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Name: Petcu Elena

Date: 29th March 2021
Class: 5th
Level: elementary
School: Secondary School Ciochina
Lesson: School days in the UK, Daily Routines, Present Simple
Textbook: Limba moderna 1-Limba engleza,Uniscan Grup Educational
Time: 40 min

By the end of the lesson the S will be able to:
-to review the new language structures;
-develop their knowledge about the present simple;
-provide opportunity to use recently learnt material;
-recognize the present simple with adverbs of frequency;
-use correctly the present simple;
-use appropriately adverbs of frequency;
-to use these forms in conversation and talk about their and others daily routines.

- dialogue, explanation, conversation, brainstorming, elicitation
SKILLS: reading, writing, speaking, listening
MATERIALS: flashcards, pens, markers, computer
- some students might need further help and extra indications in solving the tasks and they may
also need some of these indications to be given in Romanian;
-some students might feel nervous and reluctant to participate in the activity, so they may need
more encouragement.
Warm Up
-to create a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere
Procedure: -T greets the Ss and ask about their mood. T checks homework, some Ss read
their homework.
Timing: 5’ min

Activity 1: Lead-in
-to activate students’ interest on the lesson
- to check the previously taught material
The teacher displays a power point presentation and asks the Ss to watch it. During this first
exercise, they have to say review clock times.
Timing: 5 min.

Activity 2: Presentation & Practice

-to engage students in expressing daily routines;
-to focus students attention on the lesson
Ss are asked to check the text about British Ss daily routines. The teacher plays the video and the
students read it. After that they make sentences(three-four) about what the students do in the
morning, in the afternoon or in the evening.
Timing:10 min
Interaction: individual work, T- Ss

Activity 3: Practice
-to develop S’ reading skills & to monitor understanding of the text/song.
- to consolidate information
-to learn new words
The teacher displays a power point presentation about Phineas and Ferb’s daily routine. First of
all, they read about it and then Ss have to order some words to make correct sentences about
Perry’s daily routine.
Timing:10 min
Interaction: T-S,
Activity 4: Practice
-to develop listening skills;
Ss listen to a song about the morning routine, the teacher displays the lyrics with some blanks,
after listening the song two times, Ss are asked to say the words that are missing from the text.
Then the Ss are asked to write a short text about their daily routine and read it to the class.
Timing: 8 min
Interaction: T-S, S-T, individual work

Activity 5: Homework
Aim: to provide further practice;
The teacher assigns the homework and explains the task;
The students take notes;

Ss have to do exercise 8 page 69 as compulsory homework, using as an exemple the previous

exercise. They also receive a worksheet as an optional homework.
Timing: 2 min
Interaction: T-S, S-T

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