered into the countersunk screw fixings, they fit tightly, to provide a seamless finish.
The skirting shall be stained and polished as per the sample approved by the Engineer/Architect.
Where a joint is necessary along the running board “ends” it shall be done with a seam less
tongue and groove, stub and tennon joint as per the sample approved by the
Engineer/Architect. The skirting horizontal lengths shall be one piece without joints as far as
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 31
possible. Where joints shall inevitably have to occur despite all attempts to have full skirting
runs without joints, then they shall only occur at places designated in the “SKIRTING BOARD
JOINTING PLAN” that shall be drawn up and proposed by the contractor and approved by the
Engineer/Architect prior to the skirting board fixing to wall commences. At “outer” wall
corners the board shall be neatly mitred together in a seamless joint and fitted end on end with 50
mm long wood “pencil dowels” with a seamless finish using wood glue as shall be approved by
the Engineer/Architect. At “inner” wall corners the skirting board ends shall be fitted end on end
with a seamless finish and wood blue as shall be approve by the Engineer/Architect. Skirting
board ends finishing flush with door openings shall be leveled down with a vertical “Ovolo”
beading finish ending just across the doorframe. Where they butt up to doorframes they shall be
cut true at 90º to finish seamlessly as instructed.

It shall be measured in running meter of the work done including materials and labour complete.


G10.01 Sal Timber Frames – Doors, Windows and Ventilators

Providing and fixing seasoned dressed Sal timber frames in doors, windows, clear storey
windows and ventilators made of specified size and section as shown in the drawing.
The timber shall conform to clause G.9.01 – “Woodwork”
When a ventilator is to be provided above a door, the vertical doorpost shall be full length. Joints
in the vertical frame, style or horizontal rails shall not be allowed. The un-rebated edges of the
frame in the opening shall be profiled as per the Engineer/Architect‟s drawings, details and
The rebate and the plaster key grooves shall be provided as shown in the drawing where there are
no architraves to be fixed over the wood / masonry joint later. Where architraves are to be fitted,
then plaster key grooves need not be made. Vertical part of the frame shall not be embedded in
the masonry or the floor finishing screed or other finishes but shall stand clear of any floor finish.
Holdfasts shall be provided as specified and any adjustment of spacing necessary shall be erected
in position and held in plumb with proper supports from both sides and the hold fast set in
concrete blocks spaced into the masonry.
The work shall be as per the drawings and Engineer/Architect‟s instructions. The timber shall be
properly planed, wrought and dressed in a skilled and experienced work like manner. Joints shall
be rue to fit properly and of the kind directed by the Engineer/Architect. The rate of woodwork
shall include the cost of all sawing, planning, jointing, framing, labour and materials for raising
and fixing and all workmanship and the fitting, fixing and supplying of all straps, bolts, nails,
spikes, keys wedges, pins screws etc. necessary for the framing and fixing. Joints and portions
inserted in masonry or floor shall be allowed for in the measurement. Plugging in of holes for
holdfasts shall be done in neat, seamless manner. Any defects observed after installation shall be
rejected. Samples of workmanship shall be submitted for approval.

The measurement of the timber frame shall be taken in its net length and section and worked out
correct up to two places of decimals in cubic meters. Total tolerance of 3 mm is admissible in
sections of dressed timber.

G10.02 Mild Steel Flat Holdfasts

Providing and fixing 300 x 6 x 3 mild steel flat holdfast total as per drawing and fixed to frame
with screws, embedded in cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement: 3 sand: 6 stone aggregate 20mm and
down gauge) block of 225mm x 110mm.
These shall be out of 300 mm x 6 mm x 3 mm MS flat with 75 mm of one end split and fishtailed
90º for anchorage and the other bent up for fixing to the frame with three screws. The holdfasts
shall be as shown on the drawings. Holdfast shall be fixed to the door or window frames with 38
mm nettle fold screws. MS flat of the holdfast shall be fitted to the frame in the recess of
required size and thickness. There shall be 2 such holdfast on each side of window frames up to
1200 mm height (four in all) and 3 on each side of the door frames above 1200mm (six in all).
The positions of the holdfasts shall be as approved by the Engineer/Architect. Frames shall be
fixed as the work proceeds, or later, as shall be decided upon jointly between the contractor and
the Engineer/Architect. All holdfasts shall be treated with two or more coats of anti corrosive
This measurement has been taken in Bill of Quantities with all the costs of materials and labour
inclusive of the concrete blocks and necessary formwork. So this measurement is not taken

G10.03 providing and fixing 12mm expansion bolts or “Chem set” fasteners
Where fixings to RCC columns or structures is required, and this applies for any fixing of any
item to an RCC structure, they shall be made with either 12 mm expansion bolts or “Chem set”
fasteners” only.
a) Expansion bolts
Shall be12mm diameter and a maximum of 125 mm long. The length shall be determined
and approved by the Engineer/Architect depending upon the specific tasks that shall be
required of them. The specified hole shall be made with a heavy duty, impact drill and not
other way. If re-bars are encountered, then the drilling shall stop and be relocated to an
adjoining site where the re-bar shall not be encountered.
b) "Chem set"fasteners
Shall be12mm diameter and length as specified by the manufacturer. The make shall be
HILTI Switzerland or the equivalent. The length shall be reconfirmed and approved by the
Engineer/Architect depending upon the specific tasks that shall be required of them. The
specified hole shall be made with a heavy duty, impact drill as specified by the manufacturer
and not in any other way. If re-bars are encountered, then the drilling shall stop and be
relocated to an adjoining site where the re-bar shall not be encountered.
Where an exposed, finished timber or other surface is required, the timber frame, or other, shall
be fitted with a concealed fixing via a square or round hole appropriately provided about the
frame. The nut with washer and spring washer shall then be tightened properly. Care shall be
taken that the threaded belt is at least 12mm inside exposed frame face. Plugging of the bolt hole
in the frame shall be done with matching timber and grain using an approved wood filler and
adhesive such as a “Shelly‟s” product. Where other materials are encountered, and appropriate
seamless finish shall be devised over the concealed fixing. The finished surface shall be smooth
and seamless.

This shall be measured as in item G10.02.
G10.04 Solid Core Flush Door Shutters
Providing and fixing in position 40mm thick factory made solid core flush door shutters, single
or double leaf, fixed with nos. of 125mm brass butt hinges to each shutter.
a) Shutters shall have commercial plywood or teak veneer on both faces of the shutter with
matching timber lipping all around as shall be specified in the drawings or
Engineer/Architect‟s instructions. The density of the board make up shall firmly support the
attachment of hinges, hardware, appliances, special finishes dowelled, inset, screw fixed
upon it or nailed without coming loose or fragmenting during a standard fixing detail
process. The manufacturer shall specify the make up and performance of all materials upon
which the Engineer/Architect shall make his selection and approval.
b) Shutters shall have decorative wood veneer on both faces of the shutter with matching timber
lipping all around as shall be specified in the drawings or Engineer/Architect‟s instructions.
The density of the board make up shall firmly support the attachment of hinges, hardware,
appliances, special finishes, dowelled, inset, screw fixed upon it or nailed without coming
loose or fragmenting during a standard fixing detail process. The manufacturer shall specify
the make up and performance of all materials upon which the Engineer/Architect shall make
his selection and approval.
i) Shutters Type
The shutter shall conform to the relevant specification for the type and grade to IS 2202-
1973 if required by the Engineer/Architect. The flush door shutters as specified shall be
manufactured by a reputed factory in India subject to the Approval of the
Engineer/Architect. Samples shall be produced for the approval of the
Engineer/Architect prior to ordering materials.
i) Plywood finish
The commercial ply or timber veneer facing shall be of matching and seamless
quality, where each panel shall match the next where the specifications are the same.
Discolousation in panels or in identical sets of panels shall not be accepted.
ii) Finish
There shall be seamless joints of all materials that are visible and exposed. Chipped
ply, cracked or the defective materials or workmanship shall be rejected.

Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 33
It shall be measured in net area of overall finished shutter. The rate shall be inclusive of
providing and fixing the shutter with 3 nos. of hinges and other necessary hardware as specified
in item G10.08 ,with approval of Engineer/ architect, per shutter leaf.

G10.05 Sal Timber Door Shutters

Providing and fixing in position 38mm thick Sal timber door shutter single or double leaf fixed
with 3 nos. of 125m brass butt hinge to each shutter.
a) Fully wood paneled door shutter as per drawing.
b) Partly louvered and partly wood paneled as per drawing.
c) Partly paneled and partly glazed as per drawing excluding the cost of glazing.
d) Fully glazed door shutter as per drawing, excluding the cost of glazing.
e) Fly wire mesh door shutter as per drawing with 15mm mesh expanded metal reinforcing
mesh over nylon fly mesh.
i) Paneled Shutter
The shutter may be paneled single or double, leaf that shall be as per drawing or the direction
of the Engineer/Architect. The styles shall be continuous from top to bottom. The top,
transoms shall be jointed to the styles and their mullions shall be jointed to the rail. The
finished thickness of the frame shall be 38mm and widths shall be as shown in the drawing
or as directed by the Engineer/Architect. The timber panels shall be 25mm thick or as shown
in the drawings or instructed by the Engineer/Architect. Grooves shall be made on all the
inside faces of the frame to receive panels as per design. Use an approved water resistant
wood glue to assist fixing the panels in the grooves of styles, rails etc. All junctions of styles
to rails or to mullions etc. shall be treated with approved water resistant wood glue before
fixing to the shutter framework. 3 nos. of 150mm brass butt hinges shall be screw fixed at
proper places as shown on drawings or hardware schedule or as directed by
Engineer/Architect. The finished shutter shall be dressed and smoothly finished to the
satisfaction of the Engineer/Architect.
ii) Fully Glazed or Partly Glazed / Partly Paneled
These shall be as paneled shutter but instead of panels, 6 mm glass of various sizes, type,
color etc. shall be provided as per the drawings and instructions of the Engineer/Architect.
The glass shall be “Modi float glass” or “Modi reflective laminated glass”or equivalent
being of the best quality free from specks, bubbles, smokes veins, air holes, blisters, visual
distortion and other defects. The glass shall be a minimum of uniform 6 mm thickness or
thicker as shall be specified in the drawings or by the Engineer/Architect.
iii) Louvers
The timber louvers shall be 12mm thick of the size and fixing as shown in the drawing.
Vertical slots if required shall be provided as per instruction of the Engineer/Architect. The
contractor shall provide a finished sample for the Engineer/Architect‟s approval prior to
assembling and fixing them in the positions required.
iv) Construction
The item shall be carried out in conformity with IS 1003 Part-1 1966 for door shutters if
required by the Engineer/Architect. The shutters shall be of finished dimensions with
ornamental moulding and glazing and other components as specified in the drawings or as
directed by the Engineer/Architect and be custom made for the particular type but adjusted
for rebates in the frames and shutters appropriately. The clearance between the finished
shutter and the doorframe and between the shutters themselves shall not exceed 1 mm. A
shadow groove of 2 mm x 2 mm on the meeting edges on both faces of the shutters where
they butt up to the fames shall be made as shall be approved by the Engineer/Architect. The
fixing and size of the hinge shall be as specified by cutting the necessary recess
corresponding to the thickness of the flaps in the sides of the shutter style and the doorframe.

The measurement of the door shutter is taken in its net area of full length and breadth from
rebates. Tolerance in size shall be 6mm and 3mm in thickness. The rate shall include cost of
materials and labour.

G10.06 Clear Storey and Ventilator Sal Timber Shutter

Providing and fixing in position 38mm thick window, clear storey window and ventilator shutters
made of seasoned Sal timber shutter frame as per drawing, fixed with 2 numbers of 3.75mm butt
hinges as specified in the hardware schedule.
a) Fully paneled shutter as per drawing.
b) Partly paneled and partly glazed window/door shutter excluding the cost of glazing as per
c) Fully glazed shutter excluding the cost of glazing.
d) Louvered shutter as per drawing.
e) Fly wire mesh shutter using 24 gauge 12 mesh to 25mm with timber beads as per drawing.
The shutter and the finished sizes of components like styles, rails mullion etc. shall be as per
The workmanship shall be of best quality finished smooth correct to size. The styles, rail etc.
shall be rebated inside 6mm along the side to receive the panels, glass, wire mesh etc. Timber
panel shall be provided as described under paneled door shutters. Fly proof webbing of 12 mesh
to an inch shall be used of 24 gauge unless otherwise specified. The webbing shall be bent at 90°
along 12mm on both sides to rebate and fixed securely to the styles, rails and mullions by 12 mm
galvanized iron staples at about 150 mm intervals, staggered spacing. Fillets shall be of specified
timber of the size 3mm x 9mm which shall be securely and neatly fixed with small screws spaced
out 75mm centers round the rebate for each panel of webbing after the fillets are pressed well
into the rebate to hold the wire mesh. The wire mesh shall be tightly stretched during fixing.
The space between the fillet and the rebate where the webbing is bent shall be neatly finished
with putty, so that cut end of webbing may not be visible. Sample of workmanship shall be
approved prior to work.

It shall be measured in square meters of the shutters including hinges. Tolerance in size shall be
6mm and 3mm in thickness. The rate shall include cost of material and labour complete.
Nothing extra shall be paid for double leaf shutter overlap etc.

G10.07 Glazing
Providing and fixing glass of specified make, design and thickness in schedule of quantities or in
the drawing in door, clear storey, window ventilator shutters with neoprene gaskets and backing
rods, or using a silicon mounting layers and captivated in place with metal or timber beading as
shown in the drawings or as shall be instructed by the Engineer/Architect.
i) Materials
Glazing silicon shall be an approved brand such ad Dupont, Shelley‟s, or equivalent as shall
be approved by the Engineer/Architect and the shelf life shall have not expired at the time to
applying the silicon. Glass shall be as per clause G.10.12 “Glazing”.
ii) Workmanship
All windows shall have the glazing fixed from the outside of the shutters and as shown on
drawings, captivated in place with the appropriate beading. The glass shall be cut to size to
fit slightly loose. The beads shall be of Sal timber or metal as shown in drawing. Where
timber beading is to be used, prior to mounting the glass, a thin extrusion of silicon shall be
applied in a continuous and regular manner along the entire portion of the timber rebate, as
well as on the faces of captive beading edges that will be in contact with the glass, and
allowed to set. Over this the glass shall be placed, using appropriate spacers or backing rods
as the case may be below the bottom edge of the glass. The captive timber beading shall be
fixed in place tightly so that the glass does not vibrate when the frame is struck with an open
palm and fixed with headless panel pins. The panel pins shall be spaced not more than 100
mm apart.
In the case of metal window glazing, In the case of metal windows the manufacturer‟s
specifications shall be followed through out.

It shall be measured in square meters of the glass provided inclusive of bead and putty. The
rate shall include for providing putty, wooden beads, glass, panel pins etc and labour
G10.08 Providing and fixing in position hardware to the doors, windows, clear storey window and
ventilator shutters as per specification and drawings.
01 decorative bar handles, brass 450mm
02 decorative brass bush plate, 16 swg thick 450x300m
03 push plate, stainless steel, 125 x 400mm
04 floor recessed auto spring closer, SS cover plate
05 hydraulic door closer - brass
06 door spring closer - brass
07 handles, brass, 150mm, D-type, concealed fixing
08 handle, brass iron/aluminium, D-type, zinc coated, concealed fixing
09 butt hinge, brass, 150mm
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 35
10 butt hinge, brass, 100mm
11 butt hinge, iron, 150mm
12 butt hinge, iron, 100mm
13 mortise lock, un-keyed, satin stainless steel
14 mortise lock, keyed, satin stainless steel
15 mortise locks, un-keyed, anodized aluminium
16 mortise lock keyed, anodized aluminium
17 tubular cylinder lock, brass, key operated externally, press lock internally. guest room main
18 tubular cylinder locks, brass, unkeyed, press lock internally. Guest room bathroom doors.
19 recessed tower bolt, brass, 300mm
20 recessed tower bolt, brass, 150mm
21 recessed tower bolt, brass, 100mm
22 tower bolt, anodized aluminium, 230mm
23 tower bolt, anodized aluminium, 150mm
24 tower bolt, anodized aluminium, 100mm
25 doorstoppers, brass
26 door stoppers, anodized aluminium
27 door stoppers, chrome plated
28 eye hook, brass 250mm
29 eye hook, anodized aluminium, 250mm
30 eye hook, iron zinc coated, 250mm
31 room number, 3 digit each, brass, 75mm ht, 6mm thick, concealed fixing, Helvetica
numbering style.
All fixtures and fastening to be used shall be fixed as per the drawing or as shall be instructed
by the Engineer/Architect at site.. These shall be new, sound and strong of best quality and
workmanship. The size shape, design and finish shall be as shown on drawings or selected
by the Engineer/Architect. Samples shall be submitted for approval and kept in the office of
the Engineer/Architect as standards.
All fixtures shall be fixed in a secure and sturdy manner and properly aligned and eased
where bolts, mortises, latches etc., interact between a movable or open able shutter and a
fixed frame. Any of the fixtures damaged during fixing and finishing such as painting and /
or polishing, shall be removed and new ones fixed in their place and the surface of the
joinery made good where affected at the Contractor's expense. When the type is not
mentioned on the drawing or items, it shall be as directed by the Engineer/Architect. The
fastening and fixtures shall be provided as per the fastening and fixture hardware schedule
or as directed by the Engineer/Architect.
Open able ventilators shall be hung as shown in the drawings using hardware that is specified
in the drawings or as directed by the Engineer/Architect. Latches shall be brass spring
loaded with eyes for attaching pull cords. Pull cords shall be of good quality cord of adequate
length for convenient operation of the ventilator. A two-pronged brass tie anchor shall be
embedded in the wall at the height above floor level for tying the cord. All the fixtures shall
be fixed as shown on the drawing or as directed by the Engineer/Architect. The fixture and
fastenings shall be fitted prior to the application of finishes, removed during the finishing
operation and reset after completion of the finish. Metal knobs and handles shall be
protected by wrappers of the tough paper or cloth and maintained in place till acceptance of
the work.

This measurement has been taken in Bill of Quantities with all the costs of materials and
labour. So this measurement is not taken separately.

G11.01 Providing and fixing aluminium frames / shutters in doors, windows, clear storey windows
and ventilators made of specified size and section including glazing as shown in the
All profiles shall be genuine “Indal” profiles from India, supplied in alloy (50SWP) (IS
63400WP/AA: 6063 T6/BS: HE 9 WP) or equivalent. The finishing shall be Pure Polyester
Powder Coated to 55 microns thickness in colours that shall be approved by the
Description Size & Thickness in mm
Sliding Windows
Side & top frame section 62.0 x 29.7 x 1.6
Bottom frame section 62.0 x 29.7 x 1.6
Interlock section (Sash) 28.9 x 39.0 x 1.5
Handle section (Sash) 20.0 x 39.0 x 1.5
Casement Windows
Frame section 44.0 x 33.6 x 1.6
Sash section 44.0 x 46.0 x 1.6
Transom/Mullion section 59.0 x 38.0 x 1.6
Fly screen
Fly screen frame section 14.9 x 43.0 x 1.2
Fly screen rail 12.0 x 12.0 x 2.0
Door frames 63.5 x 38.1 x 2.0
Vertical shutter (single action) 45.0 x 50.0 x 2.0
Vertical shutter (dbl action) 45.0 x 50.0 x 2.0
Top shutter 50.0 x 45.0 x 2.5
Transom 50.0 x 45.0 x 2.5
Bottom shutter 45.0 x 100.0 x 2.5
4mm, 5mm & 6mm Modiguard or equivalent Clear/reflective laminated Float Glass
1) French polyamide coated rollers on stainless steel needle bearing.
2) British 100% polypropylene weather piles.
3) Japanese “Reliance” hook locks.
4) Indian EPDM marine quality gaskets.
5) Bangkok “Cenza” cam handle locks
6) Wacker & Quilosa silicone.
7) Bangkok “Polymate Co. Ltd” fibre net fly screen
8) Silicone backing foam seal.
9) Cylinder “Rozer” lock.
10) Japanese “New Star” floor closer.
11) Aluminium powder coated door handle
G11.02 Construction
Shall be as per “SKY LIGHT”, Kathmandu. or similar/equivalent Fabricators‟ specifications and
instructions. Frames and shutters are fabricated by using the crimping method of corner jointing.
Corners of frames are miter cut on high speed TCT (Tungsten Carbide Tipped) saw madines to
give burr free corners. Frames are then assembled on a proprietary crimping machine designed
exclusively for this purpose. Sturdy corner cleats hold the frames together. This way a square
and distortion free frame in ensured, with a neat corner joint. All frames are fitted with stainless
steel friction hinges, with either simple fixed sash, top or side hung or in any combination as the
case may be. The friction hinges give access to the outer surfaces of the shutter for cleaning
glass panes more easily.

It shall be measured in square meter of the area covered including glazing. The rate shall include
material and labour complete.

G11.03 Door /Window General requirements

a) Float Glass
All float glass shall be of the best quality free from specks, bubbles, smokes veins, air holes,
blisters, visual distortion and other defects. The glass shall Fully Glazed or Partly Glazed
doors and windows where ever specified or detailed or instructed in these works shall be
fitted with 6 mm glass of various sizes, type, colour etc. shall be provided as per the
drawings and instructions of the Engineer/Architect.
The glass shall be “float glass” or “reflective laminated glass” or be a minimum of uniform
6 mm thickness or thicker as shall be specified in the drawings or approved by the
Engineer/Architect. Glass shall be free of distortion and waves producing a distorted vision
or reflection.
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 37
Prior to purchasing the glass the contractor shall provide labeled and authentic samples to the
Engineer/Architect for his approval.

Shall be measured in sqm area of glass panels installed and fastened as provided. Rate shall
include cost of material and labour required as per the item of work.
b) Easing shutter, hardware, buffers etc.
Upon completion of the work the Contractor shall in the presence of the Engineer/Architect
show that all the fixtures, fastening and shutters have been properly eased and re-finished
and work freely without the use of any force. In the case of operable shutters where in doors,
windows or joinery work, the easing space between the open able shutter edges and the
frame shall be a uniform space of about 1 mm wide. Anchor hooks or opening devices shall
be so adjusted and fixed that the shutters open through out the project at a uniform angle or
pitch as shall be directed by the Engineer/Architect. Where any open able shutter comes into
contact with a fixed item or surface when it is opened, a rubber buffer shall be appropriately
fitted and fixed so that it dampens and stops the opening of the shutter short of the fixed
obstacle as shall be directed by the Engineer/Architect at site.

These works shall be done at the contractors cost as having been included in the contractor‟s
bid for all such works and nothing extra shall be paid for achieving the correct working of all
installations through out the works, to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer/Architect.

c) Samples and models

The contractor shall prepare and submit for approval of the Engineer/Architect such samples
of the windows and doors complete with all fittings and hardware, as the Engineer/Architect
may direct. The contractor shall make any modifications to the design of windows or doors
and fittings which in the opinion of the Engineer/Architect are necessary to bring them into
conformity with the standards specified herein and the modified samples, when approved,
shall form the standard to be maintained throughout the contract. The cost of packing,
carriage and return of samples, including further samples after modification, shall be borne
by the contractor.

d) Protection
All doors and windows shall be delivers to the site with suitable packing to ensure protection
against loss or damage in transit. All protective tape or film covering to exposed surfaces
shall only be removed after the general builders finishing, painting and polishing work is
complete. Doors and windows shall be stored on site with sufficient protection to ensure that
they are not damaged prior to erection, finishing through to commissioning. All aluminium
surfaces fixed in contact with block work, concrete, render, mortar or other materials likely
to cause corrosion shall be protected from chemical attack by painting with a suitable
protective coating as specified by the manufacturer, or by use of protective adhesive
neoprene tape.

e) Installation
All doors and windows shall be installed accurately, true to line and level with all necessary
tolerances as detailed. All hold fasts to keep the frames tightly and securely in place shall be
such to withstand all stresses and pressures of weather, correct to terrain category, and
normal daily commissioned use without working loose from their masonry settings, frame
fixings and any other settings and connections used for such fixing. Aluminium frames set in
timber sub-frames or other rebated surrounds shall be bedded externally in a suitable non-
setting mastic compound. The compound shall be such as will not react with adjacent
materials and shall form a long lasting and flexible weather tight seal under the local climatic
conditions and wind pressures. All windows and doors shall be protected from damage
during the work of subsequent trades. Window and door openings into which aluminium
windows and doors have been fixed shall not be used for the passage of materials or men,
except where unavoidable, and in these cases the installed frames shall be cased in 20 mm
plywood protection shields or as shall be approved by the Engineer/Architect in writing if
called upon by the contractor. All doors and windows shall be provided with weather strips
and seals, and draft seals as shall be specified by the fabricator or manufacturer to the
satisfaction of the Engineer/Architect.

f) Painting and Cleaning

All metal surfaces shall be levelled of deformities and indentations using metal putty as per
the manufacturers specifications where required and then coated with one coat of zinc
chromate primer, or any other suitable primer, and finished with enamel paint.
All aluminium work shall be cleaned or protected as necessary so that it is in a clean and
perfect condition and free from corrosion and scratches or the blemishes, when the building
is handed over. Any cement or lime spit or otherwise deposited upon the surface shall be
immediately washed off with a soft cloth.
g) Condensation / water Drainage
At the bottom of all external window and door frames provision shall be made for the
collection of condensation, with drain holes or weep pipes to lead it to the outside. External
shutters shall be provided with a drip.

h) Sample to be approved
The contractor is required to submit a sample of the fabricated door / window, conforming
the to the specification, quality aluminium sections, hardware, method of fabrication etc. for
the approval of the Engineer/Architect before any material purchase, fabrication, installation


G12.01 Providing and fixing Stainless Steel Railings as per drawing.
Stainless steel railings shall conform to ISI and must have a minimum of 13 to 14 percent of
chromium to give strong, tough, and be corrosion resistant to withstand ordinary atmospheric
conditions. Most of such steel shall be welded by either the electric process or by the oxy-
acetylene method. The finished surface shall be a brushed, satin finish to be approved by the
Engineer/Architect and shall be free from all scales, pits and cracks.
It shall be measured in square meter of the sections provided. It shall include cost of materials,
fabrication, finishing and labour complete.

G12.02 Providing and fixing mild steel handrails as per drawing.

MS handrails shall be fabricated out of new, clean, rust and pit free tubular MS sections
classified “medium class”, flats that are 35 X 6 mm thick, square hollow sections (SHS) ,
rectangular hollow sections (RHS), etc., are according to IS Standards as per the drawings and
instructions of the Engineer/Architect. All weld joints shall be seamless, smooth and concealed
connections shall be made wherever possible. All weld joints shall be smooth to match the
adjoining surfaces so the appropriate splayed details for end connection as per proper welding
procedures shall be followed. The assembly shall be securely anchored into the concrete and
other masonry work with a designed cover moulding to conceal the jointing work to the complete
satisfaction of the Engineer/Architect. Were required all curving of tubular sections shall be so
done as to be free of ripples, and the specified curves shall retain the perfect diameter of the
tubular sections. The curving process shall not flatten the original shape of the profiles and the
Engineer/Architect shall approve or disapprove any such work. The fabricated unit shall be
painted with anticorrosive paint and finished with enamel paint. Any unavoidable disfigurement
shall be filled with waterproof metal putty similar to motor vehicle body denting and painting
work and sanded smooth prior to finishing as shall be specified and approved by the
Engineer/Architect at no extra cost.
It shall be measured in running meter of the sections provided. It shall include cost of samples,
materials, fabrication, labour and final installation all complete.

G12.03 Providing and fixing MS flat profiled 20 x 3mm grill with one coat of red oxide shop
painted as shown in the drawing.
The structural steel shall conform to IS 226-1969 and other General fabrication. Erection shall
comply with the workshop drawings to be supplied by the contractor which shall be approved by
the Engineer. The MS grill as specified conforming to drawing shall be fixed on frame with
25mm metal screws countersunk.
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 39
The measurement shall be net length and height of the grill provided. The rate shall include
material and labour including screws, primer painting complete.
G12.04 Providing and fixing of 1”- 4”diameter medium class MS pipe/square MS pipe with one
coat of red oxide shop painted as shown in the drawing.
The structural steel shall conform to medium class quality and other general fabrication.
Erection shall comply with the workshop drawings to be supplied by the contractor which shall
be approved by the Engineer. The MS pipe shall be fixed as per drawings.
The measurement shall be net length of the material provided. The rate shall include material
and labour including screws, primer painting complete.

G12.05 Providing and fixing Brass Step Edging as per drawing.

The brass extruded sections shall be 4mm thick of size as shown in the drawing and as shall be
approved by the Engineer/Architect. One whole piece length shall be provided throughout the
width of the staircase as per design. The step edging shall be fixed with 25mm brass screws on
expansion shields appropriated fixed to the step RCC profiles. The step edgings shall be left
clean on completion of work. Loose pegs or wrongly fixed edgings shall be rectified to the
satisfaction of the Engineer/Architect. All the work should be neat and workman like.
It shall be measured in running meters of the work done. Nothing extra shall be paid for peg
fixing etc. Rate shall include for step edging, wooden pegs, screws and labour complete.

G13.01 Providing and laying Hand/Roller Packed Gravel and Stone Boulder Properly Compacted
with sand and stone Aggregate and Leveled as directed.
The base for laying stone soling shall be rammed so that there be no loose places left anywhere
in the whole area. The stone soling of required thickness shall be provided taking care that all
stones are placed vertically to the required thickness. Stones more than 150mm in any direction
shall not be provided. The void portions shall be packed with stone aggregate properly and the
interstices shall be blinded with coarse sand, if necessary, so that solid hard core of desired
thickness is formed to receive the base concrete or concrete flooring.
It shall be measured in cubic meter of the total work done. The rate shall include all material and
G13.02 Providing and laying Kiln Made Dry Flat Brick Soling as Directed. (BOF)
The brick shall conform to item G8.02(i).The base on BOF is to be laid shall be compacted
properly and leveled or finished to slope as required. The bricks on flat shall be laid true to line,
slope and interlocking pattern as required. The bricks shall be closely packed to each other as far
as practicable and gaps shall be blinded with sand. The sand blinding shall be done by placing
fine sand and spreading it over the laid BOF. Then with a gentle flow of water from a 12 mm
hosepipe along with providing a light vibration to the laid BOF the sand shall be worked tight
into the brick seams. Great care shall be taken that excessive vibration should not damage or
rupture the DPC membrane underlay, if any, during the blinding process. The workmanship shall
be to the approval of the Engineer/Architect.

The measurement shall be the net area of length and breadth and the rate shall be for all the costs
of material and labour.

G13.03 Providing and Laying Kiln made Dry Brick on Edge Soling as Directed. (BOE)
The work shall be done as per specification of clause G13.02.

The measurement shall be same as in the item above.

G13.04 Providing and laying Plain Cement Concrete 1:4:8 (1 Cement: 4 Sand: 8 Stone Aggregate
20mm and Down Gauge) Under Floor.
The work shall be done as per specification of clause G.5 and the coarse aggregate size shall be
20mm and down gauge. The finished surface of the concrete shall be left rough.
It shall be in Square meter measured from wall to wall exclusive of any finishing. The rate shall
include all materials and labour.
G13.05 Providing and laying 100mm thick plain cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 sand: 4 stone
aggregate 20mm and down gauge) finished with floating coat of neat cement and hardening
liquid (PCC)
i) Preparation of Sub-Grade
The sub base and / or soling upon which the PCC is to be laid shall be cleared of all loose
earth, dust and debris, and other foreign matter and if necessary hacked and chipped and
cleaned with wire brushes. The cleaned sub base and / or soling shall then be wetted with
water thoroughly, but no water ponding shall be allowed. The necessary designed slopes, if
any, shall be provided in the sub base and / or soling itself as shall be shown in the drawings.
ii) Proportion
The proportion shall be 1 cement: 2 sand: 4 stone aggregate 20mm and down gauge by
volume as specified in the schedule. Grading aggregate shall be as per the “reinforced
concrete specification”.

iii) Placing
The floors shall be laid to the specified thickness in panels of uniform size not exceeding
2.25sqm (one side not exceeding 1500 mm in length). These shall be laid in alternate panels
on different days if no glass strips are to be provided. The edges of the panels shall be
protected by flat bars of iron or wood, their depth being equal to that of PCC flooring. When
glass or other strips are provided all panels of the flooring can be cast in one operation under
controlled conditions so that voids do not occur under the panels at the corner junctions of
the glass strips.

iv) Finishing
The PCC shall be spread and compacted first with a wooden float. The blows shall be fairly
heavy but as consolidation takes place, light rapid strokes shall be given. Beating shall be
continuous till all hollows in concrete are filled with mortar cream. Then the surface shall be
trowelled till the moisture disappears. The surface shall be checked with straight edge.
Immediately after trowelling a well mixed neat cement slurry mixed integrally with
hardening liquid (2 litters to 50kg of cement or as per the manufacturer‟s specifications)
shall be sprinkled in a uniform layer at the rate of 20 kg per 10 sqm. The slurry shall be
trowelled smooth with a steel float on several continuous trowelling actions. The surface
hardening admixture shall be "Hardcrete" or other approved make and brand as shall be
approved by the Engineer/Architect. The finished surface shall be cured for 7 days. Samples
of workmanship shall be approved prior to commencing the work.

Measurement shall be in sqm of the work done. Nothing shall be admissible for slope, small
area, corners, or work in any shape. No deductions shall, however, be made for protruding or
independent columns occurring in the floors, door frames embedded in floor or any other part,
when the area does not exceed 0.1 sqm for each. However, nothing extra shall be allowed for
any cutting involved. Rate shall include materials and labour complete excluding the dividing
G13.06 Providing and laying 150mm Thick Cement Concrete 1:2:4 with nominal reinforcement (1
cement: 2 Sand: 4 stone aggregate 20mm and down gauge) finished with floating coat of
neat cement and hardening liquid.
This item is same in all respects as per clause G.13.05-“100 thk PCC” except for the addition of
nominal reinforcements. Here provide 8mm dia tor steel at 200 mm centres in both ways on
chairs as per the requirements of RCC reinforcing works.
It shall be measured in square meters of the work done and rate shall include materials and labour
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 41
G13.07 Providing and Laying Flagged Stone Flooring in Cement Mortar 1:4 (1 Cement: 4 Sand)
and finished the joints complete as Directed.
The flagged stone slabs may be of unequal sizes but shall not be less than 350 mm in width or
greater than 750 mm in length and not less than 40 mm in thickness.
The flags stones shall be soaked in water for at least one hour before laying and shall be evenly
and firmly embedded in cement mortar 1:6 or as specified. The joints must be struck off flush
with a trowel while laying the flags and the joints shall not be less than 10mm wide. Any cement
slurry or stain that may spot the stones during lying shall be immediately wiped off using a soft
cloth dipped in clean water. The stone laid shall be cured with water for a minimum of seven
It shall be measured in square meters of the area covered. Rate shall include material and labour
G13.08 Providing and Laying Dressed Stone Flooring/Skirting in cement Mortar 1:3 (1 Cement: 3
Sand) and Finished the Joints complete as Directed.
As per clause G13.07-“flag stone 1:4”, above.

