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Chapter 1: An Introduction to Consumer Behavior

1. Analyze the three stages of the consumption process and provide an example. 
2. “People often buy products not for what they do but for what they mean." Explain
meaning of this statement and provide an example 
Chapter 3: Perception
3. Define hedonic consumption and provide an example.
4. Analyze the three stages of perception and provide an example. 
Chapter 9: Decision Making
5. Analyze the model of cognitive decision making and provide an example.
Chapter 10: Buying, Using, and Disposing
6. What are some important pros and cons of e-commerce? Provide an example.
Chapter 11: Group
7. How do you find a suitable opinion leader? Provide an example.


1. List the stages in consumer decision making process. Clarify each stage by
explaining the decision making process of a student in buying a laptop as an

 Liệt kê các giai đoạn trong quá trình ra quyết định của người tiêu dùng. Làm rõ từng
giai đoạn bằng cách giải thích quá trình ra quyết định của một sinh viên trong việc
mua máy tính xách tay như một ví dụ?

Problem Recognition -> Information Search ->Evaluation of Alternatives  -> Product

Choice-> Out comecome

Explanation: The first step of the decision making process is Problem Recognition,
means the consumer recognizes a problem which needs to be solved, or a need which
needs to be satisfied. At this point, the customer may or may not know what will solve
their problem. They may only be aware that they want to change their reality or
situation. Or they may have an idea about what will help them but are not quite sure
which brand, product, service, or solution will provide the best option.

Example: A consumer buying process example at this phase could be a college

freshman, An,  who has a computer that is starting to run slowly. She is getting ready
to start the semester and needs a computer that will efficiently help her with her

Explanation: Information Search - The next phase of the buying decision process
begins when the customer starts looking for information that will help them solve
their problem. They know they need something to fix their situation but aren’t sure
which solution is best for them. The customer starts searching for information that
will help him or her better understand their situation and identify what will fix their
issues. At this point, the customer frequently turns to online research and conducts
searches to find solutions.

Example: An, the college student may start seeking information to help resolve her
immediate problem, which is speeding up her computer. Depending on what she
finds, she may also begin searching for options for purchasing a new computer.

Explanation: Evaluation of Alternatives – Once the initial information search is

complete, customers start reflecting on what they learned or discovered. They begin to
evaluate their options to determine which is the best solution for their problem.
Customers at this point in the buying decision process have a lot to consider. They
must determine what solution is the most trustworthy, affordable, highest quality, and
highest performing. They look for reasons to believe why one solution has more
benefits than the other.

Example: In this phase, An might be making a comparison list of multiple computers.

The list may include prices, features, and reviews.

Explanation: Product Choice - At this point of the buying decision process, the
customer is ready to pull the trigger and make a purchase. They have made their
decision about which product, service, brand, or solution is best for them, and they are
ready to buy.

Example: Now that the college student, An, has decided to buy, she is likely eager to
make the purchase and get her computer. She may, therefore, be more likely to buy
the computer if she gets free and expedited shipping.

Explanation:  Outcomes - At the last step of the five-stage consumer decision-making

process, the path to buying is complete. The customer has made a purchase. But that
doesn’t mean the customer journey is complete. Now is the time when the customer
reflects on whether they made the right decision. The customer will consider if the
solution accurately and fully meets their needs. They will decide if it was worth the
cost and if the brand delivered on their promises. They will feel either satisfaction or
buyer’s remorse. If it’s the former, the customer could come back to make another
purchase. But if it’s the latter, the customer could reject the brand, never make
another purchase, and even share their negative experience with others.

Example: When An makes it to this phase of her buying decision process, she is using
the computer and discovering what she likes and doesn’t like. Reading resources that
show her how to better utilize the computer could make her like it more.

2. How does lifestyle affect consumer behavior? Give an example to clarify it ?

Cách sống ảnh hưởng đến hành vi của người tiêu dùng như thế nào? Cho ví dụ để
làm rõ nó?
Desired lifestyle determines consumer’s choice and the choice is a reflection of the
lifestyle. The income of an individual and the price of goods at a given time influence
the lifestyle of a person

Example: If we compare the higher class and lower class in buying cars. The higher
class have more money to spend, they think about style, brand, comfort, safety and
anything that heightens their status. This might make them choose an Audi. But the
lower class have less money to spend so need to focus on what’s most important.
They’ll focus greater on safety and reliability, so they may end up buying an older
Toyota Camry.

Lifestyle is a way of life established by a society, culture, group or individual. This
includes patterns of behavior, interaction, consumption, work, activity and interests
that describe how a person spends their time. 
Lifestyle is an important aspect when looking at consumer choices. Below will be
some examples of why lifestyle is an important aspect to consider.

- Social status

It affects the quality and quantity of what people buy. The rich have more money to
spend on higher quality products. Though the lower class will focus more on
necessities and focus on buying one nice outfit, but then spend more on food and their

Example: If we compare the higher class and lower class in buying cars. 
+) The higher class has more money to spend, they think about style, brand, comfort,
safety, and anything that heightens their status. This might make them choose an
+) But the lower class has less money to spend so need to focus on what’s most
important. They’ll focus greater on safety and reliability, so they may end up buying
an older Toyota Camry.

- Product involvement

People’s lifestyle comes into play especially when they come to high involvement
products. These products carry high risk, are complex or have high price tags. 

Take for example buying a home. 

+) Some people might be outdoorsy, love gardening, and want quiet so they might
find a farm.
+) Whereas another couple may love fresh air, need a medium sized home and love
the beach so they might find a beach shack.
Each will go through an extensive problem-solving process in order to find their

- Activities
The activities people undertake vitally determine how their money will be spent. 

For example: if a person is dedicated to the gym and works in a gym, then they’re
likely to spend most of their money on gym clothes, weights, exercise machines, and
healthy food.

- Self-image

Self-image is a strong aspect when thinking about how lifestyle affects purchases. The
way someone feels they should look will strongly affect what they buy. 

For example, if they own a sports car, certain consumers may see themselves as
attractive and outgoing. Other consumers might see themselves as wealthy and

3. (chưa xong) What is the ideal-self? Analyzing the poster as below and explain
how the marketer apply the ideal-self theory to the advertisement?

Lý tưởng-bản thân là gì? Phân tích người đăng quảng cáo như dưới đây và giải thích
cách nhà tiếp thị áp dụng lý thuyết bản thân lý tưởng vào quảng cáo?

The ideal self is the person you want to be. This person has the attributes or qualities
you are either working toward or want to possess. It's who you envision yourself to be
if you were exactly as you wanted.
Slogan: A pop of colour a flutter on your lips (Một chút màu sắc rung động trên đôi
môi của bạn) 

Mỗi cô gái đều mong muốn đôi môi của bản thân mình luôn trông thật xinh tươi
chẳng ai muốn đôi môi của mình thiếu sức sống, nhợt nhạt. Đánh vào tâm lý đó
L’Oreal với slogan “...” mong muốn đem đến cho mọi cô gái đôi môi với sắc màu
rung động. Với hình ảnh cô gái và đôi môi hồng hào, quyến rũ đầy sức sống  L’Oreal
mong muốn cho mọi người thấy được sức hút của đôi môi, đem đến cái đẹp, sự hài
lòng cho mọi cô gái. 

Every girl wants her own lips to always look beautiful, no one wants their lips to be
lifeless and pale. Hitting that mentality, L'Oreal with the slogan "..." wishes to give
every girl lips with vibrant colors. With the image of a girl and her rosy, seductive lips
full of vitality, L'Oreal wishes to show everyone the charm of her lips, bringing
beauty and satisfaction to every girl.

4. What is the motivation? How many levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need?

Present brierty each level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need and give the example
for each level?
(Động lực là gì? Có bao nhiêu cấp độ nhu cầu của Maslow? Trình bày mức độ rõ
ràng của từng cấp độ trong Hệ thống nhu cầu của Maslow và đưa ra ví dụ cho từng
cấp độ?)

Motivation refers to the processes that cause people to behave as they do. From a
psychological perspective motivation occurs when a need is aroused that the
consumer wishes to satisfy.

* There are 5 main levels to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

1/ Physiological
They are the most essential things a person needs to survive. They include the need
for shelter, water, food, warmth, rest, and health.
Example: When applied to the workplace, one of your physiological needs is also a
steady income to support yourself and pay for somewhere to live, food, utilities, and
other essential needs.
“It’s the right thing to do” - Quaker Oat Bran
2/ Safety
Safety, or security needs, relate to a person’s need to feel safe and secure in their life
and surroundings. Motivation comes from the need for law, order, and protection
from unpredictable and dangerous conditions.
Example: When working, you may want to consider whether your place of
employment also meets your safety needs. This ensures that the personal property you
bring to work is safe and provides ergonomic office furniture that properly supports
“You’re in good hands with Allstate” - Allstate Insurance
3/ Belongingness
Humans are social creatures that crave interaction with others. This level of the
hierarchy outlines the need for friendship, intimacy, family, and love. Humans have
the need to give and receive love, to feel like they belong in a group.
Example:  If you don't feel a sense of belonging, you may not feel as engaged at work
or as motivated to succeed. Companies that host social activities and offer more
opportunities for relationship-building outside the office.
“You’re in the Pepsi generation” - Pepsi
4/ Ego Needs
Ego needs are related to a person’s need to gain recognition, status, and feel
respected. Respect from others relates to achieving fame, prestige, and recognition.
Respect from oneself relates to dignity, confidence, competence, independence, and
Example: When working, you may want to consider whether you grow, advance your
work, and achieve results. You may also want to consider whether you receive
positive feedback from your employers and how you receive encouragement.
“What the rich give the wealthy.” - Royal Salute Scotch
5/ Self-Actualization
Self-actualization relates to the realization of an individual’s full potential. At this
level, people strive to become the best that they possibly can be.
Example: It requires you to maximize your potential at work. You feel you are doing
the best you can in your position, which helps you feel motivated to continue on your
career path and succeed. You feel empowered and trusted, which encourages growth
and engagement. 
“Be all you can be” - U.S.Army

5. (chưa xong) List and briefly characterize four types of relationships a person
might have with a product. Be specific.
Liệt kê và mô tả ngắn gọn bốn loại mối quan hệ mà một người có thể có với một sản
phẩm. Hãy cụ thể.

