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Joint Radar and Communication: A Survey

Zhiyong Feng1,*, Zixi Fang1,*, Zhiqing Wei1, Xu Chen1, Zhi Quan2, Danna Ji1
Key Laboratory of Universal Wireless Communications, Ministry of Education, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,
Beijing 100876, China
College of Electronic and Information Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China
* The corresponding author, email:;

Abstract: Joint radar and communication information transmission between devices.

(JRC) technology has become important for Generally, they are independently developed
civil and military applications for decades. and designed based on their respective func-
This paper introduces the concepts, character- tions and frequency bands. Therefore, they do
istics and advantages of JRC technology, pre- not affect each other [1]. However, with the
senting the typical applications that have bene- development of technology, radar and commu-
fited from JRC technology currently and in the nication are towards joint design. The reasons
future. This paper explores the state-of-the-art can be summarized as follows. Firstly, with
of JRC in the levels of coexistence, coopera- the exponential increase of wireless devices
tion, co-design and collaboration. Compared and amount of data traffic, spectrum is be-
to previous surveys, this paper reviews the coming increasingly scarce [2]. Secondly, with
entire trends that drive the development of ra- the increasing complexity of electromagnetic
dar sensing and wireless communication using environments, the performance of single radar
JRC. Specifically, we explore an open research is limited. Multiple radars need networking
issue on radar and communication operating through communication techniques to obtain
with mutual benefits based on collaboration, rapid fusion of large amount of detection
which represents the fourth stage of JRC evo- data. Particularly, there is a strong demand
lution. This paper provides useful perspectives for integration of radar and communication
for future researches of JRC technology. in some scenarios where space and power are
Keywords: joint radar and communication; extremely limited, such as vehicle-to-vehicle
system integration; survey; collaboration; 5G/ networks, flying ad-hoc networks and fleets.
B5G Thirdly, radar may assist communication to
achieve faster neighbor discovery, more accu-
I. INTRODUCTION rate channel estimation and beam alignment.
As radar and communication are required to
Radar and wireless communication are two of satisfy the demands of spectrum efficiency,
the most common and important applications performance gain and multiple tasks, the de-
of modern radio frequency (RF) technologies. velopment of JRC has gained a lot of atten-
Received: Jul. 24, 2019
Radar is used to detect and identify targets, tion. Revised: Oct. 8, 2019
while communication is utilized to achieve Generally, the principles of radar and com- Editor: Ying-Chang Liang

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munication are different. Radar radiates elec- communication recently. Benefited from the
This paper reviews tromagnetic wave to irradiate the target and high similarity of the two system in hardware
the entire trends that receives its echo, so as to obtain the distance, component architecture, antenna structure and
drive the development velocity, azimuth, height and other physical working bandwidth, it is positive to see that
of radar sensing and
state information of the target [3]. One hand, the joint design of these two systems is feasi-
wireless communica-
tion using JRC.
the radar signal is known for transmitter and ble.
the target characteristics are desired to be es- The early research of joint radar sensing
timated. However, the communication signal and wireless communication can be traced
of a transmitter is usually stochastic and the back to the Space Shuttle program of Na-
transmission channel can be estimated previ- tional Aeronautics and Space Administration
ously based on the data carried in the channel (NASA) in the 1970s [9]. Recent systematic
estimation procedure [4]. On the other hand, developments in the field of JRC are mo-
radar needs as precise channel information as tivated by the Shared Spectrum Access for
possible to estimate the target, but communi- Radar and Communications (SSPARC) proj-
cation only needs the primary information of ect of Defense Advanced Research Projects
channel and some of it may even be omitted. Agency (DARPA) in 2013 [10], which lays
Despite the differences in principle between the foundation of jointly designed methods
the two, there still exists possibility of joint for radar and communication. The research
design. process of JRC includes cognitive radar radio
With the development of radar and commu- [11],[12] schemes, time/frequency/beam shar-
nication technologies, the difference between ing schemes [13], integrated signal processing
them has been gradually reduced [5],[6]. technologies [14], joint waveform design
Firstly, the signal processing module of radar, methods [15]-[17], software defined networks
traditionally implemented by analog hardware (SDN) [18],[19], non-orthogonal multiple
devices, is being replaced by digital devices. access (NOMA) [20], reinforcement learning
The digital communication system has been [21], etc. The underlying operation method
applied for many decades. Therefore, both of a joint system should satisfy the require-
radar and communication have strong similar- ments for target detection and information
ity and realizability in hardware structure and transmission simultaneously, and should save
system components [7]. Secondly, phased ar- resources as much as possible. Recently, there
ray is one of the key technique during the de- is a widely recognized paradigm to categorize
velopment of radar system. The antenna array the levels of JRC technology, namely, coex-
of a phased array radar consists of a number of istence, cooperation and co-design [22]. In
radiation and receiving units (called elements) this paper, we briefly review and summarize
which are arranged in a regular plane to form the state-of-the-art development of these three
an antenna array. Multiple input and multiple categories. Then the characteristics and advan-
output (MIMO) is also a multiple antenna sys- tages of JRC systems are investigated. Finally,
tem that has been used for communication in the applications currently being studied or
recent years. Hence, radar and communication those benefited from JRC technology in the
are increasingly similar in antenna structure. future are introduced. Particularly, we extend
From that point of view, the development of the categorizations in [7] to a fourth mode of
MIMO technology also brings opportunities operation named collaboration. Then we pro-
for the integration of radar and communication pose a new architecture for JRC that enables
[8]. Thirdly, the bandwidth of communication multiple radars cooperative detection.
is getting wider and even close to the band- The remainder of this paper is organized as
width of radar. This is due to the utilization follows. Section II introduces the basic con-
of mid-high frequency which brings more cepts, characteristics and advantages of JRC.
accessible spectrum resources for wireless In Section III, we present the applications that

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can benefit from JRC technology currently and detection will be arranged alternately.
and then discuss the future scenarios that may Moreover, it can achieve hardware reuse by
utilize JRC as a key technology. Section IV re- utilizing FDA-MIMO technology. Due to the
views the state-of-the-art for JRC system and limitation of time-slot and spectrum resources
the existing methods of JRC, namely, coexis- carrying the wireless traffics, the main concern
tence, cooperation, co-design and collabora- of researchers is the compatibility of radar and
tion. Open research problems on the JRC sys- communication functions and the objective
tem and potential solutions will be discussed is to assist improving the efficiency. It is au-
in Section V. Section VI concludes this paper. tomatically conceptualized as coexistence in
this stage and it indicates that there is without
II. CONCEPTS, CHARACTERISTICS AND any sharing of information within the two
ADVANTAGES subsystems. However, the content of signal
extends far beyond time sharing and spectrum
This section introduces the basic concepts, sharing, and has evolved into a wide concept
characteristics and advantages of JRC technol- in recent years. As a result, researchers have
ogy. started to investigate not just the methods of
coexistence, but also fundamental schemes
2.1 Concepts of JRC
of the mutual operation and/or design. The
JRC implies that the two subsystems can share typical definition of JRC in modern integrated
the hardware platform to achieve different systems is called cooperation and co-design,
desirable functions at the same time, without which was proposed in [22]. Here, cooperation
causing negative influence on each other. indicates that some knowledge of radar and
From the process of technological, JRC tech- communication subsystems are shared by each
nique can be divided into two levels: signal other and they are not independent anymore.
and networking. The typical technique is beam sharing. Co-de-
The previous concepts of JRC mainly sign implies that the previous radar and com-
focused on the level of signal. The repre- munication systems will be re-designed. Some
sentative technologies include time sharing, researchers suggest that co-design should
spectrum sharing, beam sharing and waveform include waveform design, signal design and
design. Time sharing is the simplest approach hardware design [7].
in all solutions for radar-communication inte- Networking can be regarded as the future
gration. In this approach, the communication concept of JRC. Indeed, with the explosive
signals can be transmitted using the time-slot growth of wireless devices, JRC should not
of a certain detection pulse. Furthermore, we only be constrained in single user or two-user
can simply reuse the antenna and transceiver situation, but also in a number of devices, in
by adding a strobe switch. When detection which each device shares its information with
is needed, system switches to radar modem, others through wireless links and the informa-
while communication functions are disabled, tion could be aggregated [23]. Besides, these
and vice versa. Because radar and communi- devices forming local networks must be coor-
cation work alternately in the time domain, dinated and cooperative such as in vehicle to
the mutual interference between them can be everything (V2X) networks. Hence, we regard
avoided and the hardware can be co-used. the collaboration as an appropriate feature for
In the approaches of spectrum sharing, radar the future JRC system and the details will be
and communication signals are transmitted at discussed in Section IV-D.
different frequency domains. For example, by
2.2 Characteristics of JRC
using the principle of orthogonal LFM signal,
the multi-carrier LFM signal can be construct- JRC utilizes technical methods to achieve
ed and the carriers used for communication hardware device reuse and software function