G13.09 Providing and Laying Marble Flooring / Stair Treads, Nosing/ Skirting in Cement Mortar
1:4 (1 Cement:4 Sand) including Polishing all Complete.
Marble flooring shall be constructed out of 16mm thick slabs and no slab shall be smaller than
900mm x 600mm in true 90º surface areas. The Engineer/Architect shall approve this.
Laying shall be done to correct levels or falls as the work requires and shall be laid in a cement
mortar bed of not les than 25mm thickness. The bedding or sub floor shall be wet when the
marble slabs are laid. The marble shall be tapped into place in order to get rid of all bubbles and
voids underneath each marble piece laid.
The marble slabs shall be selected to match each other in colour, texture and grain. They shall be
free of cracks, fissures, pitting, holes etc. The edges shall be honed down smooth, true and
straight. All topside edges shall be square, and free of chipping and imperfections whatsoever.
The marble shall be laid in patterns as shall be shown in the drawings or as instructed by the
Engineer/Architect. No drumming shall be in evidence after the marble has been laid. Any such
occurrences shall require the related slabs to be lifted out and re-laid until the work has been
properly executed. Only skilled marble tilers shall be used on the work site.
It shall be made on a sq meter basis on works laid. No extra shall be provided for wastage etc
and the rates shall include all costs whatsoever to complete the specified work.
G13.10 Providing and laying 12mm Thick Terrazzo Tile of Specified Size and approved Shade for
Skirting and Dado Finished Smooth and Polished including the Bed Mortar of not more
than 12mm thick In 1:3 (1 Cement: 3 Sand).
The wall surface shall be prepared to receive the bed mortar as for plaster. The 12mm thick tile
of approved pattern shall be laid and finished as in item G13.13. Rounding junctions, corners
shall be provided as directed without any extra cost. the sample of workmanship shall be got
approved prior to execution of work.
It shall be measured in sq.metres. of the work done. Rate shall include the cost of materials and
labour excluding the cost of dividing strips if any.

G13.11 Providing and Laying 4mm Glass Strip 38mm Deep In Flooring Panels.
As per the panel size, the glass strips shall be continuous in each panel. There shall be no joining
of two strips in a length of panel strip. These shall be 3mm less than the finished thickness of the
flooring and shall be set straight, level and true in mortar setting beds and allowed to set so that
they will not be loose and possibly displaced out of position prior to the laying of the PCC. The
glass strips shall be provided in panels true to level and slope supported on either side with
cement mortar of 1:2 (1 cement: 2 sand). Care shall be taken during the laying of flooring
concrete that the glass strips are not broken. Broken cracked shall be replaced before lying of the
PCC. The junction joints should be truly in level and slope. The work shall be checked prior to
laying of the PCC.
It shall be measured in running meters of the length provided. Rate shall include material and
labour complete.
G13.12 Providing and laying Glazed or non Glazed Ceramic Tiles/ Reconstituted Granite Tiles
Bedded In 12 mm Thick Cement mortar 1:4 (1 Cement: 4 Sand) on Walls and Floors,
finished with color matched tile grout as per drawing.

i) Materials
Glazed or non-glazed ceramic wall tiles shall be 300 x 200 mm “Somany” or Equivalent.
Floor tiles shall be non glazed, reconstituted granite tiles, anti slip 300 x 300 mm as shall be
selected and approved by the Engineer/Architect.
Prior to installing any tile, the Contractor shall inspect the surface and conditions in areas to
receive tile work and shall notify the Engineer/Architect‟s representative of any serious
defects or conditions that will interfere with or prevent a satisfactory tile installation and
shall coordinate with other traders of work.
ii) Preparation of Surface and Application
WALLS: The surface shall be brushed, cleaned and wetted. The tiles shall be soaked,
completely immersed in clean water at least 30 minutes and drained. Individual tile that
exhibit drying along edge shall be soaked and drained repeatedly. No free moisture shall be
allowed to remain on the backs of tile at the time of setting. Tiles shall be installed by
applying a skim coat of a plastic mix of 1: 3 (1 cement: 3 sand) both on the tile and the wall
set which shall be maximum 12 mm thick. The tile shall be firmly pressing to the wall and
tapped into its true plane and position. 1mm wide plastic tile spacers shall be used in
between tiles and the mortar raked out of the joint prior to setting. All tile joints shall be
accurately aligned with horizontal and vertical joints plumb. The Engineer/Architect prior to
laying the tiles in any areas shall approve tiles laying pattern that shall be proposed by the
contractor. Where tile must be cut the edges shall be carefully cut so that the finished face
does not chip, flute or disfigure in any manner so as to mar the finished face. Chipped,
cracked or broken tiles shall not be used and all defective work shall be replaced and repaired
to the satisfaction of the Engineer/Architect at the Contractor's expense. After tiles have
been set firm the tiles shall be dampened and joints grouted with a synthetic, waterproof tile
grout of matching tile colour, or as shall be approved by the Engineer/Architect, using a
nozzle and plunger. During grouting all excess grout shall be cleaned off the tile surface
with damp cloth or sponge.
FLOOR: The process shall be as above. The plastic tile spacers shall be 4 mm wide. The
slopes to fall shall be rigorously maintained. The perimeter edging of all floors shall be at
the same level despite the falls shown which have to be achieved. The tiles that have to be
cut to accommodate floor wastes and such shall be done carefully without breaking, chipping
or marring the tile finish. The tile floor pattern shall be such that a symmetrical pattern is
achieved as shall be approved by the Engineer/Architect.
All tile work finishing shall be adequately protected from damage during the progress of
construction till completion and any damage shall be repaired to the satisfaction of the
Engineer/Architect at the Contractor's expense. Upon completion prior to final inspection
and acceptance, the Contractor shall clean all tile work. Acids or agents liable to damage the
work shall be avoided. If tile surface show mass scratches, crack or other imperfections,
which cannot be removed by cleaning; the Contractor shall remove the defective tiles and
replace with new tiles to the satisfaction of the Engineer/Architect at no additional expense.
Sample of workmanship and tile grout proposed shall be approved prior to execution of work
by the Engineer/Architect.
The measurement shall be done in square meters of the work done including the setting
mortar. Rate shall be for the material and labour complete.
G13.13 Providing and laying Kiln made brick on flat in cement mortar 1:6 (1 Cement: 6 Sand) and
pointing the joints in cement mortar 1:2 (1 Cement: 2 Sand) Complete.
The bricks shall conform to G9 of relevant items. The surface shall be cleaned of all dust
particles and impurities that affect cement mortar. The bricks shall be soaked in water for one
hour before laying. The bricks shall be laid in 1:6 cement mortar having 20mm thickness
minimum. All the joints shall be raked while the mortar is still green so as to provide key for the
pointing to be done. The joints shall be struck flush with 1:2 cement mortar and finished at the
time of laying. The finished brick on flat shall be cleaned on the same day on which brickwork
is laid and all mortar droppings removed promptly.
A sample of workmanship shall be approved prior to execution of work.
It shall be measured in square meter of the area covered including materials and labour complete.
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 43
G13.14 Providing and laying kiln made brick on edge in cement mortar 1:6 (1 cement: 6 Sand) and
pointing the joints in cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement : 2 Sand) complete.
The bricks shall be laid on edge instead of flat. The proportion of mortar, workmanship and
measurement shall be same as in Clause G13.13.
It shall be measured in square meter of the area covered including materials and labour complete.

G13.15 Providing and laying 20 mm Thick Cement Render Skirting Up To 150mm Height with
Cement Mortar 1:3 (1 Cement: 3 Sand) finished with a Floating Coat of neat Cement and
Hardening Liquid.
The thickness of the skirting shall be governed by the thickness of internal plaster. It shall not
project from the finished surface of the plaster. The receiving surface shall be prepared as per
the plastering on walls and shall be flush to the plaster finish. A 2 mm x 2mm groove above the
skirting and below the plaster shall be provided horizontally or vertically as required.
Mortar shall be 1 cement: 3 sand well mixed and applied as per cement plaster. When the
surface becomes even it shall be uniformly covered with a coat of neat cement mixed integrally
with hardening liquid 2 litres to 50 kg Of cement finished smooth. The corners, angles, junctions
as required shall be done without any extra charge to the satisfaction of the Engineer/Architect.
The finished surface shall be cured for 7 days continuously. The Engineer/Architect prior to the
full execution of work shall approve sample of the workmanship.
Measurement shall be in sqm of the work done and rate shall include material and labour

G13.16 Screeding
Providing and laying 1.5” – 3” Screeding with (1:4) cement and stone chips 5mm and down to
maintain slope complete.

It shall be measured in square meter of the area covered including materials and labour complete.

G14.01 CGI Sheet Roofing – Colour Bounded
Providing Red colour bonded Corrugated Galvanized Iron Sheet. The sheets shall Be 24 swg
thick and shall include all holding down bolts, U-hooks, Neoprene Cup Washers, Nuts all
The roofing sheets as manufactured by Hulas Steel shall be laid as per design and shall be
provided with ridge, valley, gutter and wall flashings as per clause G14.04 – “Flashings” all
complete. The sheets shall be lapped over one and a half corrugations side lapping in the
direction of the pre
vailing winds and a minimum of 200mm end lapping. Maximum eaves overhang shall be 200
mm unstiffened. The purlin support distances shall not exceed 1200mm or that specified by the
manufacturer. Extra doubled up wind ties shall be placed at the leading and finishing edge purlin
of each slope of the roof. It exceeds 6000 ridge to valley length, then a third row of wind ties
shall be placed along a mid horizontal the roof sheets. J-hooks shall not be used. U-double bolt
fixings shall be used with concealed GI bolts being placed on the under surface and double lock
nuts used through out. If in the opinion of the Engineer/Architect, a seal of silicon is required at
the sheet penetration or over lap points, these shall be provided by the contractor at no extra cost.

It shall be done in sq meters of the actual finished work including all wall, valley, coping
flashings. Nothing extra shall be paid for overlaps of sheets, flashings, silicon sealing
applications, wastage etc.

G14.02 Tubular Truss with Steel Tubes

Providing and fixing in position tubular truss with steel tubes of Yst- 25 grade as per drawing
inclusive of purlins, plates, bolts, nuts and painting with two coats of anti corrosive red oxide
paint base and two or more coats of enamel paint as shall be specified by the Engineer/Architect.
Shop drawing shall have to be submitted for approval to the Engineer/Architect before its
i) Materials
Steel tubes used in the truss shall be hot finished tubes conforming to IS 1161-1968 and IS

ii) Fabrication
The fabrication of trusses using steel tubes shall conform to IS 800-1900 and welding shall
conform to IS 820 and IS 816-1956.
The component parts built up rafters, struts, ties, purlins etc of the structure shall be
assembled so none are twisted, installed under tension or stress unless other wise specified,
or damaged in any way. The members of the truss shall be welded and assembled according
to the drawings. All materials shall be straight before assembly, if necessary, unless required
to be of a curvilinear form. Cutting, welding at joints, junctions, corners shall be done to suit
requirements and shall always be finished regular and smooth.
iii) Bolting
Washers shall be specially shaped where necessary, or other means used, to give the nuts and
the heads of bolts a satisfactory bearing. In all cases where the full bearing area of the bolt
shall not be within the thickness of the parts bolted together and washers of appropriate
thickness shall be provided to allow the nut to be completely tightened. Edges should be
dressed to a neat and workman like finish free from distortion where parts are to be in
contact metal - to metal. No dissimilar metals that will encourage electro-chemical corrosion
shall be used. The U-brackets to fixing roofing sheets shall have an additional spring washer
and a lock nut so that they do not come loose under vibration.

iv) Sealing of Tubes

Where the end of a tube is not automatically sealed by virtue of its connection by welding to
another member, the end shall be properly and completely sealed. Before sealing, the inside
of the tube should be dry and free from loose scale.
v) Flattened Ends
In tubular construction, the ends of tubes may be flattened or otherwise formed to provide for
welded, riveted or bolted connections provided that the methods adopted for such flattening
do not injure the material and shall be done in a manner as shall be approved by the
manufacturer. The change of section shall be gradually. A fabricated sample of the work to
be done shall be prepared by the contractor in consultation with the Engineer/Architect for
the Engineer/Architect‟s approval of work prior to initiating the complete fabrication process
for the steel works to be done.
vi) Painting
If steel tubes are to be assembled at site then all tubes shall be painted with one coat of red
oxide paint at the workshop before delivery at site. The truss complete in all respects shall
be erected at site and fixed in position true to shape and plan. Sample of the workmanship
shall be approved prior to work. After erection the components shall be re-cleaning and re-
painting with a coat of red oxide paint, and two or more coats of the paint where welding has
burned off the protective cover. The contractor shall do this at no extra charge. Fabricated
sample shall be approved prior to fabrication for the work.
Where the fabricated trusses are made off site, they shall be brought in a clean condition to
the site for erection, where they shall be erected. Once erection is completed and approved
by the Engineer/Architect, the trusses and steel work so erected shall be immediately cleaned
by the next day, of all dirt, corrosion, pitting, construction dirt, etc., and then shall be painted
with two or more coats of red oxide paint to the satisfaction of the Engineer/Architect.

The steel work shall be measured in Kilograms. The rate shall include the cost of all the
tubes, plates, bolts, welding, purlins completely erected in position including red oxide
painting and all fabrication labour.

G14.03 16mm Diameter Anchor Bolts

Providing and fixing of 16 mm diameter anchor bolts with plates etc. as per drawing embedded
in concrete block of 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 sand: 4 stone aggregate: 20mm and down gauge)
The 16mm diameter mild steel rod of 600 mm or length shall be threaded at one end and the
other end shall be hooked and / or welded to a base plate for embedding the assembly into a PCC
block of the size shown in the drawings or as per good Engineer/Architecting practice. The
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 45
specified number (minimum 4 numbers) of bolts and washers shall be provided. The PCC
footing block shall be of cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 sand: 4 stone aggregate 20mm and
down gauge) according to the RCC work specifications herein. After setting any additional
finishing work shall be done to the satisfaction of the Engineer/Architect.
Each embedded footing assembly shall be measured as one number. The rate includes the cost of
bolts, welding, plates, nuts and washers inclusive of forming the concrete block, curing,
finishing, all complete.
G14.04 Flashing
The flashings shall be fabricated out of 24 SWG colour bonded GI sheet made by Hulas Steel.
The flashings shall be folded to shape without injury to the colour coating and protective
finishes. They shall be one piece without any joints. Heavy gauge PVC sheet shall be laid on
flashings in widths wherever junctions of vertical and horizontal structures occur with minimum
overlap of 150mm to act as a slip membrane for installation. The lower edge of flashings shall
overlap the PVC sheet laid on flat portion of the roof and the upper edge of the flashing shall be
tucked into the groove made in the parapet wall or other masonry or stone face. The groove shall
be made with a electric stone cutting saw to a depth of approximately 40 mm on the vertical face
of the wall as shown in the drawing. After the flashing system has been fixed in place to the
satisfaction of the Engineer/Architect, the groove shall be filled with nozzle applied silicon
mastic suitable for permanent adherence to metal and masonry made by Shelley‟s or Dupont.
The cost of flashings is inclusive with the CGI sheet roof as per clause G14.01-“CGI Sheet

G14.05 Expansion Joint

Filling and covering the Expansion Joint with filler materials, chemical pressing as required
along with 6” wide and 18 gauge aluminium sheet on top of it.
The cost of Expansion Joint is inclusive with all necessary materials and labour. It is measured in
running meter.

G15.01 12.5mm thick (1:4) Cement Plaster in walls
Plastering the walls with 12 >15 mm thick cement plaster 1:4 (1 cement: 4 sand) 50% coarse
sand + fine sand).
Cement shall conform to as specified under concrete work. Sand shall conform to as specified
under concrete work and 50% fine sand shall be mixed. The sand shall be of a standard
consistency as there is going to be no finishing coats applied over the cement plaster so the
plaster finish on all wells must be smooth and uniform. The cement mortar shall be in 1:4 (1
cement: 4 sand) by volume. The ingredient shall be accurately gauged and be well and evenly
mixed together in a mechanical pan mixture, care being taken not to add more water than is
required. No mortar that has begun to set shall be used. If hand mixing is allowed, then it shall be
done in brick tanks. The gauged materials shall be put in the tank and mixed dry. Water will then
be added and the whole mixed again until it is homogeneous and of uniform colour. Not more
than one bag of cement shall be mixed at one time which can be consumed within half an hour of
its mixing.
The joints in the brickwork shall be raked out to a depth of 10mm minimum and the surface
watered and cleaned of all dust and dirt. Concrete surface shall be properly hammer dressed to
get an adequate roughness as a key for the cement plaster. Tips (Marker) shall be provided across
the surface to gauge the proper thickness of the finished plaster surface in plumb.
The finished plaster shall be minimum average 12>15 mm thick. The surface shall be finished
while green by being rubbed over with trowel till the cement appears on the surface. All corners,
angles and junctions shall be truly vertical and horizontal as the case may be and carefully and
neatly finished. Rounding of corners, chamfers etc., and junctions as required and directed shall
be done without extra charge. The finished plaster shall be cured for 7 days and protected against
When plastering over materials of different composition such as cement concrete members, brick
filler wall etc., Chickenwiremesh shall be nailed and placed in position covering both the
different composition surface areas with a groove of approximately 6mm x 6mm vertical,
horizontal or as instructed by the Engineer/Architect shall be maintained unless otherwise
determined. These grooves shall be uniform, true and done to the satisfaction of the
Engineer/Architect. This shall include grooves to stimulate false RCC beams depth continuity
along the head of a RCC column in order to form a painting finish line. These shall be done at
no additional cost. Of particular note to maintain lines and levels is in the internal walls where
they meet the floor. In every case a timber skirting has to be subsequently fixed to the walls and
any walls surfaces out of alignment shall show up when the timber skirtings are installed. If this
is the case, the walls shall have to be resurfaced and aligned to the Engineer/Architect‟s approval
at the time and cost of the contractor. Samples of workmanship shall be approved prior to
commencement of work by the Engineer/Architect.
It shall be done in square meters of the surface over which the plaster has been done. The
thickness of the plaster shall not be taken into account except for independent columns where the
measurement shall be of finished surface allowing 12mm over the designed dimensions. Opening
shall be deducted in full and jambs, soffits shall be allowed. Each opening less than 0.10 sq.
meters shall neither be deducted nor extra be paid for jambs, soffits or the sides of such opening.
The rate shall include all the material required including chickenwiremesh, rounding of all
corners, junctions, making grooves and forming drip course wherever required materials,
scaffolding and curing. Unless otherwise specified nothing extra shall be allowed for plaster on
independent columns and beams, any short width or on curved surfaces and difficult location. No
extra payment for extra fit.

G15.02 12.5mm thick (1:3) Cement Plaster on RCC Slab and Soffit
Plastering the RCC Soffits with 12mm Thick Cement Plaster 1:3 (1 Cement: 3 Sand 50% Coarse
Sand + 50% Fine Sand)
The work shall be done as per specification on clause G15.01-“Cement Plaster”. The plaster
shall be composed of 1:3 (1 cement: 3 sand) cement mortar. Cement slurry shall be used as
required. Care should be taken to ensure that finished plaster surface shall be plumb, plane,
straight and true to line. All arises and corners shall be straight, clean and sharp. All plaster
works be subjected to approval of the Engineer/Architect and work failing to meet the
requirements shall be dismantled and replaced at the Contractor's expense.
A 4mm x 6 mm deep groove effect shall be maintained vertically into the ceiling plaster edges at
all junctions where a vertical element meets a horizontal element e.g.: At the junction points of
all walls and ceiling or at the junction point of an RCC beam or rib where it meets with the soffit
or a ceiling panel etc as instructed by the Engineer/Architect.

It shall be measured in square meters of the surface over which plaster has been done. The rate
shall include rounding of all corners, junctions, and forming drip course, making grooves,
materials scaffolding wherever required and curing.

G15.03 Cement Sand Punning (1:2) with Neat Cement Finish

Providing and Laying Cement Sand punning 1:2 (1cement: 2 Sand) on floor, skirting and dado
with neat cement steel trowel finish as directed.
i) Materials
Cement : Portland cement conforming IS 269-1976
Sand : Conforming to IS 383-1970
Water : Water shall be potable or free from foreign materials exclusively.
ii) Mixing
The mixing cement mortar shall be done as in clause G9.02.
iii) Preparation of Surface and Application
The surface shall be cleaned of any dust or loose particles and kept wet before application.
The average punning thickness shall not be less than 3mm. All corners and edges shall be
rounded. The contractor shall prepare a sample for the approval of the Engineer/Architect.
All punning shall be smooth trowel finished and kept wet for seven days.

It shall be measured in running meter or sqm as per schedule of the finished surface. The rate
shall include material and labour complete.
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 47
G15.04 Pointing of Exposed Brickwork with Cement Mortar
Flush Pointing of exposed Brickwork with Cement Mortar 1:4 (1 Cement: 3 Sand) with
colouring admixtures as specified in the drawings.
The pointing material shall be principally a cement mortar 1: 4 (1 cement: 4 sand) along with
admixtures of red oxide and lime surkhee as required to match the Dachi Appa brick work which
is part of the finishing of the exposed brick walls. of All the joints of the exposed brickworks
shall be flush cement pointed with a suitable small metal tool, taking care that this does not stain
the edges or surfaces of the brick. The finished surface and brickwork shall be cleaned on
completion. The Engineer/Architect prior to commencing the work shall approve a sample
Measurement shall be done in square meters of the brick wall area that is pointed.

G16.01 Applying priming coat of approved brand
a) Cement primer
b) Wood primer
c) Metal primer

The primers shall be in sealed tins. These shall be of British Paints (India) Ltd., Jenson and
Nicholson (India) or Snowcem (India) Ltd or Equivalent, as approved by the
Cement: All surfaces shall be sand papered and cleaned. The surface for cement plaster
shall be patched up with thick paste of the same primer and smoothed after drying.
Wood: In case of timber having knots and nail holes, they should be filled with wood filler
and knotting materials. The knotting material shall consist of pure shellac dissolved in
methylated spirit. For stopping, Russian talc or putty shall be used. The stopping shall
consist of two parts of whiting (powder chalk), one part of white lead mixed together in
double boiled linseed oil and well kneaded. The surface thus treated shall be allowed to dry
up and then sand papered, or a ready made approved putty may be used.
Metal: In case of metal, de-rusting shall be done and properly cleaned after sand papering.
Any unavoidable pitting shall be made good with metal putty filler as per the manufacturer‟s
After preparing the surface, the priming coat shall be applied with hairbrushes and as per
manufacture's printed instructions.
Measurement shall be done in square meters. The measurements shall be as follows:
Description of Work How Measured Multiplying Factor
a) Panelled or Framed
a) Measured flat girthed end 1½ for each side.
of frame to frame.

b) Flush doors do 1 for each side.

c) Fully glazed or wire do ½ for each side.


d) Part panelled and part glazed or do 1 for each side.


e) Fully Venetian or louvered do 1½ for each side.

f) Trellis or Jaffri Measured flat over all For painting all over.
(no deduction for open

g) Railing with guard bars, balusters, Measured flat overall. 1 for painting all over.
h) Gates, open palisade fencing The height shall be taken 1 for painting all over.
including standard braces, rails from the lower end of the
stays palisade up to the top of
standards if they are higher.

i) Z section windows 1/2 of each side

j) Rolling Shutter 1.5 times each side

Nothing extra shall be paid for short width and surface of any shape, size. This shall include
for two or more coats inclusive of materials, scaffolding and labour complete.

G16.02 Water Proofing Cement Paint

Painting the Plastered Surface with Water Proofing Cement Paint of approved brand and of
colour with two or more Coats to Give an even and Uniform Shade.

The Engineer/Architect shall of Snowcem India Ltd. or eqivalent other brand approve water
proofing cement paint in sealed tins.
Before painting is commenced on surface, all dirt and foreign matter shall be completely
removed. The surface shall be wetted by sprinkling it with water using a fine spray. The surface
shall be sprayed several times with a few minutes interval between each spraying to allow the
moisture to soak into the surface. A vertical stroke with another horizontal stroke shall be termed
one coat. Paint shall be applied to the surface with hair brushed in a number of coats, or using a
paint roller, to get uniform finish. After the first coat of the paint has hardened, it shall be cured
with water at least for 24 hours before the second coat is applied. There shall be a sufficient
number of coats applied to obtain a uniform and even shade. It shall be kept damp at least for
seven days.
A sample of workmanship shall be approved by the Engineer/Architect prior to commencement
of work.
Measurement shall be in square meters of the actual covered area. Nothing extra shall be
allowed for painting any rough surface e.g. external sand-faced plaster or work in short width or
surface in any shape. The method of measurement shall be as per item G16.01.

G16.03 Synthetic Enamel Paint

Painting two or more coats with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand and colour to give an
even and uniform shade.

the paint shall be in sealed tins and shall be of British Paints India Ltd., Johnson and Nicholson
India, or equivalent other brand approved by the Engineer/Architect,.
Preparation of Surface
The surface shall be thoroughly sand papered and rendered smooth without any pitting,
indentations, flukes, cracks etc. A suitable wood filler and knotting and stopping shall be applied
where imperfections are seen and properly hardened before sandpapering a second time in
preparation of the primer coat.
After the priming coat, a topcoat shall be applied. Another coat shall be applied after the topcoat
has completely dried. Care should be taken that dust or other foreign materials do not settle or
otherwise disfigure the various coats. The same brand of paint shall be used for the various
coats. The paint shall be used and applied as per manufacture's printed instructions. The paints
shall be applied with bristle brushes. The paints shall be applied in the thinnest possible layers
with parallel drawings, no flowing shall be allowed. Painting to false ceiling and acoustic
materials such as perforated acoustic tile, soft board etc. shall be done by spray painting only.
Samples of workmanship and finishes shall be approved by the Engineer/Architect prior to the
commencement of work.
It shall be done as per specification of item G16.01. The rate shall include for two or more coats
inclusive of materials, labour, scaffolding complete.
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 49

G16.04 Acrylic Emulsion Paint

Painting the plastered surface with two coats of Acrylic Emulsion Paint of Approved Brand and
Colour to achieve an even and Uniform Shade.

The acrylic emulsion paint in sealed tins shall be of British Paints India Ltd., Jenson and
Nicholson, India or any other brand approved by the Engineer/Architect.
Preparation of Surface
The primer surface shall be neatly and smoothly sandpapered and cleaned and prepared
according to the manufacturer‟s recommendations and instructions for the paint to achieve a
smooth and uniform finish.
The required number of coats shall be given to obtain an even and uniform final shade. Sample
of workmanship shall be approved by the Engineer/Architect prior to work.
Measurement shall be in square meters conforming to clause G16.01.

G16.05 Waterproofing Paint to Exposed Brickwork

Painting and exposed Brickwork with Colourless Waterproofing Paint of approved Quality.
The paint shall be basically silicone resin base. The "masonry water repellent colourless paint"
of British Paints (India) Ltd. or any other brand approved by the Engineer/Architect shall be
Preparation of Surface and Application
The exposed brickwork shall be cleaned of all dirt and cement patches if any. The pointing shall
be completed and dry. The paint shall be applied by spray or brush. The paints shall be applied
on dry surfaces allowing 24 hours between coats. Two coats shall be applied as per the
manufacturer's printed instructions.
It shall be measured in square meters as in G16.01. Rate shall include for two coats of painting
including materials, scaffolding and labour complete.

G16.06 Oil Bound Distemper Paint

Painting the plastered surface with two coats of oil bound distemper paint of approved Brand and
Colour to give an even and uniform shade.
The oil bound distemper paint shall be of Johnson and Nicholson, Shalimar Paints Ltd, India or
equivalent as approved by the Engineer/Architect conforming to IS 428-1969. The primer shall
be cement primer or distemper primer as specified. These shall be of the same manufacture as
Preparation of Surface
For new work the surface shall be thoroughly cleaned of dust, old white or colour wash by
washing and scrubbing. The surface shall then be allowed to dry for at least 48 hours. It shall
then be sand papered to give a smooth and even surface. In case of old work, all loose pieces and
scales shall be removed by sand papering.
After the primer coat has dried for at least 48 hours, the surface shall be lightly sand papered to
make it smooth for receiving the distemper, taking care not to rule out the priming coat.
Then first coat of distemper shall be applied and another coat shall be applied after the previous
coat in dry.

It shall be measured in square meters as in G16.01. Rate shall include for two coats of painting
including materials, scaffolding and labour complete.
G16.07 Natural Wood Polish
Providing and polishing the wooden surfaces to give a matt finish.

Melamine wood finish "Shalimar" or equivalent and French polish in sealed tins as approved by
Preparation of Surface
All surfaces shall be thoroughly planed and sand papered. Surfaces having knots and holes shall
be filled with a ready made wood filler and when completely dry shall be sanded smooth
French Polish: The ready made French polish of approved quality shall be applied with brushes
using strong, firm strokes of brushes and spread evenly. The brushes shall be of good quality and
perfectly cleaned.
Melamine Finish: “Melalac” melamine wood finish can be applied either by spray or brush.
Best results are, however obtained by spraying for excellent coverage. The manufacturer‟s
instructions shall be followed.
The measurement shall be in square meters of the finished work. The rate shall include all the
materials and labour complete.

G16.08 Hot Bitumen Emulsion

Applying two Coats of hot Bitumen Emulsion to the Timber Frames.
All doors, window, ventilator and other timberwork embedded or in contact with masonry or
concrete works shall be coated with two coats of bitumen emulsion. Care shall be taken that
bitumen does not drip on the dressed faces.
It shall be measured in square meters of surface treated. Rate shall include cost of materials and

G16.08 Heritage Texture Paint

Applying of Colour Granular Heritage Texture Paint on Exterior wall surface to give an even
uniform shade approved by Engineer/Architect.
It shall be measured in square meters of surface treated. Rate shall include cost of materials and

G17.01 Type A: “Wet proof” Process
The "WETPROOF PROCESS" is a proprietary product of Ms. Dharam Singh and Co. or
equivalent. It is based on cement based materials with the additions of waterproofing admixtures
which the agency manufactures. The hardcore finished surface with guarantee for ten years
against any defect. The release of the retention money even after the same in no way relieve the
agency from the liability of the performance guarantee whatsoever for ten years as stated above.
The waterproofing treatment by "WETROOF PROCESS" is carried out in three ways for
different types of RCC structures. The treatment for RCC roof-slabs is called "Surface Method",
the treatment for prebuilt RCC structures like Overhead/Underground Water Tanks and
Reservoirs as well as Basement-Floors of the Buildings are done by "Injection Method" where
the injections or groutings done under pressure or under gravitational force as the conditions suit
at sites. If the RCC structures like Underground Water Tanks and Reservoirs and Basement
Floors of the Buildings are to be constructed new, then the best suited treatment is the "Box
Method" if the site conditions permit thereof. By this method the whole structure is encased in
the treatment whereas the "Injection Method" is a sort of trial method and its effectiveness is
tested only after one or even two monsoon seasons although it is equally an effective
waterproofing treatment.
However, since the treatment is of specialize nature therefore, it is necessary that it may be got
done from agencies carrying out works of similar nature. The selection of such agencies, thus,
may be done after scrutinisation of works of similar nature carried out by them previously. After
the selection of the agencies the technical specifications for the treatment may be asked for from
them and approved thereof before awarding the works to them. In case of Civil Contractors
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 51
quoting for waterproofing treatment of this nature and/or when included in the civil works they
may do so but for carrying out the said particular items of works the agencies carrying out the
works shall have to be screaned through the above stated process before the Civil Contractors
employ the agencies for carrying out the waterproofing treatment thereof.

G17.02 Type B: Providing and Laying Bitumen 80/100 of Approved Make

B1: One Layer Bitumen
B2 Two Layer Bitumen
The penetration of Bitumen shall be in the range of 80 to 100. This shall conform to ISI and
approved make.
The surface to be treated shall be cleaned of all dust particles and other foreign materials neatly.
The specified layer shall be laid homogeneously and care shall be taken that bitumen shall not
flow on the outside.
It shall be measured in square meter of the area covered. Rate shall include materials and labour.

G17.03 Type C: Hessian Base Tarfelt laps Bonded with Hot Bitumen
C1: One layer Tarfelt
C2 Two layer Tarfelt
Tarfelt shall be of standard quality according to ISI and approved make i.e. "Shalimar" brand or
equivalent. Tarfelt shall be free from visible external defects such as holes, oil patches and
cracks etc. Tarfelt supplied shall be in widths of 900/100mm and generally in lengths of 10m
and 20m.
The surface to be treated shall be cleaned of any foreign matter by wire brushing and dusting.
The hot bitumen as binding material shall be laid evenly prior to laying of Tarfelt. In case of
rolled felt, the felt is steadily rolled out and pressed down. The excess binding material is
squeezed out at the ends and is removed as the laying spreads. There shall be lapping of
minimum 150mm on all sides wherever joining is required. All overlaps shall be firmly bonded
with hot bitumen. The second layer of felt shall be so arranged that the joints are staggered with
those of the layer beneath it.

Measurement shall be in square meter of finished work done. Rate shall include all materials and
labour complete.

G17.04 Type D: Providing and Laying Heavy Gauge, Cross Fibred, Tearproof Polythene
D1: One layer Heavy gauge Polythene sheet
D2: Two layer Heavy gauge Polythene sheet

Heavy gauge polythene sheets shall be as per ISI, approved quality and make. The sheets shall
be rolled out side by side and lapped at least 150mm at all joints. Care shall be taken that no
puncture are made or created on the sheeting. Traffic should be avoided over the sheeting once it
is laid. It shall be provided on the sides of wall as required. No extra payment shall be allowed
for overlapping.
It shall be measured in square meters of the work done. Rate shall be inclusive of materials and
labour complete.

G17.05 Type E: 32 SWG Zinc coated Flat Sheet

These sheets shall be as per item G14.3. The laying and measurement shall be done as per item

G18.06 Type F: Damp Proof Course of Plain Cement Concrete

Providing and laying damp proof course 40/65mm thick as required concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2
sand: 4 stone aggregate 20mm and down gauge) with approved water proofing compound as per
manufacturer's specifications including formwork complete as required.
The materials, mixing, laying shall be done as per concrete work. The concrete shall be finished
smooth true to levels as per drawings. Water proofing compound shall be homogeneously mixed
before water in added. Appropriate formwork shall be done as required.

It shall be measured in square meter of the area done. Rate shall be inclusive of all materials and
labour complete.

