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Examples of Exothermic and Endothermic changes

Examples of exothermic changes:

1. Condensation
2. Freezing
3. Dissolving of anhydrous salts in water like NaCl, CuSO4, Na2CO3 etc
4. Dissolving of acids (e.g concentrated sulfuric acid) in water
5. Explosion
An explosion, on the other hand, is an exothermic reaction in which all its
energy is given out in a very short time. The energy comes from the bonds that hold the
atoms together in the molecules.
1. Combustion of fuels
C + O2 → CO2 + heat energy
CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O + heat energy
2. Respiration
C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O
3. Neutralization (reaction between acid and base)
HCl + NaOH → NaCl + H2O
4. Corrosion of metals (e.g rusting of iron)
4Fe + 3O2 + 6H2O → 4Fe(OH)3
Examples of endothermic changes:
1. Evaporation
2. Melting
3. Dissolving of some ionic compounds (e.g ammonium chloride, potassium chloride and
hydrated copper(II) sulphate) in water.
Chemical reaction
1. Photosynthesis
6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2
2. Action of light on silver bromide in photographic film.
3. Thermal decomposition (e.g heating of calcium carbonate to produce calcium oxide and
CaCO3 → CaO + CO2

Prepared by Ahmed Ayaz (MSc Chemistry)

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