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redefinition, and further achieves the cost min- sensing the driving environment and coop-
imization of dual-function. In detail, the JRC eratively exchanging information such as
system has three important characteristics as velocity, braking, and entertainment contents
follows. with other vehicles instead of relying on hu-
 A
rchitecture unification and simplification. man decision [26]. Another example is the
The JRC design ensures the integrity and reconnaissance mission. One single integrat-
unity of the overall architecture, and has ed system means that higher reliability and
flexibility and simplicity for operation. faster information gathering because there is
 F
unctional reconfiguration and scalability. no manual intervention [13]. Obviously, JRC
JRC design has the capability to support systems will provide advantages in modern
software-defined functional reconfiguration military applications through decreasing the
and resource integration to ensure com- volume, weight, and power consumption of
plementarity of radar and communication facilities and improving information fusion in
functions. an enhanced warfare network.
 E
fficiency enhancement and cost reduction.
Especially in miniaturized carriers, a JRC III. JOINT RADAR AND
system has the characteristics of leveraging COMMUNICATION APPLICATIONS
high efficiency and low energy, in which
each carrier can enhance comprehensive Before discussing the existing research work
abilities and reduce costs substantially. on JRC systems, we first list the various ap-
plications that have benefited from the JRC
2.3 Advantages of JRC
technology currently or could get development
A JRC system is expected to have significant from it in the future. Generally speaking, these
advantages in terms of equipment cost and applications are divided into two parts, name-
size, system performance, spectrum usage. ly, military and commercial applications. In
The system utilization should be improved this section, we take three military scenarios
prominently and the system complexity be as examples to illustrate the application pro-
reduced effectively [24],[25]. We can under- cess of JRC technologies, which are naval ves-
stand it from three aspects. Firstly, the char- sels electromagnetic system, avionics system
acteristics of radar are sufficiently shared by and group battling system. Then, we take three
the communication subsystem, such as high commercial scenarios as examples to discuss
power, low side-lobe, strong directivity and the commercial JRC applications in detail,
anti-interference. These advantages can im- which are intelligent transport system (ITS),
prove communication quality, increase the drone surveillance network, and air traffic
information security and extend the range of management. The devices in these scenarios
communication. Secondly, the stable transmis- are usually limited by space and power.
sion has generally provided many substantial
3.1 Military users
advantages for radar such as low delay, high
rate, simple implementation and fast response. In the future integrated battlefield of sea, land,
Thirdly, it is possible to improve the automa- air and space, military platforms such as tanks,
tion level of dual-function systems, and hence, warplanes, and warships will be loaded with
the process of manual handling can be simpli- diverse electronic devices to enhance their in-
fied. teroperability and probability of survival [27].
One example revealing the advantages of
3.1.1 Naval Vessels Electromagnetic
JRC in commercial applications is the next
generation automobiles. The integrated ap-
proaches would allow vehicles to simultane- Modern navy has raised higher requirements
ously harvest the benefits of autonomously for the function, performance and interopera-

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bility of shipborne combat systems. However, networks, in which the vessels complete com-
the increasing volume of electronic equipment mand and control instruction via communica-
such as radar and communication subsystems tion subsystems to support schedule missions
on warships have made antennas highly con- for controllers [32].
gested on decks and bridges. Furthermore,
3.1.2 Avionics System
such a crowded environment means that each
RF system usually has its own antenna aper- In warplane avionics system, the JRC technol-
ture, inevitably leads to electromagnetic inter- ogy has been used for decades. Joint design
ference or compatibility problems. Therefore, is the core of avionics system, which can
an integration solution is urgently needed. reduce the number of airborne equipment so
The Office of Naval Research (ONR) ini- as to lower RCS of warplane, and reduce the
tiated an Advanced Multifunction RF System work load of pilots. Therefore, it can reduce
(AMRFS) program to address and resolve the the maintenance cost, and further improve the
RF functions integration challenges for US combat effectiveness. A typical joint avionics
Navy in 1996 [28]. The goals of the program system is PAVE PACE of U.S. Air Force and
are to reduce the number of RF system aper- has been used in F-35 fighter, which owns
tures dramatically while increasing effective the ability of jointly modular processing.
functionality and bandwidth, and further re- That makes it possible to achieve both radar
duce the aggregate radar cross section (RCS) and communication functions by sharing RF
to enhance the combat capability [29]. The aperture, such as the super-heterodyne receiv-
realization of AMRFS experimental platform er. In this case, the integrated sensor system
proves that multi-tasking of RF electronic (ISS) could also benefit from general module,
resources is a feasible approach. This experi- resource-configurable and opening testability
mental platform can complete detection, navi- environments in the next generation avionics
gation, communication, electronic warfare and system.
other functions on a common RF module. Ac- 3.1.3 Unmanned Group Battle System
cording to the task requirements, the system
With the increasingly diverse war demands, an
forms a single beam or multiple beams with
unmanned group battle system provides an ef-
specific spatial direction to switch the beams
fective method for cooperative reconnaissance,
in real time [30]. In 2009, ONR initiated the
group attack, electromagnetic countermea-
Integrated Topside (InTop) program to devel-
sure, tactical feint and other modern combat
op a range of scalable multifunctional aperture
modes. However, the unmanned group battle
supporting electronic subsystems. InTop pro-
system needs real-time environment sensing
gram, the upgraded version of AMRFS, can
and rapid information interaction to guarantee
achieve radar and communication functions
the success of missions. The JRC systems will
on an integrated architecture where the RF
be able to play an important role in the future
functions share apertures, electronics, displays
unmanned group battle system.
and operators are all controlled on a priority
The potential unmanned group battle sce-
bases by a common resource allocation man-
narios applying the JRC technology include
ager software [31]. Given that rigorous task
unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) groups, tac-
requirements, ONR further puts forward the
tical unmanned vehicle (TUGV) groups and
Electromagnetic Maneuver Warfare Command
missile Ad Hoc networks. This is specifically
and Control (EMC2) program aiming to im-
an interest of the DARPA Gremlins programs
prove the integration of electronic equipment
and it utilizes the airborne radar to perform
and command/control systems. It provides
the detection and share detection information
a prospect for the next generation integrated
within the UAV groups simultaneously. After
multifunctional shipboard RF system. A relat-
that, the OFFensive Swarm-Enabled Tactics
ed work is the cooperative robotic surveillance