G18.01 Staircase Balusters
Providing And Fixing Stair Case Balusters With Vertical Horizontal Members As Per Drawing
Complete Including One Coat Of Red Oxide Paint, In Service Staircase.
The balusters with horizontal members shall be of MS flat, rods etc. conforming to drawing. The
joints shall be welded and ground smooth. Necessary anchorage as shown shall be provided.
There shall be appropriate number of holes in the horizontal members for fixing with the timber
rail. The finished surface be given a coat of red oxide paint. Sample of workmanship shall be
got approved prior to commencement of work. This shall include providing, fitting and fixing
bass caps shaped as per drawing.
It shall be done in kg. Rate shall be for materials and labour complete.

G18.02 Staircase Balustrades

All brass square, hollow or rectangular hollow sections shall conform to the drawings. All joints
shall have concealed fixing or shall be brass welded and finished so as to provide invisible
Brass channels and sections shall be polished and free of distortion, pitting or corrosion marks,
scoured and scratched surfaces.
Flange sections to conceal picket connections into the RCC slabs or finishing material shall be as
per the designs.
Timber hand rails shall be out of teak and shall conform to the IS standards and codes mentioned
The timber hand rails shall be smoothly profiled as per the designs and shall be sanded and
polished as instructed. No blemishes, knot holes, cracked or twisted timber shall be accepted.
The total installation shall be paid for in Kg, and shall include all fixing accessories, labour,
materials all complete as per the drawings but will exclude the timber hand rail.

G18.03 122mm thick GypBoard

Providing and Fixing 122mm thick gypboard metal stud partition upto 4.20 meters height, 60
minutes fire resistance and 48 DB sound insulation.
122mm thick partition includes two layers of tapered edge 12.50mm thick gypboard (Gypsum
Plaster Board) conforming to IS-2095-1982, which are screw fixed with drywall screws 25mm
for first layer and 35mm for second layer of board at 300mm centres with joints scattered to
70mm metal studs (0.50mm thick having one flange of 34mm and another flange of 36mm made
of GI sheets) placed at 610mm centers into 72mm floor and ceiling channel (0.50mm thick made
of GI sheets) fixed to solid backgrounds by means of expansion fasteners at 300mm c/c. The gap
between the channel and surface of the background to be sealed with gypsum based dab fixer.
Finally gypboard on face sides are to be jointed and finished so as to have flush look which
includes filling and finishing the boards with jointing compound and paper tape with two coats of
top coat as per recommended practice of Messes. India Gypsum Ltd or equivalent.

It shall be measured in square meters of the net area involved. The rate shall include cost of
materials and labour.

G18.04 200mm thick GypBoard

Providing and fixing 200mm thick Gypboard jumbo stud partition upto 7.30 meters height, 90
minutes fire resistance and 52 DB sound insulation.
This system is based on frame of 146mm wide jumbo metal studs boxed and fixed in floor and
ceilings channels 148mm wide. Tapered edge 12.50mm thick gypboard in screwed over an inner
layer of gypboard fixed horizontally to the frame by self tapping screws. The glass fibre mat is
placed in the cavity. The joints on face boards are then taped and filled to provide a smooth
seamless surface.

Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 53
The measurement shall be done in square meters of the net are involved. The rate shall include
cost of materials and labour.

G18.05 MS Sheet Rolling Shutter

Providing and Fixing In Position 1.22mm Thick MS Sheet Rolling Shutter Including Frame, Lug,
spring, Locking Arrangement, Covers Etc complete With a Single Coat of Red Oxide Paint as
per Drawing Complete.
The steel lath section shall be 1.22mm thick and 75mm wide or equivalent to NEPA DOOR
joined in approved profile. The steel rolling shutters shall be fitted with heavy type steel spring,
fixed inside the CI housing, fitted with two self aligning steel ball bearing on each housing
revolving on heavy-type solid drawn seamless steel tubes with handles, locking arrangements
from inside and outside complete. The flame shall be of guide channels and provided with
covering hood of 1.22 mm thick MS plain sheet. The work shall conform to the drawing in all
respect, painted with a single coat of red oxide paint. Shop drawing shall be submitted for
approval prior to making a sample of work for approval to be incorporated in the work.

It shall be measured in square meters of the area covered including the frame. Nothing extra
shall be measured or paid for the hood cover etc. Rate shall be for materials and labour
G18.06 Metal Gate
Providing And Fixing In Position Metal Gate Including Clamps, Rollers, Track Complete As Per
The pipes shall be black pipe steel tubes conforming to IS 1239-1 1964. Welding shall be as per
IS 816-1956. The M/S angles, profiles and sections shall also conform to the IS codes
The gate shall be fabricated to size and dimensions as per drawing. The joints shall be welded
and finished smooth by grinding or filing. The gates shall have side clamps and hooks as shown
in the drawing. The hooks etc. shall be embedded in concrete, block of 225mmx 225mm in 1:2:4
(1 cement: 2 sand: 4 hard graded stone aggregate 20mm and down gauge) for anchorage. The
gate shall have locking arrangements, and be supported on heavy duty hinges with roller bearings
for smooth operation which are concrete grouted into the gate supports.
Sample of work shall be approved prior to commencement of the work.
It shall be done in kg of the gate provided, excluding the hook portion. Rate shall be including
the anchorage, all material and labour.
G18.07 MS Fan Hooks
Providing and Embedding 200 mm x 25 Mm x 6 mm MS Fan Hooks as per Drawing.
The MS flat shall conform to IS 432-1966 of specified thickness. The MS flat for the fan hooks
shall be bent to shape as shown in the drawing and placed in position in plumb during the casting
of RCC work. The exposed faces of the fan hooks shall be given a coat of red oxide paint and
later two coats of synthetic enamel paints of specified shade on completion. These hooks shall
be fitted prior to RCC casting works. Cast RCC members may not be chiseled after curing and
removal of shuttering.
Rate shall be inclusive of all materials and labour all complete to be quoted in the item Electrical
works. No extra cost shall be made.
G18.08 Carving Works In Cement Mortar 1:2 Of 20mm Thick On Walls Etc as per Drawing.
The surface on which carving works are to be done shall be plastered with cement mortar of 1:2
(1 cement: 2 sand) smoothly to a thickness of 20mm. After the cement plaster has attained the
initial set or the surface is workable for carving works, necessary carving shall be done with
trowel, chisel and other tools to achieve the pattern and design as per the drawing. The finished
surface shall be smooth.
It shall be measured in square meters of the finished carved surface. Rate shall include raking of
joints, all materials and labour complete.
***** ***** *****


P1.01 Scope of Work
P1.02 General Requirements
P1.03 Indian WC
P1.04 European WC Set
P1.05 Urinals
P1.06 Wash Basin
P1.07 Sinks
P1.08 Mirrors
P1.09 Shower Set
P1.10 Accessories
P1.11 Measurement

P2.01 Scope of Work
P2.02 General Requirements
P2.03 GI Pipes, Fittings and Valves
P2.04 Clamps
P2.05 Unions
P2.06 Flanges
P2.07 Trenches
P2.08 Pipe Protection
P2.09 Valves
P2.10 Air Valves
P2.11 Scour Valves
P2.12 Manhole Frames and Cover For Water Tanks
P2.13 Testing
P2.14 Measurement


P3.01 Scope of Work
P3.02 General Requirements
P3.03 Alignment and Grade
P3.04 Excavation
P3.05 UPVC Pipes
P3.06 HDPE Underground Pipes
P3.07 Reinforced Cement Concrete Pipes
P3.08 Cast Iron Pipes for Drainage
P3.09 Cement Concrete & Masonry Works (For Manholes and Chambers Etc).
P3.10 Manhole Chambers
P3.11 Drop Connections
P3.12 Masonry Drains
P3.13 Measurements


Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 55

P4.01 Scope of Work

P4.02 General Requirements
P4.03 HDPE Pipes and Fittings
P4.04 Clamps
P4.05 Traps
P4.06 Jointing
P4.07 Cleanout Plugs
P4.08 Waste Pipe from Appliances
P4.09 Polythene Pipes
P4.10 Cement and Concrete
P4.11 Painting
P4.12 Cutting and Making Good
P4.13 Testing
P4.14 Measurement



P1.01 Work under this section shall consist of
furnishing all labour, materials, necessary and required to completely install all sanitary fixtures,
chromium plated fittings and accessories required by the drawings and specified hereinafter or given in
the schedule of quantities, or as shall be approved by the Architect.

P1.02 Without restricting to the generality of the foregoing the sanitary fixtures and fittings shall be
complete in all respects, installed and commissioned to the satisfaction of the Architect and shall CP
fittings and accessories for the project.

P1.03 Whether specifically mentioned or not all fixtures and appliances shall be provided with all
fixing devices, nuts, bolts, screws, and hangers as required.

P1.04 All exposed pipes within toilets and near fixtures shall be chromium-plated brass or copper
unless otherwise specified as shall be approved by the Architect.

P1.05 All hot water supply and re-circulating pipes (At the solar heating system) shall be lagged with
glass wool or the equivalent insulation & properly insulated to a minimum thickness of 50 mm from the
hot water storage tanks to the hot water taps & outlets; regardless of whether the hot water supply pipes
are concealed or exposed. All hot water storage tanks shall also be lagged and insulated to a minimum
thickness of 50 mm. The hot water storage tanks and the exposed hot water supply pipes shall have a 24
swg GI colour bonded flat sheet outer lining neatly fitted and fixed over the insulation as shall be
approved by the Architect.


P2.01 Sanitary fixtures shall be of the best quality approved by the Architect. Wherever particular
makes are mentioned, the choice of selection shall remain with the Architect.

P2.02 All fixtures and fittings shall be provided with all such accessories as are required to complete
the item in working condition whether specifically mentioned in the schedule of quantities, specifications
or drawings or not.

P2.03 All fixtures and accessories shall be fixed in accordance with a set pattern matching the tiles or
interior finish as per Architect's requirements. Wherever necessary, the fittings shall be centered to
dimensions and patterns desired.

P2.04 Fixing screws shall be half round head chromium plated brass screws with CP washers wherever
required as per the directions of Architect.

P2.05 All fittings and fixtures shall be fixed in a neat professional manner true to levels and at heights
shown on drawings and in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Care shall be taken to
fix all inlet and outlet pipes at correct positions so that unsightly connection pipes are concealed and
hidden. Faulty locations, fitting of items, placement of items, lines and levels etc., shall be made good
and any damage to the finished floor at the contractor‟s expense and time.

P3.01 Indian WC pan shall be white glazed “Orissa Pan” - 20004 by Hindustan OR Equivalent.
Each WC shall be provided with a 100 mm dia porcelain P or S trap with or without vent horn. A
convenient bib cock “ARK – 301006”or Equivalent.

P3.02 WC shall be flushed by means of a CP, heavy-duty, 50 mm direct flush valve as per “ARK” or
equivalent shall be approved by the Architect.

P3.03 The WC shall be fixed in level in a neat professional manner. The WC and trap shall be set in
cement concrete 1:2:4 mix (1 cement 2 coarse sand 4 stone aggregate 20mm nominal size). The edges of
the pan in contact with the ceramic tiles of the adjoining floor shall be neatly finished with white tile
grout or an approved silicon sealer.
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 57
P3.04 The cost of the entire assembly fitted and fixed inclusive of flush valves all complete as one
complete item.


P4.01 European WC shall be of a white glazed consellation type Hindustan OR equivalent model
with matching low down cistern or equivalent, as shall be approved by the Architect. Each assembly
shall come complete with heavy-duty toilet seat. This shall include the related CP angle valves as
specified elsewhere all complete. The flush shall be an eco flushing “water saver” cistern that allows a
controlled water flush operation.

P4.02 Each WC seat & cover set shall be so fixed that it remains absolutely stationery in vertical
position without falling down on the WC.


P5.01 Urinals shall be white glazed “60002 Flat back urinal” manufactured by “Hindware”OR

P5.02 The urinals shall be provided with 5 mm diameter spreader, 32 mm diameter CP domical waste
and CP cast brass bottle trap with pipe and wall flange, and shall be fixed to wall by one CI bracket and
two CI wall clips complete as recommended by manufacturer's directives to the approval of the Architect

P5.03 The urinals shall be fixed with CP brass screws.

P5.04 The flushing system shall be concealed, 50 mm flush valve systems with each flush valve
directly cantered above each installed urinal fixture. The push button assembly shall be neatly fixed to
line and level with the others in a row, and shall have a CP cover sufficient in size to cover and conceal
the penetration out of the ceramic tile wall finish to the satisfaction of the Architect.

P5.05 The CP connector pipe from the flush valve to the urinal fixture top connector shall be neatly
fitted and fixed with CP flange cover plates as necessary, with silicon sealed jointing to additional seal all
leak prone points.

P5.06 The capacity of flushing system shall be such that where there is more than one cistern then all
cisterns must be capable of being flushed simultaneously without any loss of water pressure.

P5.07 Waste pipes for urinals shall be rigid CP exposed elbow fitting with cleaning spigot and flange
cover plates connected to the concealed waste pipe in the wall as shall be approved by the Architect.


P6.01 Wash basins shall be white glazed “10008 Viking 630 x 450” manufactured by “Hindware”OR
Equivalent, as shall be approved by the Architect.

P6.02 Each basin shall be with CI brackets and clips to insure that the basin is securely fixed to the
wall. Placing of basin over the brackets without secure fixing shall not be accepted. They shall be
provided & fixed in place so that the built up vanity if required by the drawings may be installed level
with, and slightly inclined toward, the basin from either side. The vanity shall be constructed out of
marble as shown in the drawings using marble pieces as brackets to hold up the vanity. The assembly
shall be subject to the approval of the Architect.

P6.03 Each basin shall be provided with 32mm diameter CP or PVC waste with overflow outlet and a
neoprene plug and chain. A heavy duty PVC, matching bottle trap and matching waste pipe spigots
complete with inspection access sealed all around with neoprene gaskets.

P6.04 Each basin shall be provided with a basin tap “ARK” OR Equivalent brand and / or as approved
by the Architect.
P6.05 Basins shall be fixed at proper heights as shown on drawings. If heights is not specified, the rim
level shall be as directed by the Architect.


P7.01 Sinks shall be stainless steel as specified in

the schedule of quantities. This item shall be coordinated with the Interior Design Scheme as shall be
instructed by the Employer.

P7.02 Each sink shall be provided with RS or CI brackets and clips and securely fixed. Counter top
sinks shall be fixed with suitable angle iron clips or brackets as recommended by the manufacturer and as
shall be approved by the Architect. Each sinks shall be provided with 40mm diameter CP waste with
chain and plug or PVC waste. Fixing shall be done as directed by the Architect and shall be coordinated
with the Interior Fit out programmed.

P7.03 Fittings for the sinks shall include plugs with chain, bottle traps, CP waste coupling, CP angle
valves, connector pipes, Goose Neck Mixer with rotating spout by ARK or equivalent as specified in the
Bill of Quantities all complete. The SS skin edge with the counter top shall be sealed with transparent
silicon as shall be directed by the Architect.


P8.01 Mirrors shall be electro-coated copper 5.5mm thick “Modi Guard OR equivalent” of
guaranteed quality and reputed make. The size shall be Ht 900 x Wd 800 mm as specified in the Bill of
Quantities and detailed as per the drawings. The backing shall be waterproof “Kit ply” 12 mm thk with a
slim captive wooden frame all around with concealed fixing so that screw and nail head are not visible, as
shall be approved by the Architect. The exposed frame shall be polished with a waterproof wood stain
and polish.


P9.01 The Contractor shall install all chromium plated and / or porcelain accessories as and given in the
Bill of Quantities and as shall be approved by the Architect.

a) Robe hooks – CP to match ARK model or equivalent fixtures

b) TP holder – Single CP vertical type to match ARK model or equivalent fixtures

c) Soap holder in showers – Heavy duty CP to match ARK model or equivalent fixtures
d) Towel rails – CP 450 mm to match ARK model or equivalent fixtures

P9.02 All CP accessories shall be fixed with CP brass half round head screws and cut washer in wall
with raw plugs and shall include cutting and making good as directed by the Architect.

P9.03 Porcelain accessories shall be fixed in walls and set in cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement 2 fine sand)
and fixed in relation to the tiling work.

P9.04 Toilet partition systems shall be fabricated as per the designs and Bill of quantities. They shall
be constructed out of waterproof “Kit ply” 20 mm thk faced on all exposed surfaces with white matt
finished synthetic laminate “Formica” heavy duty or equivalent as shall be approved by the Architect.
All hinges, latches, handles set shall be CP and approved by the Architect. The supporting MS SHS
shall be 20 x 20 mm with metal flanges to connect to the walls and the front face firmly, top and bottom.
The front face shall rest on nylon stud “legs” scr3ewed in place. The MS SHS shall be matt finished
enamel painted.

Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 59
P10.01 Rate for providing and fixing of sanitary fixtures, accessories, urinal partitions shall include all
items, and operations stated in the respective specifications and Bill of Quantities, and nothing extra is

P10.02 Rates for all items under specifications above shall be inclusive of cutting holes and chases and
making good the same, CP screws, nuts, bolts, silicon seals etc., and any fixing arrangement required and
recommended by the manufacturers, and shall include testing and commissioning to the satisfaction of
the Architect.



P11.01 Work under this section consists of furnishing all labour, materials, equipment and appliances
necessary and required to completely install the water supply system as required by the drawings,
specified hereinafter and given in the schedule of quantities, and what is commonly understood therein to
the satisfaction of the Architect.

P11.02 Without restricting to the generality of the foregoing, the water supply system shall include the
a) Connecting the mains supply to the designed pumps, solar panels, and tanks as per the drawings.
b) Control valve, masonry chambers and other appurtenances.
c) Connections to all plumbing fixtures, toilets, change rooms, and pantries.
d) Excavation and refilling of pipe trenches including proper consolidation of back fill.
e) Pipe protection and painting.


P12.01 All materials shall be new of the best quality conforming to specifications. All works executed
shall be to the satisfaction of the Architect.

P12.02 Pipes and fittings shall be fixed truly vertical, horizontal or in slopes as required in a neat
professional manner.

P12.03 Short or long bends shall be used on all main pipelines as far as possible. Use of elbows shall be
restricted for short connections.
As far as possible all bends shall be
formed by means of hydraulic pipe bending machine for pipes unto 65mm diameter If HDPE or PVC
pipes are used then methods approved by the manufacturer shall be used.

P12.04 Pipes shall be fixed in a manner as to

provide easy accessibility for repair and maintenance and shall not cause obstruction in shafts, passages,

P12.05 Pipes shall be securely leveled to the required slopes & fixed to walls and ceilings by suitable
clamps at intervals specified.

P12.06 Valves and other appurtenances shall be located to provide easy accessibility for operation,
maintenance and repairs.
All horizontal water supply lies into and inside wet areas shall be properly aligned and fixed and clamped
prior to filling with cement mortar so that no air-locking is induced by improperly set lines and levels.

P12.07 All water supply lines, hot and cold, shall be pressure tested over a 48 hour period according to
the appropriate IS standards to see that there is no pressure drop or loss over the system as required prior
to concealment and attachment of any fittings to the satisfaction of the Architect.

P13.01 All pipes inside the building and where specified, outside the building shall be galvanized steel
tubes conforming to IS 1239-1979 medium class specified.

P13.02 Fittings shall be malleable iron galvanized fittings of R brand or equivalent of approved make.
All fittings shall have manufacturer's trademark stamped upon them without fail. Fittings of GI pipes
shall include couplings, bends, tees, nipples, reducers, unions, bushes etc.,. Fittings shall be IS 1979
(part I to X) 1975.

P13.03 Pipes and fittings shall be joined with screwed fittings. Care shall be taken to remove butting
from the end of the pipes after cutting with a round file. Genuine red lead with a few strands of fine
hemp shall “Duco” putty shall be applied to all threaded joints to withstand the test pressure required.
All pipes shall be fixed in accordance with layout and alignment shown on the drawings. Care shall be
taken to avoid air locking. GI pipes inside toilets shall be fixed in wall chases well above the floor. No
pipes shall be run inside a sunken floor unless specifically instructed. Pipes shall be run under the
ceilings or floors and other areas as shown on drawings.
P13.04 All the pipes including accessories and fittings shall be applied with two coats of Black
Japan paint prior to the installation/fitting.

P14.01 GI pipes in shafts and other locations shall be supported by MS clamps of design approved by the
Architect. Pipes at ceiling level shall be supported on structural clamps fabricated on MS structural
brackets as described in Item P45 “Clamps”. Pipes in typical shafts shall be supported on slotted
angles/channels as specified elsewhere.


P15.01 The Contractor shall provide adequate numbers of unions / flanges on all pipes to enable
dismantling later. Unions shall be provided near each gunmetal valve, stop cocks or check valves and on
straight runs as necessary at appropriate locations and required and/or directed by the Architect.


P16.01 Flanged connections shall also be provided on all equipment connections as necessary and
required or as directed by the Architect. Connections shall be made by the correct number and size of
bolts and made with 3 mm thick insertion rubber washers. Where hot water or steam connections are
made insertion gasket shall be of 1.5 mm thick compressed fibre & / or neoprene gaskets approved by the
Architect. Bolthole dia for flange shall conform to match the specification for CI sluice valve to IS 780.


P17.01 All GI pipes below ground level shall be laid in trenches shall have a minimum cover of 600 mm.
Excavation for trenches shall be done as specified in subsequent pages of this tender but the width and
depth of the trenches shall be as follows:

Dia of pipes Width of trenches Depth of trenches

15mm to 50mm 30cms 75cms

65mm to 100mm 45cms 100cms

Where specified all GI pipes in trenches shall be protected with fine sand 15 cms all-round before filling
in the trenches.


Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 61
H18.01 Where specified in the schedule of quantities all pipes in chase or below ground shall be
protected against corrosion by applying two coats of bitumen paint, wrapping with polythene tape and
finishing with one more coat of bitumen paint.

P19.01 Valves 65 mm dia and below shall be heavy gunmetal full way valves or globe valves
conforming to IS 778-1971 class I. Valves shall be tested at the manufacturers with test results and their
name stamped on it and shall be pressure tested at site as specified.

P19.02 All valves shall be approved by the Architect before they are allowed to be used in the works.


P20.01 Air valves shall be provided in all high points in the system to prevent air locks, as shown on the
drawings or directed by the Architect.

P20.02 Air valves shall be gunmetal or CI of size as specified in the Bill of Quantities. Each air valve
shall be provided with an isolation gunmetal full way valve for size 65mm dia and below and CI double
flanged valve 80mm dia and above.


P21.01 Scour valves shall be provided at all low points in the system as shown on the drawings or
directed by the Architect. Valves shall be gunmetal full way valves for sizes 65mm dia and below and CI
double flanged valves 80mm dia and above.


P22.01 Each water tank shall be provided with

adequate number of lockable type manhole frames and covers fabricated by the manufacturer as specified
in Bill of Quantities and shall be approved by the Architect.

P23 Fiber glass / Polyethylene Storage Tanks

Tanks of the size and capacity described in the Bill of Quantities shall be of the best quality available and
shall be manufactured by Hilltake Plastic Containers - Nepal or equivalent. They shall conform to the
manufacturers specifications to all connections etc, to be made to the tanks. They shall be free of all


P24.01 All pipes, fittings and valves shall be tested by hydro static pressure of 7.5 kg / sqcm. Pressure
shall be maintained for a period of at least 48 hours without any drop in the pressure after fixing at site.
A test register shall be maintained and all entries shall be signed and dated by contractor and the
P24.02 In addition to the sectional testing carried out during the construction, the contractor shall test the
entire installation after connections to the overhead tanks or pumping system or the mains. He shall
rectify all leakages, and shall replace all defective materials in the system. Any damage done due to
carelessness, open or burst pipes or failure of fittings, to the building, furniture and fixtures shall be made
good during the defects liability period without any extra cost.
P24.03 After commissioning of the water supply system, the contractor shall test each valve by closing
and opening it a number of times to observe if it is working efficiently. Valves, which do not effectively
operate shall be replaced with new ones at no extra cost and the same shall accepted only after being re-
tested as above specified.

P25.01 Pipes
Pipes above ground shall be measured per linear meter (to the nearest cm) and shall be inclusive of all
fittings e.g. couplings, tees, bends, elbows, unions, and deduction for values shall be made. Rate quoted
shall be inclusive of all fittings, excavation, consolidated backfilling with disposal of surplus earth,
cutting holes and chases and making good and all items mentioned in the specifications and Bill of

P25.02 Structural support for tanks

240 thick brick masonry walls over an RCC base slab as per design shall be built in ground to semi recess
the ground water tanks. The tanks shall be coupled with each other using 50 mm GI pipe connections
300 mm long with unions, 450 below the top
water internal level and 150 from the bottom of the tanks and all items described in the Bill of Quantities
and specifications.

P25.03 Brick masonry pillars of sizes mentioned in the Bill of Quantities or shown on drawings shall be
measured by volume of the finished pillar & shall be paid per cum.

P25.04 Cement plaster for brick pillars etc, shall be measured by area of the finished surface.

P25.05 Painting
a) Painting of all concealed pipes with enamel or black bitumen based paint shall be included in the
cost of the item and no separate payment shall be admissible.
b) Protection to pipes with polythene tape shall be paint shall be included in the cost of the item and
no separate payment shall be admissible.



P26.01 Work under this section shall consist of furnishing all labour, materials, equipment and
appliances necessary as required to completely install the drainage system as required by the drawings
and specified hereinafter or given in the Bill of Quantities.

P26.02 Without restricting to the generality of the foregoing, the drainage system shall include:
a) Sewer lines including excavations, pipe lines, manholes, drop connections, underground storm
water drains, including pipes, manholes, catch basins, open drains and culverts.


P27.01 All materials shall be new and of the best quality conforming to specifications and subject to the
approval of the Architect.

P27.02 Drainage lines shall be laid to the required gradients and profiles.

P27.03 All drainage connections work shall conform to the local municipal bye-laws. All slopes and run
off shall conform to the best standard of the IS Hydraulic Architecting practices.

P27.04 The Contractor shall obtain necessary approval and permission for the drainage system from the
municipal or any other competent authority as shall be required by local ordinances.

P27.05 Location of all manholes, catch basins, etc, shall be confirmed by the Architect before the actual
execution of the work at site.

P27.06 All works shall be executed as directed by the Architect and subject to the final approval of the


Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 63
P28.01 The sewers and storm water lines shall be laid to alignment and gradient shown on the drawings
but subject to such modifications as shall be ordered by the Architect from time to time to meet the
requirements of the site conditions. No deviations from the lines, depths of cutting or gradients of sewers
shown on the plans and sections shall be permitted except at the express direction in writing of the


P29.01 The excavation for sewers and storm water drains shall be laid in open cut trenches unless the
permission of the Architect for the ground to be tunneled is obtained in writing. Where sewers have to be
constructed along narrow passages, the Architect may order the excavation to be made partly in tunnel
forms and in such cases the excavated soil shall be brought back to refill the trenches or tunnel as shall be
approved by the Architect.

P29.02 Opening out trenches

In excavating the trenches, etc, the soiling roads, metalling, pavement, kerbing, etc, and turf shall
be placed on one side and preserved for reinforcement when the trenches or other excavation have been
made good. The surface of all trenches and holes shall be restored as original and maintained to the
satisfaction of the Architect and the contractor shall not cut out or break down any live trees or fences or
in the line of the proposed works but shall tunnel under them, unless the Architect shall order to the

P29.03 Removal of filth

All night soil, filth or any other offensive matter if met with during the execution of works, shall
immediately be completely removed from any trench, pit, sewer or cess pool. The waste matter shall not
be deposited on any street or drain or where it will become a nuisance to the neighbourhood or passed
into any sewer or drain, where blockage can occur. This waste matter shall be at once put into leak-spill
proof carts and removed to a suitable place to be provided by the contractor that shall be approved by the
Architect so long as the location is not contested by any person or local authority and is not likely to
create a nuisance to any person or place in any manner what-so-ever.
P29.04 Excavation to be taken to proper depths
The trenches shall be excavated to such a depth that the sewer shall rest on concrete as described
in the several clauses relating thereto and such that the inverts may be at the levels given in the drawings.
In poor soil conditions, the architect may order the contractor to excavate to a greater depth than that
shown on the drawings till proper foundations are met and to fill up the excavation to the level of the
sewers with concrete, broken stone, gravel or other materials. For such extra excavation, concrete,
broken stone, gravel or other strengthening materials, the contractor shall be paid extra at rates agreed by
the employer prior to executing such work or at rates laid down for such works in the schedule, if the
extra work shall be ordered by the Architect in writing. If the contractor should ignorantly excavate the
trench to a greater depth than is required without any specific orders to do so in writing from the
Architect, the extra depth shall have to be filled up and made good with concrete or other approved
strengthening material at the contractor's own costs and charges to the complete requirements and
satisfaction of the Architect.

P29.05 Refilling
Only after the sewers and other related
work has been laid, installed and proven after testing to be water tight, the trench and other excavations
shall be refilled. Utmost care shall be taken in doing this, so that no damage shall be caused to the sewer
and other permanent works. The filling in the trenches up to 75cms above the crown of the sewer and
other lines shall consists of the finest selected sand and related materials placed carefully in 15cms layers
and flooded to consolidation. After this layer has been laid the trench and other excavation shall be
refilled carefully in 15cms layers with materials taken from the excavation, each layer being watered to
assist in the consolidation unless the Architect shall otherwise direct.

P29.06 Contractor to restore settlement and damages

The contractor shall, at his own costs and charges, make good promptly during the whole period
the works are in hand, any settlement that may occur in the surfaces of roads, berms, footpaths, gardens,
open spaces, etc, whether public or private caused by his trenches or by other excavations of his and he
shall be liable for any accidents caused thereby. He shall also, at his own expenses and charges repair
and make good any damage done to buildings and other property. If in the opinion of the Architect he
fails to make good such works with all practicable dispatch, the Architect shall be at liberty to get the
work done by other means and the expenses thereof shall be paid by the contractor or deducted from any
money that may be or become due to him or recovered from him in any other manner according to the
law of the land.
P29.07 Disposal of surplus soil
The contractor shall at his own costs and charges provide places for disposal of all surplus
materials not required to be used on the works. As each trench s refilled the surplus soil shall be
immediately removed, the surface properly restored and road ways and sides left clear. The points where
he disposes of his materials shall not be contestable by any person or organization and shall not create a
nuisance to any person or place or the employer in no way shall be held responsible for any such
negligence on the part of the contractor.

P29.08 Timbering of sewer and trenches

a) The Contractor shall at all times support efficiently and effectively the sides of the sewer and
excavation trenches and other excavations of his with suitable timbering, piling and sheeting etc.
Timbered supports shall be provided in loose or sandy strata and below the surface of the sub-soil water
b) All timbering sheeting and piling with their walling and supports shall be of adequate dimensions
and strength and shall be fully braced and strutted so that there shall be no risk of collapse or subsidence
of the walls of the trench under any circumstances.
c) The Contractor shall be held responsible for any negligence and shall be accountable for the
sufficiency of all timbering, bracing, sheeting and piling used as also for all damage to persons and
property resulting from improper quality, strength, placing, maintaining or removing of the same.
P29.09 Removal of water from sewer, trench, etc
a) The Contractor shall at all times during the progress of the work keep the trenches and
excavations free from water which shall be disposed of by him in a manner as will neither cause injury to
the public health nor nuisance or damage to the public or private property or to the work completed or in
progress or to the surface of any pavements roads or streets, or cause any interference with the use and
amenity of the same by the public.
b) If any excavation is carried out at any point or points to a greater width than the specified cross
section of the sewer with its envelope, the full width of the trench shall be filled with concrete by the
contractor at his own expenses and charges to the requirements of the Architect.

P29.10 Width of trench

The Architect shall have power by giving an order in writing to the contractor to increase the maximum
width in respect of which payment will be allowed for excavation in trenches for various classes of
sewers, man holes and other works in certain lengths to be specifically laid down by him, where on
account of bad ground or other unusual conditions, he considers that such increased widths are necessary
in view of the site conditions.


P30.01 Specifications
The material and pipes shall conform to the relevant IS codes. They shall be a minimum of 4 Kg / cm²
pressure category. The dimensions shall conform to the drawings. The dimensions of the UPVC pipes
shall be as follows:

IS 4985: 1981(Extract) Wall thickness for working pressures

Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 65

Outer diameter Tolerance in Class-2 / 4Kg / cm²

outer dia
Minimum Maximum
90 +0.3 2.1 2.6
110 +0.4 2.5 3.0
140 +0.5 3.2 3.8
160 +0.5 3.7 4.3

P30.02 Laying
UPVC pipes shall be laid as specified and shown on the detailed drawings. The pipes shall be laid
vertically along the walls with clamps, bends, attachments, accessories, to correct lines levels and
horizontally to the slopes as shall be required by the drawings and the instruction of the architect.

P30.03 Jointing
After setting out the pipes the socket and
neoprene gaskets with al relevant attachments and accessories with solvent cement as per the
manufacturers specifications and shall be properly aligned and supported so that there is not deflection
under loading.

P30.04 Testing
All pipes shall be tested to a hydraulic test of 1.5m head for at least 30 minutes at the highest
point in the section under test. A test register shall be maintained which shall be signed and dated by
contractor and the Architect.


P31.01 Under ground installations

A pipes to be laid underground shall conform to the following:
a) Pipes laid in ground within a level of 1000 mm measured from the finished level shall
require concrete hunching around the pipe to protect it from deforming by pressure applied
upon the pipes by heavy traffic above. J This shall conform to the drawings and to the
instructions of the Architect.
b) Pipes laid in ground below 1000 mm measured from the finished level shall not require
concrete hunching around the pipe, however a sand bedding and all round cover shall be
provided as shown in the drawings.
P31.02 Laying
HDPE pipes shall be laid on cement concrete bed or cradles as specified and shown on the detailed
drawings. The cradles may be precast and sufficiently cured to prevent cracks and breakage in handling.
The invert of the cradles shall be left 12mm below the invert level of the pipe and properly placed on the
soil to prevent any disturbance. The pipe shall then be placed on the bed concrete or sand or cradles and
set to the lines and gradient by means of sight rails and boning rods, etc. Cradles or concrete or sand bed
may be omitted, if directed by the Architect.

P31.03 Jointing
After setting out the pipes the socket and neoprene gaskets shall be properly aligned and
supported so that there is not deflection under loading. The space shall then be filled with cement
concrete or sand as the case may be as per clause P31.01- “Under ground Installations”.

P31.04 Testing
All pipes shall be tested to a hydraulic test of 1.5m head for at least 30 minutes at the highest
point in the section under test. A test register shall be maintained which shall be signed and dated by
contractor and the Architect.


