Instagram Marketing Revealed

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Instagram Marketing Strategies




In this guide we will discuss key tips on

how to increase traffic and sales via
Instagram. Here are some key tips to

- You MUST spend money to make

money. If you have no marketing plan
or fail to invest in marketing you will
receive very few to 0 sales. Also keep
in mind that during marketing testing
(i.e figuring out what works/ trial and
error) is very IMPORTANT!

Do not get discouraged if your first paid

post is unsuccessful. Try Again! This is
part of the process and you are now
one step closer to finding your winning

STEP 1: Switch To A Professional Account

Let's face it! If you wish to be taken seriously as a business owner, let alone make

sales you must have an IG account strictly dedicated to your business. This is the

first step REQUIRED before running any ads. Here's how to do it:

Your profile MUST be set as a business

page in order to view insights! If you
haven't already please follow these
steps to do so
STEP 2: Pick A Post To Promote

Before you run a promotion you must first decide on a post. Not just any post.

The goal is to choose a post (content) that is most likely to bring traffic/sales to

your business. The best way to find out is by checking your Instagram "insights'".

Let's take a walk through the process

This section is key when deciding on a

"winning" post. Toggle between the

different categories to figure out which

post ranks the highest in each category.

Which of your posts has the most


Which of your posts has been saved/shared

the most?


Hint: If a certain post(s) is consistently top

ranked in several categories that is a good

indicator that it may be worth promoting

STEP 3: Start The Promotion

Now that you've chosen your post lets

begin the promotion process. Let's

take a walk through the process:

Click "promote" on the post that you

wish to advertise.
The goal is to get visitors to convert

into buyers. Send people to your

website, or a specific product page on

your website.

Double check and make sure that your

link is correct. This is very important!

Next, select the audience that you'd like to

appeal to. Use the "automatic" audience

feature if you have a following of 10,000 or

more real followers. Instagram will find

users that are similar to your crowd and

target them!

Don't have 10,000 followers?

No problem. Read on to learn

the steps to take.

Use IG's "Insight" tool to your advantage.
This will help you to determine your audience!

insights show that

majority of these

followers are

between the age of 18-34

and 90% are women!!

Key Point: Do research within your niche (industry) to figure out what will

interest your audience. Ask yourself the following questions to help you

determine this.

Who are the top names/gurus in this industry?

Top brands/companies in this industry?

Top websites?

Write your ideas down! We will revisit them on page 11

Now that you've finished brainstorming interests, lets put your findings to use....

Since you're following is under 10,000 our advice is for

you to create an audience! You can do this by entering

location, interests & age/gender ranges that you

believe will appeal to the people you wish to target.

You can create an audience by entering

location, interests & age/gender ranges

that you believe will appeal to the people

you wish to target.

Refer to the information you found in

your analytics & interest ideas you

brainstormed on page 9 to input on

this screen!

In the example shown in this guide we

are advertising waist slimming belts.

Therefore, we've input the following

interests to attract our target

audience, as well as the

age/gender/location based on

findings from our insights.


Please place no more than 1-4

interests on a promotion. Adding any
more than this will work against you.
The audience will be too broad
making your ad LESS effective.
STEP 4: Set A Budget

This is the last step before your promotion goes

into effect! We recommend settings of a minimum
of $10 per day for 30 days. Keep in mind that
you do not need to keep the ad active for the
entire 30 days. If you don't find the ad to be
proftable after 4-7 days then you may cancel
STEP 5: Wait For Results!

If after testing, you've found that the post that you

are promoting gives you a good return on your

investment it may be in your best interest to

continue the promotion with the same budget (as

long as it is profitable)


Increase the promotion budget in an attempt to

get more sales at a quicker rate.

If you're unhappy with the results after 4-7 days

then it is best to end the promotion and repeat

this process with a different post! Remember, the

key to marketing is testing! You must test, test,

test until you find a winning ad. A winning ad is one

that gives you a return on your investment.

For example: spend $10 on ads, make $30 profit.