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(OFFSET) program proposed by DARPA has the vision of 5G/B5G V2X.
been launched aiming to combine UAV with In addition to the consideration of im-
TUGV to improve the battle efficiency in ur- proving security, the demand of data rates in
ban environment. The U.S. military has also vehicle terminal is also increasing. This is
launched some research programs related to mainly represented in the huge original data
missile Ad Hoc networks whose information of fully automated driving, high-precision 3D
sharing scheme is jointly designed, such as navigation maps, interactive entertainment
Gray wolf program proposed by Air Force information [26]. Therefore, the idea of joint
Research Laboratory (AFRL) and LOCUST automotive radar and communication (JARC)
program proposed by ONR. was proposed [35] and the vehicles with mil-
Based on the program of SSPARC, an limeter wave radars were exploited to realize
approach of comparing various cooperative the high data rates in ITS [36]. Solutions based
schemes for spectrum access has been pro- on a communication standard such as 802.11
posed, and it can be used for minimizing the are original for implementing simultaneous
impact of sharing spectrum to support the JARC systems at the 60 GHz unlicensed band
demands of inter-group communications [33]. [26]. With this assumption, an approach that
The forward channel signal-to-noise maxi- determines the mean-normalized channel en-
mization while simultaneously minimizing ergy by frequency domain channel estimate
co-channel interference has also been consid- was presented in [37] to enable closest target
ered for a joint consideration and operation of range estimation. Moreover, a processing al-
SSPARC [34]. gorithm of radar receiver for range and veloc-
ity estimation was developed in [38]. Related
3.2 Commercial Users
techniques such as waveform design [39] and
The commercial scenario is another potential beamforming design [40] based on 802.11ad
application scenario that regards JRC as a for JARC systems were also studied. In addi-
promotion of advanced technology, and it has tion, it is worth mentioning that the most prev-
been brought into focus recently. The typical alent communication standard of vehicle net-
scenarios include the intelligent transportation work is short-range communications (DSRC)
system, the drone surveillance network, and which was proposed by the United States
the air traffic management system. Congress in 1998. This standard is based on
an evolution of IEEE 802.11p and it operates
3.2.1 Intelligent Transport System
at 5.85-5.925 GHz. Obviously, this spectrum
JRC is a good candidate technology for Intel- cannot support a large amount of data, which
ligent Transportation System (ITS).The key is on the magnitude of Gbps in ITS [41]. How-
motivation is its ability to enhance the safety ever, it can still achieve both radar and com-
of transportation, which means the safety of munication functions if we employ orthogonal
drivers and pedestrians can be further guar- signals based on IEEE 802.11p standard [42].
anteed through enhancing the reliability of Other researches of JARC based on orthogo-
communication and utilizing radar signal or nal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)
expanding the detection range of radar using technology include waveform design scheme
communication packets. For example, the in- combining differential phase shift keying
formation of transportation can be exchanged (DPSK) communication symbols with phase
rapidly, accurately and instantly, especially in modulated continuous waves (PMCW) radar
those complex traffic situations, such as inter- sequences [43], subcarrier allocation tech-
sections. On the other hand, future vehicles niques for multiple-user access, and direction
will act as an important enabler for commu- of arrival estimation based on vehicle radars
nication connectivity from a single node to a [44],[45].
large number of nodes on road according to The JARC hardware solutions have also

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drawn much interest recently. For example, potential commercial application of JRC tech-
24 GHz band using the emerging substrate nologies. Recently, drones have been applied
integrated waveguide (SIW) technology was widely in many fields, such as geographic
applied in an integrated radio and radar system exploration, disaster relief, logistics trans-
through a single transceiver platform towards portation, emergency communication, which
millimeter wave applications of ITS [46],[47]. brings tremendous convenience to electronic
Multi-functional transceivers for future intel- consumers [56]. However, the development
ligent transportation platforms were devel- of drones also imposes great threats to public
oped to sustain the highly mobile high-speed safety and security, especially those drones
communication and high-resolution radar with hostile purposes [57]. Thus, the surveil-
sensing [48]-[49][50][51]. Additionally, a joint lance and control of drones have gained a lot
mmWave MIMO radar and communication of focus and radar is a promising approach for
solution with low resolution analog-to-digital detection and tracking of drones. In particular,
converters per RF chain was proposed for sup- those drone surveillance radars that have the
porting the requirements of next-generation advantages of mobility, miniaturization and
vehicles [52]. rapid deployment are very effective against
In order to realize the JARC systems, re- low altitude, low flying speed and small-size
searchers implemented a lot of measurements drones. Moreover, the number of drone sur-
in laboratory and actual road environments. veillance radars is bound to increase greatly
A JARC test platform with laboratory envi- in order to adapt to the construction of smart
ronments was deployed in [53], it utilizes the cities. To get accustomed to this situation, the
802.11 OFDM communication waveform, as Single European Sky ATM Research Joint
found in IEEE 802.11a/g/p, to perform for- Undertaking (SESAR-JU) has developed the
ward collision warning (FCW). This scheme U-Space framework to ensure the safety of
achieves 1 m accuracy for a single target with drone traffic management, and the drone sur-
bandwidth of 10 MHz. The MIMO-OFDM veillance radars will be widely deployed in
integrated JARC network in a vacant parking various places [58]. Other institutions have
was established, and the performance of data also introduced radar-based programs for
transmission, the accuracy of detection with drone traffic management, such as NASA,
interference was verified, respectively [37]. METI, and ICAO [59].
In test environment of field, the feasibility of Currently, the products of drone surveil-
long-term evolution (LTE)-based passive radar lance radars not only have the advantages of
for vehicle detection and tracking was tested operating all the time with high precision and
[54]. Compared with field test, an alternative resolution, but also can realize the information
software simulation approach has the advan- transmission and interaction with other radars
tages of low cost, time saving, and repeatabil- simultaneously through establishing commu-
ity. An useful tool, called Virtual Drive, which nication links [60],[61]. This is also a trend for
consists of a traffic model and the calcula- the future drone traffic management system
tion of the multipath propagation with a 3D and provides prospects for JRC technologies.
ray-tracing tool was proposed [55]. It provided
3.2.3 Air Traffic Management System
a feasible way to optimize the antenna config-
urations for sensing and communication at the Due to the rapid growth of commercial air-
same time. Overall, the JARC system will be crafts, the air traffic control services for nav-
positive to support the automated driving and igation and connectivity are undergoing an
ITS equipment. extensive modernization process [62], and
introduce the integration techniques of sensing
3.2.2 Drone Surveillance Network
and communication. Automatic dependent
Drone surveillance radar network is another surveillance broadcast (ADS-B) is a candidate