P32.01 All underground storm water drainage pipes and sewer lines where specified (other than those
specified cast iron) shall be centrifugally spun RCC pipes of the specified class. Pipes shall be true and
straight with uniform bore throughout. Cracked, warped pipes shall not be used on the work. All pipes
shall be tested by the manufacturer and the contractor shall produce, when directed, a certificate to that
effect from the manufacturer. The contractor shall test the pipes prior to laying in case of damage during
transportation and storage and those such damage shall be immediately removed from the site.

P32.02 Laying
RCC spun pipes shall be laid on cement concrete bed or cradles as specified and shown on the
detailed drawings. The cradles may be precast and sufficiently cured to prevent cracks and breakage in
handling. The invert of the cradles shall be left 12mm below the invert level of the pipe and properly
placed on the soil to prevent any disturbance. The pipe shall then be placed on the bed concrete or
cradles and set to the lines and gradient by means of sight rails and boning rods, etc. Cradles or concrete
bed may be omitted, if directed by the Architect.

P32.03 Jointing
After setting out the pipes the collar shall be centred over the joint and filled in with tarred
gaskin, so that sufficient space is left on either side of the collar to receive the mortar. The space shall
then be filled with cement mortar (1 cement 2 fine sand) and caulked by means of proper tools. All joints
shall be neatly finished at an angle of 45 degrees to the longitudinal axis of the pipe on both sides of the

P32.04 Testing
All pipes shall be tested to a hydraulic test of 1.5m head for at least 30 minutes at the highest point in the
section under test.. The smoke test shall also be carried out by the contractor, if directed by the Architect,
at the expense and charges of the contractor. A test register shall be maintained which shall be signed
and dated by contractor/Architect-in-charge and the Architect.


a) Floor traps
Floor traps shall be cast UPVC fixtures deep seal with an effective seal of 50mm. The trap and waste
pipes shall be set in cement concrete blocks firmly supported on the structural floor. The blocks shall be
in 1:2:4 mix (1 cement 2 coarse sand 4 stone aggregate 20mm nominal size) and extended to 40mm
below finished floor level. The Contractor shall provide all necessary shuttering and centring for the
blocks. Size of the block shall be 30 x 30cms of the required depth.
b) Urinal traps
Urinal traps shall be UPVC P & S trap with or without vent and set in cement concrete block
specified in para 5.1 without extra charge.
c) Floor trap inlets
Bathroom traps and connections shall ensure free and silent flow of discharging water. Where
required the contractor shall provide a special UPVC proprietary inlet hopper without or with one, two or
three inlet sockets to receive converging waste pipes. Joint between waste and hopper inlet sockets shall
be sealed with the manufacturers details using neoprene gaskets and rings in the accessories.
d) UPVC gratings
Floor and urinal traps shall be provided with 100-150mm square or round UPVC grating, with
rim of approved design and shape. Minimum thickness shall be 6 mm or as specified in the schedule of

Shall be as per the manufacturer's specifications of all jointing accessories.


All vertical pipe stacks shall be provided with cleanout doors at every bend connecting to the floor
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 67
P36.01 Waste pipe from appliances eg. wash basins, sinks, urinals, bath tubs, water coolers shall be
UPVC as given in the schedule of drawings.
P36.02 All pipes shall be fixed in gradient towards the outfalls of drain. Pipes inside a toilet shall be
chased unless otherwise shown in the drawings. Spacing for clamps for such pipes shall be as follows:

Vertical Horizontal
G.I. Pipes 300 cms 240 cms
HDPE Pipes 180 cms 120 cms

P36.03 Galvanized pipes

Pipes shall be galvanized steel tubes conforming to IS 1239-1979 (medium class) and quality
certificates shall be furnished. Pipes shall be provided with all required fittings, e.g. tees, couplings,
bends, elbows, unions, reducers, nipples, plugs etc. All GI waste pipes shall be terminated at the point of
connection with the appliance with an outlet of suitable diameter.

P36.4 Fittings and Manholes

a) Fittings used for drainage pipes shall conform to the manufacturer‟s specifications.
b) Cleanout doors with screw operations and neoprene gaskets shall be provided at the head
of each vertical bend as specified which may or may not be indicated in the plans.
Cleanout doors shall be of size matching the full bore of the pipe.


P37.01 Water
a) Water used for all the constructional purposes shall be clear and free from oil, acid, alkali,
organic and other harmful matter that can deteriorate the strength and/or durability of the structure. In
general, only the water suitable for drinking purposes shall be considered good enough for constructional
b) Aggregate for concrete
The aggregate for concrete shall be in accordance with IS 383 and IS 515. In general, these shall be free
from all impurities that may cause corrosion of the reinforcement. Before actual use these shall be
washed in water, if required as per the direction of the Architect. The size of the coarse aggregate shall
be as given in the schedule of quantities.

c) Sand
Sand for various construction purposes shall comply in all respect to IS 2116. It shall be clean, coarse,
hard and strong, shape durable, uncoated, free from any mixture of clay, dust, vegetable matter, mica,
iron impurities soft or flaky and elongated particles, alkali, organic matters, salt, loam and other
impurities which may be considered by the Architect as harmful for the construction.

d) Cement
The cement used for all the constructional purposes shall be ordinary portland cement or rapid hardening
portland cement conforming to IS 269.
e) Mild Steel Reinforcement:
The mild steel for the reinforcement bars shall be in the form of round bars conforming to all
requirements of IS 432 Grade I.

f) Bricks:
Bricks shall have a uniform colour, shall be thoroughly fired but shall not be over burnt. They
shall have plain rectangular faces with parallel sides and sharp right angled edges.
They should give a ringing sound when struck. Bricks shall not absorb more than 20% to 22% of water,
when immersed in water for 24 hours. Bricks to be used shall be approved by the Architect.

g) Other Materials:
Other materials not fully specified in these specifications and which may be required in the work shall
conform to the latest ISS. All such materials shall be approved by the Architect before use.

P37.02 Cement concrete (Plain or Reinforced)

a) Cement concrete pipes bedding, cradles, foundations and RCC. slabs for all works shall be mixed
by a mechanical mixer where quantities of the concrete poured at one time permit. Hand mixing on
properly constructed platforms may be allowed for small quantities by the Architect. Rate for cement
concrete shall be inclusive of all shuttering and centering at all depths and heights.
b) Concrete work shall be of such thickness and mix as given in the Bill of Quantities.
c) All concrete work shall be cured for a period of at least 7 days. Such work shall be kept moist by
means of gunny bags at all times. All pipe trenches and foundations shall be kept free of water logging
or flooding during the curing period.

P37.03 Masonry work

Masonry work for manholes, chambers, septic tanks and other such works as required shall be
constructed from 1st or 2nd class bricks as specified in the schedule of quantities in cement mortar 1:4
mix (1 cement 4 coarse sand). All joints shall be properly raked to receive plaster.

P37.04 Cement concrete for pipe support

a) Wherever specified or shown on the drawings, all pipes shall be supported in bed and all round
or in haunches. The thickness and mix of the concrete shall be given in the schedule of quantities.
b) Unless otherwise directed by the Architect cement concrete for bed, all round or in haunches
shall be laid as follows:
Up to 1.5 m Up to 3m depth Beyond 3m
Description of work depth depth
Stoneware pipe in open ground (no all round (1:3: in haunches all round
sub-soil water) 6) (1:3: 6) (1:3: 6)
RCC or SW pipes in sub-soil water all round in haunches in haunches
(1:3:6) (1:3:6) (1:3:6)
GI Pipe (in all conditions) all round in haunches in haunches
(1:3:6) (1:3:6) (1:3:6)
RCC pipes or CI pipes under road or all round all round (1:3:6) all round
building (1:3:6) (1:3:6)
1 = 1 cement ; 3= coarse sand ; 6= stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size

c) RCC or CI pipes may be supported on brick masonry or precast RCC or cast in situ cradles.
Cradles shall be as shown on the drawings.
d) Pipes in loose soil or above ground shall be supported on brick or stone masonry pillars as shown
on the drawings.


P38.01 All manholes, chambers, septic tanks and other such works as specified shall be constructed in
brick masonry in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement 4 coarse sand) or as specified in the schedule of quantities.

P38.02 All manholes, chambers, septic tanks, etc, shall be supported on base of cement concrete of such
thickness and mix as given in the schedule of quantities or shown on the drawings.

P38.03 All man holes shall be provided with cement concrete benching in 1:2:4 mix (1 cement 2 coarse
sand 4 stone aggregate 20mm nominal size). The benching shall have a slope of 10 cms towards the
channel. The depth of the channel shall be the full diameter of the pipe. Benching shall be finished with
a floating coat of neat cement.

P38.04 All manholes shall be plastered with 12/15mm thick cement mortar 1:3 mix (1 cement 3 coarse
sand) and finished with a floating coat of neat cement inside. Manholes shall be plastered outside as
above but with rough plaster.

P38.05 All manholes with depths greater than 1m shall be provided with 20mm square or 25mm round
rods catch rings set in cement concrete blocks 25 x 110cms in 1:2;4 mix 30cms vertically and staggered.
Foot rest shall be coated with coal tar before embedding.
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 69
P38.06 All man holes shall be provided with cast iron or RCC slab covers and frames as per drawings
and embedded in reinforced cement concrete slab.


P39.01 Drop connections shall be provided between branch sewer and main sewer or in the main sewer
itself in steep ground when the difference in invert level of the two exceeds 45 cms of the required sizes.

P39.02 Drop connections from gully traps to main sewers in rectangular manholes shall be made inside
the manholes and shall have HCI special type door bend on top and heel rest bend at bottom connected
by a HCI pipe. This pipe shall be supported by holder bat clamps at 180cms intervals with at least one
clamp for each drop connection. All joints shall be load caulked 25mm deep.
P39.03 Drop connections from branch sewer to main sewer shall be made outside the manhole wall with
cast iron LA pipe tee connections, vertical pipe and bend at the bottoms. The top of the tee shall be
finished upto the surface level and provided with a CI hinged type frame and cover 30 x 30cms. The
connection shall be embedded in cement concrete 1:2:4 mix 15cms all round the pipe and tee upto the
surface chamber of the tee.

P39.04 Drop connection made from vertical stacks directly into man holes shall not be considered as
drop connections. They shall be paid for under the relevant soil and waste pipes.


P40.01 Brick masonry drains shall be of a minimum width of 30cms for a maximum width of drains
shall be 45cms for depths beyond 45cms.

P40.02 Brick masonry drains shall be constructed in brick masonry in cement mortar in cement concrete
foundations as specified in the schedule of quantities. Masonry and concrete work shall be carried out as
given in para 9 of this section. Wherever specified, masonry drains shall be plastered with cement mortar
inside. The outer surface shall be flush pointed without additional charge.

P40.03 Wherever specified, all brick masonry covered drains shall be provided with cast in situ or
precast RCC slabs.
P40.04 All drains shall be plastered with cement mortar 1:3 with a coat of neat cement. All finished
works shall afford specified gradients to ensure free and efficient flow and discharge.

P41.01 Excavation
a) Measurement for excavation of pipe trenches shall be made per linear meter under the respective
category of soil classification encountered at site.
i) Ordinary soil
ii) Hard soil (Hard Moorum & soft rock)
iii) Hard rock requiring chiselling
iv) Hard rock requiring blasting

b) Trenches shall be measured between outside walls of manholes at top and the depth shall be the
average depth between the two ends to the nearest cm. The rate quoted shall be for a depth upto 1.5m or
as given in the Bill of Quantities.

c) Payment for trenches more than 1.5m in depth shall be paid for extra depth as given in the Bill of
Quantities and above the rate for depth upto 1.5m.

d) Timbering and shoring

Timbering and shoring as described in clause 4.10 and 4.11 shall be measured per sqm and paid
for as per the type of timbering or shoring done at site and as per the relevant item in the Bill of
Quantities. Rate for timbering and shoring shall be for all depths and types of soil classifications
including saturated soil.
e) Saturated soil
No extra payment for pumping and bailing out water shall be made for excavation with an
average depth of 1.5m in saturated soil, or where surface water from rain falls or where broken pipelines
or seives and other similar sources produced water logging. An extra rate as quoted in the Bill of
Quantities shall be paid for excavation in saturated soil for pipe trenches above an average depth of 1.5m.
No payment is admissible for water collected from surface source and broken pipe lines or sewers.

f) Refilling, consolidation and disposal of surplus earth

Rate quoted for excavation of trenches shall be inclusive of refilling, consolidation and disposal
of surplus earth within a lead of 50m.

P41.02 Stoneware pipes/RCC pipes/CI pipes

Stoneware pipes/RCC pipes/CI pipes shall be measured for the finished length of the pipe line per linear
meter ie.
a) Lengths between manholes shall be recorded from inside of one manhole to inside of other
b) Lengths between gully traps and manholes shall be recorded between the socket of the pipe near
the gully trap and the inside of manholes.
Rates shall include all items given in the Bill of Quantities and Specifications.

P41.03 Gully traps

Gully traps shall be measured by the number and rate which shall include all excavation, foundation
concrete, brick masonry, cement plaster inside and outside, CI grating and sealed cover and frame.

P41.04 Cement concrete for pipes

Cement concrete in bedding and all round or in haunches shall be paid per running meter
between the outside walls of the manholes at the bottom of the trench. No additional payment is
admissible in respect of concreting done for widths greater than that specified, for shuttering or centering
and concreting in sub soil water conditions.

P41.05 Manholes
a) All manholes shall be measured by numbers and shall include all items specified in the preceding
paras and Bill of Quantities.
b) Manholes with depths greater than specified under the main item shall be paid for under "extra
depth" and shall include all items as given for manholes. Measurement shall be done to the nearest cm.
Depth of the manholes, shall be measured from the top of the manhole cover to the bottom of the
P41.06 Drop connections
Drop connections shall be measured by
number for depths, of 60cms or part thereof between invert levels. Additional depth shall be paid for as
extra per meter as per the actual length of the drop connections, measured to the nearest cm.
P41.07 Making connections
Item for making connection to municipal sewer shall be paid for by number and shall include all items
given in the Bill of Quantities and Specifications.

P41.08 Masonry drains

Payment for masonry drains shall be made under individual items of masonry, cement concrete and
plaster by volume of area as given in the Bill of Quantities.


P42.01 Work under this section shall consist of furnishing all labour, materials, equipment and
applications, necessary and required to completely install all soil, waste, vent and rain water pipes as
required by the drawings, specified hereinafter and given in the Bill of Quantities.

P42.02 Without being restricted to the generality of the foregoing, the soil waste and vent pipes system
shall include:
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 71
a) Vertical and horizontal soil, waste and vent pipes, rain water pipes and fittings, joints, clamps
and connections to fixtures.
b) Connection of all pipes to sewer and storm water lines as shown on the drawings at ground floor
c) Floor and urinal traps, cleanout plugs and inlet fittings.
d) Waste pipe connection from all fixtures eg. wash basins, sinks, urinals, kitchen, equipment and
plant room equipment.


P43.01 All materials shall be of the best quality conforming to the specifications and subject to the
approval of the Architect.

P43.02 Pipes and fittings shall be fixed truly vertical, horizontal or in slopes as required in a neat
workman like manner.

P43.03 Pipes shall be fixed in a manner as to provide easy accessibility for repair and maintenance and
shall not cause obstruction in shafts, passages, etc. Fitting positions shall in all cases line up with &
conform to access panels for ease of maintenance.

P43.04 Pipes shall be securely fixed to walls by suitable clamps at intervals specified.

P43.05 Access doors for fittings and cleanouts shall be so located that they are easily accessible for
repair and maintenance.

P43.06 All work shall be executed as directed by the Architect.


P44.01 Soil, waste, vent, anti-siphonage and rain water pipes shall be HDPE pipes. All pipes shall be
straight and smooth and inside free from irregular bore, blow holes, cracks and other manufacturing
defects. The HDPE pipes shall conform to ISS.
a) Tolerance
Acceptable tolerance for pipes to IS 3989 and IS 1729 shall be as per the requirements of the
relevant IS codes.
P44.02 Fittings
a) Fittings shall conform to the Indian Standard as for HDPE pipes. Contractor shall use pipes and
fittings of matching specifications.
b) Fittings shall be of the required degree of curvature with or without access door.
c) Access door shall be screw type with neoprene gaskets as shall be approved by the Architect.
P44.03 Fixing
a) All vertical pipes shall be fixed by MS clamps truly vertical. Branch pipes shall be connected to
the stack at the same angle as that of the fittings. No collars shall be used on vertical stacks. Each stack
shall be terminated at top with a cowl (terminal guard).
b) Horizontal pipes laid to the correct slopes running along ceilings shall be fixed on
structurally adjustable clamps of special design shown on the drawings or as directed. Horizontal pipes
shall be laid to uniform slope and the clamps adjusted to the proper levels so that the pipes fully rest on
c) The Contractor shall provide all sleeves, openings, hangers, inserts during the construction. He
shall provide all necessary information to the building contractor for making such provision in the
structure as necessary and as required.


P45.01 MS clamps, shall be of standard design

and fabricated from MS flat 40 x 3mm thick. They shall be painted with two coats of black bitumen
paint before fixing.
P45.02 Where MS clamps are to be fixed on RCC column or slotted angles, walls or beam they shall be
fixed with 40 x 3mm flat iron `U' type clamps with anchor fasteners of approved design or 6mm nuts and

P45.03 Structural clamps shall be fabricated from MS structural members eg. rods, angles, channels,
flats as per detailed drawings or as directed. The Contractor shall provide all nuts, bolts, welding and
paint the clamps with one coat of red-oxide. Wooden saddles shall be provided free of cost but structural
clamps shall be paid separately by weight.

P45.04 Slotted angle/channel supports on walls shall be provided wherever shown on drawings.
Angles/channels shall be of sizes as approved by the Architect. Angle/channels shall be fixed to brick
walls with bolts embedded in cement concrete blocks & to RCC walls with suitable expansion bolts or
fasteners using electrical drilling for making holes. The spacing of support bolts horizontally shall not
exceed 1m.

P45.05 Wherever MS clamps are required to be anchored directly to brick walls, concrete slabs, beams
or columns, nothing extra shall be payable for fixing clamps to the masonry works using expansion bolts.
No hammer & chisel chasing or opening shall be allowed. No concrete grouting shall be allowed. Only
expansion bolts of the correct length & load bearing capacity shall be used.

P46.01 Floor traps
Floor traps shall be HDPE premoulded, proprietary fixtures deep seal with an effective seal of
50mm. The trap and waste pipes shall be set in cement concrete blocks firmly supported on the structural
floor. The blocks shall be in 1:2:4 mix (1 cement 2 coarse sand 4 stone aggregate 20mm nominal size)
and extended to 40mm below finished floor level. Contractor shall provide all necessary shuttering and
centering for the blocks. Size of the block shall be 30 x 30cms of the required depth.

P46.02 Urinal traps

Urinal traps shall be HDPE premoulded, proprietary trap fixtures with or without vent and set in
cement concrete block specified in para 5.1 without extra charge.

P46.03 Floor trap inlets

Bath room traps and connections shall ensure free and silent flow of discharging water. Where
specified contractor shall provide a special type HDPE premoulded, proprietary inlet hopper without or
with one, two or three inlet sockets to receive converging waste pipes. Joint between waste and hopper
inlet sockets shall be screw fixed using neoprene washers. Hooper shall be connected to a trap with at
least a 50mm seal (hopper and traps shall be paid for separately). Floor trap inlets, hoppers and the traps
shall be set in cement concrete blocks as specified in para 5.1 without extra charge.

P46.04 CP/Stainless steel gratings

Floor and urinal traps shall be provided with 100-150mm square or round CP/Stainless steel
grating, with rim of approved design and shape. Minimum thickness shall be 6mm or as specified in the
Bill of Quantities.
Kitchen grating shall be 150mm x 25mm thick cast iron grating with 20 x 30 x 5mm angle iron frame as
directed by the Architect. These shall be painted with anti corrosive paint & enamel painted to an
approved colour.


P47.01 The interior of sockets and exterior of spigot shall be thoroughly cleaned and dried. The spigot
end shall be inserted into the socket right upto the back of the socket and carefully centered & fixed
securely with the screw on seals. All fixing & jointing shall strictly follow the manufacturers
specifications & shall conform to the related ISS.


Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 73
P48.01 The Contractor shall provide HDPE proprietary cleanout plugs as required. Cleanout plugs shall
be threaded and provided with key holes for openings. Cleanout plugs shall be fixed to the pipe with a
screw fixed collar internally splayed & fitted with neoprene gaskets.


P49.01 Waste pipe from appliances eg. wash basins, sinks, urinals, bath tubs, water coolers shall be of
HDPE pipes with proprietary fixtures & fittings of the approved make conforming to all relevant ISS &
also to IS 4984-1978.

P49.02 All pipes shall be fixed in gradient towards the outfalls of drain. Spacing for clamps for such
pipes shall be as follows:

Vertical Horizontal
GI Pipes 300cms 240cms
HDPE Pipes 180cms 120cms
Lead pipes 120 cms 120 cms

P49.03 Galvanized pipes

Pipes shall be galvanized steel tubes conforming to IS 1239-1979 (medium class) and quality
certificates shall be furnished. Pipes shall be provided with all required fittings, eg. tees, couplings,
bends, elbows, unions, reducers, nipples, plugs. All GI waste pipes, shall be terminated at the point of
connection with the appliance with an outlet of suitable diameter.


P50.01 Where specified polythene pipes shall be high density polythene pipes conforming to IS 4984-
1978. The details of the nominal outer diameter, weight and working pressure at 20C shall be as per the
above standards.

P50.02 Polythene pipes may be bent cold to a radius of not less than eight times of their external
diameter. Pipes bent for smaller radius may be made by hot bending or bolt welding.

P50.03 Fittings used for polythene pipes shall be compression molded fittings matching to the above
specifications & shall be proprietary items of an approved manufacturer.

P50.04 Jointing
Jointing for polythene pipes shall be made by means of butt welding or detachable joints or
flanged joints or screwed joints. The type of joints shall be used as per the site conditions. Where
polythene pipes are used for rain water pipes the pipe will be finished with GI adapter for insertion in the
RCC slab for a water proof joint complete as directed by the Architect.
P50.05 All pipes shall be tested for installation for a pressure equal to twice the maximum working
pressure in the line.


P51.01 Cast iron soil and waste pipes under floor in sunken slabs and in wall chases (when cut specially
for the pipe) shall be encased in cement concrete 1:2:4 mix (1 cement 2 coarse sand 4 12mm size stone
aggregate) 75mm bed and all-round. When pipes are running well above the structural slab, the encased
pipes shall be supported with suitable cement concrete pillars of required height and size at interval
directed by the Architect.

P52.01 Soil, waste and vent pipe fittings shall be painted with two or more coats of ready mix oil paint to
give an even shade if they are CI.
P52.02 Paint shall be of approved quality and shade. Where directed pipes shall be painted in
accordance with approved pipe colour code.

P52.03 GI pipes inserted in masonry work or underground shall be painted with two coats of bitumen
paint, covered with polythene tape and a final coat of bitumen paint. Exposed pipes shall be painted with
one or two coats of synthetic enamel paint as shall be approved by the Architect.

P52.04 CI soil and waste pipes below ground and covered in cement concrete or lead pipes shall not be


P53.01 Pipes shall be fixed and tested as building proceeds. The Contractor shall provide all necessary
timber block outs and in structural members as building work proceeds. Wherever timber block outs are
not used they shall be made good with cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement 2 coarse sand 4 stone aggregate
20mm thick nominal size) or cement mortar 1:2 (1 cement 2 coarse sand) and the surface restored to an
original condition.

P54.01 Before use at site, all CI soil pipes shall be tested by filling up with water for at least 10 minutes.
After filling, pipes shall be struck with a hammer and inspected for blow holes & cracks. All defective
pipes shall be rejected and removed from the site within 48 hours. Pipes with minor seating shall be
accepted at the discretion of the Engineer/Architect.

P54.02 Pipes shall be tested after installation, by filling up the stack with water. All opening and
connections shall be suitably plugged. The total head in the stack shall however not exceed 5m.

P54.03 Alternately the contractor may test all soil and waste stacks with a smoke testing machine.
Smoke shall be pumped into the stack after plugging all inlets and connections. The top end shall
however be left open. The stack shall then be observed for leakage and all defective pipes and fittings
removed or repaired as directed by the Architect.

P54.04 A test register shall be maintained and all entries shall be signed and dated by the contractor's

P55.01 General
a) Rates for all items quoted shall be inclusive of all work and items given in the above mentioned
specifications and Bill of Quantities and applicable for the work under floor, in shafts or at ceiling level
at all heights and depths.
b) All rates are inclusive of preparing timber block-outs in RCC and chasing masonry work and
making good the same.
c) All rates are inclusive of pre-testing and on site testing of all the installations and materials prior
to commissioning to the satisfaction of the Architect.

P55.02 Pipes (Unit of measurement: Linear meter to the nearest centimeter)

GI, PVC Polythene or lead pipes shall be measured per running meter correct to a centimeter for the
finished work, which shall include proprietary fittings, eg. bends, tees, elbows, reducers, crosses, scokets,
nipples and nuts but exclude brass or gunmetal taps (Cocks), valves and lead connection pipes. The
length shall be taken along center line of the pipes and fittings. All pipes and fittings shall be classified
according to their diameters, method of jointing and fixing substance, quality and finish. The diameters
shall be nominal diameter of internal bore. The pipes shall be described as including all cutting and
waste. In case of fittings of an equal bore, the largest bore shall be measured.

P55.03 Cement concrete around pipes shall be measured along the center of the pipe line measured per
linear meter and include any masonry supports, shuttering and centering cutting complete as described in
the relevant specifications.
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 75
P55.04 Slotted angles/channels shall be measured per linear meter of finished length and shall include
support bolts and nuts embedded in masonry walls with cement concrete block and nothing extra will be
paid for making good the same.
P55.05 Fittings (Floor traps)
Unit of measurement shall be the number of pieces. Floor, and urinal traps, trap gratings, shall
be measured by numbers and shall include all items described in the relevant specifications.
P55.06 Excavation for pipes
No extra payment shall be admissible with respect to excavation, refilling and disposal of surplus
earth for soil and waste pipes.





Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 77




The scope of works covered shall include supply of all materials, labor, equipment and
services in connection with the Electrical works complete as indicated.

The contractor shall consult drawings, bill of quantities and specification all together,
which gives the total scope of works.


The rate quoted in the tender shall include all charges of materials, installation, testing,
commissioning, labor, tools and equipment, shed for material store, transferring all
material from place of availability to the site, all taxes, contingencies, breakage, wastage
and maintenance of installation for one year. The rate in the original contract shall
determine the values of the extra work where such extra work is of a similar nature and has
been executed under similar conditions. Wherever the extra work is not of a similar nature,
the rate for the same shall be determined prior to the execution of work and get approved
by the consultant.


All quantities mentioned in the bill of quantities are not actual and the contractor will get
payment according to measurement of actual work. The schedule of quantities is liable to
alteration by deletion or addition as required.


The drawings provided are design drawings and generally are diagrammatic. They do not show
offsets, bends, pull box, junction box, which may be required for the installation. The contractor
shall follow the drawings as closely as possible and shall provide necessary bends, pull box etc.
The contractor shall prepare and submit for approval detailed shop drawings of all installations
not detailed on the drawings provided. Some modification in design drawing can be done during
the construction time in order to overcome practical difficulties provided the consultant approves
the modification.


Cutting and patching required for the proper installation and completion of works including
plastering, masonry work, concrete work and painting shall be done by the contractor himself
and skilled labor shall be provided for the same.


The equipment and materials to be installed should be suitable for the site conditions. It is
estimated that the maximum temperature at site will be 40O C.


Following specifications and code or their latest revision shall be applied under all
1. Low Voltage Moulded Case Circuit Breaker - IS 2516, 1977
2. Transformer - IS 2026, 1962
3. Earthing - IS 3043, 1966
4. Wiring installation - IS 732, 1963
5. PVC Cable - IS 1554, 1964
6. Distribution boards - IS 2675, 1966
7. Bus Bars and Bus Chamber - IS 375, 1963


LT - Low Tension
HT - High Tension
AC - Alternating Current
MDB - Main Distribution Board
DB - Distribution Board
KV - Kilo Volt
KVA - Kilo Volt Amp
KV - Kilo Amp
PVC - Poly Vinyl Chloride
SWG - Standard Wire Gauge (British)
IS - Indian Standard
TPN - Three Phase Neutral
DP - Double Pole
MCB - Miniature Circuit Breaker
MCCB - Moulded Case Circuit Breaker


E9.1 The Main Control Panel shall be indoor type, totally enclosed made from 16 SWG heavy gauge
mild steel sheet, dust and vermin proof suitable for wall mounting/ pad mounting. The steel sheet
should undergo aciditation and phosphatation process before two coats of red oxide primer are
applied, then two final coats of enamel paint of approved color shall be applied.

E9.2 The bus bar shall be made from highly conductive electrolytically pure copper bar strips of
sufficient cross sectional area so that maximum current density of 1.2 amps per sq. mm. shall not
be exceeded. The neutral bus bar shall not be less than 50% of the phase bus cross section. The
main bus bars shall be single length without joint up to the incommer MCCB. The bus bars shall
be sufficiently supported by insulator so that insulation resistance shall not be less than 20 mega

E9.3 Arrangement shall be made at the bottom of the control panel for receiving incoming cable.
Space for out going cables shall be properly designed and managed as per requirement.

E9.4 The interconnection of cable to the bus bars, MCCB shall be done with heavy duty crimping type
chromium plated copper double compression cable shoe of suitable size.

E9.5 The MCCBs shall have a breaking capacity of 25 kA or higher at 400 volts for incoming circuit
and 15KA or higher for outgoing circuits. The circuit breaker shall be operated by a toggle type
handle and shall have a quick make, quick break trip free mechanism. The circuit breaker shall
be of inverse time and instantaneous trip type, with static trip release. A push trip shall be
provided on the cover to test the MCCB mechanically. The 'on' , 'off' and 'trip' positions shall be
clearly marked on the enclosure.

E9.6 The connections from the main bus bars to the incoming as well as outgoing MCCBs shall be
done by copper strips having sufficient cross-section.
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 79
E9.7 All the contact surfaces in copper bus bars and strips shall have coating of silver by

E9.8 The gap between two MCCBs shall not be less than 40 mm.

E9.9 All the outgoing MCCB shall be marked by the tag covered by transparent PVC pocket
permanently fixed on the inner cover.

E9.10 The bus bars shall be covered by heat shrinkable PVC sleeve and the bus bar chamber shall be
covered by a protecting transparent acrylic sheet.


E10.1 The Main Distribution Board shall be indoor type, totally enclosed made from 16 SWG heavy
gauge mild steel sheet, dust and vermin proof suitable for wall mounting. The steel sheet should
undergo aciditation and phosphatation process before two coats of red oxide primer are applied,
then two final coats of enamel paint of approved color shall be applied.

E10.2 The bus bar shall be made from highly conductive electrolytically pure copper bar strips of
sufficient cross sectional area so that maximum current density of 1.2 amps per sq. mm. shall not
be exceeded. The neutral bus bar shall not be less than 50% of the phase bus cross section. The
main bus bars shall be single length without joint up to the incommer MCCB. The bus bars shall
be sufficiently supported by insulator so that insulation resistance shall not be less than 20 mega

E10.3 Arrangement shall be made at the bottom of the control panel for receiving incoming cable.
Space for out going cables shall be properly designed and managed as per requirement.

E10.4 The interconnection of cable to the bus bars, MCCB shall be done with heavy duty crimping type
chromium plated copper double compression cable shoe of suitable size.

E10.5 The MCCB‟s shall have a breaking capacity of 15 kA or higher at 400 volts for incoming circuit
and 10 KA or higher for outgoing circuits. The circuit breaker shall be operated by a toggle type
handle and shall have a quick make, quick break trip free mechanism. The circuit breaker shall
be of inverse time and instantaneous trip type, with static trip release. A push trip shall be
provided on the cover to test the MCCB mechanically. The „on‟, 'off' and 'trip' positions shall be
clearly marked on the enclosure.

E10.6 All the contact surfaces in copper bus bars and strips shall have coating of silver by

H10.7 The gap between two TP MCCB‟s as well as that of TP MCBs shall not be less than 40 mm and
30mm respectively.

E10.8 All the outgoing MCB shall be marked by the tag covered by transparent PVC pocket
permanently fixed on the inner cover.

E10.9 The bus bars shall be covered by heat shrinkable PVC sleeve and the bus bar chamber shall be
covered by a protecting transparent acrylic sheet.


Sub distribution board shall be made with 16 SWG mild still sheets cubical, concealed mounting
with double cover having openable hinges and locking arrangement. The mild steel sheet shall be
painted with two coats of red oxide primer, and the two final coats of steel gray color enamel.
The bus bar used shall be made from highly conductive electrolytically pure copper bar strips of
sufficient cross sectional area so that maximum current density of 1.2 Amp/sq mm shall not be
exceeded. Neutral bus bar shall not be less then 50 % of the phase bus cross section. The
interconnection of cable inside SDB shall be done with crimping type cable shoe of appropriate
size. The incommer MCCB shall have breaking capacity of 10 kA or higher at 400 volts and the
outgoing MCBs shall have breaking capacity of 9 KA or higher at 230 volts. All the outgoings
MCB shall be properly marked on the inner cover.


The underground LT and Ht cable shall be laid in a trench 1 m below the general ground level.
The bottom of the trench shall be leveled and brick trench shall be made as per drawing. The
cable shall be laid over the dry sand and covered by removable brick top cover. The inside cavity
of the trench shall be completely filled by dry sand. Wherever cable crosses road or drains, GI
sleeves pipes of approved diameter shall be provided.



Earthing shall be carried out as per drawing with 600 mm x 600 mm x 3.14 mm copper plate.
The earth resistance of the earthing electrode shall not exceed 3 ohms.

Station earth points shall be constructed to provide grounding points for all earth continuity
conductors used in this installation. Station earths shall be as specified in the appropriate Indian
Standards or equivalent. Bonding of the station earth to the main earth terminal inside the building
shall be with an earth conductor or strip not less than 50 sq. mm. in cross-sectional area.


A three phase assembly of pole-mounted, outdoor lightning arrestor of an approved manufacturer

shall be supplied, delivered, installed and commissioned to protect the system from lightning and
voltage surges. The arrestors shall be of the cathode drop type, rated at 9 kV, 10kA, 50 Hz for
operation in 11 kV system voltage. The lightning arrestors shall have undergone all routine tests and
certificates to this effect shall be submitted for approval. A name plate of stainless steel shall be
provided showing the following :
a. rated voltage,
b. rated frequency,
c. nominal discharge current, and
d. trade mark or name

Each lightning arrestor shall be complete with galvanized adjustable mounting brackets with nut-
bolts suitable for steel channel mounting.


E14.1 All wiring and conduiting of cable shall be concealed inside ceiling slab, Screeding work in
floor and wall.