As we have already seen, the hallmark of marketing strategies at the beginning of the
twenty-first century is an emphasis on building relationships with customers. The
nature of these relationships can vary, and these bonds help us to understand some of
the possible meanings products have for us. Here are some of the types of relationship
a person may have with a product:
Self-concept attachment: “The product helps to establish the user’s identity.”
Nostalgic attachment: “The product serves as a link with a past self.”
Interdependence: “The product is a part of the user’s daily routine.”
Love: “The product elicits emotional bonds of warmth, passion or other strong

6. Define the concepts of hedonic consumption and sensory marketing, and then
explain how they are related.

Xác định các khái niệm về tiêu dùng theo chủ nghĩa khoái lạc và tiếp thị theo cảm
tính, sau đó giải thích mối quan hệ của chúng với nhau như thế nào.

Hedonic consumption refers to the multisensory, fantasy, and emotional aspects of

consumers' interactions with products. 
Using sensory marketing, companies pay more attention to the impact of all five
senses (vision, scent, sound, taste, and touch) on our product experiences. As incomes
rise and consumer costs go down, consumers are more interested in the hedonic value
of products. => Therefore, marketers are more likely to use sensory marketing to
increase the hedonic value of their market offerings.
An example is going to a movie theater to watch a film. Watching a film gives
emotional pleasure to individuals which cannot be obtained from utilitarian
consumption and helps them to take some time off from their daily routine to
experience happiness.

7. Discuss what stimulus generalization and stimulus discrimination are and

present an example of each that is relevant to the field of marketing.

Thảo luận về khái quát kích thích và phân biệt kích thích là gì và trình bày một ví dụ
về từng loại có liên quan đến lĩnh vực tiếp thị
Stimulus generalization the process that occurs when the behaviour caused by a
reaction to one stimulus occurs in the presence of other, similar stimuli.
Stimulus generalization refers to the tendency of stimuli similar to a conditioned
stimulus to evoke similar, conditioned responses.
 Ex: If a child has been conditioned to fear a stuffed white rabbit, it will exhibit a fear
of objects similar to the conditioned stimulus such as a white toy rat.

Stimulus discrimination the process that occurs when behaviour caused by two
stimuli is different as when consumers learn to differentiate a brand from its
Stimulus discrimination occurs when a stimulus similar to a conditioned stimulus is
not followed by an unconditioned stimulus. In this case, reactions are weakened and
will soon disappear.
Ex: Only ordering a dish at one restaurant because you know that other restaurants
don't offer that same menu item is an example of stimulus discrimination

8. Suppose that it became fashionable to be overweight. How would the four

models of fashion (derived from the behavioral science perspective of fashion)
explain how the fashion norm would change from being underweight to being

Giả sử rằng việc thừa cân đã trở thành thời trang. Bốn mô hình thời trang (xuất phát
từ quan điểm khoa học hành vi của thời trang) sẽ giải thích như thế nào về tiêu chuẩn
thời trang sẽ thay đổi từ thiếu cân sang thừa cân?

Psychological - The sexual attraction for larger girls, successful childbearing in

theRenaissance era
Economic - Consumption for earlier times meant if you were overweight you had
Sociological - Its a social ladder to be larger, a self perception of your self changes
Medical - The products have spread across to the consumers of what is acceptable

As history has changed so has the perception of the human body for fashion. Before
the 20th century times excepted curver women because it meant wealth, and you
could fight off disease. Then the mid 20th century people start to look at the health of
some of the products people put into their body and start a change on being skinner
and underweight is more fashionable.Women's lingerie is a good example of how
women over the centuries conformed to the product of skinny waists with big boobs,
big booties , and bigger hips

9. Write down the steps in consumer decision purchase process ? Take an

example for illustration.

Viết ra các bước trong quy trình quyết định mua hàng của người tiêu dùng? Lấy ví dụ
minh họa.

Problem Recognition -> Information Search -> Evaluation of Alternatives -> Product
Choice -> Outcomes

Ex 1: 

Problem Recognition: Winter is coming. This particular customer has several light
jackets, but she’ll need a heavy-duty winter coat if she’s going to survive the snow
and lower temperatures.

Information search :The customer searches “women’s winter coats” on Google to

see what options are out there. When she sees someone with a cute coat, she asks
them where they bought it and what they think of that brand.

Evaluation of alternatives: The customer compares a few brands that she likes. She
knows that she wants a brightly colored coat that will complement the rest of her
wardrobe, and though she would rather spend less money, she also wants to find a
coat made from sustainable materials.

Product Choice: The customer finds a pink winter coat that’s on sale for 20% off.
After confirming that the brand uses sustainable materials and asking friends for their
feedback, she orders the coat online.

Outcomes: The customer received the goods, used it and have good review on the
wesibe. She is really satisfied and rave about it to her friends.


Stage 1. Need Recognition: You try your best to eat healthily so You have to use less
oil. You need to buy an air fryer.

Stage 2. Information Search: Before you decide to spend the money on the air fryer,
you decide to consult Google and see what others have said about the pan. You find 3
air fryers of 3 brands including Philips, Lock&Lock, and BlueStone (Stage 2)

Stage 3. Alternative Evaluation: You are considering multiple details between 3

brands including Price, Review, Benefits, Materials, Shipping Times,..(Stage 3)

Stage 4: Purchase Decision: You head over to the BlueStore product page and
decide to make the purchase because it has a feature that really appeals to you and a
15% discount code. (Stage 4)
Stage 5. Post-Purchase Behavior: The product arrives with expedited shipping. You
are really satisfied and rave about it to your friends. You will continue to purchase
from that business. (Stage 5)

10. Explain the Freudian and neo-Freudian systems of personality, as they might
apply to the behavior of different consumers

Giải thích các hệ thống tính cách theo trường phái Freud và tân Freud, vì chúng có
thể áp dụng cho hành vi của những người tiêu dùng khác nhau

Freudian: Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of personality is one of the

cornerstones of modern psychology. This theory was built on the premise that
unconscious needs or drives, especially biological and sexual drives, are at the heart
of human motivation and personality. Freud proposed that the human personality
consists of three interacting systems: the id, the superego, and the ego. .

* Freudian theory developed the idea that much of human behaviour stems from a
fundamental conflict between a person’s desire to gratify his or her physical needs
and the necessity to function as a responsible member of society. This struggle is
carried out in the mind among three systems.

- The id is entirely oriented towards immediate gratification. It operates

according to the pleasure principle: behavior is guided by the primary desire to
maximize pleasure and avoid pain. It directs a person’s psychic energy towards
pleasurable acts without regard for the consequences.

- The superego is the counterweight to the id. This system is essentially the
person’s conscience. It internalizes society’s rules and works to prevent the id from
seeking selfish gratification.

- Finally, the ego is the system that mediates between the id and the superego.
The ego tries to balance these two opposing forces according to the reality principle.
These conflicts occur on an unconscious level, so the person is not necessarily aware
of the underlying reasons for his or her behavior.

Ex:  A child who accidentally calls their teacher “Mom” is simply transitioning from
spending most of the day with their mother to spending most of the day with their

* Neo-Freudian: There are some neo-Freudians who believe that social relationships
are fundamental to the formation and development of personality.
● Karen Horney: Compliant versus detached versus aggressive
● Alfred Adler: Motivation to overcome inferiority
● Harry Stack Sullivan: Personality evolves to reduce anxiety
● Carl Jung: Developed analytical psychology
While the neo-Freudians may have been influenced by Freud, they developed their
own unique theories and perspectives on human development, personality, and

11. Perception is the process by which physical sensations such as sight, sound
and smells are selected, organized and interpreted 

Tri giác là quá trình mà các cảm giác vật lý như thị giác, âm thanh và khứu giác được
lựa chọn, tổ chức và giải thích
Discuss the senses we use to stimulate our perception of something through
sensation and meaning

Thảo luận về các giác quan chúng ta sử dụng để kích thích nhận thức của chúng ta về
điều gì đó thông qua cảm giác và ý nghĩa

- Perception is the process by which sensations are selected, organized, and

interpreted. Perception is the act of using the senses to form an image and create an
understanding of what you see, smell, hear, and sound and make sense of it. 
- The three stages of perception include: Exposure, Attention, and Interpretation. 
● Exposure: speaks to the raw stimuli being exposed to the sensory receptors, seeing
a billboard, familiar smell of girlfriend's perfume. Exposure occurs when a stimulus
comes within range of someone’s sensory receptors. We can concentrate, ignore, or
completely miss stimuli. Cadillac's 5 second ad 
● Attention: Refers to our mental acknowledgement of the sensory stimuli entering
our surroundings. Attention is the extent to which processing activity is devoted to a
particular stimulus. Consumers are often in a state of sensory overload. Marketers
need to break through the clutter 
● Interpretation: Refers to the meanings we assign to the stimuli we take in.
Interpretation refers to the meaning we assign to sensory stimuli, which is based on a
schema. which happens after we have attended to a stimulus. After the organization of
the information that our brain has received we interpret it in a way that makes sense
using our existing information about the world. And then we turn it to something we
can analyze and understand. This happens unconsciously thousands of times a day. o
Thus, to conclude in a simple and apt way we can say that perception is organizing,
identifying and then interpreting the information we get from the various stimuli and
then represent and understand the world around us.

13. Compare and contrast classical and instrumental (operant) conditioning

So sánh và đối chiếu điều kiện hóa cổ điển và điều kiện hóa từ kết quả:

Sự khác nhau giữa Điều kiện hóa cổ điển và Điều kiện hóa từ kết quả

Điều kiện hóa cổ điển và điều kiện hóa từ kết quả là hai khái niệm quan
trọng trong tâm lý học hành vi. Mặc dù cả hai đều đưa đến kết quả là chủ
thể học được một hành vi nào đó, tuy nhiên hai quá trình diễn ra của chúng
khá khác nhau. Để hiểu được từng chiến lược điều chỉnh hành vi này được
áp dụng như thế nào, ta cần hiểu được sự khác biệt giữa chúng.

Classical and operant conditioning are two important concepts central to

behavioral psychology. While both result in learning, the processes are
quite different. To understand how each of these behavior modification
techniques can be used, it is also essential to understand how classical
conditioning and operant conditioning differ from one another.

Classical Conditioning occurs when a stimulus that elicits a response is

paired with another stimulus that initially does not elicit a response on its

Examples are various forms of drug addiction. If a drug is repeatedly taken

in specific circumstances (say, a specific location), the user may become
used to the substance in that context and require more of it to get the same
effect, called tolerance. However, if the individual takes the drug in a
different environmental context, the individual may overdose. This is
because the user’s typical environment has become a conditioned stimulus
that prepares the body for a conditioned response to the drug. In the
absence of this conditioning, the body may not be adequately prepared for
the drug.