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JRC surveillance technology, in which an air- category of JRC called collaboration. For each
craft broadcasts its various flight parameters category, we will review the detailed research
(e.g. latitude, longitude and level) periodically, methods and discoveries in the past few years.
enabling itself to be tracked by other aircrafts This facilitates to form a comprehensive ex-
in the vicinity [63]. Furthermore, ADS-B can ploration outline of the JRC technology. For
provide a radar-like display of aircraft for clarity, the comparison of different categories
ground controllers instead of multi-radar de- are shown in Table I.
ployment and thus allow the control of aircraft
4.1 Coexistence
in radar-blind area such as ocean. Thus, the
accuracy of related data is no longer suscepti- As mentioned above, radar and communi-
ble to the position of aircraft or length of time cation transceivers treat each another as the
between radar sweeps. interferer in coexistence. Therefore, it is nec-
To simplify deployment and reduce costs, essary to analyze the effect that each system
some researches have utilized L-band digital has on each other [67].
aeronautical communication system type 1 In order to analyze the impact of radar
(LDACS1) communication signals as signals systems on communication, HAN et al. in
of opportunity for the passive MIMO radar [68] proposed a numerical calculation with
implementation [64]. Others have focused on conditional probability to obtain the bit error
the multi-function waveforms, which were rate (BER) of 2.4 GHz LTE system under the
experimented on an Air Force Research Labo- interference from radar. It also suggests that
ratory (AFRL) software-defined radar testbed some measures for interference mitigation
[65]. Implementation of an OFDM architec- must be used such as distance separation or
ture platform was targeted at low weight in the frequency separation. The authors in [69] pro-
airborne radar sensor network environment vided an analysis model to study the error rate
[66]. Moreover, other cases of air traffic man- performance of uncoded real-valued modula-
agement such as traffic collision avoidance tion schemes under three cases: treating inter-
(TCAS) and air traffic control (ATC) also ben- ference as Gaussian noise, using interference
efit from JRC technologies. cancellation scheme and a worst interference
environment. In [70] and [71], two system lev-
IV. STATE OF THE ART OF JRC el analyses were performed to analyze the in-
terference of radar systems to LTE systems in
In this section, we discuss the state-of-the-art 3.5 GHz. Both of them indicate that although
of JRC techniques according to three catego- the interfering signal of pulsed radar decreas-
ries: coexistence, cooperation, and co-design es signal-to-interference-plus-noise-ratio
proposed in [22]. We further discuss a fourth (SINR) of communication, the performance
of LTE eNodeB will be seriously influenced
Table I. The comparison of different categories.
only when the distance of interfering trans-
Stage Mode Implication
mitters using the overlapping frequencies is
Radar and communication are physical isolation
Co-existence Uncoordinated very close. On the other hand, the impact of
and treat each another as the interferer.
communication systems on radar performance
Two independent systems can operate at the same
Coordinated or
level, and exploit the joint knowledge to promote
was analyzed in [72]-[73][74][75]. According
Uncoordinated to the theoretical derivation [72] and the mea-
the performance of both systems.
A complete joint unit which including modern surements, it is confirmed that the interference
Co-design Coordinated integrated technologies such as signal, waveform, imposed to radars by communication systems
coding, etc. will degrade the performance of radars. Con-
Multiple complete joint units networking and work sequently, the significant isolation distance be-
Collaboration together to accomplish common tasks, radar and tween LTE base stations and radar stations was
communication will be mutual promotion.
calculated. Furthermore, a mathematical mod-

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el for the analysis of radar performance under systems from any directions can be minimized
cellular interference was proposed in [75]. The [82]. Furthermore, if the joint schemes in
results prove that the sum of interference sig- MIMO radar and communication systems are
nals from a cellular system has a log-normal designed well, the coexistence can achieve
distribution and provide an useful interference maximized SINR at the radar receiver and the
distribution. Others focused on the compre- required communication rate simultaneously
hensive performance of integrated system. The [83]. As a trend towards future flexible and in-
compound rate was proposed to optimize the telligent system such as 5G structure, combin-
degrees of freedom of radar waveform and the ing MIMO radar with MIMO communication
encoding matrix of communication symbols to develop a joint system that has the ability
under constraints regarding to SINR and pow- of accurate sensing and high-speed transmis-
er [76]. An achievable performance bound of sion has also been investigated. The authors in
radar and communication of coexistence sys- [84]-[85][86] proposed the concepts of MIMO
tem was studied and the appropriate integrated matrix completion (MIMO-MC) employing
system which depends on the requirements of sparse sampling to reduce the amount of data
users can be designed by utilizing the derived in radar fusion center under certain commu-
inner bound [77]. nication power and rate constraints. Other
These literatures reveal the mutual interfer- researches focused on the waveform control
ence between radar and communication. How- using the degrees of freedom of antenna array.
ever, the interference cancellation schemes to For example, a balance between the SINR of
reduce the mutual interference are necessary. radars and the rate of communication was op-
A joint precoder-decoder design was proposed timized through a reduced-complexity iterative
to maximize the SINR for coexistence JRC algorithm in the radar transmit array [87],[88].
systems [78] and the Interference Alignment Based on this algorithm, [89] provided the
(IA) constraints was proved to be effective closed-form and fast convergence transmit
for facilitating interference cancellation. approach for the coexistence of MIMO radar
Researchers addressed the problem of inter- and MIMO communication system. Similarly,
ference cancellation as a joint waveform esti- researchers in [90] first split the antennas into
mation/data demodulation problem, especially two groups, one for radar and the other for
in uncoordinated scenarios of radar and com- communication. That makes the waveform
munication coexistence [79]. For coordinated control algorithms reliable. Based on the par-
scenarios, time sharing methods is a direct and titioning technique proposed in [90], a JRC
simple implement solution avoiding mutual capable monostatic coherent MIMO radar
interference and reducing system complexity. system was developed. It reveals several ad-
For example, using an electronic switch and vantages such as fully coherent signal process-
an timeslots assignment for a single antenna ing and coherent transmit beamforming that
can achieve channel reuse [80],[81]. However, minimizes the intercept probability of beam
this implementation only works in pulse radar patterns [91]. Furthermore, some researches
mode, and the slots for communication will attempted to mitigate the clutter within a coex-
interrupt the radar detection that could lead to istence JRC system using precoding technolo-
targets missing. Moreover, the system efficien- gies [92],[93].
cy is low due to the waste of time in waiting Employing the existing cellular networks
for a target echo in the timeline. Hence, more has been considered as another method to
high-efficient methods are desirable. solve the coexistence of two separated subsys-
When radars adopt the MIMO technology, tems [94]-[95][96]. These approaches regard
it becomes more resilient for waveform shap- the base station (BS) as a joint transceiver
ing and beam alignment. Consequently, the hardware platform, which can guarantee either
arbitrary interference generated by wireless the receive SINR level of downlink users or

China Communications • January 2020 9

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the interference-to-noise ratio (INR) level to Researchers also addressed the performance
radar. Especially, in [94], the probability of tradeoffs to evaluate the constraint relation in
detection (PD) of radar was maximized under cooperation systems. One example is how to
the constraints of quality of service (QoS) of maximize the probability of detection, while
users and transmit power at the cellular net- satisfying the information rate requirement in
work. The interference between 3.5 GHz 5G the facility consisting of a passive radar and a
network and the radar operating in adjacent communication receiver [102],[103]. Similar
band was tested to support the feasibility of to the facility-based methods, an optimal pow-
coexistence [97]. In addition, some work er allocation strategy for leveraging the prob-
focused on the hardware methods of coexis- ability of false alarm and the communication
tence. With the attention of white space radio rate, which is represented by bits per symbol,
spectrum, some researchers have studied the was studied in a joint bistatic radar and com-
problem of designing the hardware platform in munication system [104]. Furthermore, a low
a commensal radar system using the emissions complexity linear minimum mean square error
of the IEEE 802.22 standard [98],[99]. optimal pilot symbol aided modulation scheme
was proposed to enable performance analysis
4.2 Cooperation
in the same scenario but with single-input
Cooperation means that two independent sys- single-output (SISO) bistatic radar [105].
tems can operate at the same level, not only Besides, the target localization Cramer-Rao
referring to the sharing hardware platform but bound and mutual information in a MIMO
also the objects whose locations are geograph- radar and a distributed MIMO communication
ically fragmented from each other. Moreover, system was studied in [106], and the results
the two systems no longer regard each other show that there is a performance gain due to
as interferer, but exploit the joint knowledge the cooperation in a dual-function system.
to promote the performance of both systems Other performance analysis of cooperation
[22]. From this perspective, cooperation is ac- considering the clutter has also been studied
tually the first step toward the jointly designed [107].
system. On the other hand, some researchers at-
However, the cooperation performance of tempted to realize the primary detection
a dual-function framework will be subject to function via mainlobe while ensuring the
the characteristic of both subsystems. For ex- transmission of digital communication sig-
ample, due to the high power transmitted by nals via sidelobe in a dual-function system by
radar to detect the far targets, the communica- using beam control [108],[109] or waveform
tion receivers could be damaged when receiv- diversity [110] but still suffered from reduced
ing these high power waves. Conversely, the SNR, cross interference and low throughout.
smaller radar echo will enter into the receivers Therefore, the frequency diverse array (FDA)
along with the desired communication signal, was employed in JRC systems [111]-[112]
which could decrease the signal-to-interfer- [113]. The FDA applies an additional linear
ence-ratio (SIR) of radar and increase the frequency shift to the elements of array and
complexity of demodulation and interference provides greater degrees of freedom for range
cancellation. To solve these problems, numer- and angle control, permitting simultaneous
ous methods had been proposed to facilitate multi-mission operation [114]. Based on this,
the analysis of performance of the dual-func- [115] combined butler matrix with FDA using
tion cooperation framework. The performance sidelobe manipulating for dual-function joint
bounds of cooperative radar and communi- systems and the proposed method was proved
cation systems operation was analyzed by to be effective for dealing with target detection
a Bayesian framework [100] or a structured and communication transmission simultane-
covariance-based water filling solution [101]. ously. Similarly, some researchers proposed an