E14.2 All the wiring conductors shall be of soft drawn annealed copper with HD insulation rated for
600 Volts. The cable shall be drawn in PVC conduits of size mentioned in the bill of quantity.
The minimum wall thickness of HDPE conduit shall be 2 mm.

E14.3. Maximum 6 nos. of 3/22 ( 1.5 sq. mm ) or 4 nos. of 3/20(2.5sq. mm) PVC insulated copper
wire along with an earth wire shall be allowed through a 20 mm internal dia. PVC conduit for
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 81
Lighting arrangement and maximum of 3 nos. 7/20 (4 sq mm) PVC insulated copper wire
along with an earth wire shall be allowed through a 20 mm internal dia. PVC conduit.

E14.4 All the HDPE conduits shall be single length without joint except in the junction box and
pillbox. Single conduit length above 15m shall be provided with a conveniently located pull
box. Pull box also shall be provided at the sharp bending of conduit.

E14.5. All wiring conductors shall be single length without joint except in the junction box. No cable
joint shall be allowed in the pull box.

E14.6. PVC insulated wire of different colors shall be used so that phases and neutral wires can be


Red - Phase 1
Yello - Phase II
Blue - Phase III
Black - Neutral
Earth - Ground (Earth)

E14.7. Junction box for branch circuit shall not be less than 6"4"2" made of 18SWG GI metal
sheet. The box shall be installed 180 mm below the ceiling and shall be covered by 8"6” ms
plate (18 SWG) with enamel of color matching with the wall.

E14.8. The metal box for switch, Bell Switch, Alarm shall be made of 18 SWG GI sheet, while shall
be fixed at the height of 50" (centre) from the finished floor.

E14.9. The metal box for Power, TV, Telephone, and Alarm shall be made of 18 SWG GI sheet, while
shall be fixed at the height of 14" (centre) from the finished floor.


MCCB /Surge Protector/ELCB Mitsubishi (All W series)/Terasaki,/Hitachi/ Fuji

MCB Legrand /HPL/ Clipsal /Havells, Euro
Conduits NS Standard HDPE Conduits
House Wiring cable Pioneer/Premier/ Prakash /Nepal Cable
Main Dist. Telecom cable Jelly Filled Cable
Power Cable Pioneer/Premier/ Prakash /Nepal Cable
Light switch PDL / ORANT 10 A capacity
Power socket Combined PDL / ORANT 10 A capacity
Telephone/TV/Computer sockets PDL / ORANT 10 A capacity
IDC Connector Krone
Fluorescent tube light fixtures GE/CG/Havells/Phillips/SCT
i. 1 x 40 Normal Box type CG - DJB1214/SCT-SSB140/HavellsHIF 31104
ii 2 x 40 Normal Box type CG- DJB1224/SCT-SSB240/Havells HIF 31204
Incandescent light fixtures GE/CG/SCT/Havells/Philips/Decon
i. 8” Ceilling Dome with 15 W PL Decon Type Flat dome/CG 1301/ Havells, Luna
ii 2 x 25 W Bathroom Mirror Light GE,SCT,CGoreqvt ( as approved by consultant)
iii. 60 W GLS in Bulkhead Bajaj,CG,CEor eqvt ( as approved by consultant
Ceiling fan Crompton,Highspeed / Havells- Velocity
Exhaust fan Crompton, TransAir / Bajaj/ Havells / Usha
Elect. Panel Board Fabricators MK Metal / Hyonjan Elect / Ohms Elect /Himalaya
Smoke, Heat Detector System Sensor
Manual Call Point KAC (UK)
Hooter DEVI/Minimax/Agni
Fire Alarm Panel Minimax/ DEVI/Globe
Transformer Transweld/NEEK
Generator FG Wilson/Mahkota/Scott & English or eqvt
Escalator, Passenger Lift Kone / Hoist (Germany- India) / Joong Ang
(Korea) /Ottis/ Omega (India)

i. The contractor must get written approval by the owner/ consultant, for the
samples before installation.

ii. Samples of the items whose standard make and model nos. are not indicated
shall be proposed with the proper identifications, proper technical specifications,
brochures, rate analysis while bidding and shall be submitted for approval by the
consultant before installation.


The steel tubular poles for LT lines and HT lines shall confirm to IS 2713 (Part I and II) 1980.
The poles shall be swaged type and made from steel having breaking load of 451 Kg. The
dimension of the pole shall be as described below. The pole shall be complete with a cast iron,
beset type cap with 3 Nos. of equally spaced screws. The poles shall be complete with 6 mm
thick 300 mm x 300 mm mild steel base plate welded at the larger end. The poles shall be painted
throughout inside with a bituminous preservative compound and outside shall be painted with a
coat of red oxide primer and two coats of aluminum paint. At the bottom of the pole 2 m coal tar
varnish shall be painted over the outer surface.

Dimension of 9m high steel tubular pole :

Bottom section - 127 mm outer dia, 4.5 mm thick, 5 m length

Middle section - 108 mm outer dia, 3.65 mm thick, 2 m length
Top Section - 76 mm outer dia, 3.25 mm thick, 2 m length

Dimension of 11m high steel tubular pole :

Bottom section - 165.1 mm outer dia, 5.4 mm thick, 5.6 m length.

Middle section - 139.7 mm outer dia, 4.4 mm thick, 2.7 m length
Top Section - 114.3 mm outer dia, 3.65 mm thick, 2.7 m length


The transformer shall be outdoor type suitable for pad (floor) mounting, copper wound with
'Delta' connection on H. V. side and 'Star' connection on L.V. side with neutral brought out. The
temperature rise shall not exceed 400 C by thermometer in oil.

Specification of transformer :
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 83
a. Capacity - 200 KVA
b. Phase - 3 Phase
c. Voltage ratio - 11 KV/400V at No Load
d. Frequency - 50 Hz
e. Rating - Continuous
f. Cooling - 'ON'
g. Tapping range - Tapping shall be on H. V. side for a variation of No load
primary voltage of  2.5% and  5%. Tap changing
shall have to be carried out by means of externally
operated tapping switch provided with position
indicator and locking devices.
h. Vector group - DY n 11

The transformer shall have the following fittings :

a. Oil Gauge
b. Drain valve with plug
c. Two earthing terminal
d. Filling hole and plug
e. Lifting Handle
f. Thermometer Pocket
g. Silica gel breather with oil seal
h. Explosion vent
i. Conservator tank with oil level indicator
j. Diagram and rating plate
k. 10 cm dial type thermometer with maximum reading pointer and resetting device fitted
with alarm and trip contacts.


The diesel generator should be specially designed for low noise with sound attenuated canopy
including automatic load transfer panel with the following general specifications:

Diesel Engine :

6 cylinder in line, 4 stroke cycle, industrial Diesel engine with direct injection, compression
ignition, continuously rated and capable of sustaining a 10% overload for one hour in a 12 hour
running period, turbo charged, 1500 rpm, automatic voltage regulating system with following
fittings :

a) Flywheel to suit flexible coupling.

b) Oil bath type air cleaner
c) Low noise exhaust silencer.
d) Safety control for low lubricating oil pressure.
e) 2 Nos. of 12 volts batteries with adequate amp-hr capacity.
f) Fuel transfer pump.
g) Lubricating oil filter.
Engine Operating Panel :
The panel shall comprise of the followings:
a) Tachometer with hour meter
b) Temperature gauge
c) Lubricating oil pressure gauge
d) Starter switch with key.
e) Battery charging ammeter
f) Speed control knob
g) Emergency stop button

Alternator :

The alternator shall be of 100 KVA continuous rated, 3 phases, 50 Hz, 400 volts, 4 wire,
brushless excitation with automatic voltage regulator, manual voltage adjusting potentiometer
and under speed protection. The excitation system shall have rapid response to load variation.

Generator Control Panel :

The control panel shall have :

a. TP MCCB as main protection

b. Voltmeter with selector switch
c. Ammeter with selector switch
d. Frequency meter
e. KW meter
f. Battery voltmeter
g. Battery charging ammeter

Automatic Safety Protection :

The diesel generator set shall have automatic protection against the following conditions:
a. Lower lubricating oil pressure
b. High engine temperature
c. Over speed
d. Fail to start

The generator set should be equipped with automatic transfer Switch, in order to change over the
power in case of city supply failure.

Sound Proof Canopy:

Sound Proof canopy of manufacturer‟s standard sound level must be quoted with the generator
set. The sound level should be 68dB/m or better. The canopy should also be equipped with the
sound level measuring devices.

Catalogues for operation, maintenance manual and spare parts list for 5000 operating hours shall
be included. The generator set shall include a set of standard tools and standard spare parts for
1000 hr operation



This shall be fabricated from 2 nos. of 3/4'' L-section ms channel (3mm thick) separated at 12''
wide with 3 mm ms flat as spacer welded with L-section ms channels. The other details are
shown in the drawing. The channel and the flat shall be thoroughly cleaned by the sand paper
before applying two coats of red oxide primer and then two final cots of enamel of Grey color
shall be painted. Every pieces of cable tray shall be connected to the MDB earthing with proper
screws and 4 sq mm copper cable with cable shoe. A single length of L-section channel shall not
Procurement of Works- Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure | 85
be less than 4m without joints. The cable tray shall be clamped by down rod at an interval of 1m
in horizontal as well as in vertical run. The down rod shall be fixed to concrete ceiling or wall
with the help of Raw bolt (expansion bolts) with projection bolt. No right angle turning shall be
made in cable tray. At such turning, mild curvature shall be provided so that the cable can be
turned without damage.


The trunk shall be fabricated with


The Following equipment and material shall be tested before installation.

- Underground cable

The insulation resistance for underground cable shall be less than 50 mega ohms.


All the items of work shall be measured in the unit specified in the BOQ. A set shall be
considered as a complete set of the item of work described in the BOQ including all the
necessary fixing accessories to complete that item of work.

- A light point wiring includes the cost of PVC conduit, wire, junction box, pull box, other fixing
accessories to complete the wiring from DB to a light point via junction box and switch. A
light fixture set shall be counted as a point, which shall include the wiring to junction box and
switch. Junction box shall not be counted as a point wiring.

- A power socket point wiring includes the cost of PVC conduit, wire, junction box, pull box, other
fixing accessories to complete the wiring from DB to a socket point via pull box. A power
socket shall be counted as a point.

- All the main cables, except point wiring, shall be running meter.


After completion of work, following tests shall be performed before commissioning the system.

E22.1 Testing Insulation Resistance between Line and Earth

The insulation resistance between a line and earth shall be checked by a 500 Volt megger. The
phase conductor is connected to the terminal marked "Line" on the megger and terminal marked
"Earth" is connected to the earth continuity conductor or an efficient earth. This test shall be
performed with all fuse links in place, all switches 'ON' and all lamps in position. The result must
not be less than 50 mega ohms divided by number of outlets. The test shall be performed for all
outgoing circuits of main control panel, Feeder Post, MDB and DB.

E22.2 Testing insulation resistance between line to line

This test shall be performed with all lamps removed and all switches 'ON'. The result must not be
again less than 50 mega ohms divided by numbers of outlets. This test also shall perform for all
outgoing circuits of main control panel, feeder post, MDB and DB.

E22.3 Test should be made to verify that all single pole switches are on phase conductor and not on the
neutral or earth conductor.
If the above results tests are not satisfactory, the contractor shall rectify the faults, at his own cost
until the require results are obtained. These test shall be carried out, without any charge, by the
contractor in the presence of the consultant.


After all tests on the completed installation have been approved, the Contractor shall prepare and
submit two copies along with the original set of as-installed Electrical Drawings in hard-bound
covers for subsequent maintenance and operation. These shall clearly indicate
a. conduit runs and sizes with the number and size of cables enclosed in the conduit and the
location of intermediate conduit accessories such as pull boxes, outlets etc;
b. distribution patterns and circuits in main and sub-distribution and the controlling switchgear;
c. location of earth stations and conductors;
d. location of all electrical appliances, equipment and components; underground and over ground
cable routes, sizes, cable trays and ducts provide
Personnel Requirements
Using Form PER-1 and PER-2 in Section IV (Bidding Forms), the Bidder must demonstrate it has personnel that
meet the following requirements:

Sl. No. Position Required No Academic Qualification Total Work Experience Experience in Similar
(years) Works (years)
1 Civil Engineer 1 Bachelors in Civil 3 1
Engineering or Equivalent
Equipment Requirements
Using Form EQU in Section IV(Bidding Forms), the Bidder must demonstrate it has the key equipment listed

Sl. No. Equipment Type and Characteristics Minimum Number Requirement

1 Concrete Mixer 1

2 Tipper 1
Bill of Quantities
Preamble of Bill of Quantities

A. General
1. The Bill of Quantities shall be read in conjunction with the Instructions to Bidders, General and Special
Conditions of Contract, Technical Specifications, and Drawings.

2. The quantities given in the Bill of Quantities are estimated and provisional, and are given to provide
a common basis for bidding. The basis of payment will be the actual quantities of work ordered and
carried out, as measured by the Contractor and verified by the Project Manager and valued at the
rates and prices bid in the priced Bill of Quantities, where applicable, and otherwise at such rates
and prices as the Project Manager may fix within the terms of the Contract.

3. For any item for which measurement is based on records made before or during construction the records
shall be prepared and agreed between the Engineer and the Contractor. Should the Contractor carry out
such work without the prior agreement of the Engineer, the Engineer may request the Contractor to carry
out investigations to confirm the extent of the work and the quantity of work certified for payment shall be
solely at the Engineer's discretion. The cost of any such investigation shall be borne by the Contractor.

4. The rates and prices bid in the priced Bill of Quantities shall, except as otherwise provided under the
Contract, include all construction equipment, labor, supervision, materials, erection, maintenance,
insurance, profit, taxes, and duties, together with all general risks, liabilities, and obligations set out or
implied in the Contract.

5. A rate or price shall be entered against each item in the priced Bill of Quantities, whether quantities
are stated or not. The cost of items against which the Contractor has failed to enter a rate or price shall
be deemed to be covered by other rates and prices entered in the Bill of Quantities.

6. The whole cost of complying with the provisions of the Contract shall be included in the Items provided in
the priced Bill of Quantities, and where no Items are provided, the cost shall be
deemed to be distributed among the rates and prices entered for the related Items of Work.

7. General directions and descriptions of work and materials are not necessarily repeated nor summarized
in the Bill of Quantities. References to the relevant sections of the Contract documentation shall be
made before entering prices against each item in the priced Bill of Quantities. The Specification Clause
references where given in the item description of the Bills of Quantities are for the convenience of bidders
and generally refer to the principal relevant- specification clause but do not necessarily represent the whole
of the specification requirements for the work required within the item. The presence of a Specification
clause reference shall not in any way reduce the Bidders obligation to complete work in accordance with
all the requirements of the Specification.

8. Provisional Sums included and so designated in the Bill of Quantities shall be expended in whole or
in part at the direction and discretion of the Project Manager in accordance with the Conditions of

9. The method of measurement of completed work for payment shall be in accordance with the Specifications.

10. The abbreviations and symbols used in this Bill of Quantities are:
[Insert as applicable]
B. Day work Schedule

a) General
1. Work shall not be executed on a day work basis except by written order of the Project Manager. Bidders
shall enter basic rates for day work items in the Schedules. These rates shall apply to any quantity of day
work ordered by the Project Manager. Nominal quantities have been indicated against each item of day
work, and the extended total for day work shall, be carried forward as a Provisional Sum to the Summary
Total Bid Amount. Unless otherwise adjusted, payments for day work shall be subject to price adjustment
in accordance with the provisions in the Conditions of Contract.
b) Day work Labor
1. In calculating payments due to the Contractor for the execution of day works, the hours for labor will be
reckoned from the time of arrival of the labor at the job site to execute the particular item of day work to the
time of departure from the job site, but excluding meal breaks and rest periods. Only the time of classes of
labor directly doing work ordered by the Project Manager and are competent to perform such work will be
measured. The time of gangers (charge hands) actually doing work with the gangs will also be measured
but not the time of foremen or other supervisory personnel.
2. The Contractor shall be entitled to payment in respect of the total time that labor is employed on day work,
calculated at the basis rates entered by it in the " SCHEDULE OF DAY WORK RATES: 1. LABOR". The
rates for labor shall be deemed to cover all costs to the Contractor including (but not limited to) i) the amount
of wages paid to such labor, transportation time, overtime, subsistence allowances, ii) any sums paid to or
on behalf of such labor for social benefits in accordance with Nepal law, iii) Contractor's profit, overheads,
superintendence, liabilities and insurance and iv) charges incidental to the foregoing.
c) Day work Equipment
1. The Contractor shall be entitled to payments in respect of Constructional Plant already on site and employed
on day work at the basis rental rates entered by him in the “SCHEDULE OF DAY WORK RATES:2
EQUIPMENT ”. The said rates shall be deemed to include due and complete allowance for depreciation,
interest, indemnity and insurance, repairs, maintenance, supplies, fuel, lubricant, and other consumables and
all overhead, profit and administrative costs related to the use of such equipment. The cost of drivers,
operators and assistants also shall be included in the rate of the equipment and no separately payment shall
be made for it.
2. In calculating the payment due to the Contractor for Constructional Plant employed on day work, only the
actual number of working hours will be eligible for payment, except that where applicable and agreed with
the Project Manager, the travelling time from the part of the Site where the Construction Plant was located
when ordered by the Project Manager to be employed on day work and the time for return journey there to
shall be included for payment.
d) Day work Materials
1. The Contractor shall be entitled to payment in respect of materials used for day work (except for materials
for which the cost is included in the percentage addition to labor costs as detailed heretofore), at the rates
entered by him in the "SCHEDULE OF DAY WORK RATES: 3 MATERIALS" and shall be deemed to
include overhead charges and profit as follows;
(i) the rates for materials shall be calculated on the basis of the invoiced price, freight, insurance, handling
expenses, damage, losses, etc. and shall provide for delivery to store for stockpiling at the Site.
(ii) the cost of hauling materials for use on work ordered to be carried out as day work, from the store or
stockpile on the Site to the place where it is to be used also shall be include in the same rate.
Provisional Sums
A general provision for physical contingencies (quantity overruns) may be made by including a provisional
sum in the Summary Bill of Quantities. Similarly, a contingency allowance for possible price increases should
be provided as a provisional sum in the Summary Bill of Quantities. The inclusion of such provisional sums
often facilitates budgetary approval by avoiding the need to request periodic supplementary approvals as the
future need arises. Where such provisional sums or contingency allowances are used, the SCC should state the
manner in which they will be used, and under whose authority (usually the Project Manager’s).

The estimated cost of specialized work to be carried out, or of special goods to be supplied, by other
contractors should be indicated in the relevant part of the Bill of Quantities as a particular provisional sum with
an appropriate brief description. A separate procurement procedure is normally carried out by the Employer
to select such specialized contractors. To provide an element of competition among the Bidders in respect of
any facilities, amenities, attendance, etc., to be provided by the successful Bidder as prime Contractor for the
use and convenience of the specialist contractors, each related provisional sum should be followed by an item
in the Bill of Quantities inviting the Bidder to quote a sum for such amenities, facilities, attendance, etc.
Bill of Quantities
1 Provisional Sum
Procument Item Details

Item Description Unit Quantity Unit Rate(NPR) Amount(NPR)
1 Safety Equipment at each of the site offices PS 1.0 56500.0 56,500.00

2 Insurance for the work PS 1.0 979354.51 979,354.51

3 As built Drawing preparation PS 1.0 250436.21 250,436.21

4 Material Lab. Test PS 1.0 192100.0 192,100.00

5 Carpert and Curtain PS 1.0 1102195.03 1,102,195.03

2 Construction work
2.1 Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work

2.1.1 Building construction work Civil Works

Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Cutting of grass, taking of root &
cutting of raised soil & site leveling as
1 m2 534.25
per drawing, specification &
instruction by Engineer all complete.
Earthwork in excavation of ordinary
soil in foundation trenches of pits, etc.
2 including 10m lead and 1.5m lift as m3 679.84
per drawing, specification &
instruction by Engineer all complete.
Earth filling work with same soil in
every 15-15 cm. layer with watering &
lead upto 10.00 mtr. & proper manual
3 m3 838.86
compaction as per drawing,
specification & instruction by
Engineer all complete.
Earth filling work (with imported soil)
in every 15-15 cm. layer with watering
4 & proper manual compaction as per m3 967.72
drawing, specification & instruction
by Engineer all complete.
Flat Brick soiling in foundation and
flooring with brick in true line & level
including watering and ramming all
5 m2 745.44
complete as per drawing, specification
& instruction of engineer all
Supplying mixing, placing,
compacting machine mixed plain
cement concrete of 1:3:6 (1 Cement :
3 Sand : 6 Aggregate 20 mm and
6 m3 65.09
down well graded) excluding the cost
of reinforcement bars & formwork as
per drawing, specification and
instruction by Engineer all complete.
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Supplying mixing, placing,
compacting machine mixed plain
cement concrete of 1:2:4 (1 Cement :
2 Sand : 4 Aggregate 20 mm and
7 m3 5.89
down well graded) excluding the cost
of reinforcement bars & formwork as
per drawing, specification and
instruction by Engineer all complete.
Supplying mixing, placing,
compacting machine mixed reinforced
cement concrete of 1:1.5:3 (1 Cement
: 1.5 Sand : 3 Aggregate 20 mm and
8 m3 565.23
down well graded) excluding the cost
of reinforcement bars & formwork as
per drawing, specification and
instruction by Engineer all complete.
Supplying, Cutting, bending and
bindling reinforcement bar including
9 30 m haulage for RCC works as per MT 101.05
drawing, specification and instruction
by engineer all complete.
Providing, placing, fixing centering
and shuttering for plywood or steel
formwork for slabs, walls, columns
and beams (with necessary provision
of extenstion of reinforcement for well
10 ties) and other RCC works including m2 4227.57
nails, propping supports and bracings
of steel pipes all complete as per
drawing specification & approval of
engineer. (Assume considering 6 times
use of formwork).
Providing & laying First class
chimney made brick masonry work in
foundation and Ground level with 1:4
cement sand mortar (1 cement : 4
sand) including lead upto 30 m curing,
11 m3 207.62
cleaning & racking out mortar joint
and making ducts, recesses where
required including scaffolding as per
drawing, specifcation and instruction
by Engineer all complete.
Providing & laying First class
chimney made brick masonry work
above Ground Floor with 1:4 cement
sand mortar (1 cement : 4 sand)
including lead upto 30 m curing,
12 m3 210.91
cleaning & racking out mortar joint
and making ducts, recesses where
required including scaffolding as per
drawing, specifcation and instruction
by Engineer all complete.
Providing & laying First class
chimney made brick masonry work in
foundation and Ground level with 1:6
cement sand mortar (1 cement : 6
sand) including lead upto 30 m curing,
13 m3 13.03
cleaning & racking out mortar joint
and making ducts, recesses where
required as per drawing, specifcation
and instruction by Engineer all
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Supplying and filling broken bricks
for soaking purpose on soak pit as per
14 m3 1.0
drawing, specification & instruction
by Engineer all complete.
Providing and applying cement plaster
on ceiling of 12.5 mm th. (1:3) cement
sand mortar in perfect line level and
15 m2 562.05
plumb including scafolding as per the
drawings, specifications & instruction
by Engineer all complete.
Providing and applying cement plaster
on Wall of 12.5 mm th. (1:4) cement
sand mortar in perfect line level and
16 m2 5423.98
plumb including scafolding as per the
drawings, specifications &
instructions by engineer all complete.
Providing Birla or equivalent brand
wall putty over the plastered surface
including necessary hacking, chipping,
17 m2 4550.55
application, sanding of surface as per
drawings, specification & instruction
by Engineer all complete.
Waterproofing Treatment by
Crystallization Process by applying to
two coats of permaseal as per
18 m2 580.66
drawings, specification & instruction
by Engineer all complete. (Water tank,
Terrace, Toilet etc)
Providing and painting with two or
more coats of Berger/Asian or
equivalent Easy clean emulsion paint
19 over one coat of primer to give even m2 4550.55
shade as per drawings, specifications
and instructions by Engineer all
Providing and painting with two or
more coats of Berger/Asian or
equivalent Weather coat paint over
20 m2 2153.68
one coat of primer to give even shade
as per drawings, specifications and
instructions by Engineer all complete.
Providing and applying two coats of
Synthetic Enamel Paint over
timber/iron surface including one coat
21 of primer to give an even and uniform m2 172.27
shade as per drawing, specification
and instrucitons by Engineer all
Providing & fixing in position well
seasoned & dressed Agrakh wood for
Doors, Windows & Ventilators frame
fixed with 6 nos. 300 x 20 x 6mm long
22 MS Holdfast fixed with screw m3 3.16
excluding the cost of 1:2:4 (300 x 100
x 100mm) concrete block all complete
as per drawing, specification and
instruction of Engineer all complete.
Providing & fixing 38 mm thick flush
door (both side teak ply (PF/BST)
with 3 nos. 100 mm long brass Hinges
including the cost of 150mm brass
23 m2 128.83
long tower bolts with Mortice Lock all
complete as per drawing, specification
& instruction of Engineer all
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Providing & fixing 38x100mm sal
wood frame double leaf door with
12mm commercial plywood and 4mm
24 m2 22.08
teak ply laminated on both side as per
drawings, specification & instruction
of Engineeer all complete.
UPVC Sliding window with net
(frame 50*80mm, sash 58*36mm,
25 white colour with 5mm glass) as per m2 225.45
drawings, specification & instruction
of Engineer all complete.
UPVC Casement window (frame
60*60 , sash 60*78 white colour with
26 5mm glass) as per drawings, m2 36.0
specification & instruction of
Engineer all complete.
Supplying and installation of UPVC
sliding door with net (frame
52*88mm, sash 88*42mm, white
27 m2 34.56
colour with 5mm glass) as per
drawings, specification & instruction
of Engineer all complete.
UPVC Double frame door (frame
60x60mm, sash 60x104mm ) white
28 colour with 5 mm glass as per m2 3.15
drawings, specification & instruction
of Engineer all complete.
Providing and and laying 16 mm
Granite with 12.5 mm 1:3 cement
mortar including joint filling,
29 m2 289.22
polishing with approved chemicals as
per drawing, specifications & approval
of engineer all Complete.
Providing and laying cement concrete
flooring of 38mm thickness in
volumetric proportion 1:2:4 (1cement
30 : 2sand : 4coarse aggregate 12mm and m2 801.3
down grade) in floor as per drawings,
specifications and instructions of
Engineer all complete.
Net Cement Punning works over the
Screeding works including necessary
31 curing as per drawings, specifications m2 956.75
and instructions of Engineer all
12"x12" GRES Virtifried Parking Tile
as per NS standard of manufactured
32 country as per drawings, specifications m2 20.38
and instructions of Engineer all
Providing and laying porceline glazed
tile (NS) flooring with 1:4 cement
sand mortar in perfect line & level
33 m2 236.96
including scaffolding, curing, etc. as
per drawings, specifications and
instructions of Engineer all complete.
Providing and laying porceline
Unglazed tile flooring (NS ) with 1:4
cement sand mortar in perfect line &
34 level including scaffolding, curing, m2 496.26
etc. as per drawings, specifications
and instructions of Engineer all
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Providing and laying porceline floor
tile flooring (NS) with 1:4 cement
sand mortar in perfect line & level
35 m2 339.47
including scaffolding, curing, etc. as
per drawings, specifications and
instructions of Engineer all complete.
Laying Wooden Parquet (Sisam
wood) and polishing with sand paper
36 m2 160.11
as per drawings, specifications and
instructions of Engineer all complete.
Laying 12mm thick 100mm height
Sisam wooden Parquet Skirting as per
37 m2 12.3
drawings, specifications and
instructions of Engineer all complete.
60 mm thick (M35) multi color
interlocking block over 50 mm thick
38 Crusser dust laying work as per m2 109.47
drawings, specifications & instruction
of Engineer all complete.
Nosing work at granite flooring on
staircase as per drawings, specification
39 rm 1102.8
& instruction of Engineer all
Providing fitting, fixing 12mm
Gypsum Board designed false ceiling
with G.I frame including all necessary
40 m2 828.09
material as per drawings,
specifications & instruction of
Engineer all complete.
12x12 mm solid core square rod M. S.
grill with 20x20x4.5 Metal frame @
41 100mm c/c spacing as per drawings, m2 98.1
specification & instruction of
Engineer all complete.
Supplying fabrication and installation
of 90cm height railing with 50mm dia
handrail pipe, 2 layer 38mm dia
42 m 55.84
stainless steel pipe, 50mm vertical
pipe as per drawings, specification &
instruction of Engineer all complete.
Fabrication and instillation of all types
of black iron pipe with primer paint
43 for roof truss & parapet railings as per Kg 2099.19
drawings, specification & instruction
of Engineer all complete.
Providing and laying 3mm plain fibre
glass sheet for roofing works as per
44 m2 55.21
drawing, specification and instrucitons
by Engineer all complete.
Supplying Hand Pump Works with
Tube well Head HLC No. 6, 20kg,
40mm Dia HDPE Pipe, NS 40,
6kgf/cm2, 40mm Dia GI Pipe Medium
45 Set 1.0
Duty and other necessary fiiting as per
specification and instruction of site
engineer. v(Sludge/Manual
Rotary/Bogie Method)-100m Boring
Providing and fixing Structural
Glazing section size101*50*1.6mm
thickness aluminium frame with 5 mm
46 reflective glass and all necessary m2 96.95
fittings as per drawing, specification
and instrucitons by Engineer all
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Sand mixed Gravel filling work with
proper manual compaction as per
47 m3 73.38
drawing, specification and instrucitons
by Engineer all complete.
Providing and laying M20/20 precast
or cast in situ concrete in kerbs with
12mm thick 1:3 cement sand mortar
bedding and joints including fundation
48 rm 213.94
excavation levellig etc. (kerb stone
size 250*200*380mm) as per
drawings, specifications & instruction
of Engineer all complete. Electrical Works

Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
delivery, installation of Main
distribution panel wall mountable,
push button lock and made of 16
SWG MS metal sheet including
neutral bar and phase bar and adequate
space for incomming and outgoing
cable with all the chiselling of wall
fixing mortar and civil works with
complete internal wiring as per the
drawing, specification, instruction ,
electricity rules all complete. (
Make: MCCB/MCB-Seimens/ABB or
equi.) Main DB Incomming: 1 Nos.
1 Set 1.0
150 A 4P , ATS1 no 150 A TPN
MCCB 2 no 50 A TPN MCCB 12 No
16-32 A TPN MCCB 2 No. 100A TP
MCCB 1 set of TP & N copper
busbar of at least 200 A capacity
complete with terminal lugs and
solderless connectors.1set 0-500 V
voltmeter with selector switch and
protection fuses.1 set 0-400 A
Ampermeter with selector switch and
necessary accessories.1 set of
Indicator lamps1 set of copper ground
bus complete with a terminal lug for
terminating copper ground wires.
Supply, delivery, installation of Main
distribution panel wall mountable,
push button lock and made of 16
SWG MS metal sheet including
neutral bar and phase bar and adequate
space for incomming and outgoing
cable with all the chiselling of wall
2 fixing mortar and civil works with set 2.0
complete internal wiring as per the
drawing, specification, instruction ,
electricity rules all complete. (Make:
MCCB/MCB - Seimens/ABB or
DB-2m 1 nos 63 A DP MCB 5 nos 32-
16 A DP MCB N-link & E-link
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Supply, delivery, installation of Main
distribution panel wall mountable,
push button lock and made of 16
SWG MS metal sheet including
neutral bar and phase bar and adequate
space for incomming and outgoing
cable with all the chiselling of wall
fixing mortar and civil works with
complete internal wiring as per the
3 drawing, specification, instruction , set 6.0
electricity rules all complete. (Make:
MCCB/MCB - Seimens/ABB or
equi.), GF-DB-1, FF-DB-1, SF-DB-1,
GF-DB-2, FF-DB-2, SF-DB-2 Circuit
breakers: Incoming: 1 nos 16 A TPN
MCB Outgoings: 15 nos 6/16 A SP
MCB N-link & E-link UPS Supply: 1
nos 25 A DP MCB 13 nos 6/10 A SP
Supply, delivery, installation of Main
distribution panel wall mountable,
push button lock and made of 16
SWG MS metal sheet including
neutral bar and phase bar and adequate
space for incomming and outgoing
cable with all the chiselling of wall
fixing mortar and civil works with
complete internal wiring as per the
4 set 2.0
drawing, specification, instruction ,
electricity rules all complete.
(Make: MCCB/MCB - Seimens/ABB
or equi.), OUTDOOR-DB , Circuit
breakers: Incoming : 1 nos 16 A TPN
MCB Outgoings : 9 nos 6/16 A SP
MCB N-link & E-link, UPS Supply: 1
nos 25 A DP MCB 6 nos 6/10 A SP
Supply, delivery, laying, connecting,
testing and commissioning of the
following Armoured /unarmoured
PVC insulated and sheathed power
cables and wires through PVC
pipe/HDP pipe/Listic (whichever
applicable) including cable
shoes/sockets cable clamps and
5 necessary connecting, fixing, earthing, rm. 60.0
chiselling of existing wall / ceiling and
redoing the chiselld area with cement
and sand mortar as per the drawings,
site conditions, specifications,
electricity rules and instructions all
complete. (Cable Make: Prakash/
Litmus/ Pioneer or equivalent): 4core,
16 Armoured Cupper cable
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Supply, delivery, laying, connecting,
testing and commissioning of the
following Armoured /unarmoured
PVC insulated and sheathed power
cables and wires through PVC
pipe/HDP pipe/Listic (whichever
applicable) including cable
shoes/sockets cable clamps and
6 necessary connecting, fixing, earthing, rm. 90.0
chiselling of existing wall / ceiling and
redoing the chiselld area with cement
and sand mortar as per the drawings,
site conditions, specifications,
electricity rules and instructions all
complete.( Cable Make: Prakash/
Litmus/Pioneer or equivalent ), 4core,
10 Armoured Cupper cable
Supply, delivery, laying, connecting,
testing and commissioning of the
following Armoured /unarmoured
PVC insulated and sheathed power
cables and wires through PVC
pipe/HDP pipe/Listic (whichever
applicable) including cable
shoes/sockets cable clamps and
7 necessary connecting, fixing, earthing, rm. 160.0
chiselling of existing wall / ceiling and
redoing the chiselld area with cement
and sand mortar as per the drawings,
site conditions, specifications,
electricity rules and instructions all
complete.( Cable Make: Prakash/
Litmus/Pioneer or equivalent ), 4core,
6 Armoured Cupper cable
Supply, delivery, laying, connecting,
testing and commissioning of the
following Armoured /unarmoured
PVC insulated and sheathed power
cables and wires through PVC
pipeHDP pipe/Listic (whichever
applicable) including cable
shoes/sockets cable clamps and
8 necessary connecting, fixing, earthing, rm. 160.0
chiselling of existing wall / ceiling and
redoing the chiselld area with cement
and sand mortar as per the drawings,
site conditions, specifications,
electricity rules and instructions all
complete.( Cable Make: Prakash/
Litmus/Pioneer or equivalent ), 4core,
4 Armoured Cupper cable
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Supply, delivery, laying, connecting,
testing and commissioning of the
following Armoured /unarmoured
PVC insulated and sheathed power
cables and wires through PVC
pipe/HDP pipe/Listic (whichever
applicable) including cable
shoes/sockets cable clamps and
9 necessary connecting, fixing, earthing, rm. 30.0
chiselling of existing wall / ceiling and
redoing the chiselld area with cement
and sand mortar as per the drawings,
site conditions, specifications,
electricity rules and instructions all
complete.( Cable Make: Prakash/
Litmus/Pioneer or equivalent ), 2core,
10 Armoured Cupper cable
Supply, delivery, laying, connecting,
testing and commissioning of the
following Armoured /unarmoured
PVC insulated and sheathed power
cables and wires through PVC
pipe/HDP pipe/Listic (whichever
applicable) including cable
shoes/sockets cable clamps and
10 necessary connecting, fixing, earthing, rm. 180.0
chiselling of existing wall / ceiling and
redoing the chiselld area with cement
and sand mortar as per the drawings,
site conditions, specifications,
electricity rules and instructions all
complete.( Cable Make: Prakash/
Litmus/Pioneer or equivalent ), 2core,
6 Armoured Cupper cable
Supply, delivery, laying, connecting,
testing and commissioning of the
following Armoured /unarmoured
PVC insulated and sheathed power
cables and wires through PVC
pipe/HDP pipe/Listic (whichever
applicable) including cable
shoes/sockets cable clamps and
11 necessary connecting, fixing, earthing, rm. 140.0
chiselling of existing wall / ceiling and
redoing the chiselld area with cement
and sand mortar as per the drawings,
site conditions, specifications,
electricity rules and instructions all
complete.( Cable Make: Prakash/
Litmus/Pioneer or equivalent ), 2core,
4 Armoured Cupper cable
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Supply, delivery, laying, connecting,
testing and commissioning of the
following Armoured /unarmoured
PVC insulated and sheathed power
cables and wires through PVC
pipe/HDP pipe/Listic (whichever
applicable) including cable
shoes/sockets cable clamps and
12 necessary connecting, fixing, earthing, rm. 60.0
chiselling of existing wall / ceiling and
redoing the chiselld area with cement
and sand mortar as per the drawings,
site conditions, specifications,
electricity rules and instructions all
complete.( Cable Make: Prakash/
Litmus/Pioneer or equivalent ),1core,
10 Flexiable Cupper cable
Supply, delivery, laying, connecting,
testing and commissioning of the
following Armoured /unarmoured
PVC insulated and sheathed power
cables and wires through PVC
pipe/HDP pipe/Listic (whichever
applicable) including cable
shoes/sockets cable clamps and
13 necessary connecting, fixing, earthing, rm. 120.0
chiselling of existing wall / ceiling and
redoing the chiselld area with cement
and sand mortar as per the drawings,
site conditions, specifications,
electricity rules and instructions all
complete.(Cable Make: Prakash/
Litmus/Pioneer or equivalent ), 1core,
6 Flexiable Cupper cable
Supply, delivery, laying, connecting,
testing and commissioning of the
following Armoured /unarmoured
PVC insulated and sheathed power
cables and wires through PVC
pipe/HDP pipe/Listic (whichever
applicable) including cable
shoes/sockets cable clamps and
14 necessary connecting, fixing, earthing, rm. 160.0
chiselling of existing wall / ceiling and
redoing the chiselld area with cement
and sand mortar as per the drawings,
site conditions, specifications,
electricity rules and instructions all
complete.( Cable Make: Prakash/
Litmus/Pioneer or equivalent ), 1core,
4 Flexiable Cupper cable
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Supplying the materials and
concealed wiring through ceiling, false
ceiling, wall of light points (the point
wiring should include light, fan outlet
of required length from control
devices/switches to a point) using 2x2.
5 sq mm Cu wire for light points in a
HDP pipe of size 20/25 mm. dia.
including 6 A Modular Switch, cable
15 pt. 472.0
shoes/sockets cable clamps and
necessary connecting, fixing,
chiselling of existing wall / ceiling and
redoing the chiselld area with cement
and sand mortar as per the drawings,
site conditions, specifications and
instruction all complete. (Make:
Cables- Prakash/ Litmus/Pioneer or
Supplying the materials and concealed
wiring through ceiling, false ceiling,
tables wall of power points (the point
wiring should include wiring between
the power points) using 2 x 2.5 sq mm
.+1x1.5 sq mm Cu wire in a HDP pipe
of size 20/25 mm. dia. including cable
shoes/sockets cable clamps and
16 pt. 126.0
necessary connecting, fixing, earthing,
chiselling of existing wall / ceiling and
redoing the chiselled area with cement
and sand mortar as per the drawings,
site conditions ,specifications and
instruction all complete. (Make:
Cables- prakash/ Litmus/Pioneer or
Supplying the materials and concealed
wiring through ceiling, false ceiling,
tables wall of power points (the point
wiring should include wiring between
the power points) using 2 x 4 sq mm .
+1x2.5 sq mm Cu wire in a HDP pipe
of size 20/25 mm. dia. including cable
shoes/sockets cable clamps and
17 pt. 17.0
necessary connecting, fixing, earthing,
chiselling of existing wall / ceiling and
redoing the chiselled area with cement
and sand mortar as per the drawings,
site conditions, specifications and
instruction all complete. (Make:
Cables- prakash/ Litmus/Pioneer or
Supply, delivery, installation, testing
and commissioning of the following
light fixtures with all the acessories
including the necessary connection,
fixing and insulating materials as per
18 the electricity rule, drawings, site no. 78.0
conditions, specifications and
instructions all complete. (Make-
Crompotom/ Phillips/ Wipro or
equivalent, 36 W LED Surface/Recess
type light fixtures
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Supply, delivery, installation, testing
and commissioning of the following
light fixtures with all the acessories
including the necessary connection,
fixing and insulating materials as per
19 the electricity rule, drawings, site no. 18.0
conditions, specifications and
instructions all complete. (Make-
Crompotom/ Phillips/ Wipro or
equivalent, 18 W LED Surface/
Recess type light fixtures
Supply, delivery, installation, testing
and commissioning of the following
light fixtures with all the acessories
including the necessary connection,
fixing and insulating materials as per
20 the electricity rule, drawings, site no. 135.0
conditions, specifications and
instructions all complete. (Make-
Crompotom/ Phillips/ Wipro or
equivalent, 12 W LED Surface/Recess
type light fixtures
Supply, delivery, installation, testing
and commissioning of the following
light fixtures with all the acessories
including the necessary connection,
fixing and insulating materials as per
21 the electricity rule, drawings, site no. 138.0
conditions, specifications and
instructions all complete. (Make-
Crompotom/ Phillips/ Wipro or
equivalent, 6 W LED Surface/Recess
type light fixtures
Supply, delivery, installation, testing
and commissioning of the following
light fixtures with all the acessories
including the necessary connection,
fixing and insulating materials as per
22 the electricity rule, drawings, site nos 26.0
conditions, specifications and
instructions all complete. (Make-
Crompotom/ Phillips/ Wipro or
equivalent, 20 WATT LED TUBE
Supply, delivery, installation, testing
and commissioning of the following
light fixtures with all the acessories
including the necessary connection,
fixing and insulating materials as per
23 the electricity rule, drawings, site nos 21.0
conditions, specifications and
instructions all complete. (Make-
Crompotom/ Phillips/ Wipro or
equivalent, 10 WATT LED MIRROR
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Supply, delivery, installation, testing
and commissioning of the following
light fixtures with all the acessories
including the necessary connection,
fixing and insulating materials as per
24 the electricity rule, drawings, site nos 18.0
conditions, specifications and
instructions all complete. (Make-
Crompotom/ Phillips/ Wipro or
equivalent, 10 WATT LED
Supply, delivery, installation, testing
and commissioning of the following
light fixtures with all the acessories
including the necessary connection,
fixing and insulating materials as per
25 the electricity rule, drawings, site nos 24.0
conditions, specifications and
instructions all complete. (Make-
Crompotom/ Phillips/ Wipro or
equivalent, Ceilling Fan Make
Crompotom/ Usha or equvalent.
Supply, delivery, installation, testing
and commissioning of the following
light fixtures with all the acessories
including the necessary connection,
fixing and insulating materials as per
26 the electricity rule, drawings, site nos 14.0
conditions, specifications and
instructions all complete. (Make-
Crompotom/ Phillips/ Wipro or
equivalent, Exhaust Fan Make
Crompotom/ Usha or equvalent.
Supplying and fixing of following
switches, sockets including metal
boxes concealed inside wall and
accessories with necessary civil works
27 as per drawings, specifications, no. 163.0
electricity rules and instructions all
complete. (Make: Legrand, Northwest
or equivalent), 10/13 A, 5 pin,
Universal power socket
Supplying and fixing of following
switches, sockets including metal
boxes concealed inside wall and
accessories with necessary civil works
28 as per drawings, specifications, no. 62.0
electricity rules and instructions all
complete. (Make: Legrand, Northwest
or equivalent), 16 A, 3 pin, power
Supplying and fixing of following
switches, sockets including metal
boxes concealed inside wall and
accessories with necessary civil works
29 as per drawings, specifications, no. 24.0
electricity rules and instructions all
complete. (Make: Legrand, Northwest
or equivalent), 20 A, 3 pin, power
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Supply, installation, testing and
commissioning of following types of
Maintenance Free earthing system by
means of 3 meter long, 48 mm outer
dia intergrated with 100x32x6 mm
terminals filled with earth enhancing
coumpound in required quantity all
30 no 3.0
complete with 300 x300 x450 mm
masonry enclosure with pre cast cover
as per drawings, specifications,
electricity rules and instructions all
complete. All earthing arrangements
must comply with IS–3043, Copper
Supply, installation, testing and
commissioning of following types of
Maintenance Free earthing system by
means of 3 meter long, 48 mm outer
dia intergrated with 100x32x6 mm
terminals filled with earth enhancing
31 bags 6.0
coumpound in required quantity all
complete with 300 x300 x450 mm
masonry enclosure with pre cast
cover. All earthing arrangements must
comply with IS–3043, Earth
enhancing compound (25 KG Bag)
Supply, Insatllation, testing &
commissioning of Lightining
32 Protection Device as per drawings, set 2.0
specifications, electricity rules and
instructions all complete.
Supply and installation of 12 line
input and 48 line output EPABX
telephone exchange system with 1 set
33 of programmable master telephone set set 2.0
with all necessary accessories as per
specification, drawings and instruction
of the Consultant.
Supply, installation & testing of
Telephone Distribution Board (FDB
#0-1) wall mounted type made of 16
SWG mild steel cubical with 1 no. of
34 set 6.0
20 pair telephone cron-connector at
Ground floor as per specification,
drawings and instruction of the
Supply, laying and installation of 20
pairs telephone cable through HDPE
conduit from MDF at ground floor
35 inclusive of necessary conduits, cable rm 40.0
ties, clamp etc. as per specification,
drawings and instruction of the
Supply, laying and installation of 10
pairs telephone cable through HDPE
conduit from MDF at ground floor
36 inclusive of necessary conduits, cable rm 160.0
ties, clamp etc. as per specification,
drawings and instruction of the
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Supply, laying and installation of 5
pairs telephone cable through HDPE
conduit from MDF at ground floor
37 inclusive of necessary conduits, cable rm 60.0
ties, clamp etc. as per specification,
drawings and instruction of the
Supply, laying, testing &
commissioning of telephone point
wiring with 2 pair telephone cable
through 20 mm dia. HDPE conduit
38 pt. 66.0
from telephone Junction Box (TJB) to
telephone outlets with necessary civil
work as per specification, drawings
and instruction of the Consultant.
Supply, installation, testing &
commissioning of Telephone socket
39 as per specification, drawings and nos 66.0
instruction of the Consultant. (Make:
Legrand - Myrius white)
Supply, installation & testing of 24
Ports 10/1000 Base managed switch
40 with 12U rack, patch panel complete set 2.0
set as per specification, drawings and
instruction of the Consultant.
Supply, installation & testing of 16
Ports 10/1000 Base Unmanaged
switch with 6U rack, patch panel
41 set 4.0
complete set as per specification,
drawings and instruction of the
Wiring for computer outlets with CAT
6, 4 pair, computer cable in HDPE
conduit laid under floor/ wall/ ceiling
42 or tagged on furniture as per point 90.0
specification, drawings and instruction
of the Consultant. (Note: average
length per point =15 mtr.)
Supply and laying of CAT 6, 4 pair,
cable from server room to Switcher/
Junction Box in HDPE conduit
43 mtr. 250.0
through floor/ wall/ ceiling and ducts
as per specification, drawings and
instruction of the Consultant.
Supply and installation of wireless hub
for wireless networking purpose as
44 per specification, drawings and set 12.0
instruction of the Consultant. (Make:
D-Link, Cissco)
CAT 6, 4 PAIR, compatible RJ45
Computer Socket as per specification,
45 drawings and instruction of the no. 90.0
Consultant. (Make :
Supply, installation, interconnection
and putting into operation of 10
46 SINE WAVE as per specification, set 1.0
drawings and instruction of the
Consultant. (Make: SMARTEN
/Luminus or Equivalent)
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Supply, installation, interconnection
and 16 no of putting into operation of
12 V /150 AH TUBULAR Battery as
47 set 1.0
per specification, drawings and
instruction of the Consultant. (Make:
OKAYA/ Luminus or Equivalent)
Supply and installation of Air
Conditioning Units with necessary
installation of copper pipes, gas,
drainage pipes including laying,
cutting, jointing, making holes on
walls s or floor with sleeves and for
repairing the same to original finish all
48 set 6.0
complete with testing and ready for
operation as per design and
instruction. Wall Mounted Air
Conditioner Unit (1TON) Colling
Capacity : 3.6 KW Heating Capacity :
3.7 KW Power Supply: AC 1?, 220V-
Supply and installation of Air
Conditioning Units with necessary
installation of copper pipes, gas,
drainage pipes including laying,
cutting, jointing, making holes on
walls or floor with sleeves and for
repairing the same to original finish all
49 set 6.0
complete with testing and ready for
operation as per design and
instruction,Wall Mounted Air
Conditioner Unit (1.5TON) Colling
Capacity : 5.6 KW Heating Capacity :
6 KW Power Supply: AC 1?, 220V-
Supply and installation of Air
Conditioning Units with necessary
installation of copper pipes, gas,
drainage pipes including laying,
cutting, jointing, making holes on
walls or floor with sleeves and for
repairing the same to original finish all
50 set 6.0
complete with testing and ready for
operation as per design and
instruction, Wall Mounted Air
Conditioner Unit (2TON) Colling
Capacity : 6.8 KW Heating Capacity :
7 KW Power Supply: AC 1?, 220V-
Supply, Installation, Testing &
commissioning of interconnecting
refrigerant quality copper pipe work
between each set of indoor & outdoor
units. All copper rolls shall be new
brand and sealed packed before
51 rm 50.0
installation. All ends to be capped
before installing to the units, 6.4 mm/
12.7 mm copper pipe with insulation (.
75 to 1.5 ton ) as per specification,
drawings and instruction of the
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Providing and fixing of 20mm CPVC
drain piping complete with fittings,
MS supports and hangers with 6mm
52 rm 60.0
thick close cell insulation as per
specification, drawings and instruction
of the Consultant.
Supply and installation of ODU frame
angle for outdoor unit support as per
53 L/S 1.0
specification, drawings and instruction
of the Consultant. Sanitary Works

Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Supplying and fixing Indian pattern
white glazed Porcelain clay One Piece
type Comode with 'P ' & 's ' trap and
slow falling seat cover with cistern,
1 pipe connector all complete set.( Set 16.0
Boolan, cera, Hindware, Parryware,
Somany,or equivalent) (64x35x70cm)
as per drawings, specification &
instruction of Engineer all complete.
Supplying and fixing Indian Pattern
white glaze Porcelain clay 50x40cm
Oval Wash basin with swan type piller
2 cock (Boolan, Hindware, Parryware, set 14.0
Classica, cera or equivalent ) as per
drawings, specification & instruction
of Engineer all complete.
Supplying and fixing C P 15 mmø
Angle valve with wall flange, cp
3 nipple all complete set as per nos 44.0
drawings, specification & instruction
of Engineer.
Supplying and fixing C P 15 mm
Comode spray with wall flange, cp
4 nipple all complete set as per nos 16.0
drawings, specification & instruction
of Engineer.
Supplying and fixing C P 15mm dia.
single lever wall (bath) mixer Exposed
type with inbuilt bath spout and
5 including telephonic shower with set 13.0
stand/clamp all complete as per
drawings, specification & instruction
of Engineer.
Supplying and fixing Looking Mirror
Modi guard 400x500mm as per
6 nos 14.0
drawings, specification & instruction
of Engineer all complete.
Supplying and fixing Chrome Plate
Toilet Paper Holder as per drawings,
7 nos 16.0
specification & instruction of
Engineer all complete.
Supplying and fixing Chrome Plate
Soap Dish as per drawings,
8 nos 14.0
specification & instruction of
Engineer all complete.
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Supplying and fixing C P towel rod
1.5x45cm (½"x 18") size as per
9 nos 14.0
drawings, specification & instruction
of Engineer all complete.
Supplying and Fixing HDPE roof
water tank With screw type cover
including drain hole, inlet outlet over
flow etc. all complete set .,HDPE
10 nos 4.0
water storage tank-1000 Ltr. (NS-353)
fitting with all complete as per
drawings, specification & instruction
of Engineer.
Supplying and Fixing Electric moter
Pump single or three phase phase with
base, nut and bolts all complete set
(Kirloskar, Compton,or equiv.), 2 H.P.
11 Set 2.0
Electrical motor water pump
Monoblock type as per drawings,
specification & instruction of
Supplying and Fixing Float switch
with panel for auto pump On and Off
and motor starter switch all complete
12 set with testing and ready for set 2.0
operation as per drawings,
specification & instruction of
Chlorinated Poly Vinyl Chloride pipe
(hot and cold). or equivalent with
CPVC fittings/ specials (Tees,
elbows, Unions etc) clamps (m.s plate
with nut and bolt with hexagonal
screws for clamp in ceiling, wall),
nails, including jointing materials,
installation of pipes and specials
13 Rm 138.0
including making holes on walls or
floor and repairing the same to its
original finish all complete set as per
specification and instruction. (Flow
guard or ISI standard) 20 mm CPVC
(Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride) Pipe
SDR 11 CTS, 28.1 kg/cm2
(Flowguard or ISI Standard)
Chlorinated Poly Vinyl Chloride pipe
(hot and cold) or equivalent with
CPVC fittings/ specials (Tees,
elbows, Unions etc) clamps (m.s plate
with nut and bolt with hexagonal
screws for clamp in ceiling,wall),
nails, including jointing materials,
installation of pipes and specials
14 Rm 193.0
including making holes on walls or
floor and repairing the same to its
original finish, all complete set as per
specification and instruction. (Flow
guard or ISI standard) 25 mm CPVC
(Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride) Pipe
SDR 11 CTS, 28.1 kg/cm2
(Flowguard or ISI Standard)
Supplying and fixing CPVC:-
Chlorinated Poly Vinyl Chloride valve
including jointing materials all
15 nos 18.0
complete set as per specification and
instruction. 20 mm CPVC Ball Valve,
CTS sockets
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Supplying and fixing CPVC:-
Chlorinated Poly Vinyl Chloride valve
including jointing materials all
16 nos 4.0
complete set as per specification and
instruction. 25 mm CPVC Ball Valve,
CTS sockets
Supplying and Fixing UPVC pipe
6kg/sqcm all complete set including
Fittings as Bend.Tee,Y-branch, vent
cowl etc. per specification and
17 Rm 226.0
instruction. (Panchakanya, Mangalam,
Nepatop, Supreme or equi. ), 75 mm
dia PVC Pipe 6 kg/cm2 with Fittings
all complete set.
Supplying and Fixing UPVC pipe
6kg/sqcm all complete set including
Fittings as Bend,Tee, Y-branch, vent
cowl etc. per specification and
18 Rm 154.0
instruction. (Panchakanya, Mangalam,
Nepatop, Supreme or equi. ), 110 mm
dia PVC Pipe 6 kg/cm2 with Fittings
all complete set.
Supplying and Fixing PVC Floor Trap
1x7.5cm (4" X 2½") as per drawings,
19 nos 29.0
specifications & instruction of
Engineer all complete.
Supplying and Fixing 110 mm Gully
trap/P trap as per drawings,
20 nos 6.0
specifications & instruction of
Engineer all complete.
Supplying and Fixing 75mm dia. Steel
split clamp with washer hexagon nut
21 with grip all complete as per drawings, set 130.0
specifications & instruction of
Supplying and Fixing 110mm dia.
Steel split clamp with washer hexagon
22 nut with grip all complete as per set 90.0
drawings, specifications & instruction
of Engineer.
Providing and laying non-pressure
NP2-NP3 class RCC pipes with
collars jointed with stiff mixture of
cement mortar in the proportion of 1:2
23 (1 cement : 2 find sand) including Rm 126.0
testing of joints etc. all complete. 150
mm RCC hump pipe NP2 with collar
as per drawings, specifications &
instruction of Engineer
Providing and laying non-pressure
NP2-NP3 class RCC pipes with
collars jointed with stiff mixture of
cement mortar in the proportion of 1:2
24 (1 cement : 2 find sand) including Rm 66.0
testing of joints etc. all complete. 200
mm RCC hump pipe NP2 with collar
as per drawings, specifications &
instruction of Engineer
Providing and laying ABC Dry
Powder Fire Extinguisher - 5 kg
capacity - Model # DP(SP) 5 of
25 Nos 12.0
MINIMAX, India as per drawings,
specifications & instruction of
Engineer all complete.
Procument Item Details

SL. Bidder's Rate Bidder's Rate (in Total Amount

Item Description Unit Quantity
No (NPR) words) (NPR)
Providing and laying Kitchen Sink
Stainless Steel 36" long 18" wide and
26 8" deep with sink cock all complete Nos 6.0
set as per drawings, specifications &
instruction of Engineer.
Providing and laying CI manhole
Cover(600x600)-22 Kg as per
27 Nos 2.0
drawings, specifications & instruction
of Engineer all complete.
Providing and laying Small Flat back
White glazed urinal (10.5"x14.5"x12.
28 5")cm all complete set as per Nos 4.0
drawings, specifications & instruction
of Engineer.
Total of Procument Items
Total Item Price


Grand Total
Table of Clauses

A.General ....................................................................................................................................

1. Definitions ...................................................................................................................................
2. Interpretation ..............................................................................................................................
3. Language and Law .....................................................................................................................
4. Contract Agreement ...................................................................................................................
5. Assignment .................................................................................................................................
6. Care and Supply of Documents .................................................................................................
7. Confidential Details ....................................................................................................................
8. Compliance with Laws ................................................................................................................
9. Joint and Several Liability ..........................................................................................................
10. Project Manager's Decisions ....................................................................................................
11. Delegation ................................................................................................................................
12. Communications .......................................................................................................................
13. Subcontracting ..........................................................................................................................
14. Other Contractors .....................................................................................................................
15 Personnel and Equipment .........................................................................................................
16. Employer’s and Contractor's Risk ............................................................................................
17. Employer’s Risks .....................................................................................................................
18. Contractor’s Risks ...................................................................................................................
19. Insurance ................................................................................................................................
20. Site Investigation Reports .......................................................................................................
21. Contractor to Construct the Works ...........................................................................................
22. The Works to Be Completed within intended Completion Date .............................................
23. Design by contractor and Approval by the Project Manager ...................................................
24. Safety, Security and Protection of the Environment ................................................................
25. Discoveries ..............................................................................................................................
26. Possession of the Site .............................................................................................................
27. Access to the Site ....................................................................................................................
28. Instructions, Inspections and Audits .......................................................................................
29. Dispute Settlement ..................................................................................................................
30. Procedures for Disputes ..........................................................................................................
B. Staff and Labor ......................................................................................................................

31. Forced Labor ............................................................................................................................

32. Child Labor ...............................................................................................................................
33. Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity ...............................................................................
B. Time Control ..........................................................................................................................

34. Program ...................................................................................................................................

35. Extension of the IntendedCompletion Date .............................................................................
36. Acceleration .............................................................................................................................
37. Delays Ordered by the Project Manager ................................................................................
38. Management Meetings ............................................................................................................
39. Early Warning ..........................................................................................................................
C. Quality Control ......................................................................................................................

40. Identifying Defects ....................................................................................................................

41. Tests .........................................................................................................................................
42. Correction of Defects ................................................................................................................
43. Uncorrected Defects .................................................................................................................
D. Cost Control ..........................................................................................................................

44. Contract Price ..........................................................................................................................

45. Changes in the Contract Price .................................................................................................
46. Variations .................................................................................................................................
47. Cash Flow Forecasts ................................................................................................................
48. Payment Certificates ................................................................................................................
49. Payments .................................................................................................................................
50. Compensation Events .............................................................................................................
51. Tax .........................................................................................................................................
52. Currency ..................................................................................................................................
53. Price Adjustment .....................................................................................................................
54. Retention .................................................................................................................................
55. Liquidated Damages ................................................................................................................
56. Bonus .......................................................................................................................................
57. Advance Payment ....................................................................................................................
58. Securities ..................................................................................................................................
59. Dayworks ..................................................................................................................................
60. Cost of Repairs ........................................................................................................................
F. Force Majeure ......................................................................................................................

61. Definition of Force Majeure ......................................................................................................

62. Notice of Force Majeure ...........................................................................................................
63. Duty to Minimize Delay .............................................................................................................
64. Consequences of Force Majeure .............................................................................................
65. Force Majeure Affecting Subcontractor ...................................................................................
66. Optional Termination, Payment and Release ..........................................................................
67. Release from Performance ......................................................................................................
G. Finishing the Contract .......................................................................................................

68. Completion .............................................................................................................................

69. Taking Over ............................................................................................................................
70. Final Account ...........................................................................................................................
71. Operating and Maintenance Manuals .....................................................................................
72. Termination ..............................................................................................................................
73. Fraud and Corruption ..............................................................................................................
74. Black Listing ............................................................................................................................
75. Payment upon Termination .....................................................................................................
76. Property ...................................................................................................................................
77. Release from Performance .....................................................................................................
78. Suspension of DP Loan/Credit/Grant .....................................................................................
79. Eligibility ....................................................................................................................................
80. Project Manager’s Duties and Authorities ...............................................................................
81. Quarries and Spoil Dumps .....................................................................................................
82. Local Taxation .........................................................................................................................
83. Value Added Tax .....................................................................................................................
84. Income Taxes on Staff ............................................................................................................
85. Duties, Taxes and Royalties ...................................................................................................
86. Member of Government, etc, not Personally Liable ...............................................................
87. Approval of Use of Explosives ................................................................................................
89. Permission for Blasting ............................................................................................................
90. Records of Explosives ............................................................................................................
91. Traffic Diversion ........................................................................................................................
General Conditions of Contract
General Conditions of Contract
This Section provides the General Conditions of Contract that will apply to the Contract for
which the Biding document is issued.
A. General
1. Definitions 1.1 Boldface type is used to identify defined terms.
(a) The Accepted Contract Amount means the amount accepted in the Letter
of Acceptance for the execution and completion of the Works and the
remedying of any defects.
(b) The Activity Schedule is a schedule of the activities comprising the
construction, installation, testing, and commissioning of the Works in a lump
sum contract. It includes a lump sum price for each activity, which is used for
valuations and for assessing the effects of Variations and Compensation Events.
(c) Bill of Quantities means the priced and completed Bill of Quantities forming
part of the Bid.
(d) Compensation Events are those defined in GCC 50 hereunder.
(e) The Completion Date is the date of completion of the Works as certified
by the Project Manager, in accordance with GCC 68.1.
(f) The Contract is the Contract between the Employer and the Contractor to
execute, complete, and maintain the Works. It consists of the documents listed in
GCC 2.3 below.
(g)The Contractor is the party whose Bid to carry out the Works has been
accepted by the Employer.
(h)The Contractor’s Bid is the completed bidding document submitted by the
Contractor to the Employer.
(i)The Contract Price is the Accepted Contract Amount stated in the Letter of
Acceptance and thereafter as adjusted in accordance with the Contract.
(j) Days are calendar days; months are calendar-months.
(k) Dayworks are varied work inputs subject to payment on a time basis for the
Contractor’s employees and Equipment, in addition to payments for associated
Materials and Plant.
(l) A Defect is any part of the Works not completed in accordance with the
(m) The Defects Liability Certificate is the certificate issued by Project Manager
upon correction of defects by the Contractor.
(n) The Defects Liability Period is the period calculated from the Completion
Date where the Contractor remains responsible for remedying defects.
(o) Drawings include calculations and other information provided or
approved by the Project Manager for the execution of the Contract.
(p) The Employer is the party who employs the Contractor to carry out the Works,
as specified in the SCC.
(q) Equipment is the Contractor’s machinery and vehicles brought temporarily
to the Site to construct the Works.
(r) Force Majeure means an exceptional event or circumstance: which is beyond a
Party's control; which such Party could not reasonably have provided against before
entering into the Contract; which, having arisen, such Party could not reasonably
have avoided or overcome; and, which is not substantially attributable to the other
(s) The Initial Contract Price is the Contract Price listed in the Employer’s Letter
of Acceptance.
(t) In writing or written means hand written, type written, printed or electronically
made, and resulting in permanent record.
(u) The Intended Completion Date is the date on which it is intended that the
Contractor shall complete the Works. The Intended Completion Date is specified
in the SCC. The Intended Completion Date may be revised only by the Project
Manager by issuing an extension of time or an acceleration order.
(v)Letter of Acceptance means the formal acceptance by the Employer of the
Bid and denotes the formation of the contract at the date of acceptance.
(w) Materials are all supplies, including consumables, used by the Contractor for
incorporation in the Works.
(x) Party means the Employer or the Contractor, as the context requires.
(y) SCC means Special Conditions of Contract
(aa) Plant is any integral part of the Works that shall have a mechanical,
electrical, chemical, or biological function.
(bb) The Project Manager is the person named in the SCC (or any other
competent person appointed by the Employer and notified to the Contractor, to act
in replacement of the Project Manager) who is responsible for supervising the
execution of the Works and administering the Contract.
(cc) Retention Money means the aggregate of all monies retained by the Employer
pursuant to GCC 54.1.
(dd) Schedules means the document(s) entitled schedules, completed by the
Contractor and submitted with the Letter of Bids, as included in the Contract. Such
document may include the Bill of Quantities, data, lists, and schedules of rates
and/or prices.
(ee) The Site is the area defined as such in the SCC
(ff) Site Investigation Reports are those that were included in the bidding
documents and are factual and interpretative reports about the surface and
subsurface conditions at the Site.
(gg) Specification means the Specification of the Works included in the
Contract and any modification or addition made or approved by the Project
(hh) The Start Date is given in the SCC. It is the latest date when the
Contractor shall commence execution of the Works. It does not necessarily
coincide with any of the Site Possession Dates.
(ii) A Subcontractor is a person or corporate body who has a Contract with the
Contractor to carry out a part of the work in the Contract, which includes work on
the Site.
(jj) Temporary Works are works designed, constructed, installed, and removed
by the Contractor that are needed for construction or installation of the Works.
(kk) A Variation is an instruction given by the Project Manager which varies the
(ll) The Works are what the Contract requires the Contractor to construct, install,
and turn over to the Employer, as defined in the SCC.
2. Interpretation
2.1 In interpreting these GCC, singular also means plural, male also means
female or neuter, and the other way around. Headings have no
significance. Words have their normal meaning under the language of
the Contract unless specifically defined. The Project Manager shall
provide instructions clarifying queries about these GCC.
2.2 If sectional completion is specified in the SCC, references in the
GCC to the Works, the Completion Date, and the Intended Completion
Date apply to any Section of the Works (other than references to the
Completion Date and Intended Completion Date for the whole of the
2.3 The documents forming the Contract shall be interpreted in the
following order of priority:
(a) Contract Agreement,
(b) Letter of Acceptance,
(c) Letters of Technical Bid and Price Bid,
(d) Special Conditions of Contract,
(e) General Conditions of Contract,
(f) Specifications,
(g) Drawings,
(h) Bill of Quantities (or Schedules of Prices for lump sum
contracts), and
(i) Any other document listed in the SCC as forming part of the
3. Language and
3.1 The language of the Contract and the law governing the Contract are
Law stated in the SCC.

1.2. Throughout the execution of the Contract, the Contractor shall

comply with the import of goods and services prohibitions in the
Employer’s country when
(a) by an act of compliance with a decision of the United Nations
Security Council taken under Chapter VII of the Charter of the
United Nations, the Borrower’s Country prohibits any import of
goods from, or any payments to, a particular country, person, or
entity. Where the borrower’s country prohibits payments to a
particular firm or for particular goods by such an act of
compliance, that firm may be excluded.
4. Contract
4.1 The Parties shall enter into a Contract Agreement within 15 days after
Agreement the Contractor receives the Letter of Acceptance, unless the Special
Conditions establish otherwise. The Contract Agreement shall be
based upon the attached Contract forms in Section X.
5. Assignment
5.1 Neither Party shall assign the whole or any part of the Contract or
any benefit or interest in or under the Contract. However, either
(a) may assign the whole or any part with the prior agreement of
the other Party, at the sole discretion of such other Party;
(b) may, as security in favor of a bank or financial institution,
assign its right to any moneys due, or to become due, under
the Contract.
6. Care and Supply
6.1 The Specification and Drawings shall be in the custody and care of
of Documents the Employer. Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, one copy of
the Contract and of each subsequent Drawing shall be supplied to the
Contractor, who may make or request further copies at the cost of the

6.2 Each of the Contractor’s Documents shall be in the custody and care
of the Contractor, unless and until taken over by the Employer.
Unless otherwise stated in the Contract, the Contractor shall supply to
the Engineer six copies of each of the Contractor’s Documents.

6.3 The Contractor shall keep, on the Site, a copy of the Contract,
publications named in the Specification, the Contractor’s Documents
(if any), the Drawings and Variations and other communications
given under the Contract. The Employer’s Personnel shall have the
right of access to all these documents at all reasonable times.
6.4 If a Party becomes aware of an error or defect in a document which
was prepared for use in executing the Works, the Party shall promptly
give notice to the other Party of such error or defect.
7. Confidential
7.1 The Contractor’s and the Employer’s Personnel shall disclose all such
Details confidential and other information as may be reasonably required in
order to verify the Contractor’s compliance with the Contract and
allow its proper implementation.