-        Instrumental conditioning (operant conditioning) occurs when we

learn to perform behaviors that produce positive outcomes and avoid those
that yield negative outcomes.
ex: Instrumental conditioning is often used in animal training as well. For
example, training a dog to shake hands would involve offering a reward
every time the desired behavior occurs.

In operant conditioning, the learner is also rewarded with incentives,5

while classical conditioning involves no such enticements. Also, remember
that classical conditioning is passive on the part of the learner, while
operant conditioning requires the learner to actively participate and
perform some type of action in order to be rewarded or punished.

14. Discuss what sorts of conclusions you can make with respect to the influence
that age has on attitudes and consumer behavior. Describe and explain the
different generations and some differences between them.

Thảo luận về các loại kết luận bạn có thể đưa ra về ảnh hưởng của độ tuổi đối với
thái độ và hành vi của người tiêu dùng. Mô tả và giải thích các thế hệ khác nhau và
một số điểm khác biệt giữa chúng.

15. An anti-smoking campaign showed autopsies of people who have died of lung
cancer. The campaign seemed to have no effect on the rate that teenagers took
up smoking. Why?

Một chiến dịch chống hút thuốc đã cho khám nghiệm tử thi những người đã chết vì
ung thư phổi. Chiến dịch dường như không ảnh hưởng đến tỷ lệ thanh thiếu niên hút
thuốc. Tại sao?

Fear appeals emphasize the negative consequences that can occur unless the consumer
changes a behavior or attitude. Most research on this indicates that negative
messaging is most effective when the ad presents a solution to the problem.
Otherwise, consumers will tune out the message because they can do nothing to solve
or avoid the threat. Smoking will kill me, but I'm addicted so I'm not paying attention
to this ad. It offers no help to current smokers.

16. List the three semiotic components of a marketing message, giving an

example of each.

Liệt kê ba thành phần ký hiệu học của thông điệp tiếp thị, đưa ra ví dụ về mỗi thành
Semiotics is the study of signs and symbols. It explains meaning through our
social and cultural background, revealing how we interpret messages instinctively.
Semiotics can help:

Improve brand messaging;

Communicate desired meanings;
Influence consumers’ subconscious decision-making.

The three components are: 

Object (product): 
Sign (Image), 
Interpretation (meaning). 

What do we mean by the concept of hyperreality? Give an example this is not

discussed in the chapter.

17. List and define the five stages of the cognitive decision-making process.

1. Problem recognition: find a difference between your actual and desire state
2. Information Search: scan the environment for all possible sets of alternatives;
internally and externally
3. Evaluation of alternatives: take your evoked set (all the alternatives in your
knowledge) and then form your consideration set (the alternatives that you actually
consider in making your decision)
4. Product choice: choose an option from all considered/relevant alternatives
5. Post-purchase evaluation: analyze whether or not a product met/satisfied your need

18. How could the concept of observational learning be used in a promotion

campaign related to a specific product (product will be named on the exam)?"
Remember to consider all four aspects of the promotion mix.

Observational learning occurs when we watch the actions of others and note the
reinforcements they receive for their behavior. For example texting and driving, they
could show the action and consequence. Consumers would view this message and see
the harmful effects and learn from the behavior they observed. (promotion mix: public
relations, advertising, sales promotion, personal selling)

19. What is the CAD scale? Describe its components and how it could be used in
development of consumer marketing strategies.
Compliant- quiet, reliant, agreeable, group cohesiveness
i. Need for relationships
Aggressive- take charge, outspoken, driving group
i. Need for power
Detached- not engaged, don't participate
i. Need for self-sufficiency

20. What is the Elaboration Likelihood Model? Which are the two routes of
persuasion illustrated in the model? You may be asked to identify the ELM
strategy used in an advertisement.
-This model assumes that under conditions of high involvement we take the central
route to persuasion. Under conditions of low involvement, we take a peripheral route
-Central route- involves the standard hierarchy of effects: we carefully form and
evaluate beliefs. The implication is that message facts, such as the quality of
arguments an ad presents, will determine attitude change.
-Peripheral Route- highlights the paradox of low involvement, when we don't care as
much about a product the way it's presented increases in importance. We may buy
low-involvement products simply because they're stimulating.

21. Why would customers with a moderate knowledge of a product seek more
information than either someone with no information or someone with extensive
knowledge? How is this information useful in the marketing of products to
-There is an inverted relationship between knowledge and external search effort.
People with limited expertise may not feel they are competent enough to search
extensively. They may not know where to start. Newbies should be the most
motivated to find out more about products but in reality they are often afraid. And the
experts do a selective search since they think they know everything.
-they can both understand the new information and also benefit from its retention in
memory, they are more likely to do an internal search, they have basic knowledge and
are able to understand the new information. Market by giving them not the most basic
knowledge and not knowledge that is difficult to understand.

22. Explain the concepts of the ideal and actual self. How do we bridge the gaps
between these two selves with our consumer purchases? Give specific examples
of products that help consumers bridge this gap.

Ideal self- a person's conception of how he/she would like to be

Actual self- refers to our more realistic appraisal of the qualities we do and don't have
-Fantasy appeals- self-induced shift in consciousness, which is sometimes a way to
compensate for a lack of external stimuli or to escape from problems in the real
world; virtual makeovers
-Multiple selves- depending on the situation we act differently, use different products
and services and even vary in terms of how much we like the aspect of ourselves we
put on display. A person may require a different set of products to play each role.
(Student, professional)

23. Compare limited versus extended problem solving. Give two examples of
products (for a total of four products) that are commonly purchased using the
types of problem solving.
Limited- a problem-solving process in which consumers are not motivated to search
for information or to rigorously evaluate each alternative; instead they use simple
decision rules to arrive at a purchase decision.
-Milk, toothpaste, toilet paper, trash bags
Extended- an elaborate decision-making process, often initiated by a motive that is
fairly central to the self-concept and accompanied by perceived risk; the consumer
tries to collect as much information as possible, and carefully weighs product
-Car, house, appliance, electronics

24. Define the term "ritual". Describe how a marketer can use a holiday ritual in
developing product and communication strategies.
Ritual- set of multiple, symbolic behaviors that occurs in a fixed sequence and is
repeated periodically
-Tailoring your product for Valentine's Day is always an easy way to use Holiday
ritual in your favor. Men feel pressured by women to purchase something for them on
this day. Men are just searching for something to consume. If your product is
positioned correctly- jewelry, stuffed animals, cards, flowers, restaurant, it is easy to
communicate with your customer on Holidays if you market this ritual

25. Define "differential threshold". What role does this concept play in the
process of perception? In what way could a consumer marketer use this theory
in the establishment of a new pricing strategy for a consumer product (product
will be named on the exam).
Differential threshold- refers to the minimum amount of stimulation a person can
detect on a given sensory channel
-The minimum difference we can detect between two stimuli is the just noticeable
difference (JND). If a marketer wants to make sure that consumers notice a change
they can offer a discount. But sometimes a marketer may want to downplay the
change. A consumer's ability to detect the difference between two stimuli is the
relative difference, this determines if the stimulus will register.



MAC VS. PC "Hi, I'm a M ac... and I'm a PC."

You probably know this successful TV campaign that features a very smart, cool Mac
guy and a nerdy PC guy. These ads for Apple's Mac laptops aimed to grab a big
chunk of the personal computing business, especially among younger users. Microsoft
fired back as the company tried to separate itself from the undesirable PC-guy image.
Its first attempt; a quirky campaign featuring comedian Jerry Seinfeld and Windows
founder Bill Gates, failed to move the sales needle. Microsoft had more success with
the "I'm a PC ads" that featured testimonials claiming allegiance to PCs from all sorts
of PC users, ranging from celebrities to an adorable 4V2 year old. Still, it's an uphill
battle: For a generation of consumers raised on cool products like the iPod and the
iPad, it's a tough sell to shake Apple's spell. Although PCs still have the majority of
market share, a growing number of Macs show up on college campuses every fall. 

In the spring of 2011, Microsoft tried a new tactic: A student who purchased a PC for
$699 or more received a free Xbox. He or she only needed to walk into Best Buy with
a college ID or email address, and walk out carrying a PC along with an Xbox with a
retail value of approximately $300. Compared to a Mac that starts at $999, this bundle
offered an attractive value proposition to students who were also into gaming. 
Is this a simple pricing promotion, or part of a more elaborate branding strategy? The
Xbox represents the "fun" side of Microsoft's personality, so this bundle might help to
reposition Microsoft away from the awkward office-worker stereotype and closer to
Apple's cool image among members of this crucial market segment.
 Microsoft is still evaluating the results of the promotion. Marketers continue to
debate the effectiveness of "free" offers. Assuming that the promotion drives short-
term sales of PCs, will it also influence long-term loyalty? What does this bundling
mean for the Xbox, the current market leader in gaming consoles within the college
market? With a free Xbox as an option in the marketplace, will college students be
less willing to pay $300 for a stand-alone Xbox console? Finally, the question remains
whether a free console is like a free cell phone from your wireless company, where
the revenues come from add-on purchases in the form of talk minutes. Will Microsoft
still profit from those free units through game purchases, online subscriptions,
accessories, and loyalty to future Xbox consoles?How will the new tablets that
combine features of gaming consoles and laptops affect all of this?
- What characteristics of extended problem solving are involved in a computer
- How might the free Xbox offer influence a consumer’s mental accounting and
perceived risk?
- How might Apple be creating a heuristic for its consumer?


1 . When а соnsumer соmmits signifiсаnt time tо the соmраrаtive рrосess and

reviews рriсe, wаrrаnties, terms аnd соnditiоn оf sаle аnd оther feаtures it is said thаt
they are invоlved in extended рrоblem sоlving. Аlsо соmрuter рurсhаse саn be
disruрted by оther factors such as; Negative feedback оf оthers аnd оut level of
motivation to соmрly оr ассeрt the feedback. Fоr exаmрle, аfter going through the
need reсоgnitiоn, infоrmаtiоn seаrсh, аnd аlternаtive evаluаtiоn stаges, one might
сhооse tо buy а Dell product, but а сlоsе examiner might share negative feedback,
whiсh соuld drаstiсаlly influenсe рersоnаl referenсe. The deсisiоn mаy be disruрted
due tо а situаtiоn thаt оne did nоt аntiсiраte, suсh аs lоsing а jоb оr а retаil stоre
сlоsing dоwn.