10 China Communications • January 2020

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aperture sharing approach where the transmit 4.3 Co-design
or receive arrays are partitioned into several
According to the definition given by [22], the
sub-arrays, and each sub-array serves one
co-design methods describe a complete joint
function or task [116],[117].
system, in which the new system will be pro-
Another way to design the cooperation
jected from ground up, including modern inte-
methods is to use modulation techniques.
grated technologies such as signal, waveform,
Some researchers proposed to use sidelobe
coding, etc.
amplitude shift keying (ASK) for the JRC sys-
For co-design, early researches addressed
tems, however these methods are not investi-
the problems posed by waveform design
gated so far under fading channels [118],[119].
utilizing linear frequency modulated (LFM)
Obviously, the fading environment actually
signal and spread spectrum (SS) signal. An
exists in wireless channels due to multipath
investigation of radar and communication
propagation. Based on this fact, [120] supple-
utilizing SS waveform is in [131]. Direct se-
mented the fading channels into sidelobe ASK
quence spread spectrum technique (DSSS) is
modulation for joint design. Some research-
an attractive technique which is highly secure
ers extended the methods to phase modula-
and robust so that it can ensure orthogonality
tion. For example, a novel phase modulation
between radar and communication [132]. In
based dual-function system associated with
addition, DS has also been combined with
beamforming weight vectors was developed
ultra wide band (UWB) radars [133], making
to decode the embedded binary sequence in
it possible to avoid jamming mutually through
communication receiver [121]. Combining
utilizing different pseudo-noise code to spread
binary phase shift keying (BPSK) with quater-
the spectrum of radar and communication.
nary phase shift keying (QPSK) to modulate
Given that a no-jamming requirement or
the code bits is also an effective method for
application of co-design system in complex
improving the range resolution and reducing
electromagnetic environment, chirped spread
the range sidelobe levels [122]. Moreover,
spectrum (CSS) was proposed by [134]. A
embedding quadrature amplitude modulation
novel compatible waveform produced by
(QAM) based communication information in
modulating LFM signal with minimum shift
the radar waveforms was proposed to support
keying (MSK) for joint signal design was
the communication transmissions of multiple
proposed in [135]. Based on linear frequency
receivers located in the sidelobe region [123].
modulation and continuous phase modulation
Finally, there are examples of cooperation
(LFM-CPM), some researches modified the
systems employing M-ary position phase shift
mapping codebook of communication sym-
keying (MPPSK) to maximize the relative
bols to avoid the performance loss brought by
entropy of the target, meanwhile to minimize
the attenuation of the power amplifier (PA)
the mutual information of the received signals
and the interference from other devices out of
in joint MIMO transceiver [124]. In addition,
band [136]. However, the transmission rate of
some researchers focused on the quasi-or-
integrated waveform using LFM or SS tech-
thogonal [125] or orthogonal [126] waveform
nologies is low, and the parameter adjustment
design for operating the integrated systems.
is not flexible. Besides, it is difficult to ensure
Beyond that, there are some other methods for
orthogonality of the integrated signal.
achieving cooperation, such as power control
Utilizing the characteristics of high SNR
[127],[128], subscriber techniques [129] and
radar signal, the authors in [137] provided a
resource allocation [130]. Although these
novel RF steganography scheme to conceal
methods are not the real co-design, they still
digital communication in linear chirp radar
achieve the dual-function in a joint platform.
signals. Although the data rate of communica-
tion for this approach is not high, the commu-

China Communications • January 2020 11

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nication could allow for some administrative OFDM based feasible options have been at-
functions, low probability of intercept data tractive as a solution to adapt the development
transmission, navigation function, etc. [138]. of JRC. The authors in [146] first proposed
In order to obtain adequate synchronization the design of an OFDM system that simulta-
accuracy, a variable symbol duration design neously performs radar and communication
was employed to enhance the security of the operations in 24 GHz band. Based on mea-
hidden communication signal by eliminating surements, they further verified that a very
the cyclostationary features [139]. Howev- high dynamic range could be achieved for
er, more effective coding and modulation radar imaging with the OFDM-based approach
schemes are needed to improve the communi- [147]. This work was extended to cope in a
cation throughput while achieving both low bit multipath-multiuser environment in [148].
error ratio and high radar performance [140]. However, the interference of multipath-mul-
Another way to address the waveform tiuser environment could severely degrade
design in previous work relied on coding ap- the dynamic range of radar. Therefore, aiming
proaches. The theory of the coding in relation at improving the SNR of radar under OFDM
to the development of adaptive radar and to options, some interference cancellation meth-
the construction of spreading sequences in ods were promoted in [149], [150]. Specially,
communication systems was discussed in an interference analysis based on stochastic
[141], and it established the foundation for geometry tools was explored for evaluating
the representation of radar environment in the extent of interference [151]. Furthermore,
terms of operators on the space of waveform. a processing algorithm that allows for estimat-
A Doppler resilient sequence of Golay com- ing the velocity of multiple reflecting objects
plementary waveform was investigated which with standard OFDM communication signals
the pulse train ambiguity function was proved was discussed in [152]. Other methods of
to be free with range sidelobe at moderate OFDM options include waveform design for
Doppler shifts in [142]. The results provid- co-designed systems. The authors in [153]
ed enormous benefit for instantaneous radar used the target detection performance and the
polarimetry. Some researches considered the channel capacity as the criterion for OFDM
joint transmission and channel state estimation waveform design. Mutual information based
problem as a channel coding problem with OFDM waveform optimization was studied
input distribution constrained by an average to control the interference caused from cellu-
estimation cost constraint [143]. However, this lar systems [154]. Similarly, the conditional
equivalent problem adopts the assumption that mutual information and data information rate
the transmitter is oblivious to the channel state based on the integrated OFDM waveform was
information. Following the principle of spread designed to provide acceptable target classi-
spectrum techniques, some researchers intend- fication performance and communication rate
ed to facilitate the separation of multiple uses [155], while others proposed low probability
for joint system using complete complemen- of intercept (LPI) as the performance metric
tary code family [144]. Finally, encoding the of optimal waveform design for communi-
data of radar and communication onto a pa- cation interference control [156], radar noise
rameter of a particular random distribution for jamming power allocation [157] and total ra-
embedding the data in one single waveform diated power minimization [158]. In addition,
was investigated in OFDM pulses [145]. a phase-coded OFDM integrated waveform
The JRC waveform using OFDM wave- based on cyclic shifts of M-sequence was
form has better characteristics of low sidelobe, proposed, where corresponding time shift was
high Doppler tolerance and information trans- controlled by the communication data [159].
mission capacity. With the wide application of However, the peak-to-average power ratio
OFDM waveform in modern communication, (PAPR) of OFDM signal is so high that the