7.2 Each of them shall treat the details of the Contract as private and
confidential, except to the extent necessary to carry out their
respective obligations under the Contract or to comply with
applicable Laws. Each of them shall not publish or disclose any
particulars of the Works prepared by the other Party without the
previous agreement of the other Party. However, the Contractor shall
be permitted to disclose any publicly available information, or
information otherwise required to establish his qualifications to
compete for other projects.

7.3 Notwithstanding the above, the Contractor may furnish to its

Subcontractor(s) such documents, data and other information it
receives from the Employer to the extent required for the
Subcontractor(s) to perform its work under the Contract, in which
event the Contractor shall obtain from such Subcontractor(s) an
undertaking of confidentiality similar to that imposed on the
Contractor under this Clause.
8. Compliance
8.1 The Contractor shall, in performing the Contract, comply with
with Laws applicable Laws.
9. Joint and
9.1 If the Contractor is a joint venture of two or more entities, all such
Several Liability entities shall be jointly and severally liable to the Employer for the
fulfillment of the provisions of the Contract, and shall designate one
of such persons to act as a leader with authority to bind the joint
venture. The contractor shall not handover the responsibility of the
contract to any one member or some members of Joint Venture or any
other parties, not involved in the contract. The composition or the
constitution of the joint venture shall not be altered without the prior
consent of the Employer.
10. Project
10.1 Except where otherwise specifically stated, the Project Manager shall
Manager's decide contractual matters between the Employer and the Contractor in
Decisions the role representing the Employer.

11. Delegation
11.1 The Project Manager may delegate any of his duties and
responsibilities to other people after notifying the Contractor, and may
cancel any delegation after notifying the Contractor.
12.1 Communications between parties that are referred to in the Conditions
Communications shall be effective only when in writing. A notice shall be effective
only when it is delivered.
13. Subcontracting
13.1 For GoN Funded:
A list of approved Subcontractors including its value/works is included as
Article 2 (k) of contract Agreement Approval by the Employer for any
of the Subcontractors shall not relieve the Contractor from any of its
obligations, duties, or responsibilities under the contract.
For DP Funded :
The Contractor may subcontract with the approval of the Project
Manager, but may not assign the Contract without the approval of the
Employer in writing. Subcontracting shall not alter the Contractor’s
obligations. Bidders may propose subcontracting up to the
percentage of total value of contracts as specified in the SCC. The
Sub contractor shall meet the qualification requirement as
specified in SCC.
14. Other
14.1 The Contractor shall cooperate and share the Site with other
Contractors contractors, public authorities, utilities, and the Employer between the
dates given in the Schedule of Other Contractors, as referred to in
the SCC. The Contractor shall also provide facilities and services
for them as described in the Schedule. The Employer may modify the
Schedule of Other Contractors, and shall notify the Contractor of any
such modification
15 Personnel and
15.1 The Contractor shall employ the key personnel and use the
equipment identified in its Bid to carry out the Works, or other
personnel and equipment approved by the Project Manager. The Project
Manager shall approve any proposed replacement of key personnel and
equipment only if their relevant qualifications or characteristics are
substantially equal to or better than those proposed in the Bid.
15.2 If the Project Manager asks the Contractor to remove a person who is a
member of the Contractor’s staff or work force, stating the reasons, the
Contractor shall ensure that the person leaves the Site within seven
days and has no further connection with the work in the Contract.
15.3 If the Employer, Project Manager, or Contractor determines, that any
employee of the Contractor be determined to have engaged in corrupt,
fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or other prohibited practices during
the execution of the Works, then that employee shall be removed in
accordance with Clause 15.2 above.
16. Employer’s
16.1 The Employer carries the risks which this Contract states are
and Contractor's Employer’s risks, and the Contractor carries the risks which this
Risk Contract states are Contractor’s risks.

17. Employer’s
17.1 From the Start Date until the Defects Liability Certificate has been
issued, the following are Employer’s risks:
(a) The risk of personal injury, death, or loss of or damage
to property (excluding the Works, Plant, Materials, and
Equipment), which are due to
(i) use or occupation of the Site by the Works or for the purpose
of the Works, which is the unavoidable result of the Works or
(ii) negligence, breach of statutory duty, or interference with
any legal right by the Employer or by any person
employed by or contracted to him except the Contractor.
(b) The risk of damage to the Works, Plant, Materials, and
Equipment to the extent that it is due to a fault of the
Employer or in the Employer’s design, or due to war or
radioactive contamination directly affecting the country where
the Works are to be executed.
17.2 From the Completion Date until the Defects Liability Certificate has
been issued, the risk of loss of or damage to the Works, Plant, and
Materials is an Employer’s risk except loss or damage due to
(a) a Defect which existed on the Completion Date,
(b) an event occurring before the Completion Date, which was not
itself an Employer’s risk, or
(c) the activities of the Contractor on the Site after the
Completion Date.
18. Contractor’s 18.1 From the Starting Date until the Defects Liability Certificate has been
Risks issued, the risks of personal injury, death, and loss of or damage to
property (including, without limitation, the Works, Plant, Materials,
and Equipment) which are not Employer’s risks are Contractor’s
19. Insurance
19.1 The Contractor shall provide insurance in the joint names of the
Employer and the Contractor from the Start Date to the end of the
Defects Liability Period, in the amounts and deductibles stated in the
SCC for the following events which are due to the Contractor’s risks:
(a) loss of or damage to the Works, Plant, and Materials;
(b) loss of or damage to Equipment;
(c) loss of or damage to property (except the Works, Plant,
Materials, and Equipment) in connection with the Contract; and
(d) Personal injury or death.

19.2 Policies and certificates for insurance shall be delivered by the

Contractor to the Project Manager for the Project Manager’s
approval before the Start Date. All such insurance shall provide for
compensation to be payable in the proportions of Nepalese Rupees
required to rectify the loss or damage incurred.
19.3 If the Contractor does not provide any of the policies and
certificates required, the Employer may affect the insurance which
the Contractor should have provided and recover the premiums the
Employer has paid from payments otherwise due to the Contractor or,
if no payment is due, the payment of the premiums shall be a debt
19.4 Alterations to the terms of insurance shall not be made without the
approval of the Project Manager.
19.5 Both parties shall comply with any conditions of the insurance policies.
20. Site
20.1 The Contractor, in preparing the Bid, shall rely on any Site
Investigation Investigation Reports referred to in the SCC, supplemented by any
Reports information available to the Contractor.

21. Contractor to
21.1 The Contractor shall construct and install the Works in accordance with
Construct the the Specifications and Drawings.

22. The Works to

22.1 The Contractor may commence execution of the Works on the Start
Be Completed Date and shall carry out the Works in accordance with the
within intended Program submitted by the Contractor, as updated with the approval
Completion Date of the Project Manager, and complete them within the intended
Completion Date.
23. Design by
23.1 The contractor shall be responsible for the design of permanent
contractor and works as specified in SCC.
Approval by the
23.2 Contractor shall be responsible for design of the Temporary Works.
Project Manager
The Contractor shall submit Specifications and Drawings showing
the proposed Temporary Works to the Project Manager, for his
23.3 All Drawings prepared by the Contractor for the execution of the
temporary or permanent Works, shall be subject to prior approval by
the Project Manager before their use.
23.4 The Project Manager’s approval shall not alter the Contractor’s
responsibility for design of temporary works.
24. Safety,
24.1 The Contractor shall, throughout the execution, and completion of
Security and the works and remedying of any defects therein:
Protection of the
a. Have full regard for the safety of all persons entitled to be upon the
site and keep the site (so as the same is under his control) and the
Environment works (so far as the same are not completed or occupied by
the Employer) in an orderly state appropriate to the avoidance of
danger to such persons.
b. Provide and maintain at his own cost all lights, guards, fencing,
warning signs and watching, when necessary or required by the
Project Manager or by any duly constituted authority, for the
protection of the Works of for the safety and convenience of the
public or others.
c. Take all reasonable steps to protect the environment on and off the
site and to avoid damage or nuisance to persons
or to property of the public or others resulting from pollution, noise
or other causes arising as a consequence of his methods of
d. Ensure that any cut or fill slopes are planted in grass or other plant
cover as soon as possible to protect them from erosion.
e. Any spoil or material removed from drains shall be disposed of to
designated stable tipping areas as directed by the Project
f. Shall not use fuel wood as a means of heating during the
processing or preparation of any materials forming part of the
g. The Project Manager shall have the power to disallow any
working practice or activity of the Contractor or direct that such
practices or activities be modified should the Project Manager
consider, on the advice of the relevant Government
Departments, that the practices or activities will be harmful to
h. Provide on the Site such lifesaving apparatus as may be
appropriate and an adequate and easily accessible first aid
outfit or such outfits as may be required by any government
ordinance, factory act, etc., subsequently published and
amended from time to time.
25. Discoveries
25.1 Anything of historical or other interest or of significant value
unexpectedly discovered on the Site shall be the property of the
employer. The Contractor shall notify the Project Manager of such
discoveries and carry out the Project Manager’s instructions for dealing
with them.
26. Possession of
26.1 The Employer shall give possession of all parts of the Site to the
the Site Contractor. If possession of a part is not given by the date stated in the
SCC, the Employer shall be deemed to have delayed the start of the
relevant activities, and this shall be a Compensation Event.
27. Access to the
27.1 The Contractor shall allow the Project Manager and any person
Site authorized by the Project Manager access to the Site and to any
place where work in connection with the Contract is being carried
out or is intended to be carried out.
28. Instructions,
28.1 The Contractor shall carry out all instructions of the Project Manager
Inspections and
Audits which comply with the applicable laws where the Site is located.
28.2 The Contractor shall keep, and shall make all reasonable efforts to
cause its Subcontractors and sub consultants to keep accurate and
systematic accounts and records in respect of the Works in such
form and details as will clearly identify relevant time changes and
28.3 The Contractor shall permit the GoN/DP and/or persons appointed by
the GoN/DP to inspect the Site and/or the accounts and records of the
Contractor and its sub-contractors relating to the performance of the
Contract, and to have such accounts and records audited by auditors
appointed by the GoN/DP if required by the GoN/DP. The
Contractor’s attention is drawn to Sub-Clause 73.2 which provides,
inter alia, that acts intended to materially impede the exercise of the
GoN’s/DP’s inspection and audit rights provided for under this Sub-
Clause constitute a obstructive practice subject to contract termination.
29. Dispute 29.1 The Employer and the Contractor shall attempt to settle amicably
Settlement by direct negotiation any disagreement or dispute arising between
them under or in connection with the Contract.
29.2 Any dispute between the Parties as to matters arising pursuant to this
Contract which cannot be settled amicably within thirty (30) days
after receipt by one Party of the other Party‘s request for such
amicable settlement may be referred to Arbitration within 30 days
after the expiration of amicable settlement period.
30. Procedures for
30.1 In case of arbitration, the arbitration shall be conducted in accordance
with the arbitration procedures in accordance with law of Nepal at
the place within the territory of Nepal given in the SCC.
B. Staff and Labor
31. Forced Labor
31.1 The Contractor shall not employ forced labor, which consists of any
work or service, not voluntarily performed, that is exacted from an
individual under threat of force or penalty. This covers any kind of
involuntary or compulsory labor, such as indentured labor, bonded
labor, or similar labor–contracting arrangements.
32. Child Labor
32.1 The Contractor shall not employ children in a manner that is
economically exploitative, or is likely to be hazardous, or to interfere
with, the child's education, or to be harmful to the child's health or
physical, mental, spiritual, moral, or social development. Where
national laws have provisions for employment of minors, the
Contractor shall follow those laws applicable to the Contractor.
Children below the age of 18 years shall not be employed in
dangerous work.

34.1 The Contractor shall not make employment decisions on the basis of
discrimination and personal characteristics unrelated to inherent job requirements. The
Equal Opportunity Contractor shall base the employment relationship on the principle
of equal opportunity and fair treatment, and shall not discriminate
with respect to aspects of the employment relationship, including
recruitment and hiring, compensation (including wages and
benefits), working conditions and terms of employment, access to
training, promotion, termination of employment or retirement, and
discipline. In countries where national law provides for non-
discrimination in employment, the Contractor shall comply with
national law. When national laws are silent on nondiscrimination in
employment, the Contractor shall meet this Sub clause's
requirements. Special measures of protection or assistance to remedy
past discrimination or selection for a particular job based on the
inherent requirements of the job shall not be deemed discrimination.
B. Time Control
34. Program
34.1 Within the time stated in the SCC, after the date of the Letter of
Acceptance, the Contractor shall submit to the Project Manager for
approval a Program showing the general methods, arrangements, order,
and timing for all the activities in the Works. In the case of a lump sum
contract, the activities in the Program shall be consistent with those in
the Activity Schedule.
34.2 An update of the Program shall be a program showing the actual
progress achieved on each activity and the effect of the progress
achieved on the timing of the remaining work, including any changes
to the sequence of the activities.
34.3 The Contractor shall submit to the Project Manager for approval an
updated Program at intervals no longer than the period stated in the
SCC. If the Contractor does not submit an updated Program within
this period, the Project Manager may withhold the amount stated in the
SCC from the next payment certificate and continue to withhold this
amount until the next payment after the date on which the overdue
Program has been submitted. In the case of a lump sum contract, the
Contractor shall Provide an updated Activity Schedule within 15 days of
being instructed to by the Project Manager.
34.4 The Project Manager’s approval of the Program shall not alter the
Contractor’s obligations. The Contractor may revise the Program and
submit it to the Project Manager again at any time. A revised
Program shall show the effect of Variations and Compensation Events.
35. Extension of
35.1 The Project Manager shall extend the Intended Completion Date if a
the Intended Compensation Event occurs or a Variation is issued which makes it
Completion Date impossible for Completion to be achieved by the Intended
Completion Date without the Contractor taking steps to accelerate
the remaining work, which would cause the Contractor to incur
additional cost.
35.2 The Project Manager shall decide whether and by how much to
extend the Intended Completion Date within 21 days of the
Contractor asking the Project Manager for a decision upon the effect
of a Compensation Event or Variation and submitting full
supporting information at least 21 days prior to the intended
completion date. If the Contractor has failed to give early warning of a
delay or has failed to cooperate in dealing with a delay, the delay by
this failure shall not be considered in assessing the new Intended
Completion Date. Along with full supporting information the
contractor shall also submit Performance Security, Advanced Payment
Guarantee and insurance Policy with extended validity as well as
revised work schedule.
36. Acceleration
36.1 When the Employer wants the Contractor to finish before the
Intended Completion Date, the Project Manager shall obtain priced
proposals for achieving the necessary acceleration from the
Contractor. If the Employer accepts these proposals, the Intended
Completion Date shall be adjusted accordingly and confirmed by
both the Employer and the Contractor.
36.2 If the Contractor’s priced proposals for acceleration are accepted by the
Employer, they are incorporated in the Contract Price and treated as a
37. Delays
37.1 The Project Manager may instruct the Contractor to delay the start or
Ordered by the progress of any activity within the Works.
Project Manager

38. Management
38.1 Either the Project Manager or the Contractor may require the other to
Meetings attend a management meeting. The business of a management
meeting shall be to review the plans for remaining work and to deal
with matters raised in accordance with the early warning procedure.
38.2 The Project Manager shall record the business of management
meetings and provide copies of the record to those attending the
meeting and to the Employer. The responsibility of the parties for
actions to be taken shall be decided by the Project Manager either at
the management meeting or after the management meeting
and stated in writing to all who attended the meeting.
39. Early Warning
39.1 The Contractor shall warn the Project Manager at the earliest
opportunity of specific likely future events or circumstances that
may adversely affect the quality of the work, increase the Contract
Price, or delay the execution of the Works. The Project Manager may
require the Contractor to provide an estimate of the expected effect
of the future event or circumstance on the Contract Price and
Completion Date. The estimate shall be provided by the Contractor
as soon as reasonably possible.
39.2 The Contractor shall cooperate with the Project Manager in
making and considering proposals for how the effect of such an
event or circumstance can be avoided or reduced by anyone involved
in the work and in carrying out any resulting instruction of the Project
C. Quality Control
40.1 The Project Manager shall check the Contractor’s work and notify the
Defects Contractor of any Defects that are found. Such checking shall not
affect the Contractor’s responsibilities. The Project Manager may
instruct the Contractor to search for a Defect and to uncover and test
any work that the Project Manager considers may have a Defect.
41. Tests
41.1 If the Project Manager instructs the Contractor to carry out a test not
specified in the Specification to check whether any work has a Defect
and the test shows that it does, the Contractor shall pay for the test and
any samples. If there is no Defect, the test shall be a Compensation
42. Correction of
42.1 The Project Manager shall give notice to the Contractor of any
Defects Defects before the end of the Defects Liability Period, which begins
at issuance of taking over certificate pursuant to clause 69.2, and is
defined in the SCC. The Defects Liability Period shall be extended for
as long as Defects remain to be corrected.
42.2 Every time notice of a Defect is given, the Contractor shall correct
the notified Defect within the length of time specified by the Project
Manager’s notice.
43.1 If the Contractor has not corrected a Defect within the time specified
Defects in the Project Manager’s notice, the Project Manager shall assess the
cost of having the Defect corrected, and the Contractor shall pay this
D. Cost Control
44. Contract Price
44.1 In the case of a Unit Rate contract, the Bill of Quantities shall
contain priced items for the Works to be performed by the
Contractor. The Bill of Quantities is used to calculate the Contract
Price. The Contractor will be paid for the quantity of the work
accomplished at the rate in the Bill of Quantities for each item.
44.2 In the case of a lump sum contract, the Activity Schedule shall contain
the priced activities for the Works to be performed by the Contractor.
The Activity Schedule is used to monitor and control the performance
of activities on which basis the Contractor will be paid. If payment
for Materials on Site shall be made separately, the Contractor shall
show delivery of Materials to the Site separately on the Activity
45. Changes in the
45.1 In the case of an Unit Rate contract:
Contract Price
(a) If the final quantity of the work done differs from the quantity in
the Bill of Quantities for the particular item by more than 25
percent, provided the change exceeds 2 percent of the Initial
Contract Price, the Project Manager shall adjust the rate to allow
for the change.
(b) The Project Manager shall not adjust rates from changes in
quantities if thereby the Initial Contract Price is exceeded by
more than 10 percent, except with the prior approval of the
(c) If requested by the Project Manager, the Contractor shall provide
the Project Manager with a detailed cost breakdown of any rate in
the Bill of Quantities.
45.2 In the case of a lump sum contract, the Activity Schedule shall be
amended by the Contractor to accommodate changes of Program or
method of working made at the Contractor’s own discretion. Prices in
the Activity Schedule shall not be altered when the Contractor makes
such changes to the Activity Schedule.
46. Variations
46.1 All Variations shall be included in updated Programs, and, in the
case of a lump sum contract, also in the Activity Schedule, produced by
the Contractor.

46.2 The Contractor shall provide the Project Manager with a quotation
for carrying out the Variation when requested to do so by the
Project Manager. The Project Manager shall assess the quotation,
which shall be given within seven (7) days of the request or
within any longer period stated by the Project Manager and before
the Variation is ordered.
46.3 If the Contractor’s quotation is unreasonable, the Project Manager
may order the Variation and make a change to the Contract Price,
which shall be based on the Project Manager’s own forecast of the
effects of the Variation on the Contractor’s costs.
46.4 If the Project Manager decides that the urgency of varying the work
would prevent a quotation being given and considered without
delaying the work, no quotation shall be given and the Variation shall
be treated as a Compensation Event.
46.5 The Contractor shall not be entitled to additional payment for costs
that could have been avoided by giving early warning.

46.6 In the case of an Unit Rate contract, if the work in the Variation
corresponds to an item description in the Bill of Quantities and if, in
the opinion of the Project Manager, the quantity of work above the
limit stated in GCC 45.1 or the timing of its execution do not cause the
cost per unit of quantity to change, the rate in the Bill of Quantities
shall be used to calculate the value of the Variation. If the cost per unit
of quantity changes, or if the nature or timing of the work in the
Variation does not correspond with items in the Bill of Quantities, the
quotation by the Contractor shall be in the form of new rates for the
relevant items of work.
47. Cash Flow
47.1 When the Program, or, in the case of a lump sum contract, the
Forecasts Activity Schedule, is updated, the Contractor shall provide the
Project Manager with an updated cash flow forecast.
48. Payment
48.1 The Contractor shall submit to the Project Manager monthly
Certificates statements of the estimated value of the work executed less the
cumulative amount certified previously.
48.2 The Project Manager shall check the Contractor’s monthly statement
and certify the amount to be paid to the Contractor within 30 days of
submission by contractor.
48.3 The value of work executed shall be determined by the Project
48.4 The value of work executed shall comprise:
(a) In the case of an Unit Rate contract, the value of the
quantities of work in the Bill of Quantities that have been
completed; or
(b) In the case of a lump sum contract, the value of work
executed shall comprise the value of completed activities in the
Activity Schedule.
48.5 The value of work executed shall include the valuation of Variations
and Compensation Events.
48.6 The Project Manager may exclude any item certified in a previous
certificate or reduce the proportion of any item previously certified in
any certificate in the light of later information.
49. Payments
49.1 Payments shall be adjusted for deductions for advance payments and
retention. The Employer shall pay the Contractor the amounts certified
by the Project Manager within 30 days of the date of each certificate.
If the Employer makes a late payment, the Contractor shall be paid
interest as indicated in the SCC on the late payment in the next
payment. Interest shall be calculated from the date by which the
payment should have been made up to the date when the late payment
is made.

49.2 If an amount certified is increased in a later certificate or as a

result of an award by an Arbitrator, the Contractor shall be paid
interest upon the delayed payment as set out in this clause. Interest
shall be calculated from the date upon which the increased amount
would have been certified in the absence of dispute.

49.3 Items of the Works for which no rate or price has been entered in BOQ
shall not be paid for by the Employer and shall be deemed covered by
other rates and prices in the Contract.
50. Compensation
50.1 The following shall be Compensation Events:
(a) The Employer does not give access to a part of the Site by the Site
Possession Date pursuant to GCC 26.1.
(b) The Employer modifies the Schedule of Other Contractors in a
way that affects the work of the Contractor under the Contract.
(c) The Project Manager orders a delay or does not issue
Drawings, Specifications, or instructions required for execution
of the Works on time.
(d) The Project Manager instructs the Contractor to uncover or to carry
out additional tests upon work, which is then found to have no
(e) The Project Manager unreasonably does not approve a
subcontract to be let.
(f) Ground conditions are substantially more adverse than could
reasonably have been assumed before issuance of the Letter of
Acceptance from the information issued to bidders (including
the Site Investigation Reports), from information available
publicly and from a visual inspection of the Site.
(g) The Project Manager gives an instruction for dealing with an
unforeseen condition, caused by the Employer, or additional work
required for safety or other reasons.
(h) Other contractors, public authorities, utilities, or the
Employer does not work within the dates and other
constraints stated in the Contract, and they cause delay or extra
cost to the Contractor.
(i) The advance payment is delayed.
(j) The effects on the Contractor of any of the Employer’s Risks.
(k) The Project Manager unreasonably delays issuing a Certificate of

50.2 If a Compensation Event would cause additional cost or would

prevent the work being completed before the Intended Completion
Date, the Contract Price shall be increased and/or the Intended
Completion Date shall be extended. The Project Manager shall
decide whether and by how much the Contract Price shall be
increased and whether and by how much the Intended Completion
Date shall be extended.
50.3 As soon as information demonstrating effect of each Compensation
Event upon the Contractor’s forecast cost has been provided by the
Contractor, it shall be assessed by the Project Manager, and the
Contract Price shall be adjusted accordingly. If the Contractor’s
forecast is deemed unreasonable, the Project Manager shall adjust the
Contract Price based on the Project Manager’s own forecast. The
Project Manager shall assume that the Contractor shall react
competently and promptly to the event.
50.4 The Contractor shall not be entitled to compensation to the
extent that the Employer’s interests are adversely affected
by the Contractor’s not having given early warning or not having
cooperated with the Project Manager.
51. Tax
51.1 The Project Manager shall adjust the Contract Price if taxes, duties,
and other levies are changed between the date 30 days before the
submission of bids for the Contract and the date of the last Completion
certificate. The adjustment shall be the change in the amount of tax
payable by the Contractor, provided such changes are not already
reflected in the Contract Price or are a result of GCC 53.
52. Currency
52.1 The currency of Contracts shall be Nepalese Rupees.
53. Price 53.1 Prices shall be adjusted for fluctuations in the cost of inputs only if
Adjustment provided for in the SCC. If so provided, the amounts certified in each
payment certificate, before deducting for Advance Payment, shall be
adjusted by applying the respective price adjustment factor to the
payment amounts due.
53.2 Adjustment Formulae1: The formulae will be of the following general

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�� = � + � + � + � + ���.
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pn is a price adjustment factor to be applied to the amount for the
payment of the work carried out in the subject month, determined in
accordance with Clause 49;
A is a constant, specified in the Bidding Forms- Table of Price
Adjustment data, representing the nonadjustable portion in
contractual payments;2b, c, d, etc., coefficients representing the
estimated proportion of each cost element (labor, materials,
equipment usage, etc.) in the Works or sections thereof, net of
Provisional Sums, as specified in the SCC;
Ln, Mn, En, etc., are the current cost indices or reference prices of the
cost elements for month “n,” determined pursuant to Sub-Clause 53.4,
applicable to each cost element; and
Lo, Mo, Eo, etc., are the base cost indices or reference prices
corresponding to the above cost elements at the date specified in Sub-
Clause 53.4

53.3 Sources of Indices and Weightings: The sources of indices

shall be those listed in the Bidding Forms- Table of Price
Adjustment data, as approved by the Project Manager and stated in
SCC. Indices shall be appropriate for their purpose and shall relate
to the Contractor’s proposed source of supply of inputs on the basis
of which his Contract shall have been computed. As the proposed
basis for price adjustment, the Contractor shall have submitted with
his bid the tabulation of Weightings and Source of Indices in the
Bidding Forms, which shall be subject to approval by the Project
53.4 Base, Current and Provisional Indices: The base cost indices or
prices shall be those prevailing on the day 30 days prior to the latest
date for submission of bids. Current indices or prices shall be those

For complex Works involving several types of construction work with different inputs, a
family of Formulae will be necessary. The various items of Day work may also require
different formulae, depending on the nature and source of the inputs
Insert a figure for factor A only where there is a part of the Contractors’ expenditures which
will not be subject to fluctuation in cost or to compensate for the unreliability of some indices.
A should normally be 0.15. The sum of A, b, c, d, etc., should be one.
prevailing on the day 30 days prior to the last day of the period to
which a particular Interim Payment Certificate is related. If at any
time the current indices are not available, provisional indices as
determined by the Project Manager will be used, subject to
subsequent correction of the amounts paid to the Contractor when
the current indices become available.
53.5 Weightings: The weightings for each of the factors of cost given in
the Bidding Forms shall be adjusted if, in the opinion of the Project
Manager, they have been rendered unreasonable, unbalanced or
inapplicable as a result of varied or additional work already executed
or instructed under Clause 46 or for any other reason.

53.6 Where, price adjustment provision is not applicable pursuant to Sub-

clause 53.1 then the Contract is subject to price adjustment only for
construction material in accordance with this clause. If the prices of
the construction materials stated in the contract is increased or
decreased in an unexpected manner in excess of ten (10%) percent
in comparison to the base price construction material stated in
Section –IV, Bidding Forms-Table of Price Adjustment Data,
then the price adjustment for the increase or decrease of price of
the construction material beyond 10% shall be made by applying the
following formulas:
For unexpected increase in price
P =[R1 -(R0 ×1.10)]× Q
For unexpected decrease in price P
= [R1 -(R0 ×0.90)]× Q
“P” is price adjustment amount
“R1” is the present price of the construction material (Source of indices
shall be those listed in the Bidding forms)
“R0” is the base price of the construction material
“Q” is quantity of the construction material consumed in construction
during the period of price adjustment consideration If the Base price and
source is to be proposed by the Bidder as per the provision made in
Section –IV, Bidding Forms-Table of Price Adjustment Data
then the Base price and source filled by Bidder for the
construction material stated in the Bidding Form shall be subject
to the approval of the Project manager and shall be as stated in
53.7 The Price Adjustment amount shall be limited to a maximum of the
initial Contract Amount as specified in the SCC.
53.8 The Price Adjustment provision shall not be applicable for delayed
period if the contract is not completed in time due to the delay
caused by the contractor or the contract is a Lump sum Contract
54. Retention
54.1 The Employer shall retain from each payment due to theContractor
the proportion stated in the SCC until Completion of the whole of the
54.2 Upon the issue of a Defects Liability Certificate by the Project
Manager, in accordance with GCC 70.1, half the total amount
retained shall be repaid to the Contractor and half when the
Contractor has submitted the evidence of submission of tax return to
the concerned Internal Revenue Office.
54.3 The Contractor may substitute retention money with an unconditional
bank guarantee issued from Commercial Bank or Financial Institution
eligible to issue Bank Guarantee as per prevailing Law if:
(a) at least eighty (80) percent of the whole works have been
(b) progress of the works is satisfactory in accordance with the
Contract as per approved work schedule, and
(c) it can be assured that the works can be completed at the intended
completion date.
54.4 If retention money is substituted by bank guarantee in accordance
with clause 54.2, the bank guarantee shall be submitted either using
the Retention Money Security Form included in Section X (Contract
Forms) or in another Form acceptable to the employer. The validity
of the bank guarantee shall be at least one month more than the end of
defect liability period.

55. Liquidated
55.1 The Contractor shall pay liquidated damages to the Employer at the rate
per day stated in the SCC for each day that the Completion Date is later
than the Intended Completion Date. The total amount of liquidated
damages shall not exceed the amount defined in the SCC. The
Employer may deduct liquidated damages from payments due to the
Contractor. Payment of liquidated damages shall not affect the
Contractor’s liabilities.
55.2 If the Intended Completion Date is extended after liquidated damages
have been paid, the Project Manager shall correct any overpayment of
liquidated damages by the Contractor by adjusting the next payment
certificate. The Contractor shall be paid interest on the overpayment,
calculated from the date of payment to the date of repayment, at the
rates specified in GCC.49
56. Bonus
56.1 The Contractor shall be paid a Bonus calculated at the rate per
calendar day stated in the SCC for each day (less any days for
which the Contractor is paid for acceleration) that the Completion
is earlier than the Intended Completion Date. The Project Manager
shall certify that the Works are complete, although they may not be due
to be complete.
57. Advance
57.1 The Employer shall make advance payment to the Contractor of the
amounts stated in the SCC in two equal installments by the date
stated in the SCC, against provision by the Contractor of an
unconditional bank guarantee from Commercial Bank or Financial
Institution eligible to issue Bank Guarantee as per prevailing Law in a form acceptable to the Employer in amounts equal to the
advance payment. The guarantee shall remain effective until the
advance payment has been repaid, but the amount of the guarantee
shall be progressively reduced by the amounts repaid by the Contractor.
Interest shall not be charged on the advance payment.

57.2 The Contractor is to use the advance payment only to pay for
Equipment, Plant, Materials, and mobilization expenses required
specifically for execution of the Contract. The Contractor shall
demonstrate that advance payment has been used in this way by
supplying copies of invoices or other documents to the Project
57.3 The advance payment shall be repaid by deducting proportionate
amounts, as stated in SCC, from payments otherwise due
Contractor, following the schedule of completed percentages of the
Works on a payment basis. No account shall be taken of the
advance payment or its repayment in assessing valuations of work
done, Variations, price adjustments, Compensation Events, Bonuses,
or Liquidated Damages.

58. Securities
58.1 The Performance Security, including any additional security
required as per ITB 35.5 and ITB 40.1, shall be provided to the
Employer no later than the date specified in the Letter of
Acceptance and shall be issued in an amount specified in the
SCC, by a Commercial Bank or Financial Institution eligible to
issue Bank Guarantee as per prevailing Law in Nepal acceptable to
the Employer, and denominated in Nepalese Rupees. The
Performance Security shall be valid until a date 30 days from the date
of issue of the Defect Liability Certificate in the case of a bank
Any additional performance security required as per ITB 35.5 shall be
valid until a date 30 days from the date of issue of the certificate of
Completion in the case of a bank guarantee.
Any additional performance security required as per ITB 40.1 shall be
valid until a date 30 days from the date of issue of the certificate of
DLP in the case of a bank guarantee.
58.2 The performance security issued by any foreign Bank outside
Nepal must be counter guaranteed by Commercial Bank or Financial
Institution eligible to issue Bank Guarantee as per prevailing Law in
59. Dayworks
59.1 If applicable, the Dayworks rates in the Contractor’s Bid shall be
used for small additional amounts of work only when the Project
Manager has given written instructions in advance for additional
work to be paid for in that way.
59.2 All work to be paid for as Dayworks shall be recorded by the
Contractor on forms approved by the Project Manager. Each
completed form shall be verified and signed by the Project
Manager within two days of the work being done.
59.3 The Contractor shall be paid for Dayworks subject to obtaining signed
Dayworks forms.
60. Cost of
60.1 Loss or damage to the Works or Materials to be incorporated in the
Repairs Works between the Start Date and the end of the Defects Correction
periods shall be remedied by the Contractor at the Contractor’s cost
if the loss or damage arises from the Contractor’s acts or
F. Force Majeure
61. Definition of
61.1 In this Clause, “Force Majeure” means an exceptional event or
Force Majeure
(a) which is beyond a Party’s control;
(b) which such Party could not reasonably have provided against
before entering into the Contract;
(c) which, having arisen, such Party could not reasonably have
avoided or overcome; and
(d) which is not substantially attributable to the other Party.

61.2 Force Majeure may include, but is not limited to, exceptional events
or circumstances of the kind listed below, so long as conditions (a)
to (d) above are satisfied:
(a) war, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), invasion, act
of foreign enemies;
(b) rebellion, terrorism, sabotage by persons other than the
Contractor’s Personnel, revolution, insurrection, military or
usurped power, or civil war;
(c) riot, commotion, disorder, strike or lockout by persons other
than the Contractor’s Personnel;
(d) munitions of war, explosive materials, ionizing radiation or
contamination by radio-activity, except as may be attributable
to the Contractor’s use of such munitions, explosives,
radiation or radio-activity; and
(e) natural catastrophes such as earthquake, hurricane, typhoon or
volcanic activity.
62. Notice of Force
62.1 If a Party is or will be prevented from performing its substantial
obligations under the Contract by Force Majeure, then it shall give
notice to the other Party of the event or circumstances constituting
the Force Majeure and shall specify the obligations, the performance
of which is or will be prevented. The notice shall be given within 14
days after the Party became aware, or should have become aware, of
the relevant event or circumstance constituting Force Majeure.

62.2 The Party shall, having given notice, be excused performance of its
obligations for so long as such Force Majeure prevents it from
performing them.