2. The соmраny hаs been sending оut emаils tо “fаns” аnd surрrising them with free
gifts, inсluding Xbоx Оne соnsоles аnd gаmes, due tо their lоyаlty. The only wау tо
get а free subsсriрtiоn is tо tаke аdvаntаge оf triаls. There аre аlsо sрeсiаl bundles
thаt оffer Gаme Раss ассess аt а disсоunted rаte. These deаls саn sаve yоu sоme
seriоus mоney, sо be sure tо сheсk them аll оut. Providing free xbox can motivate and
confuse the customers.
Getting a free xbox will be excitig for many people and they will so definiely buy the
laptop for availing the offer. But at the same time they can doubt about the quality of
laptop or xbox since it is given as free

3. А heuristiс is аn аррrоасh tо рrоblem sоlving оr self-disсоvery thаt emрlоys а

рrасtiсаl methоd thаt is nоt neсessаrily рerfeсt, but suffiсient fоr reасhing аn
immediаte gоаl. Think оf heuristiсs аs mentаl ‘shоrt-сuts’ tо reduсe mоre соmрlex
рrосesses intо simрler judgmentаl орerаtiоns tо reduсe deсisiоn friсtiоn. They оffer
effiсient аnd mоst-оften ассurаte sоlutiоns tо reсurring рrоblems. Deсisiоn Heuristiсs
аre а brаnd’s best friend аnd саn turn even an expensive аnd extended deсisiоn-
mаking рrосess intо а nоminаl оne, suсh аs in the саsе оf Аррlе соmрuters.

Tо соmрete fоr а limited number оf соnsumer dоllаrs, соmраnies use а vаriety оf

mаrketing аnd аdvertising tасtiсs. Although there may initially аррeаr tо be a plethora
of different tасtiсs, ассоrding tо leаding sосiаl рsyсhоlоgists, effeсtive tасtiсs аre
rооted in а smаll number оf рersuаsiоn рrinсiрles . The six sсientifiсаlly-vаlidаted
рsyсhоlоgiсаl рrinсiрles thаt аррeаr tо be deployed routinely in lоng-рrоsрering,
suссessful businesses inсlude reсiрrосаtiоn, liking, аuthоrity, sсаrсity, соnsistenсy,
аnd соnsensus (sосiаl рrооf.)



Focusing On a Niche Market. The general rule is to start Small. Smaller the segment,
it is easier for the entire company to focus and meet the customer needs, wants and
desires. Once you become a leader in the niche market, you could grow your market.
Phil Knight's Niche Market and Value Propositions Nike founders Phil Knight and
Bill Bowerman were athletes themselves. For athletes, shoes are a critical element.
Having athletes, spent time extensively with a lot of budding athletes, Bowerman had
developed a good knowledge about the needs, pain points of athletes with respect to
shoes. Bowerman was also a famous track and field coach in the 1950s and 1960s. He
had constantly motivated his wards to develop a winning attitude. For winning,
‘speed' is the defining factor and the shoes played a major role. Unfortunately, he was
not happy with the shoes available in the market. He often lamented that none of the
American shoemakers was interested in understanding the requirements of track
athletes. The best shoes in the market at that time were from German manufacturers
but they also had poor sole material. To increase speed, Bowerman took upon himself
to redesign the existing shoes to make them lighter. Lightness meant less burden
while running and the athlete could devote all those extra energies into increasing the
speed. At the same time, long-distance running was also becoming popular and shoes
that could last the race was hard to find. So, Nike's initial target segment was The
Runners'. The positioning strategy was The lightest shoe in the market that would last
in longer-distance running at a price lower than the German brands in the market.
- What is initial target segment of Nike? 

Focusing On a Niche Market. The general rule is to start Small, it is easier for
the entire company to focus and meet the customer needs, wants and desires. 

Hitting athletes who need a shoe suitable enough to perform in competition

(Since the time when such shoes have not yet appeared). Seeing the potential
for Nike to focus on this small niche to bring satisfaction to the audiences in
the niche
The original segment
Geography: America in the 1950s - 1960s, in athletics and sports tournaments.
Audience: Athletes who want to switch from stiff-soled western shoes to a
soft, comfortable shoe also known as today's sneakers

- What is a positioning strategy?

The positioning strategy was The lightest shoe in the market that would last in
longer-distance running at a price lower than the German brands in the market.

Nike's positioning at that time was to bring the difference, aka find the
difference to become a "giant" in the niche.

Nike positions itself by focusing on meeting 3 basic needs of customers

Essential needs: They want to be comfortable when wearing a pair of shoes,
not restrictive, not rigid, reasonable price

Safety Needs: The shoes had to be the lightest, safe shoes that protected
athletes from the injuries brought on by the stiff shoes of the time.

The need for performance: Wearing Nike shoes will make you run faster,
because Nike shoes are lighter, better suited for competition.

From the factors above, Nike is invisible to the general positioning of its shoe
products as the difference in the hearts of customers

 What are some ways marketers can position their products? 

Know Your Target Audience. Never give your target audience what they need.
Tell Them Who You Are.
Provide Evidence
Value Proposition.
Unique Selling Proposition. 
Segment Your Market.
Carefully Craft Your Message.
Know Your Competition.
Make a difference for the same product line

Make a brand impression.

A basic step like:
 Step 1: Draw a portrait of the target customer (5W-1H)
 Step 2: Research your competitors
Step 3: Research the product's attributes
Step 4: Make a product positioning map
“More for the same” positioning strategy
Positioning Strategy “More for less”
Positioning strategy “less for much less”
Step 5: Decide on competitive advantage- product positioning plan.
And the common positioning ways:
– Product positioning by quality
If your quality stands out from the competition in some way, this is a great
strategy. Talk about how your product will help a customer solve a problem?

The campaign "Reclaiming the real name for milk" and "clean and pure fresh
milk" of TH True Milk have won a great victory when positioning the product
as a premium and quality milk brand in the market.
– Product positioning by value
Your price may be higher, but the value you bring to the customer is greater. It
can be class, luxury (famous fashion brands are often positioned this way:
Channel, Dior ...)
– Product positioning based on relationship
It can be the relationship with other product lines of the business, the
relationship with customers or competitors… Depending on the resources and
actual situation of the business, you will have the right choices. fit.

- Positioning products according to customers' wishes

When looking for spa services, each customer has different wishes, some
people want whiter skin, a balanced body, or bigger eyes….Each business
needs to take careful steps. Draw portraits of potential customers to have the
right product positioning solutions.

– Product positioning by problem, solution

Research results have shown that the desires of customers when looking for
facial cleanser products are different: some people want to treat acne, some
people want to whiten their skin, some people want to moisturize... Therefore,
determining Positioning products according to customers' problems will help
touch the right insight of each target audience group, stimulating the buying
process to happen faster. For example: Thai Duong turmeric cream for acne,
acnes for acne, ...

– Product positioning based on competitors

When entering the beverage market, 7Up communicates its products as
"uncola" (not Cocacola). Because they were aware of the position of direct
competitors at that time, Coca-Cola and Pepsi were two big giants. If they
were to confront directly and enter the market in the usual way, there would be
no delicious fruit to eat. By positioning the product against the competition,
7Up has captured the market share of those who do not drink Coca-Cola and

– Product positioning based on emotions

Tracking the buying journey of consumers, businesses can see that their
purchasing decisions are not always based on need, which is actually what
they need.

Many women go to a fashion store to buy a scarf and end up returning with a
bunch of clothes, dresses… Sometimes emotions are the deciding factor.

Emotion-based product positioning requires marketers to have the

sophistication and wisdom to study how the emotional variation of the target
audience affects their purchasing decisions and offer suitable solutions. For
example, the slogan of vodka is “emotion cannot be better!” Or Saigon beer is
"Up like a Dragon - Look like a Dragon".

- Positioning products based on use

This is one of the basic positioning methods. What are the benefits of the
product that stands out from the competition? Highlight that in your media

– Product repositioning

When entering the mature stage in the product life cycle, businesses need to
take preparation measures to reposition the product (improvement, change,
supplement ...) to adapt to the changing needs of customers. products in the
market, maintaining the market share of the enterprise.

A vivid example for continuous product repositioning is the electronics and

technology industry: phones, computers, etc., which always update new
features to meet the needs of users. Product repositioning is very important in
today's competitive market, ensuring your business does not fall behind the
competition, satisfying rapidly changing customer needs, and maintaining and
growing market share.

Product positioning and product repositioning are very important steps,

determining the success of an overall marketing strategy. So marketers need to
be very careful and careful in every step of the campaign. Above, GEM has
shared some information about positioning that you can refer to. Wish you
success in making accurate product positioning decisions for your business!


In order to reach young users in early 2020, Viettel telecommunications brand

has launched a music clip “Làm Gì Phải Hột" with the participation of a series
of famous names in showbiz such as Công Lý, JustaTee, Đen Vâu and Hoàng
Thùy Linh.
“Làm Gì Phải Hốt" has succeeded in highlighting the outstanding features of Viettel
Pay application by honestly describing our picture on the occasion of Tet Holiday.
Thanks to the catchy and bold music of "Tet", funny scenes and lyrics, the video
quickly reached the Top 1 Trending Youtube milestone after exactly 4 days of its
release, becoming the only promotional MV of Tet 2020 to reach the No. 1 trending

- Applying the theory of subcultures, please explain why the clip was successful in
attracting youngsters?
- Generation Z is the subculture that watches the least amount of television and
therefore are not expose to as many commercials as other groups. What can marketers
do to effectively communicate with this group?

Khi ngoài kia có hàng loạt video quảng cáo được làm ra mỗi ngày “với thông tin
truyền tải chính luôn là thương hiệu, sản phẩm,...” những thứ luôn mang lại tính giá
trị cho Công Ty Tài Trợ đầu tiên. Thì MV “Làm sao phải hốt” của Viettel Pay mang
lại một sự mới mẻ hoàn toàn:
Văn hoá:

Dùng những vấn đề mới mẻ, những thứ giới trẻ đối diện hàng ngày “Cháy túi
vào dịp lễ, Muốn thoải mái, muốn đi chơi không phải lo lắng về tiền,...” dùng
thông tin thân thuộc nhất để tiếp cận giới trẻ

Dùng vấn đề dịp lễ Tết tiếp cận “Tết một dịp lễ gần như quan trọng nhất trong
văn hoá Việt Nam”. 