12 China Communications • January 2020

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distortion of transmitted waveform is unavoid- general colored noise incorporates the normal-
able, which means that the detection range ized mean square error as a design criterion in
of radar will be reduced seriously [160]. On addition to the mutual information and mini-
the other hand, the OFDM waveform is con- mum mean square error in [163]. Given that
tinuous for communication, but not for pulse an effective beamforming algorithms, MIMO
radar. If OFDM is applied to continuous wave technologies can enable a collocated MIMO
radar, the transmitting and receiving antennas radar and a full-duplex (FD) multiuser MIMO
must possess good isolation to reduce self-in- cellular system consisting of a FD base station
terference, which is difficult in hardware im- serving multiple downlink and uplink users si-
plementation, extremely for the current min- multaneously [164]. However, MIMO receiv-
iature antenna. Otherwise, if pulse signal is ers will suffer from the clutter and electronic
adopted, the transmission rate of communica- interference of multiple paths and channels.
tion will be reduced seriously. Hence, in order The ability of interference suppression deter-
to avoid the problems brought by high PAPR mines the performance of target detection and
and satisfy the requirements of transmission communication transmission in the process
rate and detection resolution, JRC systems of receiving echo [165]. Moreover, in order
employing MIMO was proposed. Particularly, to suppress the interference effectively and
the new schemes combing MIMO and OFDM improve the SINR of received signals while
techniques attract more and more attentions. realizing high-speed data transmission, recent
Previously, MIMO was applied to com- works have focused on combining OFDM sig-
munication systems. Due to the RF similarity nals with MIMO. JRC utilizing MIMO-OFDM
between radar and communication transceiver, technique has advantages such as multiple
MIMO technology can also be well applied paths resistance, high spectrum utilization and
to radar, which makes MIMO-based JRC an flexible system diversity [166]. By optimizing
attractive area [161]. For communication, it the JRC waveform of MIMO-OFDM, an inte-
is capable to improve the transmission rate as grated signal with large time-bandwidth prod-
well as the SINR through the spatial freedom uct, low cross-correlation sidelobe and low
of transceiver antennas. For radars, the MIMO PAPR can be realized [167]. Some researchers
techniques can extend the size of virtual aper- investigated the range and angle estimation
ture effectively and achieve multi-beam oper- methods to match the array aperture and the
ating for multiple targets searching, locating entire signal bandwidth using MIMO-OFDM
and tracking [162]. Ultimately, MIMO radar waveform design [168]. Other researchers
has the unique advantages of spatial diversity addressed the MIMO-OFDM performance
and waveform diversity, which can effective- analysis to satisfy the requirements of both
ly alleviate fading, improve resolution and radar and communication [169]. The results
suppress interference. Consequently, another show that compared with the SISO system, the
way to address the problem is the waveform MIMO-OFDM system can improve the angle
co-design, which combines MIMO radar and resolution of radar and the data rate of com-
MIMO communication. Note that this solution munication simultaneously. Finally, there are
is different from the category of coexistence, some literatures on MIMO-OFDM employing
which also uses MIMO technology to sense data fusion algorithms to cancel mutual inter-
and adapt one another in an integrated system. ference within JRC systems [170],[171] and
In the case of waveform co-design utilizing the interference cancellation concepts for use
MIMO technology, it is clear that the joint sys- in a multiple-user access environment was
tem must be designed to optimize performance verified at a scaled-down carrier frequency
with respect to both functions. Some research- through universal software radio peripherals
ers studied the optimum waveform design in [172]. On the other hand, the future JRC
problem for target parameter estimation. The systems with MIMO technology are likely to

China Communications • January 2020 13

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own large spectrum band. Under this assump- which occupied with joint functions are net-
tion, [173] studied the parameter estimation of working. The representative scenarios include
an OFDM-based joint wideband SIMO radar vehicle-to-vehicle networks and flying ad-hoc
and communication system based on coherent networks. Therefore, collaboration should be
multidimensional parameter estimation frame- the direction of the next generation of JRC
work. With the development of signal process- systems. In this section, we discuss the perfor-
ing, co-design JRC systems on hardware have mance gain on collaboration and the scenarios
also attracted wide attentions. An integrated that could benefit from the mutual promotion
signal processing hardware platform utilizing paradigm respectively.
dynamic partial reconfiguration of FPGA for 1) Performance Gain on Collaboration
integrating radar and communication was pro- Systems
posed in [174]. The transmitting and receiving Performance gain on collaboration systems
algorithms subject to the PAPR constraint in indicates that the two subsystems will gain
radar and communication applications were mutual performance advancement by adopting
proposed in [175]. Moreover, a JRC receiver cooperative methods [178]. In order to ana-
was implemented to verify the feasibility of lyze the performance of JRC systems, some
accomplishing dual-function with a single researchers adopted the Cramer-Rao lower
waveform in [176]. The summary of different bound to reveal the performance of the esti-
waveform techniques are listed in Table II. mation for the target position and velocity in
a passive radar system using existing global
4.4 Collaboration
mobile wireless communication system [179].
The above three approaches to realize JRC A modified Cramer-Rao lower bound on the
mostly focus on the link level integration to joint estimation was investigated for a passive
realize the fundamental functions of radar multistatic radar system with antenna arrays
and communication. With increasingly tight based on universal mobile telecommunication
combination between these two fields, the system [180]. Similarity in target estimation
future JRC technology must be implemented performance of passive radar was found by
for the aggregated performance of multiple employing several dispersed existing com-
nodes, rather than merely meeting the needs munication transmitters, which could be the
of a single node, which means that the radar base station. The communication signals were
and communication should work together to modified to be used for target estimation of
accomplish common tasks [177]. Moreover, passive radar [181]. Others applied the JRC
collaboration further reveals that the nodes performance bounds to interaction gain anal-
ysis on collaboration systems. For example,
Table II. The comparison of different techniques of waveform design. the joint performance bounds in terms of the
Technologies Characteristics communication rate and radar estimation
LFM LFM-MSK Easily implementing in the existing devices. But need information rate were proposed in [182]. To
(e.g., accurate signal separation. Low data load. High costs and
LFM-CPM some extent, it provides foundation to evalu-
[135,136]) complexity.
ate the performance of a JRC system from the
SS DSSS High security and robustness. Higher anti-jamming capa-
perspective of information theory. Besides,
(e.g., [131- CSS bility. But low transmission rate, low flexible of parame-
134]) ter adjustment. Need to guarantee orthogonality.
researchers extended the joint performance
bounds to frequency modulated continuous
Low sidelobe, higher Doppler tolerance and information
wave (FMCW) radar achieving local Doppler
OFDM transmission capacity. But unavoidable waveform distor-
(e.g., [146-148,153-159]) tion and incomplete use of radar’s power amplifier due to estimation [183] and global radar estimation
high PAPR. rate employing optimal radar waveform [184].
Good spatial and waveform diversity. Large time-band- Furthermore, [185],[186] extended the bounds
(e.g., [166-172])
width product. Low cross-correlation sidelobe and low of JRC to the multiple-antenna scenario and
PAPR. derived an outstretched domain from temporal