62.3 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Clause, Force Majeure

shall not apply to obligations of either Party to make payments to the
other Party under the Contract.
63. Duty to
63.1 Each Party shall at all times use all reasonable endeavors to minimize
Minimize Delay
any delay in the performance of the Contract as a result of Force

63.2 A Party shall give notice to the other Party when it ceases to be
affected by the Force Majeure.
64. Consequences
64.1 If the Contractor is prevented from performing its substantial
of Force Majeure
obligations under the Contract by Force Majeure of which notice has
been given under GCC 62, and suffers delay and/or incurs Cost by
reason of such Force Majeure, the Contractor shall be entitled
subject to GCC 30 to
(a) an extension of time for any such delay, if completion is or
will be delayed, under GCC35 ; and
(b) if the event or circumstance is of the kind described in sub-
paragraphs (a) to (d) of GCC 61.2 and, in the case of
subparagraphs (b) to (d), occurs in the Country, payment of
any such Cost, including the costs of rectifying or replacing
the Works and/or Goods damaged or destructed by Force
Majeure, to the extent they are not indemnified through the
insurance policy referred to in GCC 19.

64.2 After receiving this notice, the Project Manager shall proceed in
accordance with GCC 10 to agree or determine these matters.
65. Force Majeure
65.1 If any Subcontractor is entitled under any contract or agreement
relating to the Works to relief from force majeure on terms
additional to or broader than those specified in this Clause, such
additional or broader force majeure events or circumstances shall not
excuse the Contractor’s nonperformance or entitle him to relief
under this Clause.
66. Optional
66.1 If the execution of substantially all the Works in progress is
prevented for a continuous period of 90 days by reason of Force
Payment and
Majeure of which notice has been given under GCC 62, or for
Release multiple periods which total more than 150 days due to the same
notified Force Majeure, then either Party may give to the other Party
a notice of termination of the Contract. In this event, the termination
shall take effect 7 days after the notice is given, and the Contractor
shall proceed in accordance with GCC 72.5.

66.2 Upon such termination, the Project Manager shall determine the
value of the work done and issue a Payment Certificate, which shall
(a) the amounts payable for any work carried out for which a price
is stated in the Contract;
(b) the Cost of Plant and Materials ordered for the Works which
have been delivered to the Contractor, or of which the
Contractor is liable to accept delivery: this Plant and Materials
shall become the property of (and be at the risk of) the
Employer when paid for by the Employer, and the Contractor
shall place the same at the Employer’s disposal;
(c) other Costs or liabilities which in the circumstances were
reasonably and necessarily incurred by the Contractor in the
expectation of completing the Works;
(d) the Cost of removal of Temporary Works and Contractor’s
Equipment from the Site and the return of these items to the
Contractor’s works in his country (or to any other destination
at no greater cost); and
(e) the Cost of repatriation of the Contractor’s staff and labor
employed wholly in connection with the Works at the date of
67. Release from 67.1 Notwithstanding any other provision of this Clause, if any event or
Performance circumstance outside the control of the Parties (including, but not
limited to, Force Majeure) arises, which makes it impossible or
unlawful for either or both Parties to fulfill its or their contractual
obligations or which, under the law governing the Contract, entitles
the Parties to be released from further performance of the Contract,
then upon notice by either Party to the other Party of such event or
(a) the Parties shall be discharged from further performance,
without prejudice to the rights of either Party in respect of any
previous breach of the Contract; and
(b) the sum payable by the Employer to the Contractor shall be the
same as would have been payable under GCC 66 if the
Contract had been terminated under GCC 66.
G. Finishing the Contract
68. Completion
68.1 The Contractor shall request the Project Manager to issue a
certificate of Completion of the Works, and the Project Manager shall
do so upon deciding that the work is completed.
68.2 In addition to the other provisions, before acceptance of the completed
works, Employer shall verify and assure that such works are within the
set objective, quality and appropriate to operate and use.
69. Taking Over
69.1 In the contractor’s Opinion, if the works are complete and ready
for taking over, the contractor may apply by notice to the Project
Manager for a Taking-Over Certificate. If the Works are divided
into Sections, the Contractor may similarly apply for a Taking-
Over Certificate for each Section.
69.2 The Project Manager shall, within 30 days after receiving the
Contractor’s application:
(a) issue the Taking-Over Certificate to the Contractor if physical
progress of works is at least ninety (90) percent in accordance
with the Contract except for any minor outstanding work and
defects (as listed in the Taking-Over Certificate) which will not
substantially affect the use of the Works or Section for their
intended purpose (either until or whilst this work is completed
and these defects are remedied); or
(b) reject the application, giving reasons and specifying the work
required to be done by the Contractor to enable the Taking-Over
Certificate to be issued. The Contractor shall then complete this
work before issuing a further notice under this Sub-Clause.
69.3 If the Engineer fails either to issue the Taking-Over Certificate
or to reject the Contractor’s application within the period of 30
days, and if the Works or Section (as the case may be) are
substantially completed in accordance with the Contract, the
Taking-Over Certificate shall be deemed to have been issued on
the last day of that period.

70. Final Account

70.1 The Contractor shall supply the Project Manager with a detailed
account of the total amount that the Contractor considers payable under
the Contract before the end of the Defects Liability Period. The Project
Manager shall issue a Defects Liability Certificate and certify any
final payment that is due to the Contractor within 60 days of receiving
the Contractor’s account if it is correct and complete. If it is not, the
Project Manager shall issue within 60 days a schedule that states
the scope of the corrections or additions that are necessary. If
the Final Account is still unsatisfactory after it has been resubmitted,
the Project Manager shall decide on the amount payable to the
Contractor and issue a payment certificate.
71. Operating and
71.1 If “as built” Drawings and/or operating and maintenance manuals are
Maintenance required, the Contractor shall supply them by the dates stated in the
Manuals SCC.
71.2 If the Contractor does not supply the Drawings and/or manuals by the
dates stated in the SCC pursuant to GCC 71.1, or they do not receive
the Project Manager’s approval, the Project Manager shall withhold
the amount stated in the SCC from payments due to the Contractor.
72. Termination
72.1 The Employer may terminate the Contract at any time if the
a. does not commence the work as per the Contract,
b. abandons the work without completing,
c. fails to achieve progress as per the Contract.
72.2 The Employer or the Contractor may terminate the Contract if the
other party causes a fundamental breach of the Contract.
72.3 Fundamental breaches of Contract shall include, but shall not be limited
to, the following :
(a) The Contractor uses the advance payment for matters other than the
contractual obligations,
(b) the Contractor stops work for 30 days when no stoppage of work is
shown on the current Program and the stoppage has not been authorized
by the Project Manager;
(c) the Project Manager instructs the Contractor to delay the progress of the
Works, and the instruction is not withdrawn within 30 days;
(d) the Employer or the Contractor is made bankrupt or goes into
liquidation other than for a reconstruction or amalgamation.
(e) a payment certified by the Project Manager is not paid by the Employer
to the Contractor within 90 days of the date of the Project Manager’s
(f) the Project Manager gives Notice that failure to correct a particular
Defect is a fundamental breach of Contract and the Contractor fails to
correct it within a reasonable period of time determined by the Project
(g) the Project Manager gives two consecutive Notices to update the
Program and accelerate the works to ensure compliance with GCC
Sub clause 22.1 and the Contractor fails to update the Program and
demonstrate acceleration of the works within a reasonable period of
time determined by the Project Manager;
(h) the Contractor does not maintain a Security, which is required;
(i) the Contractor has delayed the completion of the Works by the
number of days for which the maximum amount of liquidated damages
can be paid, as defined in the SCC; and
(j) If the Contractor, in the judgment of the Employer has engaged in
corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the
Contract, pursuant to GCC 73.1.
72.4 When either party to the Contract gives notice of a breach of
Contract to the Project Manager for a cause other than those listed
under GCC 72.3 above, the Project Manager shall decide whether the
breach is fundamental or not.
72.5 Notwithstanding the above, the Employer may terminate the Contract
for convenience.
72.6 If the Contract is terminated, the Contractor shall stop work
immediately, make the Site safe and secure, and leave the Site as soon
as reasonably possible.
73. Fraud and
73.1 If the Employer determines that the Contractor has engaged in corrupt,
Corruption fraudulent, collusive, coercive or obstructive practices, in competing
for or in executing the Contract, then the Employer may, after giving 15
days notice to the Contractor, terminate the Contractor's employment
under the Contract and expel him from the Site.
73.2 Should any employee of the Contractor be determined to have engaged
in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive, coercive, or obstructive practice during
the execution of the Works, then that employee shall be removed in
accordance with GCC Clause 15.
For the purposes of this GCC 73;
(i) “corrupt practice” is the offering, giving, receiving or
soliciting, directly or indirectly, of anything of value to influence
improperly the actions of another party.
(ii) “fraudulent practice”5 is any act or omission, including a
misrepresentation, that knowingly or recklessly misleads, or
attempts to mislead, a party to obtain a financial or other benefit
or to avoid an obligation;
(iii) “collusive practice”6 is an arrangement between two or more
parties designed to achieve an improper purpose, including to
influence improperly the actions of another party;
(iv) “coercive practice”7 is impairing or harming, or threatening to
impair or harm, directly or indirectly, any party or the property
of the party to influence improperly the actions of a party;
(v) “obstructive practice” is
(aa) deliberately destroying, falsifying, altering or
concealing of evidence material to the investigation or
making false statements to investigators in order to
materially impede a investigation into allegations of a
corrupt, fraudulent, coercive or collusive practice;
and/or threatening, harassing or intimidating any party
to prevent it from disclosing its knowledge of matters
relevant to the investigation or from pursuing the
investigation; or
(bb) acts intended to materially impede the exercise of the
GON’s/DP’s inspection and audit rights provided for
under GCC28.3.
74. Black Listing
74.1 Without prejudice to any other rights of the Employer
under this Contract, GoN, Public Procurement Monitoring
Office (PPMO), on the recommendation of procuring
entity, may blacklist a Bidder for its conduct for a period
of one (1) to three (3) years on the following grounds and
seriousness of the act committed by the bidder:
(a) if it is established that the Contractor has committed
substantial defect in implementation of the contract or has
not substantially fulfilled its obligations under the contract
or the completed work is not of the specified quality as per
the contract.
(b) If convicted from a court of law in a criminal offense liable
to be disqualified for taking part in procurement contract,
(c) If it is established that the Contractor has engaged in corrupt
or fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the
75. Payment upon
75.1 If the Contract is terminated because of a fundamental breach of
Termination Contract by the Contractor, the Project Manager shall issue a
certificate for the value of the work done and Materials ordered less
advance payments received up to the date of the issue of the
certificate. Additional Liquidated Damages shall not apply. If the
total amount due to the Employer exceeds any payment due to the
Contractor, the difference shall be a debt payable to the Employer.
75.2 If the Contract is terminated for the Employer’s convenience or because
of a fundamental breach of Contract by the Employer, the Project
Manager shall issue a certificate for the value of the work done,
Materials ordered, the reasonable cost of removal of Equipment,
repatriation of the Contractor’s personnel employed solely on the
Works, and the Contractor’s costs of protecting and securing the
Works, and less advance payments received up to the date of the

75.3 If the Contract is terminated because of fundamental breach of

Contract or for any other fault by the Contractor, the performance
security shall be forfeited by the Employer.
In such case, amount to complete the remaining works as per the
Contract shall be recovered from the Contractor as Government dues.
76. Property
76.1 All Materials on the Site, Plant, Equipment, Temporary Works, and
Works shall be deemed to be the property of the Employer if the
Contract is terminated because of the Contractor’s default.
77. Release from
77.1 If the Contract is frustrated by the outbreak of war or by any other
Performance event entirely outside the control of either the Employer or the
Contractor, the Project Manager shall certify that the Contract has been
frustrated. The Contractor shall make the Site safe and stop work as
quickly as possible after receiving this certificate and shall be paid for
all work carried out before receiving it and for any work carried out
afterwards to which a commitment was made.
78.Suspension of
78.1 In the event that the DP suspends the loan/ credit/grant to the Employer
DP from which part of the payments to the Contractor are being made:
a. the Employer is obligated to notify the Contractor of such
suspension within 7 days of having received the DP's
suspension notice; and
b. if the Contractor has not received sums due him within the 30 days
for payment provided for in GCC 49.1, the Contractor may
immediately issue a 15-day termination notice.
79. Eligibility
79.1 The Contractor shall have the nationality of an eligible country as
specified in Section V of the bidding document. The Contractor
shall be deemed to have the nationality of a country if the Contractor
is a citizen or is constituted, or incorporated, and operates in
conformity with the provisions of the laws of that country. This
criterion shall also apply to the determination of the nationality of
proposed subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the Contract
including related services.

79.2 The materials, equipment, and services to be supplied under the

Contract shall have their origin in eligible source countries as
specified in Section V of the bidding document and all expenditures
under the Contract will be limited to such materials, equipment, and
services. At the Employer’s request, the Contractor may be required
to provide evidence of the origin of materials, equipment, and

79.3 For purposes of GCC 79.2, “origin” means the place where the
materials and equipment are mined, grown, produced, or
manufactured, and from which the services are provided. Materials
and equipment are produced when, through manufacturing,
processing, or substantial or major assembling of components, a
commercially recognized product results that differs substantially in
its basic characteristics or in purpose or utility from its components.
80. Project
80.1 The Project Manager’s duties and authorities are restricted to the
Manager’s Duties extent as stated in the SCC.
and Authorities

81. Quarries and

81.1 Any quarry operated as part of this Contract shall be maintained
Spoil Dumps and left in a stable condition without steep slopes and be either refilled
or drained and be landscaped by appropriate planting. Rock or
gravel taken from a river shall be removed over some distance so as to
limit the depth of material removed at any one location, not disrupt the
river flow or damage or undermine the river banks. The Contractor
shall not deposit excavated material on land in Government or
private ownership except as directed by the Project Manager in
writing or by permission in writing of the authority responsible
for such land in Government ownership, or of the owner or responsible
representative of the owner of such land in private ownership, and
only then in those places and under such conditions as the authority,
owner or responsible representative may prescribe.
82. Local
82.1 The prices bid by the Contractor shall include all taxes that may be
Taxation levied in accordance to the laws and regulations in being in Nepal on
the date 30 days prior to the closing date for submissions of Bids on
the Contractor’s equipment, plant and materials acquired for the
purpose of the Contract and on the services performed under the
Contract. Nothing in the Contract shall relieve the Contractor from his
responsibility to pay any tax that may be levied in Nepal on
profits made by him in respect of the Contract.
83. Value Added
83.1 The Contract is not exempted from value added tax. An amount
Tax specified in the schedule of taxes shall be paid by the Contractor in the
concerned VAT office within time frame specified in VAT regulation.
84. Income Taxes
84.1 The Contractor’s staff, personnel and labor will be liable to pay
on Staff personal income taxes in Nepal in respect of their salaries and wages,
as are chargeable under the laws and regulations for the time being in
force, and the Contractor shall perform such duties in regard to such
deductions as may be imposed on him by such laws and regulations.
84.2 The issue of the Final Account Certificate pursuant to clause GCC 70
shall be made only upon submittal by the Contractor of a
certificate of income tax clearance from the Government of Nepal.
85. Duties, Taxes
85.1 Any element of royalty, duty or tax in the price of any goods including
and Royalties fuel oil, and lubricating oil, cement, timber, iron and iron goods
locally procured by the Contractor for the works shall be included
in the Contract rates and prices and no reimbursement or payment
in that respect shall be made to the Contractor.
85.2 The Contractor shall familiarize himself with GON the rules and
regulations with regard to customs, duties, taxes, clearing of
goods and equipment, immigration and the like, and it will be
necessary for him to follow the required procedures regardless of the
assistance as may be provided by the Employer wherever possible.
85.3 The Contractor shall pay and shall not be entitled to the reimbursement
of cost of extracting construction materials such as sand,
stone/boulder, gravel, etc. from the river beds or quarries. Such prices
will be levied by the local District Development Committee
(DDC) as may be in force at the time. The Contractor, sub-
contractor(s) employed directly by him and for whom he is
responsible, will not be exempted from payment of royalties, taxes or
other kinds of surcharges on these construction materials so extracted
and paid for to the DDC.
86. Member of
86.1 No member or officer of GoN or the Employer or the Project Manager
Government, etc, or any of their respective employees shall be in any way
not Personally personally bound or liable for the act or obligations of the
Liable Employer under the Contract or answerable for any default or
omission in the observance or performance of any of act, matter or
thing which are herein contained.
87. Approval of
87.1 No explosives of any kind shall be used by the Contractor without the
Use of Explosives prior consent of the Employer in writing and the Contractor
shall provide, store and handle these and all other items of every
kind whatsoever required for blasting operations, all at his own
expense in a manner approved in writing by the Employer.

88 Compliance 88.1 The Contractor shall comply with all relevant ordinances,
with instructions and regulations which the Government, or other
Regulations for person or persons having due authority, may issue from time to
Explosives time regarding the handling, transportation, storage and use of
89. Permission for
89.1 The Contractor shall at all times maintain full liaison with and
Blasting inform well in advance, and obtain such permission as is
required from all Government authorities, public bodies and private
parties whatsoever concerned or affected, or likely to be concerned or
affected by blasting operation.
90. Records of
90.1 Before the beginning of the Defects Liability Period, the Contractor
Explosives shall account to the satisfaction of the Project Manager for all
explosives brought on to the Site during the execution of the
Contract and the Contractor shall remove all unused explosives
from the Site on completion of works when ordered by the Project

91.1 The Contractor shall include the necessary safety procedures regarding
Diversion and pedestrian traffic diversion that is needed in execution of the
works. The Contractor shall include in his costing of works, any
temporary works or diversion that are needed during the construction
period. All traffic diversion should be designed for the safety of both
the motoring public and the men at work. It shall ensure the
uninterrupted flow of traffic and minimum inconvenience to the
public during the period concerned. As such, adequate warning
signs, flagmen and other relevant safety precautionary measures shall
be provided to warn motorists and pedestrians well ahead of the
intended diversion as directed by the Project Manager. All traffic
devices used shall be designed in accordance with the instruction of
Project Manager.
Special Conditions of Contract
The following Special Conditions of Contract shall supplement the GCC. Whenever there is a conflict, the
provisions herein shall prevail over those in the GCC
Special Conditions of Contract

A. General
GCC 1.1 The Employer is Institutional Development Support Component Institutional Development Support Component, Lalitpur,
(q) Lalitpur, Bagmati Province, Nepal

GCC 1.1 The Intended Completion Date for the whole of the Works shall be 24 Months from the date of Work Order

Sectional completion is not applicable

GCC 1.1 The Project Manager is Office Chief of Mahakali Irrigation Management Office, Kanchanpur.
(bb) &
10.1 The Project Manager and Engineer are synonyms.

GCC 1.1 The Site is located at Mahendranagar, Kanchanpur and is defined in drawings No. 1

GCC 1.1 The Start Date shall be 13-10-2023


GCC 1.1 The Works consist of Construction of RCC framed structure office building at Mahendranagar, Kanchanpur. The work
(ll) consist of site preparation, foundation excavation, RCC works, PCC works, Brick works, wood works for doors, UPVC
works for windows and vertilation, tile works for flooring, granite works for staircase, colour for doors, inner and outer
portion, electrifications, sanitation etc. as mentioned in bills of quantities and other parts of this bid documents.

GCC 2.2 Sectional Completions are: NA

GCC 2.3(i) The following documents also form part of the Contract: Any addenda and other clarification issued before the
submission of bid.

GCC 3.1 The language of the contract is ENGLISH/NEPALI

The law that applies to the Contract is the law of NEPAL

GCC 11.1 The Project Manager may delegate any of his duties and responsibilities

Maximum percentage of subcontracting permitted is: 0 % of the total contract amount

GCC 13.1
Nature of Works that can be sub contracted:
Not Applicable

Qualification Criteria:
Not Applicable
GCC 14.1 Schedule of other contractors: NA

GCC 19.1 The minimum insurance amounts and deductibles shall be:

1.The minimum cover for loss of or damage to the Works, Plant and Materials is: 115% of the Contract Amount.
2.The maximum deductible for insurance of the Works and of Plant and Materials is: 0.75% of sum insured
3.The minimum cover for loss or damage to immovable Equipment/plants is : 100 % (i.e Replacement Cost)
4.The maximum deductible for insurance of Equipment/plant is:1 % of sum insured .
5.The minimum cover for loss of or damage to other property is: 110% of full value of loss or damage of property with
unlimited number of occurrences
6.The maximum deductible for insurance of other property is: 1 % of sum insured.
7.The minimum cover for personal injury or death insurance
i.for the Contractor's employees is that specified in the Labor act of Nepal and
ii. for other people is :[insert amount between 1 million with an unlimited number of occurrences
GCC 20.1 Site Investigation Reports are: NA

GCC 23.1 The following shall be designed by the Contractor: NA

GCC 26.1 The Site Possession Date(s) shall be: Date of Work Order

GCC 30.1 The place of arbitration shall be: Kathmandu, Nepal

B. Time Control

GCC 34.1 The Contractor shall submit for approval a Program for the Works within 30days from the date of the Letter of

GCC 34.3 The period between Program updates is 90 days

The amount to be withheld for late submission of an updated Program is 50000.00 NPR

C. Quality Control

GCC 42.1 The Defects Liability Period is 365

D. Cost Control

GCC 49.1 Prevailing Interest Rate 5 percent %

GCC 53.1 The Contract is not subject to price adjustment.

GCC 53.6 Base Price of Construction Materials applicable for price adjustment shall be as per the Table of Adjustment Data
submitted by Bidder together with the Letter of Price Bid which is approved by the Project manager.

GCC 53.7 The Price Adjustment amount shall be limited to a maximum 25 % of the initial Contract Amount

GCC 54.1 The proportion of payments retained is: 5 %

GCC 55.1 The liquidated damages for the whole of the Works are 0.05 % of the final Contract Price per day. The maximum amount
of liquidated damages for the whole of the Works is 10 % of the final Contract Price.

GCC 56.1 The Bonus for the whole of the Works is 0 % per day.
The maximum amount of Bonus for the whole of the Works is 0 % of the final Contract Price.

GCC 57.1 The Advance Payments shall be 20.00 % and shall be paid in two equal installments to the Contractor.

Installment Percentage Requirement

First installment 10.0 Work schedule, insurance, APG and other necessary documents

Second installment 10.0 As per work progress and satisfaction of Employer/Client

GCC 57.3 Deductions from Payment Certificates will commence in the first certificate in which the value of works executed exceeds
30% of the Contract Price. Deduction will be at the rate of 40% of the respective Monthly Interim Payment Certificate
until such time as the advance payment has been repaid; provided that the advance payment shall be completely repaid
prior to the end of 80% of the approved contract period.

GCC 58.1 The Performance Security amount is NRs Performance Security Amount = [(0.85 x Cost Estimate –Bid Price) x 0.5] +
5% of Bid Price.

E. Finishing the Contract

GCC 71.1 The date by which operating and maintenance manuals are required is NA
GCC 71.2 The date by which 'as built' drawings are required is before the issuance of substantial completion certificate
The amount to be withheld for failing to produce "as built" drawings and/or Operating and maintenance manuals is

GCC 72.3 The maximum number of days is 200 days


GCC 80 The Project Manager has to obtain the specific approval of the Employer for taking any of the following actions :
a.Approving subcontracting of any part of the works under General Conditions of Contract Clause 13;
b.Certifying additional costs determined under General Conditions of Contract Clause 50;
c.Determining start date under General Conditions of Contract Clause 1;
d.Determining the extension of the intended Completion Date under General Conditions of Contract Clause 35;
e.Issuing a Variation under General Conditions of Contract Clause 1 and 46, except in an emergency situation, as
reasonably determined by the Project Manager; emergency situation may be defined as the situation when protective
measures must be taken for the safety of life or of the works or of adjoining property.
f.Adjustment of rates under General Conditions of Contract Clause 45;

Contract Forms
This Section contains forms which, once completed, will form part of the Contract. The
forms for Performance Security and Advance Payment Security, when required, shall
only be completed by the successful Bidder after contract award.
Letter of Intent
[on letterhead paper of the Employer]

Date: ... …………………

To: .................................................Name and address of the Contractor..........................

Subject: …………………… Issuance of letter of intent to award the contract............

This is to notify you that, it is our intention to award the contract ................................................ [insert
date] ............................for execution of the ....................................................................................[insert
name of the contract and identification number, as given in the Contract Data/SCC] to you as your bid
price ............................................ [insert amount in figures and words in Nepalese Rupees] as corrected and
modified in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders is hereby selected as substantially responsive lowest
evaluated bid.

Authorized Signature: ………………………………

Name: ... …………………………………………….

Title: ……………………………………………….

[Insert name and address of all other Bidders, who submitted the bid]

[Notes on Letter of Intent

The issuance of Letter of Intent is the information of the selection of the bid of the successful bidder by the
Employer and for providing information to other unsuccessful bidders who participated in the bid as regards to the
outcome of the procurement process. This standard form of Letter of Intent to Award should be filled in and sent to the
successful Bidder only after evaluation and selection of substantially responsible lowest evaluated bid.]
Letter of Acceptance
[on letterhead paper of the Employer]

Date: ……………………..

To: ……………………………………Name and address of the Contractor……………...

Subject: …………………….Notification of Award

This is to notify that your Bid dated …………………………..for execution of

the…………………… of the contract and identification number, as given in the Contract
Data/SCC ……………………... for the Contract price of Nepalese Rupees [insert amount in figures and
words in Nepalese Rupees], as corrected in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders is hereby accepted
in accordance with the Instruction to Bidders.

You are hereby instructed to contact this office to sign the formal contract agreement within 15 days with
Performance Security of NRs. ………. in accordance with the Conditions of Contract, using for that
purpose the Performance security Form included in Section X (Contract Forms) of this Bidding

Authorized Signature: …………………………………...

Name and Title of Signatory: ……………………………

Contract Agreement
THIS AGREEMENT made the of…..between……………………. name of the
Employer ………………(hereinafter “the Employer”), of the one part,
and ……………………………name of the Contractor …………………(hereinafter “the Contractor”),
of the other part:
WHEREAS the Employer desires that the Works known as ……………………….... name of the
Contract ..............................should be executed by the Contractor, and has accepted a Bid by the
Contractor for the execution and completion of these Works and the remedying of any defects in the sum
of NRs …..........…..[insert amount of contract price in words and figures including taxes](hereinafter
“the Contract Price”).

The Employer and the Contractor agree as follows:

1. In this Agreement words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively assigned to
them in the Contract documents referred to.

2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of this
Agreement.This Agreement shall prevail over all other Contract documents.
(a) the Letter of Acceptance;
(b) the Letters of Technical and Price Bid;
(c) the Addenda Nos ................................... Insert addenda numbers if any ……………
(d) the Special Conditions of Contract;
(e) the List of Eligible Countries that was specified in Section V of the bidding document,
(f) the General Conditions of Contract;
(g) the Specification;
(h) the Drawings;
(i) Bill of Quantities (or Schedules of Prices for lump sum contracts), and
(j) Table of Price Adjustment Data
(k) List of Approved Subcontractors [For GoN funded project]
(l) .................................................... ..[Specify if there are any other document]

3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Employer to the Contractor as indicated in this
Agreement, the Contractor hereby covenants with the Employer to execute the Works and to remedy
defects therein in conformity in all respects with the provisions of the Contract.

4. The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution and completion
of the Works and the remedying of defects therein, the Contract Price or such other sum as may become
payable under the provisions of the Contract at the times and in the manner prescribed by the Contract.

IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in accordance with
the laws of Nepal on the day, month and year indicated above.

Signed by ………………………….
for and on behalf the Contractor in the presence of

Witness, Name Signature, Address, Date

Signed by…………………………..
for and on behalf of the Employer in the presence of

Witness, Name, Signature, Address, Date

List of Approved Subcontractors

In accordance with GCC Sub-Clause 13.1,The following Subcontractors are approved for
carrying out the work as specified below.

Name of Value/Percentage
Description of Works
Subcontractors of subcontract
Performance Security
(On letterhead paper of the Bank)

............................ Bank’s Name, and Address of Issuing Branch or Office ...................................

Beneficiary: .............................................. Name and Address of Employer ………………….......
Date: ..................................................

Performance Guarantee No.:………………………………………………….

We have been informed that ... ... [insert name of the Contractor] (hereinafter called "the Contractor") has
been notified by you to sign the Contract No. ……………….. [insert reference number of the Contract] for
the execution of ……….. [insert name of contract and brief description of Works] (hereinafter called "the

Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the Contract, a performance guarantee is

At the request of the Contractor, we............................................. . [insert name of the Bank] hereby
irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of ...............[insert name of
the currency and amount in figures*] (......................................... insert amount in words) such sum being
payable in Nepalese Rupees, upon receipt by us of your first demand in writing accompanied by a written
statement stating that the Contractor is in breach of its obligation(s) under the Contract, without your
needing to prove or to show grounds for your demand or the sum specified therein.

This guarantee shall expire, no later than the………………………..Day of ………………… **, and any
demand for payment under it must be received by us at this office on or before that date.

This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No. 758.

Seal of Bank and Signature(s)
All italicized text is for guidance on how to prepare this demand guarantee and shall be deleted from the final document.
 The Guarantor shall insert an amount representing the percentage of the Contract Price specified in the Contract
in Nepalese Rupees.
** Insert the date thirty days after the date specified for the Defect Liability Period. The Employer should note that in
the event of an extension of the time for completion of the Contract, the Employer would need to request an extension
of this guarantee from the Guarantor. Such request must be in writing and must be made prior to the expiration date
established in the guarantee.
Advance Payment Security
(On letterhead paper of the Bank)

…………………………….. Bank’s Name, and Address of Issuing Branch or Office....................

Beneficiary: ………………………Name and address of employer
Date : …………………………………
Advance Payment Guarantee No……………………………..

We have been informed that ………………has entered into Contract No. ..... Name and Address of
Employer………………name of the Contractor……………(hereinafter called "the Contractor")..reference
number of the Contract……………dated …………… with you, for the execution of ...contract and brief
description of Works ……………. (hereinafter called "the Contract").

Furthermore, we understand that, according to the Conditions of the Contract, an advance payment in the
sum……………. name of the currency and amount in figures*…(.... amount in words .....) is to be made
against an advance payment guarantee.

At the request of the Contractor, we...................................... name of the Bank …………………. hereby
irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount
of………………….name of the currency and amount in figures*................................. .(…… amount in
words .................................................................................. .) upon receipt by us of your first demand in
writing accompanied by a written statement stating that the Contractor is in breach of its obligation under
the Contract because the Contractor used the advance payment for purposes other than the costs of
mobilization in respect of the Works.
The maximum amount of this guarantee shall be progressively reduced by the amount of the advance
payment repaid by the Contractor as indicated in copies of interim statements or payment certificates
which shall be presented to us. This guarantee shall expire, at the latest, upon our receipt of a copy of the
interim payment certificate indicating that eighty (80) percent of the Contract Price has been certified for
payment, or on the ....... day of ......**, whichever is earlier. Consequently, any demand for payment
under this guarantee must be received by us at this office on or before that date.
This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No. 758.

Seal of Bank and Signature(s)
All italicized text is for guidance on how to prepare this demand guarantee and shall be deleted from the final document.
*The Guarantor shall insert an amount representing the amount of the advance payment in Nepalese Rupees of the advance
payment as specified in the Contract.
** Insert the date Thirty days after the expected completion date. The Employer should note that in the event of an extension of
the time for completion of the Contract, the Employer would need to request an extension of this guarantee from the
Guarantor. Such request must be in writing and must be made prior to the expiration date established in the guarantee.
Retention Money Security
(On letterhead paper of the Bank)

............................ Bank’s Name, and Address of Issuing Branch or Office...................................

Beneficiary: ___________________ [Insert name and Address of Employer]

Date: ________________[Insert date of issue]

RETENTION MONEY GUARANTEE No.: [Insert guarantee reference number]

We have been informed that ________________ [insert name of Contractor, which in the case of a joint venture
shall be the name of the joint venture] (hereinafter called "the Applicant") has entered into Contract No.
_____________ [insert reference number of the contract] dated ____________ with the Beneficiary, for the
execution of _____________________ [insert name of contract and brief description of Works] (hereinafter
called "the Contract").

Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the Contract, the Beneficiary retains moneys up to
the limit set forth in the Contract (“the Retention Money”), and that when at least eighty (80) percent of the whole
works have been completed, progress of the works is satisfactory in accordance with the Contract as per approved
work schedule and it can be assured that the works can be completed at the intended completion date, payment of
[insert the amount of the Retention Money] is to be made against a Retention Money guarantee.

At the request of the Applicant, we, as Guarantor, hereby irrevocably undertake to pay the Beneficiary any sum or
sums not exceeding in total an amount of ___________ [insert amount in figures] ( ) [amount in words]1
upon receipt by us of the Beneficiary’s complying demand supported by the Beneficiary’s statement, whether in the
demand itself or in a separate signed document accompanying or identifying the demand, stating that the Applicant
is in breach of its obligation(s) under the Contract, without your needing to prove or show grounds for your demand
or the sum specified therein.

This guarantee shall expire no later than the …. day of ……, 2… 2, and any demand for payment under it must be
received by us at the office indicated above on or before that date.

This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No. 758.

[Seal of Bank and signature(s)]

Note: All italicized text (including footnotes) is for use in preparing this form and shall be deleted from the final

The Guarantor shall insert the amount of the Retention Money.

Insert the same expiry date which is 30 days more than the end of Defect Liability Period. The Employer
should note that in the event of an extension of this date for completion of the Contract, the Employer would need
to request an extension of this guarantee from the Guarantor. Such request must be in writing and must be made
prior to the expiration date established in the guarantee.
Table of Price Adjustment Data
[SCC 53.1]

Base Employer's Proposed Bidder's Proposed

Index Source of
Code Value and Weighting Range Weighting
Description Index*
Date (coefficient) (coefficient)**
1 2 3 4 5 6
Non -
0.15 0.15
adjustable (A)
Labor (b)
Materials (c)
usage (d)
Total 1.00

Note: Base value and Bidder’s proposed weighting coefficient to be filled as per “Bid Form of Table of
Price Adjustment Data” in Bidding Forms (Section-IV) after verification by the Employer in case of
the alternative provision of Bidder proposed value and weighting coefficient.

Table of Price Adjustment Data

[SCC 53.6]

Construction Base Price (NRs/Unit) **

Unit Source (Factory)**
Code Material* (Ex-factory)

1 2 3 4 5

** For the purpose of calculation of price adjustment, the Ex-factory price of the same source mentioned in
the table shall be taken into consideration.
Note: Base Price and source to be filled as per “Bid Form of Table of Price Adjustment Data” in Bidding
Forms (Section-IV) after verification by the Employer in case of the alternative provision of Bidder proposed
source and base price.

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