Tết => Giới trẻ muốn thoải mái, vui chơi => Vấn đề về tiền => MV
đánh vào đúng vấn đề, chủ đề giới trẻ quan tâm.
Phần nhìn:
Sử dụng hình ảnh của các KOLs (Hoàng Thuỳ Linh, Đen Vâu, Jussta tee,
Công Lý) => Hình ảnh KOLs thân thuộc gần gũi với giới trẻ => Dẫn đến việc
dễ dàng tiếp cận vì đây là KOLs đã quá quen thuộc với giới trẻ hiện nay

Đưa những nhu cầu cấp thiết khi Tết đến một lên hình ảnh một cách khéo léo
“Nhu cầu mua sắm, Nhu cầu thể hiện (Lì xì), Nhu cầu vui vẻ (Gặp gỡ bạn
bè),... ”

Hình ảnh quảng cáo chèn vào đúng lúc đúng chỗ “Không nhiều nhưng hiệu
quả quảng bá không hề giảm”

Phần nghe:

Âm nhạc hiện đại, giai điệu bắt tai, lời nhạc dễ nhớ dễ thuộc được hát bởi các
KOLs quá nổi tiếng và gần gũi

=> Từ các yếu tố trên việc viral của video gần như trở nên tất yếu và rất dễ dàng tiếp
cận đến với giới trẻ

GenZ là thế hệ lớn lên với tốc độ phát triển siêu nhanh của thời đại công nghệ hiện
đại. Và điều đặc biệt là ở GenZ, khoảng cách thế hệ ngày càng lớn hơn so với các thế
hệ trước nên sở thích, tính cách, cách tiếp cận đều phải thay đổi rất nhiều ở thế hệ
này. Vào thời điểm truyền hình thống trị lĩnh vực giải trí, quảng cáo liên chương trình
là một công cụ tiếp thị mạnh mẽ, nhưng đó là cách đây hơn một thập kỷ.
Để tiếp cận và giao tiếp với GenZ ngày hôm nay, chúng ta phải nói đến Mạng xã hội,
Tiếp thị tinh gọn, Đồ họa thông tin, KOLs, KOC, ...
Để giao tiếp với GenZ một cách hiệu quả, các Marketer buộc phải tuân theo thời đại
để đưa những thứ phù hợp và hợp thời nhất vào quảng cáo.
Các quảng cáo dài dòng phải được thay thế bằng các dòng giới thiệu ngắn, video lan
truyền và các nhãn hiệu được tài trợ bởi MV KOLs.
Quảng cáo khác biệt đôi khi là "độc nhất" để tạo đủ ấn tượng mới khiến GenZ ghi nhớ
thương hiệu của bạn
Đừng cố gắng hiểu GenZ để tạo ra các chiến dịch quảng cáo hiệu quả. Nhưng hãy hòa
mình với GenZ, Điên với GenZ, thì chiến dịch quảng cáo, chiến dịch marketing tự
khắc sẽ có hiệu quả.
Tiếng Anh:

Applying the theory of subcultures, please explain why the clip was successful in
attracting youngsters?

When there are a series of promotional videos out there being made every day “with
the main conveying information always being the brand, product, …” things that
always bring value to the first Sponsoring Company. Then the MV "Làm gì phải hốt"
of Viettel Pay brings a whole newness:
Using new problems, things young people face every day "Out of pocket on holidays,
Want to be comfortable, want to go out without worrying about money,..." use the
most familiar information to reach out to the world. young
Using the issue of Tet holiday to approach "Tet is the most important holiday in
Vietnamese culture".
Tet => Young people want to be comfortable and have fun => Money problems =>
The MV hits the right issues and topics young people care about.
View part:
Using images of KOLs (Hoang Thuy Linh, Den Vau, Justa tee, Cong Ly) => Images
of familiar KOLs close to young people => Easy to access because these are already
familiar KOLs with today's youth
Bringing the urgent needs during Tet to one skillfully image "Shopping needs,
Expression needs (Red lucky money), Happy needs (Meeting with friends), ..."
The ad image is inserted at the right place at the right time "Not much, but the
promotion effect does not decrease"
Listening part:
 Modern music, catchy tunes, easy-to-remember lyrics sung by famous and close

=> From the above factors, the virality of the video has become almost inevitable and
is very accessible to young people

Generation Z is the subculture that watches the least amount of television and
therefore are not expose to as many commercials as other groups. What can
marketers do to effectively communicate with this group?

GenZ is the generation that grew up with the super fast development speed of the
modern technology era. And the special thing is that in GenZ, the generation gap is
getting bigger and bigger than previous generations, so preferences, personalities, and
approaches all have to change a lot in this generation. At a time when television
dominated entertainment, inter-show ads were a powerful marketing tool, but that was
more than a decade ago.
To reach and communicate with GenZ today, we have to talk about Social Networks,
Lean Marketing, Infographics, KOLs, KOCs, ...
To communicate with GenZ effectively, Marketers are forced to follow the times to
put the most relevant and trendy things in advertising.
Long-winded advertisements must be replaced with short intro lines, viral videos, and
MV KOLs sponsored trademarks.
Differentiated advertising is sometimes "unique" to make enough new impressions to
make GenZ remember your brand
Don't try to understand GenZ to create effective advertising campaigns. But let's mix
with GenZ, Crazy with GenZ, then the advertising campaign, the marketing campaign
will automatically be effective.


In 1907, Damas international jewelry and watch retailer was founded in Dubai,
United Arab Emirates (UAE). Today the company has over 400 stores in more
than l8 countries worldwide. 

It is a top retailer in UAE and went on to become a global brand name with an
extensive portfolio of its own jewelry lines and renowned global luxury brands.
Damas sells its jewelry and watches via four main avenues, the exclusive stores that
offer high-end luxury products; semi-exclusive stores which offer stylish and
sophisticated products for the discerning consumer; and the Damas 22K and 18K
stores which offer trendy, fashionable and stylish products and brands at competitive
One of Damas' brands is Farfasha'' which is a slang Arabic word that means
"happiness and excitement'. Farfasha was launched in 2006 to cater for the younger
generation who believe in style, fashion, elegance and fun. This extravagant jewelry
brand aims to fulfil the high-end youth market who want to live their life to the full.
The design of this gold jewelry brand is always more colorful and sometimes
diamonds are added to make it more sophisticated. There are a variety of styles and
shapes in their designs that are versatile and lightweight. Farfasha pieces always have
a twist and are adaptable to suit the fast pace lifestyle of young people who want to
change from formal to casual without sacrificing the sparkle and elegance. For
example, a necklace can be worn long, short or even as a waistband, Farfasha wanted
young, modern, feminine, beautiful and successful women to be the brand
ambassadors and who better to represent a vibrant young life style than Nancy Ajram,
a popular international
Arab singer. Ajram is a multi-platinum Lebanese singer and goodwill ambassador for
UNICEF, and has been described as one of the most influential celebrities in the
Middle East. By adopting the brand the expectation was she would energize and
increase its appeal. The unique lifestyle and taste of the younger generation demands
fashionable and contemporary jewelry. Liveliness, femininity and style are core
Ajram appeared in a commercial that captures the essence of Farfasha. Farfasha
promotes friendliness with its openness of attitude, acceptance of different modes of
thinking and its universal tolerance seen as a vital aspect of the life of young women.
The brand is trendy with a collection that enhances youthful appeal and positive
attitude offering an exclusive selection of drop earrings, chains, pendants, bracelets
and rings in 18k gold.
Farfasha is Damas' most popular brand and its popularity among the Arab youth
surpassed the company's expectations. The collection has set record sales in the Arab
region, proving that young people are searching for a strong brand that they can
identify with. Catering for younger consumers, will assure the brand's continuation
and that generations to come will appreciation gold jewelry 
- Compare the brand personality of Farfasha to Cartier or Tiffany & Co.? 
- How would you describe the psychographic profile of a person who chooses to wear

Compare the brand personality of Farfasha to Cartier or Tiffany & Co. 

1. Excitement  
Extravagant jewelry brand  
Aims to fulfill the high-end youth market who wants to live their life to the full.  
The design of this gold jewelry brand is always more colorful 
2. Daring  
Suit the fast pace lifestyle of young people who want to change from formal to casual
without sacrificing the sparkle and elegance. 
3. Sophistication  
Diamonds are added to make it more sophisticated 
4. Trendy  
Versatile and lightweight  
Its appeal is the unique lifestyle and taste of the younger generation demands
fashionable and contemporary jewelry 
5. Charming  
Liveliness, femininity and style are core elements. 
6. Spirited  
Friendliness with its openness of attitude, acceptance of different modes of thinking
and its universal tolerance are seen as vital aspects of the life of young women. 
Tiffany & Co 
1. Sophisticated and upper class  
When we think of Tiffany & Co we think of luxury, legendary style, and a timeless
The personality is classy, sophisticated and most importantly, special. 
2. Competent and reliable  
Variety of collections are legendary which every girl would want to wear and honor 
3. Not rugged at all

How would you describe the psychographic profile of a person who

chooses to wear Farfasha?

Young, funny, fashionable, sophisticated, modern, feminine, beautiful

and successful.  
Experiencers, enthusiastic, impulsive people who seek variety and

They are feeling more positive about their financial situation, but that’s
not translating into spending  

Consumers are particularly responsive to the feeling that a product is

being made just for them, whether it’s the inclusion of a monogram on
the product or the development of exclusive designs  

Status Seekers so they are driven by conspicuous consumption, and

they like to keep up with the latest trends.  

Creative: These people consume luxury as a means of self expression

and personal discovery. 

Luxury products and experiences with an element of edge,

unconventionality, excitement and depth are what they are looking

Consumers who wants to enjoy moments of luxury with a clear

conscience. They appreciate brands which are socially responsible and
give back to society.  

Consumers have strong social justice values, are extremely Internet

and social media savvy, and as a result, have different expectations for
their relationships with brands. They expect a seamless experience
between online and offline, they expect to have an ongoing dialogue
with the brands and they truly care about what values a brand stands
(Đã xong)

Fast & Furious 9 is coming soon on mar 2022, you and your  friends intend to come
to a cinema to watch this movie , could you please  analyze your decision making
process to choose a cinema. Based on your understanding of consumers' behavior on
choosing the cinema, in your opinion which stage of the decision making process is
the most important for the marketer who wants to attract the gen Z customer through
an advertising campaign to come to your cinema and watch the movie ? Explain
why ?