Things To Know:

Please be sure to let the ad run its course before

ending it. You don't want to prematurely turn off

an ad because it didn't meet your expectations on

day 1. Give it some time. If you're unhappy after 4-

7 days of testing then you may end the


Disclaimer: keep in mind that results are not

guaranteed and may vary by product/person.
You may also run the same type of promotions
on your Instagram stories! [See below]
tip: Use the same strategies previously stated 
Advertising Don’ts 


1. Promote goods/services that do not follow IG/FB

policies and procedures. 

2. Post pictures with too much text/words

3. Post low quality pictures 

4. Post pics with too much skin/nudity

5. No MLM or money making opportunities 

6. No abusive language 

Keep in mind that if you do not follow these rules

your ad may not be approved or your ad account may

be disabled.




Influencer Marketing
Simply put, influencer marketing is the act of paying IG

users who have a large, ENGAGED following to

promote or showcase your product/service.

Helpful hint: We recommend working with influencers

who have following of 50k or more.However, feel free

to collab with whomever you please.


Ana sells waist trainers /girdles.

Because @sixpackfemmes

is a fitness niche targeted

towards women, Ana

reached out to them to inquire

about pricing to post an ad

with her waist trainers on their feed!

Ana $9.99
How To Reach Out To
How To Reach Out To Influencers:

1. Hey babe! We love your look and

would love to collab with you. If this

is something you’d be interested in

please email us (your email) with

your IG handle as the subject.

2. Hey doll ! We would love to send

you one of products for you to

promote. If you’re interested please

email us at (your email)

3. Hey doll! We’re reaching out to

you to see if collaborating with us is

something you’d be interested in. If

so , please email us at (your email).

Hope to hear back soon! XOXO

Collaboration Agreement Tips
1. Must post 2-5 days from

receiving products. (If not

able to post in time frame

please let us know)

2. Must be done in good


3. Must not have any other

person or entity in photo.

4. All photos wearing (your

store name) might be used

by (your store name) for

social media and website


5. Must tag @(your IG page)

in caption and photo.


#Hashtags are a great way to get
your post featured on the explore
page and noticed by your target
audience. To attract people to your
instagram account, use hashtags
that relate to the people that you'd
like to attract

Use your hashtags wisely. Knowing the right

hashtags and knowing the wrong hashtags are both
very important. The right hashtags have the power to
build your business organically by exposing your content
to the right people.

The wrong hashtags have the power to keep your

business stagnant and lower your organic
visibility. Using the wrong hashtags causes more
damage to your business than you think.
What not to do when you’re
using #hashtags.

This is a very important part of

marketing. As business you want
to use hashtags that are
relevant, engaging and bring
in traffic to your page.

When considering what

hashtags to use, firstly you must
know about what not to do when
using hashtags.
#1 Using  Irrelevant

For Example: You’re selling lip

gloss and you’re using #lovelife.
The #lovelife hashtag is very
trendy and engaging but not for
your product.

Avoid using hashtags that are

irrelevant. It’s not the views we’re
after but the engagement. You
want to attract your target
audience. If you’re using irrelevant
hashtags you might also appear
as spam.
#2 Using The Same
Hashags Over And Over

Instagram's community guideline clearly

states that using the same content
over and over might get you shadow
banned. This means that people won’t be
able to see your post even though you’re
using the relevant #hashtags.
Always research and update your
hashtags every now and then.

Also using the same hashtags will hinder

your business because your content
will be seen by the same audience. Use
new hashtags to get views from new
people. Broaden your horizon.
#3 Ignoring A Local
Community #hashtag

If you are selling physical products make

sure to hashtag your location.

Most businesses make this mistake of not

hashtagging their locality. Most people
will trust buying locally then elsewhere and
also it gives your business local
Where To Find Your
Top Hashtags
The hashtags you want to use for your
business must be found within the
focus of which your business operates.
Say you are selling essential oils, there
are so many hashtags you can use.

If you go to your instagram page and

search essential oils you will see the
results of your top hashtags within your
niche. You must have a popular
hashtag in your list of hashtags on your
Specific Hashtags

To increase engagement and

gain followers you need to use
specific hashtags. This means
that if you are selling essentail
oils you can be more specific by
using hashtags such as
#lavanderoil, #vanilaessence or

Specific hashtags are also

relevant slogans and phrases
used for products within your
How to find out hashtags your
audience is already following.