14 China Communications • January 2020

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and spectral to spatial. Finally, the joint per- using the communication/radar principles will
formance bounds adapting to the real trans- be important tools for improving radar/com-
mission channels environments were studied munication performance. In this section, we
considering the cluster, which could lead to focus on open research issues in networking
the degradation of collaboration systems per- of multiple radars driven by JRC technolo-
formance [187]. The theoretical analysis pro- gies. The communication-aided multi-radar
vides the feasibility of collaboration in future cooperative detection has been analyzed. The
JRC systems. radar-aided wireless networking, channel
2) Applications based on Mutual Promotion estimation and beam alignment have been dis-
The JRC technology allows the two subsys- cussed, respectively. An effective sharing pool
tems to treat each other as partner. This means model for resource allocation has been de-
that any information able to improve the other scribed aiming at improving the efficiency of
subsystem’s performance is shared. For exam- joint systems. Furthermore, multidimensional
ple, communication-aided multi-radar cooper- signal processing and improved information
ative detection will expand the effective detec- theory has been proposed. We discuss the
tion range of a single radar. The cooperative costs and scalability of JRC in the end. Details
detection refers to the case where the locations of the six parts are as follows.
of radars are different geographically. This
5.1 Communication-aided multi-
case consists of the distributed detection and
radar cooperative detection
centralized detection. The typical distributed
detection scenario is advanced driving assis- In cooperative detection of geographically
tant system (ADAs) in Internet of Vehicles dispersed radars, the connection reliability of
where the safety message or raw sense date multiple nodes is necessary for data fusion.
from Forward Collision Warning (FCW), Traf- Therefore, it is still an open issue to formulate
fic Jam Warning (TJM) and Blind Spot Warn- and solve the channel reliability problem.
ing (BSW) is quickly exchanged and shared Recently, researchers use the successful
among vehicles, such that the drivers can get probability of communication defined by
sufficient real-time road information to obtain SINR to evaluate the quality of wireless chan-
plenty extra time to deal with dangers. Another nel. It makes this problem analyzable and
example for mutual promotion scenario sup- based on mathematical modeling. In the fol-
ported by centralized detection is multistatic lowing, we refer to the definition of successful
cloud radar systems. The information collected probability of communication and use beam
from different radars are processed at a cloud sharing as the jointly designed technique to
fusion center through communication back- analyze the performance of cooperative detec-
haul links to improve the target recognizing tion. In our example, the radar and commu-
accuracy [188],[189]. Others focused on the nication subsystems share the same spectrum
radar information aided wireless communica- and the main beam of radar is used for detec-
tion networking, which uses the target position tion, while the sub-beam is used for communi-
information detected by radar to accelerate the cation. The single radar is subject to constraint
process of neighbor discovery [190]. Among of power, in which each radar occupy a power
these mutual promotion scenarios, a novel allocation coefficient expressed as β. A central
JRC enabled cooperative detection structure radar exists for fusing detection information.
has been proposed and will be presented in Here, we define detection volume to represent
details in the next section. the total detection area of multiple radars as
the performance metric. Figure 1 illustrates the
V. OPEN RESEARCH ISSUES detection volume of cooperative detection as
a function of β. The optimal fraction of power
It is promising that collaboration techniques allocation between radar and communication

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has been obtained and the theoretical analysis aircrafts and robots. Traditional methods of
provided a guideline for the collaboration of wireless networking for machine-type com-
JRC with beam sharing. munication (MTC) usually have a complex
discovery process and the time consumption is
5.2 Radar-aided wireless networking
huge. Undoubtedly, it reduces the networking
Nowadays, there is a strong demand for fast efficiency and leads to a waste of resource.
wireless networking in some high-mobility With extensive deployment of radars in these
applications, such as networks of vehicles, machines for environment awareness, the ra-
dar-aided wireless networking has the advan-
tages of fast speed, low time consumption and
discovery of multiple nodes at once. There-
× 109 fore, the radar-aided wireless networking has
Analysis ( =2) attracted wide attention.
Analysis ( =6)
Simulation ( =2) Neighbor discovery procedure is the first
Simulation ( =6)
step of network initialization. It provides
V / m3

nodes information for MAC protocol, routing
β*, the optimal β protocol and topology control protocol. Most
algorithms discover neighbors without prior
knowledge or utilize prior knowledge provid-
0 ed by other frequency bands. In recent years,
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
β some researches utilized the prior knowledge
of radar to accelerate the traditional neighbor
discovery [191], but they did not explore the
Fig. 1. The volume of cooperative detection in multiple radars scenario, V, is
node distribution, so the prior knowledge were
calculated by JRC with beam sharing technique. Assuming that β ∈[0,1] is the
not fully utilized.
fraction of the power allocated for communication. The transmission between the
In our research, we assume that every node
fusion center radar and other radars is successful only if the received SINRcom at
possesses the dual-function of radar and com-
fusion center is larger than a threshold ε. The detection volume is only 1.6 × 109
m3 when the power is totally allocated to radar. As the coefficient β increases, most munication. Radar is regard as an auxiliary
of the power is allocated to the communication beam, which reduces the detection to aid nodes networking, such as self-organi-
volume. zation of unmanned aerial vehicle networks.
The distribution law of nodes has been con-
sidered, and several neighbor discovery algo-
rithms have been designed according to the
utilization degree of prior knowledge, so as
8000 to provide the location information of neigh-
bors for nodes and hence accelerate neighbor
the number of slots

6000 discovery. figure 2 shows one of the neighbor

discovery algorithm, named complete random
algorithm based radar prior knowledge (CRA-
2000 RPK). Compared with the previous CRA, the
CRA based radar prior knowledge proposed algorithms has significant advantage
previous CRA
5 10 15 20
in time slots reduction.
the number of radars
5.3 Radar-aided channel estimation
and beam alignment
Fig. 2. X-axis represents the number of node in actual networks, and Y-axis rep-
resents the number of slots required within a completed neighbor discovery pro- Because of the fast change of communication
cess. Based on the radar prior knowledge, the speed of neighbor discovery is about channel and the large scale of massive MIMO
6 times better than the previous CRA. antenna, the channel estimation has been an

16 China Communications • January 2020

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intractable problem, which should be frequent resource pool, and various tasks such as target
enough to catch the fast change of Channel detection, target tracking, and track establish-
State Information (CSI). Thus, the cost of ment are constructed as a task pool. Consid-
channel estimation and transmission of CSI ering the working bands, detection capability
will be large, leading to the huge problem of and multidimensional resource attributes are
decrease of spectrum efficiency [192],[193]. different from communication in radar system.
JRC technique can achieve the reciprocity of The match between the diverse tasks and mul-
channel estimation, because MIMO antenna tidimensional resources can be realized based
and multi-carrier signal all can be utilized in on the real time construction of resource pool.
radar and communication, and the propagation Furthermore, the multitasks have different
of radar and communication electromagnetic requirements in terms of detection distance,
wave have similar propagation property [162]. target resolution, data parallel processing ef-
The motion parameters and raw echo input on ficiency, multidimensional track data fusion,
antenna array that radar function can provide and update rate. That makes it necessary to
useful information such as DoA and time de- use the intelligent algorithm to extract the
lay for communication channel estimation. characteristics of multitasks. Besides, we
In order to support the required high data adopt the virtualization technology to shield
rates in high-mobility scenarios, training-based the differences of physical resources, and then
beam sweeping has been regarded as the main we can characterize and quantize the tasks and
approach at the present stage. However, it resources. Particularly, it is essentially realized
brings in the high overhead due to frequent that this pool model is suited for any resource
training of beam. The concept of radar-aid- allocation components of JRC systems.
ed beam alignment is an effective method to
5.5 Multidimensional signal
overcome this limitation, because radar can
processing and improved
search the best beam pair and discover the op-
information theory
timal antenna alignment point quickly [194].
As a result, it can sharply save costs compared At present, JRC design is mainly oriented to-
with traditional beam sweeping method. Fur- wards the demand of applications, the study
thermore, the DOA information can be direct- of basic information theory is not profound
ly obtained by using the directivity of radar. enough. As is known to all, Shannon Theory
lays the foundation of wireless communi-
5.4 Joint resource sharing
cation. In the future, JRC should move to
Another potential issue on the JRC techniques
is that the resource allocation could become
complex when a large number of resources
(e.g. time, spectrum, beam, storage, calcula- 7UDFN
tion) need to be scheduled at the same time. (VWDEOLVKPHQW

Radar with multi-standard, multi-band and

detection capability differentiation drives the
uniform methods of resource cognition, char-
acterization, metric and partitioning. There-
fore, it is necessary to develop a resource
allocation model. Based on the resources pa- 7LPH
rameters, we have proposed a resource sharing
pool model as shown in figure 3. In this mod- 5HVFRXUFH3RRO

el, multidimensional resources such as power,

frequency, time slots, pilot code, multi-array Fig. 3. The resource sharing pool model is grouped into two parts: task manage-
RF, calculation, storage are constructed as a ment and resource management.