- Phim gì? Hay hay không? Có hot ở hiện tại không? Ai đóng vai
- Rạp giá vé như thế nào( mắc/ rẻ)? Rộng hay nhỏ? Sạch/dơ?
- Thái độ phục vụ của nhân viên? Có chương trình ưu đãi?
- Bắp, nước ngon/dở
- Bãi giữ xe to /nhỏ

Consists of 5 steps (4 steps are to make a decision and 1 last step is to see whether
to return to that theater or not)
1. Define demand: is the customer demand, the reason, the need that leads the
customer to use that service, product

First, I will think about whether there are any good movies that have been released
recently. (Fast and Furious 9)

Did anyone watch it with you? (You)

Movie genre customers want to see, new/favorite movies (Fast and Furious 9) Are
there suitable screenings?
What customers will consider is whether it is a holiday or special occasion?
2. Looking for infor: is the information about you for customers and customers will
see when searching for things related to your products and services.
The intended location of the cinema (cinema near home or far from home)
Is the location with good seating still available?

Is there a screening that fits my free time frame?

Is the movie appropriate for your age needs?

Does the theater have food and drink, and is there an online ticketing system?
Is the information about your intended theater of good quality?
Are the services and support good? (Through reviewers, reviews on the theater's
fanpage, ...)
Does the theater have a good location/corner to check-in?
How are the reviews about this theater?
3. Evaluate: is the process of evaluating services and products that customers are
targeting between different brands.

Customers will have a comparison of ticket prices at many different theaters.

Is the check-in area of this theater as beautiful as that of another?
Evaluation of comfort, quality, location, quality of seats at the theater.

Compare fares.

Evaluation through reviews, friends, relatives,...

4. Purchase: is too the processors to make up to see the product of service that there
are the things for what you like

Customers will wonder if the cinema has discount vouchers for students ( if they have
a Student card), free tickets for children under 5 years old or have preferential combos
when buying tickets such as discounts on corn and water. what or not?

Are there incentives when traveling in large numbers?

5. Post Purchases: are incentives, services to encourage customers to come back
Does the cinema have a membership card program?
Is there a fare promotion for the next return?
Gen Z is the generation that always has the habit of buying, searching, comparing and
liking the accompanying offers. To motivate this generation to buy, it is necessary to
stand out, forcing the product or service of that place to be prominent in the search, or
the search information must appear easily at the top of the research tools (SEO).
Because GenZ thinks that the things that can be seen at the top that are easy to catch
the eye are always the ones with the most accessible appeal

In my opinion, the most important step is Information Search: Because the search
stage is the stage that modern GenZ uses to go to the next steps. Must stand out in the
information section to be able to compete in the next steps to get GenZ's interest to
become a customer. Facebook, Google, ... social platforms are always the place to
fiercely compete for each ranking in the search section because the ultimate goal is to
have easier access to potential customer files. So when you stand out at this step, you
can easily lead to the purchase or use decision of the target audience.

For example: The same service is watching a movie with the same ticket price, the
same geographical location, the same movie, but the CGV theater is in a higher search
position for the keyword phrase "cinema" on other sites. Google, Facebook,... (SEO)
search page than other theaters. That is the reason why CGV is always the first brand
young people think of when it comes to watching movies.

Martin Incorporation was a company carrying on business in cosmetics and perfumes.

It was not following the marketing concept and was catering to a target market which
was using its products. In other words, it only concentrated on what it would make,
and did not bother about changes in preferences of its target market.
It was later joined by Mr. Ash, a marketing graduate who advised the company
regarding the changing consumer preferences, and the changes that were necessary to
be incorporated in the product. He emphasized upon the income factors and social
factors only. He modernized the products to a great extent, and invested about 30
lakhs on new packing, etc. Even after six months of these changes brought about by
him, the company did not seem to have a proportionate increase in sales.
The assistant manager and the product manager were not very happy with the changes
and thought that although an effort has been made in the right direction, some
important factors concerning consumer behavior had been neglected.

QUESTION 1: Do you agree with the assistant and product manager and why?
QUESTION 2: What other factors if any could have been considered?


QUESTION 1: Yes, I agree with the product manager and assistant manager that
efforts were made in the right direction, but many factors affecting consumer behavior
were ignored. The reasons being the following:

1.The company was using the product concept of marketing which is outdated in
today`s era as now producers manufacture products that match consumer's demand,
tastes and preferences. Therefore, Mr Ash should have focused on the Mar
keting concept to produce and market products accordingly.

2. The target audience was limited to the existing customers of the company. Various
new markets must be explored to increase sales. Effective target marketing is essential
to promote and position the product effectively in the market. 

3. The market for cosmetics was not effectively segmented by Mr Ash. Cosmetics
market can be segmented effectively by dividing the market into groups which are
homogeneous within and heterogeneous among themselves on the basis of their age,
gender, occupation etc. 

4. While attention was paid to income and social factors many personal factors such
as Age, Occupation, Lifestyle, personality of a consumer were neglected. 

5. Keeping the income factors in mind no changes were made in product quantities
i.e. small units of previous products. Keeping in mind the social factors, no efforts
were made to use opinion leaders like celebrities or doctors which would have been
more effective in influencing sales than change in product packaging.

6.Existing products were modernised while no attention was paid to new product
development for new potential markets in cosmetics industries. 
7. No efforts were made to advertise the products to targeted audience or reposition
the brand according to the changing customer taste and preferences. No offers,
discounts or sales promotion activities were carried out by Mr Ash to boost sales.

Yes, I agree with the product manager and assistant manager that efforts were made
in the right direction, but many factors affecting consumer behaviour were ignored.
The reasons being the following:1)The company was using the product concept of
marketing which is out dated in today`s era as now producers manufacture products
that match consumer`s demand, tastes and preferences. Therefore, Mr Ash should
have focused on the Marketing concept to produce and market products accordingly

QUESTION 2: Other Factors that should have been considered are:

The marketing manager should have considered other factors also other than income
and social factors. It should have considered the following factors also:
• New products should be introduced according to the needs of customers rather than
making the preferred products.
• It should consider the competitors in the market
• It should also focus on reducing the costs.
• It should spend a reasonanjuble amount on packing of the product
• Age, occupation, personality, lifestyle,attitude,...

Age: The target audience could have been segmented on the basis of age of

Occupation: Products could have been designed and developed for one or few
segments on the basis of their occupation.

Standard of Living: Different products could have been developed for both the
segments and different pricing strategies could have been followed

Perception & Attitude: Chemicals v/s Organic/Herbal products

While some people perceive beauty products negatively due to chemical ingredients
in them some people recommend them.Market share for both chemicals and organic
products could have been analysed and the more profitable market could have been

Involvement: Normal consumers v/s Film Industry Consumer segments like make - up
artists, beauticians, film starts will have a high involvement in buying beauty products
than normal consumers. Therefore depending upon the target market packaging and
labelling strategies should have been made.

Culture: Due to different cultural norms regarding appearances laid down by

different religions, men and women of a particular religion dress up and make use of
specific cosmetic products. For e.g. Hindu, Jain and Bengali women use ‘sindoor’
and ‘Bindi’ while Muslim women do not, Sikh men don’t use shaving products as they
are not allowed to cut hair, Many Jain men and women use white tikka.

Opinion Leaders: Celebrities and Doctors act as effective opinion leaders for
cosmetics and beauty products which could have been used and their impact on the
sales, brand value and price could have been analysed.

Personality and Self - concept: Alpha Males v/s Passive males, Feminine
v/s Tomboyish girls

While alpha males and feminine girls may use and encourage use of beauty products
while passive males and tomboyish girls may like to stay raw and refrain from using
beauty products. 


It was on Sunday morning last week when Khang and Kim, a lovely just-married
couple, hung out at a nice coffee shop nearby their house in District 2.
“Wow, Khang, look at this! I don’t know that my phone can do this!” excitingly Kim
told her husband. Khang smiled at her, “Yes, really!”, and kept watching his favourite
MU team playing against Chelsea on the big-sized TV placed in the middle of the
outdoor cafeteria area. “Hey, Khang, I heard that FPT shop is having promotion for
anything Iphone-new-owner. Shall we go there?” yet stopping, Kim added, “I also
want to stop by somewhere to get my phone laminated with nano-shield protection, I
read about it on the news.”
"Let’s go, honey!" Kim said, pinching Khang’s arm.
“Why go home early?” Khang said, “and we haven’t finished the coffee.” He tried to
finish his half-burned cigarette after taking a sip of coffee. Smoke got into the
couple’s eyes.
“We’re not going home,” Kim looked at Khang, “Why do you keep smoking? Don’t
you see the awful picture of the cancered heart printed on your cigarette box!” She got
“What picture, where?”, Khang answered Kim while waving hand to the waiter. “I do
not notice it.” Khang smiled to Kim.
“OK! Let’s go.” Khang told Kim. “And where do we go?” He laughed…

1. Based on the Personal Selection Factors, explain the behaviour of the wife Kim in
the context.
2. Based on the Personal Selection Factors, explain the behaviour of the husband
Khang in the context.

Q1: Kim is a loving wife and she is very much concerned about the habits and health
of her husband. She is a very good woman and she likes to get her husband at home
and she does not want to spend intimate time with her husband at the public place.
She does not like the place like coffee house. She wants to stop the smoking of her
husband and she tries to make him understand how it causes cancer. She does not
object to any wish or her husband. But she wants her husband healthy and good. She
does not show any bitterness or anger. She is very tender and loves her family.

Q2: Khang is also a good husband. He greatly loves his wife Kim. He gives
importance the opinion of his wife and like to maintain his commitment. He also
agrees to the wish of Kim and he likes to spend time with his wife. He values the love
and desire of his wife and honestly confesses that he did not notice the warning
picture on the cigarette packet. He accepts what his wife says and he also maintains a
good relationship with his wife.


BB Water 
Mr. Vu was the director of BB Water. He started his business with capital borrowed
from members of his family. Thereafter, however, Mr. Vu’s family had very limited
involvement in the business. Mr. Vu emerged as the most individualistic of the
family. He seemed to have sole control of his business. For example, after describing
how he set up the bottling plant and negotiated with government officials to get the
necessary papers, he said: “I also had to do almost everything myself. At the
beginning I bought the land, designed the buildings, and supervised the construction. 
I had to interview and train each person. Also, I had to discipline people.” He
explained that he could not delegate discipline because workers would ‘react’ if they
were admonished by “anyone but the boss, the owner of the company”. 

Discuss the difference in behavior, attitude, perception and business culture between
Mr. Vu, his family, and employees.


Behaviors that manifest through action are actors who are identified through
the specific tasks that someone does. According to research by scientists,
behavior can be divided into four basic types: technical behavior, instinctive
behavior, intellectual behavior, and response behavior. 