1.Check your competitors posts for their

Your competitors are pages that are within your
range, pages that have
slightly higher following than your page or the
small pages within your niche
that are getting a lot of engagement.

2.Use hashtags that leading pages in your

niche are using.
This are well known established businesses, it’s
always good to learn from the best. Click on
their posts and copy some of their relevant
hashtags and experiment on your post.
3.Use the search function.
Type in your hashtag word in the search
bar to see similar hashtags. The higher
the numbers under the hashtag means
it’s a popular hashtag and has the
potential to bring in a lot of views and

It also means there is a lot of content

under that hashtag. Meaning if you use
that hashtag your content is also very
likely get lost within millions of content.
When you are hashtagging make sure to
experiment with popular hashtags and
specific hashtags to find the sweet spot.

Note when researching relevant

hashtags, try to go as micro as possible.
There’s a good chance you’ll find some
ultra-niche hashtags that are teeming
with activity from your target audience.
4.Your most successful post.
Look through your posts to see how they
are performing with your existing
If you already have a business page
you’re able to see how your hashtags are
performing from individual posts by
clicking on view insights under post

From this example you can see that

598 people saw this post because of
the hashtag used. You can compare
high perfoming posts and see which
#hashtags are bring in the views and
engagement. Use more of the hashtags
that are bringing in the results.
5.Use related hashtags
On any page you’ll see the related
hashtags when you click on your main
hashtags this will be at the top right hand
side of your page.
This is a great way to find hashtags that
are specific and may attract more of your
target audience with less competition.
Hashtag Guidelines

Use relevant hashtags. Hashtags that

represent the products and service
you’re offering.
Use 11 to 30 hashtags. Statistics show
that 9-16hashtags get most
Hide your hashtags in the first
comment so that your real content only
appears in caption. Your hashtags still
registers, you must do this immediately
after posting.
Remember to write great captions for
your posts. Getting exposure through
hashtags, but having great content to
back it up is even better.
Mix popular hashtags with specific
hashtags. Don’t cut off popular
hashtags as long as they are within
your niche they provide you with an
audience that will be interested in your
Hashtag Guidelines (continued)

Have a hashtag for your brand.

Something simple and catchy, so that
every time someone clicks on it all your
posts will appear.
Always research your hashtags every
now and then to get trending hashtags
within your niche.
Make sure to save your hashtags in
your note pad to reuse and mix up from
time to time.
Never post content without having your
hashtags ready before hand. Fresh
content with hashtags normally does
better with engagement.
Don’t forget about emoji hashtags.
Everyone seems to be using emojis
today, try to experiment emoji hashtags.
Hashtag Guidelines (continued)

•Avoid hashtags that bait for likes

#followforfollow #likeforlike.
•Hashtags is all about experiementing.
The performance of each hashtag
changes everytime so remember to
always research and update your
•Your hashtags list for each post must
contain; popular hashtags, related
hashtags, specific hashtags, trendy
hashtags and location hashtag.
•Remember to hashtag your story posts.
One to three is suitable.
There are a lot of hashtags that will work
for your business. The important thing to
remember, is to stay relevant and also
research your hashtags every week to
see which are trending and which new
ones you can add to your collection.
Each post must contain at least these 4
types of hashtags;

1.Popular hashtags
2.Specific hashtags
3.Related hashtags
4.Location hashtags.

Hastags work best through experiement.

To find your best hashtags refer back to
our tips. Always mix hashtags that work
best for your business. Remember
hashtags that are working great today
might not work tomorrow. Always view
your individual post insights to see how
your hashtags are performing and
remember to avoid the common hashtag
mistakes we’ve stated earlier.

People can follow hashtags on instagram,

this means that your post appears on
feeds of people that don’t even follow
From your hashtags people that are
within your niche who are not following
you will be able to see your content. If
your hashtags are relevant they give you
the opportunity to gain interested
followers who are potential customers.
Always post your #hashtags in the first
comment of your post in that way your
posts apprear less spammy and
customers only ready your real caption.

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