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theoretical level rather than be based on the erence [96] proves that the JRC system can
technical requirements, and further, build an effectively save the transmitting power under
unified improved information theory. That the same code number. From the perspective
may includes: joint performance bounds, mul- of software, the current waveform design can
tidimensional signal processing and intelligent rely on existing FPGA and MIMO antenna
signal system. array to achieve the definition of software
Research on joint performance bounds is functions, and thus helping reduce the cost of
the foundation to establish the intelligent sig- research and production [195]. Furthermore,
nal system. Bliss et al in [77] first proposed a the SDN technology can also be applied to
novel approach named estimation information JRC to reduce costs [19]. In literature [162],
rate to evaluate the JRC performance bounds. analog antenna array is adopted for multibeam
This is of profound significance to the im- allocation, which has lower cost compared
proved information theory. with digital antenna array. In addition, both the
Multidimensional signal processing is OFDM-based and LFM-based waveform de-
another important part for supporting the im- sign can be supported by existing algorithms
proved information theory. To carry out this so that reducing the cost of JRC design [90].
part of work, multidimensional cooperative From the view of scalability, inserting some
signal model and information transmission fixed bits into the joint waveform is an appro-
mechanism should be considered at first. The priate solution which can assist the communi-
electromagnetic environment perception and cation decoding process and further improve
collaborative inversion method of information the transmission performance without increas-
should be considered as the second step. Fi- ing the system complexity [196]. To ensure
nally, we should carry out the studies in intel- the need of signalling among nodes, appropri-
ligent control of electromagnetic spectrum. ate multiple access protocol, suitable duplex
Multidimensional signal has many resource technique and orderly resource scheduling are
dimensions such as time, space, frequency, indispensable. Besides, the commercialization
coding and polarization. However, traditional of 5G can enhance the expansion capability
signal model is limited to the mathematical of JRC. In particular, 5G has lower delay and
representation of waveform. Therefore, con- higher rate features, which can provide faster
structing intelligent signal system is necessary. and more accurate information for radar-aid-
Considering the electromagnetic wave prop- ed wireless networking. Furthermore, it can
erties of multidimensional signals, the Max- ensure the reliability of transmission signals.
well’s equations of multidimensional signals For example, the sensing base station will be
can further promote the construction of intelli- a potential entity for JRC deployment in the
gent signal system. background of 5G. Therefore, the scalability
of JRC system can be increased significantly
5.6 Cost and scalability issues
due to the large-scale deployment and wide
With the development of JRC, the underlying coverage of 5G base stations. Secondly, using
cost is another important part that should be steerable arrays can also improve the scal-
considered. The overall cost is significantly ability of JRC system. In literature [162], the
reduced from the current research results. We steerable analog antenna arrays can be applied
can look at it from two aspects: hardware costs to those scenarios whose volume or power are
and software costs. For hardware costs, the limited, such as automotive vehicles. Lastly,
antenna co-use of radar and communication road side units (RSUs) with sensing capability
can reduce the number of hardware devices also have potential to help with the scalability
[23]. The jointly designed waveform enables of JRC system due to the large-scale number
a signal to have two functions, thus reducing and easy deployment features.
the power consumption of transmission. Ref-

18 China Communications • January 2020

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26 China Communications • January 2020

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Biographies Xu Chen, received the B.E. De-
gree from Xinan Jiaotong Uni-
Zhiyong Feng, received her
versity, China, in 2018. He is
B.E., M.E., and Ph.D. degrees
approaching his M.E. degree
from Beijing University of Posts
from Beijing University of Posts
a n d Te l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n s
and Telecommunications. His
(BUPT), Beijing, China. She is a
orientation of research includes
professor at BUPT, and the di-
signal process of wireless com-
rector of the Key Laboratory of
munication and radar system and network optimiza-
the Universal Wireless Commu-
tion. Email:
nications, Ministry of Education, P.R.China. She is a
senior member of IEEE, vice chair of the Information
Zhi Quan, is a distinguished
and Communication Test Committee of the Chinese
professor with the College of
Institute of Communications (CIC). Currently, she is
Electronic and Information En-
serving as Associate Editors-in-Chief for China Com-
gineering, Shenzhen University.
munications, and she is a technological advisor for
He received his Ph.D. in Electri-
international forum on NGMN. Her main research in-
cal Engineering from University
terests include wireless network architecture design
of California, Los Angeles
and radio resource management in 5th generation
(UCLA) with highest honors in
mobile networks (5G), spectrum sensing and dynam-
2009, and his B.E. in Communications Engineering
ic spectrum management in cognitive wireless net-
from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunica-
works, and universal signal detection and identifica-
tions (BUPT), China in 1999. Dr. Quan was a visiting
tion, joint radar and communication, etc. Email: feng-
scholar with the Department of Electrical Engineering
at Princeton University (Princeton, NJ) in 2007-2008.
He worked as a Sr. System Engineer in R&D Depart-
Zixi Fang, received his B.E.
ment of Qualcomm Inc. (San Diego, CA) during 2008-
degree from Guilin University
2012, and as a Sr. RF System Engineer and Architect
of Electronic Technology, Gui-
with Apple Inc. (Cupertino, CA) during 2012-2015. Dr.
lin, China. He received his M.E.
Quan was the recipient of UCLA Outstanding Ph.D.
degree from North China Elec-
Award in 2009, IEEE Signal Processing Society Best
tric Power University (NCEPU),
Paper Award in 2012, and China National Excellent
Baoding, China. He is currently
Young Scientist Foundation in 2016. His current re-
pursuing the Ph.D. degree with
search interests include next-generation wireless
the School of Information and Communication Engi-
communication systems, RF system calibration and
neering, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommu-
measurement, Industrial IoT, edge computing, da-
nications (BUPT), Beijing, China. His research interests
ta-driven signal processing, and embedded machine
include wireless communication theory, joint radar
learning. Email:
and communication, etc. Email:

Danna Ji, received her B.E.

Zhiqing Wei, received his B.E.
degree from University of Sci-
and Ph.D. degrees from Beijing
ence & Technology Beijing,
University of Posts and Tele-
USTB, Beijing, China. He is cur-
communications (BUPT) in
rently pursuing the M.E. degree
2010 and 2015 respectively.
with the School of Information
Now he is a lecture at BUPT. He
and Communication Engineer-
is a member of IEEE and has
ing, Beijing University of Posts
published 2 books or chapters
and Telecommunications (BUPT), Beijing, China. Her
and over 30 journal and conferences papers. Besides,
research interests include wireless communication
he serves as reviewers for IEEE Communications
networking, joint radar and communication, etc.
Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,
IEEE Communications Letters, etc. His research inter-
ests are the optimization and performance analysis
of cognitive radio networks, mobile social networks
and unmanned aerial vehicle networks, etc. Email:

China Communications • January 2020 27

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