Attitude refers to a set of emotions, beliefs, and behaviors toward a particular

object, person, thing or event.

Perception - it is a process of selecting, organizing, and interpreting

information from our internal and external environment to form a meaning full

All consumer perceive the same product different according to their own

Business culture is a system of values, norms, concepts and behaviors that

business owners create in the course of doing business, can be realized in their
dealings with society. , naturally in acommunity or an area.
Discuss the concept of conformity. Then describe the five types of social
influence that affect the likelihood of conformity. ( Thảo luận về khái
niệm sự phù hợp. Sau đó, mô tả năm loại ảnh hưởng xã hội ảnh hưởng
đến khả năng tuân thủ) 

Conformity is a change in beliefs or actions as a reaction to real or imagined

group pressure. In order for a society to function, its members develop norms,
or informal rules that govern behavior. Without these rules, we would have
Cultural pressures  - Different cultures encourage conformity to a greater or
lesser degree. Americans want to move away from conformity and towards
individualism. The Japanese emphasize collective happiness and group loyalty
over individual needs.
Fear of deviance - The individual may have reason to believe that the group
will apply sanctions to punish nonconforming behaviors. It’s not unusual to
observe adolescents shunning a peer who is “different”
Commitment  - Commitment —The more people are dedicated to a group and
value their membership in it, the greater their motivation to conform to the
group’s wishes. Rock groupies may do anything their idols ask of them.
Group unanimity, size, and expertise - As groups gain in power, compliance
increases. It is often harder to resist the demands of a large number of people
than only a few, especially when a “mob mentality” rules.
Susceptibility to interpersonal influence - refers to an individual’s need to
have others think highly of him or her. Consumers who don’t possess this trait
are role-relaxed; they tend to be older, affluent, and to have high self-
Explain the difference between compensatory and non-compensatory
decision rules? Give an example of each decision rule that you have used
in making a recent purchase. 

( Giải thích sự khác nhau giữa quy tắc quyết định có bù và không có bù?
Đưa ra ví dụ về từng quy tắc quyết định mà bạn đã sử dụng khi mua
hàng gần đây) 
Use non-compensatory decision rules when a product with a low standing on
one attribute can't compensate for this flaw even if it performs better on
another attribute. 
In other words, eliminate all options that do not meet some basic standards. A
consumer who uses the decision rule, "Only buy well-known brand names,"
would not consider a new brand, even if it were equal or superior to existing
ones. When people are less familiar with a product category or are not very
motivated to process complex information, they tend to use simple, non-
compensatory rules.
Unlike non-compensatory rules, compensatory decision rules give a product a
chance to make up for its shortcomings. Consumers who employ these rules
tend to be more involved in the purchase. If we're willing to allow good and
bad product qualities to cancel each other out, we arrive at a very different
choice. For example, if Richard were not concerned about having stereo
reception, he might have chosen the Prime Wave model. But because this
brand doesn't feature this highly ranked attribute, it doesn't stand a chance
when he uses a noncompensatory rule.

Give the definition of perceived risks and name five perceived risks,
indicates the kinds of consumers most vulnerable to each risks, and
indicates the types of purchases most sensitive to each 

( Đưa ra định nghĩa về rủi ro được nhận thức và nêu tên năm rủi ro được
nhận thức, chỉ ra các loại người tiêu dùng dễ bị tổn thương nhất đối với
từng rủi ro và chỉ ra các hình thức mua hàng nhạy cảm nhất với từng loại
rủi ro )
Perceived risk belief that a product has potentially negative consequences.
Purchase decisions that involve extensive search also entail perceived risk, or
the belief that there may be negative consequences if you use or don't use a
product or service. This may occur when the product is expensive or is
complex and hard to understand. Perceived risk can be a factor when others
can see what we choose, and we may be embarrassed if we make the wrong
Five perceived risks: monetary risk, functional risk, physical risk, social risk
and psychological risk. 


How do consumers reduce the post purchase dissonance after they

purchase a relatively expensive product? How can marketers provide
positive reinforcement to consumers after the purchase in order to
enhance the customer satisfaction? 

(Làm thế nào để người tiêu dùng giảm bớt sự bất hòa sau khi mua hàng
sau khi họ mua một sản phẩm tương đối đắt tiền? Làm thế nào các nhà
tiếp thị có thể cung cấp sự củng cố tích cực cho người tiêu dùng sau khi
mua hàng để nâng cao sự hài lòng của khách hàng?)

Consumers reduce the post purchase dissonance after they purchase a

relatively expensive product:

Check the reviews on the products

Reading blog articles
 Asking for personal recommendations from friends, colleagues, and relatives
  Share information about the products on social media platforms to gain
Rationalized their own decision to fit their beliefs

Marketers provide positive reinforcement to consumers after the purchase in order to

enhance the customer satisfaction:

Control the quality of the products:  durability, attributes, features, and

uniqueness of the products.
Set proper expectations about the time of delivery and the specifications/
components of the products: Make information about products clearly

Send proactive communication:  SMS notifications immediately after the

purchase. Important messages from the carrier such as shipping status and
when it’s delivered. 
 Consolidate the Warranty Policies, Exchange Policies, and other supportive
services: a good warranty program can put customers at ease by mitigating
worries about a potential break or malfunction.
Request feedback from the consumers: By asking the customer’s opinion via
the Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) or Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys.
How many elements of Biases in Decision-Making Process? Describe each
element in the process.

There are 4 elements of Biases in Decision-Making Process

 Mental accounting: Framing a problem in terms of gains/losses influences

our decisions. 
 Sunk-cost fallacy: We are reluctant to waste something we have paid for
  Loss aversion: We emphasize losses more than gains. People place much
more emphasis on loss than they do on gain. Ex: For most people losing
money is more unpleasant than gaining money is pleasant.
Prospect theory:  Risk differs when we face gains versus losses. A descriptive
model of how people make choices, finds that utility is a function of gains and
losses, and risk differs when the consumer faces options involving gains
versus those involving losses

 How many Stages in the Consumption Process? List each step in the
process?  (Có bao nhiêu giai đoạn trong quá trình tiêu thụ? Liệt kê từng
bước trong quy trình?)

Use culture ideas about food and eating as example to explain the
differences between the three types of crescive norms discussed in the
book (Sử dụng các ý tưởng văn hóa về thực phẩm và ăn uống làm ví dụ để
giải thích sự khác biệt giữa ba loại chuẩn mực sáng tạo được thảo luận
trong cuốn sách)

 A crescive norm is one that is embedded so deeply inside a culture

that it is discovered through interaction with other members of that culture
rather than through memory or study.

A custom is a crescive norm that controls basic behavior. For example, custom
would dictate at what times and how much people eat.
A more is a custom with a strong moral overtone. Mores would dictate what
kind of food is acceptable to eat. For example, dog meat is taboo in the United
States, but not necessarily in other countries.
A convention is a crescive norm that regulates how we conduct our everyday
lives. Conventions would dictate what utensils we use to eat a meal or what to
wear at dinnertime.
 What is "retail theming" strategy? (Chiến lược bán lẻ theo chủ đề là gì)

Retail theming is strategy where stores create imaginative environments that

transport shoppers to fantasy worlds or provide other kinds of stimulation. 
Retail theming is an important tool when deciding how to create unique and
functional stores for consumers. Retail theming not only promotes a more
engaging experience of the brand’s essence but also satisfies consumers
looking for entertainment alongside their shopping. Outcomes include
increases in shopping enjoyment, positive brand attitudes, and brand loyalty.


An anti-smoking campaign showed autopsies of people who have died of

lung cancer. The campaign seemed to have no effect on the rate that
teenagers took up smoking. Why?
- Fear appeals emphasize the negative consequences that can occur unless the
consumer changes a behavior or attitude. Most research on this indicates that negative
messaging is most effective when the ad presents a solution to the problem.
Otherwise, consumers will tune out the message because they can do nothing to solve
or avoid the threat. Smoking will kill me, but I'm addicted so I'm not paying attention
to this ad. It offers no help to current smokers.

It is said that “people often buy products not for what they do but for
what they mean”. Explain the meaning of this statement and provide an
Role theory suggest that when people act out different roles in their lives, they also
alter their consumption decisions depending of the particular” play” or “role” they are
in at the time. These roles might include “up-and-coming executive,”  “geek,”
“hipster” or “big man on campus.” Products help users establish their identity in these
roles, provide nostalgic attachments, offer interdependence and elicit emotional bonds
such as love.  One example of this is Peeps candy. These marshmallow products have
no nutritional value but have a group of devotees that use Peeps in decorations, slide
shows, and sculptures. The Peeps brand has created nostalgic attachment as this brand
has an image or personality consistent with the underlying needs of the consumer. 

List the three semiotic components of a marketing message, giving an example of each.
The three components are: Object (product), Sign (Image), Interpretation (meaning).
Marlboro Cigarettes (object) Marlboro Man Cowboy (sign) rugged American
Jameson Whiskey (O) John Jameson (S) Crazy Irish drunk (I)

What is the difference between sacred and profane consumption ?

Sacred consumption is related to special events that are out of the ordinary (e.g.,
holidays, rites of passage, religious events). Profane consumption is related to events
that are a part of everyday life. Sacralization occurs when objects, places, people, and
events are transformed from the profane to the sacred.
Discuss the various behaviors a consumer might exhibit given post-
purchase dissatisfaction?
• A negative purchase evaluation may trigger the following symptoms:
– Existing consumers take no action to re-purchase.
– Existing consumers switch to competitor brands/stores.
– Negative word-of-mouth increases.

What is cognitive dissonance? What causes cognitive dissonance? ( sự bất

hoà về nhận thức là gì? Nguyên nhân nào gây ra sự bất hoà về nhận
thức ) 
- The term cognitive dissonance is used to describe the mental discomfort that results
from holding two conflicting beliefs, values, or attitudes. People tend to seek
consistency in their attitudes and perceptions, so this conflict causes feelings of
unease or discomfort.
This inconsistency between what people believe and how they behave motivates
people to engage in actions that will help minimize feelings of discomfort. People
attempt to relieve this tension in different ways, such as by rejecting, explaining away,
or avoiding new information.
- There are a number of different situations that can create conflicts that lead to
cognitive dissonance.
+ Forced Compliance
Sometimes you might find yourself engaging in behaviors that are opposed to your
own beliefs due to external expectations, often for work, school, or a social situation.1
This might involve going along with something due to peer pressure or doing
something at work to avoid getting fired.
  + New Information
Sometimes learning new information can lead to feelings of cognitive dissonance. For
example, if you engage in a behavior that you later learn is harmful, it can lead to
feelings of discomfort. People sometimes deal with this either by finding ways to
justify their behaviors or findings ways to discredit or ignore new information.
People make decisions, both large and small, on a daily basis. When faced with two
similar choices, people often are left with feelings of dissonance because both options
are equally appealing.
Once a choice has been made, however, people need to find a way to reduce these
feelings of discomfort. People accomplish this by justifying why their choice was the
best option so that they can believe that they made the right decision.

How does a firm go about decreasing a customer’s cognitive dissonance? (

làm thế nào để công ty giảm bớt sự bất hoà về nhận thức của khách
There are three key strategies to reduce or minimize cognitive dissonance:
 Focus on more supportive beliefs that outweigh the dissonant belief or
 Reduce the importance of the conflicting belief.
 Change the conflicting belief so that it is consistent with other beliefs or
Differentiate between internal and external search ? Example?
- The difference between these two words is that anything that is external is located
on the outside of something else, whereas anything that is internal is located on the
inside of something and does not involve any input from the outside.
- Internal communication occurs when the members of an organization exchange
information with each other. External communication takes place when those
members interact and communicate with an outside party. Effective internal and
external communication are both crucial to the success of a business. 
+ Example: 
● The definition of internal is something having to do with the inside, inner parts or
inner nature. An example of internal is an internal medicine doctor specializing in
Cardiology. Of, relating to, or located within the limits or surface; inner.
● The definition of external refers to something or someone that is outside or the
outside walls of a space or something that is applied outside. An example of external
is a tornado or some other force that can destroy your house from the outside.
Explain the etic and emic perspectives on global marketing. Give an
example of the use of each.
- Emic: approach of studying a culture's behavior from the perspective of an insider
- Etic: approach of studying a culture's behavior from the perspective of an outsider
Etic and Emic Comparing gender-roles within different cultures and studying each
specific gender-role within the societies - Mead (1935)
+ The emic perspective is the insider's perspective, the perspective that comes from
within the culture where the project is situated—for example, gender perspectives of
women involved in a project in Afghanistan. 
+ An etic view of a culture is the perspective of an outsider looking in. For example,
if an American anthropologist went to Africa to study a nomadic tribe, his/her
resulting case study would be from an etic standpoint if he/she did not integrate
themselves into the culture they were observing.
Explain the theory of cognitive dissonance. Then create an example that
illustrates the theory. Be sure that your example illustrates the
phenomena that occur within the confines of the theory
- Cognitive dissonance refers to a situation involving conflicting attitudes, beliefs or
behaviors. This produces a feeling of mental discomfort leading to an alteration in one
of the attitudes, beliefs or behaviors to reduce the discomfort and restore balance.
- For example, when people smoke (behavior) and they know that smoking causes
cancer (cognition), they are in a state of cognitive dissonance.

Explain the means-end chain model. Give an example to demonstrate how

the process might work
A means-end. chain is a model that seeks to explain how a product. or service
selection facilitates the achievement of de- sired end states.

Define the self-concept and discuss the dimensions that can be used to
describe the attributes of the self-concept.
The self-concept refers to the belief a person holds about his or her own
attributes and how he or she evaluates these qualities. Although one’s overall self-
concept may be positive, there are certainly parts of the self that are evaluated more
positively than others.

We can describe attributes of self-concept along such dimensions as their content

(facial attractiveness versus mental ability), positivity (self-esteem),stability over
time, and accuracy (the degree to which one’s self-assessment corresponds to reality.

21. What is a major difference between a Generation Y and a Generation X

A) Generation Y is more alienated from traditional culture than Generation X and is
reached with more cynical promotional themes.
B) There are so many more members of Generation X than Generation Y that
promoters had to use more mass communications with the Gen Xers and fewer one-
on-one promotions.
C) There are no basic differences except what would be expected by their age
D) Proportionally, less tobacco and alcohol will be purchased and consumed by
Generation Y members than the Generation X cohort.
Explain the difference between a high-context culture and a low-context culture.
Give an example of each and explain the reason for your choice(s).

- Communicators in low-context cultures (such as those in Germany, Scandinavia,

and North America) convey their meaning exclusive of the context of a situation.
Meaning depends on what is said- the literal content of the message- rather than how
it is said. Information has to be explicit and detailed for the message to be conveyed
without distortion. Low-context communicators don’t need to be provided with much
background information, but they do expect messages to be professional, efficient,
and linear in their logic. Conclusions are explicitly stated. Effectively communicating
within this culture, therefore, requires messaging that is perceived as objective,
professional, and efficient.
- In high-context cultures (such as those in Japan, China, Korea, and Arab countries),
communication relies heavily on non-verbal, contextual, and shared cultural
meanings. In other words, high-context communicators attach great importance to
everything that surrounds the explicit message, including interpersonal relationships,
non-verbal cues, and physical and social settings. Information is transmitted not
through words alone but also through non-verbal cues such as gestures, voice
inflection, and facial expression, which can have different meanings in different
cultures. Eye contact, for example, which is encouraged in North America, may have
ambiguous meaning or be considered disrespectful in certain high-context cultures.
Meaning is determined not by what is said but by how it is said and by how social
implications such as the communicator’s status and position come into play. For high-
context cultures, language is a kind of social lubricant, easing and harmonizing
relations that are defined according to a group or collectivist orientation where “we”
rather than “I” is the key to identity. Because directness may be thought of as
disrespectful, discussions in high-context cultures can be circuitous, circling key
issues rather than addressing them head-on. Communicating with high-context
cultures can require you to focus on politeness strategies that demonstrate your
respect for readers and listeners.
Describe the difference between an enacted norm and a crescive norm.
Indicate forms that the crescive norm may take.
An enacted norm is explicitly decided on, such as the rule that a green traffic light
means "go" and a red one means "stop." The rules are not subtle; they are specific.
A crescive norm is embedded in a culture and is discovered only through interaction
with other members of that culture. These norms can be subtle. Crescive norms
include the following:
a. A custom is a norm that controls basic behaviors, such as the division of labor in a
household or the practice of particular ceremonies.
b. A more is a custom with a strong moral overtone. A more often involves a taboo or
forbidden behavior, such as incest or cannibalism. Violation of a more often meets
with strong sanctions from other members of a society.
c. A convention is a norm regarding the conduct of everyday life. These rules deal
with the subtleties of consumer behavior, including the "correct" way to furnish one's
house, wear one's clothes, host a dinner party, and so on.
Consumers and the items they consume can take many forms. Give
examples of three different types of consumers and examples of three
different types of items they could consume, including products, services,
and ideas.
Examples will vary. Consumers can include individuals of any age, groups, and
organizations. Items consumed can include products such as toys, cars, food; services
such as dentist appointments, haircuts, and massages; and ideas such as democracy
and the green movement.
Different issues for marketers and consumers arise in the consumption
process. Identify questions that might be asked from the consumer's
perspective and from the marketer's perspective in the prepurchase and
purchase stages of the consumption process
Case 1:
Fast and Furios 9 is coming soon on Mar 2022. You and your friend intend to come to
a cinema to watch this movie. Could you please analyze your decision-making
process to choose a cinema? (3 marks)
Based on your understanding of consumer behavior on choosing the cinema, in your
opinion, which stage of decision-making process is the most important for the
marketer who want to attack the Gen Z customer through advertising campaign to
come to your cinema and watch the movie? Explain why? (3 marks)
There are 5 steps consists
- Step 1: Defind demand: One of the most effective decision making strategies is to
keep an eye on your goal. This simply means identifying the purpose of my decision
by asking myself what exacly is the problem that need to be solve.
             Example: - Who do you go to the movie with? 
                             - Is the gence of film customer want to see suitable? ( action film,
Fast and Furious) 
                             - What is the target audience for the film ?
                             - Are there suitable sceenings? 
- Step 2: Gather information for weight your option when making good decision, it is
best together neccessary information that is directy related to the problem.
     + Location of the cinema ( near house or far house ) 
     + Is the seat suitable to enjoy the movie? 
     + How is the serve of the staff? 
     + Price a ticket, popcorn or coke
     + What is the duration of the movie? ( short or long ) 
     + How are the review about this cinema? 
- Step 3: Evalution 
     This step can be just as important as step one because it will help you determine
how you final decision will impact between different brands. Customers will compare
ticket prices in different theaters comparision of service quality, theater area, location
see reviews of friends, relatives or on the other social networking of friends, relatives
or on other social networking sites, purchase
- Step 4:
 Purchase customer’s decision now that you have identified your goal gathered
all neccessary information and weight the consequeces, it is time to make a choice
and actually execute customer’s final decision. Customers will see if the movie day,
the ticket price will be reduced, if you are a student, how mych is the discount? 
- Step 5: 
Evaluate your decision: are incentives service to encorage customers to
+ Does the cinema have a membership card program? 
     It is neccessary to evaluate the dicision and the step you have taken to ensure that
it works membership card or vip card 
        + Is there a fare promotion for the next return? 
In my opinion the most important stages is evaluate because this stage presents the
customer with opinion and when the product is more prominent in their selection you
have a high chance of turning them from prospect to customer. 
Case 2:
 Martin Incorporation was a company carrying on business in cosmetics and
perfumes. It was not following the marketing concept and was catering to a target
market which was using its products. In other words, it only concentrated on what it
would make, and did not bother about changes in preferences of its target market.
     It was later joined by Mr. Ash, a marketing graduate who advised the company
regarding the changing consumer preferences, and the changes that were necessary to
be incorporated in the product. He emphasized upon the income factors and social
factors only. He modemized the products to a great extent, and invested about 30
lakhs on new packing, etc. Even after six months of these changes brought about by
him, the company did not seem to have a proportionate increase in sales.
     The assistant manager and the product manager were not very happy with the
changes, and thought that although an effort has been made in the right direction,
some important factors concerning consumer behaviour had been neglected.
a/ Do u agree with the assistant and product manager and why?
Yes, I agree with the product manager and assistant manager that efforts were made in
the right direction, but many factors affecting consumer behaviour were ignored. The
reasons being the following:1)The company was using the product concept of
marketing which is out dated in today`s era as now producers manufacture products
that match consumer`s demand, tastes and preferences. Therefore, Mr Ash should
have focused on the Marketing concept to produce and market products accordingly
b/ What other factors if any could have been considered?
Product managers are responsible for creative activities aimed to generate and
develop new ideas. They define which ideas should be promoted into features. They
also care about feedback and requests ensuring that they will be integrated into their
product planning processes.


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